Kovu's Family Fucking Celebration

Story by GerboiseBleu on SoFurry

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Now that Kovu is married to Kiara, he gets to partake in Kiara's family fucking celebration they do every full moon. Kovu's wedding night now had three lionesses to fuck.

Kovu had just been married to Kiara. After a long struggle to earn everyone's trust and to heal the divisions between the lions, he was finally married to the love of his life. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with her. Frankly he couldn't wait to spend the nights in bed with her either, but that was just a perk as far as he was concerned. Ok, it was a big perk. A newly married lion can look forward to sex can't he?

Speaking of Kiara: "Hey hon~" said Kiara as she put her hands on his shoulder and rested her chin. As usual she had such a cute look on her face. "I forgot to tell you, I know tonight's our first night being married but our wedding happened to have coincided on a very special night for my family." So much for first-night sex. Oh well, what's a few more hours? Morning sex could be nice.

"Oh ok," Kovu responded, "What is it?"

"Well," began Kiara with a very slight blush, "You'll see. But needless to say it's important and I want you to be there." She then kissed him spreading her slight blush to Kovu. Kovu smiled and nuzzled her.

"Sure thing Kiara," he affirmed, "I'll be there." How could he say no? When it was time he went with his wife to the palace. He'd be living there now that Kiara would be co-ruling the kingdom with her father Simba, but he still was not used to how amazing it was. So many rooms, art, and décor. It was definitely good to be king. The two zebra guards standing guard in one area then saw them and saluted as they both walked by. Kovu saluted back then continued following Kiara. They arrived at a large room that appeared to be part bedroom, part lounge, and part kitchen. The bed was huge, there were two steps going across the room halfway to sink into an area with couches and chairs. Then there was a mini kitchen next to it.

"Hello you two," called Simba with a smile, "Glad you could make it."

"Well you know I wouldn't miss this, daddy," giggled Kiara as she took a seat on one of the couches. Kovu smiled and sat next to her. Next to Simba was naturally his wife Nala and then Sarabi sat comfortably on another. Even Kiara's younger brother Kion was sitting with them, looking oddly excited. Kovu was a bit surprised Kion's girlfriend Fuli wasn't with him but that didn't matter he supposed.

"Kovu," began Simba, "Now that you're married to Kiara you're an official part of our family. Which means there's a very special thing you'll be a part of from now on." This intrigued Kovu a bit. "You see, the circle of life is very important." Nevermind. Kovu now figured it was just going to be a dumb philosophical speech about how they need to make sure the circle of life is balanced or something. "So important that there's a ritual we do in our family that's been occurring for over 50 generations. Every night there's supposed to be a full moon, so about once a month give or take, all official members of the family gather in the palace and promote what it means to be a part of the circle of life." Kovu was trying not to look bored, and he actually pulled that off well. Living with his crazy adopted mother Zira taught him how to pretend to be excited. "We do that by emphasizing how we're all close to each other, how we're all connected, and the best way to do that is through sex." Kovu got startled with that random turn. Sex?

"What do you mean Simba?" he asked, almost a bit worried. Kiara blushed and giggled while leaning on him. Kovu instinctively put his arm around Kiara but was still unsure of what Simba meant. Kion was grinning and Kovu noticed he was beginning to get a boner.

"It means everytime we meet like this, we have an orgy," clarified Simba with a lustful smile. Kiara grinned excitedly and kissed Kovu. "Simply, we make sure that we get to have fun with all of the ladies present and that they get to have fun with us." Admittedly Nala was also quite a hot lioness. Even Sarabi despite her being old enough to be his grandmother still looked gorgeous. No wonder Kion was so excited, but an incestuous orgy? Well at least for him, he got to fuck three random women who weren't related to him. That'd be nice.

"So you've been doing this every full moon?!?" asked Kovu, still not quite believing the situation. They all nodded.

"Don't you wanna see Kiara fuck her daddy?~" cooed Kiara in a voice that caused Kovu's dick to throb a bit. He blushed and nodded his head. "Good~" Kiara kissed him and then began taking off her clothes. Kovu blushed as she eventually revealed, at long last, her beautiful breasts. Her pussy also looked amazing and quickly made him very hard. When he looked up, everyone was also stripping.

"Well," urged Sarabi while giving him quite a seductive stare, "Don't be shy pretty boy. Show us what you got." Kion put his arm behind Sarabi and caressed her down to her ass. Sarabi smiled at Kion then kissed him. Kovu finally obliged and took off his clothes. To every lady's excitement, especially Kiara's, he revealed a muscular figure with perfect pecs, abs, arms, and legs. All of the running in his life, all of his training when he originally had plans to kill Simba, made sure he was of perfect physical condition. At least it was still paying off, and in a much better way. His hard cock was also well endowed, at least Kovu figured it was based off of the looks all three women were giving.

"Well I'd certainly love to be the first to welcome Kovu into our family~" cooed Nala as she got on her knees and began her hand-work on his cock. Kovu moaned slightly and looked at Kiara, still feeling weird along with his excitement. He almost wondered if he needed her approval or something since they just got married.

"Looking good babe~" complimented Kiara. She then sat next to Simba and bit her lower lip as she began masturbating. Kovu smiled and blushed, glad his wife was enjoying the view. Kovu then figured that was enough of an approval to where he could fully relax himself and enjoy what was coming. He stroked Nala's head and ears, causing her to blush. She then kissed his cock's tip, sending a pleasurable sensation to his nerves. She then licked it, causing Kovu to shudder in delight. The Nala began sucking his cock and coursing back and forth. She fingered herself and made several noises of pleasure. Kovu panted as she kept giving him his first blow job. He didn't expect it wouldn't be Kiara giving it but all the same it was more than he could have hoped for. He eventually could tell he was about to cum any minute. He pressed Nala's head to where she'd take up all of his cock as he grunted and came a large load down her throat. Nala blushed and happily took it all.

"You're really gifted at this Kovu~" sighed Nala lovingly as she licked her lips. Kovu blushed and grinned at the compliment. He looked at Kiara who by this point was being fingered by Simba. She was moaning with her tongue drooping out her mouth slightly. Clearly she was in her own state of pleasure, not even aware of anything else. Kovu began fapping as he watched the scene.

"Is daddy's favorite play thing ready for a big cock?~" asked Simba lustfully. Kiara lovingly nodded, emitting a noise of pleasure rather than words. Simba then smirked and spread her legs apart. He got in between them, him standing in front of his daughter relaxing on the couch. He then fucked her, instantly hard and fast. Both lions moaned with each thrust. Kovu was drooling and kept fapping before he got a tap on the shoulder. He looked over to see a very amused Nala.

"Hey now," she giggled, "Don't be too distracted, you'll be seeing stuff like that all night. Why don't you try that with me?" She took his hand and placed it on her breasts. Kovu realized where Kiara got her breasts from, noticing they're practically identical to Nala's. He grinned and began playing with them. Remembering he had a lioness to satisfy, he then licked the nipples, unleashing a soft yet loving moan from Nala. He fingered her, trying to copy what he saw Simba do to his wife, and Nala moaned louder. He then held Nala against a wall and spread her legs so he could finally lose his virginity. He fucked Simba's wife and every second felt like silky wet bliss. Nala's face almost looked like Kiara's from earlier, showing a satisfaction that in turn made Kovu feel satisfied. As he kept going he could tell Nala was getting wetter in her caverns, which only helped him go faster.

"Sh-should I cum inside you?" asked Kovu, now realizing he might not want to impregnate Simba's wife. Nala drooled and nodded.

"I-I'm yours for you to do h-however you please~" moaned Nala. Kovu began to wonder if she was even in a proper state of mind to answer his question. He suddenly heared a loving scream and a roar and saw Simba and Kiara climax. Simba came inside Kiara then panted in unison with his daughter. Kovu took that to mean he could do the same. He grunted and then came inside Nala. Nala climaxed shortly after. She was then let down to relax on the couch and she felt his chest.

"Wow Kovu~" she panted, "That was great~" She then took a hand to his cheek and stroked it. Lions couldn't purr, but clearly Nala would be purring if she could. Kovu blushed and lovingly stared at Nala. They both then pressed their lips together, kissing a few times before relaxing on the couch. "Now let's see how Kion's doing with mom." She giggles and relaxes on him. He held her close as if she were Kiara and also watched. Kion was going nuts inside Sarabi, naturally like any male teen would with the opportunity. Both were panting at the fast sex before Kovu climaxed. Kion couldn't quite roar like Simba could, but it was good enough for his age. Sarabi chuckled to herself, glad the boy was enjoying the fun as usual.

"Damn grandma you're so sexy~" complimented Kion. Sarabi blushed and kissed him on the cheek.

"Well I have had years of experience Kion," explained Sarabi as she stroked her grandson's cock. Kion grinned and caressed her sides. Kovu chuckled then saw Sarabi get up. "Well since Kovu is done we can switch with them."

"Mama fucking time!" said Kion as he ran over to Nala and kissed her. Nala giggled and kissed him back. "Alright slut open that mouth of yours!" Kovu was surprised by Kion's sudden burst of authority over his own mom. Nala blushed and did so. Kion then did the same and pressed his open mouth against his mother's. They kissed again but backed away with their tongues gliding against each other. He then cupped Nala's left breast and pressed his mouth again, their tongues having met together before their lips did. Their tongues wrestled as they got into quite the French kiss. They both stroked each other's genitals while refusing to let up.

Sarabi then sat next to Kovu and rubbed his legs. Kovu smiled at Sarabi seductively and grabbed her breasts without thought. Seeing how Kion and Simba got away with more blunt moves, he felt confident he could get away with that. Sarabi confirmed him by lovingly stroking his chest and sides before kissing him. Kovu closed his eyes and french kissed Sarabi. While Kion's style was clearly young excitement and speed, Sarabi's age gave her a style of slow yet precise. She knew how to give a perfect tongue kiss. Kovu kept his eyes shut and followed Sarabi's tongue with his for what felt like minutes. Kovu fingered Sarabi and expressed his delight with a soft moan. Kovu could still hear Simba and Kiara, clearly in a second round.

"You want daddy's seed, slut?" he asked with a grunt.

"YES DADDY PLEASE~" begged Kiara in between her moans. Eventually they both climaxed again. Kiara's slutty attitude was certainly keeping Kovu turned on. Of course Sarabi was doing a good job with that too. Sarabi eventually broke their kiss, showing a string of saliva between them.

"I can tell you're also enjoying Simba and Kiara's show," noticed Sarabi. Kovu blushed and chuckled.

"Sorry," he apologized, "You're still amazing, don't get me wrong, but that is my wife over there." Sarabi laughed and sat back on the couch.

"Kovu you don't need to apologize," clarified Sarabi, "I feel the same way about Simba. My son is such a good fuck that even watching him turns me on, remembering every session we've had together."

"That good, huh?" asked Kovu with a chuckle.

"He's even better than Mufasa was," confirmed Sarabi, "There's a reason why us ladies are so slutty. We were raised with this tradition and taught that to embrace the circle of life we needed to embrace the sex with all of our love and mind." She began fingering herself. "Acting slutty we were told would give us amazing sex. Simba has kept proving us that over and over. Frankly he's the only one who's gotten me to climax."

"Not even Mufasa could?" asked Kovu rather surprised.

"Nope," she shook her head, "Nala and Kiara are easy to get to climax but I'm not. But I loved Mufasa so that didn't matter too much. But for my son, the only lion who's gotten me to cum, I'll always be a slut for him. Same with Nala being a slut. He's taught Kiara sluttiness since she started joining us and she knows practically nothing else. Simba's our sexual master." That made Kovu extra hard imagining that. It also explained why Kion keeps acting with such authority. He looked over and saw him fucking Nala.

"F-faster, master~" moaned Nala as her own son grinned and kept pounding.

"That's right slut, keep taking it!" responded Kion as he caressed Nala's sides. Kovu hoped after a few sessions he'd be enough of a family member to be called master as well. He looked at Sarabi, still masturbating at Simba and Kiara, and smirked. He was determined to get Sarabi to climax. He walked over to Sarabi and laid her on her side. Sarabi excitedly looked at him.

"Th-this is a nice unexpected move~" she cooed. Kovu smiled and lifted one of Sarabi's leg and rested it on his shoulder. He then slid his hard cock inside her pussy. He fucked Sarabi as hard as he could then remembered Sarabi's french kissing. He realized he needed to be precise rather than simply fast. He then adjusted himself slightly to fuck her in a pattern that brought a look of surprise to Sarabi's face. She moaned and looked at him lovingly. "Th-that feels great Kovu~" Kovu merely keeps at it, speeding up slowly, giving Sarabi several surprised gasps and moans.

"Then keep enjoying it slut," ordered Kovu. Sarabi blushed and kept moaning louder. Kovu could feel that her pussy was growing wetter.

"K-Kovu, I think I might actually--Oh Kovu~" moaned Sarabi, panting more and more. Kovu excitedly kept at it. "K-Kovu~ S-sim--" Simba? Well that surely meant he was doing a good job. "M-MASTER!~" Sarabi suddenly squirted her pussy's juices shortly before Kovu roared and came inside her. Everyone looked up in surprise.

"Good job Kovu!" called Simba with a grin as he now had his hands around his own wife, "You actually got her to climax!"

"Go babe go!" echoed Kiara with a grin as she was giving her brother a hand job. Kion not seeming to care simply grabbed Kiara's breast and suckled on her nipple, causing Kiara to moan and lovingly sink on the couch. Kovu chuckled and then pulled out of Sarabi. Sarabi laid down on the ground then turned around.

"Th-that was stunning Kovu~" said Sarabi as she grabbed his cock and began licking it clean out of thankfulness. Kovu moaned and caressed Sarabi's head. As usual her experience paid off and each lick was precisely done, which pleased Kovu very much. After a nice blowjob Sarabi licked her lips and elegantly posed on the couch to wait for the next family member. Kovu smirked then looked at his wife. Kiara was riding Kion's cock and sexily keeping her arms behind her to show off her breasts. Kion moaned and played with her breasts with one hand while the other rubbed Kiara's ass.

"You're such a slutty sister, aren't ya?" asked Kion, who clearly used this moment to lord over his older sister, something that any younger brother would love to do.

"Y-yes Kion~" affirmed Kiara, not calling him master. Kovu guessed that some things couldn't always overcome sibling rivalry. Kion came inside Kiara and panted. Kovu finally decided it was his turn to fuck his wife. He walked over to Kiara and kissed her, rubbing his erect cock alongside her ass cheeks. Kiara blushed and lovingly stared back at him.

"It's about time you fucked your real master, wouldn't you say Kiara?" asked Kovu seductively. Kiara made a random cute noise to express her lustful delight that her sexy husband was finally gonna fuck her rubbed his chest.

"Yes, master~" she affirmed. Kovu had her get on her hands and knees and got behind her. The anticipation was turning both of them on. But Kovu decided to fuck his wife's ass, which surprised Kiara. She gasped with her eyes widened as Kovu's cock thrusted up her ass. She got so wet in her pussy that it was visible. "H-harder Master~" Kovu grinned and sped up, causing the thrusting to make loud slaps as their bodies clashed. Kiara began drooling, reaching a level of sexual euphoria only her father had given her before. Kovu grunted as he kept going, but Kiara's tight ass began making it difficult.

"Alright you slut it's time to take your husband's cum," said Kovu as he leaned forward to her ears. Kiara lovingly shuddered and kept moaning from the pleasure. Kovu eventually did a final thust as hard as he could. He unleashed his seed in her ass and a lot of it ended up coming out. He then put a finger up Kiara's pussy, which couldn't hold on any longer either and squirted her own cum. Kiara moaned as loud as she could then sank to the floor. He pulled out, which caused a dripping of cum out of her ass.

"Good job, slut," complimented Kovu to his wife, "You've made your master proud and satisfied." He then kissed her. Kiara kissed him back and panted. Kiara then rolled over to sit down and relax. Nala sat down on Kiara's other side and held her hand.

"Oh Kiara I'm so proud of you!" she congratulated, "I always knew my daughter would get an excellent master."

"Thanks mom!" said Kiara with a smile. Then both without thought embraced their open-mouthed lips for a french kiss.

"Mmmm~" was what they both hummed back and forth as each tongue kept caressing the other. Then they both grabbed each other's breasts lovingly, then fingered each other. As if they were the most intimate lesbian couple, they instinctually pleased each other's bodies, and all over a simple congratulations. Kovu thought the sight was the sexiest he'd ever seen. He fapped to it, not being able to take his eyes off of it. Kion and Simba also fapped too. Sarabi fingered herself while enjoying the show as well. Eventually the mother and daughter broke their intimate sexual bonding then saw the boys fapping. They gave each other an amused look.

"Well Kiara we better satisfy the masters again," playfully suggested Nala as she got on her knees in the middle of the three males. Kiara nodded and did the same, kneeling next to Nala. Kiara gently grabbed Kion and Kovu's cocks, giving them nice hand jobs. Nala did the same for Simba then used her other hand to fondle Kovu's ballsack. All three men lustfully grinned as eventually all three came within seconds of each other, squirting hot cum all over the two lionesses. Kiara and Nala opened their mouthes and took most of it in, but a lot of it still remained on their faces. They then began licking each other clean.

"That's my good sluts," said Simba before grabbing his mother and then making out with her. Simba fucked Sarabi at the same time and they both moaned in delight. After licking each other clean, Nala and Kiara then got back on their hands and knees, having decided to both lick Kovu's cock.

"D-damn you two sluts still want more?~" asked Kovu playfully as he caressed both lionesses' ears.

"We just want to please the masters~" they both affirmed as they lovingly stared into his eyes.

"Very well," nodding Kovu, "Keep licking then. Kion took Nala's displayed butt and began fucking it, causing her to moan more. Kovu couldn't believe what an amazing night it had been. With any luck he'd be able to fuck these sluts even outside of ritual time. "It's good to be the king."