caught wet handed

Story by UNKNOWN APATHY on SoFurry

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Nala started to awaken in the early morning, slowly she opened her eyes which met the sight of her love still asleep next to her. she was thirsty and decided to go down to the waterhole for a drink. she slowly got to her feet trying not to awaken the other lionesses so she could get the honnor of being first at the waterhole without having to fight the crowd. nala made her way out of the cave and down pride rock to the waterhole. still very tired nala bent down and took a looong drink of cool water. still tired after the walk nala decided to talk a nap on the edge of the water as she loved the smell of the water, it always made her relax for some reason. nala fell back to sleep fast and in no time was dreaming a sweet dream of her and her mate wraped in each other with nala under her mate felling his warm body jammed on top of hers. nala could almost feel the male's lionhood inside her tight canal as nala keep on dreaming.

she started moving in her sleep as her dream steady started to get even more steamy her mate still on top of her. nala turned her head ack at her image of her mate and said in her beautiful vioce.

"why dont you let me muzzle the rest of that off, mylegs are getting kinda tired of the pounding. i guess your just to much for me to handle simba"

"heheh now how could i refuse a offer like that"

as nala turned over in her dream she did so in real life and turned over into the waterhole.nala gasped and swallowed some water which made her gag. nala jumped out of the cold water and hugged up agianst a rock to try and get warm as the wind didnt help much she shook from being so cold she started trying to dry off and remembered her warm dream and started now to day dream . she remembered getting ready to suck off her king and decided she would pick up on the dream where she left off thinking about sucking and tasting the precum of her king. nala getting more and more in the mood to be mounted keept licking herself dry as she started moving downward towards her errected teats. giving each one a little suck pretending it was simba trying to get her ready to take it hard. nala thought it might be a good time to move to her wet slit, her tongue was starting to get a little tired after toying with her teats so much. she deicded she should give her tongue a rest and let her paw toes do the work. she teased herself slowly sliping one toe in her tight canal making her feel the urge to slip 3 at a time in as fast as she could but she wanted it to last. nala started slow but couldnt could help herself, in no time nala had slip another pawtoe in her pink folds. nala's eyes rolled back in her head, feeling her climax coming fast nala forced herself to slow down she stopped for a brief moment and started agian she felt it churn inside her but she wasnt ready for it to end.

just as nala started to pick up the pace agian she heard a vioce she had been pretend was really there"just cant wait for me to wake up can you" nala's shot open as she looked over the rock she had been using to help hold herslef up.

"ooooh.....simba i didnt think you were awake''

''well i am now, your not the quenn of pride rock your the quenn of moaning''

''heh you know you love hearing me moan''

''hell yeah i like hearing you moan, course i also like being the one making you moan. its almost my job as king''

''well do your king like duty and c'mere''

simba walked around the rock in his way with nala still leaning on it she was just about to get up and simba said,'' no love,stay there i want to watch your face as you moan'' simba grinded and gave a little wink.

''ok love ill stay right here'' sliding her pawtoe back in her wet vagina as she finished her sentence licking her lips as she slid it in. nala only pushed it in a few times then pulled it fully out for her king, simba put his muzzle up agianst her clit jamming his tongue in as she sqealed.

''heheh i like that to nala hmmm? i dont think ill need to wet you up anymore looks like your all ready for me today''

simba slowly touched his cock to her vagina teasing her sooo badly as he loved to do when she was so ready for it. it always made it more fun to tease her and to jam in by surprise. nala how over wasnt in her normal mood today she was ready for it at any moment. simba waited for the best moment and jammed inside her to try and make tense up around his throbing member but all nala could do was smile a devilish smile and lean back. simba was surprised at just how ready she was and decided to really put her to the hardest she would ever take.pounding into her as hard as he could using every ounce of energy he had. nala was loving every minute of it and just happy as could be at how much effort her mate was putting into to it. simba was out doing himself and was about to flood every inch of nala.

"well...*pant*...lets see how much you can hold honey"

"oooooh love fill me to the max baby empty it all in my pussy"

simba let out a roar loud enough to alert every lion and lioness in and out of the pridelands as small floods filled nala with warm lion cum. nala could not hold back any longer and let out a even bigger loud then simba with a force so strong it pushed its way around simba's cock, and splattered on his simba's last drop of seed came out simba fell to the ground panting. nala fell right along side him as they looked at each other simba caught his breath for a bit and finnaly said

'' what brought that on love?"

"heheh i took a nap by the edge of the water and rolled over in me sleep and rolled into the water. so i had to dry myself and you know what happened after that"

"haha, looked like you were trying to get more wet to me honey"

'' no love, just trying to get warm out here in the winter cold, speaking of which look love you have steam coming off your fur"

"haha looks like you warmed us both up"

"yeah i guess i did"

nala and simba got back up to there feet and took one last drink of water before returning to pride rock to lounge by it and relax for the rest of the morning before the other caught them out there. nala had never had a morning mounting as good as that in a long time. and just to think none of it would have ever happened if she hadnt been caught wet handed.