King Verro

Story by Raevocrei on SoFurry

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Here's another short story of my mate and I! This one takes place in an alternate universe where Saber is but only a consort to his magnificent king, Verro. =3

This better be the last one, Verro grumbled to himself as a small, four-legged dragon wearing commoner's rags came padding up to his throne. Mondays were his least favorite days; they were the days that upset citizens would come to him with their complaints. As trifling as the proceedings were, it was a necessity to keep the people happy.

He lay comfortably in his throne: wings tucked against him and hind legs kicked out. With his head perked up, he pretended to listen to the dragon go on and on and on about an issue of unearthed stone slabs outside of town. Verro couldn't have cared less about such a minor issue.

Thankfully, he only had to bear another few minutes before a scribe wrote down a compromise so the issue would be fixed at a convenient time--along with all the other issues from today. With a sigh of relief, he flopped off of his throne and quickly escaped to his private quarters of the castle. That was the last of his duties today, and the evening sun was casting an orange glow through one of his windows; it was time for relaxation.

His room was huge, a size appropriate for a large, royal wyvern such as himself. It was in the backend of the castle on the top floor. A giant bed pressed against the middle of the back wall, and on either side of the bedposts were dressers filled with his expensive clothes and jewelry. His own private bath was built into the corner of the room--the perfect way to keep his purple hide sparkly.

Verro unfurled the violet cloak around his neck, where his crest of purple, blue-tipped feathers ended, and let it fall to the ground. Then, he fumbled with the buttons to his swirly-patterned vest and bent his wing-arms around so he could slip it off. Dark-purple, wavy stripes melded with his lighter-purple hide. Running down the underside of his body from his chin was a smooth, tan underbelly that he exposed as he the vest dropped to the ground. Finally, he hooked a claw around his girdle and tugged it down while lifting his hind legs out of it, leaving him in just his soft, white loincloth that draped over his groin.

He pulled a dangling rope next to his bed, and soon a dragon servant of his came rushing in.

"My lord?" he asked with the bend of his neck.

"Bring me my newest consort," Verro demanded and climbed onto his bed. The servant nodded and disappeared, but not without eyeing the naked wyvern curiously. Verro sprawled out comfortably onto his side and swished his tail as he waited. Moments later, a small, violet dragon entered his chamber and shut the door behind him.

The dragon wore simple clothing: a black, linen vest that wrapped around his torso, then a girdle like Verro's with cloth draping over his rear end.

"My king," he said and dipped his head respectfully.

Verro summoned his consort over to the bed with the wave of his wing. The purple dragon looked very shy as he padded over, keeping his tail tucked down. Verro bared his fangs in a toothy smile and patted the soft, downy bed, beckoning the tentative male to come up to him. He climbed up on to the bed and glanced into the king's golden eyes before staring at the bedding between his forepaws. He gulped.

Verro scrutinized the handsome dragon, admiring the deep purple of his hide, with a dark-blue hue splotching his lower jaw partway down his neck. He had four white spikes on each of his cheeks, a common male trait for the commoners. The same blue color wrapped up his hind-paws like socks and also painted the tip of his tail and wings. Two nervous, crimson orbs darted around as his white claws dug into the bed.

"What's your name, handsome?" Verro cooed and used a claw to tug a string holding his black vest in place. It came loose, exposing his chest, and dangled on both sides of his body.

"S-Saber," he stammered.

"No need to be shy, cutie," Verro responded with a rumble as he lay back and looked over his consort. "Why don't you take your clothes off for me?"

Saber nodded and hesitantly began undressing. He slipped the vest off of him and threw it off the bed before moving onto his girdle. While sitting up on his haunches, Verro could see beneath the hanging cloth. Saber wore a loincloth like his that covered his nethers from view, and it was fully revealed as he took off the girdle around his waist.

He stopped and looked at Verro with soft, crimson eyes. Those orbs curiously glanced between Verro's hind legs, and Verro shamelessly pulled his loincloth out of the way so Saber could see his slit. "All the way, Saber."

Saber visibly swallowed and slipped off his loincloth, now completely naked in front of his king with his legs slightly open. And between those muscular thighs was a pair of hefty balls and a thick sheath to compliment them--a particular favorite of the king's. Though he did prefer females, Verro enjoyed the qualities of each gender. Sometimes, he felt jealous of the male dragons that had soft, droopy packages like that; his slit wasn't nearly as fun to play with, or so he thought.

"Is this your first time with another male?" Verro asked in a sultry tone. Saber shifted as he caught the king's gaze between his legs. He shyly opened his hind legs wide for his king to see, performing what was expected of him.

"Yes," he answered and flashed a brief, courteous smile. His eyes stared between Verro's legs as the wyvern took off his loincloth and lazily tossed it to the side.

"I bet you've never been with a wyvern before, either," Verro said, grinning. Now that he was completely naked too, neither of them had anything left to hide. Verro's exotic slit was in perfect view for the purple dragon.

Saber shook his head and stepped up to him. "You're very handsome, my king," he complimented and rubbed Verro's broad, tan chest with a forepaw while looking down at him with a small smile.

Verro rumbled approvingly. He could tell Saber was timid and was just performing his duty, but it also seemed like he wanted to sleep with his king; his flesh was peeking from his sheath: an obvious sign of arousal. He felt his own flesh starting to stir inside his slit at the thought of being able to experience the pleasureful bliss of mating once again. And he was all the more excited because he would be the first to break in this sexy, male dragon. He could only imagine how tight Saber would be.

Saber didn't seem like the one to initiate anything, so Verro cooed to him and guided the smaller dragon onto his back. Verro opened Saber's legs and lay between them as their bellies pressed together. He heard a soft gasp from Saber's lips, and his arms wrapped around Verro's torso tightly.

"Mmm, relax a little, sweetie," Verro said. "It's just us right now. There's no need to be tense... Just let it flow."

"Mmwrrr... Y-yes, my king," he responded and started tracing his paws across the back of Verro's neck, sifting through his mane of soft feathers.

"Rwrrr, none of that either," Verro chirred and nuzzled up Saber's neck to kiss his blue scales under his chin. He firmly rubbed his pelvic bone between Saber's legs and felt his orbs squishing against it while his exposed cock slid against Verro's softer scales around his nether lips. "Just call me Verro while we're alone together."

He felt Saber finally relax as a quiet moan rumbled in his throat. Verro smiled toothily and continued to roll his hips into the smaller dragon that was about three-quarters of his size. Arousal bloomed in the back of his head; his flesh started to spill out into the open. He loved being able to lie with another warm body, to feel another's scales against his underbelly.

"A-aahmmm... What made you choose me, my k--Verro?" Saber huffed softly as his head tilted up to make room for Verro's snout that licked and kissed the sensitive scales beneath his head. Saber's paws rubbed up and down Verro's long neck before they caressed his chest. His hind legs closed over Verro's rump; they snuggled intimately together with lust flowing through them like a river.

"I thought you were very handsome," Verro answered and inhaled sharply. One of Saber's forepaws trailed all the way down his body and groped Verro's growing flesh. "And sexy too..." That sensual touching sent shivers up Verro's spine.

A warm smile curled Saber's lips. "You flatter me." His paw rubbed and massaged the king's flesh until it finally slipped all the way out of its hot, moist home. It felt so tantalizing and wonderful as it squeezed his length, kneading perfectly at all sides of his spire. Verro stopped rolling his hips and let Saber stroke his cock to enjoy that soft paw.

"I didn't know you mated with males," Saber said. "I hear females swooning after you all the time, especially your other consorts that have had your clutches. It... made me excited that I get to be your lover on the occasion."

Verro looked into Saber's crimson eyes and saw a kind, adoring expression looking him back. It made his heart swell and a deep rumble vibrate his throat. "You want to be bred like my other consorts?"

"Y-yes," he admitted and pushed his snout into the base of Verro's neck.

"Mmmm... That's a rather bold thing to say for someone who's never laid with another male before." Verro chuckled and pressed his cock between Saber's legs. He felt the dragon's smaller cock sliding against his as they frotted together. Verro rumbled with pleasure and closed his eyes for a moment to focus on the blissful feelings nudging at his mind.

"It's big..." Saber licked at his neck while his body perfectly nestled against Verro's underside, with their hips melding together. Saber's paws moved along Verro's flanks now and sometimes down his underbelly. "It's... b-been a fantasy of mine," he said and let out a soft moan. "I never thought I'd be so lucky."

"Now you're flattering me, sweetie," Verro replied with a bright grin, his feathers perked. Saber bared a big, toothy smile back and gently touched Verro's cheek. Warmth filled Verro's chest as his heart fluttered with glee. He lost track of his thoughts in the moment and found his lips moving closer to Saber's until they were suddenly kissing.

"Mmmmmm..." Verro closed his eyes and delved into their kiss, tongues entwining, lips locking, and lust brimming. Saber's paws caressed his scales, such a perfect, sensual touch. Their tails curled and squeezed together. Soft moans escaped their maws as their bodies rubbed and pressed together. With every roll of his hips, Verro felt Saber's slick cock rubbing against his. The anticipation was becoming too much for Verro, so he slowly pulled away from their kiss, letting it linger a moment longer.

"D-Do you do that with all of your consorts?" Saber asked.

Verro smiled and rubbed muzzles with him. "Not really... Just the special ones, I guess."

Saber beamed and then huffed, a warm blush at his cheeks.

Verro peeked between their legs and saw a small pool of pre on Saber's belly, just below his tip. "Someone is enjoying this," he teased and lowered his snout. His nose brushed down Saber's underbelly while his body slid to the end of the bed. Saber watched with two curious eyes, panting.

With a gentle nudge of his nose, Verro rubbed it against Saber's cock and inhaled his thick, musky scent, sending a tingling sensation through his body. He snorted and flexed his wings before giving his shaft a long lick from the base to the tip.

"A-aaah, Verro..." Saber's toes curled and his forepaws tucked against his chest. Half-lidded eyes watched Verro, and he opened his legs wide.

Verro rumbled delightedly and gave it another lick to taste his mildly salty flavor. Then, he lowered his muzzle even more, until he started lapping at Saber's tailhole. The purple dragon squirmed and elicited soft coos and moans. Verro buried his muzzle between Saber's legs, pushing his forked tongue into that tight pucker. He felt Saber's muscles spreading open and flexing tightly around his penetrating tongue as it slid deeper inside him.

Lust filled Verro's mind and body. The dragon's scent was so powerful and arousing. He mouthed at Saber's tailhole, wriggling his tongue inside his soft passage to coat it with his saliva. With his wing-paws, he spread Saber open wider so he could push his tongue deeper, and he soon found a hard nub that he licked with the tip of his tongue repeatedly.

Saber's cock jumped and spurted pre. "V-Verro! Oooh! That... f-feels so good..." He shut his eyes tight and scrunched his muzzle with pleasure while wriggling on his back.

Verro slowly pulled his tongue out and felt Saber's walls clenching around it before it slipped out. "Mmmmm... You're very sensitive."

Saber nodded and tried to catch his breath.

"Hop off the bed," Verro said. Saber immediately rolled onto his paws and jumped off the bed. He looked back at the wyvern as he climbed off of the bed too. Verro's hooked, dangling cock swayed as he moved, and Saber's eyes were glued to it. Verro flashed him a toothy grin and stepped over his smaller body, pressing his chest right between his wings as he mounted him.

"I'll try to take it slow at first, since this is your first time, but no promises," Verro cooed next to Saber's ear and gently pushed his torso down. Saber exhaled sharply and shuddered. Verro moved his tail out of the way and pressed his hips against Saber's, and his thick cock touched Saber's thigh.

"My body is yours, my king," Saber said and lowered himself submissively, his chest pressing against the ground while his hind end was raised into the air, tail lifted out of the way to expose his tailvent to his king.

Verro decided to let that one slide; he preferred the dominant role, and having Saber submit to him like that only riled his lusts. He pressed forward and searched for Saber's entrance, soon feeling his head pushing and parting his tailhole. With a gentle thrust, the bulbous head of his cock slipped inside Saber's soft, hot depths.

He heard Saber groan beneath him and draw in a deep breath. The ridges on the underside of Verro's cock dragged across Saber's tight pucker, sliding inside as he slowly pushed deeper into his tight hole. His muscles flexed and clenched Verro's thick cock tightly, almost trying to force it out. It felt amazing around his length; he loved how tight Saber was and how velvety soft and hot his passage felt around his flesh. Pre oozed from his tip and eased his entry. Soon enough, Verro's bulge pressed firmly against Saber's spread entrance, his length buried in his virgin rump.

"Aaaaah... That's it, Saber. Mmm, you feel so good... Just relax," he said softly. "Feel your king inside you."

Saber's muscles started to relax as the smaller dragon grew accustomed to the large, wyvern cock nestled inside him. Verro adjusted his position groped Saber's rump with one wing while using the other to keep his balance. He pulled Saber's hips backward on his cock. It took a few moments for Saber to catch his breath; Verro listened to his grunts and groans while the dragon shifted beneath him.

"Ooh... I'm... I'm ready, Verro..."

Verro rumbled with pleasure and pulled out. Saber's tight passage gripped and tugged on his flesh as it dragged out of him until only the tip remained. Sinking back in, Saber moaned and took Verro's length again. Verro took it slow, but it was much easier to push in than the first time. It pressed further and further until he bottomed out.

"It's s-so big..."

"You like it?" Verro asked and started to gently hump the purple dragon. His cock slid in and out of Saber's tailhole, and low, rumbling growls filled his throat.

"I love it," Saber answered and elicited another lewd moan. "So deep... mmmff..."

Every thrust was long and drawn-out. Verro's lust piqued while he endured the slow mating for Saber's sake; it was hard to keep control when his length was buried in such a perfectly warm, soft environment. Verro wedged his wing-paws beneath Saber's chest and leaned over him as he started to hump him faster with need.

Verro rocked into Saber, patting their hips together with each thrust. Saber's body moved with his and swayed back and forth with the ebb and flow of Verro's flesh. Verro pushed as deep as he could and pulled as much of his length out as he could so Saber could feel its thick entirety sliding in and out of him. His tight walls would clench and squeeze his flesh tightly before relaxing once again.

"Ooh, Saber," Verro moaned into his ear. "Oooooh..." He felt Saber's passage stretching around his cock, his walls rubbing against his sensitive flesh. With more pre spilling from his tip, and with his slick saliva from earlier, Verro's length easily slipped in and out of Saber. Without realizing it, he was speeding up and thrusting harder the longer they mated.

"You feel amazing, Saber."

"Aaaah! Verro... Oh my... it's... mmmfff..."

"Do you feel it... mmm... building, Saber?" Verro repeatedly patted against Saber's rump. He could hear his cock wetly sinking into his tailhole, and then dragging out again. There was little resistance now as Verro's large cock grinded against Saber's sensitive insides.

"Y-yesss! Ooh... Don't stop..."

Verro growled lustfully and pounded against the eager drake. Their combined moans filled the room as well as the lewd sounds from their mating. Each thrust sent another shivering jolt of pleasure up Verro's spine. His internal orbs were churning and building up for his climax; pre oozed from his tip, coating Saber's soft walls.

Saber's heated moans made Verro's feathers perk. As much as he enjoyed receiving pleasure, he really enjoyed giving it too. He was glad Saber was able to enjoy this, and it made their mating all the more pleasurable.

With each more thrust into Saber's rippling walls, he could feel his muscles tightening and flexing while his breaths became more ragged. Verro moaned with Saber and squeezed around his torso tightly. His belly pressed firmly against Saber's back between his wings. "Aaaahh! That's it, Saber... Almost there..."

"I c-can't... hold it in... It's g-going to... Oooooooh!" Saber moaned loudly as he came. Verro felt his constricting muscles squeeze around his cock even tighter, pulsating around his flesh. The undulating sensations drove Verro up a wall with bliss. He gasped and shut his eyes and scrunched his face, a pleasured snarl curling his lips. All of the delightful feelings swelled in his loins and burst in the back of his skull.

"Oh, gods..." He thrust his bulge into Saber's rump before it swelled with the throbs of his cock. His seed spilled into Saber in thick ropes that filled his rump, oozing out of his tailhole. Verro's moans joined Saber's as they reached the pinnacle of pleasure together. He lost sense of himself and let the sensations flow through his body as they tied at the hips.

Verro's cock throbbed against Saber's tight walls that gripped his entirety and stretched around his swollen base. He wasn't sure how long he came, but by the end of it, his body was relaxed and utterly spent.

Saber panted beneath him and tried to regain his breath. Verro took deep, steady breaths and relished in the afterglow, with his cock still buried in Saber's rear. It was hard and twitching, oozing the last of his seed.

"That felt amazing, sweetie," Verro said and licked the back of Saber's neck. "How was your first time?"

When Verro pulled out, he heard a wet schlick as his bulge popped out of Saber's abused tailhole. Seed came pouring out of it, drizzling onto the floor. Saber groaned and trembled beneath Verro's weight before Verro stepped back. His length immediately drooped and began retreating back into its warm home.

"Gaahh... It... it was so good... I can't... mmm..."

Verro glanced beneath Saber's tail, seeing his expanded tailhole dripping with his virile seed. On the floor beneath Saber were many sticky strings of his cum splattered across it. His length was flaccid too, parked and drooping between his legs along with his orbs. Verro rumbled and climbed back on the bed.

"Lie with me, Saber." Verro opened up his wing arms and wrapped them around his consort as he nestled into bed with him. They cuddled intimately together in the afterglow, basking in the warm feelings they shared.

Saber caressed Verro's chest with a paw, a big smile across his face. "Will we get to do this again, Verro?"

"Mmmm... Was it everything you dreamed of?"

Saber nodded his head eagerly.

"Then there we'll have plenty more opportunities, Saber." He hugged the small, purple dragon closely. Gentle thuds beat in his chest. Usually, he wanted to send his consorts away so he could relax by himself, but he felt entirely different with Saber. As he looked into Saber's soft, crimson eyes, he felt something more.

"It's time for my evening nap," Verro said and grinned. "Care to join me?"

Without a word, Saber snuggled closer to Verro until their chests touch. He smiled brightly and licked beneath Verro's chin, earning him a low rumble of approval. Verro tucked Saber in close, enveloping him in his warm wings while resting his head above Saber's.

"Sleep well, my king," Saber said softly and laid his head on Verro's neck.

Verro's heart swelled with joy. "You too, Saber."