The best sleep over ive ever gone to!
evrything im going to talk abut inthis stroy is 100% true and happend to me, exept the fact the characters are anthros :3
it was the day of the party i was exited because it was the first time that i would be going to stay forthe night. it was a small party just me and 3 other friends waching tv and having pizza but what ididn't know was that the party would end with a suprise outcum!.
at the party was me(a large red dragolisk with a bulky bodey figure) jay(old school friend, a small fox with a sleak bodey) Kat(a very snootie blue cat) and the host of the party ella(gothic type dark blue cat with a dark humour) when i gotto the party i was greeted by a group of hugging cats.
ella huged jay and turned to me, arms slumped "im not gunna Glomp u Skank Bag" she said big grin on her face. kat interjected by saying "mabey if you take a bath once in a while" in an equaly drole manner i repayed the comments with a smileand a wrye squint in ellas direction. ella walked into the lounge and swiched on the Tv and we all sat and wached for sevral hours....
befor long it was time for bed, i was shocked to find that i would be sharing a room with jay whilst ella and kat slept in the spare room, thogh me and jay had shared very few moments of actual sexual activity we always shared a sertain thension. with a nieve grin onhis face jay truned to me "well lets go" he skiped up the stairs witha boyish charm. and bolted into his bed. "nite" he shouted hastily and then shut out the light. after a while my mind started to wonder i had thaghts of sex and my expiriences and to no suprise i felt a large bulge build in my shorts, i was a decent size for my age and the thick dragolisk meat pole stood out under the sheets.
to my suprise i found jay sitting up "im not tired at all" he concluded "you" he asked. i proped myslef up on my elbows "no" i said "i havent been sleaping well for a few days now, hows your sleep been?" scanning throgh the pictures on his mobile phone he truned his attention to me and said "no i haven't slept to well if at all all week" more and more thaghts of sex entered my mind, i began imagening getting a blowjob and began rubbing my erect member under the sheets. i was deturmined to trun the subject to some kind of sexual one.
i started by talking about porn in a jesting fation and gradualy moved on to more graphic topics, befor long jay began moving his hands under the sheets aswell.
"Lye?" Jay said questioningly
"yeh" i said
"remmember that time me and you went into the park and we......"he said trailing off and making a wanking hand jesture
"yeh" i said hurrying the conversation along
"if i where to ask you if i could...touch you again..would you.....y'know"
i kept my cool thogh my mind was filled with sexual torment" sure"i said sounding like i was used to it
"when?" jay questioned with a halfheated smile
"well, now if you want "i said as my cock pulsated hungering for some kind of relife.
jay jumped forwards exitedley but then stop abruptley eyes wandering...
"but what will we use to clean up the mess when you cum?"
i pointed to one of my old shirts i braght along incase it rained
"great" he yelled exited by the thaght
i felt his warm furry hands move across my bare leggs up to my shorts...i felt him undo my belt and pull my shorts down just beneth my balls. he began to jerk me off slowley, i occationaly felt him rub his wet nose against my was all very orgasmic but then i felt a warm feelling envelop my throbing member, jay begen to suck my cock, holding the head in his mouth and wanking me off with both hands, it was a completally new high for me. feeling abit shy i tryed to avoid losing controll of the situation but it felt so good i couldn't help but move my hips back and forth into jays mouth putting about 4 1/2 inches into his mouth at a time and having him jerk of the rest of my swolen cock.
" CUM!" i wispered trying not to alerd ether kat or ella
disppite my warnings jay relesed my dick from his grasp so he could force my hole 6 1/2 inch member down his throat. when he did cum exploaded from my dick into his bodey making me moan furiousley
"ohhh shit!" i yelled in ecstacy. i layed to rest my hunger sated but jay still ahd a raging hard-on, he began rubing his bare cock against my leg squeezing his knot and making him squirt cum onto me.
the next morning we awoke having thughrolly enjoyed the party we shared a secret grin and left to go back to our homes
Best Sleep Over EVAR!
this is my 1st story so go lightley on the comments and if you liked this please tell me so i know to make more^^3