Tales of the Scarlet Suns 4.5

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This is the chapter about what happens after 6 years of training and then 2 years after the specific event taking place in Ampwick, in the world of Glinocyre, for Irving.

This is sure to bring you many good reads.

Chae and Naphalee Garven © Me and https://talon-stormclaw.sofurry.com/

Irving Tohka © https://talon-stormclaw.sofurry.com/

Story written by me

Glinocyre is a world copyrighted by me and https://talon-stormclaw.sofurry.com/ and we ask no one to use it as their own.

This story is 1,871 words long and consists of 10,031 characters/letters.

The Tales of the Scarlet Suns - Ch 4.5: The Love of Innocence

So, what was it that exactly happened that day when Irving had lost his virginity? That is a story we didn't touch upon, but now it has to be explained so we can move on. The day was Irving's birthday and the otter was laying in bed with his two kitten girls, well not exactly kittens anymore but it is what he calls them any way, snoozing as the sun's rays attempted to get through the window and onto his face. Being that he was laying in the middle of the trio, he was the first to be hit by the bright rays and did an attempt to cover up the face with the blanket.

This had stirred Chae and Naphalee enough to awaken them and they looked at the otter's attempt to hide from the sun and giggled softly as to not wake him up before they slowly pulled down the sheet and gave his cheeks a soft kiss, "Morning, enemy of the sun." Irving grunted a bit before opening an eye to look at them before he smiled, "And what if I do not wanna be awake? I had such a wonderful dream."

Irving quickly regretted his question as Chae and Naphalee began to poke him repeatedly, "Taste our pokes of the sun, you handsome fiend." Irving chuckled a bit before pulling both the hybrids down, letting them snuggle up to him as the door opened and Katia looked in, "Morning there, you three. Breakfast is on the table. Make sure you are dressed and come to the table. Irving, you got practice today with Mark." All she got in response was a loud groan, "Yes, mother." Katia giggled as she left.

A few minutes later, the three teenagers arrived to the breakfast table, noticing that it was looking much more like a feast. Katia, Mark and Juniper smiled, "Happy birthday, Irving." Irving's eyes began to shine, "Oh! It is my birthday?" Katia nodded happily, "Yes, and today it means you are 14 years old. So sit down and have your first taste of mead with us."

Irving looked a bit hesitant at the mug with mead as he grabbed his fish and took a bite, watching how Chae and Naphalee had grabbed a fish each and looked a bit worried when Katia, Mark and Juniper held out a gift each. Katia had given Irving a set of daggers that seemed tailored for his hands as he spun them around quickly before sliding them into the sheathes on the belt he got from Mark, while Juniper gave him what seemed to be scrolls containing many portable enchantments and what they do.

Irving had happily accepted their gifts and thanked them, but it was then that it went up for him when he saw that Chae and Naphalee had no gifts. Before any reprimand could escape the mouths of Katia, Mark or Juniper, Irving had already disarmed the situation, "It is okay, girls. I got your affection and that is enough of a gift for me." He gave them a soft hug and a kiss, listening to their purr as Katia smiled, "Awww, young love."

The breakfast had ended without any problems, and as for the mead, Irving had taken a liking to it and said that he would make it something he did weekly, but only one mug so he wouldn't end up like Mark. With those words, Mark and Irving had left to do some practice, while Katia and Juniper had said bye to the girls and left to tend to their duties.

This left Chae and Naphalee alone to talk as Chae sighed, "Naph, I had forgotten that Irvie's birthday was today. I don't want us to be the only ones without a gift." Naphalee nodded, "Yes, but what could we give him? He is always getting everything from mom and dad." Chae nodded as she closed her eyes, "I know. That is complicating things." Naphalee closed her eyes and soon began to blush softly, "Hey Chae? Ever thought about how soft Irving is when he is holding us?"

Chae smiled as she couldn't disagree with it, "Yes, and the way he is always giving so much affection to us. Like that time when he pretended to eat on your neck. I haven't heard someone purr so loud as you did." Naphalee blushed, "Sis! You weren't exactly silent yourself." Chae began to giggle, "I do not hide it like you do." Naphalee looked at Chae and then the gears in her head began to turn slowly as she smiled, "Irving said that our affection is enough for him as a gift. What if we gave him ourselves?" Chae looked questioning at her, "What you mean? We already did." Naphalee giggled, "I mean we fully give ourselves. Make him ours while we become his." Chae's eyes brightened up, "As much as it is wrong, I want to do it."

Later that day, as the evening was settled in and the evening supper had just been finished, "Mom, your cooking is the best! I am stuffed!" Irving said as he rubbed his belly, hearing Juniper giggle at the compliment, "Thank you, Irving. It is nice to hear that you like my cooking." Irving stretched a bit before he got up, "I am going to take a bath, so everyone knows." With that, Irving left the table and heading outside to fill up the big tub with warm water, "Thank you for the food, mom Juniper. It was tasty. We gonna join Irvie in the tub." Chae and Naphalee chimed before getting up and hugging the adults before walking outside to join Irving.

Irving had slipped out of his clothes and into the water when he heard the paws touching the grass and moving closer before the sound of two undressing girls could be heard and not before long Irving's arms lifted up as Chae and Naphalee joined him, both girls purring up closely to him as he gave them a kiss on the muzzle each, "Hello there, my kittens." Chae smiled before Naphalee spoke to him, "Hey Irving. Me and Chae talked about it and we have found a gift for you." Irving looked at them both with a smile, "Awww, but your affection is enough for me, kittens."

He kissed them and soon found Naphalee deepening a bit on the kiss and he felt himself pulling closer to her and his right hand grabbed her by the shoulder before they broke the kiss, "Mmm, Naph. What was that for?" Naphalee purred before Chae whispered in his ear, "Irving, our gift to you is us. We want you to be our first."

Irving's cheeks went red when he heard it and soon Chae gave him a deep kiss and together with Naphalee, they began to rub his chest and slowly moving downwards to his most private area and Irving looked at them. He had never thought of them in a naughty way before, but this time it seemed impossible not to.

It wasn't before he felt them both grabbing his erection that he came back to his senses and happily groaned lowly and his hands found themselves moving on their own downwards until both Chae and Naphalee purred when he found their pussies, rubbing along them as he murred, "Mmm, do not stop."

Chae and Naphalee smiled as they had no intention to stop and once he was hard for them, Chae helped Irving to sit on the edge before she let Naphalee tend to his rather impressive length while she stood up and kissed their lover, feeling him returning the affection by rubbing one of her still developing breasts and fingering her softly, both moaning happily. Naphalee took her time to really give Irving the best she could give him, including the fact she was rubbing his balls at the same time as she was sucking him off.

It wasn't long however as the inexperience had forced Irving blow his load in Naphalee's maw, the hybrid happily wagging her tail, or at least what was working on it, while drinking down the warm mess. Chae could see him feeding Naphalee and soon moaned as she felt him fingering her harder and a single movement with the fingers caused her to squirt, her moan muffled by the kiss as to not alert the adults.

Naphalee enjoyed the moment of cum filling her maw before pulling back to look up at Chae and Irving, noticing his erection still standing proud and hard, "Sis, I think he is ready for you." Chae just smiled before she moved in front of him and with herself getting in position, she was rubbing her pussy against the tip before she felt the tip pushing inside, her eyes closing as she moaned lowly and Irving's strong hands grabbed onto her before the two began their mutual desire of young teenage sex.

Chae moaned as Irving's eagerness had made him sink deeper and soon she gasped out when he pushed through her hymen and blood was coming out. Irving saw it and pulled out, "Oh no, are you okay?" Chae whimpered softly and nodded, "Yes, mom Juniper told me about this. It would hurt the first time." Irving whimpered, "I do not wanna hurt you." Chae's right leg took its place against Irving's back and soon he joined her in a gasp when she slammed herself back onto his big dick, "But I want you to continue. Please."

Irving couldn't say no to the beautiful girl as he leaned over to kiss her while fucking her gently and lovingly, knowing very well that like with Naphalee, he wouldn't last long and as he felt the same feeling, he was trying to pull out when Chae pulled him closer and together they muffled a loud moan when Chae squirted around his shaft and Irving came inside of her, flooding her insides and even some into her young womb. Naphalee looked shocked, "Sis, you can get pregnant from that!"

Chae smiled, "Mmm, I had my heat already, so I am safe." Irving just kissed Chae deeply as he kept cumming, "Mmm, thank you, girls. That was amazing." Naphalee stood up as Chae pulled herself off the big dick and to their amazement, Irving wasn't even going soft. Naphalee quickly bent over the edge of the tub and felt Irving pushing inside of her, both moaning softly as Irving and Naphalee kissed each other softly, "Ohhh, Irving. You are so good to m..." It was then that Katia's voice broke the wonderful time, "Irving! What do you think you are doing to my daughters?"

Chae, Naphalee and Irving looked in shock at Katia coming with her daggers in hand. Irving's brain processed the situation quickly and found the quickest solution to the problem as he pulled out of Naphalee and jumped out of the tub before beginning to run for his life through the village at night, followed by the angry feline mother, "Come back here, you little pussy fucker!" Irving took the next turn quickly before he sighed, "Happy birthday to me indeed."

The End.

Tales of the Scarlet Suns 5

**The Tales of the Scarlet Suns - Ch 5: Journey to the Nala Crags** With the village of Ampwick no longer being visible for the trio, Chae looked at her sister Naphalee and at Irving before giving a sigh, "I am already missing home." Naphalee lowered...

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Tales of the Scarlet Suns 4

**The Tales of the Scarlet Suns - Ch 4: The Protector of Ampwick** _Author's note: Hi everyone, Sasha and Tenchi here. We wanna apologize for the sudden update of this chapter, but we were still figuring out stuff when we posted this chapter at...

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Tales of the Scarlet Suns 3

**The Tales of the Scarlet Suns - Ch 3: Growing by the Sword** It had been almost ten years since Irving had arrived at Ampwick and under the tutoring of Juniper, his adoptive mother, the young otter had learned everything about the world's history,...

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