Dragoness Woes: Her First Heat

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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#1 of Ral'eks' Adventures

When Ral'ek is hired to take care of a dragon couples' daughter, his task proves especially interesting once he realizes just how much her heat effects her. Not a problem for this career escort, however! No matter the cost, he'd give her some relief if she but asks for it. And, of course, she'd eventually ask for it. The only question is when. And when she eventually asks for his help, he'd show her the wonders a skilled tongue is capable of.

"We're paying you more than well enough for this, so it better go without a single hitch." The dragon in front of him growled.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Rar'len. We really should have arranged this sooner, but my own parents had to do the same."

The reds' fiery temper was quelled a bit by his mates' reminder. He sighed, leaving the much younger red in front of him feeling a bit more at ease. The drake spoke some more.

"Still. We have to get going. You have your half of the trade goods, yes?"

The dragoness shrugged, swinging the bags that were strapped onto her a bit.

"Of course I do. We'll be late if we wait any longer." She stated, glancing at the younger drake, and then back at her mate.

His piercing eyes cut right into him. The young drake fidgeted a bit, never before subjected to a couple with such... amazingly fiery tendencies, for something so simple. It was just a simple escort job, in both senses of the term. He'd help their daughter get through her first, far too early heat, and in exchange... He'd get paid a hefty sum. It was simple enough for him to handle, and he'd done it before, too.

"Ral'ek, we'll be gone for at least a week, possibly longer. When we get back, we'll pay you, so long as our daughter confirms that everything went well. Understood?" The large reds' gravelly voice shook the drake from his reverie of thought.

"Y-Yes sir. You can count on me to satisfy my end of the bargain."

"Good. Let's go." The red paid him no heed as they left. The slow, heavy sound of their wingbeats was the only thing he heard for some time.

He shivered a bit, his own red scales seeming a bit paler in the evening light.

"Whew... glad that's over with. Now to go check on... the goods? That doesn't sound quite right." The drake muttered to himself, peeking into each room after a quick knock.

The cave they lived in was massive. There were as many storage rooms as there were living quarters. The couple even had several rooms that were stuffed to the brim with nothing but scrolls and books. A treasure trove of knowledge, worth far more than a room full of gold. Much more useful, too. A faint backdraft brought a light, cinnamon-ey scent into his nose. Must have been getting closer...

Nylara was doing her best to distract herself when she noticed an unfamiliar scent in the hallway. A quick, polite peck on the wall just outside broke her concentration. The scroll she was reading would just have to wait for the moment. She had a guest, of sorts.

"Come in!" It smelled distinctly male. And she had no doubts that he was the one her parents hired to help.

"As you wish!" The male that crept around the corner was a strange mixture of handsome, yet plain in parts. His scales looked like he'd seen a ghost, but his jaw was set with determination. A handsome trait, to be sure.

"You must be the escort." She kept her voice even. Truth be told, she was excited.

"I am. And you must be Nylara?" The male graced her with a short bow, as difficult as it was with four legs.

"That I am. And you must be..." Nylara trailed off, reminding him that he had forgotten to introduce himself.

"Ral'ek. Ral is fine, as well. I'll be helping you out for the duration of- Well. No point in dancing around it. I'll be helping you out during your first heat." Was that a blush she saw on his face?

"I suppose I should thank you, but, I guess that the compensation that my parents are offering is grand. Either way, though. A pre-emptive thanks is in order." Nylara marked her place in the scroll with a short feather. For now, focusing on her guest would be better.

"Then a pre-emptive 'you're welcome' is in order as well! Pleasantries aside, how are you today?" Ral'ek seemed a bit hesitant to usher himself any further into the room.

"Good enough. But, sensitive all over, and a bit distractable, too." Her tail curled onto her paws as she turned around to talk to Ral'ek proper.

"Normal side effects, I assure you. Of course, coming from a male, it's an odd statement." He chuckled a bit.

"No doubt. I'm just glad it happened before rut, otherwise you'd have a rough time of it."

"Well... Your folks trust my self-control, and, forgive my bluntness, but if this is only the second day, then it'll be quite the test for it." Ral'ek glanced away, and out of the room, further down the hall.

"Oh. Well, in that case, don't hesitate to distract yourself with the tomes and books. If you can't read, then there are a few spells I can cast for them to be spoken aloud." Nylaras' hide shifted as she stretched.

"I brought a few of my own, but I may peruse your parents' library as well during my stay." His tail coiled around the satchel at his side. "I brought more than a few, if you'd like to take a look."

Nylara debated it for a moment, but decided against it. Her own collection of tomes had yet to be fully explored.

"No, but thank you much for the offer." Getting to her paws, she noticed he seemed to be awkwardly fidgeting. "My parents forgot something, didn't they?"

"Y-yes. They did not inform me where the guest room, nor the facilities were located." He stumbled over his words.

"Come along then. This may be a cave, but oddly enough, we have plumbing. Magic helped with that. Right this way."

Nylara brushed past him, and oblivious to her own scent, gave him a lungful of it. Ral'ek shook his head. Once the contract was agreed upon, that was what the client was going to get. With that said, this could have been his hardest job yet. This was the first time he'd come across a female in heat that was so... potent.

"Well, do you have to go or not?" She broke his thoughts.

"Coming, Nylara!"

It didn't take long for her to show him around. And not a moment too soon, either. His guest room was rather plain, the only furniture being a rather plain pile of furs, and a bookshelf lining a wall. The only other thing in the room were several holders for magic orbs, flanked with candles. It was cozy.

"Thank you. Is there anything I can help with around the place while I'm here?" Ral'ek paced around the room.

"Not quite yet. The heat is... tolerable for now. The forest outside is home to many forms of wildlife, if you're so inclined to eat, as well."

"Yes... well. Alright then. Don't hesitate to come get me if it gets unbearable. My entire purpose right now is to help you with that." Ral'eks voice dripped determination, along with a hint of eagerness.

"Sorry, forgive me for being blunt, but the idea of having a male help with that is a bit ridiculous to me. While I'm sure you can, I prefer to handle on my own, for now. However, if it gets unbearable, I'll consider using your services." Nylara didn't even wait for him to respond, disappearing back towards her room.

Ral'ek sighed. That was always how they started. It was a slight sting to his ego, but he was used to it now. With that in mind though, he wouldn't help unless they asked for it. But, that wouldn't stop him from relieving a bit of his own pressure... She was quite the looker, after all. And, the finale would be so much better with her heat-laden scent still on the air. He poked his muzzle out of the entranceway. She was well and truly gone, no doubt back to her room. All the better.

He wasted no time getting comfortable on the hides. Their mixed softness felt rather nice on his scales. As nice as his proper bed at home. Laying on his back was a bit awkward, but the only position for what he had in mind. The tip of his rod was already poking out of its' protective slit. A bit of fantasizing later, and it was more than ready for a bit of play. But first, some prep work.

Ral'ek was more than glad his tail didn't have spikes, or other ornamentation on the tip. A mere tapering off of flesh and bone. It made for a wonderful bit of pleasure when he utilized it when he masturbated. Of course, there had been the rare occasion or two when he'd bedded down with a male... or two. Okay, there might have been three. And a female. The vivid, erotic memories did the rest as he suckled on his tail.

"And to think I'll be stuck with her for a week. Better get used to this, and hope she doesn't walk in on me. Pfft. She may be confident and ready to handle her heat on her own now, but it only gets worse. Luckily, I'm here for that!" A smile crossed his lips after he withdrew his wet, dripping tail from his muzzle.

He really did enjoy his work. Of course, all the alone time helped as well. His bones creaked a bit as he curled into a dragon-sized ball. Wings protested as well as he used them to get a bit more stretching. His tongue dipped into his slit, both cleaning it, and giving him a bit of stimulation besides. Ral'ek inhaled his own scent.

His mind was reassured at the familiar scent. It was nowhere near how it smelled during rut, and that gave him some peace of mind. If this was going to be a seven out of ten in terms of difficulty now, tossing both his rut and her heat together would have made it a ten. Maybe an eleven. Of course, that would have meant he'd have a herculean task, and more than likely would have failed. He gulped. That was not going to happen.

Ral'eks eyes slid shut as he focused on the task at hand. Worrying about it would only make him lose his boner. Already, he was leaking a bit of pre, and he engulfed his rod in his muzzle. Another moment later, and his tail was poking at his ass. With a guiding paw, he let it spear him slowly. A moan echoed out from around his rod, and another dirty fantasy fell into his mind. Her sire may have already been a drake that was accounted for... but if he wasn't one of the more handsome ones.

"Hrrrr..." He growled. Already a spurt of pre shot into the back of his throat.

Two dancing reds would have been an interesting scenario to be sure. Ral'eks mind, and other parts, certainly agreed on that much. Using his neck, he pumped his rod into, and out of his muzzle. After the long trip here, it would be amazing to relax with this bit of recreation. And he did just that, another inch or two sliding into him. Slow, deep breaths tickled his hide. Of course, during that long trip, he also didn't get that much of a chance to do anything like this, either.

The reds' back cracked a bit as he used his hips to thrust into his muzzle a bit. It was more instinctual than anything else, but going along with the instincts made everything that much more pleasant. Also making it more pleasant, was the feeling of pressure on his prostate, and internal balls. Already, he could feel them churning through his tails' hide. It took a moment for his rear to adjust to the added thickness, but he pushed it deeper.

He was immediately rewarded with a thicker burst of pre than before. The reds' breathing got quicker, and messy, sloppy slurping noises echoed in his room. Today wouldn't be the day for setting a new duration record, though. His insides rippled around the tail inside him, signaling an impending orgasm.

Thick, heady spurt after spurt rocketed out of him, only to be gulped down his throat. While he didn't particularly care for his own taste, he didn't actively dislike it either. But, he certainly did like the calming of his mind, and his instincts, though. And that he got in spades. It took minutes for the breeding rod to stop flinging dragonseed into his throat, and his stomach felt quite full afterwards. A meal could... wait until later.

He uncurled, and relaxed onto the hides. A nap couldn't hurt either.

"Of course he'd offer that." Nylara paced her parents home.

"I can handle this. Probably. No need to be rude to him, but there really isn't any need for him to be here. It's nice precaution though." The dragoness thought aloud.

Her heat had been easily manageable for the last few days. And, since her parents had said that it'd only last a week or two at most, it could be handled easily. No need to spend all this money on... a natural phenomenon. One of her scales itched, and she indulged it, scratching viciously. It felt all too good... and then it popped off with a mild sting. She sighed. Looking at it on the off-gray floor, it was barely visible. Her once impeccable set of scales had a small hole in it now, revealing the hide underneath. But, the itch was gone, at least.

"Looks dead anyways..." Something about her mood seemed off, even to her.

It was like she was suddenly cranky, and irritable for no reason. A thought popped into her mind, but she disregarded it. Ral'ek would be getting settled into his new temporary abode. It was best she left him alone for a while. Besides, she could handle this on her own...


She shook her head, and it only provoked a yawn. It was early in the evening, but maybe it would be best to enjoy a long nights' rest. If nothing else, it'd make time pass for a while. And, since her escort already knew where she'd be...

The scroll remained where she left it, with her fancy bookmark right where she left it. Its lightly-glowing tip poked out from the rolled-up parchment. Another sigh. It could wait until tomorrow. Knowing the basic principles of magic wouldn't help much if she hadn't much of a talent for it. Hard work would inevitably pay off, but right now it didn't seem nearly as appetizing as sleep. The bed was as simple as Ral'eks, but with a few fancy decorations Nylara had fashioned in her spare time. A large rug of sorts was its' base, with a few tassels of woven, glowing threads dispersing at the ends. If you were to connect the blue shapes, it'd almost look like a rectangle. A rectangle a very dragon-like shape would be resting on for a while.

"Huuuuugh." What started out as a yawn turned into a noise of disgust. It felt like there were small bugs crawling underneath her scales.

"Don't hesitate to come get me if it becomes unbearable." Nylara muttered to herself. She rolled over, finding a more comfortable spot on her bed. For now, it was tolerable. But, if it got any worse, she'd have to swallow her pride. The alternative was worse.

Ral'ek yawned. How long had he been out? The soft glow from the magic lanterns illuminated his room. Even the soft glow was harsh to his eyes at this moment, though. He shielded them with his wing. His face contorted with a wince as it cracked a bit, no doubt due to his earlier exertions. Of course, as much as his eyes might protest, his mind was well awake.

"Wouldn't be the first time I've been awake at seemingly midnight." A yawn interrupted him. "And certainly won't be the last."

His scales itched a bit from laying on the unfamiliar bed, doused in unfamiliar scents. It had been comfortable though, and he was glad for that. That being said, since he was already awake... It would be a good idea to check on his charge. If his estimations were correct, then the first of a few rather irritating days had already started for her. The heavy scent wafting through the halls confirmed that thought. His forepaws carried him through the home quietly. If she was asleep, it would be best to not wake her.

The place was big. But, as large as the place was, her scent had already permeated the place. A bit of magic to circulate the air would have been handy at this moment. But, it was tolerable enough for now. And, it was a situation he'd been in very commonly, anyways. Passing the den, he carefully padded down the hall towards her room. The soft light from the magic orb holders made it easy to find his way.

Though, of course, the frustrated cries coming from the room also added their own ambiance.

"GrrrrrRr... Why can't I focus on thisss? The words are hard to hold in my head, and worse to actually read!" It was a soft growl, but unmistakable as Nylaras'.

He pecked on the doorway.

"WHAT?" Her reaction was immediate, and visceral. It was even loud enough to irritate Ral'eks eardrums.

"Pardon the intrusion... but you seem to be getting frustrated." He stayed outside the room. From previous experience, that was the best way to avoid having things or spells thrown at him.

"...yes. I am rather frustrated at the moment. Please come in." Nylara tempered her raging temper.

Ral'ek carefully poked his head into the doorway, ready to pull himself back should it be a ploy. Nylara was on her bed, reading pedestal brought just close enough that she could read her scrolls. The magic light was more than bright enough to read, and it made her hide look rather attractive in this light. He moved into the room slowly.

"I did mention earlier that it could get quite bad if you don't see to it." The red drake spoke diplomatically, not intending to fan her already irritated mood.

"I know. It feels like there are bugs underneath my hide, and when one of my scales came off earlier, it seemed awful. More so than usual."

"Could I offer my services now? It could help quite a bit. If nothing else, it'd let you focus on your scrolls better. But-"

"Let me make it clear. My parents don't want me filled with eggs, and I don't see you as a lover. How exactly do you plan on helping with that?"

"There's no need for anything but my muzzle and tail to be involved, Nylara. As I was saying though, it'll only help for a short time, though."

She pushed away the pedestal roughly enough that it hit the far wall with a thud. It was a surprise that it didn't fall over. Nylara stared at him, but past him, and maybe even through him. He could see that she was battling with her own flared emotions. Something won, and her muzzle dropped open to speak.

"...do it." Her voice seemed unsure.

"If you so will it, I will assist you. And, at any moment should you longer wish me to help, I will cease. Alright?" Internally, Ral'ek was pleased she saw logic.

"Fine. Just do whatever it is you're going to do, and help already."

With as irritated as she looked, Ral'ek only just barely trusted her to not start throwing things at him. But, even if she did, it was his job to help. A rather enjoyable one at that. The room was thick with the scent of her heat, and yet she was blissfully ignorant of it. The drakes' thoughts felt a bit slowed, but he clutched at his purpose and held onto it. It wouldn't do to let his baser instincts get to him. It would be a nice experience for him, no doubt. But the consequences would have been severe. He shivered a bit as the soft fur and hide flattened underneath his forepaws.

"Roll onto your side. It'll make it easier."

Much to his surprise, she complied easily, and with no fuss. Her belly scales were fine, and shone softly in the magic light. Certainly a difference when compared to his harsher chest plates of scale. They had their own charm, though. The fine, almost delicate-looking scales grew smaller as his eyes trailed lower. His gaze fell from the rise and fall of her chest, to her lower belly, and then there. Under her tail, her folds glistened a bit. Already they had a bit of moisture, and looked a little bit irritated. Of course, that irritation would only turn into heightened sensitivity and pleasure once he got to work.

She stared at him, and he could feel it. A single exploratory forepaw lifted her leg up a bit, exposing her further. The source of all this trouble was at his mercy. He would teach it to cause such a fine young dragoness issues. His muzzle fell open, and he breathed softly. Blood rushed underneath his hide, making him feel so much more alive, and awake. It was just the effect the pheromones and hormones had on a male, but it was exhilarating. A quick flick of her tail caught his eye.

"Hurry. Up."

He was more than eager to oblige. A few pops from his jaw as he stretched it out reverberated in his skull. Well-defined jaw muscles hinged open as his muzzle hung agape. The room felt warmer as his muzzle grazed her lower belly. Teeth softly scraped against her scales, but did little harm. However, with as sensitive as she was, the leg he was holding twitched a bit. Out of the corner of his gaze, he saw her pawtoes curl a bit. Good. She'd be in for a treat then.

Thick, wet, and all too skilled, his tongue avoided going straight for her vulnerable folds. Instead, it trailed along her inner thighs, leaving a thick trail of saliva. Up one side, and down the other, stopping for a moment to wash across her tail. A sharp gasp, and then a huff of frustration rolled out of her muzzle. A little teasing went a long way, but he didn't want to frustrate her too much. As such, his tongue got to work properly.

Forepaws grabbed at his muzzle, and he closed his eyes reflexively. It wouldn't be the first time a client pulled him deeper into them, and wouldn't be the last. She gripped him roughly, pulling his muzzle onto her. Of course, all that did was dig the teeth a little deeper into her scales. But, he knew what she wanted. His tongue, still slick with a never-ending supply of saliva, grazed across her heated folds. The reaction was instant. She moaned, and her tail flicked against his leg. Oh yes. She'd definitely be enjoying this. And the rest of his stay, as well.

"Don't you daaare stop." Her eyes had a fiery focus to them that reminded him of her parents. The resemblance was uncanny.

His tongue washed across her folds, but only gently. He lapped at her, enjoying her eager cries. A splash washed against his tongue and the inside of his muzzle. Already? She must have been extremely sensitive. Then again, with the look on her muzzle, and the noises emanating from her throat, that should have been no surprise. Ral'ek would have smirked if he could have. But, the job wasn't quite done yet. The best way to handle a heat wasn't just to douse it with a single orgasm. Females were quite capable of having multiple in a row, and so...

When his tongue finally pushed into her folds, her paws scrabbled for a grip on his muzzle. They left little scratches that'd disappear with a little TLC. But, all the same, she felt a quick twinge of guilt. But, by the gods, his tongue! It felt massive, and wormed its' way deeper with every passing moment. It was no wonder other females spoke so fondly of their heats, and especially their firsts. This was an experience to be sure! His jawline worked as his tongue took a momentary break. But, the missing feeling of that tongue inside her made her growl. It only lasted a moment, though, and then he was back at it. And those wonderful, almost rapturous feelings came back. She'd fantasized about treating herself this way, but her reading scrolls had always seemed more interesting to her. That would certainly not be the case any longer.

"YES!" Another orgasm washed over her form as he grazed against a most-sensitive spot.

Her taste was staining his tongue, and his mind was screaming to mount her, and that this was more than enough prep work. He disregarded it, exercising his willpower to drive the instinctual thoughts away. One more though. One more, and typically, the symptoms were alleviated. Already, his jaw ached. He could do it though, and he had no doubts she could as well. Another momentary withdrawal of his tongue earned another growl. It was softer this time, though. It even had a twinge of tiredness in it. Another of many reactions to the cocktail of hormones rushing through her fine form.

He'd definitely give her another.

This drake was insane. And she loved it. It felt like she was going to die, and yet she felt so very much awake and alive at the same time. Her lungs burned even more than when she'd practiced fire magic without a protective spell. Her muzzle was drier than the most heated desert. And her heat was getting exactly what it wanted. It wasn't nearly as bad as she thought it would have been. And... it was immensely more pleasurable than she'd ever fantasized.

She tried to control her limbs, but it was a futile effort. Her paws continued marring his handsome muzzle, and her tail kept flicking from side to side. It seemed she'd be giving his hide bruises, and denting his scales. But, the look on his muzzle told her that even if she did, he didn't care much at all. Even with her parched muzzle, sounds she didn't know she'd make kept rolling out of her throat. Even her eyes had trouble focusing on him, let alone anything else.

His jaw ached, his tongue was soaked in fluids not his own, and an ache between his legs told him all he needed to know. No doubt his rod was harder than magic-infused steel, but it was unnecessary. It wouldn't be used. Not here, and not now. Perhaps he'd relieve himself in private later, but definitely not now. Right now, his whole world was pleasing this young dragoness one more time. His tongue and throat protested as he pressed his muzzle further onto her. A bit more depth could do it, and give her one last, throughly enjoyable orgasm.

The claws came out and scratched his muzzle a bit more. These would likely stay until his scales there shed. Luckily, he knew a few tricks to make that happen sooner, but still. It wasn't painful, or at least, he didn't feel any pain. Nor the wetness that would come with a slash wound. So he was lucky in that regard. The soft furs underneath his paws crumpled as he braced himself for further abuse.

Of course, with a third orgasm on the way, that was completely unnecessary. A rough spot inside her betrayed its' true purpose as he dragged his tongue along it. With the thickness of his tongue spreading her open, and the soft, wet pressure on her g-spot, it was over. He heard her panting as a last few wet splashes coated his tongue. His own lungs seemed as needy for a moment. After he was sure it died down, he used his forepaw to gently push his muzzle off of her. A wet trail of femcum and saliva connected his muzzle and her nethers until he wiped it away. A satisfied smirk finally stuck to his muzzle.

His job done, he slowly stood up, leaving the dragoness to recover. Without his forepaw holding her leg up, it fell onto the other one. He winced a bit at the suddenness. If she weren't on cloud nine right now, that would have hurt. All the same, it was done.

"That was..." A half-huff, half-sigh rolled out of her muzzle. "Certainly something."

"I'm sure it was. My jaw aches a bit, but you should at least feel better."

"As much as I hate to admit it, I do." A frown crossed her muzzle, a little displeased at the revelation.

"Well. So long as you feel better, and a bit less irritated, my job here is done."

Ral'ek smoothed out some of the crumpled up hides and furs. While his jaw ached, it was a satisfying experience for him as well. Nylara may not have known it, but the look on her muzzle before, during, and after were vastly different moods. Thankfully, the one she ended up with was mere indifference, and a bit of curiosity. With that said though, she looked worn-out and a bit tired. And, as lovely as she was to Ral'eks' eyes, he knew better than to overstay his welcome.

"I'll come check on you in a bit, again. If you need me-"

"I know, I know."

He bit his tongue, and let her interrupt him. His muscles and joints protested a bit, but he padded towards the doorway. Something almost imperceptible caught his ear.

"... thank you."

With as quiet as it was, it could have been mistaken for a whisper. The drake paused for a moment, glancing back. Nylara was already pulling her pedestal back towards her makeshift bed. Had it been a figment of his imagination? Or maybe it was the dragoness speaking for her own benefit. Either way, there was plenty to do if he was going to be awake anyways. Her still-wet folds caught his eye, before he pulled his gaze away. Already his rod was stiff, but he'd barely noticed it. Thankfully, neither had she. One less complication to worry about, either way.

It took mere moments to wash her taste out of his muzzle. The home had an aquifer of sorts built into one of the rooms. With the way they'd set it up, it seemed to be a bathing room and clean water reservoir. It satisfied his thirst as well as any other water did, and went down easily as well. It tasted pure, clean, and cold. Perfect descriptors for the crystal-clear water that shone softly in the magic-produced glow. Honestly, it looked good enough to chug until his stomach was overfull.

"Hmm... Some fine water this is. Might have to bring some home." Ral'ek muttered to himself.

They certainly wouldn't miss it, either. It was a large pool of the stuff. Not even a dozen barrels would dent the water level, either. There was enough for weeks of a family of dragons to drink. With the purity of the stuff, it could even be used for a magic ingredient, with little fuss. A quick filter to strain out any sediments, and it'd be good enough to put in even the pickiest formulae. His stomach gurgled with the continued sampling of the water. But, another noise caught his ear.


"Yes, that would be me." Water dripped off his red scales, making his muzzle gleam in the soft light.

"Just making sure. Mind if I join in?" She sounded groggy. Maybe she'd had a short nap since they last spoke.

"I've had my fill, so it's all yours." He padded away from the raised pool of water. If nothing else, he didn't want to seem too imposing, and close to her as she relaxed.

Her piercing eyes followed him as he moved. A nap, and some time to let what happened earlier sink in helped a lot. She felt sharp, witty, and on top of her game again. Even her scrolls seemed a lot easier to digest now. But, something ate at her. Even with her tongue lapping up the water slowly, it burned at her mind.

"Feeling better compared to earlier?" Ral'ek inquired.

"Somewhat. Look, I..." A heavy sigh made waves in the water. "I'm somewhat sorry I snapped at you earlier, and how cold I've been."

"Think nothing of it. It's all hormones, and from what I've been informed, your case is worse than the usual."

"Still doesn't make it right. But, you would be correct on that front. Father has a quirk where he goes into rut more often, and earlier, and my mother... the same for her heat." She drank more water as they talked.

"To be honest, I was expecting it to be worse. Your personality tempered it nicely, I think. You did your best."

"And your tongue helped ease it more than I liked. Tell me though, how often do you do this?"

"I do it as a career, so quite often. My own monetary stores grow with every job I take. Every client has their own story, and... their own scents, and tastes as well."

"Monetary stores? Pfft. Be a dragon and call it a hoard." She teased him.

"Hoard, bank account, whatever you wish to call it. Though I loathe storing my wealth with others, the returns it can generate are intoxicating." His tail flicked from side to side.

"I noticed that you smelled like another male when you first came here. Were you visiting someone, or coming from another client, or..." She trailed off.

A smirk crossed his muzzle.

"Well, what was once a client has turned into a rather good companion. And since we're both male, there's no need to worry about eggs."

"But I'm sure that doesn't stop you from trying."

He chuckled, breaking the almost silence of the early morning. It wasn't long until she joined in. Truth be told, it was their first warm moment together. She definitely enjoyed it, in any case.

"Witty. I like it." Ral'ek commented.

"Bet you do with my taste still on your muzzle."

"Sorry, I already washed that off." A warm smile coated his muzzle.

"Well, darn. In any case, though. Thank you."

"You're welcome. It is merely my job, but I take pride in work well-done."

He turned to pad out of the room, but thought better of it, and paused for a moment.

"Are you in need of further services?" Truth be told, he was eager to practice on her some more.

"No. Well. Not yet at least." She dunked her muzzle into the water. Perhaps a bit embarrassed, it seemed.

"In any case, my offer remains open in perpetuity. Enjoy the drink, Nylara."

The sound of her gulping down water faded out of earshot as he padded back towards his room. For a first day, and night, this hadn't gone too badly. Already, she was warming up to him, and opening up. Trusted him, even. That trust was well-placed, too. Of course, being so close to her again prompted feelings in his lower half that were quite familiar by now.

"Of course you'd want to play a bit. We've got Malek for that, though. But for now, my muzzle will just have to do..."

Of course, with a dragon being a dragon, and with her heat helping things along, it wasn't long until he was once again spilling his seed in his muzzle. And, despite his early claims of being awake, once his head was resting on those soft furs, it was all he could do to go with the flow. Soft snores floated out of his room minutes later.

Nylara herself also felt a bit sleepy. And, despite her earlier bout of activity, sleep seemed the best option. If her heat was to last days more, it was best she got all the rest she could as well. Besides, it simply wouldn't do to inconvenience Ral'ek overly so. But, the mixed scents that were all over her hides reminded her. If nothing else, he certainly didn't mind too much. And... at least one bit of his anatomy didn't mind either. She drifted off to sleep in moments.

The annoying chirping of birds filtered through the cave-turned-home. The forest outside was alive with life, and noise. It grated a bit on Ral'eks' nerves, but he tempered them. An awake forest meant opportunity for a meal was high, and potentially easy to catch as well. As sleepy as he was, he poked into Nylaras' room for just a moment.

The steady, rhythmic rise and fall of her chest told him all he needed to know. After her intense bout of orgasms last night, she was out like a light. And all the better too. The second day after the heat had truly begun was worse. He grimaced, both from the thought, and the early morning light. It was best he did enough hunting for the both of them today. Also on his list was scouting the surrounding area for any... potential visitors. When a male in rut and a female in heat were in the same area, most didn't have the self-control to limit themselves.

Ral'ek shook his head and took off. If there were any males, he'd have to shoo them off. He was more than strong enough to do it, too. And, despite his calm, reasonable exterior, he had no qualms about leaving some marks on other males, either. He had no doubts they wouldn't think clearly either. He knew from experience that was the case. Scars on one of his flanks told him that much.

The forest was lively, and there was quite the selection of things to choose from. Ral'ek wasted no time debating what to eat. A pair of sickly deer were lagging behind their herd. By the looks of them, if he didn't claim them, their illness would anyways. The clearing rumbled with the sound of hooves as he soared above it. It took moments to come crashing down on one of them. And another short moment to bite into the other. Red stained his scales a different shade. It'd be a bit of a mess to wash off, but such was the hunt. All in all, it was over in seconds. Grasping one in his paws, and the other in his mouth, he headed back.

Carrying a bit of extra weight was exhausting work. But, he didn't mind. It got the blood flowing, and the animal in his jaws was already seeming that much more appetizing. After a little while, he returned. With the extra weight, he dumped the corpse in his paws unceremoniously at the cave mouth. He laid the second atop the first to keep it somewhat warm. While he wasn't quite sure what meat Nylara preferred, there was one thing most dragons shared in common. They preferred their meat warm, if not hot, and fresh at that. A few drops of blood stained his chin, before dripping down and staining their brown fur. That was one task done, for now.

He took off again, not bothering to leave a note. It would be best to get these short tasks done before Nylara awoke. She'd be irritable again, and hungry at that. Ral'ek wouldn't even be surprised if he returned to a stack of bones, and a request for even more food. Still, he let his mind wander as he soared. There were a few places where other dragons could nest, but they weren't close by. Still, he resolved to check at least two of them. Another mountain cave, and a bit of a forest glade area. They both attracted his attention. It'd just be a quick check anyways...

Nylara woke up drenched in sweat. Her hide felt on fire again, and she had a needy ache in her loins. It almost hurt to move. It even felt like she was sick at points. Waking up was a monumental task, and a heavy fog draped over her mind. Ral'ek said that his relief would only last a while... but he didn't mention that it'd be worse afterwards. She snarled and lashed out at air. Damn him! A smell wafted across her nose. It smelled like he'd been out hunting, and recently at that. The dragoness stomped out of her room, eager to find the drake, and put an end to this annoying set of heat-related problems.

"Ral'ek!" She didn't temper her voice. If he had been hunting, he was awake by now.

She stalked through the home. Where was that damned drake? The short walk to his room was agonizing.

"Ral'ek!" Even this small amount of shouting was starting to make her throat sore.

A disappointed look crossed her muzzle. A scowl marred her features as his room was empty. Smells wafted into her nose, distracting her further. An intense, male scent was here, and it wasn't helping her focus at all. He was gone, and with him, her source of relief. She tapped her tail on any surface she could reach, counting seconds. Tap. Tap. Tap. Taptaptap.

She continued tapping until she came back to the cave mouth. If he had hunting, then he'd eaten already. And such...- Red stained the cave mouth, and pawprints lead away out into the daylight. It looks liked he had left, come back messy, and then left again. All without waking her up.

"Hmph." She snorted.

Irritability aside, she was hungry. And, seeing the bite marks on the top pile of meat, she nudged it aside. That one was his. Teeth tore into flesh as she ate, staining her blue hide redder. She ate messily, leaving as many splashes of blood on the floor as got on her. It was no matter, she could bathe if she chose to. And it would be best to eat, and bathe before Ral'ek got back. Lest he be tempted to bathe with her. Another snort from her muzzle. As if she would let him.

Unfortunately, a figure was slowly coming into focus flying towards the cave. Even from this distance she could see that it was Ral'ek. Greed overtaking her sense, she pushed his food away from her a good distance. And then she hurried to finish her own meal before he arrived. Unfortunately for her, it didn't work. The red drake had stains on his muzzle, and- Wait. Were those claw marks?

"Who did that to you?"

Ral'ek grimaced. Even just looking at her, he could tell she was irritated, and prone to further irritation. He kept it diplomatic, and used his silver tongue to spin up an explanation.

"Well... you did last night. Are you hungry? I can get more food."

"This is fine. I am feeling irritated this morning. Is this your doing?" She glared at him, a fearsome sight with blood staining her muzzle. Especially as she ripped into the corpse anew.

"No, it is not. Much like bathing, sexual pleasure during a heat is best-"

"Applied daily." She cut him off. "Eat while I bathe. Then you should bathe as well. After that, we can see if you can fix this irksome bother."

Nylara stomped off without another word. Ral'ek was almost glad for it, and a bit of tension left his muzzle. It was always a surprise to see how bipolar some dragonesses can be with the heinous influence of their heats. Of course, it could also be a wonderful thing, if properly managed. She didn't have experience enough to know that yet, though. All the same, some food quelled the anxiety in his guts. He ate until there simply wasn't room for it.

"Poor gal..." Ral'ek muttered. It always was a shame to see people react poorly to it.

He picked his teeth with the bones of his meal. For as sickly as they'd appeared, it didn't change the taste a jot. Lounging in the early morning light helped quell his anxiety a bit. It was just a matter of waiting until Nylara was done, and then he could clean himself as well. Of course, his mind whirred with thoughts.

"Was her mother like this too? Or did it intensify over the generations? I wonder how far back this goes..." He mulled it over.

But, no matter how many times he retread the same ground in his head, he never found a solution. It did a fine enough job of killing time though. Another thought popped into his head, but he pushed it away. There had been a few bits of flora like that, but...-

"I am finished now. We'll leave the corpses for later disposal." It was Nylara.

"You sound at least a little bit relieved. That's good." Ral'ek continued picking at his teeth.

"Well, a soak in some cold water does that when you feel like your scales are melting off. Still, it's already coming back with a vengeance. Go clean yourself."

As nice as the morning sun was, he didn't dare risk provoking the dragoness. She was in a good mood now, or at least as close to it as she could get. Hopefully, he'd help her out of it again, and that would be that for a while. Besides, he much preferred the calm, reasonable, even-tempered Nylara over this one. It was almost like it brought out all her negative aspects at once. And, as last night proved, the doppelganger disappeared as quickly as her heat was eased.

"As you wish. Anything I can get you beforehand?"

"No." Already, she was moving towards a spot where she could sun herself in the light. The beginnings of a smile crept onto her muzzle.

Ral'ek didn't delay further. A quick wash would do him as much good as it did her, anyways. Wouldn't take that long, either. He padded away from the cave mouth, leaving Nylara to her own devices.

The light-blue dragoness sighed heavily. Even focusing on normally pleasurable things did little to alleviate her heat. From what her mother told her, it would be at least two more days of this feverish intensity. She felt bad. Both for how her emotions made her treat Ral'ek, and for how she felt physically. It was a little bit dulled with the physical part taking priority, but she definitely felt small twinges of guilt ordering him around. Still, though. It was best that she sent him to clean himself, as she didn't fancy letting him even be around her with such a messy hide. Let alone do anything further.

Sunlight slammed into her scales from thousands of miles away. Whether magic, or some chemical reaction, the sun had always given her a sense of warm contentment. Even today, it worked to thaw her icy mind and heart. For once, her parents were right, too. Handling this on her own would have been foolish at best. She'd have gone mad, or worse. Many scenarios fluttered through her mind, but one stuck out. If she didn't have some form of relief, she'd have certainly tried to find ways to go and get some. Of course, without Ral'ek, she'd never have thought of pleasuring herself, either. And without any alternatives... the only real option she'd have considered was another male.

She bit her lip. In an alternate turn of events, she'd have betrayed her parents, and ended up filled to the brim with eggs. No doubt by some vile male that cared little for the young, or her. It'd have sated her heat, but at what cost? And, with her yet unable to strike out on her own, there would have only been one option for the eggs. It didn't normally pain her to think of the ritual, but the hormones in her blood made it all too real. They'd be smashed, or eaten. It was a common practice for couples that didn't want young yet, but... these were HER eggs. It pained her a bit. A small sniffle rolled out of her muzzle. Another followed, this time accompanied by a few tears. A very un-dragonly show of weakness. Nylara hoped Ral'ek would return soon, so she would at least have someone to cry on.

The water was cold. Really, really cold. The drake shivered a bit. It must have been intensely pleasant for Nylara, but for him, it was a mild form of torture. Still, he dutifully soldiered on, dunking himself beneath the water. Murky clouds of blood, sweat, and other detritus floated off of him with ease. Whatever stayed, he peeled off with his claws. Sometimes, that included a few dead scales. Luckily, they were few in number.

"Ah!" His muzzle burst out of the water when his lungs demanded it.

It had been a short bath, but more than enough to clean his scales, and hide. And, despite his earlier anxiety, it seemed that Nylara was keeping to herself. It pained him a bit to force her to go through her heat alone, but she had requested it. All the same, he was eager to get back to her to make sure she didn't do anything... too stupid.

She was a smart dragoness, and he trusted her to keep herself mostly in check. He could handle her lashing out a bit, and marring his scales. He could handle her emotions being a wild flight with peaks and valleys. But he could not handle it if she were to run away and force him to track her down. It'd take hours, and leave both of them far from the home, and farther from safe, easily-defensible shelter. She'd be vulnerable, and he'd have to protect her. It'd be a rough job. Rougher than he had needed to deal with thus far.

A distracting thought blew into his mind. He shook it off easily, aided by the cold water. His mind was insistent upon him remembering it, though. Sighing, he let the thoughts run their course as he pulled himself out of the water. His mind recalled all the times he'd needed to keep a male dragon in rut in check. Sometimes, that resulted in him being their outlet. At least one part of him fancied a job like that again. He shook the water off of himself. Tiny water droplets went everywhere, and the vigorous motion made his rod retreat back into him. Perhaps he'd make use of that fantasy later. For now, though...

"Nylara?" Ral'ek padded back out to the sun-struck outcropping.

"...yes?" She sounded a bit upset. Not quite as irritable as earlier, though.

"I'm quite done bathing. But, it sounds like something is wrong." He stated it plainly. It was better to have it out in the open if she was upset with him.

"N-not really. It's just... I had some unwelcome thoughts and they made me a bit distraught." For once, she glanced at him.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Can I help? Perhaps talk it out a bit?" He padded closer, but slowly.

"No. I've already sorted it out myself. Mostly."

Something about the way she was talking flicked some rails in Ral'eks mind. He could easily guess what was wrong. Or at least, what had been wrong. He didn't dare broach the subject though. But, he did offer some physical comfort by draping his wing over her, and leaning against her.

"Well, let me know if I can help. I'm here as much to help with the mental aspects of this as well as everything else."

A sniffle rolled out of her throat, and a half-hearted growl. But, she leaned back into his embrace. Her body felt overwhelmingly hot, as heated as a dragon with a terrible illness. It was normal for a heat, though. It was also unfortunate to throw all of this at such a young dragoness. He grimaced, and looked away, but did not move an inch.

"Sunbathe with me a while. Please. You smell... very nice." A glimpse of the normal Nylara poked through.

"I will. Let me get comfortable."

While Ral'ek was absolutely certain her parents would have a fit if they saw them like this, he didn't care. Part of the job was comforting the client. And, he was doing his absolute best at that right now. It wasn't just a job right now, though. It happened every time, too. He'd end up getting attached to them, and growing to care for them... it helped them a lot to have someone close by. A companion, of sorts. Sometimes, it turned clients into something more. But, they were always thankful for his assistance by the end of it.

It was still a job, though.

"Thank you."

"Hmm?" Ral'ek rumbled.

"I said, thank you, Ral'ek." Nylara glared at him.

"Well, you're welcome then. Heh."

"Still think this whole business is nonsense."

"It is, for some. But, it can be channeled to give you a wonderful time of it. But, you need a partner that is willing to indulge it." He explained while nuzzling at her shoulder.

"Explain what you mean." Curiosity kept her from snapping at him.

"Well. You're more sensitive to a lot of things right now. And, I don't know if your parents told you, but becoming pregnant would instantly make it go away. But, there's the thing. If you're more sensitive, you can enjoy loftier orgasms, and more of them. And the acts themselves would also feel better, an-"

"Okay, okay. So, what you're really saying is that sex, and things related to it are better while I'm like this."

"Yes, basically, yes."

"So, if it's better, then you're telling me it'll feel worse when I'm not in heat?" Curious eyes glanced up at him.

"Well, I was getting at it, but it feels better for all parties involved. A females' heat also effects males, too, you see. It makes them more easily excitable, romantic, eager to please. A lot of little things that add up. There's also more pleasure in the act for them as well. Whether they're penetrating... getting penetrated, or merely being played with."

"And what about rut? Being a male, you'd have experience with that."

"More of the above, essentially. And when a females' heat and a males' rut coincides, that is why it is hellish to separate them. Both end up lost in immense throes of pleasure for however long it lasts. And, males being what they are... The female is almost guaranteed to end up filled with eggs. Unless..."

"Go on. You have my interest."

"Well. It's a simple thing, but the male can pull out before orgasm. There are a few herbs that prevent pregnancy as well. And, of course..." Shit. He was already mid-point. It would be awkward to stop.

"You stopped."

Ral'ek grimaced. He didn't mean to bring it up. But, it'd make her more upset to lie to her. So...

"There's also the option of smashing or eating the eggs." Damn it all.

Nylara didn't budge an inch. But, Ral'ek frowned as he felt her attempt to muffle her sobs. He did this. He was attempting to comfort her, and yet... He ended up making her cry. Guilt made its' home in his chest.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"No, I just... It's what I was upset at earlier. It wasn't you." Nylara finally pulled away.

"It was me, though. I know people can get uncomfortable mentioning that, and I went and did it while-"

"Ral'ek!" Tear-filled eyes glared at him.

"It's my fault." He stated it, leaving it bare, without any candy coating.

"You said it yourself. Females in heat are full of hormones that make us irrational at times. This is-" She sniffled a moment. "One of those times. Do not feel bad."

For a small dragoness, she could put some real temper into four words. Ral'ek wanted to comfort her, to lay the blame on himself. Anything to make her feel better. But, instead, she'd taken that comfort from him, and explained it to him with cold, hard logic. His own coping tactic, used against him. He wasn't immune to the effects of a females' heat after all.

"I'm not immune after all. I thought I had it down. Damn." Ral'ek swore under his breath.

"I think that's the first swear I've heard you utter. It's a weak one." Her sniffles were quieting down now.

"Err, I, don't usually-" He stumbled over his words.

"It's alright! How many times do I need to say it? Already, you've given my mind something else to latch onto!"

"Huh?" Long neck muscles made it easy for him to tilt his head and pull his head back. It was a very confused look.

"Look. We're both people here. We're dragons too, but we're living, breathing, conscious creatures too. And, I am currently experiencing a terrible heat. So, you shouldn't take my emotional state too seriously, unless I'm about to do something rash."

"Yes. That is true. But what are you getting at?"

"I'm saying that you need to stop feeling guilty, and, instead, focus on your job."

"But, I- Wait." This time he interrupted himself. "Are you asking that I help you with your heat?"

"Yes. Sunbathing is nice enough, but relief from this heat would be better. And you saw how uneven it is. So, help me stabilize it a bit."

Ral'ek couldn't believe his eyes or ears. She'd just been sobbing over egg smashing, and now she was asking him to help and telling him to not feel guilty. It was the quickest he'd ever seen someone change their mind, or mood. Maybe he should have charged extra if it was going to be this bad. But, a job was a job was a job... even if he was growing attached to the client.

"If you wish it, so shall it be done." The drakes' resolve burned anew.

"Well, first I'd say we should move inside. There isn't a dragon in the sky right now, but I'd prefer the gods to not watch." She playfully pushed him away. There was quite the power in her small form.

"Alright. Since I dictated how you'd enjoy yourself last time, how about I get an idea from your mind instead for this time?"

The afternoon sun burned high in the sky. A bit too harsh for sunbathing, now. The cool inside of the home was a far better place to be. Still, following the dragoness made his own needs make their appearance. He only hoped that she wouldn't notice. Because if she did... she may end up having some rather interesting ideas.


"I have but one, Nylara. What did you have in mind?" Ral'ek knew what she was getting at, but preferred for her to lay it out.

"Well, your tail is thicker than your tongue, isn't it? So, since last time your tongue was more than adequate, I say you use your tail instead this time." For such an innocent young dragoness, she was getting the idea.

"Doable. Are you sure you don't want to go to either of our rooms, though?"

"Nah. Here is fine."

She doubled down on her opinion, flopping down onto the hard stone floor. Ral'ek didn't even need to lift her leg this time. She did that of her own accord. Her folds looked almost inflamed, and it explained the events of the past hour with ease. In a way, it looked appetizing. But, if she wanted his tail, she'd get it. Ral'ek could only hope that she could handle it.

"Now, my maleness may brush against you, but please, for my sake, don't handle it. I don't want your parents getting the wrong idea."

Nylara gave him a playful glance, and he pulled away preemptively.

"Oh, but it'd be so much better for you as well, would it nooooot?" She teased him.

"Hush you. Perhaps after this job I could show you the wonders a well-endowed male can provide. But, your parents, and my employers, explicitly detailed that I am not to get you pregnant." He rolled his eyes at the legalese.

"And you expect them to change their minds afterwards?"

"Not exactly, no. However, I do expect them to give you a little more freedom after this momentary rough patch is done with. I don't know if you know, or have heard, but a dragonesses' first heat is often considered a rite of passage. A step into adulthood, if you will."

"You talk too much. I'm tempted to shut that muzzle up with a kiss."

"Well... it wasn't exactly detailed, bu-"

True to her temptation, she did. It was a shock to Ral'ek, to say the least. But, she knew what she wanted. Or at least, did for the moment. He still had yet to teach her about all the ways she could satisfy her own heat. But, since she had come up with this idea on her own... It wouldn't be difficult for her to connect the dots.

His tail protested a bit as he curled it under him. A few pops here, a few protesting muscles there. Thankfully, no pain though. As distracted as his mind and muzzle were, it took a bit of prodding around to find his target. His forepaw found its' way to her side, gripping there firmly. He tapped once, and then began to slowly push his way in. Just as he expected, it took her breath away. Even more so than the kiss. Warm gusts of air blew across his eyes, forcing them shut. It took a moment for her to realize that breathing through her nose wouldn't quite be enough.

"Ah!" The last few dregs of air in her lungs escaped.

"That's payback for the kiss." Ral'ek grinned. He could make this fun for the both of them.

Her lower forepaw gripped his other foreleg with a vengeance. Clamping down, he heard a few popping bones from the sheer force. A small bump on his tail popped into her, and it felt like a vice was set onto his leg. What was a few more marks anyway? His grin never faded for a moment as he pried her open with his tail. The sensations around his tail were reminiscent of last night. Except for the fact that his tongue wasn't being stained with femcum every moment. Almost right on cue, another moan fell out of her muzzle as the first orgasm of many splattered against his tail. He paused for a moment.

"Enjoying yourself? It seems it. Is that all you wish for? I mean, I do have scrolls I could go read..." If she was going to tease him, two could play at it.

"Oh gods no. The more the better!" She panted for breath, but even her eyes betrayed troves of eagerness. Ral'ek had a feeling she'd disappear to her room for hours after he taught her a few things.

Her paws reminded him that there was more yet to be done. He obliged eagerly, taking a moment to withdraw what little of his tail he'd fit in already. And, exactly as a male in rut would do, he slammed it right back into her fleshy folds. A whimper of pain fell out of her muzzle, and a twinge of guilt flickered to life inside his chest. The look on her muzzle told him all he needed to know, though. He did it again, and again, and again. Each time, he managed to fit more of his tail into her though. And, besides that first innocent whimper, the only things that were falling out of her muzzle were moans. And a few yips when he moved unexpectedly quickly.

"Ral'ehhhhhk." She drew out his name as her folds clamped down on his tail.

He paused, a devious smile coming to his muzzle.


"S-so close, please, keep going. Don't stop."

"Oh, and not demonstrate how a tease can magnify an orgasm?" He drew his tail completely out, and only slid it along her folds.

"Ral'ek!" She looked even more irritable than earlier this morning. The shouting was already beginning to hurt his eardrums, so this time, he muffled it himself.

Their muzzles locked again, and just as before, he tapped her shoulder before plunging back in. He set a breakneck pace this time, though. He was eager to get her another, high-quality orgasm. One she wouldn't soon forget. His own aching, needy length begged for attention, but he didn't dare distract himself even for a moment. Sure, his other forepaw could have taken care of it, but he didn't want to risk staining her scales with his seed. Even so, his pre dribbled onto the floor without him touching himself at all.

Much to his surprise, she rolled over a bit more, dragging Ral'eks upper half with her. Both her forepaws found their way to the muzzle they'd clawed last night. This time though, instead of leaving marks, they only gripped him firmly, and kept his muzzle right where she wanted it. Incidentally, it was right where he wanted it as well, if only to keep her cute little moans all to himself.

A particularly deep thrust brought her over the edge again. One of her back legs lashed out, grazing Ral'ek a bit.

"Mmmffnnnnnn" Nylara was out of breath, and shoved his muzzle away.

It was a good thing too, because his lungs had been burning, and he forgot he had them at all. They both panted for a while, trying to get their bearings. But, the dragoness relaxed onto the floor. She even let Ral'ek pull away from her a bit. Hot, steamy breath washed across their forms. And, the drake was acutely aware of his own rod being neglected.

"By the gods, they just keep getting better!"

"As I said. When you're in heat, it can be channeled into some very positive energy." His tail withdrew with a messy schlorp.

"There's... a bit of a problem though." She picked her head up to stare at him.

"What's that?" Ral'ek had his own problems to deal with, but hers came first.

"I uh... Don't quite feel entirely satisfied. You know. Down there." She seemed a bit embarrassed.

"I can use my muzzle again, or the tail if you'd like."

"You're going to end up exhausted in less than an hour though if it keeps up. Is there nothing else that can help take the edge off of... this?" Her wing spread out, and her wing tip pointed at her lower half.

"There is another option. Though it's less related to me, and may be a bit more... clinical."

"Well, don't keep me waiting. What is it?"

"Well. The option is a plant. It feeds off of peoples' essence. Well, that's a little misleading. It, uh, actually milks them for their semen, or feminine secretions if they're female." Ral'ek stepped away far enough that she wouldn't have trouble getting up.

"And you think that'd work?"

"I don't think. I know it would work. I have used these plants several times myself. Not recently, mind you, but still. And the thought only came up because I saw one or two while I was out earlier."

"I see no issue with this. If you think it'll help, then we can try it." She got up with surprising quickness after lounging on the floor for so long. "Wait a moment. It's a plant, and it milks me. Just how does it do that?"

"Same way I would, or how your folds would milk a cock. For males, it has hollow tendrils that wrap around a maleness. For a female..."

"It has a cock." Nylara stated it plainly.

"Well. Multiple of them. It's pretty close in feeling to a real one. And, because of that, your body can barely tell the difference. Save for the fact that the heat won't end, due to the fact that its' semen can't impregnate you. But, just as you teased last night, it'll still try."

"Hmm..." She seemed to be pondering it for a moment.

Ral'ek was more than ready to lead her back to her room, and do the work himself. It'd have been tiring, yes, but satisfying as well. But, if she was open to the suggestion, then it would be a much-needed break. Besides, there were a few quirks to them that'd still leave her a bit dependent on him for the time being.

"I could teach you how to pleasure yourself, as well. If that piques your curiosity more, we can do that instead."

"How far is it?"

"About a quarter hours' flight, at a decent pace. Nothing too exhausting, and close enough that we could fly back if needed."

"Alright then. If you say it's safe, and won't cause my parents a fit, then let's do it. I'm sure I'll learn better once I'm clear-headed. That said... it isn't too hard to imagine how to pleasure myself, as you put it."

"You're a smart 'ness, so I figured you would already have the basics down anyways. There are a few specifics I can pass along though. But, we're flapping our jaws too much as it is. If you want to give it a shot, then we will."

"Lead the way then. It'll be no issue keeping up with you."

"Is that a challenge I hear? Save it for the way back, as I'm sure you wouldn't recognize the plant anyways..." He trailed off, already padding towards the outside of the cave mouth.

Nylara chuckled to herself. It was less a challenge, and more a statement of fact. Either he was oblivious to walking around with his rod hanging out, or he had gotten very good at ignoring it. Truth be told, it was a little hypnotizing watching it sway with his steps. She almost thought to warn him before he took off... but why ruin her own fun, anyways?

True to his word, the flight was an easy pace. Easy enough that she found herself dropping back a bit to stare at distant scenery, only to catch back up in a moments' notice. Hell, she never even lost sight of home over her shoulder, it was so close by. By the time they got to a cruising altitude, they were descending already. The dragoness let him descend first, leading the way. Two hundred feet, a hundred and fifty, a hundred. His downwards glide was controlled, and skillful. But, his landing was anything but. At the last fifty feet, he dove towards the ground, and hit it running. Not without a few stumbles , though. But, all the same, she chuckled as she landed much more gracefully. The forest glade was pretty, and pleasing to the eye. But, nothing stood out about it.

"Can't believe you maintained an erection all the way here... Heh."

"Huh? Oh. Well, I tend to ignore them when on duty, as it were." He looked around, glancing at trees and various plants.

"Well? Where is it?" She huffed. The glade looked normal as could be. Plants grew, trees died, and branches encircled the area with green, vivid leaves. Grass was as green as ever.

"Usually there's a bulbous main hive somewhere around. But, no need to find that. It'll find us."

"Really now." Nylara wasn't impressed.

"Really. I'll give it some trouble, so that it goes for you instead. This time of the year, they should only be large enough to feed on one dragon. Or in this case, a dragoness."

Ral'ek half-hoped that the plant would be large enough to relieve his tension as well, but it was unlikely. This breed was territorial as well, and so, there'd only be one. He'd just have to make do with watching the dragoness enjoy herself this time. Of course, with his own muzzle, and a sight to behold... it wouldn't take much. A sound caught his attention.


"Listen for what? All I hear is the wind."

"Sssh. Listen quietly."

The noise was plain to Ral'eks' trained ears. It was like a snake slithering through grass, mixed with the sound of a quiet wind. A glance over to Nylara told him that she only barely heard anything. But, a spark of recognition lit up in her eyes as she glanced behind Ral'ek.

"Ral'ek, there's a green thing slithering through the grass towards you. Is it a snake?"

He chuckled a bit. "No, that's the first of our visitors. Notice how the skin changes with the color of the grass?"

"I suppose that's their way of hunting, then." She watched with fascination as it wormed its' way across the glade.

It moved slowly, and cautiously. To Nylara, it looked to be scared. Ral'ek knew that to not be the case. To damage this one would scare off the rest. But, as that wasn't his plan, he let it continue unabated. It moved between the two dragons, changing colors as it went. This early in the season, it couldn't afford many losses. All the same, Ral'ek wished he'd brought some repellent. Unnecessarily destroying flora for his own gain seemed off to him. Luckily, he wouldn't need to destroy much to get it to do what he wanted. His claws came out, and dug into the ground. A quick, decisive cut wouldn't cause much pain, and it'd do the job well enough.


"Don't worry, it'll only be a little mess. I don't intend on hurting them too much."

"Hurting them? There's only one. And, it's just a plant anyways." She glanced at his claws, and then at his muzzle.

"It can still feel pain. Look further behind me for your second, incorrect, statement."

She leaned over a bit, staying rooted to where she was. It took a little longer to pick out the tendrils worming their way through the grass, but they were there. They were definitely there, and crawling towards Ral'ek. The dragoness watched, eager to learn, and ready to see him in action. Such a handsome male deserved at least that much attention.

Ral'ek steadied his breathing. A clean cut was all in the planning, and execution. It would be best to cut near the tip, so that there wouldn't need to be much regrowth. The sound they made only grew louder. They'd recognize him for this, unfortunately. Or, at least his scent. It was a shame, truly. A heavy sigh broke his steady breathing. A tendril crawled over his forepaw.

It was over in a flash. His forepaw lashed out, and left a clean wound. The tendril lashed from side to side in pain. The rest of its' brethren froze in place, before altering course. They gave him a wide berth now, instead opting to snake towards the dragon that wasn't going to harm them. It truly was a waste, but it was over with now. Their colored blood-sap stained his claws, and a bit of his chest. Ral'ek brought it up to his muzzle to clean. Luckily, it didn't taste bad. As a matter of fact, it tasted quite sweet. Which made harming this plant all the more poignant to him.

"That was all you needed to do?" Nylara asked.

"It was. A shame though, they'll recognize me now."

"Recognize you? But how? They have no eyes, ears, or muzzles."

"They can feel pain. They can sense light, and they can smell. Dragons have their own scent about them, and it's unique to every single one. Some more than others, though."

"You're making such a large deal of it though. It was only one tendril." She chattered along, ignoring the tendrils snaking towards her.

"It was one at a time when a single seeker could be critical. While a dragon is a large donation of material waiting to happen, so is making these specialized tendrils." He picked up the piece, and held it up for Nylara to see.

"And so, it could take weeks for it to regrow. It won't kill it now, sure. But, it will have difficulty finding food if too many are cut off. We aren't the only things it feeds off of. Smaller animals also serve as a much less... willing meal." He continued explaining.



He was so lost in conversation, he barely thought to notify Nylara of just how many were around her. They surrounded her, and were slowly inching forwards, not eager to lose another. The drake grinned. She'd enjoy this every bit as much as she'd enjoyed his earlier ministrations. Possibly more.

"Just to get this out of the way... Do they at least taste good?" A bit of unease marred her voice.

"Their sap does, yes. The tendril itself is rather flavorless. Edible though. Either way, should you feel unprepared, or ill at ease, the solution is simple. Struggle a bit."

"Struggle? But, wouldn't it be simper to just cut one off at the head as you did?" Nylara was getting a bit distracted with their sheer closeness, but continued conversation anyways.

"It's unnecessary. They still know I'm here. They know I'm watching. If you were a tendril, and a dragon just attacked a part of you, wouldn't you also be cautious around their companion? Gentle, even?"

"I... don't know." The dragoness could no longer focus on his words. The crawling, slithering, sliding tendrils brushed across her forepaw.

"Relax, Nylara. Let them do as they will, and they will help. I will be here, and you can free yourself easily."

His reassuring words didn't quite have the intended effect, and did little to calm her nerves. Was he sure they wouldn't fill her with eggs? What if he was wrong, and she was trapped by them? Just how much did he mean by milking her? Would it sting? A flurry of questioning thoughts went through her head. But, seeing Ral'ek settling in a short ways away did more to ease her anxiety than she thought possible. Of course, seeing him settle onto his back, a very vulnerable position, helped more. The tendrils let him be, even with their prize jutting out from between his hind legs.

He was brazen, and didn't wait for them to distract her first. Ral'ek smirked as he watched them coil around her lower legs. Her unease wasn't warranted in the slightest. A dragons' teeth could defend themselves from unwanted advances in any season with these plants. They were delicate, but known to be forceful in the early fall seasons. Still, a bite or two would drive them away, no matter how needy they were. It was almost a symbiotic relationship. Such analytical thoughts were banished as he teased himself with a flick of the tongue against his rod.

Nylara would have gasped at his wanton display, but the tendrils coiling around her form lead her thoughts elsewhere. Even with as relaxed as Ral'ek appeared, she couldn't help but worry. The smooth, sliding texture of the tendrils bothered her heat even more than being around the male did. It made her blood boil, and the ache under her tail intensify. Even with that though, she reassured herself with the thought that she could free herself by lashing out at any time. And force them to ease up by struggling against them. But wait. If struggling meant they'd go slower, or even stop, then what would relaxing do?

Ral'ek would have grinned if his muzzle wasn't already wrapped around his rod. Nylara was a bright dragoness indeed. Already, she had learned of her own thought and thinking process. If struggling made them stop, or go slower... then relaxing would make the process speed up a bit. She laid onto her side, and splayed her legs. Smart girl. Perhaps a bit too trusting, but that was an acceptable fault. His rod spurt a thick burst of pre into his throat as he saw her heat-swollen folds once more. She was already learning the skills to temper it. Perhaps she'd remember her first with fondness. He sure hoped she would.

Nylara relaxed. The soft grass tickled her hide a bit, but she disregarded it. Seeing Ral'ek pleasure himself made her want to retaliate in kind. But, she also wanted to see just how the plant would work its' magic, as well. She took matters into her own paws. A tendril was already slithering underneath her paws, so it was a simple enough task to grasp it, and direct it towards her muzzle. It struggled against her grasp a bit, but otherwise remained still. The rest of the horde of tendrils waited for a moment. She breathed deeply before opening her muzzle.

The reaction was immediate. The tendril, after a moment of deliberation, moved through her paw, and into her muzzle. Her willingness to cooperate sped the rest of them on even more quickly. It felt like a writhing mass of snakes were crawling over her form now. But, their cool touch soothed her needy heat, as well as the blood boiling under her hide. Ral'ek hadn't lied, the taste the tendril leaked was sweet, almost too much so. It tasted much like the time she'd gotten into her mothers' cooking supplies. The texture was similar, too. Thick, syrupy sap leaked onto her tongue, and she closed her muzzle around the tendril.

Seeing the erotic sight only drove Ral'ek on. His muzzle was already a mess of pre, and saliva. A bit of it dripped out of his mouth, and onto his chin. Nylara would be an interesting companion indeed, should she so choose. Still, even with her willing submission to the vine-like tendrils, he didn't want to pop early. He wanted to at least last as long as she did. If not longer, so she could get a good sight of what it looked like when a male enjoyed himself.

The first tendril of many coiled around her tail. It was more for support for the tendril than anything else. They had no need to restrain her, but went through the motions all the same. She let them. She had faith in her claws, and Ral'ek either way. And the feelings they were providing were all-too-good to let go. The tendril in her muzzle moved slowly, inch by inch sinking further into her. It cooled her body, and made the heat all the more bearable. It may have been early spring, but Nylara felt as if it were mid-summer, on a particularly harsh day. These tendrils were like a splash of cold spring water. A gentle prodding underneath her tail surprised her for a moment. Surely they wouldn-

"mmmph." The tendril in her muzzle muted her whimper.

Ral'ek should have told her about this. The tendril pushed its' way into her ass. It stung a bit, even with the thick sap it leaked. She wasn't quite sure if it found the right hole, or had meant to go... there. The very thought was dirty, but... something else was mixed with the pain. Pleasure? Her mind whirled in confusion. The whys and the hows were lost on her for the moment. But, one thing was for sure. There was another tendril lining up at her feminine folds. And this one would definitely go where it meant to go. It pushed gently, but firmly into her.

Ral'ek watched eagerly. While it wasn't usually his kink to be a voyeur, this was an exception. And, since he'd been holding himself back all morning, why wait any longer for a bit of pleasure? Nylara certainly wasn't. Maybe he should have suggested anal. Maybe not. Either way, the tendrils were keen on introducing her. And, from the look on her muzzle, she didn't mind much. Speaking of... He pulled off of his rod for a moment. He had forgotten his own tail! An oversight that was soon quickly corrected. A mixture of pre and saliva slathered onto his tail easily. And, just as easily, he put it to work pressing into his tailhole. It gave in easily, as it always did when he watched.

Nylara was confused. Both at the feelings of pleasure coming from her tailhole, and watching Ral'ek do the same. Was it not dirty? But, why was it so pleasurable... The heat addling her mind made it more difficult to think clearly. And, the tendrils certainly didn't help either. Watching Ral'ek gulp down his own rod just added another competing series of thoughts to her already overtaxed mind. She relaxed further. All of it could be sorted out in due time. Right now, the best thing to do was relax, and enjoy the pleasure that nature was so eagerly providing.

The tendril in her muzzle poked at her throat, pausing there. It paused for just a moment, before quickly rushing into her throat an inch or two. She gagged, and was relieved when it pulled out of her throat, and began to pull out of her muzzle. But, just as she remembered Ral'eks' words, it thrust back in. Her throat opened more easily this time, but it was still minorly unpleasant. It was like she was eating a too-large chunk of meat. Still, the feeling of it stretching her throat was... pleasing in a way. She resolved to ask later.

The sheer amount of sensation blocked out further rational thought. From the tendrils sliding across her body, to the thicker ones underneath her tail, and pushing inside her. All contributed their efforts to easing her heat. And earning a meal, besides. Of course, she couldn't care less of that. Her eyes were unfocused, the red form of Ral'ek only just staying in her vision when they weren't shut. Immense pleasure washed over her. The thick sap flowed into her from the tendrils, easing their entry, and the sting under her tail. The coolness did its' own part to ease her. It was relief, and yet stimulation, all at once. Her forepaws laid themselves over the writhing mass, feeling them coiling around her. It felt wonderful.

Ral'ek continued watching with eager interest. She was truly starting to get it! The heat needn't be a necessary curse, but could also be an immense blessing as well. His rod threatened to spill its' seed into his throat as he watched her get well and truly railed from every end. He couldn't help but let it at the sight. Pulse after pulse was vacuumed into his throat, but it was too much. The sheer proximity to a potent dragoness enjoying herself led his internal balls to pump out jet after jet of seed. It was too much to gulp down all at once, and try as he might, some slipped out of his muzzle. His tail encouraged them to let even more go. He'd be sore later, but it was worth it. Already, potent feelings of satisfaction washed over him.

Nylara half-watched the dragon finish in his own muzzle. The white was a stark contrast to his red scales. His tail remained embedded inside him, but he seemed to be enjoying his own series of blissful moments. Her focus was redirected elsewhere as another tendril poked at her. How hadn't she orgasmed already? The thought was banished from her mind as it pushed her folds open even further. The added stimulation from not one, but two tendrils inside her was a bit much. But, the thick sap, and her own natural lube helped immensely.

But, all good things had to peak at some point. And, Nylara was no exception. It hit her like a sack of bricks mixed with lead and rocks. All of the tendrils knew before she did, and plunged into her as deeply as her body would let them. It was so intense, and she desperately wanted to cry out, to roar, to declare her pleasure to the world. But, the tendril in her throat prevented anything from a choked moan. Femcum splattered against the tendrils, and her body clenched around them. Sweat rolled underneath her scales, cooling her hide, even underneath all the tendrils. Her first orgasm with these tendrils was like all of Ral'eks' put together. But, it took so much more out of her.

She felt half-asleep until she realized that they had started moving again. So that was it. They'd milk her until she passed out. Her mind feebly attempted to come up with a reason she shouldn't, couldn't be fine with that. But, it failed. And so, it went on. Already she felt stretched to her limit, but she could feel yet another tendril lining up for a chance at her insides. It slipped in with the other two, stretching her further. Already, her internal heat felt sated, if only for the moment. But, the tendrils weren't quite done yet.

Ral'ek watched as he cleaned himself up a bit. She'd be a while yet, but they'd get at least one more out of her. And then, they'd be done. A thought made him smile with glee. Let's see her race him back after she's drained completely by the tendrils! Still, he kept a watchful eye on her. It didn't seem too much for her now, but they could get a little... pushy at times. Nylara seemed fine thus far, though. So, he watched.

Nylara felt half-asleep, but fully awake, and definitely alive. Her nethers were a mess, and the wet squelching sounds reaching her ears couldn't be anything but the tendrils pushing into her. She fancied that she might be sore after this was over. But, she wouldn't have anything but that after the pleasure she'd gotten already. Her second orgasm was winding up to be a roaring one already. Another tendril poked at her muzzle, before slipping in. Were they trying to cram her full, or just keep her silent? Either way, she let them do as they wished. It coincided with how her heat wanted her to be treated, anyways.

Her second orgasm ramped up much more quickly than the first, but the intensity was the same. Each thrust of the tendrils buried them deeper and deeper, and they left their essence on her insides. Every spurt calmed her raging heat further, reaching places she wished she could get cold water to. They continued, in what must have been an orgasm for them. The tendrils thrust erratically, and unevenly. Every jet only added more mess to her insides, and brought her closer to her own orgasm.

One of the tendrils scraped against her most sensitive spot, and it was all over. Her mind blanked with the sheer intensity of her orgasm. And, even if she hadn't been fighting earlier, her whole body strained against the horde of tendrils. Moments felt like hours as she writhed. Spurt after spurt rushed out of her, splattering the tendrils, the ground, and even the underside of her own tail. It was intense, and by the end of it, she could only flop onto the ground weakly, and pant. Her lungs burned. Her tail ached. Her folds felt stretched beyond reason. But, her heat... was sated. It was wonderful to be free of it, but some part of her longed for more.

Her muzzle hung open, panting. It was a short while before she noticed Ral'eks footpaws a short distance away from her muzzle. The tendrils had already retreated from her mouth, and only a few remained inside her.

"Hey. I figured you'd enjoy it. Are you alright?" Ral'ek leaned down, watching her carefully.

"I... that was intense. Are they leaving now?" She croaked.

"Most of them have. Last few are just soaking up what you've provided. They'll be gone too in a few moments."

Almost as if on cue, a sting from her tailhole faded away as the tendril there retreated off to who-knows-where. She winced a bit. They'd used her alright. And she'd definitely enjoyed it. Almost too much, even. The three buried inside her slit left one by one, each leaving a soft popping noise as they did so. Even with them cleaning up behind themselves, she was a mess. A mixture of the thick, syrupy sap, and her own juices poured out of her folds. She instinctively clamped shut, wanting to keep it inside her, and savor the cooling feeling.

"Now, these plants can only feed twice a day. We should get you home, so you can rest up. There are still at least two days left for your heat." Ral'ek helped her up, as much as a dragon could, anyways.

"Two days left... of this?" Her voice betrayed her disbelief. If she could enjoy these plants twice a day for the rest of her heat... "Suddenly, this seems a lot more manageable."

"With experience and time, it is. A lot of dragonesses enjoy their heats. And the same with males and their ruts. Let's get going though. Are you up to flying, or should we walk?"

A smirk crossed Nylaras' muzzle. Walking. Heh. Ral'ek was a fool if he thought she was walking all the way back. She had already launched into the air by the time he'd even noticed.

"H-hey, wait!"

"I said I'd beat you back!"

"No, you said you'd-"

"Better get going if you don't want to lose me!" Nylara teased from the air.

Ral'ek shook his head, and sighed. Heats were so unpredictable, but it was lovely to see Nylara being herself again. What was less lovely is how his wings ached trying to keep up with her. It was even harder when he was chasing her with a hard-on. Being an escort was hard, sometimes. But, he wouldn't trade it for any other career.

He enjoyed it far too much.