Lilika Trisain - Chapter 7 - Finale

Story by Zon Liea on SoFurry

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#7 of Lilika Trisain, Adventurer For Hire

(This particular story used to be on SoFurry quite a number of years ago. I deleted it for various reasons. Over the years, I've seen people mention on scant occasions that they missed this story. So, here it is. I ran it through a spell checker, but otherwise, everything is exactly the same as it used to be before it was deleted from the site. I'm not entirely a fan of how this story came out (the writing in it is rough at best, as this was before I learned basic rules such as spell-checking, proper punctuation, and tenses,) and if I had done this story today, I would have done it differently. But, I figured it was better to repost this story where people could read it, rather than have it languish forever on my hard drive.)

Lilika looked around the room, but there was no one else. The human mage lay on the floor, gasping in pain from the crossbow bolt she had sent through his kneecap, and the balcony railing had the form of a bartender draped across it. There were a few leftover slaves in the cages, but that didn't bother her too much. They were simply slaves, and they wouldn't cause much of a problem. The mage whimpered a bit as she leaned over his form, and she was happy to know she had inspired this much fear in him, but she didn't hurt him. She simply patted his robes until he found the key to the cages. She unlocked the cage and guided the three slaves out. This wasn't their fault, after all.

"Go outside, and stand across the street side by side." She said, and the slaves obeyed without a word, marching out the splintered door. She followed them, hefting the broken door up off of the floor and fitting it as best she could back in the frame.

"I remember you." She said, walking back to the mage, who was sprawled pathetically on the floor. "You were the one that got me into this mess."

His eyes looked frantic, and his robe from the knee down was a bloody mess. Lilika sniffed, and she could smell the metallic scent of blood soaking into the wood. She raised the crossbow to his face, and Nicholas closed his eyes and whimpered.

"I'm a warrior, you know." She said simply. "I know what spots are vital and which ones aren't. Your face, for example. And here." She said, guiding the crossbow to just over his heart.

"This, however, is a nice non-vital area." She said, moving the point of the crossbow just over his hip. With the click of the trigger and the thrum of the bow, the bolt pierced his hip. The mage screamed in agony, and she was satisfied to hear the sound of splitting wood as the crossbow buried itself into the floor underneath him. She wiggled the bolt between two fingers, satisfied that the mage wasn't going anywhere, and she left him there, ignoring his moans of pain.

Lilika reloaded her crossbow as she climbed the stairs, happy she had found such a quality weapon. The bow was strung tighter than any crossbow she had ever seen before, designed for accuracy and power. Allen had told her that the bow could shatter a brick, but she had declined the metal bolts, instead using the hardwood bolts she was used to. They seemed to do the job nicely, seeing how easily they had pierced a kneecap.

The door to the offices was open, and she remembered how easily she had been ambushed in these halls the first time. Lilika closed her eyes and inhaled through her nose, letting herself in touch with her most basic of animal instincts. She could smell everything, the alcohol in the tightly corked bottles, the blood slowly spreading on the floor below, the ancient wood, the smell of sexual juices soaked into the floor of the cages, and that was just the start. She sifted through the scents, focusing on the fresh, musky scent that was emanating from down the hall. She followed it.

The rooms were empty, but the smell was coming from a door down the hall. She inhaled just outside the door before she raised the crossbow. It smelled like a stallion, and familiar. She thought back to the flashes of memory she had while she had been electrocuted into unconsciousness the first time, and it was one of the scents that stuck out in her mind, during one of her moments of semi-awareness. Lilika kicked the door down and steadied her crossbow.

William looked up from his books, raising an eyebrow at the Vixen in the doorway. He recognized her, having only seen her once before, and unconscious, but there was no mistaking that face. William had an amazing memory, and could recall the faces of almost every slave that had gone through these halls.

"I knew something didn't sit right with me about you." He said with an almost bored tone in his voice.

Lilika hadn't sensed any magic as she came in, and as such, was left completely unprepared for the magic that William called up. She had never seen anyone summon energy that quickly, and before she could pull the trigger, pain coursed through her body.

The piercings she had been given tightened up, the rings of gold clamping down, and she let out a low moan, trying to keep the crossbow steady. The piercings grew red hot, and she screamed, her entire body shaking. The crossbow dropped to the floor, discharging and firing harmlessly into the wooden wall. Lilika's screams were cut short, however, as the metal collar suddenly tightened like her piercings. Her hands instinctively grabbed at it, but there was no room to wedge her fingers in between, her chest burning, desperate for oxygen.

William hadn't even raised a hand, and while the vixen was gasping helplessly on the floor, he turned back to his bookkeeping, ignoring her airless cries and writing today's profits into the book. He closed the book and stepped over her body, walking across the hall to the file room, and calmly put the book in its proper place on the shelf. Then he walked back into the room, where Lilika was laying on her back, looking desperately up at him. He sighed, and let the collar loosen.

Lilika inhaled the air in deep, panicked breaths. Her head was swirling, the skin under her fur feeling cold as blood flow returned to her head. She was barely registering the burning in her nipples and clit, the piercings still tight and red hot. William bent over and picked her up, looking down into his face with an expression of annoyance.

"You turned out to be more trouble than expected. Now stay busy like a good girl while I finish my books, and then we'll get Miles in here to get you back to your proper position." He said, and as Lilika looked into his eyes, she felt his magic assault her, and everything went dark.


Lilika woke up, staring at a familiar ceiling. She jolted upright, feeling her head swim as she forced herself to look around the room. She was back in Samuel's harem, and there, kneeling at her side, was Yuuni.

"Are you alright?" Yuuni asked, her face looking worried.

"What happened?" Lilika asked, feeling her mouth slur the words as she tried to grasp consciousness.

"Samuel told me you left." She said, reaching up to feel Lilika's heated forehead. "I figured you had gone to the Shuya, and I followed. I watched you go in, but I didn't see you come out." "What did that....that stallion..."

"Do to you?" Yuuni finished, and smiled gently. "Nothing...physically. I got there and was able to get you out before things went too far..." Lilika hung on the words, expecting to hear more, but Yuuni looked afraid to say.

Lilika shook her head. Something didn't feel right. She looked down at her body. She was naked again, and her body was the same as it had been when she had gone to the Shuya. Her body was muscled, her breasts slightly larger.

"They did that, didn't they?" Lilika asked, gesturing down between her legs.

Lilika's slit was swollen with arousal, the fur soaked with her fluids. Now that she was fully awake, she could feel the need for pleasure, and it was taking everything Lilika had to stop herself from masturbating. Even as she willed herself not to, a finger slid down to her clit and flicked the golden ring.

Lilika nearly screamed as she felt an orgasm rip through her. Just from the flick of her clit ring, she had climaxed. Her hand went down for another, but Yuuni grabbed her hands.

"Lilika, please." She said, looking into her eyes. "That's a powerful pleasure spell on your body. The....the more you pleasure yourself, the more you'll slowly make you insatiable. You'll need sex more than you need sleep!"

Lilika looked into Yuuni's eyes, showing concern for her friend, but Lilika's hands ached to touch her soaked slit.

"Is it reversible?" Lilika asked Yuuni, but Yuuni didn't answer. She didn't have to; the look on her face told her everything.

"Yuuni." Lilika said slowly, looking past the bunny, at the wall. "If this spell is permanent...then please. I don't want to be like this forever. I'd...much rather be insatiable."

Yuuni shook her head, but Lilika gave her a hard stare.

"Please Yuuni. If I resist this, I'll eventually give in and make myself insane." She gave Yuuni a smile. "I'd rather you make me that way then me."

Yuuni let go of her hands and pushed Lilika back onto the pillows. Yuuni let the transparent silk fall from her body, and Lilika gasped as she took in Yuuni's naked body as if for the first time. The sight of Yuuni's body made her body ache in pleasure, and her eyes fixed on the canine-like cock at Yuuni's crotch, her cock bigger and thicker than she remembered, and Lilika felt a powerful desire to suck it. She forced herself to lay flat though, closing her eyes and picturing how good the hot cock would feel as she ran her tongue over it, the taste of her cum. She wanted to drink it, swallow it. She felt her body craving it, she wanted it more than food, her belly hot and satisfied, swollen out from a huge load.

"I'll miss you, Lilika."

Then the pleasure exploded through her body as Yuuni entered her. Her cock was so thick, filling her up like she always wanted to be, and then Yuuni began thrusting. Lilika had no idea how long had passed, but each thrust felt like an entire day's worth of pleasure, and in no time, Yuuni had tied with her, but the climax wasn't enough. She burned for more.

Lilika begged Yuuni to go get the male slaves, the female slaves, Samuel and Salvatore, anyone with a cock or a tongue they could put inside her, and as Yuuni pulled the knotted cock out of her body, Lilika felt agony in the absence of pleasure, and her hands flew to her pussy, working her fingers, feeling the hot cum gushing out around her fingers, and she eagerly moved them to her mouth, slurping the taste of Yuuni into her mouth, savoring every bit as she swallowed it, the fingers in her pussy slowly working inside of her, and Lilika let out a wonderful gasp, legs spread wide as her fist plunged inside.


William looked up from his books at Lilika's body, slumped against the wall in a sitting position. Her body was lifeless, never moving save for a twitch or two every so often. Her mouth hung open, long tongue hanging out, the drool soaking into her cloak. Her eyes would have looked frightening if William hadn't seen them before. Her eyes were pure silver, no pupils, no color or white visible. William had always prided himself on his Illusion spells. They got around mental defenses so well, since the victim always believed they were real. No way for the mind to resist reality, after all. William had sent a messenger pigeon to Miles, the Psychomancer that The Shuya kept on the payroll. He had just gotten one back, saying he'd be here within the hour. That was good. The sooner this vixen was back under a control spell and in his personal collection, the better. He was not letting this vixen fuck up his organization again. He had seen the body of Gregory, draped across the balcony, and the form of Nicholas, practically attached to the floor. He didn't feel any guilt from this. He could always hire new staff. This vixen was bad news, however, and he wouldn't rest until she was back where she belonged.


Cum splattered Lilika's form for the hundredth time that day. Lilika chided herself for not accepting Samuel's offer the first time! Samuel was like a machine, he never seemed to go limp or run dry. Samuel was sitting in a chair, his hands on her hips, moving her body up and down as he stuffed that thick stallion cock under her tail. Even the pain of such a thick cock splitting her ass felt good, the climaxes she had felt, screaming in pain and pleasure, were now just a memory. Lilika was focused on the now, and the constant climax that ran through her body, making her feel so good. Yuuni finished spraying her cum onto Lilika's chest, a load more like a stallion then a canine, before returning it to Lilika's open mouth. Sometimes Yuuni let her swallow it, other times she splattered it over her body, but she didn't mind either way. The feel of the hot cum on her fur made her feel so good, and as she returned her tongue to coax more moans and more cum out of Yuuni, her hands rubbed cum deep into her fur.

"Too bad for your friend." Samuel said calmly, forcing another powerful load deep inside Lilika's ass, not letting up on his rhythm.

"She's not my friend anymore." Yuuni said, letting her seed fill Lilika's mouth, and her tongue swirled over the smooth flesh, not taking the cock out of her mouth as she swallowed every bit.


"She killed Gregori, and injured Nicholas before coming in here with her crossbow." Nicholas said, holding the crossbow up for emphasis, before setting it on his shelf.

Miles hummed to himself, letting his magic trace over Lilika's mind. They had moved her body up onto William's desk, her silver eyes staring at the ceiling. Every so often, her arm or leg would twitch. William wondered where she was. His illusions only nudged her; the rest was pulled from her own mind. He looked at Miles, who had his fingers on her temples, tracing her thoughts carefully, so as to not disrupt the illusion.

"No traces of anything. No mental defenses, no control spell. I have no idea how she broke out of it." Miles said. "Are you sure you don't want to just kill her?"

"And have a violent spirit rage about?" Spat William, crossing his arm. "No. It'd take too much money to get rid of her spirit, and who knows what she would do to the slaves. We enslave her, keep a close eye on her, and make sure her mind is kept subdued and submissive. Maybe we'll get Allen to shift her to stone."

Miles nodded. "I'll blank her whole mind. She won't be good for anything, but she'll be controlled." He said, and placed his fingers back on her temple.


It had been three years since Yuuni and Samuel had gotten bored with her, but Lilika didn't begrudge them at all. Not after they had gotten her this wonderful new position. They had sold her to the Goblin Balloon Brigade.

She was kept in the lowest hold. She hadn't even seen natural light in the three years since she had been chained here. She was always kneeling, tight bands of steel drilled into the wood to keep her from getting up. Her arms were chained above her head to shackles. Her fur was crusty with cum, which was only to be expected. She was rarely ever given a bath, and when she was, it consisted of a single bucket of cold water dumped over her head.

Lilika moaned around the thick cock in her mouth. The goblins had built a shelf at her head level within the first few weeks of her servitude, and they would often sit there, where her head could reach their cocks. She hadn't remembered the goblins being this large, but she swallowed the whole seventeen inch shaft with no difficulty, as if it was made for her throat. She chalked it up to the years of practicing. He filled her stomach with cum, and she reveled in the bloated feeling of her stomach before her nose caught the scent of a female goblin taking her place on the shelf. She leaned forward, feeling the satisfied squeak as her tongue dove deep inside the tight hole. She had long since gotten used to the taste of goblin pussy, the taste had been so disgusting the first time, but she had since gotten used to it.

Her breasts were swollen, constantly dripping milk. It wasn't uncommon during lunch hour for goblins to line up for a chance to suckle on her golden ringed tits. They didn't squirt milk, they gushed like a hose, and each goblin would take several mouthfuls before letting the next in line go, and in-between each goblin, her breasts swelled up to the brim with milk once again. The goblins had made sure to keep two goblins with her at all times. One almost always stayed behind her, his thick shaft deep up her ass, which she loved. Another was often at her mouth. Her pussy got its share of the action when the day and the night shifts switched places. She often had five or six cocks in each hole, stretching her wider than she had ever thought possible, but she loved every minute. The best part was when they pulled out, and in no time flat, her holes were tight again, and she cried out in pleasure with each painful deflowering, her virginity having been broken who knew how many times since she was put here.

Lately, however, something was pulling her out of reality. It happened again, and Lilika gagged at the foul taste of the female goblin's pussy. She forced herself back, grounding herself in the real world once more, and the disgusting taste became enjoyable. She felt the goblin cum, and drank up the juices. The goblin held onto her head, and Lilika opened her mouth in anticipation as she felt the warm urine fill her mouth, and she drank. They had taken to this recently, and it had become something of a treat to Lilika. It was still rare, but when it happened, she loved the taste.

The female goblin hopped off, and a male took her place. Lilika swallowed around his cock again, feeling satisfied with her purpose in life, and suddenly, she felt her mind pulled once more. She forced herself back to reality. She liked it here, and she didn't want anything to take her away! Then she heard the night shift come in, and one forced itself inside her pussy. She screamed around the cock as her hymen was shattered with a powerful thrust, more and more cocks ramming inside alongside it, causing her to groan as she stretched to accommodate them.

Her throat stretched as well, muzzle gaping impossibly wide as thick, horse size cocks attached to three foot tall goblins filled her in every orifice, and things were only getting more impossible from there. Goblin cocks rammed themselves into her ears; two on each side, her hearing cut off, but the pleasure was off the chart. Long, clawed fingers shoved themselves into her milk ducts on her breasts, before she felt the burning sensation of a cock deep in her breast, milk spraying with each thrust.

Lilika felt a jolt of pain inside her head, causing her to jump, but then she was back in the real world, goblins surrounding her, just where she wanted to be. Then she saw something, on the edge of her vision, a mist of silver. She wanted so badly to return to the world of pleasure, but something at that silver mist was calling her. She looked closer, seeing past the goblins, and there it was, a small flame of fire. She knew it was her mental protection, but why was it there, and why was it so small?

The goblins vanished from around her. Lilika looked around, surrounded by a mist of silver. She was standing, her body clean, showing nothing but her red and white fur, all the pleasure vanished from her body, but none of the craving, either. She reached out to cup the flame, and it burned inside her hand, feeling cold and warm at the same time.

She looked behind her, hearing a moan. It was quiet, as if it had to fight its way through the mist. The mist parted, and she saw herself, surrounded by goblins, a pair of them mounting her shoulders to force their cocks deep inside her ear canals, a scene of pure, utter depravity, and unimaginable pleasure. She looked back to the mist. The world out there scared her. She looked back to the goblins. A world of pleasure, no worries, no pain, just wonderful, mind blowing pleasure.

"It's not real, is it?" She asked the little white flame flickering in her hand.

It didn't answer her, but it didn't need to. She knew what was going on. An illusion. A powerful one. Something had called her back, this little flame had sparked up against something, but without the rest of her mind there, it had no strength. She looked ahead, into the mist, and saw her vision for what it really was. A pair of eyes she knew well, and she could feel the consciousness around her. Just like he read her mind, she dove into his. Miles Sayqua, a Psychomancer from the age of five. He had used his powers first on his parents, to gain special privileges. He practiced his abilities, using them to gain money and political power in his hometown. His spells didn't hold forever, and the people woke up. He ran, taking what little money he had and moving to Keravic. He found employment under The Shuya, who needed a psychomancer. William may have run the Shuya, but Miles had helped them achieve the status they had today. The parasitic spell was his own invention.

Lilika grinned. Yuuni was more powerful than this man, and this little white fire in her hands proved it. Lilika stoked the flame with her own mind, letting it flow into will, and finally, into magic.


Lilika stared straight ahead as the crystal in the center of the color glowed blue once more. Miles removed his hands from her temples, looking down into her glazed eyes.

"Submissive and subdued, just as you like them." Said Miles, taking a bow.

Williams smiled at him. "Indeed." He reached into his desk, taking out a sack of golden coins. "Your fee, as agreed. Slave."

Lilika rose, to her feet, staring blankly at attention. "Strip and kneel before me."

Lilika let the cloak fall off her body, hands pulling her shirt off and over her head, naked before him. Williams was glad to see her body so pliable and submissive, and he yanked on her clit ring, causing her to gasp in pain.

"Good slut." Williams said, unzipping his pants as Lilika knelt before him, her mouth kissing and licking mindlessly at the slowly stiffening flared cock.

Williams waved his hand, and Miles took his leave. Williams sighed as he felt her mouth surround his cock, the tongue licking at the most sensitive parts of the flare.


Miles had barely gotten down the stairs when he heard William scream. He turned and ran up the stairs, down the hall so fast his robe fluttered noisily. He stopped at the door, so horrified he wasn't even able to summon any magic.

Lilika looked at him with cold fury in her eyes. Blood coated the front of her body, dripping off her fur. As Miles looked on, she spat something out, a long, bloody lump with a flare on the end. Miles felt himself throw up as he staggered backwards, vomit dripping his chin and onto his robes, his eyes looking at Williams, his hands at his bloody crotch, eyes distracted in pain.

Lilika casually knelt down beside William, leaning down to his neck as if to kiss him. Williams made a panicked gurgling noise as her teeth tore through his throat, more blood gushing over her fur. She spat the lump of flesh out and turned to smile at Miles. She didn't look like a warrior. She was a predator, and Miles let his bladder loose as she stepped towards him. He tried to run, and she was there, faster than he could blink, pinning his body to the ground.

She looked down into his face, black blood and saliva dripping onto his cheek. He looked up at her, pure fear in his gaze.

"You know, Miles..." She said softly, licking the blood off his cheek. "They made predation illegal so many years ago. I was never around for it. Here in Keravic, you can find anything. I wonder how good it'll taste to eat a human alive."

Miles tried to scream, but her teeth darted to his throat, all that came out was a gurgle. He watched his blood gush out of the hole of his neck, his vision growing dim, and as he faded all he saw was her blood coated face, chewing, and chewing, until finally, everything went dim.


Lilika gagged as she spat the lump of flesh and muscle out onto the floor. She shuddered. The taste of so much blood made her gag. She couldn't help it anymore, and she threw up, slightly thankful for the acidic taste in her mouth, covering up the taste of blood.

Lilika didn't bother washing herself off as she put her clothing back on. That could come later. She ignored the bodies, and she put her cloak back over her body. She snatched her crossbow and her quiver from the shelf and stepped over Miles, moving to the office where she had first been caught.

Lilika went through every page of the leather bound record book until she found what she was looking for. Lana's Slave ID: SHU # 1893005 - Thomas - 570G. Lilika looked through some of the customer records, finding out who Thomas really was. Thomas Essain. She was surprised at his page. He was a young mouse boy, only fourteen years old. He had come in once, bought Lana, and never returned. She tore the page out of the book and left the room.

Lilika moved down to the bar, and she looked down at Nicholas. She kicked his body, sighing when he didn't respond. She had wanted to torture the bastard, but Williams had let him die. She moved to the bar, using her cloak as a basket, scooping up every bottle of alcohol she could carry.

She went from room to room, throwing bottles inside, shattering against the walls and furniture until each room reeked of booze. She moved Miles' body onto William's, before pouring several of the bottles over their bodies. She shattered the rest of the bottles into the hallway.

Lilika then took one of the torches down from the bracket on the wall, and after one last look at the blood-soaked bodies, she threw the torch into the room.

The alcohol ignited instantly, and Lilika turned to calmly walk out into the hallway as the flames followed the trails of the flammable liquid from room to room, but Lilika was out and onto the streets before she even smelled the smoke. She put her hood up, blending in with the crowd as she walked down the streets, the pouring rain reduced now to a slight drizzle. Soon, she heard the cries and shouts as the Shuya went up in flames.


The paper had listed Thomas' address as a house in the North Gate District, and she walked there on foot. She certainly didn't want to suck someone off for transportation. His house was enormous; almost double the size of Samuel's, done in a classic stone motif, complete with statues and gargoyles, reeking of money.

She let herself inside through a window. The floors were carpets covering stone, so she didn't need to worry about footsteps. She climbed the marble stairs, sniffing around. Lilika caught a hint of feminine juices, and followed it to a thick wooden door. She carefully pushed it open.

In the dim moonlight from the window, she spied the golden hair of Lana, lying in the bed. She was sleeping peacefully, and Lana quietly closed the door, moving over towards the bed. It was a four poster, tall wooden posts allowing for privacy. The curtains of the bed were open, however, and she could see both occupants. Lana, and the small, skinny mouse boy she figured was Thomas. Lilika carefully moved the covers back, looking down at Lana's form. Her breasts were pierced with the same golden rings as Lilika, and her crotch was covered by a thick leather chastity belt, silver locks adorning the sides. Lilika raised an eyebrow, tugging on one of the locks.

Thomas woke up, yawning and looking at the strange figure in his room. "Who are you?" He asked sleepily.

"My name is Lilika. I'm sorry, but I need to take your slave." Thomas didn't say anything, so Lilika rattled the lock again. "What is this?"

Thomas yawned as he sat up, the covers falling off of his body. He was skinnier than he looked under the covers. He was downright scrawny, his ears were large, but he had a cute face. His fur was white, mottled with specks of tan on his chest.

"Dad let me pick out a slave. Gave me the money, told me to bring one back. But he said I couldn't have sex with her until I was sixteen."

Lilika chuckled, looking down at Lana's form. Her dad would be happy, at least. Lilika knew Yuuni could fix her mind up, now that she knew how; He scooped Lana's form up and carried her to the door. She heard a soft whimper from Thomas, and turned to look at his face. He looked almost sad. Lilika sighed, and lay Lana down on the floor by the door, turning to move back to the bed. "Tell you what. How old are you?" She asked him kindly as she sat down on the bed.

"Fourteen." He said, sleepily.

"Here." She said, taking out her bag of gold and setting it on the side table. "There is almost 1000G in there, as payment for this slave. Tomorrow, I'll send a slave to this house. She'll be yours. Not your parents, but fully yours. Will that be alright?"

Thomas looked at the bag of gold, his eyes wide, and nodded.

Lilika smiled and left him, picking up Lana.

"Thank you, Thomas. You're a sweet boy."


Lilika handed Lana off to Yuuni, who smiled and carried her off to the harem room. Samuel looked at her face, smiling. That unnerved her. He seemed rather happy about something.

"What are you so happy about?" She asked him.

"Oh, this and that." He shrugged. "You have something you wish to talk to me about?"

"I need you to send a slave to someone. His name is Thomas Essain. He lives over in the north gate district.

"Rika?" He asked, facing the feline slave who was always near Samuel's feet. "Please go to the slave rooms and pick out a good female slave for the Essain estate."

"Right away, master!" She said eagerly, bouncing off down the hallway.

"I don't have any more money, but I'll send you a package when I get paid for the job."

"Payment will not be necessary. " He said simply, pouring himself a glass of red wine from a dusty bottle.

"Payment is always necessary in Wilsor." She said, but he waved her off, pouring her a glass of wine, which Lilika accepted, looking at him very carefully.

"You've already paid your debt to me, three fold." He said simply, and that was the end. "Is there anything else you wish to request of me?"

Lilika smiled, and named two demands. Samuel told her where the horses were, and as Lilika left the room, Rika entered, followed by a slender vixen with wide hips, making Lilika shudder as she remembered her treatment under Salvatore.

"He'll love this one, master!" She heard as she left into the hallway.

Lilika didn't want to risk her body any longer. She was sick and tired of doing things the complicated way. She rode the horse to the east gate, waiting patiently on the side of the road. She looked around Wilsor, still the same hedonistic world she had been thrown into more than a month ago. The streets were abuzz with the latest gossip. The Shuya Club had been torched, and the owner dead. They were calling it an assassination and the remaining members of the staff had gone into hiding, fearing for their lives.

She noticed a familiar carriage pulling inside through the portcullis, so she steadied her crossbow against her shoulder, taking careful aim. She noticed Salvatore leaning against the back wall of the carriage, just barely able to see the top of a blue vixen's head, moving up and down in his lap. With a sudden thrum, the crossbow bolt sailed through the window of the carriage, and Salvatore screamed as the bolt pierced his shoulder, pinning him to the wall of the carriage.

The servant pulled over, but Lilika hopped off her horse, waving her crossbow at him.

"Beat it." She said, and the servant nodded, jumping off and running into an alleyway.

Lilika pulled open the door, smiling at Salvatore, and looking down at the blue furred vixen.

"Go on back to Samuel." She said. "You remember where that is?"

The vixen nodded and left through the other door. Lilika closed the doors and looked at Salvatore. He looked just like she remembered, save the crossbow bolt through his shoulder and the blood trailing down his arm. She looked at his pants, his cock exposed. She knelt down, trailing her tongue over the familiar feline member, feeling his spines catch against her tongue. Salvatore made a pained whimper.

"I remember this. And I remember you." She said. "You were not nice to me, or your slaves. Or your servants for that matter. Always worried about appearances." She tsked at him. " were a decent lover, when you weren't filling me with the cocks of your horses."

She gripped his shaft, slowly stroking him, the pleasure running through his body making the pain in his shoulder lessen. He began to purr, and Lilika's paw speed up over his shaft, and he moaned as he was about to climax. Then there was a click and a thrum, and a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down just in time to see a crossbow bolt sticking out of his heart.

"Sorry, Salvatore. No climax for you." She said as she stepped outside the carriage while Salvatore died. She slapped the horses on the rump, and they started moving, trotting off through the streets on their own. As she watched them go, she really wished she could have set him on fire.

Lilika returned to the Samuel Estate to find Lana, frightened and shivering under a thick blanket. Yuuni told her that once she knew how the collar worked, it was simple to reverse the magic. "Relax, Lana." She said, petting the lioness's golden hair. "Your father sent me to find you. You're safe now."

"Daddy...?" She sniffed, breaking into sobs, hugging Yuuni tightly.

"Relax. I'll take care of her." Yuuni said, and Lilika smiled.

"I know you will."

Samuel came into the room, smiling. "Lilika, I have arranged transport. A private ship from the Goblin Balloon Brigade, paid for upfront. You will be back in your hometown of Sesua in a matter of hours."

Samuel gave all three of them a ride in his carriage, letting them off at the foot of the Disembarking Tower.

"Lilika, if you could please take Lana up to the ship? I need to speak with Yuuni for a few minutes before she leaves."

"Sure." Lilika said, as Rika opened the door. "Come on, Lana."

Lana stepped out. The golden lioness had been dressed in the best clothing that Samuel had, a dress made of expensive silk, complete with golden trim. A silk scarf around her neck hid the collar, which was as permanent as the rest of them.

"Pretty lioness!" Rika purred, licking Lana's cheek. "Can I see you again?"

"I...don't think so..." Lana said quietly, blushing as she headed towards the front door of the disembarking tower.

"You'll see me again, Rika." Said Lilika, leaning forward to give Rika a kiss on the lips. Rika purred under it, smiling.

"I'd better!" Said Rika, feigning anger. "You don't kiss a slave like that and leave it unsatisfied!" Then Rika smiled, and Lilika headed up the tower.

Samuel watched them go inside, before turning to the bunny. She was in her temple uniform, which looked unnatural to Samuel after seeing her in nothing but silk for her entire stay.

"Yuuni, you amaze me. I need to know two things. First, how did you do it?"

Yuuni smiled sweetly. "Fortune Tellers believe that time simply is. If you open your mind to alternate paths, you can guide things towards the results that you want."

Samuel nodded. "I finished the deal with the Wilsor City Council. They discovered almost three hundred slaves in the warehouse after they put out the fire. I bought them all, the whole lot, for less than 2000G. The Shuya is out of business, their members are in hiding, and my slave sales are in high demand. You even helped me with the spells that give the masters complete control over the mind and body of the slave. So after doing all this, what did you do it all for? What did you get out of it?"

Yuuni smiled as she moved and opened the door, stepping out onto the cobblestone street, smoothing her temple robes as straightened up.

"What did I get out of it?" She asked him, smiling as she looked up the disembarking tower. She smiled and sighed, walking towards the tower.

"I got Lilika." She said over her shoulder as Yuuni disappeared inside the front gate of the tower.


Lilika gasped as Yuuni's lips met hers, Yuuni's paw slowly working back and forth against her bare slit. She spread her legs wide on the bed, and Yuuni moved in between her legs, her cock in her paw, and with one smooth motion, entered her, causing Lilika's back to arch and her toes to curl. Lilika's paws gripped hers and Yuuni leaned down to suck on one of her nipples. Lilika moaned, and Yuuni began to thrust.

Lilika moaned her name, lying back on the bed, and Yuuni smiled down at her, her paws on either side of her body as she began to speed up, Yuuni moaning with the pleasure running through her body, Lilika's slit clenching tightly around her thick cock. Yuuni was happy, after all this time, they were finally having sex, and she could tell from Lilika's body language, she really needed to be with someone.

Lilika gasped as she reached climax, her body arching to wrap her arms around Yuuni's neck and kiss her deeply. Yuuni's cock swelled up, and Lilika moaned as they tied, and Yuuni let herself go into the kiss, her seed filling up Lilika in powerful bursts.

They held each other until Yuuni's knot relaxed enough for her to pull free. Lilika looked up at Yuuni, but before she could speak, Yuuni put a finger to her lips.

"We're still over Keravic." Yuuni said softly. "No talk of relationships in a world of slaves. Not when you're wearing that collar."

Lilika looked up into Yuuni's face, alight with a playful smile and energetic eyes.

"Yes master." Lilika said with a smirk.

Yuuni sat on the edge of the bed. "Kneel before me, slave, and pleasure me."

Lilika did so, taking the knotted shaft into her mouth. This continued long after they had crossed the border into the mountains. Whenever Yuuni issued an order, Lilika obeyed. Lilika didn't mind. She quite enjoyed it, and as they kissed, they could both feel the tingle between then, the urging of love, the desire for both of them to be together. They both knew love was for humans, and so, Lilika let Yuuni take her. They didn't just have sex, they mated, and as Lilika submitted, it was done not to a master, but to the alpha.

Yuuni leaned up to kiss Lilika's muzzle, the vixen still a few feet taller than her. Yuuni let her paws explore her body, before her fingers caressed over the golden rings in her nipples.

"Cum for me."

Maybe someday, love could be a factor, but for now, Lilika let Yuuni take her, mind, body and soul, and climaxed without Yuuni laying a finger on her slit. Lilika had the mate her instincts were driving her to take, and Yuuni had exactly what she wanted. A nice, obedient, willing, Lilika.