The Island - Chapter 1 (A Business Proposition)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#1 of The Island

Right then so this is a story I've had in my head for a while now. It is basically pure smut, but there is a plot somewhere in here, which could ultimately lead to future chapters. It focuses around a new character of mine called Aldo. He works various jobs trying to save enough cash to open a gym. That's his dream and he's willing to do a lot at achieve it.



*** *************

"Hey! Aldo!"

Aldo turned to see who was shouting his name. He looked over his shoulder to see a familiar coyote jogging up to him.

"What?!" Aldo snorted impatiently.

"We've got someone who wants a private performance. They named you specifically." Clarence explained. He was the clubs manager, but since the owner himself ran everything the coyote was noting more than the owners private bitch.

"Not interested!" The tiger grunted and began opening the door to the locker room.

"He's willing to pay triple the standard rate!" The coyote added in a hurry.

The mention of the cash stopped Aldo in his tracks, his paw on the handle of the door. Aldo occasionally worked at the strip club to earn some extra cash. Sometimes he would work security, do bar work and sometimes he would perform on stage. He had just finished a show and was ready to go home. He was currently wearing a white, sleeveless hoody with the head of a feral tiger emblazoned subtly on the back in a different shade of white, and a white thong.

His tail lashed behind him as he considered the offer. It was definitely tempting. Private shows paid better than the stage, but clientele expected more privileges for the extra cash they paid out. On the surface the 'Peppy Rhino' was an upstanding and upmarket strip joint, but management were always willing to turn a blind eye to laws and regulations when the clients were willing to pay for additional services.

"You know I don't do private shows." Aldo grunted.

"I know, I know!" The coyote nodded, raising his paws defensively. "I told them that but he said he's willing to pay big bucks to have a show from you!"

"I'll talk to him."

"Fantastic!" The coyote cheered.

"I said I'd talk. Nothing more."

"Sure, sure. You want to negotiate. I getcha!" The coyote nodded as he followed Aldo who was now walking towards the private rooms in the back of the club. "Just so you know this guy is big spender, and knows a 'lot' of powerful furs, if you get my meaning."

"Hnnn." Aldo grunted in response.

He was now crossing through the lounge where numerous patrons sat in the low light watching the show as two muscular stallions wearing skimpy colourful thongs danced with each other. Michael and Jason were two of the clubs most popular acts. Not hard to see why. Even Aldo had been tempted to sleep with them, but he made a point of not sleeping around with furs he worked with. He'd seen enough drama from the fags in this joint to know that it was a bad idea. Either they wouldn't speak to each other for weeks, or there would be a massive falling out and chaos would ensue. He'd had to break up a few fights between the performers in this place during his time here.

"Look I'm just saying that you don't want to upset this guy!"

"I can handle myself." Aldo snorted as he pushed the curtain leading into the private rooms aside.

"I know you can buddy, it's just..." The coyote leap back as Aldo suddenly turned round.

"First, I'm not your buddy! I find you annoying and pathetic! Second, I don't care who this guy is! If he wants me to give him a private performance then he will have to make it worth my while or I'm walking outta here in the next two minutes!" Aldo snarled. "Now which room is he in?!"

"Uh..." The coyote was flustered and scared that Aldo was going to actually hit him. The tiger was a good foot and a half taller than him and weighed about a hundred and fifty pounds more. "End of the hall!"

Aldo snorted and continued following the long hall down to the end. The décor here was tacky and yet still upmarket. Dimly lit with a blue tinge to the lighting. The rooms here got more expensive the further in you went. So this guy, whoever he is, must be loaded if he was willing to pay the extortionate prices this club wanted for them. As he approached the door to the room two suits blocked his path. One a bull and the other a Doberman. They wore matching suits and despite the poor lighting wore fashionable shades.

They pat him down, not the he was wearing much to be able to conceal anything. The Doberman made a point of thoroughly examining the jock strap he wore. If it had gone on any longer Aldo would have hit the fucker. Once they were done patting him down they opened the door and let him in. The room was fairly large, easily able to accommodate two dozen guests and a number of performers with room to spare. There were booths, poles a stage and even a private bar. The décor in here was far less tacky than the rest of the club. Leather seats, mahogany wood... hell there was even a bed in the back for those willing to sleep with the client.

There were four more furs in similar suits as the two outside. They all watched Aldo as he approached but didn't move to stop him. Aldo stopped at the table where a self important lion in an expensive suit sat talking to the club owner, Carl; a grey furred wolf.

"Here he is!" Carl grinned motioning to Aldo with both paws. "The Peppy Rhinos infamous Aldo!"

The lion looked Aldo up and down and smiled. Aldo was almost certain he heard a purr, but the constant background noise from the music being played made it difficult to hear. The lion looked at him like a steak. Aldo already hated this guy. Aldo never did private dances because he considered himself to have enough self respect not to sink down to this level. But he was really strapped for cash at the moment and if he was willing to pay... then maybe they could come to some arrangement.

"I'm here." Aldo grunted. "Now what do you want?"

"He is attractive, but his attitude certainly stinks." The lion snorted.

"Please forgive him Lance. He's not good with customer relations. He doesn't normally do private shows." Carl turned to Aldo before continuing to speak.

"I never do private shows!" Aldo corrected the wolf. "I came to see who the prick is who thinks he can afford me to do one!"

The lion didn't look angry at Aldo's comment. In fact he seemed amused. That annoyed Aldo more than anything.

"So you want money then?" The lion asked.

"Of course."

"How much?"

"Depends on what you want me to do." Aldo shot back.

"Lets say... anything I want, until dawn." The lion grinned.

Dawn was a good five or six hours away. That was a long ass private show. And anything he wanted? That was too vague for his liking.

"You're going to have to be more specific than that cat!"

"Very well then... Aldo was it?" Aldo didn't reply but the lion continued regardless. "Aldo... lets say I want to be entertained tonight. I want to see you shake that booty of yours, and let me fuck you six ways to Sunday! Once the sun rises you'll be free to leave and go do what ever it is you do, with a sizeable amount of cash in paw."

"You want to fuck me?" Aldo snorted in amusement. 'Also who uses the word booty anymore?' He thought to himself privately.

Aldo rarely bottomed. And he certainly wasn't going to let this prick shove his prick in his ass without paying a hefty fee. In fact Aldo was ready to just walk out right now and forget about the whole damn thing.

"Five grand!" Aldo declared.


Aldo went wide eyes after a moment. Did he just seriously say...

"Lance, you don't have to pay that much!" Carl assured the lion.

"It's all right. Mr Aldo here wants five thousand to give me a private show which will last until dawn." The lion grinned. "I am willing to pay him that, but he had better be aware that I intend to get my moneys worth out of him."

"Sure... what ever." Aldo snorted. He acted calm but he was seriously shaken by the fact this lion was willing to pay him that much money just to sleep with him. "But I don't do peep shows!" Aldo grunted looking at all the security around the room. He had no problem getting naked in front of anyone, or any number of furs. But he sure as hell wasn't about to let them watch their boss fuck him.

"Oh don't worry about them." The lion waved his paw dismissively. "But if it bothers you that much then I insist we take this to my home. That way they won't have to be around to ensure my safety, and you don't have to worry about them watching you squeal like a pig as I ram my cock up that tight looking ass of yours!"

"You want to take this to your home, then its gonna cost you double!"


"Those are my terms. You don't like them I'll just head on him right now. No fur off my ass!"

"Very well Aldo. I'll pay you your money. But on one condition."

Aldo wasn't sure what the hell was going on. This guy was going to give him ten grand to sleep with him. That was more money than he'd be able to save in two years of working here! Hell if this lion was willing to come back and pay that much a couple more times then Aldo would have enough cash to open his own business.

"What's the condition?" Aldo asked, curious what the one condition was that stood between him and ten grand.

"You have to spend twenty-four hours at my home, satisfying my every whim."

"Ten grand for twenty-four hours?" Aldo asked aloud.

It was a damn good deal. But that was one hell of a time extension for just doubling the cash. Part of him wanted to say yes and take the deal, but the other more stubborn part of him wanted to tell the lion to go to hell. So he came up with a compromise.

"Make it fifteen grand and I will be your willing cum dump for the next twenty-four hours."

The lion stared at him for a few moments. His eyes looking him up and down, considering the offer. Aldo expected him to say fuck off at merely suggesting it. But Aldo was the one taking all the risk. He was going to go to this lions home, alone, surrounded by security and who who knows what else, to sate the desires of this unknown pervert lion. He should be lucky he hadn't asked for twenty grand!

"Very well Aldo." The lion agreed as he stood up and approached Aldo. He held out his paw to him. "But you had better be worth it. If not..."

Aldo scoffed and took the lions paw, sealing the agreement they had made with one another.

"Aldo, go get your stuff and meet Mr Corveet out front." Carl ordered the tiger.

"Sure. What ever you say boss." Aldo scoffed and turned to head back to the locker room.

"Oh and Aldo!" The lion called after him. Aldo stopped and turned to see what he wanted. "Now that your on the clock, I don't expect to see you wearing any more clothing that what your already wearing!"

Aldo stared at the lion for a moment before nodding.

'So he wants me to walk to his car wearing nothing more than a hoody and a thong?' Aldo thought to himself. 'Sure thing. If he thinks I embarrass that easily he's got another thing coming.'

Aldo went and got his bag from his locker, two of the loins guards followed him. A pit-bull and a black furred wolf. Probably to make sure that he didn't try and make a run for it. What ever else someone may call him, Aldo considered himself a fur of his word. If he said he would do something then he would do it! And fifteen grand! How the hell did that happen!? Who the hell pays fifteen grand for a hooker? Aldo didn't like thinking of himself as that but he could hardly argue otherwise. He was getting paid a ridiculous amount of cash to go to the lions home and fuck him.

The walked Aldo out of the front door and into the street. This late at night the streets were quiet. The few furs who were around all stared at the half naked tiger wearing nothing on his lower half other than a thong getting into a black limo with tinted windows. The guards didn't follow him into the limo. They got into a black four by four and followed them in that. The lion sat in the seat across from Aldo sipping an expensive looking whisky from a glass.

"Well then Aldo... shall we begin?"

Aldo just looked at him and wondered exactly what he wanted him to do in this cramped car. His questions were answered when the lion reached down with one paw and unbuckled his belt and the button on his pants. Aldo closed his eyes and sighed silently to himself.

'Just think about the money.' He chanted silently in his head before getting on his knees in front of the lion who had now spread his legs to give him better access. He reached up and unzipped the trousers to expose the lions sheath. Only the pink tip of the lions cock was exposed. Ready to take the plunge Aldo leant down and began to lick the sensitive, pink flesh of the lions barbed cock.

He purred audibly as Aldo set to work on his cock. Laying his head back against the head rest and letting out a long slow sigh as his length hardened inside Aldo's willing muzzle.

He did his best to pleasure the lion. While he still didn't like him, he was aware that if he didn't keep on his good side then the next twenty three hours and forty five minutes would likely be very uncomfortable for him. The money he would get for completing his service to the lion would advance his plans to open his own gym by a good number of years. He would swallow his pride on this occasion.

"Mmmm.... very good." The lion purred. "You have quite the talented muzzle."

He pushed the tigers head down further onto his shaft. Aldo gagged as the lions shaft pressed against the back of his maw. He quickly adapted, swallowing around the cock in order to prevent himself from choking on it. The increased suction from his swallowing action pushed the lion over the edge. With a grunt he came in Aldo's muzzle, shooting his salty load into the back of his throat. When he released the hold on the back of his head Aldo pulled off the softening flesh with a gasp, coughing up several globs of cum onto the floor of the limo.

"You've made quite the mess."

"Fuck you!" Aldo grunted through gritted teeth, moving to sit on his seat once more.

"Perhaps later." The lion smirked. "In the mean time help yourself to a drink. I recommend the '75 McAllister." He motioned to the decanters on the side.

He snorted and reached over to help himself to the expensive looking liquors in crystal decanters sitting on the side. He poured himself a drink and sat back in the seat. The liquid burned the back of his throat in a very pleasant way. He finished the drink quickly and settled down and got comfortable for the remainder of the ride. Something told him he was going to need all his energy when he got to the lions home.


As they pulled up to the lions mansion, after driving a mile down the driveway, Aldo couldn't help but be silently impressed as well as sickened by the thought of how wealthy the lion had to be in order to own such a property. A weasel dressed as a butler opened the door of the car for them.

"Thank you Gerald."

"You're welcome, sir." The weasel replied.

"Take Aldo's belongings and get them washed. He won't be needing them until tomorrow evening."

"Of course, sir." The weasel held out his paw and waited for the tiger to hand him his back pack.

Aldo looked the weasel up and down and then back to the lion who was already walking up the front steps towards the door of the house. Reluctantly he gave the weasel the bag and walked after the lion. The cool night air bit at his bare arms and legs. His tail lashed behind him in annoyance.

Another butler, a German Sheppard, dressed in a similar manner to the weasel following him did. He was taking the lions coat and was telling the lion something that he wasn't paying attention to. The canine looked him up and down, but surprisingly without any judgement or distaste. Aldo found the lack of reaction unsettling. Almost as if it was a common occurrence for half naked males to turn up at their door.

Aldo followed the lion while looking around the impressive foyer of the mansion. Polished marble and expensive wood formed an incredibly expensive atmosphere. The tiger felt out of place there wearing little more than a thong to maintain his dignity. He didn't like feeling out of place. He followed the lion into an office and the lion still hadn't even looked at him since they got out of the limo. He was acting as if the tiger wasn't even there and that annoyed Aldo to no end. The lion made his way over to a liquor cabinet and poured himself a drink. Moments later the German Sheppard stepped through the open door.

"Sir, there is a phone call for you."

"You know I don't take calls at this time of night Alex!" The lion growled in annoyance.

"I know sir, but the mayor is being rather insistent. I did explain to him..."

"No it's fine!" The lion snorted. "He probably wants some discreet piece of ass sent to him. I'll take the call in the other room. You just stay in here and try not to break anything." And with that last statement made The lion left, closing the door behind him, leaving Aldo alone the large office.

The office was a decent size. An expensive dark wood desk sat before a large window. A fire crackled at the far end of the room, and two white leather couches sat on either side of a glass table. The walls of the room were lined with numerous book cases filled with hundreds of books. The books were old, Aldo could tell that much as the room smelt heavily of them, mixed with the scent of the lion. There were also a few subtle scents that he couldn't quite place. He moved over and sat on one of the couches, the thick carpet felt very pleasant under his bare foot-paws. He stared into the fire, losing himself in the flickering flames until the door to the office clicked as it swung open.

Aldo expected it to be the lion, but was surprised as a lioness stepped in. What was surprising about it was how little, or rather how revealing her attire was. The fabric shimmered as she moved, expensive and luxurious. A thin pink dressing gown left open exposed her sizeable, naked bosom and the lacy black underwear she wore to anyone who looked at her. She eyed him with a coy smile as she moved across the room, gliding elegantly over the distance, and sat on the couch opposite him.

"Hello." She smiled with a devilish twinkle in her eye.

"Hi." Aldo responded. Wondering if she was like him.

"I'm Alice."


"So what brings you to my home?" She asked, uncrossing her legs slowly before crossing the other leg. She was trying to mess with him.

"Are you his wife?" He asked. Not sure what to make of her.

"Oh goodness no!" She giggled. She looked young. Late teens, early twenties. If she was his wife then the prick of a lion was doing very well for himself. Likely she was just his mistress or something he figured. "I'm his daughter."

"His daughter huh?" Aldo felt slightly nervous. She was playing some sort of game with him. What daughter walks into her fathers study dressed like that?


"Oh." He didn't really care, but forcing himself to fiegn interest might get him some answers. "So you're not curious as to why your father brought a half naked tiger home with him?"

"Oh I'm very curious." She grinned, licking her muzzle seductively while her gaze drifted down towards his crotch. "But I know why daddy dear brought you here, I'm more curious as to why you're here."

"Money." He replied bluntly.

"Is that all?" She giggled.

"Well yeah..." Aldo snorted. "Why else would I want to be anywhere near that ass-hole"

She giggled at that. Obviously not too concerned at how he had just insulted her adoptive father. She sank back into the seat she was in and gazed longingly over at Aldo. He felt uncomfortable the way she was staring at him. It was quite obvious what she was thinking about. But he was taken aback when she slowly slipped her paw down the front of her panties and began to openly finger herself, gasping and moaning.

Aldo averted his eyes, not entirely sure what the hell was going on, or rather why the hell this was happening. The lioness continued to pleasure herself. Her gasps and moans growing louder and more frequent. Aldo kept glancing at her. She was laying down on the couch now, writhing in pleasure as she went full throttle at fingering herself.

"Come on baby..." She moaned at him. "You know you want to."

He wasn't going to deny that. She was beautiful and had an amazing body. He had gotten a semi when he watched her walk across the room. He was fully erect now, his erection straining against the tight leather thong that contained it. In any normal circumstance he would leap across the table and fuck her senseless, but this was the adopted daughter of the lion who was going to pay him an obscene amount of cash just for indulging his perverted desires for the next twenty two hours.

"Please baby... I'm so hot and wet for you right now..."

"I shouldn't." He glanced towards the closed door.

"Don't worry about Daddy." She giggled. "He won't care. In fact he likes to watch."

'Well that isn't wired!' Aldo thought to himself. He looked back from the door at the female pleasuring herself. He was tempted, and the thought of angering the lion was certainly appealing, but it was just too much cash to give up. He needed that cash.

Moments later the lion walked back into the room and without looking at them went towards his desk and opened a drawer and began to pull something out before pausing as he noticed them. Aldo cursed silently to himself. Worried that the lion was going to kick him out and not pay him the cash he had promised after he had come all this way.

"Is there something wrong with my daughter Aldo?"

"Huh?" The question caught him off guard. He looked over at the lioness who was still fingering herself even as her father stood and watched her. "No..."

"Then why aren't you helping her?"

"I didn't..."

"Or don't you like females?" The lion cut him off.

Aldo was completely confused.

"You want me to fuck her!?"

"Why not?!" The lion asked.

He looked from the lion to his daughter and then back to the lion. Unsure what else to do he stood up and walked round the table to the couch the lioness was laying on. He undid the zip on his hoody and shucked it off before kneeling on the edge of the couch. She smiled up at him and spread her legs for him.

He leant down and sniffed at her crotch. Her panties were soaked in her juices and she smelt amazing! Her scent made his cock throb. He pulled the sodden fabric aside and pressed his rough tongue to her folds, enticing a pleasurable groan from her. She tasted as good as she smelt. Sweet but with a taste that reminded him of wine.

He ate her out thoroughly, not stopping when she clamped her legs around his head and screamed in pleasure as she had an orgasm Only after she had collapsed back onto the couch breathless and limp from the experience did he pull away. He licked her juices off around his muzzle and began pulling her panties down her legs.

His cock was throbbing painfully within its leather prison. He was going to fuck the slut senseless and cum inside her as her father looked on. Normally he didn't like other furs watching him. But the sheer wrongness of fucking the guys daughter in front of him made his crotch tingle in arousal.

She didn't resist him as he pulled off her panties. She spread her legs wide as he pulled off his thong and kicked it away. His impressive cock stood proudly at nine inches of thick meat. He threw her legs over his shoulders and wasted no more time by ramming in over half of his cock in single, slow thrust.

"Oh yeeeaaahh.... baby! Fuck me deep!"

He wasn't really one for dirty talk, but he was so pent up now he didn't care. He began thrusting into her as fast as he could. His hips practically a blur. She moaned, groaned and squirmed as he punished her pussy with his cock. It was only a few minutes later that she squeaked loudly before going tense as her body was rocked by yet another orgasm She continued to talk dirty to him. A constant stream of filthy, slutty words which only served to egg him on.

He pulled out of her and grabbed her hips and flipped her over onto her belly. He raised her hips up and then pushed his cock back into her. She whimpered loudly each time he thrust into her. It wouldn't be much longer now before he reached the point of no return. He considered slowing down, but this little slut had been teasing him before her father had basically ordered him to fuck her. Deciding to take his release he ploughed her pussy as hard and as fast as he could. He felt the familiar pressure of his climax build in his shaft. He slowed down as he tried to draw it out and heighten the experience. The pressure quickly built and he clenched his eyes shut and focused on holding back the inevitable.

Stars exploded behind his eye lids as a wave of intense pleasure washed over him. He gasped loudly as he came, his cock twitching as he pumped his load deep inside the sluts eager pussy. He thrust inside over and over again, slowly and forcefully before finally pulling out and collapsing on the couch. His cock glistened with a mixture of his own cum and her pussy juices. He glanced over to see the cream-pie he had left inside her, the thick white ooze that was his cum slowly flowed out of her gaping pussy, as she lay their with her ass in the air.

Aldo looked over to the other couch where the lion now sat, his pants tented as he stared at them. Aldo felt mildly disturbed at how aroused the lion was after watching him fuck his daughter. Adopted... but still. The lion stood up and began unbuckling his pants. Aldo rolled his eyes as he expect the lion to want to suck him off again. But to his surprise he move right past Aldo and lowered his pants to his knees and pushed his cock inside the lionesses pussy.

Aldo couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was fucking her! His own daughter! And she was enjoying it too! As he thrust inside her he began unbuttoning his shirt and tie. Once he had cast them off he smacked the lionesses ass before pulling out of her in order to kick off his pants and underwear.

Aldo couldn't help but admit he had an impressive body for someone past their prime. He had to have been nearly fifty, and other than a slight podginess around his belly he looked good. Aldo had a thing about fit bodies. He loved toned muscles and six-packs. One of the reasons he wanted to open his own gym.

"What are you waiting for boy!?" The lion snorted as he looked over his shoulder at him as he continued to thrust his hips backwards and forwards, pumping his large, barbed cock in and out of his daughter who was moaning loudly. "Get that tongue to work on my ass!"

'What a perv!' He thought before sighing and getting on his knees behind the lion. He didn't like getting ordered around like that, but it was for a lot of cash he reminded himself. Resisting the urge to tell him to lick his own ass and walk out. He pressed his muzzle in between the lions fuzzy ass cheeks, licking his taint. Compared to the sweetness of his daughters pussy this was no where near as pleasant, but the salty muskiness was something that Aldo was quite familiar with.

Aldo had developed his skills on a few horny gym buddies. The guys loved to be worshipped, and while Aldo was flexible in regards to bottoming for other males, he was usually quite picky about who his partners were. He was willing to things to them, and they were willing to do things to him. It was mutually beneficial arrangement.

The lion seemed to appreciate his skills as he was reaching round and trying to press his muzzle harder into his ass while continuing to thrust violently into his daughters pussy. It was perhaps ten minutes later when the lion grunted, his ass tensing around Aldo's muzzle as he pumped his second load of the night into his daughter.

Panting and tired he pulled out of her, her pussy now flooded with their cum. She was breathless as well. The lion turned and pressed his semi hard cock into Aldo's muzzle, wiping the sticky fluids all over it. Knowing what the lion wanted Aldo glared up at him as he took him in his muzzle and cleaned him off. The sweetness of her pussy was mixed with the musky saltiness of their cum. Once he was done cleaning him off the lion pulled out of his muzzle and sat on the end of the couch.

"Now clean her up too!"

'Gias preserve him!' Aldo cursed silently in his head. 'Just how much of pervert is this guy!?'

But he did as he was ordered, albeit grudgingly. He pressed his muzzle into the gaping pussy of the lioness, slurping his across her sensitive flesh as he attempted to clean her up the best he could. It took a while, each lick enticing more and more cum out from the depths of her pussy. But eventually he finished, the only thing he could taste there now was the familiar sweetness of her pussy.

"Good boy!"

Aldo nearly stood up and smacked for speaking to him like that, but clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he moved to the other couch to sit. The lion spanked the females ass, enticing a shriek and a giggle from her.

"Get your ass to bed girl!"

"Oh Daddy!" She moaned like a little cub. "I want to stay and play!"

"Not tonight!" He barked. "I've got plans for this one tomorrow and he's going to need his rest!"

"Okay." She pouted. "Can I play with him tomorrow?"


Aldo didn't like being treated as if he couldn't speak for himself. They were treating him like a sex toy. Which he supposed he was, but that didn't mean he had to be happy about that. The two lions shared an overly passionate kiss that father and daughter should not normally share. She left the room, leaving her panties and robe behind.

"Well then, it's getting late." The lion declared. "Come with me."

"Turning in for the night?" Aldo asked with a grin.

"We are going to my room, yes. But we aren't going to sleep before I have a go at the sweet ass of yours!"

"Heh..." Aldo couldn't help but chuckle. The lion may be an ass-hole and a pervert, a rich one at that, but he was refreshingly blunt when he was being honest. "Fine. But I'll be having a shot on your ass before we're done for the night!"

"You think so huh?" The lion smirked in amusement. "Let me know how that turns out. Now shut the hell up and follow me!"

Once he grabbed his clothes off the floor Aldo followed the lion, who left his own clothes scattered across the room. Aldo admired his ass as he followed him. The lion was definitely and ass-hole, but he was the same kind of ass-hole Aldo was. It slightly irked him that he started to like the the lion because of that.


Aldo was slowly roused from his slumber as he heard someone moving around the room. The soft paw steps heading away from him and the soft click of a door. He didn't open his eyes though. His ears flicked as he heard the sound of a gentle breeze ruffling a set of curtains, the sounds of a bird chirping happily in the distance.

But despite all the noises he refused to open his eyes. His body felt heavy and tired, his tail-hole numb. The lion had really gone to town on his ass last night. He could feel the slickness between his cheeks that was a result of the three loads that the lion dumped inside him. Not only that but the bed he was currently laying in was the most comfortable he had ever experienced. The mattress literally moulded itself around him, allowing him to sink into it. The expensive sheets felt fantastic against his fur.

"Get up!"

"Nnngh..." Aldo grunted in objection to the lions voice. He opened his eyes and looked up at he lion who wore a black silk robe which hung open exposing his naked body. "What time is it?"

"Time to get up." The lion responded. His answer not really answering Aldo's question which annoyed the tiger immensely. "You have a busy day ahead. But I'm a considerate host, I would not expect you to work on an empty stomach. Breakfast is being served in the dining room."

Aldo couldn't deny the hunger he felt at the mention of food. He pulled himself out of bed and rubbed his eyes sleepily. He stretched and yawn, a tired roar escaping his muzzle. He stood up and began to stretch his body. He was aware that the lion was watching his naked body as he did, but he just ignored the perverted feline and finished his stretches. The doors to the balcony were open and the sunlight of the mornings sun poured into the room.

Once he finished his stretched he stepped onto the balcony, the mornings sun felt fantastic on his fur, the cool breeze refreshing. He looked out over the perfectly maintained lawn that continued on for nearly a mile before leading to a forest.

"Do I have time for a shower?" Aldo asked.

"Sure. Why not." The lion smirked as he pointed towards the ensuite bathroom. "But don't be long. Breakfast will be ready shortly. I'll send Alex to get you."

When the lion left Aldo went to the bathroom and stepped into the large glass shower. The room was filled with the smell of wet fur and the fur conditioner the lion used. He turned on the water and sighed as the hot cascade washed over him. He stood there letting the water soak into his fur, the heat flowing into his tired muscles. He had a sudden urge to pee, but wasn't willing to step out of the pleasant warmth of the shower and so just emptied his bladder there in the shower, the bitter scent of his urine filled the shower for a few moments.

He quickly washed himself, paying particular attention to his tail-hole. Washing the lions cum from between his cheeks. Once he finished washing he got out and stepped into the fir drier. It looked similar to the shower, and was not a common fixture. This particular model was expensive and Aldo had never actually seen one before. He was a little confused by the numerous settings, so he just pressed the one button and was surprised as a sudden hot gust of air hit him from all sides. After the initial shock it was rather pleasant and he was essentially dry in less than a minute. When he stepped into the bedroom the German Sheppard was waiting for him.

"Master Corveet wished you to wear this." The German Sheppard called Alex said holding up a skimpy looking black thong, a black leather chest harness with metal studs as well as a matching collar with a leash attached.

"You're kidding right?"

"I assure you sir, I never kid."

"I get that impression." Aldo smirked. "Fine! Give it here! I'm too hungry to care!"

After putting on the perverts choice of clothing for him he followed the German Sheppard to the dining room. The table was laden with food. The lioness from last night sat next to her father and eyed him with a smile. Another male lion sat on the other side of the lion, he was much younger, younger than the female. His mane nearly having fully grown in.

"Feeling better after your shower Aldo?" The lion asked.

"Yes. But I'm not so keen on your choice of attire." Aldo snorted holding the leash that was attached to the collar he wore. It was then that Aldo noticed there was not a place set at the table for him, but instead there was a plate on the floor next to the lions chair. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!"

"Language Aldo!" The lion growled warningly. "As you've already guessed you are going to be my families pet for the day. And pets don't eat at the table."

"If you think..."

"You can refuse if you want." The lion cut him off. "You can get dressed and leave, I will even arrange a car to take you home. But you will be violating our agreement, and I won't pay you a penny!"

The lioness giggled and Aldo growled audibly, his tiled lashed wildly behind him. He fought the urge to cuss the lion and his perverted family out and storm out with his pride intact. Chalking this up to experience. But he had already put a lot of effort into this, and he was already half way through his service. In less than twelve hours he would have fifteen grand in his pocket. He swallowed his pride and knelt on the floor next to the lion.

"Good boy." The lion petted Aldo's head. The tiger grit his teeth and resisted punching the lion out. "Here we go." The lion picked up the plate in the floor in front of Aldo and put some food on it before placing it back down in front of the tiger.

Aldo stared at the plate incredulously. Not believing that he was putting himself through this embarrassment. He reminded himself to just think about the money. But the food looked and smelt delicious. Sausages, bacon, a fancy looking omelette with herbs sprinkled over it along with some miniature sweet pastries. He didn't have any cutlery but he was too hungry to care at this point. He ate with his bare paws and devoured the delicious food, savouring the delicate flavours of the sausages. The smokiness of the bacon, the fruity sweetness of the pastries fillings. The soft texture of the omelette.

He couldn't remember the last time he had eaten food as good as this. Sure the meat deluxe burger at Joey's diner was just as delicious, but this food was of the highest quality, made from the very best ingredients. This was what being rich got you. Eating food as good as this every day. Aldo caught himself purring as he ate, and judging by the smile on the lions muzzle as he looked down at him told him that he had heard him. He felt embarrassed, but he felt a lot better with his belly full.

"Now if you'll excuse me I have some business to take care of." The lion said as he rose from his chair. "Now you be a good pet, and do what ever they tell you. I won't be pleased if you misbehave."

'Translation, do what they say or you won't get paid.' Aldo understood. He didn't like it but he understood. He suppressed a growl and bowed his head in acceptance, not trusting himself to speak and remain cordial.

"Good. Now you kids have fun! I'll be back late afternoon."

"Bye Daddy!"

"Bye Dad!"

Once their father had left the room he was left with the two teenage lions. One an extremely horny female, the other a male he had only just met. But judging by the way he was looking at him the male was not going to be shy about his intended desires. Clara, Aldo remembered her name from last night, knelt down in front of him and pet him. She was wearing considerably more clothing than when he had first met her last night, now wearing a loose fitting white dress.

"Nice kitty. Lets go and play!" She grinned, taking his leash and gently tugging it so he would stand.

Aldo was not sure how much of this treatment he'd be able to take. Perhaps he would be better quitting now. But the lure of that money made him grit his teeth and play along for the moment. The other lion rose and followed them, apparently not going to let his sister have all the fun without him. As they led him through the house Aldo's tail lashed behind him, but he remained silent. They led him into the garden and round the back to where a large swimming pool was, surrounded by numerous tables, chairs and loungers.

With no shame the Clara swiftly discarded her dress, stepping out of it and tossing over onto one of the chairs nearby. She had been going commando, meaning she was now completely naked. Such a sexy kitty. She went on her tip-toes to peck him on the muzzle while her paw began groping his sheath through the leather thong he wore.

He glanced over at the male lion, who was also discarding his pants and shirt and becoming fully naked. Within moments Aldo was the one with the most clothing, and he knew where this was going. Clara tugged on his leash and led him over to one of the sun loungers and lay on it, pulling him down atop her. She pressed her muzzle into his and tried to engage him in a kiss, he resisted kissing her back, but she didn't seem to care. Her paws freed his growing erection from its leather confines.

Aldo was mildly surprised when he felt another pair of paws touch him before he remembered the male lion. He pulled Aldo's thong down to his knees and began to finger his ass. Aldo suddenly realised that he was about to become the middle of a lion sandwich. He may be nothing more than a fuck toy to them, but he was going to suppress his instincts to beat the shit out of these young punks and instead just try and enjoy the moment. They may be belittling him but that didn't mean he wasn't going to get any pleasure out of this. And if he wanted to get his money he had no other choice but to go along with it, willingly or not.

Eventually after they had had enough foreplay Clara guided the tigers erection into her eager snatch, gasping in pleasure as he penetrated her, while at the same time the male pushed his own erection into Aldo's tail-hole, which thankfully was still slick due to their fathers donations last night; otherwise this session would have been pretty rough without any lube.

The three of them fucked the morning away. Male lions were reputed for their recovery times. Even while Aldo was spent, sticky and breathless from cumming, the male lion had recovered and continued to fuck his sister in his place. As perverted as it was, Aldo was unsure if they were blood related or not as she was adopted, Aldo found watching the taboo action incredibly arousing.

They were relentless in their desires, giving him very little time to recover. If he couldn't get aroused they would have him pleasure them both orally between their own fuck sessions. They fucked him in every position imaginable. But the time Alex arrived with some food and drink at lunch Aldo's cock was tender and sore from overuse. His last climax had been almost as painful as it had been pleasurable. But he wasn't simply going to roll over and let these two beat him! If he failed to keep up there was a definite chance that their father would refuse to pay him his money!

Thankfully after eating the pair seemed to calm down a fair bit. Spending some time swimming and enjoying the afternoon sun. They had him run errands like getting them a drink, or rubbing lotion into their fur, but that was fine. These, while slightly demeaning to him, were easy tasks that allowed him time to recover.

They still fucked every now and then when the mood took them, but it was far less intensive than this mornings session. Aldo had some time to think as well. He wondered how often someone like him came here to do be used. The servants he had seen so far didn't even bat an eye at him or the behaviour of the two young lions. That seemed strange to him. Just what the hell was going on in this dysfunctional family!?

Clara was in the middle of riding Aldo's cock while he lay on a sun lounger, while her brother fucked her ass when their father arrived home. Clara greeted her father, but never stopped riding his cock. Even reaching up to peck him on the cheek. He smiled down at Aldo but didn't say anything. He turned to his son and the two of them began to suck each others muzzles, in a sloppy passionate kiss.

He then stripped down himself before stepping up behind his son, who cried out in discomfort as his father shoved his cock in his ass. By the time Aldo had cum inside Clara both her brother and father had finished. She leaned down and kissed him, he didn't return the gesture, before she finally got off of him. His numb cock fell against his belly.

"Leon tells me you've been a good pet."

"He's the best pet ever Daddy!" Clara grinned, wrapping her arms around her naked father. "Can we keep him?"

"I'm afraid not sweety."

"Awww!" Clara acted more like a spoilt twelve year old than someone in their late teens Aldo noted.

"But perhaps he will want to stay?"

"No offence, but you guys are all nuts! Perverted, dysfunctional nut jobs!" Aldo grunted. "I'll be leaving once my time here is up, and you give me my money!"

"Fair enough." The older lion smiled while Clara pouted. The teenage male seemed indifferent. "But you are still on the clock, and I believe there is still four more hours till you've fulfilled your obligated time. So come with me. I have something I want to talk to you about."

He followed the naked lion eagerly. Happy to escape the clutches of the two sex obsessed teenagers who had resumed fucking each other before Aldo had even entered the house. He followed the lion back into the study he had been led to when he had first arrived. The lion poured two drinks and sat down on one of the couches and Aldo didn't wait for him to offer him a seat, he say down on the couch opposite. He handed one of the glasses to Aldo who sniffed it. A brandy of some sort. He sipped it. It was good.

"You said you had something you wanted to talk to me about?" Aldo asked.

"Yes. I'm a business fur. And so I have a business proposition for you."

"What kind of proposition? Because if it's to stay here as your pet you can forget it! I don't care how much you offer!"

"Blunt aren't you?" The lion snickered. "I like that. Those two out there are not my biological cubs. I adopted them from an island I own. But the adoption is purely a cover."

"Their basically your fuck toys right?!"

"There's that bluntness again." He grinned. "But essentially yes. The island is essentially one giant porn business. We film porn, everyone fucks each other senseless, lives a life of luxury..."

"And you get rich off the proceeds right?" Aldo cut him off. "So why are you telling me this?" He took another sip of the brandy.

"I think you'd make a wonderful addition to the team."

"What!?" Aldo chuffed in amused disbelief.

"Hear me out. You are stunningly handsome with an amazing body. You are quite skilled when it comes to sex and you have enough stamina to keep up with those two."

"So today... it was a test?"

"Quite. And you passed it with flying colours!"

"Okay..." Aldo grinned in amusement, not sure if this was some crazy dream he was having. "So you want me to go live on this... tropical island, fuck countless furs day and night so you get rich off the videos and movies... so what do I get out of it except a lot of sexual gratification?"

"Essentially yes. What you get out of it is a lucrative contract. Not only will I cover your living expenses while you are under contract, but I will pay you a rather large salary. Fifty grand for twelve months service, with the potential of added bonuses which are dependant on your performance." The lion explained. "One of our more popular performers walked away with over two hundred thousand last year. But instead of returning home with his hard earned cash he signed on for another year."

Aldo had to admit that sounded pretty damn tempting. With that sort of cash he would have enough money to open his gym, not to mention some to spare depending on the bonuses. This was perhaps the best chance he had to getting the money he needed. The part time jobs he currently worked were barely enough to save more than a couple of grand each year.

"I'm aware that you want to open a gym?"

Aldo was taken by surprise that the lion knew that much. But then he remembered that he knew Carl, the wolf who ran the Peppy Rhino. Everyone there knew the only reason he worked there was to make some cash to open his long dreamed of gym.

"What do you care?"

"I'll be honest with you Aldo, I want you to join my team. You're going to make me a 'lot' of money if you do. I just know it. So I'm going to sweeten the deal a little. If you take the contract, and not only fulfil it, I will call in a few favours to help you get the wheels in motion. I know a lot of furs in government. You could spend months waiting for planning permissions all sorts of other red tape bullshit! I'll have that all cleared up for you in a few weeks."

"..." Aldo wasn't sure how to react to that.

"In addition. If you stay for another six months on top of that, without a salary I will pay all of your set up costs." The lion grinned. "You will of course be allowed to keep any bonuses you earn during those six months."

The offer was beyond good. Aldo wanted to accept it there and then but he just couldn't shake off this feeling that the lion wasn't telling him everything. He took another sip of his brandy while he mulled the offer over. It was a lot to consider. Eighteen months of his life on an island, having sex with complete strangers and not having to worry about any bills. At the end of which this lion will pay for his gym to be set-up and he would also have tens of thousands of dollars left over. It just sounded too good to be true. But if it was true...

"I understand that it is a lot to consider. But let me make one thing very clear. This is a one time offer. Once we leave this office the offer is gone."

"I have... questions."

"Very well. What are they?" The lion asked with smile.

"If you pay for the gym to be set up..."

"You will own it one hundred percent! I will have no control over you or your business."

"What will you expect from me on the island?"

"You will have performance figures to maintain of course. You may be having sex, but you will be an employee. I can't make money if you're not pulling in the viewers. It will all be explained in the contract."

"Why me? There are hundreds of furs out there just as buff as me." Aldo asked.

"Because I like you. You are a tough bastard not afraid of anyone. But you're willing to swallow your pride in order to achieve your dream. That is the kind of fur I want to work for me."

Aldo stared at the glass in his paw. The lion offered him another drink and he accepted. He sat on the couch pondering this decision while the lion went to get it. When the lion returned Aldo took the glass and nodded.

"I'll do it." He said. "I'll take the deal."

The lion reach over to shake his paw and once Aldo did he suddenly felt like he had made a deal with the devil himself. The lion toasted to their future together and Aldo downed his drink in one go.