The Pornstar's Son: 05 - The Frayed Ends of Sanity

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#5 of The Porn Star's Son

Chapter 5: The Frayed Ends of Sanity

Linda only had to preform a quick touch-up on me, since the next scene only required me to wear a pair of boxer shorts, but she had to focus intently on my son. The next scene was going to be the final one of the movie: the cross-dressing one. It was going to be shot in the same room as the last scene, so that's the main reason Kyle decided to do it next. It was also the next step up in intensity from the previous scene. The first scene had been a simple blowjob, and the last scene we were filming was going to be all out sex. This one was happily situated in the middle.

At first, Linda took a good look over my son's naked body and made a few adjustments, mostly to his pelvic region. Next, she brought in the clothing that my son was going to be wearing for the next scene (Linda was also our unofficial wardrobe person) and made Brandon put in on slowly so she could examine how it looked at each stage.

First up was the pair of black panties. My son thought we were joking at first, but after some persuasion he eventually slid them on. They were a surprisingly good fit for him, although he looked somewhat uncomfortable in them. Linda made him twist and turn in every possible way to get a feel for how they looked and felt on him, and after a few "adjustments" by him and Linda they both seemed satisfied with his look.

The next article of clothing was a semi-short blue skirt which my son hesitantly put on. It was a bit big at first, but with some quick tailoring Linda managed to make it fit snugly around my son's hips. After a few more small body shape adjustments Linda added a pair of white thigh-high socks to the outfit which my son cautiously put on. The final piece of the outfit was a white woman's short-sleeve top which my son easily slipped into after all the other things he put on. Linda made a few more adjustments to the outfit before finally giving Brandon the okay to go on camera.

I thought he looked pretty good... for a cross-dressing ten year old. Since his body had just started to develop it's manly shape, he was able to pull of the whole cross-dressing thing fairly well. It was kind of hard to tell that he was really a boy, but I guess that was the intention.

"How do you feel Brandon?" I asked him as we began to leave the bathroom.

"Kind of silly," he replied honestly, "and my underwear is really... annoying."

"It wasn't designed for you," I said with a smile, "so that's to be expected. But it'll be off soon enough. Just relax and act natural."

He still seemed kind of fidgety as we started to walk down the hallway, but when we made it to the bedroom he was instantly embarrassed by all the stares aimed at him. "He looks good," was all that Kyle said before continuing with, "places everyone. We're about to start filming the next scene. Brandon, go wait in the doorway for your cue. Jake, get on the bed and lay down casually." The sudden orders from Kyle seemed to wash away Brandon's embarrassment as he turned and walked out the doorway. I game him a reassuring smile before getting into position myself.

Getting into character for this scene was going to be just as hard as the last one, if not harder. Not only did I have to have sex with my own son, but I would also have to make out with him and "pretend" he was my wife. I felt like I had good control over the acting and sex parts, since I did both all the time, but the part that really unnerved me was the level of passion needed in this scene. It's not something you normally see in most porn movies, and I had only been called upon to do it a handful of times in my career. And, to top it all off, I was going to have to make out with my own son! I hated making out with any guy in general, but my son... It just seemed... wrong. But, in this career I'd chosen for myself, and for my son at this point, you sometimes had to do things which you were very against doing. No matter how much I hated the idea, I had to make it look good and believable. So, in order to help me get into character, I began to think of my son as being my actual wife, Jill. Sure, he was a bit smaller among other things, but he did have half of her DNA. And, especially since he was young and in drag, it wasn't a tremendous stretch to make the switch. The scenery also helped me to get into the romantic mood as well. I noticed that Kyle and crew had brought out several candles which they spread across the room, and that's always what Jill and I did when we dedicated an entire night to one another. It wouldn't be easy, but I figured that we could make the scene work. I was already in the mood for a nice relaxing cuddle before the scene started anyway, and once Kyle and the crew were ready things really began to get intense.

After doing some last minute checks on things, Kyle finally said, "Okay, kill the main lights and pull down the shades on the windows. Light the candles and turn on the lamp next to the bed... Everyone ready? Okay, camera, action! Lay there comfortably for a moment Jake and look somewhat anxious for the intro to the scene."

I did as he asked for a moment before he added, "Start the scene into motion."

"Honey," I said out in a sort of cautiously excited voice, "are you ready to come to bed yet?"

"I'm coming dear," I heard my son said before he slowly walked into the room. He let the cameras get a few good close-up shots of him and his outfit before he crawled into bed and gently cuddled up against my side.

"You're looking as beautiful as ever," I said as I ran one of my hands down his side and gave him a tender kiss.

"Thanks dear," my son said in return as he placed a hand on my chest, "You're looking good as well. Have you been going to the gym since I last saw you?"

"A little bit," I confessed. After a short pause I added, "I've missed you so much over these past few years. Why did you ever have to leave me?"

"The important thing is that I'm back now," my son said ignoring my question.

That was my cue to begin the adult portion of the scene. I leaned in and gave my son a tender kiss on the lips which he quickly returned. It started out with a single kiss, but that one kiss slowly began to escalate. Before long I rolled over on top of him and pinned him down while we continued to passionately maintain our series of kisses and nuzzles. While our mouths were occupied, I gently began to rub all across my son's body with my hands, and he started doing the same to me shortly thereafter. My hands ventured up and down both of his sides while his hands were busy exploring across my naked back. But this wasn't simply a make out scene. We had more... explicit topics to cover. So, as our kissing began to calm down, I slowly broke away from one final kiss so that I could begin to slide my son's shirt off. I griped it along it's lower hem and slowly began to lift it off, giving the cameras time some to get some shots of my son's chest and abs in the process. Once the entire shirt slipped over his head I gently tossed it off the bed. I gave my son a few last tender kisses over his face and neck before I decided to move on.

I pulled away from my son just a tiny bit before saying, "You know, I've been waiting for you this whole time. For two years I've thought of nothing but this moment."

I gave him some room as he slowly rolled out from underneath me. I watched him crawl to the empty side of the bed and slowly position his rear end to face the cameras in a doggy style position. He suddenly looked back at me with those big blue eyes of his and said, "I need you just as badly too, so why should we wait any longer?"

The weirdness of the scene was really starting to get to me at this point, even though my son and I had practiced everything a few times before. All I could do was quickly remind myself that the acting was almost over as I slowly got up and joined my son on the end of the bed. As I slowly crept up behind him, the first thing I did was place my hands on his shoulders and slowly begin to rub down and around his back. I proceeded slowly with the back rub, making sure to make it look sensual, until my hands found themselves around his hips. Once my hands were down in that area, I gently lifted up his skirt to reveal the skin tight black panties which hugged his ass perfectly. My attention quickly focused on his ass cheeks as I slowly began to grope and massage them, but eventually I let my hands explore down his sock covered thighs as well. This went on until the crew had gotten a decent amount of shots, with Kyle getting some good close up ones as well. Then, it was finally time to reveal my son to the world.

I gently hooked my fingers around my son's panty waistband and very slowly began to drag them down. I had to drag them down until my son's tailhole was just visible, but I had to stop before his balls began to show in order to keep the "fantasy" alive for now. I gave the cameras a good shot of my exposed son before I finally said, "I've needed this so badly ever since you left."

"Go ahead, I'm ready for you," Brandon said as he gave a sexy little shake of his ass and tail.

With a big happy smile stuck on my face I reached down and gently slid my own boxers off, making sure to give the cameras a nice view of all my private goodies in the process. My cock was mostly hard by the time my boxers had come off, but it didn't take much more for it to stand at full attention. I grabbed a hold of it and, after adjusting my position, gently placed it at my son's entrance before moving both of my hands to grab him around the hips. Kyle quickly ran in and position his camera underneath us as I very gently began to penetrate my son.

He was still lubricated from the stretching session (and I had topped him off before Linda started to style him for this scene), so the penetration went smoothly at first. But, as the diameter of my cock hit it's maximum against my son's sphincter I noticed that there was quite a bit more resistance than I was anticipating. This was echoed by my son taking in a sharp breath or two as I slowly pushed in. He must have tightened up a bit since our stretching session. Now, normally the bottom would just have to deal with the discomfort at this point, but since it was my son below me, and we were doing such a romantic scene, I decided to go easy on him.

I halted just before my cock reached it's maximum diameter and said, "Honey, you feel amazing. I don't remember you being this tight."

My son was supposed to have a line directly following that, but he seemed to forget it due to the discomfort he was feeling. It didn't really matter all that much though. No one was going to notice. Instead, I gently began to pull out and gently thrust back in so that my son could get use to my size once again.

My son buried his head into the bed, as he had done the previous time we did this, but that didn't stop Kyle from getting a decent reaction shot from him as I slowly and gently pushed the rest of my length inside. I wanted to go slower, but I knew that we had a movie to film and that it had to look good. My son took it fairly well though. I think there might have been a tear or two in his eye at the worst part, but he had done much better than some of the other guys I'd fucked in past movies.

He let out a little yelp as I finally managed to fit my entire cock into him. As a reward for his perseverance, I left my cock inside of him so he could re-adjust as my hands gently massaged the rest of his body. "You okay honey?" I said diverting from the script a little bit once I had given him time to rest.

"I'm okay," he replied after a few deep breaths. Taking that as my cue, I slowly began to withdraw my cock from his ass until only the tip remained before gently thrusting it back in. We both let out a long and low moan at the procedure, and we both continued to do so as I gently ramped up my thrusts.

Once I had a nice and steady gentle rhythm going, I leaned over top of my son and wrapped my arms around his stomach while I gave the back of his head and neck a few tender kisses. That was the essence of this scene: love. It's something that is fairly rare in pornographic movies, but I guess that's why they wanted a true father and son pairing. Unlike the other actors I worked with (excluding my wife of course) I really did love my son. I loved him more than I loved my wife probably. And I took great care to make sure that he was enjoying what we were doing while still trying to make it look good for the cameras. I probably wouldn't have extended the same courtesy to someone I had never met before. At the very least, I would've been more focused on how everything looked rather than how the bottom was feeling. But, my son came first in this scene. If he wasn't enjoying it then I wouldn't be enjoying it either. That's the true nature of passionate love making, and that's how you can tell that you truly love someone.

I continued my gentle but rhythmic thrusts into my son as the camera crew behind me captured whatever they needed to. I didn't really care about them anymore, consciously anyway. It was just me and my son now - back in my bedroom where we first had done this taboo act. He was all that mattered to me now, and I was probably fully occupying his mind as well.

In order to make it more exciting for him, my hands began to reach around and caress any part of my son's body that I could reach. And, since he was a bit smaller than me, I managed to get nearly every crack and crevice from his face to his thighs. There was one part that I had to avoid however, his groin. I was supposed to keep up the charade that he was my wife during the entire scene, at least in my mind, so I made sure not to touch him there. But, somewhere early in the scene, his panties were supposed to fall down and expose his maleness to the cameras. When this didn't happen by itself, or with my son's help, I gently drew my large paws from the top of his butt to the bottom of his thighs, and managed to get the panties off without "consciously" realizing it. I was a bit relieved myself when they were finally around his knees however. On each thrust my own balls bounced uncomfortably against them and smacked back into my own pelvis. It was starting to get quite uncomfortable for me...

Brandon, after the somewhat rocky start, was finally beginning to enjoy himself somewhat at this point. He had moved his head up off the bed and was panting gently in tempo with each slow thrust I made. It was hard to tell, but I figured that his sheath was probably pretty swollen by now... if nothing was actually poking out. His insides had definitely "loosened up" and he was definitely more comfortable with the full length of my cock slowly going in and out of his tailhole.

The position we were in was fairly uncomfortable for me however. I tried to keep most of the strain off of my son by holding up all my upper body weight myself, but my abs and the inside of my thighs were killing me after only a short time in this position. Luckily, I knew that we had another position to switch to before the scene was over, so without any cue from Kyle (as if I was paying attention to him anymore) I began to rip off the skirt from my son's waist (it was held by velcro so I didn't actually have to "rip" it). Once it was off I threw it off the bed and took a moment to explore my son's newly exposed rear end. After running my hands around his smooth but firm curves for a short moment I slowly pulled myself out of my son and gently flipped him around and onto his back. Kyle quickly rushed in to get the next penetration shot, but I had to adjust my positioning before attempting anything with my son.

Once I was able to kneel back at a comfortable height I gently grabbed my son's lower back and raised him up to my level. I felt Kyle wedge the camera down where camera's shouldn't be, and I instinctively waited for a light tap on the back, which meant that Kyle had the shot lined up. Once I felt him tap on my back, I very slowly began to push into my son once again.

The penetration was nothing amazing since we had been having sex for some time now, but in this new position I was able to push a bit harder and faster into my son. I picked up the pace slightly, but since the scene was intended to be more about love than anything else I didn't want to overdue it. Nevertheless, my son seemed to notice my increased tempo and strength, and he reacted accordingly by letting out a few louder moans and groans.

After I had gotten a consistent rhythm down, my son hooked his legs around my back as dictated in the script. This made my thrusts shorter in distance, but it was the sign for me to begin increasing my thrusts in frequency. Not wanting to disappoint my son, I did just that, and both of our moans and groans quickly increased in frequency because of it.

The sex had grown from very tender and loving sex in the beginning to a much more passionate sex at this point. I was thrusting into him with short but heavy thrusts which made the bed squeak beneath us. My breaths were starting to get shorter and quicker as I began to put a lot of energy into my thrusts, and my son's breaths seemed to do the same in time with my thrusts. I could feel the sweat start to drip out of my styled mane and down my back as I worked, and my son's hair was becoming matted with his own sweat as his body enjoyed my treatment.

I could tell that my son was enjoying it simply by looking at his cock. I never directly looked at it, since that would ruin the scene, but I had caught quick glimpses of it every now and then. It had grown to just about it's full length, and it was busy bobbing up and down in time to my thrusts. I could also tell that my son desperately wanted to grab a hold of it and begin stroking it. His arms were becoming restless. He tried desperately to grab a hold of anything he could: the bedsheets, my arms, his back, etc. He was trying to hold himself back, but he was getting closer and closer to failing at every moment. There was only one thing I could do to take his attention away from his own penis.

I suddenly slowed my thrusts down a good bit before I began to reposition the both of us. As I lowered my son back down to the bed, I slid my knees backward and threw my arms forward to brace myself. My son unlocked his legs from my back and simply let them rest freely along either side of me. Once we were both comfortably in our new missionary position, and I had another steady rhythm going, I leaned and gently brushed my nose up against his with a romantic flair. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment before I leaned in with another kiss aimed directly for his lips. We remained lip-locked for a few moments, kissing passionately all the while, before we finally had to break for mutual gasps of air. It was then that something unexpected happened.

I hadn't moved far to catch my breath, so after I had gotten a few deep breaths I felt my son's arms lock around my neck and pull me down into another kiss. I was so surprised that I barely had time to get ready before my lips made contact with his once again. And, the weirdest thing was that he kept my head locked down there for a good minute or two of on and off passionate kissing. I looked into his eyes for an explanation once I got a chance, and all I saw was lust and love. My son truly loved me, and he had figured out that this was one way people showed their love to each other. Since the timing and the chemistry of the scene felt right, he decided to go for it. All I could say in response, regardless of what the script said, was, "I love you."

"I love you too," he said back in a very heartfelt tone of voice. It made my heart melt once again, but it also turned me on like nothing else could. I've had so much sex in my life that the feeling had started to become a bit dull. But, I've only had sex with someone I truly loved a handful of times in comparison. It really gave a whole new meaning to the sex once you realized it was happening due to love and not just lust. It made me feel... complete... like there was an actual reason for me to be having sex. And that feeling is better than the best orgasm you can think of. I've done so many shoots without that feeling that sex had become more of an act than anything else to me, but when I can feel true love flow between myself and the other person it turns me on like nothing else can.

I had felt my release building up for a while, and I was able to control it fairly easily up until this point, but the moment I heard my son utter those four words I simply lost control. I pressed my chest flat up against his as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. With a few final thrusts I came with a loud, but less dominant roar than I had before. It was about my son and I together now - not just me by myself anymore. I didn't have to dominate him, I simply wanted to share the sexual experience with him.

It took me some time to recover from the powerful orgasm I had just experienced. My mind was still swimming in it while I struggled to catch my breath. My son, pinned under me for the moment, simply wrapped his hands lovingly around my back and gently began to massage it to help me relax - just like I'd done to him numerous times. Once I had regained my composure to a reasonable level, I gave my son a few more tender kisses around his face and neck, however, I eventually remembered that we still had a scene to finish up. Kyle was already in position to get the pull out shot, so I slowly began to slide my softening cum and lube covered cock out of my son. I felt it come free and dangle in the air for a moment before I moved it away and let Kyle get a good shot of my son's used ass. I gave my son one last peck on the cheek before flopping down on an unused portion of the bed as I tried to steady my mind and my breathing.

My son, after finishing his ass shots, slowly raised himself up on the bed, crawled over to me, and nestled into my rising and falling chest. I threw a hand over him and said, "I love you so much."

"I love you too," he repeated. We simply continued to lay there for a moment as the camera crew got their necessary shots. I never wanted the scene to end, but eventually I heard Kyle yell out, "And... cut! That was amazing guys! You really nailed that scene!"

A loud round of applause began to emanate from the crew once Kyle had finished speaking, but when they had finished clapping they all quickly got into busy mode. The lights suddenly came back on as the crew started tearing down the equipment and moving it to the other room. Kyle was busy dictating what to do and where to put everything at first, but after my son and I hadn't moved for a few moments he cautiously made his way over to us and said, "Is everything all right?"

"We're fine," I said with a big sigh. "We're just... still in the moment, you know?"

"It's not often that you get to do a romantic scene in this business," Kyle replied calmly, "and you guys did great. They're going to love this scene over in Asia... especially the women. I've heard that they can go crazy for stuff like this if it's done right."

As I looked over at my son I smiled and said, "Hear that? You're a hit with the ladies already! You won't be able to set foot in Asia without them swarming you."

My son just chuckled as he began to stretch out.

"Well," Kyle began once again, "whenever you're done with your romantic thing you should get cleaned up. It's well passed lunch time, so I decided to order some pizza for everyone. After you eat and rest you should be able to handle the last major scene without any problems."

At the mere mention of pizza my son quickly perked up. There was no quicker way to make a ten year old happy than telling him there was pizza for lunch. Sensing his eagerness to eat I slowly slid myself to the side of the bed and let him go free while I took one more moment to recuperate myself. After a short moment, I lifted myself off the bed with a grunt and began to follow my son to the bathroom to get cleaned up.