Blade's Adventures - 06 - The betrayal (no grammar check)

Story by Kooskia on SoFurry

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#6 of Blade's adventures

(c) Kooskia

I am sorry for the huge delay, for the few readers of this series.

But the time for writing dwindled and only today I managed to finish this chapter.

I promise one final last one to complete this story ^^

Also, NO GRAMMAR CHECK was done so far, I am Italian so if someone would like to give an hand with it. Feels free to tell me in private message ^^



The young mutt could not stop his thin tail from hiding between the legs while standing in front of the older and larger dog.

The white male was an outstanding Argentinian Mastiff, with a white pelt covered by a web of scars: some were thin, other large and all were clear proof of a life filled with abuse and pain.

However, there was no sign of sufferance on the muzzle of the dog: his expression was rather a mild smirk of satisfaction.

"Trust me! It is exactly as I said! You've just to wait for one of them to enter and you will find the secret tunnel to intrude their territory!" said once more RatHunter.

"Oh I trust you, my little Judah." Said the bigger dog with a chuckle. "And you've the honest gratitude from Spider... who's me obviously." The young mutt could see how the dog received such name, apart from the webs-like scarring on his body; the white Argentinian Mastiff was like a spider ready to leap on his prey after cold calculated moves.

RatHunter had no idea on what a "Judah" was and made few behind, ready to leave that place.

The other dogs were exactly "charming" as Spider was... mostly shared his breed, while others appeared to be mutts. Scars and ruined pelts were widespread, and the bitches appeared to be aggressive like the males.

"Not so fast, my friend..." said Spider, moving closer to RatHunter with a threatening voice.

"You may understand how you should not leave our place... just in case our filthy enemies will get their paws on you. Moreover..." his eyes deeply analyzed the mottled pelt of the mutt...

"I can see some pattern here... my guessing it's that you're a bastard coming from the loins of one of them. Such eagerness to betray your own blood is suspicious at best... and not a clear sign of trust."

RatHunter gulped down, unable to form a proper reply. He was in a weird new place, some poor suburbs not far from his original land, with dogs left roaming free in thecourtyards of small cottages. Some humans with menacing faces used to stay on guards, but they were unbothered by the dogs.

"I... I.... yeah. One of them is my sire, but I have no feeling for him. Quite the opposite! He dared to claim the one I loved... and then he ruined everything, forcing her to exile and... so I had to flee too, being a sibling of her." A chuckling cut short his explains.

"Ooh I see... someone was eager to hump a pretty sister? Do not worry, my dear... you will soon discover how certain communities of dogs are quite more open-minded than others."

The white Mastiff made few steps forward, and pointed his slobbering muzzle against the rear of RatHunter, sniffing there... the young mutt was a bit puzzled because they greeted each other before and there was no point in a repetition.

Suddenly the sniffing from the older male turned a bit more insistent and RatHunter perceived the freshness of his tongue licking his own nuts.

"What... what are you doing?!" he said with a little shock in the voice. All around them, the other dogs scattered in search for shelter from the hot sun... but others sat and stared with a curious glance. Even a human, keeping guard outside a metallic gate surrounded by stone columns made a little chuckle: clearly, that was a common spectacle.

"I am claiming you, little mutt. A little taste of the spoils of war my kin will enjoy soon... after all you're blood of our enemies."

The tongue explored a bit up, until touching the black tailhole of RatHunter.

"Wait! Stop! That's absurd, I am a male!"

A threatening growl cut short his complains: RatHunter released a yelp of sudden fear and lowered his muzzle and ears.

"Are you so sure? Your smell is bland, under that stink of the place you called "home". Moreover, having this pair of peanuts hardly qualify you as male..."

RatHunter felt his face turning hot by the insult, but had no time to retort that the powerful right paw of the Mastiff forced him belly on the ground.

A moment later, the white dog moved in front of him and turned, with no tail (being cut) covering his own masculine attributes.

"That's a pair of balls, my dear... "said Spider with a smirk, before turning again and facing the younger male.

"Now... be a good bitch and show me how respectful you are in front of a trule alpha male."

Slowly, the Mastiff moved forward... the head of RatHunter suddenly shadowed by the belly of the bigger dog, and his muzzle found itself facing the thick sheath of Spider.

"Now... lick..."

"B.... but...."


RatHunter gulped down, with his mind full of regrets for having ventured so far in this quest for revenge. He hoped to sell what little he knew to a pack of rival dogs, making them the tool of revenge against his sire ... and it seemed perfect when he found about the "faida" ongoing. He never expected things to go on such way.

Slowly, the smaller cross spread his jaws open, and his tongue made a tentative lick to the furred skin of the other dog's sheath.

The smell was strong, and while not repulsive, the young male felt a shade of shame and uneasy feelings: this lasted little, because his attention quickly turned to surprise when the reddish thick flesh of the Mastiff started to swell and pop out from the sheath.

RatHunter released a little groan of surprise and shock but the older and more experienced dog wasted no opportunity: with a single thrust, he inserted the tip of the swelling cock inside the young dog's muzzle.

"Do not dare bite me, bitch!" he ordered.

RatHunter wished to complain and state he was no bitch, but he found himself unable to reply or attempt to move from under the older canine.

The taste of the other dog's cock was spicy and different from any other kind of food he tasted before, careful to not hurt the Mastiff, he begun stroking the warm surface of the flesh with his tongue. While focused on this task, the young dog's nose pressed against the fur of the sheath: the hair was damp and smelling, and while at first repulsive... a new instinctive feeling took roots in his mind.

Because RatHunter already smelled something of equally powerful and dominant few times before, while his nature at first rejected this smell and tried to assert his own masculine nature, a little voice inside his mind reminded how futile would be this attempt.

He could not compete with a male like Spider, and he could not repress a growling noise coming from the throat while thinking that is how he lost his sister.

"What was that?" asked the inquisitive voice of the Mastiff.

"I hope it wasn't a complain. Bitches like you shall learn their place without complains..."

RatHunter stood firm, crouching on the ground and keeping his muzzle down: he panted a little bit out of fear and other feelings he could not explain. The head of the scarred male almost bumped on his cheek.

"Now... lift that rump for me".

Trembling, the young mutt obeyed, and felt the presence of the Mastiff move around him. For few seconds he perceived the warm stinking breath of Spider on his neck, then the large weight of the other male positioning on his own hindquarters.

Old puppyhood memories come back to him: there was a time when he mounted for fun his little sister, and she mounted him as well. Nothing more than games under the glance of their mother, now the time of games was over.

It happened quickly: RatHunter released a whining of surprise and pain when a thick and hard bulge felt pressing against his ass. The young male could do nothing more than standing firm and try to accept what was going to happens.

The white male was heavy, and the smaller one could barely stand firm under the weight.

"Hehe... little bitch, you're quite tight".

The voice of Spider come from an unclear point above his muzzle, then his thick breathing approached his right ear while the Mastiff lowered his muzzle.

With a grunt, the muscular scarred male humped forward: his thick swollen cock forced its way into the tight ass of the youngling.

RatHunter yelped and a shiver of pain run through his body, it took long seconds to attempt to accept this intrusion inside his body.

Meanwhile, Spider allowed no respite: grunting and chuckling, he pushed forward until his swelling cock sunk deeply into the mutt's ass, to proceed then with a series of powerful thrusts.

Closing his eyes, the young mutts tried to focus his mind on something else hoping the ordeal would not last long. Yet... the repetitive humps and thrusts started to effect himself. Without clearly understanding his own body's reaction, the mutt's sheath started to uncover his own swelling cock.

One of the other dogs watching the scene was a female, similar to Spider and probably some kind of siblings.

"Seems he little bitch is enjoying this. We should keep him, right brother?"

Then she turned and licked her own private parts, from where some blood was dripping.

"Go in your pen!" Spider ordered with between a grunt and a snort.

"You know... you've to save yourself ... for later"

Whining the female turned and walked away, for a second RatHunter wondered about what he just witnessed but his focus was son altered by the increased pace of Spider's thrusts.

Thrusts that were having an increased effect on the mutt's own mind, because his own cock was now freely dangling between his legs: with a sudden shiver of pain merged with unexpected pleasure, few spurts of white liquid released from his cock and spotted the dusty ground.

"Good little bitch... you truly love it... umm..."

Spider's pace turned frantic: his muscular body swollen with energy and effort, his round balls suddenly released thick loads of seed.

The volume of his release was too much for the little cramped ass of the mutt, and soon the white cream started to squirt from the abused hole and oozed on RatHunter's legs.

The mutt felt suddenly exhausted and dropped on the floor, uncaring of the merged cum damping his belly's fur: he bent a little his head, to look the White Mastiff. He was far from tired, standing on his four legs and with his swollen knot trapping him inside of RatHunter's ass.

"I am going to enjoy your butts for a while, my dear..." the Mastiff said with a smirk.

"And then it will be the turn of my brothers and cousins".

With a shiver of fear and a little gulp, the mutt turned to look the eyes of the other lusty dogs who have gathered now around them. His mind was clearer now, and while his own body reacted with an orgasm to the mating he just was forced to accept, RatHunter had no illusion of his future. He was going to be just a toy for these dogs... likely to be disposed of when the appeal of the newcomer was over.

But RatHunter felt no fear, and his thoughts moved on the one who was lost for him.

"At least... I hope you will find happiness, sister."