Kharok adventures part 2: The day of revelation.

Story by Gorogh on SoFurry

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#2 of Kharok misadventure

Disclaimer: this is an adult story, you must in legal age in your country to read it. This story is the sequel of "It's unwise to stop anywhere".

Kharok adventures part 2:

The day of the revelation

by Gorogh

When Kharok finally awoke, he hoped for a moment it was just a nightmare. But when he tried to move, he heard the chains holding his wrists to the floor clinking. Looking around, he realized he was still near the now out fire. The dwarves feast was over for long now and a tear ran along his cheek once he felt the dry boar cream sticking into his crack.

He stayed there, on all four, he couldn't tell for how long. The calm was all around him: what time could have it been...difficult to know when you are underground...where were the dwarves...were they asleep...were they out for a battle...had they left forever...would he have to die here...alone and humiliated.

Kharok's mind was running crazy, and his tensed balls and hard-on weren't helping him to calm down. He was so needing to could he think such a think...he has just been humiliated by an horde of dwarves...raped by a wild boar...and now his balls were so couldn't admit he was needing to spout after such rough treatment...he is a proud warrior, he can't like that...but why was his body betraying him like that?

Luckily for the orc, his tummy suddenly rumbled, cutting off his odd thoughts. He hadn't eaten or drunk anything for a long time now, his throat was dry and his stomach was empty, but what could he do...he was alone...shackled on the ground...for the first time in his life, he was hoping a dwarf would show up.

Kharok stayed there for a long moment, it seemed hours for him. Suddenly the smack of an hard rod against his rump made him jump and squeal out. Turning his head to the side, he saw that dwarf...the one who captured and humiliated him...he felt so angry...but so happy in the same time.

The dwarf stepped around him, standing in front of him, holding a big bowl in an hand, the other gripping the orc's snout ring, tugging it up. Kharok had forgotten about those rings, one in his snout, two at each of his nipples and the last his cock head. The pain was so intense, he had to quickly lift up his head, staring directly in the dwarf's eyes: "Is my little orc pig hungry?" the dwarf said. What? HIS? What does he mean? But...his tummy was still rumbling...he had to answer...but that maw ring holding his jaw open...he nodded slightly...and let out a long squeal of pain while the dwarf tugged roughly over his snout ring: "Good pigs oink when they are talked to, orc!". The pain was so intense, Kharok just oinked out desperately "OOOIIIIKKK!!!", the grip was released and the dwarf asked again: "Are you hungry, my little orc pig?". Kharok sobbed once before finally oinking back to his tormenter "Oink, oink!".

The dwarf snickered before adding "My brothers are out for a battle, but left you a present to show how much they enjoyed the show you gave them during the feast", he put the bowl down in front of Kharok who watched what was into, and his eyes opened wide in shock when he discovered a bowl full of dwarves couldn't eat that...he had to show that dwarf he wasn't wanting...that the taste was disgusting...yes...he's gonna do that!

Kharok bent over, the orc ring only allowing him to give a lap into the bowl...damn...that tastes is so's good...he needs more. Kharok plunged his snout into the bowl, hungrily lapping and slurping down the dwarves tasty cream, he heard the dwarf snickering...he wasn't caring...he was needing to fill up his tummy: "you are liking this, I are not so hopeless finally". The orc lapped the bowl clean, raising back on all four, his snout white in dwarf's seed, staring up at the dwarf "You want more, don't you, pig?", Kharok oinked without hesitation...blushing then in deep embarrassment, making the dwarf laugh. "Don't be ashamed, pig...all orcs would want to be at your place...they are just too proud to admit it" Kharok's eyes opened wide at the dwarf's words...was he true? Was he wanted this? Was it why his balls was so tensed?

His attention was brought back to the dwarf by a snap on his snout: "Listen up, orc...I'll give you a choice", the dwarf took off his briefs, revealing his thick musky hard length "I've been chosen to be your tamer by the captain, I'll learn you the place you belong to and you'll leave the rest of your pitiful life as the pig you are or..." the dwarf took out a dagger and put it down on the floor "you can leave and return to your useless orc life...lessened of any chance to breed again". Kharok's eyes opened wide to the devil choice...he knew in any case, he would loose his pride...before he could think anymore, the dwarf added "In the first case, you'll serve me and my brothers when I decide it, you'll be able to taste more dwarf cream you seem to like so much...and much other things...and if you are a good little pig...maybe...I said MAYBE you'll be allowed to release your tension" the dwarf took a second to grin "in the other case, you'll go back in your camp...without being able to only jerk up again...but I'm sure your brothers would enjoy you. I heard there was not enough females in your rank...probably even the hole that would remain from that pitiful cock of yours would make a perfect pussy for them".

Kharok's mind was running crazy again...finishing as a toy for dwarves...or as a female for's not a female...he's a proud orc...he's not a toy either...what to do...that taste on his tongue...dwarf seed tasting so better than orc, could he think such a thing...

"Your choice, orc! For the first option, you're gonna suck your dwarf master off for his delicious other case...well...don't have ten seconds...1".

Ten seconds? It's so few..."2" wait... "3"...what to do...what to do... "4"...a toy... "5" eunuch..."6"...escape, finding an escape..."7", too late..."8"...that seed, need more of that seed..."9...ugh!"...

Kharok quickly bent forward, taking the dwarf's thick shaft in his maw, making the dwarf gasp in surprise. The taste is a bit odd, the dwarf hadn't washed after his last pee. But Kharok wasn't minding, he rolled his tongue around the hard rod of flesh, squeezing it, sucking eagerly all around it...was that dwarf true?...was he wanting this in the back of his mind...was it why his member was throbbing now, leaking pre all over the ground?

The dwarf suddenly gripped his ears, holding his head still and began bucking his hips, pounding the orc's maw with his hard member, globs of pre coating up the strong tongue. Kharok grunted back to the taste of that dwarf's pre...he shudders some feeling his balls trying to climb back up but being held still by the strong leather strap. He was feeling so ashamed wanting to spout while his maw was used as a simple pussy...but it was feeling so good...oh yes, it feels so good being used by one of those strong smaller dwarf. The orc sucked more eagerly around the dwarf's rod and got disappointed when he pulled out, looking up curiously to the dwarf.

"You're liking this don't you, my pig? Sucking on your dwarf master's cock? Ready to taste up his cream? Beg for it! Show your dwarf master how eager you are to serve him!"

Kharok blushed a bit at this...but that dwarf was true, he was liking it...he had to show it. The orcs began oinking out, nodding his head quickly in front of that dwarf...his dwarf master.

The dwarf grinned up and rammed his member back into the orc's maw, pressing his pubic hair in the orc's snout while his hairy balls slammed against the pig's chin, grunting out in pleasure, he blew out thick wads of dwarven seed right down his orc's maw. Kharok grunted deeply back to this, gulping down hungrily every drop of his new master cream...he so wanted to spout in the same time, but knew it was impossible.

The dwarf kept coming for long seconds before the flow slowed down to an end. Pulling out from the orc's maw, he slipped back his briefs, checking in the pocket, he took out a golden tag, showing it to Kharok who raised a brow, not able to read it. The dwarf looked up to the ceiling and said "It says Grognar's pig, cause I'm Grognar and I'm your tamer, you understand, my pig?". Kharok nodded slowly in a small oink, still tasting up Grognar's cream.

He stared curiously while the dwarf tied the tag to his collar, letting out a small sigh as he knew that, from now, he wouldn't never be again the proud warrior he was...forever.