Forever Sinful chapter 3

Story by SinFenrir on SoFurry

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#3 of Forever Sinful Series

continuation and chapter 3 of jacksons little college 'adventure' once more all characters within (C) me and again dont kill me if i miss tags. theres so much to remember.

Chapter 3

Jackson bolted awake looking feeling as he was in an unfamiliar place other than his dorm bed, looking around he started remembering last nights events then sleeping with Bruno. The polar bear was ever so nice to him even though he had said no on the offer of hooking up, though it was hard to say no at that point he felt like he should. He plopped backward into the soft pillows and bed snuggling under the blanket for the moment his mind wandering over last night and the rather hunky bear. His body reacting to this as was natural tenting his boxers as he lay there, he smirked some gently rubbing his paw over the silky material feeling up his manhood. Rather tempting to lay there and pleasure himself when he formed a wet spot so easily but he wouldn't disrespect Bruno's bed like that. It did feel good however to just idly rub himself but when the smell of breakfast cooking hit his nose the thought changed away, Bruno was making good on his promise.

A smile spread across Bruno's face as he watched Jackson cross through the open living room from the bedroom hallway the jackrabbit sporting a morning boner "looks like a very good morning Jackson." Jackson rubbed the back of his head and smirked "uh yeah, sorry". Bruno smirked as well when Jackson came over putting the spatula from the eggs and sausage and leaned down and kissed his nose "mmm I don't mind. Cute little thing that you are." His paw unabashedly reached down and gave him a slow groping stroke "it's a compliment, cause I'm thinking that your mind was on last night" Jackson blushed but loved Bruno's touch gentle but stimulating through the material "uh yeah" he blinked as he hae and arm wrapping around him while Bruno continued cooking he was at his side. "gotta cook or I'm gonna start doing it too." Jackson looked down and sure enough Bruno had sported his own wood after that moment but his however was thicker and sticking right through the opening in his boxers, Jackson giggled then reached a soft paw to gently stroke him "you can cook ill help" Bruno groaned softly and smirked "I'm so glad you stayed anyway, but you're such a cute little sexy thing and you really know how to touch a guy."

Jackson giggled again as he watched him cook his paw not leaving the bears larger manhood he blinked a little as the bear started to drool pre onto his fingers then he smirked and sucked it off his finger and winked at Bruno. "glad I met you at the bar, you are so handsome and it was hard to say no to that." Bruno sighed pleasantly and looked down at himself as he dished out the eggs, sausage, and breakfast biscuits, "mmm we should eat first...cmon sugar and we can sit on the couch and eat." He followed him with his plate and they plopped on the couch, Bruno turning on the morning news for noise as they ate, Jackson eyed the bear out of the corner of his eye the bear yet to soften. They ate for a while and Jackson managed to finish first, he set the plate on the coffee table then took his paw and reached over for the bears meat then began to stroke him gently again almost as soon as he did the bear started drooling pre. A groan came from the polar bears muzzle "mmmf Jackson you're gonna make it hard to finish eating." A smirk crossed his lips as he continued "go ahead and eat I don't mind" Bruno grinned then slouched a little reaching down and pulling his boxers off with one hand then kicked them across the room. "then go ahead and ill eat." Jackson smirked letting himself fondle the bears rather ample sack and then his thick and constantly drooling meat.

Bruno had kept releasing groans once in a while his hips trying to roll against the gently stroking paw as he half watched the news and ate, he put the finished plate down then looked at Jackson and pulled him up and kissed him deeply "mm that paw of yours is nice but I wonder what else youd like to wrap my meat in" Jackson blushed and moaned softly into Bruno's kiss and then kept blushing. Bruno took a thick finger wiping up some of the pre then held it up to the jackrabbits lips and then smiled as it was sensually suckled from his finger "you seemed to like the taste of me earlier" Jackson nodded and took the finger out of his mouth " you're delicious Bruno." The bear groped him and pulled the the boxers off his lithe partner gently brushing his thigh then his sack then his meat in turn as he lifted the paw to his cheek " mmm ill do anything you want to you...I so wanna bury it in your sweet mouth" he blinked at himself then chuckled "sorry that slipped out" Jackson shrugged then kissed the bear "what about where you wanted to bury it last night." Bruno grabbed his pert rump "mmm oh yeah...but you think you can take me I'm thick." Jackson nodded "I think ill be alright."

Moments later Jackson found himself trying to sink down around Bruno's thick meat the bear slouched into the couch big paws holding onto his hips holding him steady, small humps trying to open up the jackrabbits tight backdoor "you're so small Jackson it wont work." he grunted some as his tip was barely working towards the second ring Jackson sighed and looked over his shoulder "shh let me do this you just focus." Jackson positioned his feet better on the edge of the couch then closed his eyes and let out a deep breath clearing his head to relax then slowly working himself down thank goodness the bear wasn't going in dry. Further and further he went he couldn't believe the sensation as the brea spread him open when the long moment was over and his rum was against the bears hips he leaned back against the white furred chest. Bruno's head was lolled back against the couch his grip on the hips loosened "shit Jackson...I don't know how you did it but ughnn" he groaned without finishing his sentence wiggling around some while Jackson got used to it. He lifted his head and kissed him deep and hard "worth the wait, totally..."

The tension of feeling Jackson's body pulse from the inside and him not moving was killing him "please Jackson move just being in you isn't enough..ive got to have it" Bruno nearly begged his smaller partner in desperation to claim his tighter backside. Jackson squirmed a little bit, Bruno in him he felt more full than when Kellan did it and this time it was at a pace he could control he wasn't at the mercy of roughness even though he had enjoyed it, to think the next day hed be impaled on such a handsome bear. But it was the thickness of him that was making it feel this way even though he was a good 7 to 8 it was that fact that made him melt. But it was torture too he rolled his hips giving the bears meat a slow stroke with his rear and Bruno let out a soft groan, big white paws took ahold of his hips and started to do the paced work for him keeping him going "oh yeah bunny that's the stuff." He kept it up nibbling and breathing against Jackson's neck who wrapped an arm around his neck and let him go "so worth it" he said with a soft sigh feeling the bears thick meat spear him from tip to base over and over again agonizingly slow. "Jackson I need more.." jackon nodded "give it to me Bruno.."

Bruno didn't have to wait long and the ass and hips were helping him along the bunny holding on tightly as he lifted his hips to meet that soft rear time and again a steady pace was building and they were hitting a rhythm that seemed perfect, taking all the time they wanted. Bruno was in no rush to leave Jackson's tight innards, every pulse and thrust into his backside was heaven, and Jackson couldn't have agreed more the way he closed his eyes and kept moaning softly. Bruno gripped his smaller hips firmly and kept him still and thrusted in more earnest harder, the bunnys soft moans were twisting his hormones into a frenzy Jackson squealed a little then got used to the hard strokes "mmm Jackson i could do this all day...I love your ass" Jackson giggled lost in the sensual pleasure of being filled suddenly repeatedly by his big bear " mmm me too just don't stop.." he lolled his body back against the bear and kissed his neck.

Bruno took the opportunity to be daring his paws moved to those cream colored and tan legs lifting them up and holding them while he remained buried on a stroke "time to get serious..." Jackson blinked then giggled softly then he took a gasping breath when the bear used his strength to resume the pace, now at the mercy of his hips slamming into his backside soft slapping filled the room along with Bruno's groaning "oh yeah that's the stuff!" he said without being bashful about it, the tight jackrabbit got his motor going without even trying beforehand but mating with him was a fantasy. He wasn't holding back now he was claiming Jackson like there was no tomorrow and giving him every inch on every hard stroke all his walls filled to the brim each time "you like that sugar? How I fill you up?" jackon nodded and moaned lost on the feeling of all his buttons being pushed at the same time, Bruno was skilled but it was that combined with that thick manhood that drove his insides into a flutter. "I never knew I could take someone like you but I want more.." Bruno slammed him down on that note in which jackson squealed in delight "mmm you want my load inside you...I couldn't imagine something better little bunny"

Bruno didn't move him but drove into him harder arching his back into it the bunny getting the ride of his life now. He couldn't meet back with him like he wanted to he was at the mercy of Bruno's strength and his paws holding him up as his rear was mated so thoroughly he was better than Kellan, Kellan had that turn on but Bruno seemed to hit all those spots so right. "b-bruno you're gonna make me go" Bruno smirked at him and licked his ear "mmm yeah bunny go for me, go for your big bear I wanna see what I do to you." He drove into him faster trying to make him orgasm hands free, knowing when he did he would tighten further and that would push him over the edge "cmon bunny finish for the big bear, give it up for me" jackon was lost to moaning and just let himself go slack jawed as Bruno muttered his dirty talk. Bruno was trying harder and harder now he could barely hold pace and was going as fast and as hard as he could "mmm cum for your bear when I fill up that ass" Bruno blurted it out not caring about his language anymore

It didn't take long and Jackson screamed out in a crescendo spraying himself with white ropes of his orgasm and at that moment his body tensed all over and Bruno feeling it on a stroke grunted and went balls deep home and with a roar behind his partner let himself loose on his innards he couldn't remember the last time he had came so hard or so much but it didn't seem to want to stop after a long moment they just sat there panting, Bruno's load buried securely in his smaller lover "you're amazing Bruno.." Jackson muttered between breaths. Bruno just smiled and wrapped his arms around him "Jackson..i know this might be weird to ask right now but...go out with me." Jackon blinked "what do you mean, like dating?" Bruno chuckled softly and nodded "yeah...I know stupid to ask right now ya know considering" he gave a teasing pump with his hips making a squelch at Jackson's backside he gave a soft sigh he thought about it for a minute, that sure would piss Kellan off knowing about it and he could rub his smug nose in it. And Bruno had been kind to him and respectful and he was damn good with everything "yeah...sure" he smiled at him as he looked then Bruno kissed him slow and deep while he pulled their hips away not bothering with the mess for the moment "I've got the day off so we can do whatever, call it a first date..." jackons smiled and nuzzled him as he turned around against him definetly feeling sore at the moment "sounds good..though lets not move for a while..youre big so now I'm sorta hurting" Bruno looked worried and Jackson chuckled "just sore Bruno...but it was so worth every minute" he kissed him again and Bruno wrapped him up in his arms and laid him into the couch and rested on top of him without putting too much pressure down "good...maybe later again?" Jackson blushed "we will see I don't know if I can take you pounding me again in one day."