Calicode: Chapter 13: Request: Xander

Story by Dars on SoFurry

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#17 of Calicode

Xander Now

While Sean researched, the background based on the information Amy and Vivian sent over. Oliver texted at the kitchen table. Xander sat on the couch.

"I have a feeling that we won't meet, I really screwed up," He wrote Jill.

"Paul has been weird and I have a girl I'm trying to help at dinner with us, but I'm sure we will," She wrote.

"I made myself a promise and I'll keep it even if I screwed things up. One hybrid to another, the children thing is tough you should meet my mom, I mean she had a hard time having pups and it's something you probably already know about, but she's been there," He wrote.

"Yeah, I'd be glad to meet her, I'm planning on visiting the Arboretum with Paul's mom and my parents, I'll send her an invite. Is she on muzzlebook?" She wrote.

"Sweet that should work for reaching her, can we talk on the phone texting is weird for this."

"We just got to the restaurant not the best time I'll message you when I have a chance."

"Ok talk to you soon," he wrote and locked his phone, then asked, "Sean what do you think of the stuff Amy sent?"

"Hastles background doesn't seem inconsistent except this gap in his activism in the eighties, then it gets way more active and he opens the camp," Sean said.

"Yeah, I wanted to figure out about the people he worked with particularly before that gap because he only associates with wolves after the gap," He said.

Sean sat for a moment, "Something must have happened, after I was raped and the camp I changed. Looks like he did too."

"Yeah, I know, I was there. Sean, would it bother you if I talked to Jill about everything that happened to you," he asked.

"I don't know I guess not, I know mom knows but I don't know if dad does," Sean said.

"You won't know unless you talk about it, Sean you know I'm a hybrid right," He asked.

"Yeah dude, you seem to be growing that mane out," Sean said, "what's your point?"

"Did you get allergy shots because you were allergic to me," he asked.

"No, you never really triggered my cat allergy... I mean, you're what a sixteenth lion," Sean asked.

"Something like that, were you ever afraid," he asked then his phone buzzed with a message.

"No, I love you dog," Sean said, then nudged his shoulder, "It's Jill maybe we can figure something out."

"Yeah, maybe but, I keep screwing up explaining things," he said.

"You'll be fine dude," Sean said then went back to reading on his phone.

Jill wrote, "Ok, Paul just stepped outside I can probably sneak a call in."

He sent her his number and waited moments later his phone buzzed.

"Hello Jill, Xander, nice to finally do more than Muzzlebook stalk you," he said, getting a chuckle from Sean. He elbowed him.

"Yeah, I have been stalking you two, you have a big family for a hybrid mom," Jill said.

"So why are most of your photos private," he asked, "Wait that's not important, they wanted to try and have as many as they could before her immune system started responding aggressively."

"She still had four more," Jill said.

"After sudden infant death from a birth defect of the throat, and another issue," He said, "but that's a different topic."

"Yeah, what happened," Jill asked.

"I kinda cheated," He said.

"Oh... I thought you meant the other issue for your mom having kits-err pups... So why did you cheat and what do you mean by kinda," she asked.

"It was with Oliver and my best friend and I should have called Paul first," he said.

"When did it happen, he seemed fine before my flight," Jill said.

"It happened today," he said.

"Well that explains the distractedness, you still haven't said why you played with someone else, do you and your bestie have a friends-with-benefits thing," she asked.

He crossed his arms, "No it was the first time we ever did anything."

Flushing, he tried to get up but Sean hugged him keeping him on the couch. Oliver paced the hall talking on his phone.

Then he continued, "I have wanted that since I was fifteen, Sean was supposed to be my first but things got in the way, and then Sean did something that scared me and suddenly Oliver was making it an option."

"Well... yeah I know what that's like, so I can't completely fault you there, If I got the chance... never mind," she said, "How did he scare you?"

"Today has been an weird day, Sean nearly committed suicide and then I cheated," he said.

The phone quieted.

Oliver's volume was growing in the background.

"Jill did I loose you," He asked.

"Does he know," She finally asked.

"No, I don't want to make excuses and It's my fault, does it really make a difference," He asked.

"Yes it does and yes it would, to Paul," she said.

"It shouldn't, I screwed up and it's not fair to him," he said.

Oliver's controlled voice echoed in the hall.

"Xander do you love your best friend," Jill asked.

"I do, but he's with Oliver."

"Do you care for Paul?"

"Obviously not, I cheated-"

"Your explaining away feelings based on your actions, I asked, do you like him, could you love him," she asked.

"Yes, I hate that I hurt him, and I love Sean too, I don't know what to do," he said.

"Don't be like that, I'm sorry, I was just being honest... Paul... are you there," Oliver said loudly, "what the hell he hung up on me."

"See that's all that really matters, love make someone family, and you can always forgive family. He told me he's falling for you so I wouldn't worry-"

"He just texted that we are over and not to talk to him anymore," He said.

"What... really, just now," She asked.

"What the hell he blocked my number," Oliver yelled from the hall.

"Yeah and Oliver said he blocked his number and my texts are now listed as undeliverable," he said.

"That's not like him, I-I'll talk to you in a while, this isn't like him at all," Jill said ending the call.

He sat for a second, then Sean squeezed him and said, "So you didn't screw it up this time."

Oliver drifted back to the couch.

"Oliver are you ok," Sean asked.

Oliver didn't respond.

"Xander can you get him some water," Sean asked.

"Sure, Hey Oliver what happened," He asked heading to the kitchen.

"I think I insulted him and his goals for a family," Oliver said massaging his forehead.

"So not your most sensitive approach, but the call with Jill went much better," Sean said, "right Xander?"

"Yeah he blocked me too," he said coming back with the water.

"That doesn't make me feel any better, but thanks," Oliver said.

"Sorry, I think Jill didn't instantly hate me after I told her," he said.

"She doesn't hate anyone, doesn't seem to know how," Oliver said.

"So if she ends up disliking me I'm totally worthless... noted," he said sitting back down next to Sean.

"So there's still those soups Paul made," Sean said.

"I'm not hungry," Oliver said.

"Xander are you hungry," Sean asked.

"I was before that call but now, I don't know, I'll just warm up the soup," He said, then added, how much do you think we hurt him."

"I don't know, I don't want to know," Oliver said.

"What are you looking for," Sean asked.

"A throw pillow," Oliver said.

"You're out of those, how about a hug," Sean said then pulled them both into him.

"My family keeps rejecting me," Oliver said.

"I think ours all have," Sean said, "except Xander's"

"No, I did that but got over it," he said.

"What do you mean," Sean asked.

"Oh nothing, let's just watch something," he said switching on Oliver's TV.