Meals With Friends

Story by FrostySnowTail on SoFurry

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The occasional look across the bar was a familiar sight whenever a dragon made themselves comfortable in a restaurant like this, even if the stimga and surprise where long a thing of the past. Even if she were really only slightly bigger than the bipeds around her, the brilliant deep blue scales and powerful form attracted attention. One learned to put it out of mind however, to focus on the here and now, like the avian who sat across the wallmounted table from her, slicing up steak with a knife and fork, something that she sought to emulate with her own, and although it was a little more cumbersome, she was quite dextrous and made it work where other dragons might have grown frustrated and resorted to using their own claws. Their conversation, in depth as it had been while waiting for the delivery of their meal (And of course the delay necessitated by portions suiting her size) had come to a silent, agreed halt. And the break in their talk was certainly worth meal that was as tantalising to taste as it had been to smell on approach to the table.

Each as unique as each other, the gyrfalcon across from her spared the occasional look across to the dragoness sitting on the back of her haunches in that one piece grey dress, neatly swallowing each piece of steak she brought forth on the silver fork. Silence only lasted as long as their meals, and as the end approached, conversation began to pick back up again, each other's personal projects and interests, friends having a simple night out together. Fins flicked up and down and wider and narrower as her attention was perked by different concepts and beliefs, soon interrupted by only the raising of her glass, gradually draining the rest of the glimmery contents. Circling her claw idly around the tip of the glass rim as they talked the night away with smiles and even laughter as the night grew older and older, as the restaurant grew emptier and the staff eventually attempted to ease them out with the application of the bill to their table, and mobile telephones were brought out to calculate who had to pay what, claws fishing into the purse tucked and hidden away beneath a wing to place a neat little pile of notes and a pawful of coins into the pouch the waiter had left, right next to collection her avian companion had placed, stepping to their feet and walking together to the front entrance where they departed the air conditioned comfort and into the warm outside city street, traffic stacked but flowing slowly and hovering around, blue form stepping in a narrow circle to loop back around to face her feathered form.

Neither were keen to end the night, even if it were late enough for most of the hospitality storefronts to be shutting their doors. Walking in the lights of the quiet entertainment district though would only entertain them so long, and before long at all they had traversed the entire three stree wide district and were looping in on one another just like before. Her wings fluttered, about to call it a night, to take off and head back to home before she was preempted, avian friend offering her home to watch something together. Fins perking wide, discolouring a slight in surprise and perhaps even soft embarrassment that she was so eagerly nodding at the suggestion, ready to be led on to their new destination. She knew it wasn't far and where she made her home, inside one of the tower lofts closeby inside the city itself but followed along regardless, far be it for her place as the guest to be leading the offerer, striding along behind her with longer steps than idle wanderings had lead them to before.

It wasn't a tall building, at least, not compared to her own where she made her nest for the evening, but it did have a more impressive lobby constructed of marble and (regrettably false) sapphires inlaid to the supporting beams. The elevator beeped quietly as the feathery companion swiped her card and permitted them access to the upper floors. Alone, she might have felt okay but with another she felt a little cramped inside this steel box that swiftly ascended to leave them dozens of metres up in the air over nothing but air until they exited into the corridor and then into her apartment itself where the ceiling opened up and while the avian busied herself with turning lights on and getting this and that sorted, she had the moment to stretch and rear up, fan out her wings and arch like she had been dying to do for a while now, jaws opening in a wide yawn before snapping shut and dirverting all of her attention back to the creature who had returned just in time to see and giggle, drawing a huff from her form before following her towards the lounge room, all curtains drawn and the media centre all ready to play a feature of their choosing. Of course, she was still playing catch up with all of that since moving into a city so her vote meant very little even when she made use of it so soon a movie was playing... or at least the leading credits to one while her feathery friend got comfortable on the couch, wide enough for a proper dragon even to settle and sprawl across it, paws hopping from ground to the soft fabric and sinking down into it almost immediately next to her companion.

Eventually, words spoken softly she picked up, fins flicking to catch them. "You said you had tomorrow off?"

Purrrrring as she settled in, kneading her fore paws into the comfortable surface of the couch, wings fluttering as her snout bobbed in the affirmative, eyes tracing as her response seemed to earn a patting of that dressed and feathery lap, scooching forwards the remaining distance to slide her snout and part of her neck up onto the offered surface. But the contented purr she made to her new arrangements was nothing to the soft, gentle tracing of a hand gliding over her now exposed fin, rolling over each little spline and rubbing in towards the base just the way she liked... she cooed as that beak smiled, settling back with the dragoness' snout in her lap and movie in front to watch with her companion. Watching was hard enough when she was so comfortable but with such sweet attention to her ear it was only a matter of time until her eyes fluttered closed and her sounds were little more than sweet little sounds of contentment, body limp and utterly relaxed by company and the warmth against one side of her snout... High power, she was so comfortable...

Her eyes drifted open, couch too warm to shift from, limbs there but so comfy she hardly could muster the will to even think about moving them. Through the crack of her eyes, she could see that the movie was paused on it's credits roll, blurry white text she had no interest in, tailtip gliding against the warm surface... mmmmh... she was too comfy to move... she didn't have to be anywhere tomorrow, the sun wasn't up yet, it was still comfortably dark... And the fin stroking had returned and she cooed out again, sounding sleepy yet oh so shudderingly good... shifting and reaching with a forepaw to bat at her playfully but, she couldn't.

She couldn't because her forepaws were wrapped in rope, bound together in a tight double column tie which she pulled against, pulling her mind out of restful state. In unexpected surprise, all she could manage was to lift her snout upwards, to look at the gyrfalcon in the eyes who only smiled back and traced her fingers across the underside of her chin, sending sparks drifting across her mind. In waking, she had clearly interrupted her, but she didn't seem all that concerned, stroking that chin, her upper neck and watching how it made her eyelids flutter, her fins discolour and how it brought forth the tiniest little gasps of pleasure. The bump of something against her snout she didn't need to open her eyes to learn what it was, jaws managing to part as much as her eyes, to look at the gyrfalcon in the eyes for a moment before the familiar red texture of the thick ballgag pushed between her parted jaws, a quiver of embarrassed lust rolling down her body as her jaws were pushed apart and straps were rolled around the back of her head, pulled and buckles done up.

She quivered again when she was called a good girl, blushing much more fully across her fins and even her cheeks, paws curling as she bent her forepaws, seeking some kind of protection from something she didn't need protecting from, "Mmmmnnnnh..." she moaned past the gag as the avian began to explore her form, touching her muscle groups and arching down her side and back, between twitching wings and just under the base of her tail which made her shift away, but only closer to the bird who trilled her positive enjoyment to such an action, repeating the entire act from the top down, each touch getting closer to her warming vent, each touch she scooched a bit further up, squealing and panting softly through her nostrils as it worked her body up. She was so lightly bound, only her fores, and her jaws but it disarmed her, it always disarmed her, all of her physical strength melted away under the soft touches, that sweet gaze from above and the warming pleasure building in her lower quarters, "Mnnnnh..!"

"Open up now," came the eventual, whispered command, one she could not, and would not refuse, no matter how those three words made her shiver in warm need or made her blush so strong all over again, managing somehow to shift her hindpaws, to part them, pushing on the couch with her fores together to roll herself onto her back, to press a hindpaw to each side of the couch, bottom and top, leaving her glimmering damp vent on display to the whole room. Paws were arching as the exposure brought touch right afterwards, fingers tracing around her warm, puffy vent, almost acting as a conduit to draw out her dew, to make her shiver and moan around the gag stuffing her maw, toeclaws curling, barely able to stop herself from rocking her hips into the touch, something that her friendly captor giggled about, calling her a needy 'ness, which she could only "mmnnnnf" about!

And then came the gentle slap across her cleft, that made her gasp, shudder and moan all at once as it jolted her body. It didn't hurt, but higher power did it make her melt, sparks flashing across her vision as she twitched and "mmnnnnh, mnnnnf!" nosily in a way that only a dragoness who was having her buttons pushed could. She couldn't keep her hindlegs spread, no creature probably ever could, but her gyrfalcon friend had that covered shortly, gently easing her right hind upwards and fixing both in place with the black leather cuffs of a spreader bar, silver locks thudding softly against the material. This time when she struck so softly, lightly, her paws clenched and her body arched but her hinds stayed wide open because she was helpless to do anything else. Her snout rolled to the other side and drew in a gasp of air, able to see just out of the corner of her eye that hand hovering right over her damp slit, shifting and twitching lightly in the air. She knew it was coming, any moment it would descend and swat, twitch, twitch, arch, she was going to do it soon, she had to do it soon, what was she waiting fooooooooor--

"Mmnff, Mnnnnnnnnh..!" she cried as it came, two in quick succession which left her bound form quivering and drooling her wetness off the side of her scales and onto the couch itself, quivering little moans of such pleasure wrought into deeply muffled cries as two more little impacts followed, the touch even sounding wet, snout rolling left, right, up, down, body moving, somehow, trying anything to cope with the tiny slaps that brought her almost literally to her kneejoints, drawing in a deep breath, almost unable to bring herself to look down, seeing only out of the corner of her eye, unable to look away, unable to stop quivering in such desire and hazy aroused lust beginning to dominate every single thought. Utterly able to will herself to close her hinds and totally unable to do so even if she could. Forepaws twisted as she rolled but she was not able to slip free of the tight knots that held her paws together, scales clamped around the knot between them-- and her jaws clamped clamped around the gag with such a deep moan as the next slap, just a little firmer came down, oh it didn't hurt but it made her jolt and heavens did it make her wet.

She looked up, eyes wide with anticipation and arousal, the soft powerful look of submission from such a powerful creature over rewarded her with three more wet soft slaps, paws twitching and gasping deep little moans escaping around the gag, her words utterly contained, her glimmering lust rolling off her scales in a single strand onto the fabric of the couch, her hips rolled up into the next one as she saw it out the corner of her other eye and it was louder because of it, encouraging her friend, just a little more the next impact, and the next after that, "Mnnnnnh, mnnn, mnnnff, fffnmmm!" And still somehow she could make more worse sounds of desperate as the next touch brought not a slap but two of those digits spreading her oh so damp slit, just in, out before she could really bring herself to clench and as she was another slap, "Mnnnnhff!" she moaned in utter desperate need, a building need for climax that she couldn't really control, that her avian captor was pushing her body towards, that each slap made her moan and arch and rock her hips so ready and vulnerable for the next one!

It took a few moments to realise that her eyes were closed and that no further slaps had followed, almost as if to let her catch her panting breath, to give her some moment to recover. She questioned, "Mmmnnnhf..?" opening just a slight crack of her lids to see out of, which quickly widened as she blushed flush and crimson as she sprung a second surprise on her, first the ropes and the gag, now a ridged draconic inspired dildo, silver in colour, tapered at the tip and widening into shudder-inducing ridges and a flared knot at the base, sized just right for her, flickers in her mind making her paws clench and unclench just at the realisation of its presence and she got no more warning that. The gyrfalcon smiled down at her, just that much wider as with skilled paws she directed the toy towards her gagged snout, nudging the tip slippery with lubricant against her chin, nudging, bumping, threatening her as a male might, knowing full well that her maw was rather occupied at the moment, which only made her blush harder and fuller.

Then, she slipped it downwards, grinding its girth and its ridges across her cleft, her scales quivering helplessly, nothing she could do to avoid it, nothing she could do to encourage it, to make it quicker, to make this brand new toy slip inside, but her captor only worked at her pace, pressing, grinding, rubbing, making her yearn for it, drool for it, moan for it, desperately. No matter how she rocked her hips, or arched her back and clenched with her paws and her so needy wet sex she didn't get the thick toy spreading her nethers apart in conquest, "Mmnff! Nnmmf, hnmf..!" she moaned past the gag in foggy desperation, unable to see that her feathered companion no longer had proper control of the toy. That she didn't realise until the loud, sharp rip of silver tape made her squeal in surprise, feeling it stick to her snout scales before she could even blink, the powerful shudder that ran through her form, abusing her desire for the powerful duct tape. And with the stuff secured to her snout at one end, it was trivial to wind it around, again and again around her maw, ballgagged as it was, with just one hand, the other gripping at the base of the toy and beginning to drive that into her depths, her senses totally overwhelmed by the sound of tape ripping off the roll, unable to see past her hand.

Her imagination as foggy and controlled as it was did the rest, drake taking full advantage of her, riding ridge after ridge deep into her folds in short, sharp thrusts to speed his penetration, scales left powerless but to clench hard in need and moan with such a vigorous claiming, able to grind her hips upwards and that was the extent of her freedoms in such a tightly restrained predicament, feeling the spread, stretch of ridge followed by ridge and then the same in reverse, yeowling as much as she was moaning utterly uncontrolled, and even if she weren't gagged and taped over the top, certainly no words would have followed. The knot pushed against her soaked slit, a bulb of weight that her body almost sought to deny before three full length thrusts ended the charade and her cleft yawned open to take it, trapping the ridged mass inside of her vent, which made her squeal in defenceless arousal almost as much as she did when her snout was taped up, her jaws clenching and un-clenching around the heavy gag within her snout, struggling to come to terms with what was occurring, or had so recently occurred now that she had a chance to catch her breath.

"Mmnnnhhhf, mnnnnh..!" But only for a moment. A paw came to rest on the base of that heavy toy, pressing down upon the flat base, form quivering with the extra pressure and tiny extra bit of depth as the half depleted roll of tape was again put to work, silver rolled over the base of the toy, around the base of her hips, sticking firmly to her scales on contact, pulling it deeper, pressing the wide base of it against her scales, knot sinking, spreading deeper, groaning with a deep shudder, utterly unable to stop it, to clench properly, squirm or even communication, quivering in her complete and total helplessness at the hands of the smaller anthro who commanded her body with the merest of touches. The last of the tape transferred to her scale, and she gave the very secure base of the toy a soft pat, making her paws arch and twitch and clench into tight balls. And those powerful yellow eyes just stared down into her own, almost unblinking as her touches returned to over the top of her head, soothing her with gentle strokes and that passive, far-less-than-innocent smile.

And she had no way of knowing when she would ever get free...