Part 15 – Into the darkness

Story by starbtle on SoFurry

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#13 of Reincarnation: Dragoness


Credits - For my inspirations, well you know who you are.

And the original dark one who this is based upon, though it has been years since I have lost touch with you and can not remember your name... I still remember...


The carriage door opened, and upon getting out I was left alone. The house in front of me looked like a stereotypical haunted house. There was nothing for me to do but enter. The gate had closed as the carriage sped off.

I climbed the steps, finding the door open I entered.

It was dark, very dark. I closed the door behind me, shutting out the last light of day...

I walked on, not used to the long dress that was now rustling around my feet. I stopped before a mirror, looking at my reflection. I hardly knew myself. I was a different person entirely from the innocent dragon who played with a young faun in the forests so far away. I looked away, realizing I was about to cry. I had not thought of Gwen or my old home for a long time, and this was not the time to bring up the past.

As I walked, I noticed that as I walked, the candles along the hall lit themselves, showing me the way I was to go. I finally came to a dead end. I looked up at the door before me, then to the window to my right. Looking out I gasped; I hadn't realized I had climbed that high, as I looked at the ground some stories below. I looked back at the door again.

It was twice my height, the smooth dark wood had no handles or chains or anything that made it open. It was carved with a smooth touch; almost as if the carvings were part of the wood it's self. I stood in awe of this door, afraid as I raised my hand. I placed my hand on the door, too scared to knock, and the wood began to glow under my touch. The doors swung open, a fell wind blowing past me and snuffing all the candles behind me. Even the moonlit window became dark In the presence of this new force. I stepped forward into the darkness.

"You are the first girl who has dared to come to me on her own. Most are too scared to even come inside."

I looked into the gloom, "I'm sorry. I hope I have not done anything wrong. No one told me what to do..."

"They never do. Most prey tends to run away though."

"Prey?" I gasped, taking a step back and finding the door shut.

"Most of the things brought to me are prey, offerings to appease me. You seem to be as well, though weather you are prey or something else is still to be determined. Step closer, by the window so I can see you in the moon's light. My goddess is kind to give me such a light to see what has come to me this time."

I moved, to scared to argue, but intrigued as well. As I walked forward, the curtain was pulled back, I still could not see who I was with, but I knew I was not alone. I moved slowly, stopping only a moment as my foot touched something cold and wet on the carpet. I looked down, seeing a dark spot I swallowed hard moving to the window, turning to face out into the darkness.

"Very interesting. I've never been given a present with wings. I can tell, though, that you are not human. You are not the same as I am either. What are you?"

"I am a dragoness."

"Are you?" he chuckled a little. "I don't think so, but then again you may believe you are. You don't know any better than to say you're a dragon. Very well, I will keep you. Though if you disobey me, or try to hinder me in anyway I will kill you. Do you understand?"

I nodded, trying to look into the darkness to find the source of the voice.

"Kneel fair one, for fair you are. I have never seen one such as you before. If you were human or an angel, I would say you were the avatar of the moon herself. I have been called as much of the sun, though I do not associate with him."

I knelt, my eyes trained to look to the floor stayed there until I saw him emerge, his form naked in the moonlight. As much as I was fair skinned, with my dark hair and silver wings she stood opposite me, tanned, golden hair and wings. He was beautiful; well you would say handsome for he was male. I had never beheld anything of his kind before.

"Don't take it wrong, I'm not an angel or anything like that. I'm not anything a dragon would fear, unless I am angered." He moved to my side, placing his hand upon my shoulder. "Though I wish they would let me put my own collars on, instead of giving you one in the carriage."

His fingers traced down my neck, his nails, sharp, tearing the collar from my neck cutting me a little as well. He knelt next to me, leaning close to lick the blood from my neck.

"One should not harm something as beautiful as yourself, but one should also never waste something as precious as fresh blood."

He rose again, moving my hair aside, trailing a nail along my neck. I bit my lip, feeling the blood trickle gently as his hand past. His finger traced along the line he had made, I closed my eyes feeling like ice was flowing into me from his touch.

"You now have a permanent collar. In this life, you will never be rid or it, even if you leave me."

He lifted me with ought warning, careful of my wings it seamed, though unexpected on my part. We moved into the darkness again, this time a soft glow came as we moved close to a fireplace that had been hidden in the wall. He sat me upon a bed, his hand moving over the dress, making it fall off almost as if my magick. He leaned forward and kissed me.

"Show me what you can do." He said, in almost a gentle whisper.

My hands reached to his sides, tracing down to his manhood that from the moment I had seen him had caught my attention. I'm not saying that's all I thought about, but I seemed drawn to it. Though, which a creature such as this, sex appeal was a quality that even a dragon couldn't get past.

As my fingers wrapped around his length I found it was already hard. I stroked him gently, getting the feel of what I was supposed to do for him. I leaned forward, my lips touching his tip gently, caressing it and licking as I tried to read his reaction to my movements. I could tell that his breathing was a little heavier, so I kept on, taking his shaft deep into my mouth, my tongue moving along him all the while.

"You have been taught well, or was it a lover you had before you were a slave? One never can tell. That is enough for this evening. You are tired, and I don't think you have eaten. Get dressed and follow the lights to your chamber. You will find food, a bed, and other clothing there. I will come to you after you have had your rest. I want your full attention, and I don't like having a woman pass out when she with me, until I am done with her. Now GO!"

With that the fire went out and the door slammed open across the chamber, grabbing the dress I hastily put it on, following the light as he told me to. I came to a chamber with a door made of a silver wood. Upon it were carvings like before, though it looked as if there was a wolf peering out of the door at me, guarding the room inside. I placed my hand on the door going in.

After changing into a nightdress, I looked to the table next to the bed. There was a bottle with some kind of wine or strange drink, again in silver. Also there was bread, and some unknown meat. I was tired more than anything, so I took a little of the wine and the bread before I lay down.

I awoke to find my new master kneeling next to the bed, his face at the same level with mine, looking into my eyes, almost into my very soul...

"You are no dragon, though I can not tell you what you are. It is not my place... I fear you will die before you learn the truth, but you will know it one day."

And wit that he was gone, and I was asleep again... though maybe it was just a dream...

To be continued...