Tiger and Dog Love part 1

Story by yiffyluv on SoFurry

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"I am a gay male white tiger with black stripes. I am 5'9" and weigh 180 pounds. I am not overly muscular, but when I wear a tight shirt, you can see my six pack. My eyes are an ice blue color, clear and piercing. My head fur is long enough to be pulled into a short ponytail, but most of the time I let it hang free, framing my face with natural black streaks in the white fur. My favorite foods are sushi, steak, and I love steamed asparagus. I like watching romantic comedies, and cuddling on the couch. I have a dominant personality, so I like being in charge, but I do value others opinions and feelings. I am looking for relationship, not a one night stand, so don't even bother contacting me for a night of hot, male yiff. Send me a PM and we will go from there."

Charles Sky sat back from the computer chair and rubbed his eyes. He hated filling out these stupid descriptions, but it had to be done. He looked at the time and saw that it was 11:30 pm. The tiger stared at the clock, watching the seconds tick by. When the clock ticked off a minute, he looked back at the computer screen and clicked the "Post" button. A little box told him that his profile was set up, and that he could be receiving replies in less than a day. Charles clicked out of the internet, and shut down his laptop. It had been a long day and he was tired. He stripped down to his boxers, made sure his phone was charging, set his alarm clock for 8:30 AM, and then crawled under his covers. He sighed as warmth engulfed him, falling asleep in moments.


Charles slowly opened his eyes to look at the hated alarm clock. It kept beeping at him, demanding him to get up and to be a functional member of society. He reached out and slammed down the snooze button. His arm made it back to the warmth of the covers. "Fuck society", he thought as he rolled over to sleep for another ten minutes.


"Shut the fuck up already", Charles groaned from under the covers. But the damm clock kept up its annoying beeping. His ear twitched, and he finally sat up in bed, waking up in the brisk chill of the morning. He rubbed his arms, trying to warm up, but he only managed in ruffling his fur up. Deciding that it was time to be motivated, he got up and walked over to the bathroom door. He flipped on the light and was momentarily blinded by the florescent light. Walking over to the shower, he reached inside and fumbled with the knobs till the cold water turned hot. He took off his boxers and stepped in, moaning as the hot water started matting down his fur and made contact with the skin below. Charles loved the feeling of the water dripping from his fur. There was just something about it that made him feel safe and happy. Grabbing his shampoo from the shower rack, he squirted some onto his paws and started lathering it in. First he lathered his arms, then his chest. Next came his legs, and then his back. He put more shampoo on his paws and then started on his ass, rubbing the fur in all directions, groping himself as he worked the shampoo in. He tilted his head back and let the water run down his front as he groped himself. He noticed that his sheath was growing and he could see a little pink tip at the opening. He turned so that the water was running down his back and he started stroking his sheath.

He grabbed the shampoo and squirted some more onto his paw, then stoked himself, feeling his member slide out of his sheath to stand at its full 8 inches. He grabbed it and started stroking slowly. The water felt so good running down his back and his paw was so slippery from the shampoo, he was in heaven as he pawed. He closed his eyes and fantasized about slipping his member into some tight tailhole. Listening to his lovers moans change from pain to pleasure, running his paws all over their body. Having that warmth surround his cock, and then started slipping it in and out so slowly, taking his time as he yiffed his lover. Slowly and then going faster, feeling his balls start to draw close to his body. Cumming into his partner, and roaring as his cum pumped into the tight ass. Charles stood in the shower, replying this fantasy over and over until he felt his orgasm draw near. He growled and pumped all the harder as cum shot out of his cock, splattering against the shower wall in 5 bursts. He kept it up till he started to go limp, then squeezed out the last few drops of cum, milking himself of the last bit. Charles looked at the wall and turned sideways so the water was running down his front and the wall at the same time. All he wanted to do was stay in the shower but the grumbling of his stomach took precedent over hot water any day. He turned off the water and got out of the shower. He grabbed a towl and started drying himself off. His stomach growled the entire way to the kitchen. Looking into the fridge just made it growl louder. There was nothing that really struck his fancy, so he settled for a bowl of cereal and an orange.

After having sated his hunger and getting ready for work, Charles sat down at his laptop and turned it on. Once it was up and running, he logged in to his email and scrolled through his inbox. Nothing but spam and some online bills. He deleted the spam, paid the bills, and then logged out. He felt sad because the site had said he would receive messages in less than a day. "Maybe it just needs a little more time," he thought as he started shutting down the computer and put it in his backpack. He grabbed his phone, keys, and his backpack, and walked out the door, locking it as he went.

He went to the elevator and pushed the down button. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed some cubs playing in the hall, their mother watching over them protectively. The elevator doors opened and he waved to the cubs as he stepped into the little box. He felt a stab of loneliness as he pushed the lobby button. "When will I be able to have a family," he thought to himself, "I should be able to meet someone that would want to start a family with me." Lost in his own thoughts, he stepped out of the elevator and walked through the parking garage to his car. He started up the car and started pulling forward, right into a passing car. Charles's head smacked into the steering wheel and lights blossomed in his vision. "Shit shit, this is just what I need right now," he grumbled to himself as he got out of the car," The boss is going to flip out when I tell him this." Charles walked to the front of his car and inspected the damage. No real damage had been done, only a few scratches here and there. He looked onto the window of the other car, but couldn't see past the tinted glass. The door on the other side of the car and Charles immediately went around the car, pulling out his wallet as he went. "Look I am so sorry. I wasn't paying attention and now I am late for work. There doesn't seem to be any major damage, so let me give you my info and you can talk to my insurance." He looked up and his heart skipped a beat.

Standing in front of his was the most handsome German shepherd he had ever seen. He was dressed in casual pants and a tee shirt, but the way he held himself made it look like he was dressed in the finest clothes ever made. He grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of his head. "Hey man I am so sorry. I didn't see you at all." His arm dropped down from his head and extended to shake paws with Charles. "My name is Simon, what's yours?" Charles took the paw and shook it, "Charles."

"Well good to meet you Charles. You said something about your info but it looks like you are a bit shaken up at the moment. Do you need to sit or something?"

Charles just looked at him and nodded. Simon grinned and took Charles by the arm and led him to the front of the car. Charles sat down on the hood of the car and waited while Simon checked him over for injuries. He noticed that Simon's fur was cut short so that it looked really soft and pretty. He wasn't skinny but instead had a lean and lethal look about him that Charles found strangely attractive. His smell was just as pleasant as the rest of him, a mix of shampoo and for some reason, the smell of wood and trees. Charles assumed Simon might work out in the forest, maybe as a guide or something. Why he was in the big city, miles away from any forest was a mystery to Charles but he didn't really let it bother him any. Simon touched a spot on his head and Charles flinched away. "Ow," he said, looking Simon in the eyes. They were a pretty shade of hazelnut brown, and had the look of a dog who knew what it was doing. "You have a pretty big bump on your head there. You can't go driving away in this condition. Do you live in the building?" He jerked his head to the building behind them. Charles just nodded, not trusting himself to not say anything that would make him sound like an idiot. Simon lifted an eyebrow, "And this apartment number would be...?"

"Oh, umm, apartment 2B. Why do you ask?"

"Cause I want to come and give your keys after I park your car silly. Now head up to your place, and I will be up in a bit."

Charles started to protest, saying that he had to get to work, but Simon cut him off. "Look you can't drive with that bump on your head and there is a possibility you might have a concussion. Just head up to your place and leave the cars to me." Simon took his keys, went to Charles's car and started it up. Charles got up and walked back up to his apartment, thinking about whom this guy was and what had just happened. When he got to his apartment, he unlocked the door and went to go sit on his couch. He remembered that he was supposed to be on the way to work, so he called his boss and explained what happened. The bull dog on the other end wasn't too happy about it but had no choice to in the matter and told Charles that there would be a lot of work for him when he got in to work tomorrow.

Charles hung up the phone and laid his head back on the cushion. He couldn't help but think about Simon and how nice it was of him to do the things he was doing. It wasn't every day that you meet a fur like him, and he was glad that he had met Simon, no matter the circumstances. He got up and got an ice pack from the freezer and leaned against the counter with it pressed to his forehead. That's how Simon found him when he came in from the hall. Simon walked up to him, took the ice pack away and inspected the bump. "Hmmm, doesn't look to bad anymore. Looks like you got lucky this time." Simon looked into his eyes and smiled, "Let's get you bed big boy." With that he took Charles's arm and led him down the hall to his room. He laid Charles out on the bed and took off his shoes. Charles sinked into the bed and slipped off to sleep in moments knowing he had nothing to worry about with such a cute doggy looking after him.