Fertility Goddess' Champion
I've already posted this story to a couple of my other furry accounts (see userpage for links to said websites and even more sexy writing posts) but SoFurry happens to have the coolest writing-post-upload-style so I figured I should post it here too. It's my most popular story according to my stats and I can agree it's pretty good.
This story contains a lot of sexy stuff, like transformation, transgender transformation, rapidly induced pregnancy, impregnation, and magical powers. Read at your own pleasure!
The midafternoon sun hung high in the sky over our little village. I stood in the small plaza at the center of the town and looked across the way at its largest structure while the sun glared in my eyes. It was the house of worship for our people, a place where all gathered to pay worship to our Goddess Kadeshouba. Not even the house of our chieftain could compare to the grandeur that the church-like building seemed to exude from its very architecture. Tall, wooden spires reached far above the other buildings while intricate, stained glass windows surrounded the outside which told of the goddess' awe-inspiring feats. I had spent a many a long afternoon studying and contemplating the depictions. I meant to do so again this day.
I walked slowly across the deserted plaza toward the large wooden doors that fronted the impressive chapel. The town center was mostly deserted at this time of day, when the surrounding forest trees were unable to hinder the sun's harsh rays. And in the summer it was even worse so there was hardly anybody in the plaza as they'd all taken shelter inside their homes or among the surrounding woods. Being a cervine-like people, resting among the trees was a favorite pastime anyway.
I pushed the lofty wooden doors open slightly and peered inside just to make sure I wasn't interrupting a ritual or anything. Much like the plaza, the main hall was deserted. Just rows of benches on either side of a single aisle leading to a pedestal at the head of the room. And atop that perch was the reason for my coming: the statue of our Goddess. "The Bringer of Life", "The Maiden of Fertility", "The Spotted-Mane Heroine", "The Fecund Goddess" - all were such titles ascribed to our goddess. I didn't think any of them fully described what she truly represented.
I stepped into the temple which was significantly cooler than the outside and silently closed the door behind me. I walked slowly up to the front row of benches and took a seat, observing the statue all the while. The statue had been partially robed, as was customary outside of morning worship, but its features still shined through. Its face bore a dark muzzle much like our own only shorter and fatter and filled with sharp teeth visible through the slight smile on her visage. The statue looked forward with its blue painted eyes while triangular ears stood at attention on its stone head. Her goddess' likeness was similar to that of the wolf people that would sometimes harass our quaint little village. But her visage was not one of malice and malcontent that such predatory species were known for. Despite her obvious predator-like maw, she looked serene and peaceful, staring out into nothingness with the slightest hint of grin across its muzzle. Contentment . . .
I laughed inwardly at myself for trying to ascribe emotions to an inanimate object. Certainly Kadeshouba herself expressed emotions of some kind but this was simply a block of stone carved to her likeness. Yet it was this likeness with which I was so attracted. I looked further down the statue as the very idea stirred up arousal in my undergarments.
Though the statue's top was clothed, its impressive bust was still clearly seen through the fabric. Even larger than the biggest brood mother of the town, the statues breasts reached far forward, seemingly straining the very cloth that covered them. Through the cloth, two protrusions were clearly visible at the end of each breast, which, if not for the censor, were two swollen nipples. And what better to hold up such a motherly pair than a rotund, pregnant belly. It stretched out farther than any of our people had seen before in a pregnancy, even farther than her breasts which rested atop it. Despite being so large, the depiction showed none of the normal signs of such a large pregnancy. No stretch marks, no outfacing belly button, no sag. Some believed it was an error on the sculptor's part while others believed that she, being a goddess of all things maternal, would not be afflicted by such maladies. Personally, I believed she showed no such signs because this was not even close to her true potential. For all we know, this could be but only a small demonstration of her affinity for pregnancy. Perhaps she was capable of birthing entire races of creatures. Was that how my people had come into existence? From the womb of our wonderful Goddess?
My member had grown stiff from my postulating and now pressed between my thighs. I looked further at the statue, remembering the short tail at her behind and the mane of brown fur spotted with black marks that wrapped around the sides of the statue. In contrast, its chest and belly were a light, white color. I looked further down beneath the swell of life the statue supported to our Goddess' defining characteristic. Unlike our people, who had either male or female parts, Kadeshouba possessed both. If not for the second cloth draped across her lower half, a fully erect penis would be seen standing proudly just below the swollen gut. Much like the rest of her features, it too was large, demonstrating not only her fertility but her virility as well. Unlike my own member, hers was slightly pointed at the tip and seemed to grow bulbous and thick around the base. I could only imagine what kind of benefit it had for our Goddess.
Slowly, I rubbed my throbbing erection through my pants, becoming hotter and hotter the more I thought of our goddess and the exploits she must have had and has. What manner of mighty being would have been found worthy of our Goddess to plant the seed of life in her fertile body? Perhaps she existed in a perpetual state of pregnancy, birthing life and receiving new seed but never leaving her gravid state. Warm tingles of pleasure coursed through me as I imagined myself with such a condition - even a single pregnancy would be like heaven!
And what of the mates to our Goddess? What would it be like to be the recipient of her divine member and her offspring as well? Imagine, being so lucky as to be chosen by the Goddess herself to bare _her_child. Such an honor! Of course, some people had made claims in the past to have been chosen by the Goddess to bare her child but none had any proof to their claims. No children with dark spotted manes, no canid-like muzzles, no demi-god children. Perhaps she was just waiting for the right follower to please her, that she would find worthy of such a privilege and give her blessing to them. I wished with all my might that it could be me! What if she didn't even need a consort? Was she, by some divine ability, able to impregnate herself; ensuring a perfect offspring from a perfect mother and father?
I groaned and with much reluctance removed my hand from my throbbing member. The friction alone between my thighs, my pants and hand had nearly sent me over the edge. I sighed and leaned back in the bench, staring up at the rafters. This was no place for something like masturbation. Anxiously I looked around the hall to see if anyone had caught me in the act but it was still empty.
It was not that the Goddess wouldn't appreciate the gesture - after all, reproduction was her domain and the annual fertility rites were held in this very building. But such a wanton waste of seed for one's own satisfaction might be seen as offensive, or so the elders had decreed.
I gave an irritated harrumph at the thought of them. Not only had they limited the festivities of the fertility rites last spring, but now they decided that the statue honoring our magnificent Goddess Kadeshouba was too "vulgar" for the younger generations. So its more intimate parts were to be covered at all times except during worship in the morning. And even then, they were trying to limit that as well; trying to move worship to only one or two days a week rather than every morning.
It's not like there is much of a young generation left these days anyway. It had seemed that for the past few years, the birth rate in our village had gone significantly and the restrictions put on the fertility festivities had not helped. Fewer and fewer children were being conceived each spring. There was a general consensus among our people that something we had done had upset our Goddess and she was punishing us for it. However, the elders believed it had to do with our wanton lust and procreation while I and a large contingency of others believed it was the restrictions put on such actions that had our Mistress upset.
It hadn't been all bad though, I thought, trying to negate the anger welling up inside me. The last spring had been my coming of age to which I had looked forward to as soon as I was sexually aware. The elders had limited the number of participants in the rites but as it was my coming of age, they could not deny me a part in it.
I had been paired with another member of the village who had only just come to age the spring before but had yet to conceive. I remember the exhilarating sensation of breeding with her, a sensation I was glad to find that she reciprocated. It hadn't even been the sex that had stimulated me so powerfully (though it did help) but the mere idea of creating life. To conceive a child, to swell with life - the fruits of our labor. Such ideas had sent me and my mate into such a rut as that we did not cease our mating for the entirety of that day, much to the elders' chagrin. I later found out that our coupling was one of the few that had actually managed to produce offspring. Many of them had failed to conceive which I only realized later was such a problem as at the time I was completely enamored with the budding life I had planted in my partner.
I had tried to maintain a relationship with her after the rites, seeing as we were one of the few successful couplings and because of our mutual love for pregnancy but it only lasted for so long before we realized we lacked further common ground. So we went our separate ways. I still see her around the village, belly growing ever rounder with our child and we talk, but as acquaintances, not lovers. Pangs of melancholy assailed me whenever I recalled those events and now was no different. What I wouldn't give for that feeling again. To give life again or even to carry life myself . . .
I looked back to the statue of the Goddess, still shamefully censored by cloths. What a feeling it would be to be like our Goddess - to be able to give and receive seed. Why would our Goddess, who so exemplifies the aspect of fertility, pregnancy, and impregnation, decide to make her followers of only one gender? And for that matter, if we _were_the children of her divine being, then why would we be so radically different from her own visage?
I let out a long drawn out sigh as I sunk deeper into my sudden onset depression. If only the Goddess were so kind as to bless me with her dual-gendered trait. Just the idea of being able to become pregnant was such a turn on but as time went on, the idea became more distant and unreachable to the point where it seemed impossible and caused a shadow of sadness to constantly hang over me.
I gave a little jump as a hand suddenly came and rested on my shoulder. I turned around to see that my silent guest was Mia, one of the priestesses at the chapel. She wasn't a lot older than myself but she had gained a lot of respect (and her position as a priestess of fertility) when she was able to successfully complete the fertility rites every year since she had come of age. Her figure showed it too. Under her white, form fitting robes she was very well rounded, with wide hips, a large bust, and thick thighs that exemplified her fertile status. Unfortunately, last spring's less-than-successful fertility rites had taken their toll on her as well, as she was not pregnant this time around. It came as something of a shock to the village and especially the rest of the priestesses who had believed she had some sort of gift. It was things like this happening that made me worried for the future.
"What are you doing here Rydel?" she asked with an unprecedented amount of concern. It seemed as though ever since she had found out I was one of the few males able to sire a child last spring, she had been quite a bit more amiable towards me. Not to say that she was not before, in fact she was quite a nice person. If she were not a priestess I would certainly pursue a relationship with her. It seemed like I would have to wait until next spring for an opportunity to get to know her more intimately.
I looked up at her but avoided her gaze, "Oh, hi Mia. I uh, didn't come to worship this morning and it's hot out so I figured I'd just do it now . . ." I said, not really putting a lot of effort into my lie. It didn't matter, she already knew I was lying. If she hadn't seen me at the worship then she would know that I never miss a worship session.
"Now Rydel, I know that's not true; you always come to worship," she chided. "You're probably the most devoted person in the whole village." She added, taking a seat next to me and wrapping her arm around my shoulders. "Now tell me; what's been troubling you?"
I gave her a sideways glance as she rested her arm around me. Her large bosom was clearly outlined by her robes now, showing how her multiple pregnancies had caused them to swell to a respectable size. Normally, it would incite some sort of arousal in me but now it only seemed to further my melancholic state. I let out a long sigh. "Mia . . . what does it feel like to be pregnant?" I asked quietly, "What does it mean to you?"
"Well," she said, backing off of me slightly and pondering the question. I hope I hadn't offended her, seeing as she wasn't pregnant now. "It's like being the protector of a new life. To me, it's like a privilege to be able to mold my body like our Goddess' own. It gives me a warm, content feeling all over to give my womb for the Goddess." She finished with a sigh. With a look of longing she brushed her hand over her midsection.
"I see . . ." I stared forward, deep in thought. Giving my body to the Goddess . . .
"Of course, now I'm wondering what She has in mind . . ." Mia trailed off, absently resting her hand on her stomach. "Why do you ask?"
"Just . . . wondering, I suppose." I stood up and looked down at Mia. She looked like she had more to ask but I was grateful she did not wish to press me further. I walked slowly toward the statue which stood proudly at the center of the hall, looking out over the rows of benches toward the large double doors. Standing at its base I looked up to have my vision eclipsed by the stone girth of the statue. If it were real, oh how full of life it would be. What I wouldn't give for such a fertile form of my own . . .
I reached up and touched the underside of the curve. It felt like cold stone under my hand. I let my hand run down it before having it fall back to my side weakly. I don't know why I had expected anything else really . . . I turned back around to Mia who looked at me with concern. "It's just," I took a deep breath. "It seems like nothing is going right." I couldn't bring myself to say what I truly thought: how I wanted nothing more to be able to bare life, to be like our Goddess. How I couldn't fathom why Kadeshouba did not hear my pleas and grant me, her most astute follower, her blessing. Why did it seem as though she was abandoning me? Abandoning all of us! Instead I just hung my head.
Mia stood up and walked over to me, pulling me into an embrace. "Good things come to the pure of heart Rydel - you know that. She works in mysterious ways so don't lose hope."
I looked into her face. There wasn't a hint of doubt in her eyes. She looked as though she genuinely believed what she said. It made me feel just a little better, giving a slight smile. "Thank you." I returned the embrace briefly before detaching myself from her. "I'm going home, I need a rest." I turned around and made my way back toward the front doors. She didn't stop me but I could tell she watched me go the entire way. I pushed open the door and stepped out into the intense sunlight. The heat made me just want to curl up and fall asleep. I just needed a nap to clear my mind . . .
I woke with a start, bolting upright in my bed. I looked around the inside of my little wooden house. I had apparently slept in a bit too long as it was completely dark outside. IT had even cooled down a little from the day's normal heat. But I hadn't. I felt like I was burning up. The cool air touched my thin fur but my insides radiated heat. I panted as the heat felt like it was about to overcome me. I looked down to see my member standing at attention. Apparently the heat had made quite the impression on my libido as well. I felt an irresistible urge to pleasure myself - I was so close already! But, the heat! It was so stuffy in here, I could hardly breathe! I had to get outside!
I tried to stand up at the side of my bed but immediately feel back onto the bed as a rush of lightheadedness hit me. Bracing myself, I rose up again on unsteady legs and stumbled to the front door. A passing thought made turn back and look at my dresser. I was still naked. But, it was late, surely there wouldn't be anyone out there anyway. I pushed out the door and into the crisp night air. It was cooler out here but I didn't feel any less heated. I looked around the surrounding houses as I weakly tried to fan myself cooler with no noticeable effect. It must be really late because there was nobody else around - usually everyone came out after the sun had set during the summer. It was always cooler than during the day. I reached down unconsciously to pull open my shirt but of course I wasn't wearing one. It wasn't cool enough!
I looked down and saw my member hadn't been affected at all by the change in scenery. If anything it seemed to intensify the sensation, so much so it appeared as though it were throbbing. Or was my vision just going wobbly? Was I hallucinating? I leaned a hand against the side of my house and tried to take a deep breath but it was almost impossible. What manner of fever spread so quickly? And the erection! What illness was able to produce such an unbearable heat and yet the most intense sexual pleasure imaginable.
I stared forward at the wall, my hind in a haze. Blindly, I reached down with my free hand and grasped my member. Even overheated as I was, it still seemed to radiate more. And . . . yes, it was_throbbing. I wasn't imagining it. I _might_be dying though. I gave it a few tentative strokes and gasped, my breath getting even shorter. It felt _so good. My hand was so warm it was like a vagina wrapped snug around my dick. M-maybe I would feel better, if I just, let out a little steam. Just a few . . . strokes. . . "H-ha! Ah-ah!" I gasped out as I was rapidly sent to orgasm by only a few little motions. I shivered as jizz sprayed from my shaft, splashing against the side of the house. I slumped up against the wall as I kept coming for a few more seconds. I hadn't relieved myself in a while but I didn't think I was that pent up. I panted into the wall as the flow tapered off.
I let go of my twitching shaft and brought it up to the wall as well. I waited a minute. I didn't feel any better. I was still hot. And . . . I looked down at my shaft. It's still throbbing - it isn't going down! Through the fog of lust and heat permeating my head a single, powerful emotion pushed through: fear. This shouldn't be happening! I need, I need a healer!
_ _
I pushed off the wall and meandered toward the square. There are priestesses at the church - they could help. An herbal remedy, a helping hand, an ice pack - anything! Faster than I thought possible in my current state I made it to the church. I tried to push the doors open but just ended up slumping up against the door as I tried to work the latch. My legs were weak and my throbbing member demanded my attention. I can't make it. Might as well just, hah, lay here and die. Masturbate . . . and die. I wouldn't be so bad. The heat was almost pleasurable the way it coursed through my veins.
I turned around and slid down the door, bringing my hand to my sensitive shaft once more, slowly moving up and down. My arm felt weak so I couldn't go very fast but the shaft was already so sensitive so it didn't matter. It was almost like you could just blow on it and send me over the edge. My mind started to wander as I watched myself continue to be pleasured. My hand felt really good but now it somehow felt insufficient. The pleasure was amazing but I couldn't seem to bring myself to climax again. It was missing something. Then, all of a sudden my world went dark.
Something about my lust-addled state must have triggered something in my mind as suddenly I was swept into a sort of vision; an inner manifestation of my own fetishistic obsessions. I opened my eyes to see that I was level with the tree line, the sun sinking under it as twilight arrived. I realized I was not burning up anymore but I was made very aware of the warm vice that currently surrounded my still throbbing member. I looked down and with some difficulty I saw the form of a doe laying beneath me with her legs in the air, breasts bouncing as my shaft pumped in and out of her at a rapid pace. I tried to focus on her face to see who it was but I could not. It seemed to quickly phase between different feminine complexions, most of which I did not recognize but some seemed familiar as they fleeted by. Mia, one of my neighbors, even my fertility rites fling all seemed to cycle through at one point. What was consistent however was their moans of pleasure filling my ears, begging me to breed them, pleading with me to sire them a child, to bless them with my seed, among other less flattering lewd comments.
I looked down again to where my hips involuntarily continued plowing the young doe's body and was once again my vision was hindered by something. There was something . . . in the way . . . Raising a dream-like hand to my chest, I gasped as they met sensitive flesh. I groped the pliable stuff again and was once more hit with an electrical shock of pleasure. My eyes refocused and suddenly I realized I was looking down at a pair of breasts. My breasts! I fondled them in both hands, tweaking the sensitive nipple on each and groaning as spikes of arousal shot through my body.
My body . . .
_ _
I looked down past my pair and saw that my penis was no longer the one I had possessed before. This one was larger, thicker around - especially towards the base - and when I pulled out just far enough, I could see the tip was pointed. Realization started to dawn on me. I twisted around where I was standing and looked over my shoulder. This wasn't my fur. It was a lighter brown and dark, almost black spots were sprinkled all across my back. A long, furry tail waved behind me, mirroring my body's enjoyment of the current situation.
I whipped back around as things slowly began to take form in the area around me. I didn't know whether they'd been there before and missed them or if they suddenly came into existence around me but now I saw myself, standing atop a large stone structure, near treetop level. The entire top of it was covered in raised stone beds and shallow pools filled with steaming water. An excess of furs, cloths, pillows, and blankets of all sorts littered the floor and beds. Everywhere I saw my fellow cervine people milling about, resting in the pools, lounging about the beds. But they seemed off. They weren't entirely of my people. Some bore the distinct spotted fur of my new body. Others, in the throes of their own pleasured lovemaking, had a pointed member. The females all showed the swell of pregnancy about their belly.
I was standing next to one of the beds making love to my mysterious doe partner. I looked up from her and saw that down the side of the stone edifice was a stairway, lined with male and female deer alike. None of their features distinguishable but I knew what they wanted. They desired to be here, among their blessed brethren, with their Goddess. I was the Goddess.
My eyes snapped open and I scrambled to my feet in a hurry, startling Mia who must have come to my side after I fell unconscious. I was still heated but now I was filled with purpose and energy. I knew what I had to do. I turned briefly to her who looked on in surprise and confusion as I turned back to the large double doors. Not yet. I pushed open the doors and strode through the empty, moonlit hall up to the partially clothed statue of Kadeshouba. I only vaguely comprehended Mia calling out after me: "Rydel? Rydel what are you doing he - where are you going?"
I reached up and eagerly tore the clothes from the Goddess' statue. A disgrace to deface such a marvel of craftsmanship and divine beauty. I stood looking up at the statue for a few seconds as the clamor of footsteps came up and stopped behind me. The way the moonlight shown through the windows seemed to emphasize every curve on the statue's form. The large pregnant belly full of life, the plump nipples that just begged to be nursed from, even her proudly erect penis all seemed to glimmer in the moonlight. And her eyes. They were not jewels and yet they seemed to refract light to the point of glowing. "Ry-"
I raised my hand up as Mia tried to step toward me, cutting her off. I turned my head slowly towards her and said only: "Watch." I turned back to the statue and reached up my hands, placing them firmly on its gravid belly. I closed my eyes and threw my head back as a rush of energy washed through my heated body. It was not the cold of stone I felt now, but the true power of the Goddess, flowing through me and gifting me alone with her divine favor. It was overwhelming to my senses, almost painfully so, but I held on valiantly, enduring, until with a sudden surge I was repelled from the statue and fell backwards. I heard a gasp from Mia as I was laid out across the floor by the force but she kept her distance, obviously fearful of the events currently taking place. But I wasn't, I knew what had to be done - I was empowered.
At first there was nothing, just the tingle of energy flowing through me but then I started to feel it. A crawling under my fur, a tingle in my flesh, a quaking in my bones, starting slowly but quickly raising in tempo until the sensation of change permeated my form. I groaned in a myriad of emotions as I rolled onto my side and curled up into a ball, gripping my knees. The rearrangement of flesh and organ was one unlike any imaginable, not painful or pleasurable but thoroughly unsettling. Meanwhile, the little cracks and pops of bone extending and changing shape was excruciating - the only thing setting it off was the intense heat of arousal pumping through my veins. Through all of this my member managed to stay erect though now it seemed confused by the mixture of signals it was receiving.
I opened my eyes which I'd clenched shut in pain to try and take in my changing form. I could feel it happening all across my body but some part of me needed to see it happen - to validate it was actually happening. I managed to get my rapidly shifting body to move my hand over to my face. In the moonlight I could just make out my digits twitching and snapping quietly as they extended. My nails in particular, usually blunt and unimposing, grew rapidly into a sharper form while still maintaining the full functionality of a hand. And the fur . . .
I followed the itching sensation that crawled under my skin and through my fur down my hand and up my arm, watching in silent amazement as its shade changed, becoming lighter. Further along my body I started to see little black spots pop up as well on the newly tan fur, especially across my back. I looked down toward my feet where they formed claw-like nails as well. But what I was more interested in was my waist. It was a great source of the discomfort from moving parts and bone rearrangement. It was now significantly wider than it had been before, almost disproportionately so compared to my torso. My thighs too had grown thicker, now pressed together as weight and a more motherly shape overtook them. I reached down and absently ran my hand over the voluptuous flesh. It was hot to the touch and despite looking laden with fat, there was significant muscle underneath. An unsettling movement could be felt beneath that as the power flowing throughout my body diligently crafted my body into that of the Goddess'.
Suddenly there was a rush of pain all down my spine and into my tail which overshadowed all the other changes. I groaned and tried rolling over onto my hands and knees but rotating was currently unavailable to my morphing midsection. Instead I went back into a ball and dug my new claws into my legs as it felt like my spine tried to escape out of my body through my tail. It was even worse than when the little ones unknowingly tugged on it! Through the pain I felt my little, bushy tail grow longer, pushing out slowly from my backside, gaining hair as it went. After what seemed like an eternity it seemed to stop and suddenly I was more aware of the extra appendage. I thought to move it and it did, wagging weakly against the cold stone floor of the hall. I would have to get used to having that.
I didn't have much time to think about it though as soon the transformative power rushed to my head. I grasped the side of my head as I felt like it might split in half at any moment. My legs suddenly shot out across the floor from the previous fetal position as I writhed under the excruciating pain of my head changing. I take back everything I said! This - AH! This is the worst! Tail be damned - AUGH! I thought this but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a series of pained groans and yelps. My muzzle had started to change shape, becoming shorter which was somehow more painful than elongating the bone had been. All the while my mouth ached as teeth moved about and changed shape to fit the new muzzle which was as pleasant as chewing on rocks. All the while I felt my ears shrinking in size under my hands which still gripped my head until all of a sudden everything went silent as they fully retracted into my head. No, it wasn't exactly silent. I could still hear things, but I heard it from inside my head. The dull thump of bone moving about, the little ting-ting of teeth shifting around and bumping into one another. Urk, I'm going to throw up . . . Then, large triangular ears emerged atop my head and suddenly I was able to hear once more. With a few more shifts I felt my mouth and head start to settle and the throbbing headache quickly subsided. It felt like the entire process had slowed down suddenly so now only the tingling of energy flowing through my body was felt.
I rolled over slowly onto my stomach and pushed myself up slowly into a kneeling position. I looked down and almost didn't recognize myself what with the change in fur, the claws, and the now slightly taller appendages. But what was most appealing was the matronly lower body I now sported whose wide and curvaceous nature spoke of unmatched fertility and countless pregnancies. But there were still things missing . . .
As if in response to my thought I felt the flow of power rush through my body again with newfound strength. But this time it did not bring the discomfort of contorting bodily parts - it was a rush of pure pleasure, culminating in my groin. My member quickly grew erect once more at the new sensation after having calmed down from the painful morphological changes. I reached down to my groin and immediately started jacking myself off, taking full advantage of the rush of ecstasy. But the heat didn't pool in my erection like I thought it might, instead focusing on the perineum just behind my sack. I reached down tentatively and pressed on the region, gasping as the hot, sensitive flesh sent pleasurable tingles to the rest of my body. I kept pressing on the area as the pleasure intensified and heated euphoria continued to pump into my loins. I abruptly let out a gasp as on one such push I felt my fingers sink in up to a knuckle. I pulled them back slowly and saw, in the moonlight, the glistening of liquid on my fingers.
I eagerly shoved my fingers back into my newly-made snatch, exploring it as best I could with my fingers, reveling in the feel of this new center for pleasure. Experimentally, I tried adding more digits, sinking a little deeper into my folds, marveling at how it was so tight. Of course, it had never actually been used but from the way this body looked, it would have anyone think otherwise. What I wouldn't give to try it out right now. Pounce onto the nearest available dick and ride myself to orgasm after orgasm while these pleasurable sensations still rocked through my body, making every touch feel amazing.
Before I could think further on that topic I felt the heat's focus change, moving back up to my throbbing erection. Unthinkingly I moved my hand from my vagina and used the naturally made lube to stroke myself more effectively. A heat began to build in my chest as well as I looked down at the throbbing member in my hand, waiting eagerly for it too to change form to that of the Goddess. It started slowly as the skin that normally covered it slowly pulled back leaving only flesh which grew darker and darker. Meanwhile the skin moved down to form something like a sheath around the base of my dark flesh. There was a stirring sensation in my sac and I reached down with my other hand to feel them growing slowly in my hand, quickly filling up my palm. It felt so strange and yet so amazing at the same time: both the feel of their growth and the idea of what I could now do with them so appetizing.
Then, my member started to grow in the hand still rigorously working it. It became tapered at the end and quickly became difficult to wrap my entire hand around the pulsing piece of meat to the point where I had to take longer strokes just to reach every part of it. Weird, it felt larger in hand but it didn't seem to be getting any longer when I look at it . . . I thought for a moment, having to look over my chest to see its continued progress. Then I remembered the heat that had been building in my chest and I blinked a few times, looking down again. My chest was ballooning out into two large orbs, each tipped with a dark skinned, plump nipple. I stopped fondling my balls and brought it up to my chest, massaging one of expanding masses around the nip. An electric sensation went down my body and right into both my genitals, much to my enjoyment. It was just like the vision.
I watched on in great contentment as both dick and breasts expanded in hand. Which would stop growing first I wondered, bemused, as my breasts soon eclipsed the view of my dick. Eventually my dick stopped its growth, followed quickly by my breasts. I gave my new assets a quick sizing up. The breasts were easily the largest of anyone in the tribe, probably the size of someone's head. And yet I did not feel hindered by them in the slightest. My dick almost certainly was the largest of the village as well, probably a good foot or so in length. And my balls almost seemed to slosh about when I moved, slapping against my voluptuous thighs whenever I moved. My body had calmed down, except for my loins which still burned with arousal and there was a strange sensation in my stomach now. No, not stomach - womb. Emptiness. I reached a hand down to my belly which had been given a little extra body fat and rubbed it absently. Just one thing missing.
_ _
I pushed myself up onto my feet and became aware of my surroundings once more. The statue still shined in the moonlight and aside from the clothes that had once adorned the statue littering the floor, everything was normal. I turned around slowly to Mia who was standing in shock at me and everything that just happened. I looked her over as she gaped at me, admiring her body once more. The perfect curvy form, experienced with pregnancy, devoted to her Goddess, the beginnings of the perfect consort. She just needed a little extra, I thought, the want in my womb growing stronger.
I took a few steps forward until I stood directly in front of her, about a foot taller than she was. Something must have connected in her head because she suddenly fell to her knees before me, prostrating herself. The lust driven side of me kind of hoped she was going down on me but such a waste of seed would not sit with me now, not when there was a burning in my loins that craved sex, that wanted to be bred, filled with seed, and impregnated. "G-goddess! O-o-oh! I-I, what can - what may I do for-?"
Mia started to speak but stopped with a little 'eep!' as I reached down and pulled her up and into my embrace, smothering her face in my ample cleavage while my rigid member pressed against her stomach. I pulled her back out a few seconds later once she seemed to relax and directed her look up at me. She looked back at me nervously, as if fearful that my gaze might turn her to stone. "You were right Mia. Good things do happen to the pure of heart."
Her look changed from one of nervousness to amazement as she realized what had happened. "R-Rydel! You . . . You've been blessed!"
I nodded before wrapping and arm around her shoulder and guiding her effortlessly toward the statue still glimmering in the moonlight. "But, there are still blessings to be given," I said, motioning toward the underside of the statue of Kadeshouba, where her stone erection stood proudly at attention. "Touch it."
I thought she would question it but she did not. She reached forward nervously with one hand toward the stone member, placing it lightly on the piece. As soon as she did a shiver shot through her entire body and she recoiled, falling back into my arms. I reached down to her crotch as she started to pant in my arms. The surge of power had sent a rush of heat straight to her privates where it now radiated warmth. With a few probing fingers I pushed into her now super-sensitive snatch eliciting moans of ecstasy from the small doe. I reached further up after a few seconds of gentle pumping to her clit which had grown noticeably in size, now able to push out from her lips. I focused my attention there much to her pleasure as she started to seize up at the attention to the sensitive bit. She writhed in my arms constantly, letting out little squeaks and gasps as I relentlessly massaged the growing clitoris, knowing it would form into the tool with which I could sake the fire in my womb.
Soon it was big enough to grasp in my hand, large enough to pump up and down as a layer of skin came up to protect the sensitive flesh. It wasn't in the style of the Goddess' but from the way it continued to grow it would most certainly be worthy of usage. Eventually I felt the throbbing length in my hand cease its upward climb, reaching a length just a little shorter than my own. But I had had enough foreplay - I needed this inside me and I needed it now.
Taking Mia firmly in my grasp I moved her over onto the nearest bench and spread her legs, letting her own erect dick stand up in her lap. Without a word I crawled over her and positioned myself right over her and dropped myself down, skewering myself on her impressive girth. It was like nothing I had felt before! It was so tight the way my passage gripped her manhood and it seemed to reach impossible depths within my body and yet I felt nothing but pleasure and ecstasy as I sunk all the way down onto her lap. I didn't let either of us get accommodated to the radically new sensations we were both experiencing - I just lifted myself up and sunk back down on the wonderful thing, never breaking pace. A strange sensation quickly started growing in my loins the more I rode atop her, taking the shaft deep. I wasn't sure what it was but I wanted it almost as much as I wanted her seed.
All of a sudden the unknown feeling overwhelmed my body as her erection hit a particularly good spot inside me. My body convulsed and my passage tightened firmly around the intruding member as I sunk all the way down into her lap once more. I grinded as hard as I could into her lap as the convulsions continued to rock my body which redoubled in intensity when I felt Mia let out a gasp of pleasure and liquid warmth started pouring into my insides.
"Ooooh yes . . . YES!" I moaned aloud as I felt the fire in my cunt at last get treated as glob after sticky glob of semen poured into it, doubtlessly already on its way to my eggs to impregnate me and fill me with cubs. My belly swollen to popping with the children Mia would sire in me was how I wanted to be. It was how a champion of the Goddess of Fertility should be: full of life.
I slipped off of her dick after her flow came to an end. I reached down to my groin and felt nary a drop of semen escape my tight lips. Perfect, it would all be put to good use but now, I thought, eyeing the slumped back form of Mia on the bench and the perfect view of her pussy sitting exposed beneath her spent cock and balls, now it was my turn.
_ _
With the warmth of her seed still felt in my passage and a churning sensation beginning deep in my recesses, I grabbed Mia by the legs and pulled them over my shoulders so her body was now pressed to my waist. She gasped in protest but gave no objections to my actions. My rigid member rested atop her own spent one, waiting eagerly for its turn and I wasn't going to hold it up. I slid my dick back, all down the length of hers and over sac before reaching her own puffy lips which still radiated heat from the divine blessing.
Positioning myself properly, I wasted no time in sinking all the way to the base into her soft passage. She let out a short yelp at the sudden deep penetration but she was prepared for it and I had no plans of going slow. Not breaking momentum, I pulled back as soon as I bottomed out and thrust right back in, all the way once more, this time getting a pleasured gasp from the newly made hermaphrodite. Before long I had reached down and grabbed her hips so with wild abandon I now thrust into her quivering, hot hole. Never pausing and never letting up I continued my assault until the familiar sensation of my impending orgasm reached me. Just when I felt myself about to let go I brought her body as close to mine as possible, trying to get as deep as possible so as to guarantee my seed hits its mark. With a grunt I felt myself unload into her, my impressive balls able to spew out a large dose which sunk deep into her recesses. I held her like that, hilted as far as I could go, giving little thrusts as another spattering of seed would exit my dick.
Physically sated for the most part I soon became aware of the churning which now seemed to radiate from my lower belly. It wasn't hunger and in fact if anything I felt more stuffed than starved. I reached a hand down to the area to investigate as my breasts were quite a hindrance to my downward vision and found there to be a hard bump there where there was once belly fat. I slipped out of Mia who was now watching my belly with rapt fascination. I felt the skin stretch around my hand, growing rounder with each passing moment. My breath got faster and faster as my belly continued to grow until I suddenly felt a flutter of movement from within. I was pregnant!
I looked down at Mia who had come to that realization as well and was glancing between me and my belly, I smile on her face and her eyes wide with curiosity at how this was happening. I couldn't think of anything to say so I just gave the largest, toothiest grin imaginable. This was what I'd wanted for so long! And here it was happening: blessed by the Goddess no less, to be remade in her visage - I never would have imagined such a thing happening.
Eventually my stomach rounded out past my breasts and stopped, just large enough for my breasts to lie on top of entirely. I caressed the swell lovingly, feeling the little movements and kicks within gave me the greatest feeling of satisfaction, even more than sating my heat. I looked down at Mia who was looking on at my swollen middle in fascination, begging silently to touch it but not daring to without permission. I sat down next to her on the bench with a little 'oomph' at the weight of my belly. It was a lot lighter than I expected it should be but even with my blessing it was not weightless. I looked at Mia expectantly, silently encouraging her to ask the question burning her up inside. "May I feel it?" I nodded before she even finished the question.
Her hands reached out and she slowly ran it up and down the taut fur. I felt as little kicks from within would meet with her hands and startle her, bringing a smile to my face. I noticed after a while she brought one hand back and was slowly rubbing her own belly which had remained static. Apparently the rapid gestation had been reserved to me or, at least, diminished for the receiving party. I reached over with my hand and rested it on her own making small circles across her pudge. She looked up at me. "Do you think it will . . . ?" she trailed off, glancing down at my pregnant form.
A devious smirk came across my face as I took her other hand on my belly and brought it lower to the underside, "Maybe. Let's make sure." She gave me a bashful look as I guided her hand over my still-erect penis which turned into a lustful grin as she stood up and bent over the bench, presenting herself.
I got up with a huff and stood behind her, swollen gut resting just above her back, throbbing member rubbing pleasantly against the underside of my belly and mere inches from her needy passage. I looked back over my shoulder at the statue of the Goddess. The moonlight was fading so it now rested in near darkness but, as I admired it, comparing my form to that of our Goddess, I thought I spied the slightest of a glimmer in its eyes. I gave a silent prayer for our most benevolent deity as I turned back to the task at hand. After all, there was a lot of people in the village and they all had yet to be blessed by their Goddess' champion, I thought, taking a step forward and burying myself once more into Mia's fertile folds, and there was a lot of pregnancy I had yet to experience.