Lilika Trisain - Chapter 7 - Finale

Lilika looked around the room, but there was no one else. The human mage lay on the floor, gasping in pain from the crossbow bolt she had sent through his kneecap, and the balcony railing had the form of a bartender draped across it. There were a few...

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Lilika Trisain - Chapter 6 - Unleashed

Lilika looked around the Samuel house, wondering why Yuuni would be working as a harem girl in a place like this. It was nowhere near as lavish as Salvatore's estate. She opened a few rooms, finding a library and a parlor, but there were also rooms...

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Lilika Trisain - Chapter 5 - Out Of Control

Salvatore lived just outside of Wilsor, an hour's carriage ride to the city gates. He preferred being outside of the city. There was much less clutter and he had the peace and quiet of the country, compared to the city that never slept. The manor was...

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Lilika Trisain - Chapter 4 - Under Control

Lilika peeked into the alleyways as she walked by, trying to look casual about it. There were still people out on the streets, and she couldn't let anyone see what she was up to. As much as she hated going anywhere without her sword, she couldn't run...

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Lilika Trisain - Chapter 3 - The City Of Wilsor

Lilika strode through the streets of Wilsor, trying her best to keep to the center of the sidewalk. Someone could pull her into an alleyway, which would only be marginally preferable to being pulled into a high speed carriage. As she walked, her tail...

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Lilika Trisain - Chapter 1 - The Goblin Balloon Brigade

The shop was nicely situated in one of the alleys off the main streets of the port town of Sesua. Sure it was hard to find if you were looking for it, but most of the people that needed to find her knew exactly where she was. It didn't have the flashy...

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