Meet Me at My Garden (Patreon Extreme)

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The sun shined, birds chirped, and the school day had just ended. It was a quaint little town with just a few thousand as its population, nothing spectacular ever happened, though there was one woman who seemed to be very well known for her odd ways and the company that she often kept. No one knew much about her, save for the fact that she enjoyed having young boys and men over at her house. She had hosted various debate and film clubs in the past, the populations of which were almost entirely made up of males from the nearby grade and high schools.

Two young boys had set their destination for this woman's house. They raced along the sidewalks on their bikes, one blue and the other green. They were each nine years old, and while they weren't related, they were good enough friends that people could have mistaken as such. Earlier in the day they had received a message from the main office requesting their attendance at the woman's address, and so they had nothing better to do than comply.

Few paid attention to the duo as they went along their way, various bystanders on the sidewalks stepping out of the way to give them room. The town wasn't very big, and so the ride from the school to their destination was short lived. When they did finally get to her house, they stopped and disembarked their bikes, their eyes fixed on the somewhat mansion-eque structure.

"What do you think she wants us here for?" the boy on the red bicycle asked. He was a young yellow furred labrador with big floppy ears. He was thin and pretty average as far as nine-year-olds went. A red baseball cap adorned his head with the brim turned a bit to the side, one of his favorite things in the world.

"I heard she likes to show off her big boobs! Maybe she wants to show them to us?" the other boy replied, a dalmatian of the same size and age as his friend. The thought of seeing the woman in any way naked made the labrador boy's heart begin to race and a blush grew over his cheeks.

"You really think so?" he asked and rested both of his paws on top of his head.

"Yeah! I heard she shows them off all the time, and she even puts boys' peepees in her mouth," the dalmatian went on, flicking up the kickstand on his bike and letting it lean back. The other blinked in confusion.

"Why would she wanna put someone's peepee in her mouth?" he asked as he did the same.

The dalmatian gave a shrug, tossing his paws up at his sides. "I don't know. Let's go see what she wants! Race you, Calvin!" he shouted and then sprinted for the side of the house. The other young dog gasped and took off after his friend.

"No fair! You got a head start!" he accused, but was actually pretty quick to catch up. Together they ran around the house, per the woman's instructions. She had a very large front and back yard, so much that she had a very expansive garden that she enjoyed toiling in. As the two rounded the corner that revealed the area behind the house, that's exactly where she was.

Within the massive square of dirt that had been freshly tilled, she was getting things ready to begin planting her various vegetables and fruits. She glanced up in time to see the two boys come running around and a big, friendly smile crossed over her face.

Jessica Gramm, as her neighbors knew her, was about forty years old and had never bothered to be married or have kids of her own. While she was very sociable and kind, no one would have suspected that she loved nothing more than pleasuring young boys. Luckily for her, all the boys that had come around to her house loved the treatments, and so her secret was safe and secure.

She was a Border Collie, her body holding a wide hourglass figure with thick hips, a thin waist, and a very large bust. There was no hiding how huge her breasts were, more than likely the greatest in the town. She was both envied and sympathized for, as most other females expected her to have back problems. While she did in some instances, she had developed quite the musculature for dealing with her sizable rack.

"Hi, boys!" she called out and gave a wave, "come on over!" She was wearing a wide brimmed sunhat with denim overalls and dirty gloves over each paw. A few tools had been set aside that she had been using, but with her attention garnered elsewhere they were ignored. The boys stopped in their chasing and running about to fix their attention to the woman. The two shared a look and then trotted over to where she was kneeling in the dirt.

"Hi, Miss Gramm," the two said at the same time, stopping just a couple feet away. She beamed happily at them as she pulled away the gloves from both of her paws and set them off to the side.

"How was school today?" she asked with a smile and flicked her tail happily from behind. The two answered that it was okay and not very exciting, about what she had expected. "Do you boys know why I've asked you to come here today?" she asked nicely. The boys diverted their eyes and fidgeted on the spot, their voices drawing out in a unanimous 'uhhhh'. It was then that the labrador suddenly spoke up.

"Tim said you might show us your boobs!" he called out and pointed a finger at the other dog. Calvin gasped and looked shocked, staring wide eyed from his friend to the woman.

"That's not true!" the dalmatian retorted, "Calvin said that!" The two bantered quickly, defending and accusing one another. Jessica couldn't keep herself from laughing from the scene as it played out, not often finding boys so young to be so blunt. She actually loved it very much.

Read the full story here: