Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 10

Story by Dsc on SoFurry

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#11 of Equestrian Stories Book 1

Well this is probably the longest chapter i have ever written in my career of writing but it was totally worth it, i hope you enjoy this story!

Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 10 True Love

Alex stumbles abit as he tries to get to where Luna is. He makes it only to see her throw herself off the cliff. "SELENA!!!" He screeches as he runs and jumps off and falls down with her. "NO NO!!" He screams as he plummets down the cliff trying to get to her. "SELENA!!!" He screams and this causes Lunas head to jerk and she turns around and sees Alex falling down with her. "Am... I.. dreaming...? No... it must be an illusion..."

"I AM NO ILLUSION!" He screams as he makes it to her and grabs a hold of her "Wait... you... are real! Alex.... Alex...." She begins to sob as she clings to him "Jesus what were you thinking?!" He says as he holds her close. He tries to flap his wings but to no avail he cant stop them from falling. "DAMMIT!" He yells as he holds her tightly close... if he was to go out.... he'd at least go out with his true love.

"Alex... im... so sorry...." Luna sobs as she keeps clinging to his side. "Im sorry.... i... couldnt..." "Stop... its not you fault Selena.... she manipulated your emotions and used them against you. It is never your fault." He tells her as he presses his snout against hers. She begins to sob once more. "Are... we going to die...?" She asks through her sobs. "...." He holds her tightly close as they continue to fall, he looks into her eyes as she looks back. He kisses her deeply as she does the same. 'Is.. this the end....?'

A memory flashes in both the minds, the very first memory of when they accepted each others love.

"Are you sure Luna? You could have any other male out there.... are you sure you really want someone like me?" "I could have any male you are right or any female.. but... you are special. You are not like the rest. You've been through so much. And.... its almost like... you and I are the same. We both have had a rough time by choices we could not control. I... had it rough because of my jealousy... ponies fearing me because of what i became... yes it was nice to finally be accepted thanks to Twilight and her friends.... but... some still feared me.... avoided me.... for what i did... but you.... you never avoided me. If anything... you were like a leech i couldnt get off me." "HEY!" They both begin to laugh at this and smile at each other. "Yes.. I want you as my boyfriend DSC." "Dont call me that." "Isnt that your name?" "No. Its Alex." "My real name is Selena." "Then I shall call you Selena." "As I shall call you Alex."

The memory brought tears to their eyes as they held onto each other tightly, the ground approaching quite quickly. "Selena... close your eyes.." Alex says softly as she clung to him and closed her eyes "Its over isnt it...." She softly says her snout buried into his chest. "I... will always love you." Alex said as he holds her tightly close

Suddenly their decent began to slow and then stop. Alex eyes widened as he looked around and they both landed safely on the ground. Alex recognized the spell as Float but... it couldnt be.... Luna slowly opened her eyes and gasped "We... survived? But how? Alex?!" She yells as she watches and then chases after the pegasus as he took off. Alex stopped as a portal was opened and a silver ringed black furred creature stood there. Luna caught up and saw it as well. "Who...?" She asked and Alex said one word "Kyra." The creature smiled softly and disappeared into the portal as it closed "KYRA?!" He yells as he tries to go to the portal but he was unable to reach it before it closed. "Kyra? Whos Kyra?" Luna asks and Alex looks over her "my adopted daughter... but.. i dont understand how she managed to come here.... usually... the boundaries of the portals dont allow creatures from other worlds to enter..... wait... maybe... ya... maybe because shes part Zealian..... she can freely enter the portals." He said smiling and looks at Luna "You adopted her?" She asks and Alex nods "Yes. When she was a tiny kit, i found her and took her and cared for her when her family would not want anything to do with her." Luna frowned at the sad thing that happened to that poor black furred creature "What is she?" She asks "A pokemon, more speficially shes an umbreon. A Umbreon well versed in magic and spells." He said with a smile "LLLLUNNNAA?! AAALLLLEEEXXXX?!" The screaming voices of Celestia, Twilight and Cadance could be heard from above them and they look up. "They wont hear us, we gotta fly up there. Lets unbind those wings." Alex says as he walks over and carefully unties her wings. "Thank you... my.... did you tell them?" She asks nerviously "Yes they knew what you were trying to do. You are gonna get an earful." Her ears droop at that "Lets stay down here...."

"You are going to have to deal with this." He says kindly as he tries to get her to follow him but she doesn't budge "Alex...." He looks over at her as he sees tears in her eyes again. "Im... ashamed of myself.... I.... i cant let them see me...... i... nearly took my own life out of... my own guilt... how.... how can i ever look up at their eyes... and.... and.." Alex suddenly grabbed her and embraced her, his wings wrapping around her. "Selena...." He says softly as his wings let go off her. She begins to sob lightly and he kisses her deeply. She stops sobbing, her eyes rolling back as her wings fan out. He slowly breaks the kiss and she looks deeply into his brown eyes. "We will deal with this together. And if anything.... they will be crying knowing you are still alive and so am I. Your sister loves you alot and wouldnt trade anything for you... even if she gets a bit annoying at times." He says as Luna begins to giggle at that. "Lets go." He says as he holds onto her hoof and they both begin to fly upward.

"LUNA!!!" Celestia screams as she sees them fly up and land in front of them. "Sister.. I...." Before she could even say anything Celestia embraces her sister and holds her tightly "By the light you are ok.... i... i dont know what i would have done... if you had died... please... please dont do anything like that again... please..." Celestia begins to sob as she holds her sister tightly close. Luna begins to cry as well as she hugs her sister back. Alex smiles softly. "I told you so." He mouthed to Luna who smiled softly at this as the 2 sisters didnt let go of each other "Alex you saved Luna again....." Cadance said "Not exactly." Alex replies "We had... outside help." He tells them "Well who is it? we have to reward their heroic actions." Celestia says as she lets go of her sister as Luna returns to Alexs side. "Its hard to explain..." Alex said rubbing the back of his head "It was this creature called an Umbreon. It was from a different world like Alex here... it was his adopted daughter who saved us." Alex looks over at Luna who explains everything and he nods "Its true." He said "Well then...." Twilight said scratching the back of her head as Alex and Luna rub their snouts together and Cadance smiles wide at this. "Lets go home." Celestia said "But... home is gone... completely ruined by Pinkamenas attack." Luna states and Celestia just smiles "It can be rebuilt... we will have to bury the dead and have a memorial for them. But.. home is never gone." She says with a smile as Alex grins "Celestia is right Selena." Alex says with a smile and Luna smiles now as well.

They begin to walk back and Cadance takes a few steps back to speak to twilight. "Im betting within the next month or 2 those 2 are gonna get married." She whispers to Twilight whos eyes widen. "How would you know?" She asks "I am the alicorn of love after all. I can see it just by the way they act and talk to each other. They are deeply in love. And it wont be any surprise to me if they have children within the next few years." She says with a wide grin while Twilight blushes deeply "You mean they'll...." She begins to ask "Yep!" "Oh god...." And Cadance begins to snicker to herself. "Too much info?" She asks teasingly and Twilight just glares "You think?"

As the month passes there is a huge memorial held for the dead in canterlot and canterlot castle. Many familys mourned for their lost loved ones. The attack was blamed on outside forces invading once more and Alex was held a hero once more saving everyone again and giving many badges for his work. Alexs daughter was also given an award but it was in secret and Alex was given it to hand to his daughter when she returned.

One night Alex and Luna were resting together as the moonlight shined on them. Alex slowly opened his eyes to see the beautiful mare sleeping beside him. He silently moves away without distrubing her and silently leaves the room "Sir?" A night guard begins to question "Dont worry, just keep an eye on her and make sure shes still sleeping.. I gotta get something for her... wait maybe you would know. Do you know anywhere a smithy could be to make engagement rings?" He asks the guard quietly and the guard rubs his snout for a few minutes "Oh theres one down nearby the library. I believe the owner died in the attack but his son has taken up doing his fathers work." The guard tells him and Alex smiles "Thank you very much. Now keep an eye on my love for me ok?" he asks and the guard nods with a smile "Will do sir." He says as Alex takes off to find the smithy.

He comes to the door of the smithy and knocks on it repeatedly. "Its LATE... why are.... OH ALEX! Im so sorry for being so rude!" The stallion said bowing repeatedly "I know its late and i apologize for coming at such an hour." Alex said bowing to him "Oh dont be! Is there anything you need?" The Stallion asked almost giddly. "Well... I need a pair of engagement rings." He said and the Stallion eyes widen "Engagement rings?" And Alex grins "For my girlfriend." He said "Im going to propose to her." He said and the stallions eyes widen even further "You are gonna propose to Princess Luna?!" He gasps loudly the stallion shocked out of his mind. "Yah......" Alex says embrassingly. The stallion realises hes making his customer very uncomfortable and dashes back in. He swiftly returns and holds out a box. "Here on the house for the savior of equestria." He says "No i cant..." Alex begins to say "Dont fret. Its the least i can do for you." The stallion says as he smiles at Alex who opens the box to see 2 very elegant rings with the crest of the moon on the side of the rings. Alexs eyes light up at the brillance of the rings. "These would cost a fortune! I cant just..."

"Dont worry. Its the least i can do for you. Have fun!" The stallion says as he goes back in and closes and locks the door leaving Alex standing there with no choice but to keep the rings and use them. He puts them in his mane and takes off to return to Luna. He knew it was getting close to the time she'd have to wake up and lower the moon once more. He noticed when hes around she would sleep with him rather then staying up during her nights. But then again.... she obviously wanted to spend time with him and was more then willing to change her sleeping schedule slightly so she could be with him when he was awake. She still did her dream duties but when she was done she'd sneak to his side and sleep beside him. He sneaks back into the room and notices Luna was already awake and looks over "Oh hey Alex..." She begins to yawn. "I was wondering where you went...." She said groggly. "Oh no where special." He said kissing her gently making her murr. "How much longer till i have to lower the moon?" She asks after breaking the kiss "About 40 minutes why?" Alex asks. "Well... im gonna go and take a quick shower and when i get back... i was wondering if you and i could... well.." She said while winking at him making Alex blush up "Uh.... OH! Yah! Sure!" He said as he watched her walk away, he notices she purposely flicked her tail off letting him see her puffy lips and that made him blush even deeper. He gulps some and sighs when she goes into the next room which has the showers. "Jeez... i think im gonna be dead by the time i turn 26." He snickers softly to himself. Then his eyes widen as he gets an idea of how to propose to Luna. He darts the door open quickly and smiles at one of the guards "Quick! 2 champagne drinks!" He says softly but enough for the guard to hear, his eyes widen and the guard zips off and returns with the champagne drinks quickly. "Thank you very much." He said as he quietly put the drinking glasses down on the table as he could hear Luna still humming to herself as she showers. 'Its the oldest marriage proposal trick in the book, but it truly is the best one' He thinks to himself as he quietly opens the engagement ring box and smiles as he puts the ring in the glass and smiles.

"Im done! You better be ready for the fun you said you'd do with me!" Luna says as she walks out, the water still on her fur and wings as she smiles "Care to dry me off my lover?" She asks with a wink and Alex grins "Of course my princess of the night, but first.... lets have a toast to us being finally being together and happy!" He says with an smile as he brings the drinks over. He makes sure to give her the glass with the ring in it. She picks it up with her magic and notices immediately something is in the water. "Wait... what is this?" She asks as she puts the drink back down and uses her magic to pull the ring out. Her eyes widen and she looks down as Alex is on his knees and smiling up at her as her dark blue snout turns bright red. "Will my princess of the night.... become my queen of the night?" He asks as tears begin to swell up in her eyes. She latches onto Alex and cries happily "YES!"

Days pass theres as a huge ceremonial wedding takes place as it was officially announced across the world Luna was being married. Many stallions and mares across the globe came to pay their respects to the newlywed couple. Some of the people were shocked that the events that took place were stopped by a mere pegasus pony but they were all happy that Luna found her true love and is now officially married to him. Green eyes watched them from the darkness and the being watching giggled happily "I'm so happy you are happy daddy." The being with green eyes said as it smiles proudly. Soon Alex and Luna take off flying together and around the place as everyone waves at them watching the flying spectacle together.

Right after the ceremonies Alex carries Luna into her bedroom and places her bed gently as he stands over her and begins to kiss her deeply. His equine shaft begins to erect out of his sheath as Luna murrs and smiles softly "I wish we could have foals together....." She said looking up at Alex "We can." He says and her eyes widen. "Really?" She asks as he gets off of her and sits on his rump and points to his black equine shaft. "See? Its pony like." Luna smiles and gets up and puts her hoof on it, making Alex shudder. "Then how come i havent gotten pregnant yet? We've been mating for years!" She states and Alex smiles and before he can speak she begins to rub up and down his shaft with her hooves. "its because... i wasnt shooting fertile, i have the ability to turn my... cum infertile to ensure i dont knock up anyone who doesnt want i......IT!" He yips loudly as he sees Luna bend down and begin to lick up and down it, she then takes the tip into her snout and begins to suck on it gently. He begins to pant heavily with his eyes bugging out of his skull. "So.... you are saying..... if you filled me up now.... i can get pregnant?" She asks as she pulls her lovers rod out of her snout and begins to rubs it abit more making Alex whicker from the pleasure "Ye...yes...." He pants then cries out again as he feels her muzzle his shaft down to half of it and begins to bob her head up and down it. Her tongue licks all around it as Alexs hips buck up from the pleasure, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he could feel his tip beginning to flare within her snout. She sucks feverishly on the flared tip. Alex cant hold back anymore and whickers and whines loudly as he begins bucking upward repeatedly. He begins cumming hard as Luna begins to drink down as much as she can. She opens her snout and pulls Alexs flared and squirting tip out. It sprays his white gooey cream all over her snout and chest as she smiles. She cleans herself up and grins as Alex lays back as his vision is dotted with stares and winking Lunas. He quickly breaks out of his daze when he feels Luna lick his cheek and smiles at him lovingly. She turns around with her front half lowered and her lower half raised up, her tail flicked off to the side revealing her winking puffy slit. "Please.... impregnate me Alex.... give me your foals."

Alex with his black snout bright red nods and swiftly rears up and mounts his wife. His black shaft poking up at her rear till he shifts a few times and his tip hits the mark and he thrusts forward a few inches burying part of his shaft into her slit. He grunts and whickers abit while Luna whines in pleasure. He grips her hips tightly and begins to thrust against her rocking her back and forth as his shaft manages to enter more of her puffy winking slit. He growls and whickers again as he begins to thrust harder and harder against her as he feels her juices dripping down his hind legs and shaft. Luna groans with her tongue partly out as she begins to pant as her eyes roll backward. His tip begins to batter against her crevix till it pushes in and his tip flares out in her womb causing her to cry out in pleasure and make her head snap back. Alex places his front hoofs around her shoulder and part of her neck as she turns her head around and they kiss deeply as he begins to explode into her womb. His sperm racing around for her ovaries to fertilize and impregnant her.

They slowly break the kiss as he smiles, their combine juices dripping onto the floor beneath them as he looks at her and she smiles "im going to be a mother...." She says while smiling wide as Alex kisses the back of her head and holds her close "As I'll be the father. And it will be our happy family." He says with a smile as Luna blushes up and smiles. "A happy family... a dream come true. I love you so much." "As I for you my queen of the night" Eventually his shaft slipped out of her winking slit and he slowly dismounted and smiled softly as he saw Luna asleep so peacefully. He gently picks her up and hears her murmur his name in her sleep. He gently places her on the bed and slips into the bed with her and lays the blanket across them. He felt her latch onto him in her sleep and he smiled happily before holding her close and falling asleep.

To Be Continued