A Dip on a Summer Eve

Story by Raal Steelfang on SoFurry

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#10 of Zootopia

Just a little idea.

Gideon Grey sighed contently, his eyes closed, as he snuggled further back against the chest of his boyfriend Allen. The arctic wolf himself was propped up against the trunk of an oak tree, his own eyes closed. Neither the mammals spoke, nor needed to speak, as they were perfectly happy to listen to the chirping of crickets, the rustling of leaves, and the almost imperceptible lapping of pond water against the shore. The chunky fox opened his eyes just enough to take in the lush scenery around them, deeply appreciative of Allen's idea of walking the short path through the woods behind his trailer to the fair-sized pond and making the most of a late lunch by doing it picnic style. A picnic late lunch prepared by him, of course. His love was great at many things, but cooking just wasn't one of them.

After they'd both eaten their fill they moved into their current spot at the base of the tree and they hadn't been able to find any real reason to move from it on that brilliant, breezy summer afternoon. In fact, it wasn't until early evening, the sun starting its final descent on the other side of the small body of water, that the fox felt some stirring from the mammal that'd served as his pillow for a few hours. He grunted as he lifted himself up into a sitting position, allowing the wolf, clad simply in a pair of old cut-off denim shorts and a grey t-shirt, to heave himself up to his feet.

"Doin' ok, baby," the baker asked in his signature rustic accent.

"Sure," he answered, "just thinking of taking a dip in the pond before we head back to your place."

"Oh, ok, Ah didn't think 'bout bringin' any trunks, but Ah could beat cheeks back up ta tha trailer an' grab ya some iff'n ya don't mind wait'n."

"Don't trouble yourself. You said no one else lives around here, right," he asked as he peeled his sweaty shirt off and tossed it onto the blanket.

"That's right, why?"

Instead of answering verbally Allen gave him a sly wink and dropped his shorts right there, fully exposing his nude body to the elements!

Gideon was too in awe of of both the wolf's boldness and his body --his jaw had literally dropped-- to speak as Allen stepped into the cool water, wading out until it was up to his waist. The setting sun backlit him, filtering through his coat so every individual strand of fur had a golden glow. It was a beautiful sight. The fox almost reached for his phone to take a picture before realizing no picture could truly do justice to what he was seeing. Instead he stood up and began disrobing himself, eyes riveted on his lover as the shorts and shirt he'd been wearing found themselves in a crumpled pile next to him. He blushed out of modesty, this being the first time he'd ever been fully nude outside, and dashed into the water almost more out of a need to cover himself with something than a desire to join the wolf.

He waded out to were Allan was floating on his back --the water came halfway up the fox's chest and his paws were barely able to touch the muddy bottom-- and laid a chubby hand on his wet white belly.

"Hi," he said softly.

The wolf straightened up and placed a hand on the chubby fox's shoulder, running the other through his rust-colored headfur.


Gideon felt his cock stir and begin to rise to attention as his boyfriend wrapped his muscular arms around him and drew him into a passionate kiss. He gasped as the wolf's hands travelled down his back and gently squeezed his ample butt cheeks. He could feel the other mammal's own erection poking his round belly under the water as their tongues wrestled back and forth within their maws. Gid broke off the kiss and pressed his face against the fluffy white fur of Allen's neck, moaning lustily as a paw wrapped around his girthy shaft and slowly squeezed and stroked.

The fox gave a little startled cry of displeasure as he felt the warm, strong body take a step back from him and he looked questioningly up at his lover. Allen gave him a smirk and a cheeky wink before inhaling deeply and disappearing down under the surface of the water. Gideon was deeply confused at first before letting out another sharp cry, this one in shock and pleasure, as a hot mouth sucked down the full length of his member; his boyfriend's lips formed a tight seal as he went back and forth on the bright red fox cock, his strong hands kneading his asscheeks.

It wasn't long before the wolf was forced to release his grip and come back up to the surface for air, but despite lasting only 45 seconds or so it'd fully awoken a deep sexual need in Gideon. He launched himself at Allen, wrapping all four of his chunky arms and legs around his strong frame. If it hadn't been for the wolf's stability they'd both have gone under again, but he was able to support his boyfriend's weight. He threw his head back in pleasure as the fox's lips and teeth found every tender spot on his neck and shoulders.

"Baby," Gideon whispered softly into one white, triangular ear, "Ah think Ah'm reddy ta try that thing ya been want'n."

"R-really," he responded with surprise and happiness in equal measure.

The fox took Allen's face in his hands and nodded, small smile on his round, sweet face.

"Let's go back to our spot under the oak," he said, smiling in return.

They made their way back to the spot of their earlier picnic, sloshing through the water hand-in-hand, and Gideon collapsed onto his back, soaking the old blanket they'd been sitting on and not caring at all. The wolf laid on top of him, picking up their make-out session where they'd left it. Their full erections rubbed against each other as Allen played with the chubby fox's pert nipples, tenderly stroking and pinching them with deft fingers. As he lowered himself, kissing a trail down his soft chest and belly, Gideon took the time to mentally prepare for what was about to happen.

Allen got up on his knees between his boyfriend's chunky legs and took hold of his thick cankles, lifting them up; Gideon assisted him by getting a grip on his own meaty thighs and holding them up as well as he could.

Gideon's breathing increased, and not only because of the wolf's talented tongue that was lapping passionately at his exposed pucker. He was a little afraid. The entire time they'd been together Allen had been more than happy to always be the bottom when they had their playtime. The past few weekends they'd shared, however, he admitted he'd been in more of a dominate mood than usual. Allen, being his usual sweet and understanding self, had made it perfectly clear he didn't expect anything of the fox, but he'd appreciate it if he at least thought it over. Well, Gideon had done plenty of thinking and came to a decision; he was going to trying bottoming for a change.

"You ready, baby?"

"As Ah'll e'er be," he answered, voice quivering a tad as he felt the slightly larger mammal bend him a little bit more at the waist and place his thick ankles up on his muscular shoulders.

"Now I'm not gonna lie to you," Allen said, shifting positions slightly so the leaking head of his cock was pressed lightly against Gideon's tender tailhole, "it's gonna hurt at first, but only at first, then it gets sooo much better, I promise!"

"A-ah trust ya, babe, jus' be gen'le."

"Of course."

The fox breathed in sharply, his eyes clamped tightly shut, as Allen slowly pushed in, his cock trying to break through the virgin hole. Gideon tried to relax as much as he could, but it was still slow and painful goings. He cried out, his claws digging into the wolf's back, when his cockhead finally popped past outer ring of muscle. He writhed about under his boyfriend, the discomfort clear on his sweating face, every muscle in his body tense and stiff despite his best efforts.

"Gideon, baby," the wolf grunted, both his hands moving up to cradle the baker's fluffy cheeks, "open your eyes. Can you do that for me baby, can you open your eyes and look at me?"

The fox used every ounce of will he had and forced his deep blue eyes open, blinking the tears that were blurring his vision away. He looked up into Allen's pale eyes, his smile beaming down at him, and suddenly felt the tension in his body ease. He returned the smile as he finally relaxed fully, the rest of the wolf's length sliding in with relative ease until he was buried to the root inside his chubby ass.

Gideon's tongue lolled out the side of his open maw and his claws dug into the wolf's back once more --this time in pleasure rather than pain-- as Allen thrust in and out of his newly-deflowered tailhole, slowly at first but gradually gaining in speed. The fox released cry after cry of euphoria, his brain swimming in endorphins, as the entire length of the white-furred mammal's member stroked and applied pressure to his prostate. Gideon had heard about how intense direct stimulation to that particular gland was, but nothing he'd heard or read could've possibly prepared him! It was like every amazing experience, physical, mental, and emotional, he'd ever had all rolled into one.

He was so wrapped up in the brand new sensations inside him he didn't even realize Allen had been pumping his own stout cock in one experienced paw in time with his thrusts until he was racing towards ejaculation. He screamed out the wolf's name to the treetops above as the best orgasm of his life racked his body, tremors moving throughout him from his ears down to his stubby toes. Every fiber of every muscle in his body clamped tight once again, including those in his pelvic region, making the already tight fit for Allen even tighter.

The sudden clenching cinched him in and forced out the orgasm he'd been trying to hold off. He howled out into the still, quiet early night as he coated his boyfriend's insides with his seed. He collapsed in a heap on top of Gideon, panting heavily; he'd forgotten just how exhausting being the top was! Once he'd gotten some semblance of his normal breathing pattern back he tenderly kissed the fox's chubby cheek and began to slide out of him as slowly and gently as possible, not wanting to jostle him around to much. He chuckled softly to himself as he noticed those thick legs that were still wrapped around him didn't seem to want to let him go. He extricated himself from their grip, gently laying them flat on the ground and lowered himself onto his side facing the fox, resting a strong paw on his fluffy white chest and rubbing softly.

Gideon cooed softly as his boyfriend ruffled his chest fur, looking straight up at the sky. A light breeze was blowing, keeping them nice and cool thanks to their still-wet fur. The sun had fully set, but the moon was full and bathed them and their surroundings in pale light, and lightning bugs danced their strange, glittering dance in the canopy of the trees. Everything was just so, so...


"Hmm, what was that, baby?"

Gideon turned his head to see his boyfriend looking quizzically at him.

"Ah said this moment, e'erythang, is perfect." He reached a hand up and stroked under the wolf's chin.

"I think so, too," Allen said. "In fact, I think every second I'm with you is perfect, and...can I talk to you about something?"

"Well a course, baby, what's wrong?"

"The only thing that's wrong," he said, propping himself up on his elbow, "is that we only see each other on weekends. It kills me not to see you every day! I want you to be the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see in the morning. Gideon, what do you think about moving in together?"

The fox hauled his bulk into a sitting position and faced the wolf, his fingers twiddling.

"R-really? Y-ya really w-wanna live with me?"

"Of course, baby!" The wolf sat up so they were both facing each other, reaching out and taking his hands into his own. "The only real question is where. I would never ask you to leave Bunny Burrow, but on the other paw I don't think I could really make a living here, so I think I've found a compromise! What if we alternate? We could stay in Zootopia for a couple weeks, then come here for a couple weeks. You own your trailer, so that's taken care of, and my apartment is cheap enough that I could keep possession of that. But I'm kinda hogging this conversation; what do you think?"

"Ah think ya've given this alotta thought! An' Ah think yer right. Make's plenty a sense ta me ta live here an' there. Let's git back ta tha trailer an' we can talk 'bout tha details."

"Is that a yes to living together," he asked, his face bright with excitement.

Gideon leaned forward until their lips met and kissed him deeply. "Yes!"