Meet Me in the Broom Closet

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#8 of Meet Me (Public)

A bull and his friend are stuck late in the office for some overtime, but with boredom comes a sneaky rendezvous in the broom closet for some late night fun. Support my patreon to read many more stories like this one! Art by the amazing

Beyond the normal work hours there stayed a few employees at the customer service call center. It was an all right job, a lot of sitting down and a lot of talking to other people. Not very exciting, but it didn't need to be. As long as the pay was all right, no complaints were had.

This late at night there were only a few still around, barely a fraction of the almost one hundred individuals that worked at the firm. It was Friday night and there was some optional overtime to be had, and with nothing better to do, one particular bull idled bored at his work station. The calls this late were few and far between, and so quite a bit of downtime was had. He tried to keep his mind occupied with reading a book and trying to solve a Rubix Cube on his own but it all eventually fell through.

The time was approaching 11 o clock and the the entirety of five employees that remained were all dealing with the same issue. Two were drifting to sleep at their desk, which was nothing new. The large individual perked up a bit and glanced around at the other occupied work stations before he stood from his spot and began to walk off towards the bathrooms.

No one paid any attention to him as he disappeared into a hallway that was close by, but before slipping into the men's room he instead continued down the long expanse of side offices. He was tall and large, like many bulls were known to be, but he held a very nonthreatening demeanor. Often soft spoken and happy to avoid conflict, the exciting life of someone that went out to the bars on the weekend just didn't suit him. As such, he saw it as a win-win to be there earning a little extra cash.

An unfortunate result of his introverted tendencies was that he didn't have very many friends, though those that he had gotten to know found him to be quite the interesting individual. A few minutes earlier he had received an email from another that was working the same overtime as him. It was a very brief message that had only a single phrase on it. The bull knew what it meant right away, and in the absence of any calls, he set his desk to standby and made a show of needing to relieve himself.

He thought it to be a decent enough rues to not garner any suspicion of where he was actually intending to go, but then again everyone else was probably so bored out of their minds that they probably didn't even notice. He passed by several vacant rooms, all of which had their lights off and curtains drawn shut. He ventured farther and farther until he came upon one door in particular that had a plaque on it that read "Broom Closet, custodial staff only."

He tried the handle and it proved to be unlocked. He gave a quick look around to make sure no one else was present before he eased himself into the small room and closed the door. There was nothing but eternal darkness inside, but with a click there came a brilliant light from the bare bulb that hung over head.

The face of a grinning buck was instantly revealed. He wore the same clothing as the bull, a pair of black dress pants and a white button up shirt. He was a hit shorter than his friend, though in contrast to the other he was quite a bit thinner and not nearly as muscular.

"Hey, Ron!" the buck shouted with glee. The bull's hand clamped over the buck's mouth to muffle any other noises that came out.

"Jesus, Roy!" he whispered angrily. "Do you want us to get caught?"

"Oh please, like anyone is going to remotely hear anything this far away," the buck retorted after he moved his head and gave a shrug of his shoulders. "And besides, aren't you happy to see me?"

"Of course I am," the bull said with a smirk and leaned in with puckered lips. Roy took the opportunity and the two shared in a kiss. "We gotta make this quick though."

"No problem there," Roy whispered. Ron felt a pair of hands grasp at his pants, undoing the belt and unbuttoning the front. They came down easily enough, leaving him in a pair of white briefs. The buck licked his lips as he saw the prominent package that the underwear hid and he was quick to feel up the much larger man. He always loved handling such impressive things.

Ron quickly shoved the briefs to the floor and stepped out of his bottoms, revealing the soft cock that hung between his legs, resting against the large balls that his kind were known to have. Roy gasped and bit his bottom lip, his fingers immediately going to that length of cock and giving it a gentle stroke.

"Mmh, no time for a blow job, you're gunna have to get me hard in a faster way," Ron explained and settled his hands on his hips. Roy smirked at the comment and glanced up at the other male and nodded.

"Sounds fine to me, mind leaning against the wall?" he asked and stood back. Ron was quick to comply, turning on his heel and pushing his large palms against the wall. He spread his legs and pushed his rear end to the buck as best he could in the confined room. There was just enough space that he was allowed to stretch out, to Roy's delight. He gave off the image that he was waiting for a cop to frisk him, not as if that kind of roleplay hadn't been done before.

This situation wasn't foreign in the slightest to the buck, and he knew exactly what to do. Dropping to his knees, Roy moved up closer to the bull's backside and pushed his long snout up between those muscular black cheeks. His hands settled on the other's rear end and kept him spread while his nose immediately pushed up under his tail. Ron let out a soft moan and pushed back on the invading face. Oh how he loved his friend's rimming expertise.

Ron's tail lifted out of the way and allowed better access to his tailhole, of which gave a wink as Roy's eyes settled on it. Perfectly circular and kind of large, he had always loved admiring that dark hole. With no time to waste, Roy pushed his mouth up against his lover's backside and began to lap aggressively at Ron's puckered ring. The Bull moaned out softly and gasped. Always knowing how to please his man, the cervine kept his lips around his tailhole and closed his eyes.

His nose was filled with the musky scent of an alpha male. His place was often to be the submissive, though from time to time he enjoyed being a little bossy. Sometimes it worked out and the Bull would let him have his way, but they were rare occasions. For now he was content suckling at the bull's asshole.

His roaming tongue licked dutifully at the spot, making it glisten in the low overhead light. Every once in a while he would lean away, often trailing a line of saliva from his mouth to that winking pucker. While never having the chance to fuck the bull's ass, he was sure the experience would be divine. He was mostly content for where he was though. Being an ass lover afforded him such luxuries to pleasure his man like this and the results were always fantastic.

His hands dipped a little more to the inside of Ron's ass and tried spreading his anus with his thumbs. The bull glanced back over his shoulder at the other and enjoyed the sight of watching Roy's face get buried back between his cheeks. The smaller man's tongue pressed firmly to that hole and began to gently slip inside. The bull had to relax himself so he could feel the wet, wiggling appendage go deeper.

The treatment turned out to be extremely effective at getting Ron hard. His cock began to receive a flood of blood. Its size began to lengthen and swell, soon adopting a rubbery hardness that dripped pre cum to the floor. He let one hand fall from the wall to grasp at his growing shaft, pumping over it a bit to keep it rigid.

Roy noticed the fevered movements right away and relinquished a hand to help with what he could. As his tongue began to venture further and further into the bull's backside he cupped the hefty ballsack that was hanging just below. He loved the feel of how heavy they were and how they would swing from side to side as his muscular hips would shift. Often it would happen that a particularly powerful surge of pleasure would make Ron rut his hips against the buck's rimming. It was always enough to spur him further as he knew he was doing a good job.

Since Ron's pucker was always so sensitive It hardly took any time at all for his cock to become rock hard. It filled out at an impressive thirteen inches, a pyre that was enough to make any other male feel very inadequate and even quite a bit intimidated. All Roy knew is that he was in for a pounding when the other was able to get it all the way up.

"Mmh, your turn," the bull said and stepped away from the exploring tongue. Roy was left licking the air before he registered what had happened and grinned up at the taurus. He hoped up to his feet like a good submissive would and turned to brace against the opposite wall. He was so eager to cut right to being fucked that he was still fully clothed, an aspect that Ron quickly picked up on.

"You're such a goofball," he said and stepped up behind the buck. His strong hands came around the other's waist and made quick work of undoing his pants. He didn't bother to push them all the way down when he was given the chance. He eased them to mid thigh before he took a moment to admire Roy's nice backside. It was round yet toned, providing just enough cushion that it would bounce as he'd be ridden.

Ron slipped a finger into his mouth and suckled on it for a moment before letting it glide between the buck's cheeks, slathering his saliva against the awaiting tailhole. Roy shifted from side to side in anticipation, his head turned enough so that he could see the bull's movements as he stepped closer. The tapered end of his cock felt barely any resistance as he began to let his weight settle forward. Together they let out a soft moan barely audible in the small room.

The bull took his time letting every last inch of his huge cock push deeper, savoring the tight warm feeling. Roy's chest had settled against the wall, his back arched as he pushed his ass out to meet the other's hips. He could feel that long prick push against his stomach and make it bulge, a common occurrence when he'd let Ron have his ass.

"Mmmh, fuck," the bull moaned as a shiver ran up his spine. His hips drew back until he was half way out and then pushed all the way back. His hands moved up the other's sides, pushing up the shirt until he was feeling against the cervine's small chest. He rested himself against Roy's form, his movements growing faster. The aggressive movements became more rough and the buck had a tough time controlling the volume of his voice.

"Ah! Fuck me, Ron!" Roy whimpered out a bit too loudly. The bull's hand clasped over his mouth to try and muffle the growing moans but he had to admit, it was becoming difficult to keep quiet as well. Rocking movements grew with intensity, abdominal muscles flexed as the systematic striking against his friend grew with intensity. Roy had taken to suckling on the fingers over his lips, his eyes turned up to stare at the ceiling. The buck staggered his legs and kept himself firm to the other's groin, loving every second as he was taken so ruthlessly.

The knocking bodies against the wall thudded dully from outside, and despite their effort to stay quiet their fucking emanated quite a distance from the broom closet. To the duo's fortune no one was around, despite those few far down the hall and in the main cubical area.

Ron's mouth hung open as he'd moan every time a breath would escape. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed the rocking motion and the tight depths that his cock was experiencing. In a way he was a very selfish lover, despite Roy's own cock having swelled to a great size outside of his own sheath the bull did little to help him. Of course the cervine had barely noticed his own raging erection either. He loved having his ass pounded by no one else than the large man currently filling him. It was such a satisfying experience, almost drug like. Getting fucked so hard allowed his mind to get filled with the the more extraordinary feelings that he couldn't get anywhere else.

The Bull's pounding cock worked so perfectly to grind against Roy's prostate. The angle that his throbbing member would slide back and forth sent shivers through the submissive man's body in a way that he was letting out a constant stream of groans. He could no longer control his body, his form so limp that he was slumped against the wall and would have fell away if not for the bull's weight keeping him up.

Ron's huge ball sack slammed against the other's with a clap every time he would drive himself in. The jostling became harder and faster, the bull's hands tracing up and down the buck's sides as he quickly began to feel his orgasm come on. It started out as a blossoming electrical feeling in his lower belly that grew until it had filled his genitals. His balls flexed closer to his sheath and a growl erupted from his chest. He gnashed his teeth together and the power that emanated from his body was felt by the buck as he underwent the same thing, spurred by Ron's aggressiveness.

A heavy blast of cum flooded deep into Roy's stomach like a fire hose. The torrent was so shocking that the buck was sent over the edge as well, his throbbing prick blasting heavy globs against the wall that were quick to run down to the floor. Ron pulled back almost all the way before driving himself back entirely inside, each time sending another rush of his seed as far as he could into the other's bowels.

Left panting and hilted as deep as he could go, Ron relaxed and let his form become less rigid. His hands slid down until they were resting on Roy's hips. Ever so slowly he stepped back and released his weight from the other's back. His cock came out covered in cum and dripping his friend's essence. Roy was able to find his footing just in time to not completely topple to the floor, though he did have shaky legs for a moment.

Ron rested back against the opposite wall, his cock still connected to the cervine's gaped tailhole by a thick strand of cum, of which elongated and eventually broke as more of the viscous fluid poured out. The buck tried to close his tailhole and keep as much of the gift inside but it was pretty much useless. He was left to drain the contents of their fun to the broom closet floor.

Together, the two dressed silently and lethargically, still panting hard to catch their breath and riding the after waves of pleasure. Roy's pants and underwear were completely stained, Ron's were fortunate enough to survive the messy venture. They shared a few chuckles and teases before everything between them was situated appropriately. With one final kiss the two departed the broom closet and approached the main cubicle area, but when they got there they came to realize they were the only ones left.

A quick glance at the clock told them that they were free to leave, and so they shut down their stations for the weekend and headed out the door at the same time. Just as they were exiting, the single custodian of the office was coming in, an older brown furred wolf that gave an evening greeting. The two nervously returned the gesture and practically ran to their separate vehicles, the third shift employee dutifully going off to the broom closet that still contained a very messy surprise.