Charlie's Dream

Story by Kryos on SoFurry

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#1 of Charlie's Saga

Charlie woke up in a cold sweat. He usually slept pretty soundly but as of late these odd dreams kept interrupting his slumber. It was embarrassing really because in the morning his little brother liked to run in and wake him up by jumping on his bed. He just knew that one of these days the youngster would notice the dampness and say the wrong thing to the wrong people, namely their parents. Now wasn't the time to worry about that though, he'd only been asleep for about three hours and had to get up in another two so he had to clear his mind and get some rest.

Soon after Charlie closed his eyes he was whisked away to a land of pleasant dreams and haunting nightmares. This was most definitely a dream though, one of the odd ones he'd been having ever since his fourteenth birthday. It was that day last week that Zack had kissed him. As spontaneous as it seemed, not more than a happy birthday, celebratory peck on the lips, Charlie knew that something else was implied in that kiss, he just wasn't quite sure what yet.

You see he and Zack had been friends ever since Zack's family moved in next door about five years ago. Zack was a year older and a sophomore while Charlie was only a freshman at their local private high school, St. Joey's. Well it was always evident to Charlie that there was something different about Zack; he had always been a bit more affectionate than the other boys his age, a little more touchy-feely as it were. When they were younger he'd never thought anything of it, I mean he still went in and hugged and kissed his parents before bed each night and before school each day so it didn't seem too odd that Zack wanted to hug him too. As they grew older though it seemed that instead of becoming more reserved Zack instead became more overt. For example whenever they went to a movie he'd always take Charlie's paw in his own in especially scary or sad scenes, or give him a hug if there was a really happy moment. Also whenever they were at home watching movies Zack always snuggled up close to Charlie, leaning on his shoulder or having an arm around him, one time he even laid down on the couch and placed his head on Charlie's lap. Looking back on it all Charlie loved the attention and intimacy their friendship entailed, but he wasn't sure if Zack wanted it to end at friendship and what's more Charlie had no idea if he wanted it to go any further.

Anyway in the dream a very beautiful mare would walk up to him, she would sway her equine hips and let her mane down seductively and then take Charlie's hands. Then they would kiss and that part the youth especially liked, but when their lips parted and the horse would step back it would no longer be a mare, but rather a striking stallion, a striking stallion that outside Charlie's dreams went by the name of Zack. Now if the dream had stopped there it wouldn't be so bad, he'd just brush it off as a reoccurring dream and not a fantasy, but it never stopped there.

The first time the stallion had stripped bare and placed the boy's hands on his own muscular chest and led them down to his hips and kissed him again. The second time though they went a little further, the hands didn't rest on the hips but rather continued on their course, guided to a place that Charlie himself had only just discovered the joys of himself, the genitals. Charlie was coerced by erotic sweet talk into gently stroke the sheathe of the chocolate mustang, eliciting moans and the erection of the massive organ that to Charlie's mind could only be imaginary because not even his father had one that big that he remembered from his baths as a small child. The third time the stallion pressed gently on the boy's shoulders and guided him to a kneeling position. After the usual massage to the genitals Charlie was led to suckle on the large piece of flesh which hung proudly from his friend's loins.

Tonight though would be the fourth and final dream. Once again the silky mare gaited up to the shorter fox, but instead of kissing him, she laid her paw gently against his forehead and softly stroked down, closing his eyes. When he was prompted to open them before him stood the tall frame of his best friend, the vulpine had never taken the time to thoroughly examine his equine dream companion so this time he took it all in piece by piece. Zack's coat was short and a very rich chocolate color everywhere but the hooves, tail and mane which were all an equally rich amber and long haired. His eyes were also deep amber and his facial features slightly feminine, his mane draped over his face and poured over his thick neck and broad shoulders. His lips and nose had tinges of a lighter color as well, making them striking to the casual observer. This lighter mocha traced a line up the long bridge of his nose, fading into the long locks stemming from his forehead. As Charlie kept examining his gaze lowered to the muscular chest and tight abdomen and the firm buttocks he could catch glimpses of every once in a while when the stallion shifted his weight. His nipples shown mocha as well, sitting on top of pectoral muscles one couldn't hope to bruise with all of their might. The funny thing about stallions, like big cats, was no matter how strong they were their bodies were still as graceful looking as any skinny feline or fox. His gaze alighted upon the strong arms that had embraced him so many times in the waking world before falling upon his pelvic "v" and following its perfect angles to the gorgeous sheathe, already full with the flared tip of the equine's penis jutting out from it, the exposed flesh was mottled, kind of mother nature's camouflage filled with all mater of hues complimenting and incorporating the mocha, chocolate and amber colors that shown in his pelt. He finished his ocular inquisition at the legs which were the most powerful he'd ever seen, well except for maybe Zack's dad's, but they'd be like that one day too so he had nothing to be anxious about.

Then the real twist came, he had a sort of "out of body" experience as it were as the camera in his mind swirled around to reveal that he too was naked this time. The fox wasn't as bright as many foxes are; he was more like a burnt orange, or auburn. His natural vulpine patterns were accentuated by brown instead of the typical black, and instead of white, his tufts of fur were as gold as the fabled city of El Dorado. He was shorter than his partner, if Zack was six feet tall, that would put Charlie around five feet and eight inches, just short enough that he had to look up to meet his friend's gaze. His figure was quite average really, he didn't go out of his way to exercise or diet, but he had an eye for nutrition and kept himself busy enough that his speedy metabolism kept him at a very healthy weight. He was about five pounds over the average but that was no cause for alarm, nor could it be seen, he was as lithe as any fox you'd ever seen. His eyes were a brighter gold, reflecting his rather boyish nature. He noticed that despite nothing happening he was already erect and felt proud of his manhood as its bright red and pulsing form stood tall against his belly. He'd even measured it recently; it was a full six inches from tapered tip to knot and about an inch and three quarters thick. The knot itself was two and a half inches thick at its thickest point and added about another two inches to his length bringing him to an above average, eight inch prick. It was nothing to scoff at for his age from what he'd seen in the locker room, but it was certainly not anything like he imagined Zack's to be.

As the dream progressed he watched with interest as Zack's imaginary form turned him around and bent him over slightly. He thought it was quite odd, there was nothing they could do in this position, and neither his nimble vulpine hands nor long muzzle would do him any good facing away from his friend. Then it dawned on him as the stallion aligned his pride and joy against his butt, he was going to put that thing inside his ASS! That was the weirdest and most disgusting thing he'd ever heard of, certainly this was not something he wanted to experience when he woke up, think of the pain and the indecency, plus, he wasn't gay. See he hadn't known what to call his relationship with his friend in his dreams, he guessed they could be platonic enough, but this, this was too far into that grey area to be called anything but gay. His dream form seemed to like it though, especially when Zack reached a paw around and started to rub Charlie's penis. As he looked on in horror, the monstrous member was driven in up to its sheath, the huge hanging balls slapping against his own smaller and slightly more recessed ones. He was literally shaking with either pleasure or agony, but when Charlie heard himself howl, he knew what he saw before him wasn't the grimace of pain, or the detestation of a vile act, it was pleasure pure and simple.

"Charlie..." the stallion whinnied while, Charlie walked closer to himself, slowly becoming one with his dream form again.

"Charlie," his friend still called even as he turned to look into his eyes.

"Charlie!" he awoke with a start to the grinning face of his younger brother Luke.

The fox sat up right and wiped some sleep from his eyes, "Oh hey Luke, sorry I must have been pretty deep in sleep, what time is it?"

The smaller fox bounced on his bed and answered jovially, "It's seven in the morning, you slept past your alarm, oh and I wanted to ask you, what this white stuff that's all over your sheets? It's sticky but it doesn't taste or smell like glue, I think I kind of like it, but it feels weird when I swallow, almost like it's alive. It reminds me of Jell-O."

"What? Oh my God! I can't believe this, ok." He tried to calm himself down, he'd been through sex education and he knew he'd just had his first wet dream, but how could he explain this to his seven year old brother? "Umm, this is something that only older boys have, and you shouldn't eat, you just shouldn't. It's kind of embarrassing so if you wouldn't mind keeping this our little secret and distracting mom and dad while I throw this in the washer I'd be very grateful."

The little boy just cocked his head in interest and licked his lips a bit, "Salty." He uttered under his breath before answering his big brother, "Sure Charlie whatever you say, your secret's safe with me."

Charlie smiled and tussled Luke's hair, "Alright kiddo, thanks. I'm going to go clean these and get ready for school, I guess mom's going to have to drive me 'cause I already missed the bus. See you later squirt!" With that he set off for his new day, the sun was shining and despite his weird dreams and almost getting caught, he found hope in the sunshine that today was going to be a very good day.

And so it would be...