Happiness Is

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A story about a Lucario that REALLY wants to see his brother get happy.

Disclaimer: This story contains themes incest as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage, If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further.

Happiness Is


Kailen's breathing was beginning to get heavy as he ran, the Lucario barely staying ahead of his pursuers. He knew that he had to pass through the hounds territory to reach his destination, and he took the risk anyway, he deemed the prize that he had just claimed to be worth the danger.

Dodging around trees as he sprinted, he could still hear his trackers darting around behind him, clearly several of them were still after him. Leaping over a downed tree, he continued out into a small clearing in the forest. Taking the opportunity with no trees in front of him, he quickly glanced over his shoulder, which turned out to be a large mistake.

Still running at full speed, the Lucario's foot caught a root that was protruding from the ground.


The Lucario yelped as he tripping, face planting into the ground, sliding forward at least 15 feet before coming to a grinding halt.

Quickly realizing the situation, he hopped to his feet, only to see that he was now surrounded by three very vicious looking Houndoom.

"S-Stay back!" Kailen shouted as he took a fighting stance ready to defend himself.

The Houndoom directly in front of him smirked, and spit out a small fireball at the Lucario's feet, catching him off-guard and causing him to stumble and lose his footing.

The Lucario whimpered as he tried to back away, still in a sitting position as the Houndoom closed in on him.

"You trespass into OUR territory, and now you have the nerve to try and engage a fight with that pitiful battle posture?" The Houndoom growled as he continued stepping forward, their faces less than a foot apart, "You are going to learn that there are consequences, when you don't show respect!"

Time seemed to slow down for the Lucario as he saw small wisps of smoke and tiny embers start to form from the Houndoom's mouth. Kailen squeezed his eyes shut and turned away, a small tear forming in his eye as he braced himself for the incoming attack.


The Lucario never felt an impact, opening his eyes to see the Houndoom that was previously just inches away from him now in mid-air, flying backwards, until he smashed into a tree at the edge of the clearing. The Houndoom fell to the ground, leaving visible damage and splintering from his point of impact on the tree trunk.

The second Houndoom, frantic to see what just transpired, shot his head to the side, only to meet with a hand, clasping the dog's face, blocking his vision as to what exactly his enemy was. Out of instinct, the Houndoom started to ready a Flamethrower attack, at whatever was in front of him.



The Houndoom's attack was interrupted as he yelped in pain. He was unable to see due to his eyes been blocked, but he definitely felt an incredibly strong blow to his left foreleg. The impact making an audible cracking sound, and leaving the the Houndoom's leg bent at a very abnormal and painful looking angle.

The Houndoom crumbled to the ground, writhing in pain, his face still firmly held by his attacker.

The final Houndoom simply stood and stared, in awe at the sight he just witnessed. Two of his most powerful companions, completely wrecked in a matter of seconds by a single attacker, and not just any attacker, a conventional, average-looking Riolu.

A Riolu... Not even a particularly big or powerful looking one, just a standard Riolu, albeit a very angry looking one.

The face of the whimpering Houndoom still clutched tightly in the Riolu's hand for a moment before he effortlessly tossed the canine off to the side.

"What the f--"

The final Houndoom's exclamation was cut short as the Riolu zipped forward and struck an incredibly quick blow to his throat.


The Houndoom tried to draw in a breath after the shot to his throat, but he was quickly grabbed by the neck. The Riolu squeezing a bit jerked the dog harshly to the side, before slamming his head to the ground. Still tightening his grip on the Houndoom's neck, he leaned in close to speak.

"If I hold your neck like this for about 60 more seconds, you will no longer be alive, so I suggest you listen closely... You and your cohorts are going to tell all of your companions that if any of you even thinks about attacking my little brother again, I will personally come after them..." The Riolu moved his head in even closer to accentuate his point, "...And then, I'm coming after you."

The Houndoom started trembling a bit, trying his hardest not to show any fear, but clearly quaking at each one of the Riolu's words.

"I trust we have an understanding." With that, the Riolu released his grip.


Upon being able to breathe again, the Houndoom inhaled sharply as he hobbled over to help his newly crippled ally, then together, they made their way to their third unconscious comrade that still laid motionless at the foot of the tree he had collided with. Upon all three of the canines being assembled, they made their way away from the clearing and the two brothers at a rather brisk pace.

With the threat gone, the Lucario climbed to his feet, standing behind his brother, "A-Arlocke, I..." Before the Lucario could explain what was going on, the Riolu turned, and delivered a sharp jab to his brother's gut, knocking him back onto his butt.

"Oof! Ow! I was just..."

The Riolu cut of his brother, "What the hell is wrong with you, Kai?! I told you not to go to far! You know how dangerous it is! And you wandered all the way into Houndoom territory!? For what?"

The Riolu glanced down, catching a glimpse at the item that his sibling was clutching.

"A book? A book is what was so important?"

Kailen held the book tightly, "It's a real important book, it's abou-"

"I don't want to hear it! No book is more important than your life!" The Riolu turned away, squeezing his fists tightly, trying to contain his anger.

"I'm sorry, Locke..." The Lucario rose to his feet again, staring a the ground as he spoke, "I know I wasn't supposed to go this far... But, I've been trying to get this for a while, and Delta found out where it was, and..."

"Tch... Delta... I should've known that loudmouthed Golbat friend of yours would have something to do with this..." The Riolu took a deep breath as he walked past his brother back towards their home. "Let's go."

The Lucario silently nodded and caught up to his brother.

The two siblings walked in awkward silence for a good 15 minutes before the Riolu looked up to the sky, noticing the position of the sun, "At least we'll get home before sunset..."

"Mm-hmm..." Kailen murmured barely audibly, still a bit anxious to make any sort of sound.

"You know Kai, I was more scared than angry... Anything could have happened to you."

Upon hearing the admittance, Kailen turned his attention towards his brother, "I'm sorry..."

"You can stop apologizing." Arlocke folded his arms behind his head as he walked, "I think I'm more annoyed that you couldn't handle three chumps like those Houndoom."

"I... But... They had a type advantage... And I was outnumbered..."

"So? you don't give them a chance to attack, this isn't some turn-based video game, Kai. You're a goddamn Lucario, you should be at least twice as strong as me, and I annihilated those worthless scrubs."

"You can't expect me to be as strong as you, Locke..."

He wasn't wrong. Despite being unevolved, Arlocke was exceedingly strong. 19-years old and already over level 70. Of course he didn't have much choice, the Riolu had been the sole caretaker of his younger brother for several years now, ever since their father abandoned them. If he wasn't strong enough, the pair never would have survived.

Kailen was on the opposite end of the spectrum. Earlier in the year, the young pokémon evolved, becoming a Lucario at the young age of 13, much to he and his brother's surprise. Unfortunately, simply evolving didn't make the boy any more adept at fighting, his level barely exceeding 20.

"I just want you to be able to take care of yourself, Kai. I can't be with you 24/7." The Riolu expressed genuine concern for his brother's well-being as they walked along the road.

"I know..." Kailen answered sheepishly, "And thanks, Locke.."

"Y-Yeah, whatever..." The Riolu was determined to retain his serious demeanor, "But, don't think that I'm okay with you putting yourself in danger like that! Tomorrow you're doing three-times the amount of training! And I'm NOT going easy on you!"

A small smile appeared on the Lucario's face as he followed his brother along the path.

"C'Mon! Move quicker!"

Arlocke goaded his brother on as he effortlessly evaded the Lucario's moves. The older brother had followed through on the promise he made the previous evening. It was nearing 5 PM, and the duo had been training for close to 12 hours straight.

"Let's go Kai! Keep your footing! We're not done until you land a hit on me!"

Kai jumped back, adjusting his position as he started focusing his energy, an Aura Sphere forming in his palm.

"Nope! Sorry bro!" Noticing his brother's intentions, Arlocke performed a powerful kick in the direction of his brother, the swing of the pokémon's leg leaving a trail of fire behind it. Though not close enough to hurt Kailen, it caught him off guard, causing him to lose focus as the Aura Sphere dissipated.

"Oof..." Kailen stumbled a few steps back, "Hey! You promised no Blaze Kicks, Locke!"

"Heh... Well, Aura Sphere would kinda make it too easy for you..." The Riolu hopped back into his defensive position, "Now come on!"

Kailen regained his footing and lunged forward, firing several quick jabs towards his brother, all of which were easily dodged. Side-stepping a bit to dodge the last of the jabs, Arlocke, tapped the Lucario's fist forward causing his brother to become imbalanced.

Quickly catching himself, Kailen landed one hand on the ground, and flipped back to his feet, quickly turning and firing a punch back at the Riolu. Keeping up, Arlocke spun with he punch, allowing his brother's momentum to pull him forward, completely missing his target.

"Hm... Kai, that was sloppy, you can't just..." The Riolu turned to notice that his brother had quickly adjusted the angle of his punch, slamming it directly into the ground, using it to pivot himself into a kick that was lined up directly to the Riolu's chest.

Kailen was determined, his focus never broke from his target as he swung his leg toward his brother's torso. Until, he saw a faint reflection of light, a small shimmer from Arlocke's chest. It was as if his mind issued an emergency stop, as his foot stopped dead in mid air, a split second before his brother brought his wrist up in a firm block, and then with his other hand landed a firm push, driving the Lucario back.

Landing on his back, the Lucario laid still for a second, the focus and composure he had a moment ago seemed to have completely left him.

"Kai, what was that?" The Riolu's words seemed to snap his brother back into reality, "That was a good move, you had me. Why'd you hesitate?"

"I... didn't want to break mom's necklace..."

Arlocke looked down, seeing the small stone fragment that was hanging around his neck, he held it lightly for a moment, "Oh... Well, don't worry about this, I don't even remember that I have it on half the time. Besides, I doubt you could do much to it, it's just a piece of some rock."

Arlocke wasn't exaggerating, that keepsake had not left his neck for over 13 years. He had become so accustomed to it, most of the time he was not even aware of its presence. It was nothing but a small stone fragment, but it was the last keepsake he had of their mother, who had died soon after Kailen's birth.

The Riolu had since blocked out the majority of that tragic moment from his memory, but he did clearly remember the last time he physically saw her was when he collected the necklace from her unmoving body.

Arlocke shook his head violently as to try and force out the memory, "Uhh... we can count that, I guess. You would have gotten me..." Arlocke started walking towards the den, "But next time, don't hesitate! Oh, and next time, I'll be using Blaze Kick, you need to learn to not get thrown off so easily by fire attacks!"

Kailen nodded as he rose to his feet. "I know... sorry..."

"Don't be sorry! That was a good move you did. It's good that you're learning to follow the flow of a fight and not just going by the book."

Upon hearing his brother's words, he perked up a bit, as he was reminded of something.

"Oh yeah, Locke!" The Riolu turned at his brother's call. "Umm... remember that book from yesterday?"

"The book that you almost got killed over? Yeah, I seem to remember it..."

The Lucario shifted his gaze downward, clearly nervous about whatever was running through his mind, "Well, it was actually a copy of a research journal... From a human."

The Riolu did not seem particularly interested, "And...?"

"Well, it goes into detail on um... how some pokémon evolve." Kailen looked up hopefully at his brother, only to see him sigh in annoyance.

"Kai, I told you before, I'm not concerned with evolving..."

"I know, but listen!" he continued, determined to convince his brother, "It mentions how some pokémon only evolve at certain times or in certain places, certain stones can induce or inhibit evolution, it even has specific stuff about Riolu! He says that Riolu evolution may be related to the feeling of happiness!"

Arlocke sighed again as he responded, "Ugh... your point being?"

"Well... I mean... If you can be..."

The Riolu rolled his eyes as he interrupted his brother, "If I can what? If I can 'be happy' then I can evolve?"

Kailen's gaze dropped back down to the ground as he started scratching the back of his head anxiously, "I- I don't know... I'm sure there's more to it... I just thought..."

"Kai, if it happens, then it happens... But like I've said a million times, I don't care about evo-"


Arlocke was taken aback, surprised by his usually soft-spoken brother's outburst. The Lucario spoke passionately, struggling to hold back tears.

"You don't know how guilty it made me feel when I evolved! I should have been happy, but all I could think about was how you have taken care of me for so long, and worked so hard... Why couldn't you have been the one to evolve!?"

The siblings stood in the silence of the intense moment, it felt like an eternity before the younger spoke again.

"I know you don't care, so maybe I'm being selfish but... I just... I just want to help you. I want you to be as strong as you deserve to be."

Arlocke took a few strides towards his still trembling brother. Kailen looked up to meet his brother's gaze, only to be caught off-guard by a flash of flames appearing in front of him.


The Lucario fell backwards, looking up to see the Riolu lowering his leg after the Blaze Kick he just performed.

"The best way to deal with a weakness is to embrace it, that's a truth that I've accepted... Blaze Kick is the one good thing we got from our scumbag of a father, and you should be able to use it too, tomorrow you're going to start working on that."

With that, Arlocke turned again and started heading back towards the den.

Kailen remained sitting on the ground, a defeated look across his face as his brother withdrew back inside.

A few hours had passed since the practice session, Arlocke had barely spoken a word to his brother since then. It wasn't due to anger or sadness, it was a feeling that Kailen couldn't quite place as he sat in his room. He absentmindedly thumbed through the research journal, but the incident with his brother was keeping his mind occupied otherwise.

"Whatcha readin'?"

The Lucario's concentration was shattered by a familiar voice, he almost fell out of his chair as he turned, seeing the Golbat perched on his windowsill.

"Delta? What are you doing here?" The Lucario glanced towards his door, making sure it was closed, "My brother probably wants to kill you at the moment due to the whole thing with the journal..."

"Heh, yeah... Thanks a lot for telling him I was involved in that, by the way." The Golbat leaned back against the wall as he stepped away from the window.

"Uh... Sorry about that... I had to come clean. I..."

"Yeah, I heard something about that..." The Golbat cut off his friend, "Something about your brother fighting off 10 Mega Houndooms and killing their leader, all because one of them looked at him funny, right? Kinda cool that he's got them super scared in their own territory."

Kailen rolled his eyes at the over exaggeration, "Is that the story that's going around?"

The Golbat nodded, "Yep! Or something close to that, at least... All I know for sure is that your bro is kinda badass."

Kailen sighed, "Yeah... He really is... He works really hard at it..."

"Oh yeah! That journal was supposed to be about evolution research, right? I bet he was suuuuper-excited about becoming a Lucario, right?"

Kailen closed the journal, and tossed it onto his bed. "No... It's like he doesn't even care. I really think that the journal is right about it being related to happiness, but he didn't even want to hear about it." The Lucario slumped forward, elbows on his knees as he slouched in the chair. "Mom died when he was 6, and then had to deal with dad until he abandoned us, and has had the burden of taking care of me for my whole life... He's never had a chance to take care of himself."

Kailen silently thought to himself for a moment until his friend abruptly broke the tone of his confession.

"Well, you're certainly a downer this evening. Maybe I'll go find a crying child, that might be a little less depressing..."

"Sorry." the Lucario looked up at his friend, "I'm just a little preoccupied."

"Heh, well, he's a guy right? There's always one thing that's guaranteed to make any guy happy..."

Kailen looked stumped for a moment, thinking about the comment, "Huh? What are you talking abo... Ohhh...."

Delta chuckled as Kailen figured it out.

"Yeah, well... What am I supposed to do? Just go up to females and ask them if they want to sleep with my brother?"

The poison-type shrugged as he turned back towards the window, "I dunno, I'm just the idea man. You're the one that needs to pull it off. I'm gonna take off, I can hear your bro moving around, if he's heading this way, I don't want him to know I'm here. Even with my quadruple-resistance to fighting, I don't know if I could survive a hit from him... Later."

"See ya." The Lucario watched as his friend flew off into the evening.

"Ugh... Why am I thinking about this so much? Delta's suggestion is ridiculous." Kailen sat, still thinking about his friend's comment, "It'd definitely make him feel good though... It'd make me happier for sure if I had a girl desperate to mate with me..."

Kailen sat quietly, hoping to come up with a solution...



It was just past 4 AM, Arlocke was fast asleep when his door was inched open.

"Locke...?" Kailen spoke in a hushed tone, barely more than a whisper, just trying to see if his brother was awake. He peered into the room, seeing the Riolu's sleeping form on the bed.

"Locke?" He repeated, slightly louder this time, still with no response from his brother. Satisfied that Arlocke was sound asleep, he crept in gently.

"Whatamidoing? Whatamidoing? WHATAMIDOING?!"

The Lucario was screaming at himself mentally as he clenched his fists and moved further into the room. He couldn't even begin to fathom the consequences that might arise from the execution of this plan, but still he stepped forward, only one objective in mind.

He stopped in front of his brother's bed, and slowly pulled the covers off, being exceedingly careful as to not disturb him and possibly wake him up. He slipped the covers completely off, and left them in a pile on the ground. Kailen swallowed hard as he saw his goal. Arlocke's sheath was in full view. Conveniently for the Lucario, his older brother was asleep face-up, with his legs slightly spread, everything was in full view, and completely accessible.

The Lucario leaned down over him, glancing at his brother's face once more, just to confirm that he was still asleep. Kailen took a deep breath, and reached forward, gently grasping the Riolu's sheathe, and started to caress it.


Kailen froze as his brother stirred a bit, turning his head a bit, but remaining asleep. Regaining his nerve, he took another deep breath and continued massaging Arlocke's nether-regions.

It didn't take long for Kailen's target to begin making its appearance. After around a minute of the treatment, the pink tip of the Riolu's cock was visibly emerging from the sheath.

Kailen swallowed hard. Upon seeing the actual shaft beginning to materialize, the plan suddenly got every real, very fast. Continuing his stimulation, the shaft was expanding, inch after inch made its way into the open air, the rigidity of the shaft getting progressively harder as it lengthened.

The younger brother bit his lip as he continued, feeling himself start to get excited in the process, he glanced downward to see his own tip starting to protrude as well.

Arlocke remained asleep, breathing slightly heavier, but definitely not conscious. Kailen's heart was racing as he watched the Riolu's cock continue to grow, he was starting to get a bit surprised at the size it was reaching. He had expected his own size to be superior due to his evolved state, but Arlocke's was at least a match for him, and looked to be still expanding.

"Alright... I guess that's good..." The Lucario whispered to himself, removing his hand from his brother's midsection, and placing both hands on the bed around his waist, allowing him to lean his face in close, until he was face-to-face with Arlocke's imposing tool.

"Not turning back now..." Kailen thought to himself as he dragged his tongue along the shaft, eliciting a slight gasp from his brother.

A quick glance upward at Arlocke's face confirmed that he had not yet awakened, and Kailen performed another long lick across the underside of the Riolu cock, starting at the base, and ending at the tip, catching a drop of precum that had just formed.

Kailen continued lashing his tongue up the shaft, slathering it, making it glisten and drip, within under a minute it was nearly completely slicked with a combination of saliva and the Riolu's own pre-ejaculate.

The knot had fully formed at the base, and the cock was rock hard sticking straight up from the Riolu's body. Kailen was delving deeper still, plunging the dick into his mouth, trying to take it as deep as he could, but only reaching around halfway before it threaten to jab into his throat. Not wanting to risk gagging and waking his brother up with a coughing fit, he pulled back, considering the upcoming task.

Thoughts of doubt still flooded Kailen's mind, "No way I can do this! He is going to legit murder me! I didn't expect it to be this big!"

Pushing the negatives out of his mind he fixated on his goal. He took another glimpse at his brother's face, noticing a new detail, a smile had appeared on his face. The Riolu seemed clearly to still be asleep, but now had a serene expression spread across his face. Even asleep, Arlocke looked to be experiencing pure joy from Kailen's actions.

Struck with a rejuvenated motivation, the Lucario nodded to himself as he lifted himself over the his brother, positioning as well he could, and then slowly lowered himself, directly onto the Riolu's shaft.

"Ohh, Arlocke! You're sooo big!" "Please do me again baby!"

Arlocke smiled at the two Mienfoo girls that were worshiping his cock. Neither broke their gaze with him as they ravished the erect member.

"I need you inside me, please?"

With the sly smile on his face, the Riolu gave a slight nod, holding himself still as the female climbed on top of him, and proceeded to lower herself onto his pole, the Riolu grasped her hips tightly as she began to ride him, helping her along, gently thrusting into the tight heat.


That sounded a tad out of place, the moan sounded a bit too masculine... Arlocke thought for a second, and then everything started to blur..

The Riolu's eyes cracked open just a little bit, as he stirred awake, looking straight upward at the ceiling

"Mmm..." The Riolu spoke silently to himself, "That felt really good for a dream, too good even... Actually, it still feels g..."

With that, the older brother shifted his view towards him midsection, gaping in panic at the sight. His younger brother was on his knees over his thighs, impaled on his erection.


Kailen jerked his head forward, seeing his now wide-awake brother staring at him, he felt like a Deerling-in-the-headlights, his mind was frozen. Fortunately for him, his body was too far gone. He continued gyrating his hips around the shaft, moving purely on instinct, trying to fit as much of the cock into himself as he could.

"Ahh... Locke!" The younger sibling pressed his hips down further, the Riolu's dick was simply obliterating his pleasure center, as Kailen felt his brother's imposing knot against his entrance.

"I-I'm gonna cum!" Unable to hold himself back, his entire body spasmed, intensifying the tightness around Arlocke's member as he unleashed a stream of thick seed over the Riolu's chest.

"Shit, Kai! You can't... We can't..." The Riolu knew he needed to stop the situation, to end everything immediately, but the pleasure was far too much to resist. "Oh, Arceus, you are tight as shit!"

The Lucario pulled himself slightly up up off of the cock, leaving only about half of it buried inside him, He looked at his brother, a bit perplexed. What was going on? Kailen knew full well, that there was no way that he could prevent his brother from ending this sequence of events, but... that last statement didn't sound like he was about to stop the situation. "Locke, please don't be..."

He didn't even have a chance to finish his apology, feeling the small Riolu hands grasp his thighs tightly, immediately followed by a strong upward thrust from his brother, burying the cock just as deep as it just was.

"Aack! Locke, you're too strong!"

As if on cue, the Riolu leaned forward, lifting the larger pokémon effortlessly, as if he weighed no more than a rag doll, and flipped him onto his back, switching their positions. The entire time, never removing his dick from his younger brother's passage.

Kailen, now lying on his back, stared up in amazement at his older brother, not as much surprised at his brother's impressive display of strength, but moreso the overwhelmingly dominant aura that he suddenly seemed to be exuding. This was a side of Arlocke that he had never before witnessed. For the first time since becoming a Lucario, he felt absolutely tiny under the gaze of his brother.

"You haven't seen 'strong' yet, Kai." Arlocke spoke as he glared daggers directly into his brother's eyes. "You started this... Now, I am going to WRECK you..." with that, he began thrusting.

"AHH!" The first thrust alone made stars appear in Kailen's eyes, as the Riolu's knot was forced past the tight ring of muscle. If it weren't for those hands gripping his sides, he had no doubt that the powerful impact would have sent him flying across the room.

The thrusts continued, the Riolu was careful not to pull the knot completely out, so the jabs were short, but the force behind each one was impossibly intense. Kailen could do nothing but lay still as his brother's assault carried on.

"Kai... I'm gonna... cum inside you..."

Arlocke's words were separated by his heavy breaths as he continued to pound Kailen's rear. The Lucario, still lost in the pleasure, barely managed a slight acknowledging nod at the comment.

Arlocke leaned in close, pressing himself against his brother's body. Careful to avoid the Lucario's chest spike, he wrapped his arms tight around the torso, and began his final assault.

The Riolu sped up, his hips nothing more than a blue blur as he annihilated his brother's passage. The large dick spearing the Lucario's deepest depths, and the over-sized knot stretching him further than he though was possible.

"Ah! Ohhh, Arceus! Locke, I'm gonna..."

The Lucario orgasmed for a second time, his load splattering between the brothers' bodies, and his muscles spasming in pure bliss. The sudden increase in pressure around his cock was all it took to push Arlocke over the edge, he bit his lip as he held his hips still, depositing his seed into Kai's body.

After lasting nearly a full minute, the Riolu's orgasm finally slowed, and came to a stop. The two siblings remained still, neither adjusting their position for a few minutes, until Arlocke released his hold around his brother's body.


Kailen yelped, as his brother abruptly popped his knot out of his ass before flopping down onto his back next to him. They both lay still for a few moments before the older brother spoke.

"We can't do that again, Kai... Ever..." Arlocke turned his head to the left looking towards the Lucario. "You know that, right?"

Kailen turned his head to meet his brother's gaze, and nodded sullenly. "It didn't work anyway..."

"Didn't work? What do you mean?

Kailen shifted his gaze away, hesitant to bring the subject back up, "It was supposed... to make you feel happy... so that you might..."

Arlocke rolled his eyes and turned his head back towards the ceiling.

Expecting to see his brother get angry, he glanced back at Arlocke, surprised to see a smirk across his brother's face.

"Wow Kai... You REALLY want to see me evolve, don't you?"

The Lucario gave another somber nod, "More than anything..."

The sat up and turned towards his brother. "You know Kai, when Mom died, I didn't want to accept it. I didn't think life could possibly be that unfair." The Riolu pulled his mother's necklace off over his head, "This helped me through it, maybe it can help you too..." With that, Arlocke lifted the necklace over his brother's head, placing it around his neck.

Kailen took the small stone fragment in this hand, looking down at it. Seeing the possibilty of a tear form in his brother's eye, Arlocke quickly shifted the conversation.

"Errr... And look at all this mess! It's almost morning anyway, I'm going to take a shower, and get some food ready, then I'll definitely need to wash those sheets around noon."

Kailen looked up from his new possession, "Huh? But we usually train at noon. I thought you were teaching me Blaze Kick today?"

The Riolu stopped mid-stride towards the shower, "Err, yeah... You probably won't be able to walk until some time this evening..." Arlocke scratched the back of his head sheepishly, "At least that's how long it took last time I went that fierce on a girl..."

"Huh? What are you talking abo..." The Lucario looked down toward his legs, feeling his thighs, he realized he was mostly numb from the waist down. "HEY!"

Quickly to exit, Arlocke's voice could be heard clearly moving away from the room, "Sorry bro! I promise it will be fine! Just rest for a while!"

Out of earshot of Kailen's clamoring, The Riolu began to prepare his shower, mind wandering, "Well, since I'm not training Kai today, I might as well get some practice in myself... I'm probably pretty close to leveling up anyway, never know what may happen."