'Little Favors'

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My latest work of depravity. A little mouse girl gets a little help from a burly tiger, but he's looking for a little compensation for his efforts.

Going more into rough, initially non-con territory with this, but it still ends fairly well for both parties.

Kelly stood outside the lingerie shop, nervously glancing over to where the thongs were. Second thoughts about buying something 'sexier' than her usual kiddie flower printed panties replaced the confidence she'd had ten minutes before. Few people acknowledged the little mouse girl, passing by her nonchalantly as they made their way to other parts of the mall. After ten minutes of just standing there she resigned herself to sitting on one of the benches just behind her, staring at the store's sign for a while longer as she fought to make up her mind.

Eventually a big male tiger sat down next to her. She only gave him a small glance at first, enough to see that he was very muscular and much older than her, at least by her understanding. Even a year's difference to a thirteen year old may as well have been five.

She went back to staring at the hot pink sign again, still feeling somewhat determined to go in but not enough to break free of her nerves.

"Little young to be lingerie shopping aren't you?"

Kelly jumped slightly and looked over at the tiger again. This time he was looking back at her.

"What are you, like, ten?" he asked with a crooked smile.

Kelly flushed in slight annoyance. "No! I'm thirteen!"

The tiger chuckled a little. "Oooooh, I'm sorry," he said mockingly. "That's definitely old enough to go shopping for 'big girl' clothes!"

Her nose twitched in irritation as she frowned at him, momentarily forgetting about her nervousness. "Of course I'm old enough. Girls in my class wear stuff like that all the time!"

"I'm sure they feel very grown up because of it too! Is that why you're here, to feel more 'grown up'?"

Kelly gave what was meant to be an angry sneer towards him before turning her nose up at him. "None of your business mister!"

The tiger chuckled more audibly at the face she pulled, and her ears started to feel hot.

"Fair enough," he said, "but I doubt you're going to be able to get anything by just sitting on this bench. Have you even gone in to look yet?"

Kelly hunched over slightly, trying to not look embarrassed but failing miserably. "I'm just deciding what to get."

"Pretty sure browsing around could help you more."

Kelly crossed her legs, turning her head further away from him as if that would make him go away faster. "Whatever! I'm... just taking my time."

The tiger just grinned. "If you're that nervous then why don't you just get your mom to buy something for you?"

She hesitated for a moment before answering. "She's... not here."

"Mm-hm," he said, and while she didn't see it he had a sudden twinkle in his eye. "She trying to make you do it on your own?"

Kelly clutched the edge of the bench, wondering why she was even still talking to this stranger.

"Well..." she trailed off for a second.

The tiger cocked an eyebrow. "Well what?"

"She, um... doesn't actually know..."

Unbeknownst to her, the gears in the tigers head were turning faster now, and a devious grin was on his face.

"Hah! Never knew many mice that were this rebellious... or at least wanted to be in your case."

She flushed even deeper then, and the insides of her ears were a very distinct shade of crimson now. She didn't say anything; she just gave a nervous little squeak as she squirmed on the bench.

The Tiger's eyes flashed slightly as he looked up at the shop, then back at the mouse girl. "Tell you what kid! If you want something so badly, I'll go and get it for you!"

Kelly's ears perked instantly, and a moment later she gave the tiger a very bemused look. "What?"

"You heard me! Anything you want, I'll get it for you. Doesn't even have to be just one thing."

She looked at all the women in the shop then looked back at him. "Won't it be really weird if you bought them?"

"Nah, it's not like I'm the only guy that's bought women's underwear before. They'll just think I'm buying something for my girlfriend or whatever."

Kelly loosened her grip slightly, hardly believing this stranger was willing to be so nice to her.

"However," he said a bit more seriously, "I'll need you to do something for me afterwards, and what you have to do will depend on how much you get. Do we have a deal?"

Kelly gave a small smile and her eyes started to shine a little. She didn't even give much thought to what his 'favor' could be, but anything she could have thought of at that time was purely innocent. It only seemed fair to her that she help him with whatever he needed in return. "Okay mister! It's a deal!" She held out her small hand for him to shake.

He shook it; his larger hand looking like it had just devoured hers. "No need for the 'mister' kid! Just call me Vic!"

Kelly just beamed at him. "Okay Vic! My name's Kelly by the way!"

"Well then Kelly," he said as he leaned in so she could whisper in his ear. "Tell me what you're looking for!"

She knew she wanted a thong, since she only had enough saved up from her allowance to by one. But now that she had Vic here telling her she could by more than one thing she thought of doing just that. She whispered to him that she wanted five of them in different colors: pink, lavender, light blue, white, and turquoise. At first she thought she might have been pushing it with the number and specific colors, but Vic only seemed to smile wider because of it. It made him look a little weird, but she was just happy he was being so nice to her.

He got up and nodded, saying, "Be right back!" before strolling without any hesitation into the shop.

Kelly bounced in her seat as she waited. She tried her best to stay patient but the anticipation was killing her more that her nerves had been earlier. Twenty minutes had passed before she saw him at the register, even though to her it felt like hours. He returned to her moments later with a triumphant grin on his muzzle as he handed her a fancy looking paper bag. "For you, mademoiselle!"

She squeaked excitedly as she snatched the bag from him and looked inside.

"Sorry it took a while," he said as he straightened up and looked down at her. "They had so many shades of pink and light blue that I wasn't sure which one you'd want."

The bottom of the bag looked like a rainbow of thin fabric as she stared ecstatically at them. "They're perfect! Thank you so much Vic!" She exclaimed as she looked back up at him sweetly.

"Don't mention it!" he said with a chuckle, looking like he might be blushing as well.

He gave her a few more moments to fawn over her new garments before chiming in with, "Now, about repaying me..."

Kelly snapped out of her mini celebration and looked back up at him. "Oh, right! What do I need to do?"

"I'll tell you in a bit, but it's something that requires you to listen to everything I say and follow my instructions without question. Got it?"

She nodded, "Got it!"


He looked around for a moment before leaning down and whispering in her ear. "Go and change into your favorite pair in that bunch, be sure to keep your old panties in the bag. Then I need you to go out the West entrance and meet me in the park across the street. You know which way that is?"

She nodded and pointed, Vic smiled approvingly, "Smart girl!"

She giggled a little.

"That's it for now, you got it?"

She nodded again. "Yep! I'll try to be quick!"

"Take your time," he whispered with another crooked grin. "No need to rush!"

It took her almost fifteen minutes to decide which pair she liked best, and even though he had said there was no hurry she felt bad for taking that long. She tried to run towards the exit but found the thong rode up really easily and rubbed on her crotch weirdly when she did. It wasn't an entirely unpleasant feeling, just not what she was expecting. She kept to as brisk of a walk as she could stand to do, eventually reaching the park within another ten minutes.

At first she didn't see him. The park itself was fairly thick with trees aside from the paved walkways that led to a few open areas. A quick 'psst' from off the path made her pause with a small squeak of surprise. "Vic?"

He poked his head out from behind one of the trees, a finger to his lips as he gave a small 'shh'.

"Glad you made it Kelly!" He said just barely loud enough for her to hear. "Is there anyone else on the path?"

She looked up and down the path, a bit perplexed, shaking her head when she saw no one.

"Okay! Now, I'll need you to keep walking down this path until you see a dirt path to your right. It isn't very obvious so you'll need to really look for it. Go down that way and keep going until you reach the end. Wait for me there, okay?"

She nodded, still rather confused; not just by his instructions but at his behavior too. He seemed to have no problem talking to her openly at the mall. So why not now? And what could he possibly need help with all the way out here?

"Okay," she whispered back. "But, how come we can't walk together Vic? It'd be nicer that way wouldn't it?"

He shook his head a little disappointedly. "I said no questions didn't I? Unless you want me to return those thongs?"

Kelly cupped her hands over her mouth. "Sorry Vic! I didn't mean to! I'll go there right now!"

"Good Girl!" And with that he hid behind the tree again, that crooked smile flashing on his face before it disappeared.

Kelly walked slowly down the path, eyes on the right side as she carefully watched for where the path trailed off. She wasn't sure if she could find it or not. Her family had never been camping before so she didn't know if she could see something that subtle. Truth be told, it was getting rather hard to concentrate with how much her shorts were rubbing on her mostly bare bottom. She still didn't feel used to the way the thong felt either. While she was impressed that he was able to get them in the right size when she first put them on, every move she made felt like it just tugged itself further between her butt cheeks and rubbed even more weirdly on her groin. Again, not really unpleasant; just hard to get used to.

She didn't know how long she had walked but she did find the path. She understood what Vic meant. Unless you were looking for it, anyone could have easily passed it by. The trees and foliage around it were tightly clustered so it was no wonder that it didn't look more used. Such a mysterious looking path was rather intimidating, but she took a deep breath and went straight in. She had a favor to help with, and her parents would be disappointed if she didn't try her best to uphold it for someone who helped her out so much- not that they needed to know about Vic or the thongs.

Walking down the dirt path seemed like an adventure. Leaves and branches brushed against her as she walked, and the scent of the trees and the earth were much stronger here than when she was on the main walkway. Every now and then the bag would get snagged on something, but not so badly that it would have ripped. Overall she was really enjoying herself, thinking she should probably try walking trails like this more often.

She eventually reached a very small clearing at the end; trees surrounding it in a thick mass so that it even blocked most of the view from above. She found a log to sit on and waited patiently as she listened to the birds sing all around her. She was so focused on their song that she didn't realize how much time had passed, or that Vic had suddenly appeared in the clearing.

She flinched a little but calmed down when she realized it was him.

"Wow, you scared me a little Vic! You were so quiet I didn't hear you coming!" she said with a little giggle.

Vic grinned with a small shrug. "Just how we Tigers are I guess."

He moved closer and kneeled in front of her. "So which ones did you pick?"

"The blue ones, they match my eyes!"

His grin got a little wider. "I want to see!"

Kelly just sat there confused for a second. "...What?

"I want to see how they look on you! Pull down your shorts!"

Kelly blushed deeply and squirmed a little. "Isn't that naughty though? I thought boys weren't supposed to look at girls with their clothes off!"

"Sure, 'boys' can't, but I'm not really a boy am I? I'm an adult." He leaned in a little closer, his nose almost touching hers. It made Kelly shiver a little. "Plus, I told you to do what I said without question didn't I? You don't want to get in trouble for disobeying an adult now do you?"

Kelly swallowed and shook her head nervously.

"Good! But do it one more time and I'll have to start punishing you. Got that?"

She nodded her head meekly, standing up and unbuttoning her shorts. She slipped them off and set them neatly on the log, shaking timidly as she watched Vic stare at her with great intent.

"H-how do they look Vic?"

Vic had an oddly warm smile on his face as he sat on the log. The way the skimpy, light blue fabric hugged her petite hips and just barely hid her groin seemed to really please him. "Turn around!"

She gulped again, slowly turning around so he could see her butt. She had wished she could have fixed her wedgie beforehand, but when she looked at him over her shoulder he had smiled even wider. She started to think that maybe it was supposed to fit like that.

"They look so cute on you Kelly!" he said, still staring at her butt.

Kelly gave a weak smile, genuinely flattered even though she still felt really embarrassed. "Thanks Vic"

He stared at her butt for a while longer before looking back at her face. "Come here Kelly."

She moved in front of him, hands stiffly at her sides as she looked at him questioningly.

"Now's the time you help me with my little 'favor'. Well 'favors' I should say." He leaned back a little and spread his legs. "Since you wanted so many pairs."

Kelly nodded and waited quietly, afraid that asking what these favors were would count towards her being punished.

"What we do here is between you and me. No one else can hear about it, okay? If you tell anyone, I'll have to take your thongs back and tell your mother what a naughty little girl you were. Got it?"

She nodded again. "Yes Vic!"

"Good!" He then started to unbutton his pants, and Kelly stared in shock as he pulled out his penis.

"Vic what are you doing!?" she exclaimed, but covered her mouth and squeaked when she realized she had disobeyed him a third time.

Vic didn't frown, but he still shook his head. He had a scary looking grin on his face. "Oh Kelly, I warned you didn't I? Such a naughty little mouse!" He grabbed her by the arm, pulled her over and bent her over his lap. "Naughty little girls need to be spanked! I'm guessing your parents don't do that enough with you!"

He held her down with one arm while the other started rubbing her butt, ready to strike at any moment. Kelly shook her head frantically. "No please Vic! I'll be good, I won't ask anything else! Let me go!"

He swatted her butt swiftly, and a harsh sting sprang through her body. She whimpered, tears already started to well up.

"You'll just make it worse if you try to argue!" He swatted her ass again, this time a little harder. "And stay quiet! If you're too loud then I'll have to keep going, understand?"

The little mouse girl whimpered and sobbed a little, but took deep, shaky breaths before giving a defeated nod. She braced herself for the next impact, biting her bottom lip.



Each swat made her want to scream, but she did her best to let nothing but small squeaks escape. She clenched her fists as each smack felt even sharper and made her poor little butt sting. She felt something poking at her belly as he spanked her, but she was too preoccupied on the pain and staying quiet to question it much.

She had lost count somewhere at fifteen, but eventually the spankings stopped and he let her go. Kelly panted heavily, sniffing and rubbing tears from her face. Vic helped her back on her feet and she looked at him shamefaced, but apologetic, not saying a word.

Vic still had that evil grin on his face, and she noticed that his penis was now stiff and twitching.

"Alright, ready to move on?"

She nodded her head.

"No more questions?"

She shook her head.

"Good!" He slid his pants off, tossing them haphazardly on top of Kelly's shorts. He spread his legs again and pointed to his penis.

"Ever seen a cock before Kelly?"

She shook her head.

"Well it's your lucky day! You even get to play with one now! Go on, get down here and touch it!"

Shakily, she got on both knees in front of him. She slowly reached up at the pulsing member in front of her hesitating slightly before her small hands lightly clasped the shaft.

"Good girl!" he said with a slight purr. "Now rub it!"

Kelly was confused with such a demand, but she tried the first thing that came to mind; holding it still with one hand while the other gently rubbed up and down the shaft.

Vic gave a slight chuckle, "Good start at least," He leaned back a little with his hands on the log for support. "Try doing that with both hands."

She did, and moments later she heard a deep, rumbling purr starting to build from the Tiger.

"Much better!" he said with a contented sigh. Kelly felt a little better knowing she was at least making him happy. She just hoped she could keep up with his demands. Vic reached over for the bag. Kelly looked over, feeling a little worried at first, but he set it back down after pulling out her old pair of panties. He put them up to his nose and took a big whiff, seeming to enjoy the scent more than she would have ever thought.

She saw something clear starting to leak from the tip of his cock, and it glinted in the little bit of sunlight that penetrated through the gaps of the leaves above. Vic caught her staring and smiled crookedly at her.

"Go on Kelly, lick it up! I'm sure you'll like the taste!"

Things felt weird enough for her just rubbing his penis, which kept pulsing and twitching in her light grip. Not to mention he kept sniffing her underwear. Now he was saying to lick some gross stuff coming out of his cock. She looked up at him hesitantly, but looked back down soon after the scent of it caught her nose. It was a strange smell, but she felt like she had smelled it before. She had smelled something like it after her dad would leave the bathroom sometimes. What she smelled at that moment was much stronger, and somehow wilder.

She didn't want to put her tongue anywhere near it, but the smell of it seemed to make her draw her head closer anyway. More of it started well up as she got closer, and she hadn't realized that she had opened her mouth. She paused with the tip just a few inches away, hesitant to follow through, but the fear of more spankings and possibly worse punishments out-weighed her reluctance. She closed her eyes tight, stuck her tongue out and inched her head forward as she braced herself for what she thought would be a nasty taste.

His cock twitched when her tongue made contact, enough that she almost lost her grip on it. The clear liquid was thicker and more sticky that she expected, and quite salty. To her surprise, it actually tasted good. As soon as she swallowed that small drop she felt herself getting rather hot and tingly, and rather needy. She rubbed his shaft more and lightly touched her lips to his cock head like it was a really big straw, hoping more of that stuff would come out.

Vic gave a delighted growl, lightly petting Kelly between her ears. "Ooooh, very eager for it now aren't you?"

She gave a muffled "Mh-hm" as she suckled lightly on the tip, lapping up every bit of the strangely delicious ooze as it came.

"If you like the taste of my pre I'll bet you'll love what'll come next!"

Vic let her savor the taste for a few moments more while he enjoyed how her tiny hands and mouth worked. As eager as he was to see what her mouth could take, he reined himself in. He thought it would be more fun to see how far the little mouse girl could push herself.

"Try to put the whole cock head in your mouth!"

She looked up at him for a moment as she hungrily lapped at the tip, then slowly tried to fit her mouth around it. Vic dug his claws into the log as she felt her hot mouth wrap around his cock head, resisting the urge to shove her head further down his shaft. The way she kept flicking her tongue around the tip made him wonder if this really was her first time. "Oh very good Kelly!" he purred excitedly as he lightly caressed her face. "Now bob your head up and down. You can go slow, but try to fit in as much of me as you can."

Kelly already had a literal mouthful, but she wanted to please him as much as she could. She slowly started to bob her head. She made very small shifts at first, but eventually got the first few inches in. She gagged a little bit when it touched the back of her throat, but she did her best to compose herself. She shivered gleefully when she heard Vic moan and groan, and she felt herself getting more and more tingly between her thighs.

Vic was impressed with her eagerness, but the fact that she wasn't going further seemed like it was all she thought she could go. She was obviously in need of a little 'help'.

He lightly placed his hand on her head. "You're doing good Kelly, but I know you can do better than that! Let me help!" And with that, he pressed her head down. Kelly suddenly felt his cock head in her throat as half of his length was shoved into her maw. Tears started to well up in her wide eyes again and for a moment she couldn't breathe. She coughed and sputtered in the moment he let her bob her head up, but shoved her back down a moment later. Kelly tightly clutched her hands to her sides as he forced her to take more of his cock little by little. She gasped for air every chance she got, forcing herself not to protest as she felt his length slide further down her throat.

Vic growled ecstatically as he felt himself hilt inside her maw, his balls bouncing on her chin now. He held her down, bucking his hips a little as he relished the felling of such a small mouse-y mouth enveloping his cock. Kelly felt a growing panic in her stomach. She couldn't breathe and he wasn't letting her budge. She wanted to resist, to flail or something in order to get him to pull out, but the fear of being disobedient and a small sense of wanting to please him as much as possible kept her from doing more than twitching in place.

Vic suddenly tensed up and grunted. "Oh, I'm gonna cum Kelly! Get ready for it!"

Kelly was barely able to feel ready for anything, and she was starting to feel faint. She suddenly felt her head shoved all the way down to his crotch and his cock twitching in her throat. Vic grunted loudly and she felt something hot pour down her throat and into her belly in thick spurts. Just before she felt herself slip away he released his grip on her and she jolted her head back. She tried to gasp for air but chocked on the white stuff that coated her throat and was now shooting all over her face, chest and shoulders. She hacked and coughed as she was coated with this new sticky substance while Vic watched and revealed at his massive load covering the little mouse girl.

Kelly recovered after a moment, panting as she took a moment to savor the taste. It seemed saltier and creamier than his pre, and had she not been so close to passing out she would have made an effort to taste more.

Vic admired the scene for a moment, his cock still twitching and rock hard even after such a massive load.

"Mmh, that was very good for your first deepthroat Kelly! You're a natural!"

Kelly wasn't sure how to respond, but she did her best to look up at him with a weak smile, happy to see that she had pleased him.

He tapped his cock on her nose lightly, strands of his remaining seed clinging to them in thin ropes. "Clean me up Kelly. Get a better taste of my cum. I know you enjoyed it!"

She wanted more time to catch her breath, but she did as she was told. She lapped gingerly up and down his shaft until every spot of semen was cleared off, and she couldn't help but moan to herself as she savored it more, noticing a little sweetness with the saltiness of it.

Vic smiled as she finished. "Good girl!" He looked at her soaked top and gave a little chuckle. "Sorry for the mess sweetie! Why not pull your shirt off? You'll feel more comfortable that way."

He was right. Her shirt was so soaked with his cum that it was starting to cling to her and rub her fur in the wrong way. She was a little nervous about getting even more naked in front of him, but she did as she was told. She slipped out if it and placed it on the log next to his pants. Vic eyed her bare, very flat chest.

"No training bra?"

Kelly blushed slightly and looked down at her chest, a little shamefaced. "My mom didn't think I needed one yet. I'm... not as 'gifted' as some of the other girls in my class."

"Give it time Kelly. They'll develop eventually." He reached out and caressed one of her nipples, and she flinched with a little squeak. "Besides, you are very lovely just the way you are!"

She flushed even deeper, shivering and moaning slightly as he toyed with her nipple. She squealed a little when he suddenly picked her up and placed her on his lap. She placed her hands on his chest while he rested his on her shoulders, his still erect cock twitching between them as she straddled him. She looked up at him meekly, and he looked back with that wry smile back on his face. "Very lovely indeed!" he said before pulling her in for a kiss. She gasped as his large tongue forced its way past her lips, pinning and toying with her own. She shivered more violently as she felt his thumbs flick and rub her nipples. Her head started to cloud over from the mix of sensations and the musk that was wafting from between their groins.

One of his hands started to wander over her body, groping her butt and her thigh, his thumb teasing its way to her crotch. She whimpered and squeaked into the kiss as his tongue kept wrestling hers and jumped when his other hand pinched her nipple slightly. He pulled back for a moment, letting a finger gingerly glide over her now sopping wet cunny. It glistened with her juices as he brought it up to her lips, and she suckled on it without a second thought. It tasted very different from his cum, but she found it just as enjoyable and enticing.

He looked at her very encouragingly as his hand trailed back down to her groin. "We'll be moving on to my next favor, but I'm going to need to get you ready for it first. Okay?" She nodded, nervous as to what was coming next, but more eager to see what it was too.

"Okay, now, this may hurt a little, but I'll need you to relax. It will start to feel better faster if you do. Can you do that for me?"

She nodded again. "Yes Vic."

"Good, deep breaths now!"

Difficult as it was, she did her best to take slow, deep breaths as his hand started to rub as her moist folds. He pulled the thong aside, and then rubbed a finger between her lips. She tensed and shivered at the sudden jolts of pleasure, unaware that it would have felt this good.

"Easy, easy!" he cooed in her ear as his finger prodded at her entrance. It took her a few moments, but she started to regain a little composure, and once he felt her relax he slipped the tip in to the first knuckle. She squealed loudly, quickly being stifled by another kiss as he lightly wriggled his finger inside her. He could feel her clenching on it hard, and he pulled away from the kiss once more, shushing her and gently whispering. "It's okay Kelly, take it easy! And try to keep quiet! We don't want to be too noisy."

It was easier said than done. She had never had anything inside her like this before and his finger was bigger than she felt she could handle. She couldn't help but be tense, but his oddly gentle voice and soothing touches slowly made it ebb away. He could feel her clench less and less and soon he was able to inch his way deeper. Before long he was able to get past the second knuckle, and he slowly started to slide it in and out of her.

It was still a little painful, but he was right. The more she tried to relax the better it eventually started to feel. She shuddered and moaned slightly as he kept sliding it in and out, baffled at how good it was feeling. "Oh Vic! It-it feels so good!"

Vic smiled at her. "That's good to hear Kelly. 'Cause now I'm going to slide another finger in. Get ready!"

For a second he pulled out then she felt herself stretch out even further as both digits slid themselves in. She gripped his shoulders as it started to hurt again, but she kept breathing and tried not to clench down as much as before. Pretty soon that started to feel good too, but being this stretched out seemed even better. She shook even more with delight as his fingers kept moving, and she felt something building inside her all of a sudden. "Oh Vic! I-I feel something h-happening!"

The tiger smiled even wider. "Getting close already huh? Well as much as I'd like to finish you off, I think it's best if we moved on. You're ready for my cock now!"

She whimpered pitifully at the sudden emptiness, the odd sensation that had been building up suddenly halted and making her feel more needy. But she dared not complain.

Vic picked her up again and laid her on her back in the soft grass. He slowly slipped the now soaked thong off of her and set them aside, spreading her legs so he could see that glistening, wet cunny all prepped and ready for him.

She looked at him anxiously, then at his throbbing cock as the tip prodded at her little hole. Two of his fingers were one thing, but she felt scared at the thought of his cock inside of her. Vic could sense her fear and lightly caressed her cheek. "Don't worry Kelly, you can take it. Just relax like I told you and it will feel amazing soon."

She just panted shakily, staring at the tiger's massive cock prodding at her little cunny. She shut her eyes and took a few more deep breaths before looking back up at him, still looking nervous but willing to move forward. "Okay Vic, I-I'm ready!"

He nodded.

Slowly he pushed his way in, and Kelly could feel herself being stretched further and further. The head wasn't even in yet, but it was already feeling like too much. She tensed again, and Vic gently petted her and whispered, "Shh, shh, it's okay Kelly, you're doing great! Just a little more and it's in." It was much harder for her to relax this time, and she panted and whimpered as he kept pushing.

With a slight thrust his head popped in, and she gave a choked squeak as she felt the fullness of just his cock head inside her. Tears started welling up again. She felt like she might tear at any moment, no matter what Vic said or did. Vic however was losing himself in her tightness. Her hot little cunny around his cock head was riling him up, and her little squeaks and squeals weren't helping in calming him down either.

He couldn't help but start to thrust, he wanted deeper in her little snatch so badly. Kelly felt stabs of pain as he tried to thrust deeper and she couldn't hold back her protests anymore.

"Please Vic, slow down! You're too big!" But he wasn't listening now. The gentleness he had shown moments before was falling away. He thrusted a little harder, and another inch was forced into her. "Ow! Vic please, it hurts!"

Suddenly a hand firmly grasped around her mouth. "Quiet!" he said rather sternly. "Or I might just try shoving it all in right now!" She whimpered, but kept it as soft as she could for fear of what he might do.

Even if he didn't look it, he really was trying to hold back. Difficult as it was not to just drive himself all the way in, he kept his thrusts measured and waited until he knew she could take more, even if she thought she couldn't. She watched in horror as he inched his way deeper and deeper inside her until it eventually was completely buried. He held himself there for a moment, feeling the warmth around his shaft and the spasms of her nervous clenching.

He looked down at her hungrily and gave a menacing grin. "Now comes the fun part!"

He pulled out slowly, held it for a moment, then slammed himself back in with a wet smack. Kelly squealed into his hand, and again with the second thrust. All she felt was pain shoot through her with every thrust. Vic however felt like he was in heaven. He sped up his thrusts to the point where there were no pauses, slamming into her hard and fast.

Tears were now streaming down her face as he railed her; a feeling of betrayal sweeping over her for a moment. He said it would feel good, but instead it felt like he was about to rip her in half. She couldn't even do anything about it either; just lay there and take it like a rag doll.

But as the minutes passed, the pain started to twinge less and less. The smack of his hips against hers still stung, but it felt like a strangely good sting. The way his cock stretched her pussy felt more enticing after each thrust and the need to be filled by it was stronger by the second. And when the tip hit her just right, there was a new, much more pleasant shock that was sent through her body. Her whimpers and cries turned to moans, and she started to relax and take it much more easily.

Vic noticed the change, releasing the hand on her mouth and grinning at her again. "Told ya it'd feel good didn't I?" He thrust even faster.

Kelly gasped and squeaked, wriggling uncontrollably every time he hit her sweet spot. "Y-yes!" Was all she could muster.

She felt that odd pressure building up in her again, but this time it felt like it was even bigger. "Oh Vic! I-it's hap-happening again... mmf!"

The tiger chuckled. "You're about to have your first orgasm Kelly! Brace yourself!"

She didn't know what to expect or even how to respond, only stifle more moans as the tiger suddenly started rubbing her clit vigorously while he fucked her. The pressure built up even faster, and before she knew it it suddenly hit her like a train. She felt her whole body stiffen suddenly and then then convulse wildly, fighting back a loud squeak as the most intense wave of pleasure she had ever felt overtook her. Vic just kept hammering away at her cunt, her spasms and intense clenching driving him close to the edge as well. He held it back, making sure to keep hers going for as long as possible before he dared shoot one into her. The waves seemed to continue for hours, but eventually her intense spasms subsided, and that was when Vic clutched her hips and gave one last hard thrust. "Oh fuck yes!"

Kelly shuddered and whined weakly, feeling his hot cum flow deep inside her and his cock pulsing with every spurt. Kelly gave a series of other small spasms the more she was filled, hardly believing how much was coming out of him this time.

Eventually Vic relaxed, taking a deep breath and sighing with great relief while Kelly panted heavily underneath him. He slowly pulled himself out and he watched with satisfaction as his cum poured out of her well used pussy.

"Oh my god you did good Kelly! How do you feel?"

The little mouse just panted heavily for a moment, hardly able to move. Eventually, only one word surfaced once her head started to clear. "Sore."

Vic laughed heartily. "Yeah, I might have gone a little over-board there. But I can tell we both enjoyed ourselves."

Kelly smiled weakly. It was true, she did enjoy it, eventually. But it was also the first time she had ever been that scared or in pain. So many new things had happened to her in such a short time and she wasn't sure how to process it, much less say if it was worth it. Even though he acted rather viciously for a short while, Vic still seemed like a nice guy to her. Scary, but nice.

Vic got up and brushed himself off. He moved back over to the log started to slip into his pants, then looked over at her shirt, still soaked in his cum. He grabbed it and used it to clean off his cock, tossing it in her direction when he finished. She sat up and looked at him with a bemused gaze, beginning to retract her thoughts of him still being a nice guy.

He just laughed at her look. "No need to look at me like that! You can rinse your shirt off in a creek just over there." He pointed in the direction opposite the trail. "It's been fun, but I gotta get going. I'll see you later Kelly! You can bet on it!"

That was it. He just walked off, leaving her naked and used, clothes strewn about and a puddle of cum still oozing out of her. More than anything she just felt confused, and just a little miffed. She honestly hoped she would never see him again, but when she looked down at her leaking cunny she started to get rather hot again. Her finger caught the latest drop that oozed out, then she licked it off and suddenly felt an ecstatic shudder go through her. Remembering the feeling of his cock pounding into her and the warmth of his cum deep inside her made her rather anxious and hopeful that they would meet again.

She shook her head, falling back again and feeling pathetic for flip-flopping. Whether she'd miss him or not, this was going to stick out in her mind for quite some time.