Aaron: Let's screw (things up)

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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#3 of Aaron

_You demanded something interesting... here ya go!

Oh, and I apologise to all Roos called Sydney... *snicker*

And again, you can keep all spelling and grammar mistakes to yourself, gosh..._

Two bodies on a bed, in a hot embrace. Moist fur rubbed other fur, muzzles touched, tongues played with each other. After some minutes one of the bodies got onto the other one. The muzzles kissed again. The upper male adjusted his groin, he felt the tender hugs of two arms and two legs around him. He heard a loud groan as he inserted his rather big cock into the other males tail hole. After some minutes, he started to thrust in a steady, pleasing rhythm, taking care to be gently, but stimulating.

Feeling the unused pressure between virginal muscles, the other male groaned with every movement of the hot maleness deep in him. But he became quickly used to it, lust and passion downed out every other feeling. In expression of the pleasure the rubs against his prostate were giving him, he dug his previously softened claws into his lover's furry back. His tail wagged fast and his head was tilted backwards. This new treatment brought him to an orgasm extremely fast, he tried to hold it back for the other male.

Moving in and out the tight hole, the upper guy let out many pleased moans. The sensations dammed up in his mind, against a huge wall, just waiting to break and release. He intensified his movements, feeling the grip around his body fastening, listening to the other males groans. Their muzzles touched again, a tender quick kiss, another thrust, a last one, he could hold it back much longer... Quickly he withdrew out of the body under him and released his load. Semen sprayed over the other male's stomach and mixed with the seed that just spurted out of the other cock.

The lovers looked at each other, took a big dose of each other's eyes, another, long, romantic kiss. They both tightened their hugs and kissed and snuggled, until the warm and tender covers of sleep spread over them...

Okay, those two weren't Aaron and Robert... but it was a nice interlude, wasn't it?

Robert came out of the bathroom and dressed quickly. First day of school. That was why he had been coming here, not for sucking of a nice feline cock. Okay, the cock thing was actually better than school, but he could have had that at home as well. But he wouldn't complain. Not about the cock, at least.

"Say, are you always that slow in the morning?" Robert asked the dizzy cat who staggered out of his room.

"Oh, shaddap..."

"Be nice..."

"Say... you're not going to wear that in school, aren't you?"

Robert looked at his yellow sleeveless shirt. "What's wrong with it?"

"It's so... gay..."


"Oh, do what'cha want, but don't complain."

"Thank you." Robert left to the stairs, down to the kitchen. He'll fix them a nice lunch for school, fatless and healthy. The stuff he had got the last day here made him worried about his body. How could Aaron keep his cute slender shape? He didn't have many muscles, so Robert assumed Aaron wasn't doing much sports. Maybe bullies kept stealing his lunch bags. Hah, that was behaviour for pupils of elementary level, high school students were much smarter, weren't they?

He took lettuce, white bread, butter... god... Maybe he can persuade the little boy to go shopping with him. Not only food. The catboy's taste in clothes was a bit, well, dull. Not individual. He needed a new outfit.

His shirt, too gay... nobody ever complained. He made some sandwiches, bagged them and waited for the tomcat. He waited ten minutes. He waited ten more minutes. He watched the catboy going down the stairs.

"Do you need that long for brushing your whiskers or what?"

"Yes," Aaron answered, shouldered his schoolbag and left. "Come on, we need to hurry to catch the bus."

"Wow... this school is so..."


"That's not the word... umm... schäbig... one moment..." Robert flipped his dictionary out of his pocket and leafed through it. "Shabby. That's it." The yellow booklet disappeared again.

"You carry a dictionary with you?"

"You don't? Would help the entire country to achieve new standards of language." Robert sighed. "So, where to go?"

"You're gonna meet a friend of mine."

Robert wanted to burst out his surprise about the fact that Aaron had friends. But he decided otherwise. Suddenly Aaron seized his arm and dragged him away, to a crowd, they passed the crowd, Aaron dragged his guest to a kangaroo boy talking to a fox.

"Sydney!" Aaron waved embarrassingly.

The two boys turned. Oh, god, a kangaroo boy called Sydney... that was almost painfully stereotypical. Robert reached out a hand. "Hi, Sydney, I'm Robert."

"Ermm... actually, I am Sydney," the fox said and grabbed the paw.

"Oh... oh..." Robert frowned. Somehow his heart had jumped as the cute fox had touched him. "I... I..." His mouth opened and closed. Now as he saw the boy closer, he was... handsome... more than handsome. How to greet such a boy so he won't look like an idiot? Gosh, he knew how. So why just not say...

"Hi," the kangaroo said.

"Oh, who're you?" Aaron asked.

"That's Mike," Sydney said and tried to release his paw from Robert's strangely obsessive grip. "He's from Down Under."

"Coulda guessed," Aaron said.

"G'day, mate," Mike said and smiled.

Aaron leaned forwards. "He pays you for saying that, doesn't he?"

"Not much," Mike whispered back.

"Hi! I'm Robert!" Robert suddenly burst out.

"Ummm... yes..." Sydney said. "Look, it's time, we must be going. Bye, bye!" Sydney waved and left with the kangaroo.

Aaron spun around as he heard Robert banging his head against a locker. "Idiot," the dog was mumbling, again and again. "Hab's versaut."

"What? Hey, stop that, people are looking... oh... shit..."

"Ey, Aaron, that yer German friend? Bet he's as dumb as you." Robert heard bullies laughing and turned. God... he took some steps towards the group.

"You must be the school's bully... umm... wait... no... can't remember your name. Bet it's not even worth it."

"Cameron, and you better remember it, Nazi."

"Nazi? Now, that's interesting." He bent over the raccoon. God, he was bigger than that guy and he thinks he could insult him... "As I thought. A simple mind to a simple guy. I bet I know a word you understand."


"Hm-hm," Robert mumbled and punched the raccoons head.

"That had been satisfying," Aaron said.

"Hmm..." Robert breathed out and rubbed his paw. "Adults say: Ignore the bullies and they'll lose interest. That's wrong. The best way to keep a bully away is to be the bigger bully."

"Interesting theory."

"Not a theory. A fact." They went on to the maths class. "When'll the teacher come to punish me?"

"Hah! They try to keep out of student fights. Wouldn't be good for their health."

"Really? Gosh, what a place... And what a room. Can't nobody open a window?" Robert sniffed. "Ew..." He went in and sat down. "I bet this is going to be a wonderful day..."

"Sports. Now that's something I can deal with."

Robert undressed to the shorts. The others were in the shower. He didn't like the shower. Back home, the people never showered together after sports, they all went home and did it there. He couldn't wait that long right now, he'll wait until the others were finished. He knew Aaron enjoyed the showers, although Robert wondered hoe he could get through that without a prominent hard-on, if the catboy gets stiff by the mere sound of the word yiff.

The room filled, Robert stood up and went into the showering room. Wonderful, not even separated cabins, only one big room, as he liked it. He turned a wheel and the water started to soak his fur. Hmm...

After one or two minutes somebody else went next to him and made the water stream onto his body. "You screwed many things up this morning."

Robert turned his head. Ack. Sydney. And he was naked. He blushed and turned his head away. "I... I..."

"And you do it again... Hmm... I can't help but think you like me, though. Although you can't even look at me." Sydney opened the shampoo bottle. "Breathe, geez."

Robert tried to do so. "Yes... I screw everything up..."

"Let's start completely new," Sydney said, after some minutes of thinking and washing his fur. He turned to Robert and reached out his paw. "I am Sydney. Pleased to meet you."

Robert took the paw slowly and tried to look at the fox's face and not the parts more down. "I'm Robert. Call me Rob."

"And you call me Sid." Sydney smiled. "You're allowed to do that 'cos you're awfully cute." And then he kissed the dog's cheek, turned and made his brushy tail swish cutely as he left.

Rubbing his cheek and looking after the fox, Robert was left with a soaked fur and a half erect cock.

"What's up with you, you haven't said a word since we left school." Aaron tapped Robert's shoulder. "Hey. Tell me."


"What's up with you?"

"Umm... do you know that... you're always in charge of every situation, and then just one person appears and everything slips out of your paws?"

"What are you talking about."

"Nothing... nothing..." Robert sighed.

Aaron turned the keys in the lock and they entered the house. Quickly Aaron got rid of his shirt. "Come on, get rid of the gloomy mood." He made some steps closer and kissed Robert's muzzle tenderly.

"I... I am sorry... I'm exhausted and too many thoughts revolve in my mind... I should go and take a nap... yes..." He shoved his body past Aaron's and went up the stairs, not even taking off his shoes. Aaron looked up, sad. Not disappointed. Sad. He sighed out loud, picked up his shirt and went to the TV in the living room. Something was wrong, something with school.

The muzzle moved up and down, in a steady rhythm, lips and tongue embracing the sensitive male flesh tightly. Up and down, until the knot started to develop. The tongue licked around the glans some times, until the creamy white sauce splashed into the face. The muzzle paused, listening to the pants. They were different.

"Sid, say, what's up? You usually groan louder when I suck you off."

"I dunno..."

"Carn... shall I come into you again? As yesterday?"

"No... or... I dunno..." Sydney turned. "Sorry, Mike. I am so sorry."

"For what?" the kangaroo asked.

"Argh, I don't know!" He paused a moment. "Do you remember that German shepherd? Robert?"


"Do you think we can invite him?"

"Oh-ho, just lost virginity and already craving for a threesome?"

"Nah..." The fox turned again. "As I said, I need to think of it." Then he smirked. "But not now." He spun around once more and got on all fours, lifting his tail. "C'mon, 'roo, give it to me."

Mike smiled broadly and grabbed the lube from the desk.