Adzi and the Dragon Chapter One: Riea

Story by Paraducks on SoFurry

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#1 of Adzi and the Dragon

Adzi and the Dragon

Chapter one: Riea.

Disclaimer, there's comedy and plot in the first half, porn in the second half. Also, this is the first completed story that I have finished in years! Comment, like, fave, subscribe, buy me tacos, and bring out your chains, and I'll bring out my gimp suit.

Okay that got out of hand, but really, let me know what ya think. I really need criticism!

Below the sands of the Desert of Rust stretched miles and miles of languorous caverns, carved out by giant sand worms in an age long past. Fortunately for everyone involved in this tale the great worms eventually died out because they kept getting caught topside. Drowning in the annual rains that turned the Desert of Rust into That Fairly Big Red Mud Patch. Since their departure numerous creatures claimed various parts of the caverns for their homes, including the Cragchew kobold clan. Cragchews were a particularly unlucky batch of kobolds. They had long expressive ears, smooth scales, and gentle features. They were considered cute, and no amount of treachery and blood lust would change how the world viewed them.

Then, one day, a dragon descended from the sky and claimed the caves as her domain and the kobolds as her own subjects. The denizens of the Desert of Rust and the neighboring kingdoms all agree that everything went tits up at that point. Sharp Spark had made her mark on the region.

But we're going to step fifteen years later, when a timid kobold, Adzi, was making her way down the long corridor to the dragon's throne room. She was flanked by a pair of the queens honor guards adorned in magically enhanced bronze armor which clanked solemnly as the trio marched onward.

One of the guards finally said something to break the gloomy silence. "Adzi, I've watched a human fall face first into a pile of dire bat guano and that's still less shit than you're in."

The other guard, who we'll call Bill to avoid confusion, spoke for Adzi. "Oh? Well I've seen a human fall off of his horse into a pile of owlbear crap and get stuck. Adzi is in way deeper than that."

"Yeah? Well I watched an ogre choke slam a human into a manure cart!"

"Oh Yeah?! Well I pushed a human into an open sewer and he drowned!"

Adzi spoke up, slightly nauseated from the bizarre dick measuring contest. "Am I in that much trouble?"

Bill fixed one eye on Adzi. "Shit, you mean?"

"Um. Yes?"

The first guard started smiling menacingly. "Not until she eats you!" The guards laughter reverberated down the hall. Adzi did not see the humor in her situation.

To keep fear at bay Adzi decided her final, undigested moments should be spent looking about the corridor, taking in the sights of the dragon's opulent tastes. The red feldspar that provided the natural walls for this cavern were smoothed and polished. Decorative tapestries proclaiming the superiority of dragons adorned the walls. Dragons that could swallow a kobold without chewing.

Clawed hands clamped down on her shoulders and Bill said, "The only way to go is forward, into the proverbial maw of the lion." She resented her legs for subconsciously slowing her down.

The first guard helpfully added. "But literally a dragon's maw. Think of it as doing your service for the Queen and our Kingdom."

"Wouldn't that be Queendom? We have a queen now."

"Good point, fairly sexist bit of terminology isn't it."

"It is."

"Anyway, you'll be doing your service for Queen and Queendom."

Adzi suppressed a growl and said. "The term you're looking for was matriarchy, and could you please let me fear for my life in silence"

The guards looked at each other and shrugged. After that the only sound that accompanied the march was the clanking armor.

As they approached the end of the long hallway Adzi found her eyes drawn upwards. The doors that separated the throne room were gigantic stone behemoths with gold inlays. Easily thirty feet tall, they loomed over the trio. One of them was cracked open wide enough for a kobold to squeeze through. The trio stopped several feet away from the doors when a rumbling growl halted everyone in their tracks.

A loud feminine voice rumbled from beyond the lair's entrance. "Is that Adzi outside my door Ghis? Well, go get her!" The guards shifted nervously as their ward started to shiver.

An extremely tall red kobold, almost five feet, poked her face in between the crack in the doors and sighed when she made eye contact with Adzi. She then caught the trio off guard as she pushed the door open with one hand. The stone hinges rumbling and groaning under the weight the whole time. Ghis was not only tall for a kobold, her rough red scaled body bulged with muscle. With a flat tone she addressed the trembling blue kobold. "Her royal pain in the ass will see you now Adzi." She glanced at the guards and said, "Dim and Dumb you are dismissed, get out of here."

They started to bow. "Now!" barked Ghis, sending the guards fleeing down the corridor.

Adzi took some small pleasure in that, before crossing the threshold. A long blue rug lined with gold tassels led away from the double doors and up an ogre sized staircase. The top of the staircase led to a bed that you could say was big enough for a dragon, because a dragon was laying in it. Adzi had never met Sharp Spark before, or any dragon for that matter, but she was relatively certain that dragons usually weren't that chubby.

Sharp Spark looked down at Adzi with contempt and bellowed,"YOU ARE IN THE PRESENCE OF YOUR QUEEN! Like, BOW, TINY MORSEL!" Her voice was loud enough to shake the cavern walls, yet it reminded the kobold of a hatchling throwing a temper tantrum. Still, the voice did emanate from a maw that could devour Adzi in a bite or two. She bowed and cowered with mostly genuine fear.

"DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU're here man talking like that is annoying." The dragon rubbed at her throat with a scaly knuckle and gave a dainty cough before continuing. "So, you know I totally could barbecue you or whatever, so do you know why you're here?"

Adzi tightened up into a ball and started to shiver again. "I... I broke one of the majesties treasures."

Sharp Sparked stretched her thick serpentine neck forward and unfurled small wings were surly decorative. As she leaned towards Adzi the bed she was laying on gave a weak crunch of springs that gave up the fight years ago. "It was a priceless vase, a gift from the dwarves to show their allegiance. You know how sensitive those big nosed dust mops can be."

Ghis had apparently let herself in as she sardonically quipped "I think our diplomatic relations with the dwarfs will survive the loss of a spittoon."

"Vase! It had flowers in it and everything!"


"They were blue, blue is my favorite color! They were rubbery flowers! Adzi, like, tell her those were blue flowers and that she's wrong and dumb and the worst kobold in the whole desert!"

Adzi closed her mouth and looked back and forth between the pair, Ghis was standing at the base of the stairs, arms folded across her chest. Sharp Spark was sitting up on her bed throne, one claw pointing accusingly at Ghis, the other claw resting on her ample flank. The kobold, who was more confused than afraid, started to open her muzzle to speak but was interrupted by the dragon.

"Ugh, never mind, lets just get to your punishment."

Confusion rapidly made way for fear again.

"Since you're a klutz I've got a special job for you, so you can learn how to have a softer touch. Do you know what adventurers like to do when they're not being crazy murder hobos?"

"No your Majesty."

"They like to spend barrels of gold pampering themselves! Dungeon side spas! It's such a great idea! It's the kind of over the top brazenness that adventurers have come to expect from one of my dungeons!"

Ghis face palmed. "Boss, I thought you were going to have her polish some of your treasures, not rope some poor nursemaid who has never left the warren into one of your crazy schemes."

"I was, but look at her! Those scales have got to be as soft as silk. And those hips! She could easily straddle most of our clients and really work at those tense back muscles. And you could learn a thing or two about fashion from her Ghiz, look at that cute leather knee length skirt, the cheery yellow she painted her claws! She even has a decorative tail wrap that has quartz weaved in it."

The red kobolds eyes narrowed as she glared at the dragoness."First off, there's nothing wrong with my loincloth. And secondly, the real reason you're giving her this job is because she's got blue scales."

"What, I'd never make a decision based on that, that's silly, you're silly."


"Anyway, we can't open a spa until we get some preliminary data on what types of services adventurers want." Sharp Spark said, before pointing directly at Adzi and saying, "So that's where you come in!"

Adzi subconsciously flattened her ears back. "How so my queen?"

"We don't always kill off adventurer you know, especially when they don't seem to know people who can send em back so we can loot them a second time. You are going to start off giving some captured adventurers massages and then start grilling them about what they would like to see in a spa. Then we'll release them into the wild." She spread her claws out wide, as if pantomiming a wide open field.

This came as an unwelcome surprise and Adzi tried to talk her way out of it. "But... but... I've never given a massage before, I've never seen one of the adventuring races!"

The dragoness dismissed Adzi with a wave. "Oh don't get your panties in a bunch, you'll be fine. It's not like I'm going to send you in blind, we've taken on an outside consultant and she totally knows her stuff. And like, we'll get you whatever resources you need." The dragon leaped off of her bed with her tiny wings spread wide and gracefully, through the use of dragon magic, floated down next to Adzi. "Please, please say you'll do this for me?"

"Um. Yes your majesty?"

She patted Adzi on the back, sending her tumbling across the room.

"Great, because I would have totally devoured you on the spot if you would have said no!"

Two hours later Adzi found herself knocking on a tall wooden door. A female gnoll opened it without saying a single word and the kobold found herself at roughly eye level with her crotch, which was covered by a simple brown loincloth. As her eyes worked her way upwards she quickly realized that was the gnoll wasn't wearing anything else. Black puffy nipples poked out of shaggy spotted fur. Adzi thought to herself that each breast was just big enough where she couldn't cup it with both of her claws. She was perpetually hunched forward due to her monstrous build and well built, even if she wasn't quite as muscular as Ghis.

For her part, the gnoll was also looking Adzi up and down. "Window shopping, little lizard?" she said with a grin, putting her hands on her hips. Her voice had a naturally sultry quality to it, for some reason it made Adzi uneasy in a good way.

"The queen sent me, she wants me to learn how to give massages."

The gnoll laughed loudly, but not unkindly. "Sharp Spark is one dragon in a million, let me tell you that, okay, come on in." She held the door open and beckoned the kobold into the room.

There was a table in the center of the room that was about five feet off of the ground and wide enough for three kobolds to lay next to each other. It was covered in a thick blanket and two large pillows. Next to it was a stand that was covered in bottles of oils and a few towels. Throughout the room were several lit scented candles, bathing the room in soft flickering light and a pleasantly sweet smell. There was also a large chest in the corner with two unlit oil lamps sitting next to it.

The little lizard turned around and made eye contact with the gnoll. "My name is Adzi, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Riea, and don't worry, the pleasure will be all yours after I'm through with you."

The blue scale stammered a bit and her eyes dropped to Riea's chest for a moment before she tore her eyes away and awkwardly looked around the room. Gnolls stopped by the warren frequently, but they always were dressed in their simple wraps. Mammalian tits were a foreign and taboo concept for kobolds; seeing them hanging in the air, weighty and soft, was kind of a turn on.

Riea closed the door and slid a heavy deadbolt into place. "Take off all of your clothes and lay down on your tone little belly."

"What?!" Adzi recoiled in shock.

"Have you ever had a massage before?"


"It's part of the experience, I'll keep my paws where you want them."

Adzi felt a wave of embarrassment hit as she loosened her skirt and dropped it to the cold stone floor. She reflexively covered her plain cotton briefs with her claws.

"You're adorable and at least twenty, certainly not a hatchling anymore. Take off those ancient wyrm bloomers and hop up on that table" said Riea. Seeing the kobold hesitate and squirm she added, "Take one of those towels then, and cover your rump. At least as much as you can with that plump tail of yours. I'll turn around, tell me when you're ready."

Adzi took a moment to admire the gnoll's backside as her loincloth stopped about an inch below her tail. Even though her arms and legs were taut with muscle, Riea obviously ate well because her ass had some roundness to it. Slowly she lifted her tail slowly, her legs were spread wide enough to show off the edge of her labia. "I don't hear you hopping up on that bed. Are you still window shopping, little lizard?" she asked, turning her head slightly. She ran a long purple tongue over her upper lip and canines.

The kobold took of her panties, grabbed a towel, and looked up. It was a bit of an undignified scramble, hopping up on the table, she eventually made it. Once she was up there she laid down and turned her head towards Riea, whose back was still to her. She wasn't quite satisfied with the position of the towel, but a growing part of her was ready for whatever the sultry gnoll had planned for her. "I'm ready."

The monstrous masseuse headed to the table and stood over the kobold. "Mmm, you're going to be clay in my hands." Riea poured warm oil onto her hands and rubbed them together, then started slowly massaging the blue scale's feet.

Once the gnoll's powerful thumbs started working on the arches Adzi finally relaxed. Deft hands worked their way up and down each foot, then started on the toes."Oh, that's fantastic."

"She can speak on her own! Praise be the sun, I was starting to wonder if Sharp Spark sent me an attractive golem."

"Thank you?"

"Let's get to work on those lovely legs." A moment later she added, "Oh you poor thing, you're so tense."

"It's been a rough day. I was almost eaten by the queen!"

The gnoll leaned forward and whispered gently into an ear "You're still in danger of being eaten, little lizard."

Her breath quickened as her mind flooded her with images of how her masseuse could use her tongue. Reflexively she said, "That. Would not be appropriate!" And regretted saying it as soon as it left her muzzle.

"Ah, my mistake, hopefully I wasn't pressuring you into anything"

Adzi was keenly aware of the hands at the top of her legs, sliding towards her intimate parts. But the gnoll stayed professional and slid her hands around and started working on the lower back. It was surprising how disappointing that turned out to be. Biting her lip, the kobold tried to ignore the strong hand rubbing oil into her scales, and the growing warmth from within.

She lasted almost ten seconds. "You can pressure me."

The gnoll said nothing and continued her massage. Once she reached the shoulder blades she hopped up on the table, straddling the kobold's legs. The masseuse threw the kobold's towel across the room and rested a thick pseudo penis against her cheeks. "Tell me what you want. Beg for it."

"I need you to take me, please!"

"So sweet, so subservient."

Adzi's legs were spread apart, and strong oil covered hands caressed the inside of her thighs. Close to her honey pot, close enough where oily fur would occasionally brush against her lips, but achingly fair away. A small whine managed to squeak out of her throat.

"Tell me, are you a toy? Will you be my pet? Maybe you're just a dirty whore." Without waiting for an answer Riea flipped her over and spread her legs apart, started rubbing her pseudo penis against her moist clit, and the squeezed her legs tightly around her thick she cock. "Fuck, if I could mount you I'd fill your cunt." She started bucking slowly, spilling her juice all over Adzi''s stomach and pelvis.

As Adzi's button continued to be teased her breathing became quicker. She reached out and wrapped her hands around the thick member. "I've laid eggs before, but you'd tear me up."

With a gasp the gnoll put one hand over her muzzle. "It turns out my sweet little apprentice has experience after all" she said, before smiling mischievously. "Show me. If you do a good enough job, then maybe I'll give you the relief you need." With that, Riea let go of the other leg, ripped off her ill-fitting loincloth and rested her hands on her hips.

Adzi took a moment to figure out how she was going to pleasure nine or so inches of throbbing gnoll fem-cock while she slowly worked her hands up and down the middle of the shaft. A few moments later Riea found the base of her cock held firmly by the cute feet she had massaged minutes ago. Then Adzi pushed and pulled her hands and feet in sink, putting her whole body into milking the gnoll's swollen member.

"Oh, oh, this little slut know what she's doing." said the gnoll, as she leaned forward and grabbed the table with both hands.

Adzi leaned forward and used her long tongue to slowly lap at the tip, starting at the glans. As she slowly went along she noted that the spines were soft, almost rubber in texture. There was moan from her partner and thick liquid splashed into her mouth, it was bittersweet, she wanted more.

"No, don't tease me, work my rod!" The gnoll snarled, gripping the table hard enough for the wood to crack.

Adzi began to really pump the pseudo with her whole body. More and more of the gnolls juice covered her scales, while her bottom was quickly getting soaked from her own wetness. "You're a fucking natural." The gnoll said before clenching her teeth. It was cute how masculine she was. Her arms were slightly flexing as she gripped the table and Adzi imagined there was strong muscles under her shaggy fur.

As if to confirm her thoughts, Riea snorted and growled as she was being worked. Adzi giggled, and slowed for a moment, taking a few licks at the gnoll's glans and into her opening. She was rewarded with more fem spunk and a few shuddering gasps from her partner. She sped her pumping back up and gripped the swollen pseudo cock as hard as she could. Her long tail lifted up and pushed firmly against the gnolls scrotum. Adzi was eager to find out if Riea came like a guy.

And it wasn't long until she found that she did, with a powerful roar Riea unleashed a torrent of hot liquid all over the blue scales chest and muzzle. She slowed her milking down, but she kept slowly pumping at the gnoll's dripping member.

The kobold smiled after licking some of the wetness off of her muzzle. "I'm covered in so much of your juice you could still give me another massaaaaaaAAA-!" Without warning the gnoll had lifted the kobold by her legs, flipped her around, and drove her tongue right into her pussy. It was all she could do to just grab fur and hold on for dear life.

Adzi opened her mouth to protest being lifted up into the air and said, "Aaaaaaah!" She meant to say more, she really did, but she was feeling a bit tongue tied at the moment. Her claws sank into soft flesh and she realized two things. She was holding on to the gnoll by the tits, and she had no idea what to do with them.

There was a knocking at the door. "Is everything alright in there?" The guards of the Cragchew clan were officially the most wretched guards in all of the lands.

"Go away, I'm Eating!" Bellowed Riea, before she continued vigorously mouth fucking the airborne blue scale, who in turn, had shifted her body so the gnoll's thick tongue would rub against her clit better.

The voice on the other side of the door responded, a little nervously, "Adzi, are... you okay? Ghis wanted to know if you had met Riea yet and if you had hashed out a learning plan?"

"Aaaa- I mean, Everything is, everything is fine!" A few moments ago she would be horrified about being caught but now more primal concerns took precedence. A twist caused her to let out squeal and bite down awkwardly onto the gnoll's stomach. It was an odd conglomerations of tastes that assaulted her mouth: sand from the desert, sweet oils from her massaging supplies, and finally drool and pussy juice that had made it past the tits and the fur. It was was kind of dirty and it kind of made her even wetter.

She was starting to worry about dehydration when there was an annoying voice at the door again. "Uh, Adzi what about that learning plan?" She hated this guard.

"Nothing's solid yet, we're still in the oral stage! Come back later!"

"Right, okay."

After the guard left Riea stuck her tongue as far as she could into her hole, teeth pressed into her ass and into her stomach. This was torture, amazing wonderful torture. It may have been the blood rushing to her head, it may have been the other head that was resting on the table just within reach, but Adzi was seriously considering trying to take the gnoll. Physical limits be damned. Even though it wasn't hard, it was still thick enough to do some considerable damage to her cunt.

Time passed slowly in the candlelit massage parlor. The only sounds were Riea lapping and slurping and Adzi occasionally moaning softly into pale yellow belly fur. She finally reached the peak and her body clenched and shuddered in response. She may have actually squealed, it wasn't her proudest moment. The gnoll softly chuckled but didn't stop eating her out, she just pulled her tongue back and lapped gently at her flower.

It still felt fantastic and she let it go on for several minutes before sighing. "Can you set me down please?"

She obliged, gently setting her up right and turned around where they were facing each other. She said, "Bit of a head rush?"


"Sorry, you tasted so good I never wanted to stop." The gnoll licked her lips for emphasis and liquid was dripping from the matted fur on her chin. The kobold realized most of it was hers.

"You're sweet."

"So are you." Riea leaned in for a kiss and she returned it, Adzi's sticky honey was shared between the two.

"You're right, I am pretty sweet." They shared a brief laugh. Still smiling, Adzi laid down onto the table and stared up at the ceiling. "This isn't going to compromise our new professional relationship is it?"

Riea scooted Adzi over a bit and got as comfortable as she could on the table top. "I promise, just don't be surprised if I occasionally ask you to work me with your wonder paws. Or maybe my more intimate areas with my toys."

"Creatures or Objects?"

"What?" Riea said, confused.

"Earlier you asked if I was a toy?"

"Hah! I suppose I did. Well, I do have both and I would love to introduce you to them."

"Would that make me a slut?"

"My delicious lizard, everyone is a slut, they just can't get over themselves enough to enjoy the ride.

Adzi looked into Riea's eyes with concern."Is it okay if I say maybe? Or even no?"

Riea kissed her gently on the forehead. "Oh of course it is, just remember that it's a standing offer. Now, come here and let's cuddle for a bit before we get clean.

A moment of tender silence passed between them. A sudden knock on the door spoiled the mood.

"We're busy!" Said Adzi.

"Fuck off!" Said Riea.

"Care to run that by me again?" Said Ghis, from the other side of the door.

The blue scale was worried at first, but when she saw the strong gnoll recoil in fear she started to panic. "Sorry about that, one second we're naked. For the massage! You get naked for massages and other spa related activities!" She said, while hopping down from the table to frantically look for clothes.

"Right, well hopefully the furball has actually taught you how to work muscles beyond genitals and mouths. We've captured an adventurer and we're sending him your way."

"How soon till he gets here?"

A voice echoed from the hallway beyond the door. "Look, let's be reasonable! This is a huge misunderstanding! I was just lost! Is that the kitchen? Oh gods you're going to eat me!" A he got closer the pitch of his voice became progressively higher.

"Oh, about now."

Oh my! What happens next?! Pick from the following options and I will get started on the winner this Friday! A.) Stuff happens and then Riea rides the adventurer while Adzi watches. B.) Stuff happens and then Adzi rides the adventurer while Riea watches.

C.) Deliciously cruel orgasam denial while they torment the poor human, and also plot stuff happens.

D.) Viewer suggestions! Maybe even plot stuff!

Also, don't forget, this is my first completed short story in years. I'm hella rusty and need criticism, let me know what works, what didn't, and be as kind or as cruel as you want to be.