Experimentation With The Bear |2| Time Alone

Story by Hoffy on SoFurry

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So my first story got SO MUCH POSITIVE ATTENTION. I felt like I hard an army of furries!

So heres the sequel, very lewd, sex all over the place, absolutely ridiculously and unashamedly ghey!

I slept like a baby that night. Working your dick into a bear's throat and shooting your load deep inside it will do that to you, especially when you've repressed an inherent gay nature for a long time. That night cracked something in my psyche that had me noticing other guys more, much more than previously. I could look at Ollie Stevens, a panther, on working in front of me in mathematics class and admire his svelte black fur, and imagine how it would feel against my hips. Or Soren, the fat American alligator and how his scales glistened in gym and made his gym shorts stick to his thighs. It felt borderline liberating to be able to watch a guys ass as he walked, but of course that came with it's own price, I couldn't get release.

After our brief tryst in his room neither of us could find the time, the privacy or the venue for an extended session. But what we lacked in immediate sex we made up with compensation towards our mutual perked lusts. I initially had expected myself to stay shy, introverted and generally pussyfooted like when I asked him to fuck with me, but now confidence had skyrocketed in a mere eight hours, evidenced by my lack of hesitation to slip my hand under his shirt as he was making breakfast and rubbing his stomach. From then, every grope and touch was reciprocated with enthusiasm. If he came up behind me and rubbed my belly, I would bend over and bump my butt against his crotch. If I gave his cheek a kiss in the hallway, he would turn around and shove the entirety of his tongue down my throat. If he gave me a hug, I would reach behind and grab two handfuls of round bear ass. I was basically drunk off it, my inhibition's shattered in one night.

Despite the kissing, the groping and the huffed pants of restraint between us, there didn't seem to be any display of feelings from neither of us. We both knew that this was just fun, physical contact between mates. I could kiss him with all the appearance of romance, but the closest it came to was a mutual desire for physical contact. We didn't even really hang out at school, I kept in my clique, he kept in his and we sucked on each other's lips if we just happened to be alone together. Sometimes I thought he left his door ajar in the morning on purpose, so I could get a glimpse of watching his pants slide over his slightly bulbous ass. I did the same as well, I would delay in pulling back up my looser sweatpants and I would hear a slight huff as he tried to look away. Our knowing glances in those instances showed we both enjoyed it in It was sexual convenience at its finest, if at least at its most frustrating.

His mother didn't have a clue as to what was happening, that I knew for a fact, We had briefly discussed that nobody should know that we were fucking around, but there was always a pang in my gut whenever I saw him and his sister talking that his family would find out. They had taken me in, the last thing that was needed was for his mother to find out that I asked him to drag his tongue over my ballsack.

So about a week after our meeting, I was in my legal studies class. The teacher, Mr Stuart, was droning on about the legislative branch of parliament as I felt a vibration from the phone in my pocket. After making sure the teacher was looking away, I had sneaked my phone out of my pocket and placed it in front of my pencil case, flicking open the home screen to see a text from Darren.

Need to see you, behind the gym.

I pushed the phone under my case and bugeyed to the front as the teacher turned back towards us. My brain was reeling, my heartbeat increased, and my pants were beginning to tent. I was hard up. I hadn't gotten my rocks off since that night. Normally I would jack off like every two days or so but I wanted to save it up. Before that night I had gotten off three days earlier and the orgasm was unbelievable. The feeling of that sucking maw would play itself out again and again in my head, resistance was difficult. At night I would edge myself, thinking about how far I could get the bear's tongue in my ass before sighing with defeat and reading a book for two hours until I could summon the urge to sleep.

Slyly hiding the phone under my book, tapping at the screen, I brought up Darren and typed away, darting my eyes back up to the teacher to make sure his gaze was not turned to his direction.

Can we get away with that?.

I set the phone to silent, slid it back and tried to pay attention. Images of Darren in a variety of lewd positions taking their place on the projector board. The text had triggered my brain into a train wreck of bear cock and ass. Pictures, descriptions and scenario's played out like a cheap porno flick in front of my eyes. I sat at the back of the class, only one person was with me at the other end of the table. If this kept going on his books would probably fall off the table by my desk hoisting the other end up. I picked up the phone again after noticing the green light flickering.

Dude, I know it sucks but can't you wait?

I typed out a reply as fast as I could, giving a quick grin to the guy across the table before crossing my legs. While I pretended to listen, my minds eye cast images on the projector board in front of me.

Instead of looking at a graph showing parliament structure, I saw Darren's dick. Instead of the differences between Australian and American legislature, I saw the curve of Darren's hips accentuated by the purple briefs. I felt like such a degenerate in that class with my cock straining against my pants, I fucking loved it too. I knew that every time I got horny, it was another drop of cum for him to suck down or take in his ass. If that room wasn't filled with people, I could have whipped it out and jerked off, leaving a sticky surprise for the next person that came along. But before my eyes could roll up in the back of my head and a seizure could overtake my body, I noticed the blinking light again. I cross my legs tighter and checked the phone, accidentally knocking my textbook off the table

Not that, just talk.


I looked up, instinctively crossing my legs a bit tighter, a brief mental image of squeezing out cum with my thighs made me internally twinge. The pressure in my balls at that moment felt extreme. The other images of Darren flew out of my mind, replaced by the glaring face of Mr Stuarts as he saw the phone in my hand when the book fell off the table.

'Put it away, or I'll take it from you'

I flicked the phone off and pushed it back into my pocket, sheepishly looking down at the faux wooden table. I could only imagine what he would do if he was talking about my dick. The lesson continued as normal, my dick shrinking back from embarrassment and my mind trying to decipher what Darren needed from me.

The gym was one of the more isolated parts of the school, it sat at the bottom of a hill about a hundred meters away from the main school block. To its left and right hills rose up, behind it was a small expanse of bush that covered up the view to the main road. The whole thing was a slightly rapey fire hazard, making it a prime choice for students to go when they wanted to be alone. There were other places as well; the shed behind the teacher's parking lot or one of the photography rooms, but something about the wattles and gumtrees in that bushy area just made people want to have their girl suck down some cum.

I didn't know what Darren wanted to talk about, I kept my phone off through the rest of the class, I didn't even end up replying to him saying that I would come or not. By the time the bell rang I couldn't get to my locker fast enough, and took the longer way around the school to avoid bumping into anybody I knew. I hated this paranoia, it felt borderline homophobic and shady to be giving others the runaround. I mean I had perfectly valid reasons to keep it a secret, but there was still a tinge of guilt that made me feel like I was doing something wrong.

By the time I made my way down to the sides of the gym, I was a conflicted mess. Part of me just wanted to turn tail, run and preemptively deny everything that could have been said. I wanted to run up to his sister and yell "I didn't suck his dick, I'm not a fag!" The other part wanted to rush behind the gym, force the bear's hands behind his back and ram his ass behind the nearest tree. As I stood at the corner of the gym, I pulled out my phone and switched it on, waiting for the logo to disappear. I flicked open Darren's folder and looked at the only message that he had sent; three minutes ago

Will be here all lunch, its actually fuckin tits news, gotta plan it with you though.

I flicked the phone back in my pocket and breathed and sigh of relief, looking back up towards the school. Nobody knew about us. My heart-rate slowed considerably as I took a moment to compose myself before turning the corner to the back of the gym. I couldn't help but wonder what he was talking about, the bear rarely got excited about anything, most of his interactions were just a monotone voice, an eye-roll and a bored countenance that said that he wanted to be somewhere else doing something interesting. Using the word 'tits' made me smile though, something as painfully 90's always deserved a little chuckle.

I turned the corner and Darren noticed me almost immediately. With a grin he beckoned me over with his paw and looked down at his phone, hurriedly tapping at the screen. One thing always struck me about seeing him in school, and that was the difference between his uniform and his normal clothes. At home he tended to wear tighter clothes, like a slightly too tight polo tucked into his worn jeans. It was a daddy look that was beyond his years and I couldn't be sure that he was not somewhat aware of it. But at school he often wore baggier clothes and tended to skimp on the uniform rules, most of the time he just wore a big woolen jacket which obscured most of his appreciable form.

'Davai, look at this' Darren brought up his phone and swiped across, a big grin forming on his face. He wrapped one of his thick arms around my shoulders and pulled me close, squeezing me alongside his belly. I couldn't help but double-take to my left and right to see if anyone saw. He raised the phone in front of my face and shoved it towards me, my nose bumping against the screen. I had to hold his arm to hold it back so I could read, my eyes scanning over the text as his paw ran up and down my upper arm.

Taking your sister out for her doctors appointment in Loch. Will be back at 7. Tunabake in the fridge for dinner.

I read it again, my brain barely comprehending the information, and just as the implications of what the text meant started the dawn on me, the pressure on my arm got a little tighter, a warm puff of ear on my ear notified me of the bear's incoming muzzle. I forgot the setting of where we were briefly as Darren took the tip of my ear in his muzzle, releasing a soft mumble from the depths of his throat before his tongue moved against the soft, gray fuzz off my inner ear, pushing it down against the top of my head as he moved to nuzzle into the side of my face. I really did forgot my troubles in that moment, a warm ray of affection radiating from the bear and helping me feel a bit more calm and secure. Even though his lips were almost pressed right into my ear, I couldn't exactly hear what he said. I know he said that we had three hours to spend together alone, but I was too focused on enjoying the contact.

He must have noticed my melting disposition, as he gave me enough of a squeeze to force the wind out of me, then parted from me and gave a brief pirouette on his heel, letting out a whistle and a laugh as he did so. Darren's mirth was infectious, as I rested my back against the nearest tree and smiled back at him. He stuffed the phone into his jacket pocket and stood in front of me, rocking back and forth on his feet. 'Three fuckin' hours for us, mate'. He looked back towards the corners and lowered his voice 'Three fuckin' hours.' His voice lowered and brow furrowed, like a thought had entered into his brain that forced contemplation.

'What?' I asked. I didn't really see anything to be concerned about, I knew their routine just as well as them and three hours was more than enough time.

Darren scratched his chin, and crooked a pad at me, walking through the bush towards the road. 'Quiet.' He mumbled. 'Need to talk about some logistics.' I sighed walked behind him before he stopped, the view of the gym obscured by the thick trees. He turned towards me and sighed looking off to the side, I put my hands in my pockets and kicked the underbrush. 'I just....'. He stepped towards me and put his hands on my shoulders, pushing me against a thick gumtree. The wind was knocked out of me again and I stared, wide-eyed as the chubby guy started to press up against me, a paw holding the side of my muzzle while the other gripped the flesh above my hip. His muzzle brushed into my neckfur 'I just....'. He mumbled as he pressed closer into me, enveloping my body with fur, fat and a woolen jacket. 'I just wanna make you squirm, is all.' He mumbled.

Those words sent an electrical shock coursing through my spinal cord, making me go stiff in surprise as his paw forced its way down my pants and cupped my flaccid dick gently. I opened my mouth to protest but he caught it in a kiss, firmly pressing his lips against me to keep me silent while his he worked an arm and leg to pin me against the tree. My struggling against him just made him press further onto me, the pressure forcing my muzzle deep into his neck fur as we fought to subdue the other. He didnt move his hand while I struggled, his energy focused on making me calm and subdued before he pulled his head back and whispered into my ear. 'Just keep still, cutie'. I could tell he was listening for others as he stayed stock still. 'Don't worry, just don't cum'

I whined into his neck in a pitch that I couldn't be proud of, I asked him to let me go so we could go back. His only response was a squeeze to my hip and a 'Don't worry'. I asked him to let me go so we wouldn't be seen, his response a stroke of my cock and an unzip of my pants to give him easier access. My cock was out in school, my friend's brother was rubbing me out in the middle of bushland at school. When I tried to utter a syllable, he would squeeze and stroke it, turning my attempt into a sentence into an incoherent cry which was muffled by his fur. I would say what would happen if I tried to struggle, but to be honest I couldn't really move. I was pent up, I was stressed and horny and terrified and my body couldn't figure out what it wanted. His stroking was calm and measured, he didn't even look, he just stayed in the same spot with his eyes looking past me. The only thing he did different was that he stopped once or twice, took himself off my dick and licked his paw, I could tell by the slurps and a gentle "Hmm" as he tasted me on his paw.

The pre was always a problem, he handled it without a care. A gentle shlk noise with the perfect accompaniment to my quick breathing and gasps. It served as a timpani to a rhythm that I with which I struggled to keep up. Whenever I felt like I was reach the forte of it, he would stop and hold me, if it could even be called holding. If my knees buckled, the sheer amount of weight on me would keep me up, I could fall off into an abyss and I wouldn't have to worry about twigs getting stuck into my fur. I could feel him pressing into my thigh as well, the stress of keeping his attention focused on me was working its magic on his groin, I could feel it everything he shifted, it rubbed into my thigh. I would have reached down and helped him out, but my paws were too busy white-knuckle gripping onto his shirt.

He played me, to keep up with the musical term, he brought me nearly up to a crescendo, then brought me down again. It's not like I didn't make it obvious, I would quiver and whine and try to thrust into his paw and he would stop. There was nothing I wanted more than to beg to bring me to the edge, but we both know that was the worst idea. It probably wasn't even a good idea to drag me out here in the first place, he was probably working on an assumption that I was repeatedly jacking off to images of our first night together.

By the end, we were both struggling, our collective patience was wearing thin. My dick was close to having a hair trigger, and he could only get a few strokes in before I told him to stop. The rest of my body, however, was reacting differently as whenever he stopped I would try to get in a few desperate humps, smearing pre along his pants. It was with trepidation that I had to tell him to stop, that unless he wanted a heavy spattering of cum all over his belly and crotch he would have to put my dick away. He held me and continued his watch while I softened down, the problem then being the precum smeared all over my shaft. With a spontaneity that could have sent me back over the edge if I want exhausted, he gripped the base of my dick, pulled back, then offered his paw to me which was glistening in clear sticky fluid. He beamed with a lewd pride as my tongue danced over his digits. I had never tasted myself like that before and my flavor was slightly more bitter compared to his, God knows I swallowed enough of it when I sucked him off.

When I had finally got myself back in my pants and had a brief giggle over the prominent erection in Darren's own, he kissed me on the head and nudged me back towards the gym. We discussed what would happen at home, he didn't give anything away about what he wanted to do, all he did was chuckle and say he wanted to "Experiment on me." The look of nervousness on my face made him chuckle and as he washed off our hands with some water from his bottle, he explained in a hushed voice that he wanted to see what "Made me tick." After giving me more questions than answers, he slung his bag over his shoulder, said that he was skipping class and left me with a half chub and a nervous titter in my belly.

I caught him leaving the school. As I stacked up with my classmates outside of the portable, I saw him walking down the hill to the front gate of the school. I pulled out my phone and texted him, asking what he was doing. Looking up the hill, he replied back, saying that he needed time to prepare. In a confusing text, he sent me something that made me bulge a bit in my underwear. I had to turn away from my classmates and face the wall, flicking off the phone and calming myself. It was hard to concentrate for the next two classes. Every time I tried to focus on the material, the text kept on pushing its way into my brain. All of my fantasies had me working through possible scenarios, compiling mental scripts of how to get him to do different things with me. Scenes played themselves out in my head of how he would get me into the bed. With that uncertainty of what would happen, it was slightly easier to work through the class. But now certainty from that text had revved my engine and made me fire on all cylinders.

Hope you wanna bareback bear ass.

The last 5 minutes of getting to the house always kicked my ass, the house was located right on top of a hill and only 10 minutes walk from the school (according to those lying pricks at Google maps) But the last stretch of hill extended it to fifteen minutes. I could never get used to the walk back. Every time I reached the top of the second hill, it took most of my willpower to not just fall over and roll right back down it, it truly had a Sisyphean quality to it. But, as it turns out, when there is the prospect of being balls deep in a burly guy's ass, the tenacity and strength to make it up those hills came much more easily. I had to be thankful for the hill in one respect though, it gave Darren's ass that roundness that I appreciated so much. He said it himself, that the hill had gave him the big ass that he was so proud of. He was oddly proud of his butt, I couldn't blame him for that though, those weighty pillows were something to be of.

So when I managed to stagger up the drive way, I was a bit sticky. Turn's out a sprint for the promise of butt tends to make one go a bit faster. My heart was pounding when I saw Darren's note on the door, a combination of exhaustion, nerves and arousal made my blood pump harder, my nerves twitch and my teeth bare. I didn't really know what I expected when I opened that door. One part of me thought I was see an group of naked men waiting for me, the other expected a futon laid out in the middle of the living room adorned in French silk with Darren in the center of it, holding a rose in his teeth and a bow on his cock. A tongue to my face was the last thing I expected, but as soon as I stepped inside the house Darren had appeared from the side office, grabbed me by the shoulders and dragged the flat of his tongue across the side of my face. I don't know what his obsession with licking was, I didn't ask after he licked it for almost a full minute after cleaning off all of his jizz, but there was a certain comfort from the drool covered gesture of affection.

When his head lowered into my neck, he grimaced and pulled away. 'Dude, you kinda stink.' He started working the buttons of my shirt, his fat fingers pulling them through the holes with difficulty. He was already nearly naked, a pair of gray briefs with overworked elastic clung to his hips, a hint of pink dick visible through the fold of the flap. The briefs were a size too small for him, I guessed he planned to get rid of them as soon as I walked through the door. I tried to hurry up the process, undoing the bottom buttons to meet him in the middle.

'Isn't that what bears like though, a bit of musk?' I teased, giving a hump towards him as I undid the last button, raising my arms and stretching to give him a view of my chest. He leaned back a bit and rolled his eyes as I undid my belt, throwing it to the side. I reached out and groped his chest, the soft fat and muscle proving to be malleable under my working digits

He gave a little grunt from my ministrations, a frustrated grimace flashing across his features. 'Yeah, no dude' He said tiredly before pushing me towards the entrance hall. 'I don't like gross guys, just take a fuckin' shower, mkay.' He gave my rump a light pat before pushing me away a bit more forcefully. 'I'll be in the living room getting set up, get nice and spiffy for me' He called out after me. 'I wanna see if I can lick your prostate!'. My back and cock stiffened, I took a deep breathe to control myself as I stepped through hall, away from his mocking laughter.

I wanted to rush through that shower, I really did, but the hot water coursing over my muscles made me relax. The stress of the day just seemed to melt away from my fur in waves. I came to a sort of epiphany in there, I had no reason to stress out or be nervous about what was going to happen. I didn't need to twitch and rush through the whole thing, I trusted him. He was good to me the first night, wasn't rough with me like in so any of the horror stories I read online, and didn't force me to orgasm behind the gym. Bubbles from the soap and shampoo rose all over my fur as I washed myself, my hands roaming over my body and reaching into every corner to clean myself. It was when my digits snuck into the cleft of my ass to brush against my hole that I heard a noise against the doorway Now of course that trust took a little bit of a hit when I turned around and saw him leaning against the wall with a smug fuck grin on his face, but I made the best of it. When I reached down and cupped my balls, I saw his eyes narrow and shoulders tense. When I reached down and rubbed my taint, I could also see his pants tent. 'You can come in here if you want' I said with my best seductive voice, making sure to spread an asscheek a bit for him.

'Um....nah' He croaked, averting his eyes 'Might end up having to plow your hole.' He let out a whine as I arched my back and looked over my shoulder, making sure he got a good glimpse at the pink under my tail. 'Jesus fuckin christ', overconfidant prick.' He pulled his hands out of his pants and looked up at the ceiling. 'Just keep doing your thing, don't mind me.' I did just that, keeping up my show. But honestly there wasn't much I could do in there without risking breaking my neck, even arching my back put me as risk of slipping. I don't think he minded though, his perverted gaze soaked up every inch of me they could through the rising steam. By the time I was done, he was waiting for my by the edge of the tub with a massive wet spot on the front of his undies and an open towel. As I stepped out of the tub he wrapped me up in it and started to briskly rub me all over like I was a kid. His rough rubbings left my fur sticking up all over my body, I had to brush it down as he worked. Before I knew it, he was on his knees behind me, working his way down my thighs.

'Hey, I got a question for you' He asked, as he rubbed down my thighs, I could feel a puff of air on the back on my balls as he asked, signifying what was coming. 'Whaddya think of rimjobs?' He paused here, I could feel the soft breathing on my crack as he waited for my response

'Weeeeell' I drawled. 'I've always wanted to try iiiiiiiiiiii-' My voice trailed off as his muzzle worked it's way between between my cheeks, and the tongue slurped its way through my crack. Now I didn't know rimjobs, but I was ninety percent sure there was no finesse to his tongue work. He gripped onto my thighs with his paws, his claws digging into the flesh as his muzzle worked me over. I tried to bend over a bit to give him some easier access, but he pulled out his muzzle, said that he liked the feeling of ass cheeks on his face, then dived right back in. I was in nirvana, I was floating on a fuckin' cloud. I never thought a tongue up my butt would feel this good. I could feel the saliva dripping down my taint as he drooled his way through my ass. It was surreal, his muzzle moved back and forth, like he was trying to get his entire face in between my cheeks. My dick was leaking pre like a faucet, the only sound being the huffs, growls and pants of his voracious slurping and the patter of precum on the tiled floor. Occasionally he would reach up and give me a spank, causing the muscle to bounce around his face. He didn't dive inside though, if I could get out any noises aside from strangled cries, I would have egged him on, tell him to shove his tongue in deeper and ask him how he enjoyed eating out fresh husky butt..

With a huff and another light butt slap, Darren stood up, turned me around and wiped the excess drool off his muzzle with his forearm. 'What ya think of that?' He crossed his arms and beamed with pride. I caught a look at myself in the bathroom mirror as I mumbled my thanks, the gratitude tumbling out in a incoherent mess. He petted my shoulder and turned to walk out. 'You got a great butt man, anytime you want your asshole licked out' He turned and winked 'Just give me a shout....or...you know...sit on my face'

Black panthers are hot. I mean Ollie Stevens is a cougar, and is pretty cute, but panthers that live in the middle of Australia tend to be a bit rough around the edges. But the panther that Darren and I were watching on the TV was perfect. The camera lights from the set gave a black shine that shimmered across the fur whenever his hips would drive down into the hyena below him. Of course I knew it was touched up porn and very few guys, including Ollie, would be that attractive in real life. But I couldn't help but idolize what it would be like to take the actor out for dinner, then get fucked by him later. The fantasy I kept in my hard was hard to maintain though, as Darren, who was sitting next to me on the couch buck naked, kept jabbering on about what he would do to both of the actors if he had the chance. I still hadn't taken off my clothes, being in my underwear was still the upper limit of what I could handle in his house.

'Man, I would shove my tongue so far up his butthole.' He would murmur as the camera focused on the flexing buttcheeks of the panther while he piled drived the whimpering hyena. 'I bet that little dude could take two in him at once!' He would exclaim as the camera panned to the gaping ass of the hyena was displayed for the shot. Occasionally he would ask for my opinion and give my cock a grope but I couldn't really get out much other than a half-ass reply about how I would 'Fuck him so good' or something equally vague. He would chuckle and focus his attention back to the screen. The porn was basically for my benefit. When I left the shower and went back to the living room, a USB was inserted into the DVD player with a couple dozen porno titles on the screen. After perusing the titles, I selected 'Jungle Deep 5' and was greeted to a hyena nuzzling the bulge of a black panther in camo pants. Judging by how hard my dick got thirty seconds into the blowjob scene, it was obviously a good choice.

I was so entranced by the scene on the TV, I didn't give it much thought when I felt Darren get up from the couch. I heard something about water, but I didn't care, a hole being replugged with an obscenely large dick is something difficult to tear your eyes away from. The panther went to town on that poor little guy, at one point the camera was underneath them, focusing on the wet slapping of balls against taint. My eyes were pinned to the screen as Darren sat next to me, I faintly heard a cap popping and a wet sound, but a cry from the TV as the hyena had an orgasm brutal-fucked out of him regained my attention. The hyena's face was contorted in a mixture of pleasure and pain, lips curling over teeth while heavy spurts of cum flew from his dick. When the panther started saying words of encouragement and regained his composure, I felt a wet thing poking against my face, causing me to briefly spazz out and press against the aim of the couch.

Darren rubbed a lubed up dildo against my face, the fat bastard had actually poked my cheek with a silicone cock. Had sat there with a shit eating grin on his face while he waved the thing in front of me, lube dipping down his hand and hitting the towel we laid over the couch. 'Forty bucks mate.' He placed it between us, the slimy object touching my thigh. He then lifted up his legs and pulled down his briefs, his cock spring out, flecks of pre flying in a small arc over his belly. 'I love that thing, ride it like...' He narrowed his eyes, deep in thought 'Once or twice a week?.' I picked it up; eight inches of fat, plastic dick wobbling in my hand. It was large, just over eight inches in length, with a girth that would make a large guy on the larger side of the spectrum jealous.

'Am I riding this thing.' I asked, the thought making my hole clench in fear. It wasn't huge, like the type freaks would put in for a gape, but it was definitely on the larger end for an average joe's cock. He laughed and pulled down his briefs, his upward curving cock catching me in the face with a speck of pre. 'Nah' He said, grabbing my hand before pulling me upward and kissing me on the nose, I blushed. 'I'm teach you how we do this, big guy'. He leaned in, putting an arm around my shoulders, bit my neck and grabbed my cock in it's underwear. I remembered his text.

'I'm gonna stretch myself open, and you can do everything you want to me.'

Darren pulled my close to his side like earlier and dragged his tongue from my neck to the back of my ear. The tongue gave shooting sparks along my spine and making me moan from deep in my throat. He chuckled at that and scratched at the side of my face with his wandering paw, eventually reaching my ear which he caressed and rubbed with his pads. His muzzle kissed and nibbled my neck, his teeth gently scratching the surface of my skin, each point of contact making the nerves dance. I didn't know what to do with my head and neck. One side wanted to lean in for the ear rubbing, the other wanted to grab the back of the bears head and shove him deeper into my neck. The latter won. I tucked my legs under me and leaned into him, his paw left my ear and turned my head towards him. Our lips touched together softly, our tongue peeking out to peck the other one. I reached up, grabbed the back of his head, then pushed him into the kiss. Our muzzles opened up and tongues clashed together, a muffled grunt escaping his mouth and into mine as he accepted the eager roughness of the kiss. I tried to push him over, but as we began to tumble he started to giggle. I broke from the kiss and looked down at him.

'The dildo.' He choked out 'It's under my thigh!' Darren reached down under himself and pulled it out, the once shiny surface now dryer. 'Oh my god its all under my thigh....so cold.' A tear escaped the corner of his eye as he held back from laughing, a little tear escaping the corner of his eye. He noticed my annoyed expression and waved his paw, wiping the corner of his eye with the back of it. 'Sorry, I cry when I laugh'. The giggling slowed down as Darren reached over the far side of the couch and rummaged on the far side. With a grunt and curse he pulled out something handed it to me. 'Try lubing it up again.' He passed over to me a tube of KY jelly, half of it already used it. I squeezed some of the cool gel out onto my digits and started spreading it out onto the silicone cock, the substance quickly cooling down and spreading between my digits leaving a gross wet feeling as I spread it out. As I worked, he lectured me on friction, most of it I already knew off porn, he told me that how much he hated the stuff, as it always dried out too quickly and he had to go through a huge amount of the stuff if he wanted an extended ride. He pulled out my cock from the flap of my underwear as he talked and worked it, some of the lube dripping down to aid in his efforts. All I could think of while I slathered up the cock was him riding his dildo when everybody had fallen asleep, only to reapply lube every couple of minutes and sliding the dildo back into its warm, wet home.

'On your belly.' I told him, my voice darker from authority. As he got into position, those full, chubby cheeks came into view, this was the first time I'd gotten a chance to play with them at my leisure. I rubbed my paw on one, the pliant fat letting it sink just a little bit little ripples forming above my pads as I pushed it hard up towards his back. When I let go the cheek fell back into place, the luscious valley looking just as undisturbed as before. A little smack made it jiggle, a harder one made it pink under the fur. With a growl I stood up and tossed my underwear to the side, noticing Darren's head turn toward me. 'I'm gonna pound that butt of yours so hard dude.' He wordlessly put his head back in his arms and waited. As I got back into position, I spread one of his cheeks and immediately notice a small purple rod sticking out of his hole. His body vibrated as he chuckled at my noise of exclamation. He had shoved a plug up his ass. The fur around his hole was matted with lube, and just a little bit red from strain. I asked him if he put it in when he got up from the couch before, another body vibration giving me my answer.

I gripped the little, purple rod and wiggled it, earning a started cry from Darren. Getting a firm grip on it, I started to pull it out, watching in awe as the hole opened up to show the base of the foreign object. I had to push on the bear's butt to keep him still as I extracted it, wiggling the rod as his ass finally released the base from its grip. The rest slid out gently after that. I gingerly put the plug down next to us and spread his cheeks, dismally glancing down at the un-gaped hole. I picked up the larger dildo and grimaced at its size, thankful that I got to see how he reacted before it went inside me. As the tip of the dildo touched Darren's hole, he reached back and spread his cheeks, giving me a quick lecture on how to take something in the ass. I looked over his back, waited for the nod and pushed the dildo in. The pale pink head sliding into the hole without resistance. He cried out and swore at me when I tried to get more in, forgetting that the wide base of the plug only went so deep.

I pumped the dildo gently, watching as the base of the cockhead slipped in and out of his hole, occasionally I would push in and gain a bit of new ground. His huffs of pain or pleasure or whatever the fuck it was riled me up, precum from my cock had stained the back of his thigh as as pump into him brought out a new pump from me. Eventually I stopped working from the tip of the dildo, three quarters of the way inside I was simply giving soft pumps with the top inch or so, slowly but steady stretching open his rear. A burst of inspiration told me to to tell him to lift up his hips. With a groan and a new inch of plastic inside, he lifted up at which point I grabbed his cock, pulled it behind and pushes him back down with a forceful thrust. His cock was now bent backwards at the perfect view.I had the best view a guy could ask for, thighs, hole, taint, balls and cock were in my view. As I rubbed everything I could with my spare paw, the other methodically and rhythmically pushed the dildo deep inside.

By the three quarter point, Darren was looking back at me. His normally stoic face was flushed with red, sweat was matting his forehead and his eyes were wide and unfocused. he whined at me in the cutest voice that he rarely takes it this deep, I soothed him with a sticky paw over the small of his back, he took several shaky breaths, then told me to keep going. I did just that. With a renewed impatience I started to force the rest of it deep inside. As the base of the dildo thickened, his hole stretched open with wet squelches as the rear fought and shrugged to keep it in. I felt the resistance too, if I let my grip loose just a little bit his insides would try and force the fake cock out. Of course he had the worse end of the job, each time I hit the resistance point his hips would jerk and a grunt of pain would come from his clenched jaw. I would have felt bad, if had told me to stop I would have done it in an instant and begged for his forgiveness, but I just kept going, every moment of him not giving in fueled my determination to see this big bear bitch impaled on a fat, silicone dick.

Eventually I hit balls deep, I had to put a decent amount of force on the dildo to keep it in. By then the bear was vibrating, I could smell a hint of swear in the air as he struggled to contain himself. I didn't say a word, I kept my ears perked for any sign of wanting to stop. The pit in the bottom of my stomach, however, was being dominated by the lust in my chest cavity. My dick had never felt harder, I wanted nothing more than rip the dildo out of him and plunge myself in, letting my hips go wild until I had my fill. As I waited his vibrations started to cease, his body calming itself as it adjusted to the intruder. I started to remove the dildo from him, watching attentivly as lube leaked down from his hole. As the final inches freed itself, a wet pop signaled the release of the dildo. His hole had finally gaped. It wasn't a sick cavern like I would expect, but an almost dainty distended circle the size of my smallest pad. Darren finally spoke, he instructed me to wet my pads and push them inside his hole for a quick lesson. I put a small amount of lube on two of them and worked into his hole. The warmth around them was instantaneous, I gyrated my pads inside his ass, getting a feel for what it was like inside. I could see the lewd grin on his face as he watched me. 'Feels amazing doesn't it?' He said as I went deeper. 'Curl your fingers to my belly, find a hard spot on the wall.' I turned them downwards, rubbing along the inside of Darren's backside as he grinned and looked back at me. The warm, wet feeling made me want to shove everything I could in there, pads, paw, arm, dick, everything. A supposed overreaction on my part, but it was the first time I was inside someone, I didn't even know what my own ass felt like. But as I brushed over a small nub in his ass, the bear's went went upward and a stupid smile crossed his face 'Thats....thats the stuff.' I found his prostate, I had read things about the "Male g-spot" but I didn't expect the blissful, dopey eyed expression on the bear's face as I rubbed over it. I admired his handsome face as I poked, prodded and massaged the odd spot of flesh in him. Looking down I noticed his dick, a trickle of pre staining the dark, liquid stained circle of the towel. I pushed my two pads as deep as they could go, an appreciative grunt from the bear sounding out. A low rumble reverberated in him, I swear I could have felt the vibrations in my pads from the next words, each syllable pulsing across my nerves. 'Breed me.'

I bolted to the bathroom oddly enough, I needed one thing. When I came back with my phone, Darren looked at me with a mixture of anger and apprehension, 'Dude I swear to god...' I shushed him, and told him that if it got either of our faces in it, I would delete it. I set it to record, used a book to prop it up on the armrest. When I put my knee on the couch, he told me to lube up.

My eyes scanned the surface the couch, a dildo, a buttplug, but no tube. I came over to his head, leaning down into the pillow, and rubbed my dick on his head like he did to me with the dildo. Getting the idea, Darren extended his tounge and slathered the underside of my dick, seeing my oppertunity I pushed forward, sliding myself balls deep into his throat. He coughed and strugged, but I held his head in place with a paw to his ear and told him to lube it good. After a moment of struggle, I felt the tongue working over my shaft, the occasional cough making me twitch. I pulled out, several strands of saliva connecting my dick to his mouth. He called me a bastard and stuffed his back back into the pillow. 'Get on with it'. A muffled burst of his aggressive bottom nature.

I shuffled up to him on my knees, his rear was spread out in front of me as a prize I had worked hard for. The slight gape of his twitching asshole beckoned me in, his taint begged for a pair of pair nuts to beat it up, the cock leaking and needing to spurt out cum from a heavy fuck. I grabbed my slimy dick and hefted it to his asshole, giving the flesh a couple of slaps before I adjusted my aim and pushed in. The heat around my fingers couldn't compare to this. He sucked me in. Honest to God his ass had a mind of its own. Logically I knew it was my hips pushing forward, but the ease of pushing my way through his slimy, heated, sucking depths felt like a blowjob, only a thousand times better. I held myself at the halfway point, sucking air through my lungs and gripping the fat of his hips. His hole was pulsing around me. The fat bastard knew how good it felt, I could hear him chuckling, and I swear he was clenching his hole on purpose.

He lifted up his head and spoke forward to the wall. 'How are you enjoying yourself so far big guy.' He gyrated his hips for effort, my cock sliding around in his ass at different angles. I watched my dick as he gently bounced his hips, the urge to fuck him like a toy at a high.

I looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes, savoring and committing the moment to memory. I was losing my virginity to him, he had taken a dildo, I had hurt him, I shoved his dick in his throat and he was laughing. 'Thank you...so much for this.' It was all I could say. I could have said more and gone on a speech about how grateful I was and how good he felt. But a clenching butthole around you tends to ruin your eloquence. Gripping the hip fat, I pulled him down. My dick plunged into him with a long wet _shlllllk _and a thud from the collision of our hips. I let out a long, soulful moan as I tried to grind myself in further, his entire butt felt like it just needed another millimeter that I couldn't give, another inch that I couldn't push into him. When I realized I was still trying to pull him onto me, I let him go. He responded by bouncing his hips on me. I watched as inches of my dick slowly left the warmth of his ass, then slowly re-entered into his gently rolling muscles. My heated breath flowed shakily in an out of my lungs as I watched his fat ass engulf me again and again. He kept his pace consistent, his clenches measured and hole remaining tight. After a few minutes of gentle hip rolling, he came to a still and told me to let loose.

I'll never forget that awkward hesitancy, my hands wandered over his back trying to figure out what to grab. I slapped his ass half-heartedly which gave me a pleasurable clench and giggle. Eventually, for the camera, I pushed over leg forward over his thigh , spreading my cheeks to show my probably still wet hole for the camera. I pulled back my hips, a little too far as my dick slipped out. I hurriedly pushed it back in, accidentally hotdogging him a couple of times as I struggled to find my mark. The heat welcomed my tip back and I shoved in the rest. My balls slapped against him. I repeated the motion, pulling my self all the way out and slamming back in. Each taint-twacking thrust brought an 'Oof!' out of the bear and a high pitched moan from me. I kept up the motion, discovering that slipping out just made it awkward if you missed getting back in. When my pace started to improve, my hips regularly connecting to his in soft thumps, I realized I was properly fucking him. I spread my paws over his back, savoring his meaty width and sped up my thrusts. I didn't know if Darren was enjoying it, the only noise I heard from him were soft, muffled grunts into his pillow, I couldn't see his cock, so I didn't know if it went soft. All i knew was that my hips were speeding up and my breath was becoming ragged. My dick was gliding effortlessly in and out of the wide backside, pre lubing the way to continue my pounding. It had gotten so bad, so quickly, that every hump was accentuated with a wet slick sound. Occasionally I would pop out of him, for the dual purpose of holding off my orgasm, and for hearing the wet pop as my tip slid out.

Eventually I was down to using the last two inches of my cock, it was more of a grind than a proper fuck.I was pent up, I knew I wouldn't last long. It was something I had instantly pushed out of my mind. I still couldn't decide what to do with my hands, placing them anywhere seemed like an invitation to continue thrusting and finishing off. In my last thirty seconds of sex, my hips twitched. My dick slid into him sporadically, like my hips were attached to a car battery. After a few of those twitches, a weeks worth of strain and tension poured into Darren. The heat in my crotch bloomed through the rest of my body, my brain burning and melting through the course of my orgasm. Every bit of cum built up from that first night, every moment of sexual tension stored up emptied into Darren's hole. I would see later that the combination of the deluge of cum and erratic twitching of my hips would break the seal, semen leaking down the bear's taint and balls.

I fell at that point, when I pulled my leg back to kneel my spine just gave out on me and I fell against the head rest. Puffing and huffing, I could only see a hint of white between Darren's cheeks as he rolled over to sit beside me. His face was flushed was exertion. He turned to me, grinned and laid back his head. I turned and picked up my phone, clicking the record button and saving it to file. I looked over at Darren, the gentle curve of his belly rising and falling, his eyes closed in relaxation, he looked at peace. My eyes lowered, noticing his still hard cock. If I wasn't so relieved, I would have felt terrible, but he still noticed by disappointed gaze, waved his hand and told me not to worry.

Eventually though, I had to help him get off, but it was less of a choice and more of a resigned blowjob that didn't last all that long. I leaned over to show him the recording, but he grabbed my head and shoved me in his lap. For the next two minutes my mouth was basically a cock sleeve, he held me in place while he abused my mouth. He jabbered while watching the video, commenting about how far he would shove his tongue up my asshole. It would have been insufferable if he didn't cum while commenting on how cute I was on struggling to get back in his hole. His cum washed over me, dick pulsing against the corner of my mouth, spurts sticking to my face and his upper chest. Through his orgasm, all I could simply think to myself was about how long this post-sex daze would last. But as he kissed me, washing my face with his tongue, I slowly came back to my senses and kissed him.

It was soft, gentle, none of the excessive tongue like before. He wrapped his arms around me and we fell to our sides on the couch, our wet, cummy cocks rubbing together. It would have been the perfect time to fall asleep. Unfortunately, his daze was less severe. He got up after a minute of the cuddling, pulled the towel out from under me and wrapped it up.

I sat up and looked at him. His dick hung loosely and, accepting its invitation, I gave it gentle lick, resigning myself to clean the rest of the cum off. As I was just getting into it, he pulled my up, hugging me gently.

'We should get washed up' He mumbled, parting from me.

I looked down at myself, cum and lube were stuck to various parts of my fur. I was a real mess, fantastically gross. 'Yeah..' I agreed. 'Don't need this drying'

We showered, but nothing really happened there. We cleaned the couch, and put the towel in the wash. We talked about what was going through our heads the past week. He gave me pointers on how to top and bottom while we re-watched the footage. He said I was decent but nothing to be amazed about. He hugged me at my annoyed huff, assuring me that the first time is almost always like that.

I asked if he was up for another round, but he chuckled, knowing that it was an empty offer of bravado and non-existent stamina.