Roses in Winter

Story by StrangeBreed on SoFurry

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#1 of Roses in Winter

This story marks the start of a brand new series starring two of AmazonianAshe's character, Laila and Wintress. This chapter also has a cameo from her character Pillow. This story contains a lot of pet play, bdsm, lesbian sex and some brief encounters with watersports. It was super fun to write, really kinky with romantic undertones. I hope you all enjoy it, there shall be more to come in the future :)

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


Snow continued to billow outside in a heavy fluster as Laila stood in the warm shop of 'Winter Wonders'. She was delicately using an icing tube to add the finishing touches of snow to a handmade evergreen tree cookie, happy that the snow she was dealing with was sugar rather than its cold counterpart outside. The young pink canine was in her early twenties but always seemed much younger in appearance, her small size and cute charm seemingly to blame. She had light pink fur, almost white, long darker pink hair and magenta eyes, looking as if she was some sort of treat that would be sold at the bakery she worked at. She hummed quietly to herself as she worked on her current batch of cookies, smiling happily as her finishing touches were done. She turned around to leave for the storefront, planning on placing her fresh work in the display window, but stopped dead in her tracks as her boss eyed her down, Laila gulping as she anxiously asked, "H-hey, what's up?"

Wintress stared Laila down with her piercing blue eyes, bright as the sky but seemingly cold as the ocean. To the untrained eye one could be made to believe she was some sort of snow leopard offshoot, from the colour of her fur, but she in fact had no feline DNA in her, the powerful looking female in fact a crossbreed between a dominating canine gene and a distant dragon lineage. She grinned at her employee's remark, remaining impenetrable as always as she replied, "Don't let me stop you."

Laila looked down at the fresh batch of cookies lining the tray in her paws, her cheeks flushing red as she brushed past her boss, "R-Right." She quickly scampered off towards the storefront, not around to witness the grin on the hybrid's face, or even the chuckle that escaped her muzzle soon after. Laila had felt quite paranoid around her boss lately, noticing her staring eyes much more than she would have liked. She feared that she was doing something wrong, her boss seeming to keep too watchful an eye on her. Laila tried her best to keep any thoughts of the matter to the back of her mind, focusing instead on refilling the shop with needed treats. She did respect Wintress a good deal, the hybrid having been willing to hire the young canine even with her limited experience. Wintress was a master baker and Laila was just at the starting point of trying to match her successful skills.

Wintress had much faith in her young employee, despite the canine's worries, secretly having been eying her for entirely different reasons. She had in fact been struggling with desires for the adorable young canine, her pink form so perfect. She was delicate but fierce, soft yet edgy, and it drove the hybrid wild. She had a thing for younger girls but had no idea that Laila reciprocated a taste for older women. There was also a matter of their employment roles, which made any straight forward approach out of the question. She so wished that she had met Laila under other circumstances, especially considering what her life outside of work often entailed. She eventually chose to join Laila at the storefront, business a tad slow that particular afternoon. "A tad dead for a Friday don't ya think?" the hybrid asked the pink canine, her cheeks still a little red.

"Y-Yeah, the weather I guess?" Laila ventured a guess, seeing how blustery it still was outside.

Wintress looked at the snow momentarily, then gazed back at pink dog, resting her paw on the table next to hers. She meant it to be gentle but Laila scrunched up nervously as she felt rather threatened, her whole face deep red as she shifted away a little. Wintress frowned, moving away herself as she huffed, her arms crossing, "Can you sweep the floors please? It's messy in here."

Laila gulped nervously as she nodded to her boss, quickly rushing over towards the backroom, "Y-yes, of course!" Wintress slumped onto the counter glumly as Laila disappeared, not sure how to go about her approach.

The pink canine finally emerged with the broom and seemed to have trouble looking her boss directly in the eyes. She got to work sweeping what mess and dirt she could find up, carefully moving the pile towards the corner. She then ran back to put the broom away and soon returned with the store's little dustpan. She carefully bent over and started picking up what she had moved into the corner, Wintress peeking over to get a good look at the dog's firm behind. It was well-toned and bubbly, especially considering the girl's size, and the hybrid found herself nipping her bottom lip as she watched it shake along with each step back. Her tail wagged about with each movement, a canine trait that always drove Laila crazy. "Don't forget the sides of the counter" Wintress added, Laila squeaking as she moved over to that exact spot. The hybrid had in fact told her to move there to get a longer view of her behind, but the pink dog was left fearing it was of irritation.

She continued to stew over how well she was working, constantly assuming she was doing something wrong. The worries seemed to bubble up to the surface until the canine's forehead fur was noticeably matted with sweat, Laila eventually turning to her boss to ask. "Say umm, Wi-Wintress," her boss always preferred to be on a first name basis, "Is there something I'm doing wrong? I mean lately..."

Wintress looked a tad confused, "What ever do you mean Laila?"

She thought about how to go about her next statement, carefully calculating the right words, "Well, you've been watching me work lately, a lot more than usual, and well... I was just wondering if there was something in particular that I've been doing wrong?"

Wintress' face slumped into another grimace, the hybrid sighing crankily at the helpless canine, "Well, no, not exactly..."

"Meaning?" Laila's ears lowered with worry.

Wintress let out yet another irritated sigh, sounding as if she was exhausted from the conversation, "How about this... would you be willing to meet me for dinner this weekend? Let's say Saturday?"

"Dinner?" Laila asked in a whimper. She felt as though the setting was inappropriate considering their working relationship, but she was also worried about agitating her boss further, "S-sure, what time?"

Wintress' expression lightened, not actually sure whether she was actually going to take her up on her offer or not. "Umm, how about seven?" she suggested with flashy eyes, the canine looking away as she shrugged.

"Alright, I'll be there..." she had no idea what her boss wanted out of such an engagement, but she figured at the very least it was a good start to getting back in her good books. She gave the hybrid a meek smile as she returned to work, unable to shake the weird air about the whole situation.


Friday night began with much excitement for Wintress as she started the more secretive side of her double life, the woman's breasts covered only by a thin strip of leather. A similar style of lingerie was over her lower privates as well, the same tight quality accented her rump the same way the strip had her nipples. The difference with the bottom ones though was the piece missing for her pussy, the beautiful blue slit on display as she held a riding crop in her paw. She wore a big grin as she once again slapped it roughly against the butt of the sheep in front of her. The sheep had dark black fur and long white hair. She also had a set of blue horns and wore a silver bell with red and purple ribbons, made to look all the more cute. She continued to bleat out in low whimpers as the crop kept striking against her backside, spank after spank leaving a red mark on her cheeks. "Do you like that Pillow?" Wintress asked as she kept spanking away, loving the pathetic whimpered sounds that emanated from the sheep.

"Y-Yes Mistress, thank you!" the sheep cried out obediently, her breath escaping her in a low hiss as the crop dropped down again.

The two found themselves on a stage, surrounded by a small crowd of people, all seemingly watching the groups who were playing or joining in on their own scene themselves. The club was dimly lit and had neon glow to it, the Friday night kink zone event in full swing. It was a private bar called 'The Leather Leash', which was only open to the public on weekends, from Monday to Friday each day was a separate private function, each belonging to a very specific group of patrons. Tonight was for the local BDSM community that Wintress helped run, all of its members knowing the mistress quite well for her renowned skills. She stopped using the crop she held only for a moment, watching the sheep's legs wiggle in place. "You're shaking," the hybrid commented as she gave her rump a firm strike again, "Even more than usual!"

"I'm sorry Mistress," the sheep staggered through her words, "I r-really have to pee."

Wintress' muzzle curved into a smile, the hybrid playing with her riding crop in each paw, "You should have told me that before my pet..." She slowly lay down onto her back and pat her chest, the sheep looking over curiously as she was beckoned over. She slowly turned and moved towards the powerful female, waiting for her to issue more instructions. "If you must go," the dog/dragon said as she lay out, her beautiful white fur spreading out over the stage floor she lay on, "Then I demand you please me with it!"

Pillow blushed as she thought about it, asking the proud mistress, "P-Please you with it?"

"Yes," Wintress said as she looked up at the sheep with her wild eyes, "Don't play dumb now, you know exactly what I mean!" Pillow looked away for a moment uncomfortably, before spreading her folds with her fingers, Wintress grumbling with satisfaction as she said in a low growl, "Yesss!"

The sheep steadied herself for a moment, before trying her best to relax, closing her eyes as she asked in a whisper, "Are you ready Mistress?"

Wintress gave the sheep a deep, almost glaring grin as she whispered commandingly, "Give it to me!" The sheep steadied herself for a moment, relaxing herself and trying her best to coax her bladder. It took a few moments before a slow trickle of light yellow began to drip out, the acrid liquid pouring onto the hybrid's chest and running through her fur. It soaked in slowly, matting her luscious coat. Wintress sighed happily as she felt the slick warm liquid rushing over her, leaving her damp and covered in the sheep's scent. Pillow couldn't stop blushing as she watched what she was doing, her bladder emptying in a quick, heavy rush. The closer it got to finishing, the faster it would flood out, the rush of urine splashing onto the hybrid as she kept moaning gently. "Good girl," the hybrid said to her pet, rubbing her damp chest with her paws, "You've got me all excited!"

The sheep slowly leaned down to look at her mistress' soaked sex, her folds already glistening from her arousal. She tried to avoid any trickle of urine as she spread her mistress' legs, looking up at her before she was given an inviting nod. The sheep moved her lips forward slowly, letting her tongue linger above the hybrid's pussy. She could feel the warmth coming from her aroused sex, slowly leaning into it to plant a firm kiss. She closed her eyes as she listened to the rough, deep moans of her mistress that followed each slide of her soft tongue. She carefully placed each lap and kiss over the hybrid's sweet sex, doing her best to please her. She sensually whispered to her gently in between her delicate slides, "How does that feel Mistress?"

"Good my pet," Wintress said with a grin as she once again raised her riding crop, reaching behind to strike the sheep's rump yet again, "Very good indeed!" Pillow let out a surprised squeak as her mistress kept smacking the crop against her rump, panting out as she felt the pain intensify. The small crowd watching the pair was a mix of aroused and envious as they watched the scene unfold, the hybrid effortlessly showing why she was worthy of such appraisal. Her mind was however elsewhere, each strike of the crop, each lap of the sheep's tongue, and even the scent of her urine, imagined as Laila's. She let out a longing sigh as her pet kept lapping away, anxiously awaiting the following night to arrive.


Back at Laila's home, the canine could hardly stand the wait for the next day either, but for entirely different reasons. She was dreading the whole ordeal, unsure of what her boss would say, what her boss wanted or expected of her. She wasn't sure whether it would be some private and less embarrassing way of telling her what she had been doing incorrectly at work, or the complete opposite. Laila wouldn't put it past Wintress to want a private place to strictly demean an insubordinate employee. Whatever the outcome would end up being, she was poised to survive the ordeal, trying to gain as much confidence as possible before the following day. She put her book down earlier than she normally would, wanting to get an early bed time so she was well rested for the challenges that awaited her. She took a deep breath as she put the bookmark into her book, setting it safely on her dresses as she clicked off the lamp illuminating her room. She looked to the ceiling in darkness as her mind continued to real, the pink dog preparing for a night of much tossing and turning.


Laila still wore an uncomfortable slump on her face when she arrived to her boss' home the following evening, holding a bottle of wine as she knocked on the door. There was a short pause before the hybrid opened her front door slowly, wearing a cute grin as she held her arm out towards the inside of her home, "Laila, please do come in!"

The canine nodded as she slowly stepped inside, taking off her shoes as she looked around the home. It was quite lovely, well-furnished and classy, with stained wood floors and a tasteful amount of decorative paintings on the walls. "Wow," Laila said aloud before realizing the comment may have been a tad rude, "Umm, your place, is very nice Wintress."

"Thank you dear," the dog/dragon said in delight, happy her little pink crush was pleased with her surroundings, "I do love this place. Why don't you make yourself comfortable and I'll pour us some of this lovely wine." She looked at the bottle, offering her paw out to take it.

Laila nodded, forking over the red bottle as she made her way into her boss' living room. It was quite lovely, nice white carpet, white walls with some paintings of snow. "Are you sure you want to drink red wine in here?" the pink dog asked with concern, "One spill could really cause some damage in here."

There was a laugh from the nearby kitchen before Wintress returned with two full glasses of shimmering red, a big bright smile on her face, "Oh dear please, this carpet is good for stains, and besides, what use is a room in a home if there is no one living in it."

Laila looked to her boss curiously, already starting to notice a side of her she had never seen. It was a tad adventurous, unafraid of consequences, youthful and charming. Laila smiled back, she liked this new side of her boss. "That's a good point" she offered in response as a glass was passed to her, the pair clinking before sipping down some of the lovely chardonnay, eying each other down.


Several glasses of wine had passed and the two found themselves having quite the fun conversation, treading lightly on personal topics as they had returned back to the living room after dinner. "No, seriously, he was the worst!" Laila laughed as she finished her retelling of an old boyfriend, her boss red in the face from heavy laughter.

"He sounds it," she reached out to pat her employee's paw, "You poor thing."

Laila nodded, sipping down more of her wine, "How about you? Any bad boyfriend stories?"

Wintress shrugged, circling her fingertip around the rim of her glass, "Not much to say, I'm more gay myself to be honest."

"Oh..." Laila said with surprise, her cheeks blushing a little.

"I hope that doesn't bother you" Wintress' eye raised, carefully studying the canine's reactions.

"Oh, no, no definitely not bothered," she cleared her throat before gulping down more wine, "It's just, I don't know, you don't show it?"

"I don't show it?" Wintress laughed, noting that Laila had stated it more as a question herself, "Tell me, do most gay women you know have signs?"

The pink pup was all red as she tried to speak, "Umm, well no, I mean, do I have signs?"

Wintress eyed the canine down carefully, "Do _you_have signs? Whatever do you mean dear?"

Laila poked her fingers together, having to force the rest of her wine down to take the edge off of the derailing conversation, "Well, I've grown to find a stronger attraction to woman than to men lately..."

Wintress leaned closer, sipping her own wine slowly, "You don't say."

Laila played with her hair as she looked away, twirling it around her finger as she absently spoke, "Y-Yeah, I've had a thing for older women for a while now, the strong dominant type you know?"

Wintress leaned ever closer, eying the pretty canine up as she replied, "Oh I think I definitely know..." There was brief silence before Wintress took a deep breath, deciding there was no time like the present, "Say, Laila... would it be too inappropriate for me to show you something... a little more private?"

Laila was unsure how to answer the question, feeling anxious about the possibilities of just what Wintress might have been talking about. Curiosity was started to burn in her however, and with the extra courage brought on by the glasses of wine, she decided to give her boss a nod, "Sure... why the hell not?"

Wintress grinned as she offered her paw, Laila not thinking much of it as she grabbed it, being whisked away down the hall, "C'mon, let me show you!" The pair made their way to a door which opened to a set of stairs leading down to the basement, Wintress flicking on the switch before the two made their way down. Laila paid so much attention to each step she barely had a chance to look around, her eyes going wide though as she saw what was down there. A sling, several paddles and dildos, shelves of various other kinky objects and a small bath tub. Above the entire display of perversity there was a large painting of a moaning feline being given cunnilingus by what appeared to be a female dog, its beautiful artistic seduction seeming to bring the whole room together. Laila was speechless, not sure what to say as she stood there in the gloom of anxiety. "That door leads to the laundry room," Wintress pointed to a closed door to the side, trying to break the tension, "I figured having a washing machine and dryer in here would be a total boner killer."

Laila laughed in response to her words, her boss knowing just what to say to make the moment at least slightly less awkward, "Wintress, wh-what is all this?"

"Well, pardon me for sharing such interests to you, considering our working relationship, but I am a dominatrix." She watched Laila, enjoying the turmoil she could see in her eyes, "I take my work with pride, joy, and I'm damn, damn good at what I do!"

Laila was starting to shake on the spot as she looked at all the crazy things around her, the sensual painting causing her thoughts to stir as she once again looked back at her boss. She was always attractive in the canine's eyes, but their working relationship had made it impossible for her mind to even think of her in any way other than her boss. The glasses of wine, the shared stories, the change in attitude and now this room all mixed together in her mind to paint a picture of attraction. It made her completely uncomfortable, but her slightly inebriated state could only sense lust, the commanding attitude of her boss now shining in a completely different light. "Do you have any... any...?" Laila struggled to speak.

"Pets? Slaves?" Wintress grinned, "A few, they are good girls too." Wintress placed a paw on Laila's shoulder, the pink canine gasping as her heart trembled, "They always do everything I wish, and I reward them graciously."

"H-How?" Laila's curiosity peaked.

Wintress chuckled as she put her other paw on Laila's other shoulder, gently massaging her, "I'm afraid I can't give away all my secrets dear."

Laila's mind told her to run, to leave the house and never speak of this moment again. Work would be awkward for a few days, but she was sure professionalism would kick in, the pair chalking the night up to too much wine. Her instincts however kept her firmly planted, a question now consuming the canine in agonizing desperation, "W-Wintress... why do you keep watching me at work? It's not because I'm messing up, is it?"

"No my dear," Wintress whispered as she gripped her shoulders firmly, risking it all as she leaned in to hiss into her employee's ear, "It's because I'm imagining you on that sling." Laila stood in cold, petrified silence as the truth rang loud in her ears, the poor girl unable to discern her next course of action. The idea of such perverse thoughts filling her boss at work made her feel objectified, her very form made a sexual fantasy for the older hybrid. There was so many things wrong with the situation that Laila was scarcely able to count them, but she was able to pinpoint the single thing that made it right, her consuming, burning arousal. "My dear," Wintress broke the silence as she was unable to read her employee's reaction, "If this is... not what you want. I will happily accept your resignation and I will honor it with severance. I understand I am in the wrong here, and I-"

Silence ruled the room again as Laila turned around, her body knowing no other option but to seal her lips around the hybrid's. Her tongue slid into the soft muzzle of her boss and collided along with hers, the pair slowly rubbing against each other as their breaths were exhaled through their nostrils. They let out a low sigh as they shared the forbidden kiss, pride swelling in Wintress as she had achieved a much wanted victory. A single strand of saliva kept the two sets of lips connected as they pulled away from each other, Laila's cheeks deep red as she tried to speak, "W-Wintress, those things you imagine when you look at me..."

The hybrid's cheeks were starting to turn rosy as well, the dominant woman not lost on the strange nature of their situation, "Y-Yeah?"

Laila took a deep breath before she slowly lifted up her shirt, unhooking her bra so it could drop to the floor. She still wore her red skirt, not completely naked, but with the showing off of her chest she at least gave the beautiful Dom a taste to wet her whistle. "I... I want you to show me."

Wintress moved to her slowly, placing her paws on the canine's lovely breasts. She rubbed them gently, her paws smoothly rubbing them until both nipples grew hard over her fingertips. She leaned down to suck on them, one at a time slowly. She added just enough pressure to get the pup panting, her tongue sliding over the fur between each breast as she made her way over to suckle to other one. She added the occasional nip to test Laila's pain threshold, impressed with how much she seemed to enjoy the odd sting here and there. She eventually slid her tongue back up the canine's neck, feeling her gasp out breaths as she gave her lips a short kiss, "You will now call me Mistress. Until we leave this room, I am everything, you are nothing, is that understood?"

"Y-Yes Mistress, th-thank you Mistress!" Laila panted as she tensed up, feeling overwhelmed with arousal and nervousness.

Wintress nipped her ear as she asked out of curiosity, "Have you done this before? Because that was a good response."

Laila nodded, "Y-Yes Mistress, I-I'm... into this sort of thing."

Wintress grinned, looking a tad devilish, "Good, this will make things... a lot... easier!" In between each word she slid the canine's skirt down an inch farther, leaving Laila standing in her silky panties, which were already showing a moist spot on their front side. Laila let out a long, whimpered moan as Wintress reached between her legs, sliding his fingers into her panties and rubbing her slick pussy gently with her fingers. She pressed her paw to her boss' for a brief moment, almost pushing her away before surrendering to her sweet touch. "That's it, just relax my sweet" the hybrid whispered to her new found pet, her free paw gently stroking her hair while the other kept gently coaxing her fingers in and out of her. She slowly slid her panties down the rest of the way with a free paw, letting them drop to the floor.

Laila's breath was shrill and heavy as she stood on shaky legs, clutching Wintress' sides for support as she felt her fingers slide in and out in smooth percussion. "That f-feels so good Mistress" she gasped into the hybrid's ear, her body tightening up as she began to pant heavier and heavier with each passing second.

Wintress knew just where to place her fingers, finding every delicate spot in the canine's body. Her thumb rubbed over her clitoris slowly, circling the gentle nub of flesh as her other fingers slid in and out of the canine's warm sex. She kept sliding her digits in and out until the pink dog looked as though she would howl, quickly removing them to place in her mouth. Laila watched as Wintress sucked on her own fingers smoothly, cleaning them off the canine's arousal before she knelled down, kissing the canine's soft belly on her way down to her soaked sex. She let out a low breath over Laila's pussy which made her shiver intensely, gasping out a moan as the hybrid dragged her tongue slowly over its surface. She paused only to comment for a second whispering "You taste so sweet" before gliding her tongue back over the surface of the hybrid's folds, slurping up all traces of her arousal before digging her tongue down deep.

"Oh my god, Wi-Wintress!" Laila gasped desperately, her legs starting to shake as she felt her arousal peak. She gripped her boss' shoulders as she started to suckle her clit, her whole body tingling as she felt her climax getting ever closer. She humped at the hybrid's face a little as her muzzle continued to stimulate her, the pink pup panting and whimpering as she coated the hybrid's lips in the nectar of her arousal.

The dominant hybrid stopped as she gave her coworker's pussy one last kiss, getting back to her feet and smiling devilishly, "Alright my pet, are you ready to follow my commands?"

Laila nodded as her breath stuttered once again, the pink canine looking up to her boss with a gentle stare, "Y-Yes Mistress!"

"Alright, your safety word is 'Stars'," she offered to her new pet, the dog nodding just as her boss held her arm out in the direction of the small bath tub in the corner of the room, "Why don't you stop in there for me dear, there's some business for us to take care of."

"Business?" Laila asked curiously, not sure what the hybrid was talking about, "What do you mean Mistress?"

Wintress said nothing for a minute as she simply waved her paw in the direction of the tub, Laila nodding as she walked over to it. She set herself down inside it gently, waiting for further instruction as she watched her boss strip away all of her clothing, her cheeks rosy upon viewing her beautiful form. "Lay down" the hybrid instructed simply and her new pet did so, spreading her body out inside the small tub as she wondered just what her boss was up to. The hybrid carefully stood over the canine and spread her folds out, the pink beauty looking up with lust as she was given an even better view of her mistress' sexy folds. "You are mine now" the hybrid stated plainly to her pet, watching the dog nod in return.

"Yes mistress, I am yours" Laila replied gently, sighing as she so desperately wanted to taste the luscious pink pussy hanging above her.

Wintress grinned at the look of want in the canine's expression, rubbing her slit with her fingers before offering them to Laila to suck. The pink cutie did so, sighing as she sampled the sweet nectar of her mistress. "As a canine you know a thing or two about marking your territory..." she paused to read Laila's response, her cheeks flushing red as if some hidden kink had been stumbled upon, "...and seeing as you are now my territory... it is time to mark you with my scent!"

"Y-you mean?" she began to ask slightly dumbfounded, her suspicions confirmed as she felt the slightest trickle hit the fur on her collar.

Wintress' eyes flickered as she looked over the canine's pretty body, resting as she kept her folds spread, letting her urine rush out in long trickles, "Yes Laila, that's exactly what I mean!" The hybrid let out a satisfied sigh as she relieved herself, a long trickle of her waste running through her new pet's fur. "How do you like that my pet?" Wintress asked in a low teasing manner, more of her urine flooding out.

Laila had to squint as some of the stream sprinkled near her eyes, the sheer speed of the jet causing the rest of her lower muzzle to get some of the splash back. "M-Mistress," the dog whimpered in a low sigh, starting to touch herself as she felt the acrid liquid soak into her fur, "That feel so good!" she gasped, rubbing herself with her paws to help lather her mistress' scent into her fur.

Wintress raised her eyes as she let out a little satisfied grumble, leaning to the side to trickle some of her stream over the canine's breasts. Her nipples were raised up and she felt a strong tickle from the pee washing over it. "You're enjoying this huh my pet?" the hybrid asked as she looked her deep in the eyes, the dog nipping her bottom lip as she slowly started fingering herself. She couldn't hold back her grin as the dog proved that she shared the same level of perversity, holding her pee for just a moment as she walked around to the other end of the tub, 'That makes me so very happy my pet!"

Laila slowly ran her tongue around the bottom of her muzzle, sampling the salty taste of the hybrid's urine that had splashed onto her chin. She shivered a bit from it but let out a moan nonetheless, still rubbing the matted fur of her chest with her paws, "I'm happy that _you're_happy mistress!" Wintress licked her lips as she spread her folds again, standing over her at the other end. She squatted over the dog's crotch and sighed happily again, letting the heavy stream pour back out over her pussy. "Oh mistress!" Laila moaned as she felt the flood of her boss' urine stream over her folds, the stream seemingly faster as it reached closer to its conclusion. It was heavy enough that the stream made her pussy tingle, the dog rubbing her folds with her fingers as they were continually coated in the hybrid's salty stream.

"Mmm, look at how excited my piss got you my little slut!" Wintress groaned as her stream trickled to a stop, sneaking around back to the canine's front to stand over her. She watched as Laila sniffed at herself with her sensitive canine nose, making horny little whimpers as she played with herself, her free paw running through her soaked fur. After a few moments of inhaling the hybrid's scent she looked up to see her spreading her folds out, the hybrid kneeling down as she asked, "You wanna taste your mistress' pussy?"

"P-please," Laila literally begged, her body still shaking with reeling tension as she leaned her head up towards the beautiful pussy lips descending upon her, "Please mistress, let me worship your sweet pussy!" She could smell it as it got closer, the dog reminded of the brief sample she had already been treated to earlier. It had such a welcoming feminine quality, a taste that only threw kindling on the already blazing fire inside her body. "Please!" she cried out again, fingers rubbing her own wet clit.

"It's yours my pet!" Wintress finally said joyfully, treated to an already passionate slurp once she had lowered herself down. Laila's tongue lapped vigorously over the smooth, slick surface, stealing every drop of sweet nectar she could find before burying deep inside the hybrid's depths. "Good girl," Wintress moaned as she placed her paw on the back of her pet's head, keeping her muzzle sealed to her soaked sex as she began to grind over the dog's skilled tongue, "Oh god! Yeah, don't stop, don't fucking stop!"

Laila sealed her lips over her new mistress' clit and suckled on it gently, flicking her tongue over the gentle nub of flesh until the hybrid gasped. She then would glide her tongue back over the rest of her folds, slurping up the fresh juices that poured out of her. "You t-taste so good mistress," the dog stuttered as she lapped and kissed at the drippy genitals, "I could w-worship you all day!"

Wintress' breaths were heavier and slow, in contrast to her speedy heartbeat as she kept wiggling over the dog's lips. She whimpered as Laila dove her tongue deeper into the hybrid's pussy again, her dominant boss riding it as she groaned out, "F-fuck, I just might let you!" She felt her body tingle as the tongue kept sliding into her, breaking monetarily to dart over her clit again. She hit such a resounding peak of pleasure it nearly hurt, followed by another long slide into her depths. "Fuck, I'm so close, k-keep doing that!"

Laila was nearly over the edge herself, her fingers making quick work of herself as she was treated to the sweet taste of her new Dom. The more she was pleased, the stronger her taste was, only making the dog work harder to pleasure her. "M-Mistress, please cum in my mouth!" Laila begged as she wiggled her tongue just right, only pressing tighter as Wintress began to whimper helplessly.

"Yes, yes, ooooh, f-fuck yes!" the hybrid cried in near tears, riding the dog's muzzle one last time as she covered her pet's tongue in sticky fluid. Her body shook as she hit a resounding orgasm, a small amount of extra arousal and urine squirting out over the dog's jaw and neck. "H-holy shit, you're a keeper!" Wintress half moaned, half laughed as she got up slowly, taking a much needed breath as she reeled from the intensity of her strong climax. She stepped away for a moment as soon as her legs allowed her to, leaving the poor dog to wiggle and whimper all in her lonesome in the tub. Laila panted out desperate breaths as she lay in the tub, soaked in her boss' urine, her chest raising and lowering gently as she tried to catch her breath. "Get up my pet, over here now!" Wintress commanded, the intensity of her voice clearly raised to the same level as her lust.

"Yes Mistress!" Laila sighed obediently, carefully hopping out of the slippery tub and making her way over. She looked like a little puppy dog with her wagging tail and bright eyes, not even able to see Wintress in the professional light she once had as she was left in a state of obedient bliss.

Wintress grinned as she held something behind her back, circling her finger in a turning motion, "Raise your ass for me pup!"

"Yes Mistress!" Laila said happily as she did so, bending over and raising her rump, her tail rising with it despite all the wagging.

She gasped as she felt Wintress' finger rub over her slit, fingers feeling the heat of her arousal as she spoke again, "No more words pup, doggies can't speak!"

"Yes Mistress!" Laila obeyed, though feeling very embarrassed as she was made to act like some feral animal. The dog suddenly howled out as she felt a heavy wooden paddle collide against her rear, leaving a harsh sting on both her cheeks.

"Little doggies can't say 'yes mistress', they can only bark!" Wintress slammed her with the paddle again, Laila whimpering as each thud of hard word made her rear sting more. "I don't hear any barking!" Wintress growled as she slammed the paddle down again, the pink canine squeaking from the pain before making a pathetic little bark. Wintress grinned as smacked her with the paddle again, loving how red her rump was getting, "That's hardly convincing, you wouldn't want me to actually get mad would you?" Laila had a few tears in her eyes, not sure whether the pain or embarrassment was worse. She took a deep breath and gulped nervously before barking out, loud and convincing as if she were some simple mutt. "That's better," Wintress said happily, watching as Laila stuck her tongue out and made over animated pants, "Very cute!"

She gave the dog's rump one last smack of the paddle before kneeling down beside her, moving her face up close to Laila's. "You make a good bitch," the hybrid hissed as she reached between her pet's legs, rubbing her soaked folds, "Looks like you're in heat too." She rubbed her fingers in and out of Laila's needy sex, whispering to her "How about some kisses doggy?" Laila gulped as she leaned forward, starting to lap at Wintress' face as if a dog would. All the while she began to grind against her mistress' paw, coating her fingers in sticky fluid as her juices kept running down her legs. "Damn you really need it huh?" she asked Laila, who nodded in response, whimpering like a needy dog. The hybrid got to her feet and went to put away the paddle, soon returning with what looked to be a canine shaped toy, "Well then, it looks like I need to knot this needy little bitch!"

Laila let out a low groan as she felt the tip of the toy rub against her soaked folds, teasing her gently. The dog sighed as her legs continued to shake, her pussy needing the firm toy. Wintress stopped however quite suddenly, leaving her pet to whimper in need. She looked over the disappointed pup with a grin before nodding her head over to another side of the room, "Get in the sling!" Laila nodded with a playful yip before pattering her paws over to the sling, taking a deep breath before carefully maneuvering herself onto it. She dropped down and ended up swinging back and forth for a brief moment, almost as if she was in some sort of hammock. The hybrid followed soon after with other items in tow, reaching for the dog's arms to place restraints on her wrists. She did the same with her ankles, bounding her in place before placing a gag in her mouth. The gag was extra humiliation, an orange rubber bone in place of what might normally be a red ball. The last thing Wintress did was put a blindfold over her pet's eyes, leaving her in pure suspense.

She placed the tip of the toy to her wet slit again, circling over the damp lips and rubbing her clit. She chuckled at the sight of her shaking legs as she began chewing on the toy that gagged her, saliva already running down her chin as she felt overwhelmingly lusty. Wintress slowly started to push the toy deeper into the pup's pussy, her soaked folds obediently accepting the toy's firm length. "Good girl," Wintress sighed as she slid the toy back out, sinking it back in with a slow pulsing rhythm, "That's it, gotta get you good and ready for that knot." Her pace began to increase as she started hearing the dog moan more and more, her breath hissed out through the gag as her saliva kept pouring out. Laila chewed on the gag as she wiggled in place on the sling, the toy serving as a good way to keep from howling out in bated pleasure. Wintress could feel from the pressure just how turned on the pup was, deciding to sink the rest of the thick toy in, leaving the knot to slowly press against her.

"Mmm, you want it don't you?" she asked Laila, watching her writhe about on the sling, her eyes squinted and near shut as more of her sweet nectar covered the toy sliding into her. Her pet wagged her head almost faster than her tail, Wintress feeling some urine hit her arms as the last drops in her fur that hadn't yet dried hit the air from the wiggling of her form. Wintress leaned in to kiss her pet's clitoris, suckling at it smoothly as she kept pushing the toy in and out of her. She shook only wilder, whimpering through the rubber bone as she sank her teeth into it. Wintress kept lapping at the sensitive little nub, pushing the knot harder against the spreading folds as she moaned, "Mmm, I know you do, I can taste how excited you are!" She added the slightest bit more pressure to the toy until the knot finally sank into her, Wintress planting a firm kiss on her clit once again as she wiggled and whimpered. Her sticky nectar coated both the toy and Wintress' lips as tears dropped form Laila's eyes, her body hitting a climax so resoundingly high that she was almost unable to breathe.

Wintress grinned as she let her tongue slide over the surface of her folds for one last slide, swallowing down what she could collect of her wonderful juices. Wintress looked over her shaky form, patting the hilt of the toy that was currently knotted inside her. "You know, I think I'm gonna keep this inside you for a while!" Wintress chuckled as she stepped away, poor Laila laying back on the sling in suspense. There was a pause that felt so much longer to Laila then it actually was, her pussy still ignited in the flames of passion as the canine toy remained lodged inside her, its knot keeping her stretched and tingly. She could barely hear Wintress slowly sneaking back towards her, the pet letting out a whimpered sound as she felt the suddenly exhale of Wintress' breath against her tailhole.

"Don't worry my sweet," the hybrid said as she kept blowing gentle breaths on her tailhole, "I'm back!" She planted pecks on each cheek in between breaths over her pucker, eventually leaning in to kiss it as well. "Do you like your ass being played with my little pup?" the Dom asked even though she knew Laila would have no way of responding. She was grinning ear to ear as she pressed the tip of her tongue to the pup's rear, probing it gently before lapping over its smooth surface, "Mmm, I hope you do!" Laila prided herself on her cleanliness, and as such her warm pucker was nice and clean. It still held some natural musk to it, but it was pleasant and welcoming, a taste that Wintress devoured as she slithered her tongue deep inside the pup's backside.

The tight hole clutched the hybrid's tongue as it slid in and out in smooth pulses, starting to move in a circular motion as the hybrid attempted to spread her pet's rear out wider and wider. "Fuck, you taste good!" Wintress moaned as she dug her tongue deeper, gently humping the pup's rump with her muzzle so her tongue could dive in all the way. She refused to let up until Laila was stretched to a good amount, her breath gasping over the saliva soaked pucker and the drippy folds above that were still stuffed with the canine toy. Laila's ears flickered as she heard the tightening of something around her mistress' waist, the hybrid slowly raising back up to her feet just as a cap opened. Little did she know that Wintress was now wearing a strap-on, the hybrid squeezing on a bottle of lubricant to make the slippery solution ooze down over the fake shaft now attached to her. It was canine in design as well, complete with its own knot, and Wintress began to stroke it with a lube covered paw as she looked over the adorable pet still bound on her sling.

"My, my," Wintress said cockily as she wiggled a finger over her pucker, slowly letting it sink into her, "Don't you just look simply irresistible!" She pushed the head of the toy into her pet's rear, slowly leaning in for it to stretch. She reached for her gag and loosened it ever so slightly, just enough so that she could say her safe word if she so needed to. Laila didn't seem to need it just then, but she did let out a little cry as her hole stung from the intrusion. She was still able to bite down on the rubber bone, and she did so to help push past some of the pain she experienced from the stretching of her sensitive hole. Her tight pucker opened a little more as inch by inch the faux shaft buried itself into her, the digits of the dog's four paws opening and closing as she wiggled in her restraints.

"It's ok my little puppy," Wintress whispered as she leaned into the canine, the strap-on sinking even deeper into her soft little rear, "You can do this, I know you can." She slowly leaned into her until the knot of the toy was pressing to the stretched skin of her pucker. Laila let out a low guttural groan as she felt the bloated sensation of both holes being so stuffed, feeling dizzy from the thought of both knots possibly attempting to fit inside her. A second later her mistress threatened just that as she poured more lubricant onto the knot of the toy. She wiggled her waist to start wedging the bulbous end of the toy slowly deeper, stretching the poor pucker out wider than it ever had been before. "That's it, c'mon my pet!" she moaned as she started to hump a bit harder, reaching back to slowly peel away her gag and blindfold. Laila's eyes flicked a bit with irrigation as she had to adjust to the light again, the beautiful magenta orbs focusing on her beautiful mistress as she looked up at her. "You may speak again," Wintress said as she licked her pet's nose, "I want you to tell me how this feels!"

Laila blushed as she looked upon her beautiful mistress again, wincing as the knot pressed against her sorely stretched pucker. "It feels, o-overwhelming, but g-good..." there was admittedly pleasure to the feeling despite it being more than a bit painful. She watched as Wintress dipped down lower and pressed her breasts to the dog's face, Laila happily breathing in the scent of her chest before sliding her tongue over her left nipple. She circled her tongue along the areola slowly, caressing its delicate detail before moving to the right, each nipple kissed and suckled with such care as she did her best to accept the stretching of her lower body.

"Oh my god, that feels wonderful my pet," Wintress moaned happily, both females in a great deal of ecstasy, "G-get ready, it's time!" The hybrid reached for the gag that sat upon Laila's collar, sliding it back up to her muzzle to bite on. Laila did so and nodded to say she was ready, her teeth anxiously nibbling the rubber bone as she prepared for what was to come next. Wintress gave several resounding humps down against the canine before finally burying the thick knot into her, the pup letting out the loudest yelp even through the bone she was gnawing on. Wintress sighed as she slowly relaxed herself, laying against the pup as she gasped and groaned. She gave her pet a warm smile as she pulled the rubber bone away, rubbing the dog's chest with her paw, feeling the tense drumming of her heartbeat, "How do you feel Laila?"

The pup could scarcely put it into words, her chest raising and lowering as her heart continued to thunder in her chest. "I f-feel, strange, but good..." she tried to think of how to describe the bloated, heavy feeling inside, both her holes stretched an unimaginable amount, leaving her feeling a strange mix of full and heavy, yet tingly and pleased at the same time. She lay in a dazed state, her eyes blank as she let an uneasy afterglow set in.

Wintress nodded as she reached for her muzzle, whispering gently, "Just focus on me ok?" Laila did so, sighing into the hybrid's mouth as their lips locked, the two once again starting a rather sensual kiss. Laila's heart fluttered as she felt tantalized by the soft moment, but soon whimpered out as one by one, each knot was pulled back out of her. The pain was intense and she left her mistress' ears ringing from the squeals, but a moment later relief hit her. The bloating and stinging disappeared, leaving only the satisfaction of her orgasm calmly rippling through her like cool water.

"Th-thank you Mistress!" Laila sighed as she had much needed to be freed of the firm toys that plugged her up.

Wintress giggled as she kissed the dog's forehead, "No, no, Wintress is fine, you may call me that when you are not serving me."

Laila nodded, her cheeks flushing red as she began to inquire, "Umm, so... is this... going to be a regular thing?"

Wintress blushed too, "Yes... if you want it to be."

Laila nodded once again, "I do."

The hybrid grinned ear to ear as she stepped over to the tub from before, reaching for a plug hanging from the wall and starting the warm water, "That makes me ever so happy my dear, let me draw you a bath."

"Oh, th-thank you" Laila said as she slowly raised from the sling, nearly toppling over as she tried to plant her fit on the floor. When Wintress was satisfied with the temperature in the tub she guided the canine into it, Laila letting out a big, happy sigh as she soaked her fur in the warm water.

A moment later Wintress' paws slid down into the water, slowly rubbing the dog's back as she kissed her ears, "You did so well today Laila, I am very impressed!"

The dog slid under the water a little to hide her bashful face, "Th-thank you..."

Wintress chuckled as she noted the shyness in her, still rubbing her back softly, "Just relax my pet."

Laila did so, nearly drifting off at times as her mistress' paws worked their magic. She closed her eyes and leaned into the gentle touch of her boss, her heart fluttering as she was so delicately attended to. A thought strayed in her mind and she cautiously approached it, her face fully flushed red as her voice asked in a squeak, "W-Wintress... do... do you have a spare room?"


The answer was flat and Laila's heart dropped a tad, "Oh... ok..."

"I do however have a Queen sized bed..." she said with a big toothy grin, "...and a love for cuddles." There would have been no clearer invitation than that, the pink canine reaching up to find willing lips again, the pair kissing once more as their relationship as coworkers seemed to be over.