Canvas and Melody - Chapter 2
#4 of Canvas and Melody
Turns out, the issue was fonts! ... Great.
Chapter 2
I sat down at the usual lunch table in my usual spot and glanced around the table. The others were talking about science fiction, which was a bore to listen in on. I glanced over at Daniel, who was tuning out their conversation. I couldn't help but be fascinated by the way the light from the windows shattered as it passed through his fur. A single ray split into a million by the fine, flowing hairs of his crest, and condensation glistening on his nose as-
"Enjoying the view, Michy?" I startled and glared at Isaac, God dammit you cunt, I will rip you limb from limb-
He laughed and nodded as Pandora pointed at Danny, "Yeah- that got Danny's attention."
Danny rolled his eyes and leaned forward, "Hey, Chris, did you listen to that album I told you to?"
"Yeah, it was... interesting. A little too metal for my taste, but the story was okay."
"No, the story was good! You could feel how torn-"
"You could also tell how it implies that mankind is incapable of saving itself from itself, which is great that we're willing to make entire albums and stories depicting that but don't do anything to change it."
"Well, that's a pessimistic view-"
"That's clearly what it was saying."
Isaac nodded, "Yes, yes, this is all very fascinating, but I think the _real_question is whether or not hyperspace technology is worth it. See, it seems like the amount of fuel and energy required to power something like that couldn't fit on the Millennium Falcon-"
Pandora shook her head, "This is a world where masters of armies fight with swords and space magic instead of using laser guns like literally everyone else, I think it's safe to assume they've got perpetual motion devices."
"So, what, the core of the Death-Star is just a giant turbine spinning ceaselessly?"
"No, it's a giant laser turbine spinning ceaselessly."
Chris shook his head, "Guys, Star Wars is just a hero's journey set in space, I mean come on, think about it, a white wizard and his knight seek the aid from a rogue and his animal friend..."
I ignored the rest of their conversation, preferring the view of Danny's head and ears to the sound of their technobabble.