Gemini Ties: Candy Maid

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#34 of Writings

A Commission for electricspark

Electric Spark and Sweet Voltage are on a new job for a candy store, however, it may not go as smoothly as they planned.

For the first installment, go here

For the third installment, go here

It'd been around two years since both Electric Spark and Sweet Voltage moved out of Ponyville and into Ranchtown, and they wouldn't change it for the world. They had moved into an old apartment for a while, but after a while, they made enough coin to get their own shop, which luckily had a living area right above it. The shop was nothing real glamorous, it had the essentials they needed for repairs. Before long, they had all of the tools for basically any repair job they would run into. They put up weird signs, and posters for their favorite bands. Before long, they even had a payment system for the repair jobs, depending on the hours they would need to put in or the difficulty.

While having the living area upstairs was nice, it more or less turned into a work area in its own right. There was a table dedicated to finished work, and even workbenches with certain equipment they didn't even have downstairs. They agreed to keep as much stuff out of their own bedroom as they could, give or take a few gadgets that they liked to tinker with.

A lot had changed, but for the better as far as they saw it. They still visited their parents on occasion, but for the most part, they kept their distance. The twin unicorn ponies also agreed to keep their... unique relationship hidden from others for obvious reasons.

Spark sat at their workbench in their common area, working on one of their more major projects. Apparently the woodwork factory downtown had a machine that continuously broke, and it was always one key component. It was an especially tricky lever, one with three rows of gears that worked in combination with the machine itself. It could turn trees into rows of boards in no time, but the upkeep was becoming tricky. They finally decided to stop buying new parts for it, and needed it repaired.

The young unicorn opened it and saw for himself, this was not going to be a trot through the park. The gears were ridiculously complexed, and the only handbook they had for it was an amateur-made notebook that had some helpful tidbits on how the gears were placed, but they did very little in the ways of how to put them in correctly. It was a puzzle that Spark was spending hours on, and the factory promised a handsome payment.

Of course, this whole repair job would be going far more smoothly if it were not for the pretty pink pussy directly above his line of sight. Voltage was in a crab stance on top of the workbench table, her hands behind her and her hooves planted firmly on top of the wooden surface. Every once in a while she would lightly pump her hips up and down a little bit.

"Ah, you looked." She smiled at him.

"Did not." He said as he fit another sprocket into the little metal box. "You know, from a safety point of view, you're out of regulation."

"Did you want me to go?" Voltage put on a pouty face and tilted her head to the side.

"Didn't say that." His eyes very quickly looked up and back down.

"Ah ha! You looked!" The orange furred, naked unicorn laughed as he cringed. She was right, he could not deny it this time. "Now lick." She stuck her tongue out at him.

He rolled his eyes at her, and stood forward a bit. With a longish tongue, Spark gave Voltage's little quim a full on lick. His tip started down at the bottom, and his whole tongue slicked its way to the very top, where her slightly swollen clitoris was. She gasped, and bit her lower lip, stifling a moan. Spark grinned at her as he sat back down in his seat. Before he could even pick up a tool to work on, the bell downstairs signified that someone walked into the shop.

Both of their eyes brightened up, and he was quick to jump up off his chair. His knee nicked the edge of the table, causing it to shake.

"Whoa-oa!!" Voltage struggled to keep balance as she tried to get off the table and get her clothes. "Hey! Watch it!"

Clad in his dirty red t-shirt and jeans, Spark ran to the metal stairs, went down four steps and jumped over the railing, down to the floor with a harsh landing that people always seem to think would hurt him. At this point, he barely noticed the impact on his hooves.

"Welcome to Gemini Ties Repair Shop!" He said this as he looked at their prospective customer, and his eyes widened a bit.

The mare that walked inside their shop was one of the finer specimens he'd seen in Ranchtown. She was a gorgeous unicorn, with a creamy white fur all over her, and her hair was a rainbow barrage of pink, blue, and purple. She had a very curvy body, and some of the biggest tits he'd seen in a while.

"Can I, um, help you?" He said as he walked over to the counter and hopped over it to the other side.

She smiled, and waved at him. "Hello, I was wondering if you could help me with a machine I need fixing." She rubbed her arm, and looked off to the side.

"Well, that's what we do here." He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong?"

"Hmm? Oh, no, I'm just so nervous for my shop. You see, I own a candy store, and I make my own little treats. The machine that broke is more or less the backbone of all of my products. If I can't make the candy shell, then I'll run out of inventory by next week."

In a move that surprised him, she came up to him and put her hands on either side of his muzzle. She smooshed the front of his lips together with her hands and began to rub his face.

"Please, I need your help right away, or I'm going to lose my shop." She began to tear up, and looked down at him with just the biggest puppy eyes that almost made his heart melt. Her hands ran over his face, and his mane and his brow.

"Umm, yeah well--" He was interrupted as the mare pulled his face into her voluptuous buxom. Her breasts, clothed in a small, tight top striped in red and white, like a peppermint. Her breasts squished all over his face, and he felt every soft, pillow-like quality.

"Aherm!" They heard a very loud throat clearing by the stairs, and both of them looked to see Voltage walking in from the stairs. "Hi, I'm Sweet Voltage, and the guy in your boobs is my twin brother, Electric Spark."

The mare looked down between her breasts at the stallion, and he waved.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Muffled between her tits.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She released him and he blinked a few times. "My name is Pop Candy, and I own Candy Pop Shop in the middle of town. My candy shell machine broke down, and it is literally the center of my entire store's production. I could put shells on each individual candy by hand, but that would take days! My shop is already barely keeping afloat by itself. If it's not repaired soon, I'll go under for sure!"

Her eyes became wobbly, and her fingers intertwined in front of her muzzle as her lips began to curl into a twisted frown, barely keeping from crying.

"Well, then I guess we better get started." Sweet Voltage said as she walked over to the counter, and with her shortest jean shorts she leaned her whole body over the counter, giving Candy a very good look at her ass cheeks.

"Oh, oh my." Candy blushed and saw that both of them had grabbed their toolboxes.

"We'll close up shop until it gets done." Spark said as he grabbed his goggles from the countertop and put them on his forehead.

"You will?!" Candy's face suddenly brightened up with a smile as she started jogging in place with a slight slouch to her upper body. "Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!"

Both of the twins gave her an eyebrow raise as they walked out of the shop and put up the BRB sign, and locked it with the magic of Voltage's horn. Through the whole walk to Candy's store, she was jumping up and down beside them saying thank you. It was a pretty long walk, and after a while, both of their brows furrowed as they looked at her.

"You're welcome." Spark finally said after a good twenty minutes. Then he grabbed Candy by both of her shoulders and turned her toward her left. "We're here."

She looked to see her sign "Candy Pop Shop" with the round red and white pepper mint on all of the "O"s and the swirling red underlines that looked like strawberry syrup streaming over the sign's bottom. Candy unlocked the door and let them in. She had a good portion of her store laid out like anyone would think a candy store would be. There were whole rainbows of hard candy, gumballs and pasties lined up in glass cases. In the corner of the store, there was a soft serve frozen yogurt machine, with lots of little sprinkles and other candies to put in the ice cream. There was even a display for liquorice and taffy, as well as an entire section for chocolate that was close to the cash register.

Both of the twins looked around at all of the displayed sweets, and already they found about four or five things they wanted. Their eyes brightened up at the jawbreakers, and the chocolate bars that were lined up the wall in long rows. The tiles were white and red checkered in big squares like a chessboard.

The candy mare smiled at their reaction, but kept walking to the door set adjacent to the entrance. She walked into the back, where she had flour bags, candy syrup in gigantic dispensers, as well as machinery that both cooked, mixed, and shaped her little treats. Beyond that was entire shelves full of ingredients, pure chocolate, vanilla extract, pure mint oil, and the list went on.

"This is it right here." Candy showed them the tall machine, which had baking sheets with little holes in it, where she put the smaller candies. It could be changed out for different shapes, depending on what she was making. It looked somewhat complicated, both Spark and Voltage were already scanning it over. The motors and the dispensers were set up much like an assembly line would do it, but thankfully it was a bit simpler than that. "It's turning on, but it's not... umm... going, if that makes sense."

"Yeah, we'll have to disassemble it a little bit. I take it it doesn't have a handbook?" Spark asked, fairly certain he knew the answer to that.

"Well, about that... I may have misplaced it a year or two ago." She blushed and rubbed her left arm as she gave him a smile. "Sorry."

"Oh, it's not a big deal, that's why we're here, after all." Voltage said as she took the cooking pan off of it and set it to the side. Then she tried to open the hatch to the engine, which was tabbed shut by something about not opening, and a warranty or something like that. She got out her box cutter and sliced the sticker off to open it.

As the twins began to dismantle it piece by piece, Candy noticed herself twiddling her thumbs, and getting her palms somewhat sweaty. She cringed as they began to get out the wires and circuits that made it work. The mare put two finger in her mouth and chewed on her nails.

Spark and Voltage looked at one another, then back at her. "Are you alright?" Spark asked.

"Oh! I'm okay, I just... you know... need that machine, and I don't want anything bad to happen to it." Then there came a clattering as Spark removed another panel from the tall, flat machine, and noticed some axles and moving parts. The noise caused Candy to cover her mouth and yelp in surprise.

Both twins, once again, looked at one another then scowled at Candy, who started to back away.

"You know what? I'll just... go out to the market and get you some apples and oat burgers for lunch. How about that?"

This made them both smile and nod.

She fumbled around to get her purse from the counter, and walked toward the door. "I'll be back in a little bit!" She waved at them, and they both waved at her. Then as she left, they began to get into the axles and metal moving parts.

"Wow, it looks like she's used this thing a million times, but never bothered to lubricate the rotators. Look at this rust." He said as he got out his wire brush and started scratching it all over the brown, degrading metal. He added some cleaning lubricant, but it was shaving off more and more to reveal more damage. "Wow, this part's gonna need to be replaced, for sure. It's almost rusted through the metal. How old is this thing?"

"Yeah, I'm wondering that too, because the copper wires are barely responding to the multimeter." She said, turning the little hand held machine's dial and trying to touch the metal prongs on either side of bare wire. She didn't make the wires bare, they were already bare to begin with. "Yeah, definitely going to need some wire work, axle work, metal work. It may just be cheaper to buy a whole new machine."

"Yeah, probably." Then he got a grin. "But it wouldn't be as fun."

The two of them got face to face.

"Exactly..." Her grin matched his.

So many worries ran through Candy's head as she walked back from the marketplace. She held a bag with a few apples, and another bag with the oat burgers she promised, but she wasn't even sure if it would help her situation at all. The stress of opening the shop was bad enough, but now all of that work seemed to be hanging on by a thread. She looked up to see Fable Pros, a young pegasus pony that worked at the library down the street. The red furred stallion waved back.

"Hey, Candy, why is your store closed? Is something wrong? I was gonna drop by to get one of those new pastries." He said, brushing his black mane from his eyes.

"Oh! No, Fable. I was just needing a few repairs done. I'll be back at it in a little bit." She smiled and waved his worries away. "If you want, I can make you one real fast."

"No can do right this minute, I've gotta get to work." Fable smiled. "But thank you, that really is 'sweet' of you, Candy."

His pun went over her head as they passed by one another. "Okay, well I'll probably be open tomorrow. Have a nice day at the library!" They waved at one another and she approached her shop with her key in hand. As she was about to unlock the door, she paused.

"Oh! Sweet!" She started laughing. "Ooohhh, I love puns." She unlocked the door and went inside.

She closed the door and was about to say something. What she saw in the back room made her drop everything in her hands.

Electric Spark bent Voltage over, with her hands on the machine as she replaced a wire in the connector. His cock was balls deep inside of her, both of them completely naked and sweaty. She was concentrating as hard as she possibly could, angling the new prong into the connector with a brand new wire.

"Come on, Volt! Get it in there!" He was humping her, and panting as if he'd been pushing against her vagina at the same speed for a while now. "Don't lose focus!"

"Shut up, Spark! It's a little hard with you pounding my pussy like a fucking train tunnel!" She tried once again to get the very tiny wire into the connector, but the hole was small, even for a wire to fit through. She bent the prong on the wire as she pushed it. "Fuck!"

"What do you think I'm doing?" He banged her a few times, making her yelp with pleasure.

"Errr! Fuck you! I'm not giving---" Then she dropped both items as she noticed Candy from the corner of her eye, and as she stopped, Spark stopped. Both of them looked at the mare whose eyes were as wide as they were getting, and her hands over her mouth.

Everyone froze, his cock was still all the way deep inside of Voltage's cunt, and she was still dripping sweat.

"Ummm..." Voltage popped her back in such an uncomfortable position. "Welcome back?"

"Incest?" Candy asked, looking at them both as they nodded. They sat around the table in the back room where she made handcrafted creations. "You two are incestuous twins?"

"Twincest." They said in sync. Both of them munched on the oat burgers she brought over. They put on their underwear, but that's about all they could do as Candy almost fainted at her own doorstep. Voltage didn't even bother putting on a bra, it was a bit useless at this point.

"But... you... I... But..." She stifled for something to say, until Voltage finally gave her an apple and patted her shoulder.

"Look, we're sorry we got riled up in your shop, we really didn't mean to. It's just... something that makes work more fun." The twins smiled at one another. "But we certainly didn't mean for you to get caught up in it."

"But how long has this been going?" She looked at the two of them.

"Ummmm... four? Five years, maybe?" Voltage thought for a moment, and looked at Spark, who shrugged and took the last bite of his burger.

"Yeah, it's part of the reason why we decided to move in together. That, and we just really wanted to open up a repair shop."

"How did it start?" Candy asked, and both of their eyes widened.

"Well..." Both of them thought back to the industrial dryer, catching one another naked more than once, the night when Voltage first tasted Spark's cock, and the shower. "It's a long story." Voltage finished her apple, and swallowed the entire core whole.

"Yeah, but once again, we're really sorry we did it in your backroom." Spark reached for an apple. "But we finished your machine."

"What?! I was only gone for two hours!" She said, and turned around to see that the machine was all closed up. The wire she was connecting was the last bit that they needed to fix.

"Yeah, and we wanted to talk to you about it. It's a rather old machine, but you really should call us in for an inspection every year, or probably half a year with how much you use it." Spark got up from his seat, and Candy blushed as she saw that his black boxer briefs were barely holding his stunning, erect cock. He walked to the machine and flipped the switch. It started up, the screen on the front lighting up, along with all of the buttons.

"Oh, dear Celestia! That's amazing! It looks brand new!" Candy smiled, but then a frown overtook her face. "Thank you..."

"Hey, it's no problem, it was our... ummm." He looked at Voltage with wide eyes, his unattended pun seemed very out of place. "Pleasure....."

"Yeah..." She shook her head at her brother, who shrugged. "So anyway, we'll only charge a hundred bits, because we already had some of the parts. And--- Are you okay?"

Candy was taking timid steps toward Spark, her eyes streaming with tears. She was sobbing, and as she reached him, her arms wrapped around him, and she balled.

"I'm so sorry! Please! I'm such a terrible pony!" The cream colored unicorn brushed her colorful mane from her face as she pressed her muzzle against his chest. "I can't pay you! I spent my last few bits on the food for you! I'm broke, the upkeep for this place is way too much, and I haven't been turning a profit at all. Please don't hate me!"

The twins' ears perked up and their eyes bulged. Voltage cursed under her breath. She knew they should have done payment in advance on jobs like this. Spark patted her back as Candy's tears drenched his chest fur.

"I knew if I didn't get my candy machine fixed quickly, I was going to lose the shop, and I can't lose this shop! It's all I have!" Her crying only intensified as she rubbed her nose on him.

"Well... I mean..." Spark thought for a good long while. He thought about getting some candy as payment, but really... What would they do with a hundred bits worth of candy? It was a conundrum, to be sure. It was a lot of work, and it was fun, not to mention they did just pork in her backroom, but that was, at most, worth a discount.

That was when Candy took a step back and grabbed the strap of her top. "Please, let me pay you like this!" Both ponies were amazed to see Candy unstrap her top, and both of her enormous breasts pop out from beneath it.

The twins watched as she pulled her entire outfit down over her legs and then kicked it to the side. She stood before them completely bare, and blushed as she saw Spark's hefty penis reach back up to its maximum hardness, the head starting to poke out of the hem.

"But, Candy, you don't need to--" She started to say, then Voltage saw the look in her eyes.

"I know I don't. I really want to." She looked back at Spark. "This is a candy shop... and I can do more for you two than I could ever do with money."

She walked over to Voltage, and sat her back down in the seat, facing Spark. Then she walked over to her large jug of strawberry syrup. As she carried it to Voltage, she pushed the spout down and squirted a good portion of it onto the orange furred unicorn's bust. Voltage yelped at how cold it was, but pressed her tits together all the same. Then Candy motioned for Spark to come over to her. As he did, he was somewhat hesitant, but he pulled his underoos down to reveal a very long erection. Even by horse standards, he was massive.

Without any instruction, he pressed his hard on up between her mammaries, and both of them gritted their teeth a little, especially as his dick reached her mouth. Voltage was greeted with the sweet taste of rich strawberries as she gave his head a lick. It took no time at all for her to engulf the tip into her mouth and lick it clean. He began to pump it between her tits, groaning a bit as she moaned into his beautiful horse cock.

Candy watched them as Spark fucked his sister's accentuated tits, his girth filling her mouth as she looked up at him with such a needy glare. Without even realizing it, she was touching herself. Her fingers rubbed along her labia, opening it to rub her little pink pussy, which was absolutely dripping wet. She moaned as Voltage began to lick the syrup from the side of Spark's shaft, and suck along the other side.

Both of them stopped and looked over at Candy, who was in her own little world. One hand fondling, and pinching her nipple while the other was two fingers into her cunt. Her tongue licked along the side of her muzzle as she gazed at them.

"Ummm, Candy? Did you want a turn?" Voltage asked as she continued to jerk her brother's hard meat sword.

"Oh?" Candy snapped out of her stupor and looked at both of them. "Ummm, yes, please." She walked over to them, and took Voltage's chair as she got up. "I am famished." She whispered as Voltage took up a small bottle of chocolate syrup and whizzed it onto Candy's tits, and her brother's twitching cock. Both of them exasperated at the cold sensation, but Candy wasted no time in pumping her tits onto his brown penis.

It was obvious that while she did not have experience in fellatio, she loved her sweets. Her tongue began to lap up all of the syrup, and suck on Spark's swollen head. Her tongue slid all over his girth, as did her tits as even he began to hump against her chest. To the twins' surprise, she began to cry out in passion. Her fingers pinched her own nipples, slightly twisting them, and her eyes rolled upward in their sockets. Her tongue hung out the side of her mouth, and her vagina began to produce juices at an alarming rate.

"Candy, how long has it been for you?" Spark said between groans as she engorged his cock into her mouth.

"Mmmmmmm... I can't even remember." She gasped as Voltage walked up beside her, crouched down and stuck her fingers into her snatch.

"Dear Celestia!" She shouted as she pulled back a sopping wet hand. She felt the slimy juices at her fingertips and she smelled such a high concentration of pheromones. "Bro, she needs it more than I do." She said, looking at Spark, who was very surprised at her serious expression.

It took no coaxing to get Candy up on the table, on all fours. Spark joined her on the surface and began to rub his cock along her sopping wet slit. Candy gasped, and her shoulders tensed up. Her unicorn horn nearly swiped at Voltage's face as her head jerked up, and she opened her mouth.

"Don't tease her, bro!" Voltage scolded her brother. Spark was taken aback some, but took that as a go-ahead. He slid his cock inside of her tight hole. Candy had lubricant all over her vagina, yet she was still a very tight fit. Her head went down to the table and her horn leaned on the surface. Spark fucked her, holding her nice round asscheeks in his hands as he pumped her full of cock.

Neither Spark nor Voltage knew it, but Candy already came three times since Spark entered her. She simply couldn't communicate at the moment, her head was filled with a benevolent light that kept giving her pleasure never-ending. She just moaned, and her sweat covered her entire curvy body as her substantial breasts bounced back and forth underneath her.

Voltage decided to get in on this around Candy's fifth orgasm. The unicorn pulled her panties down and tossed them aside. She sat on what little table space there was, propped herself up with her hands and spread her legs in front of Candy's face. The loopy unicorn smelled the wonderful juices from Voltage's quim, and her muzzle shoved between her legs. The orange unicorn gasped as her tongue began to rub all over her outer labia, and dig down into her sweet honey hole. She didn't get to finish with Spark earlier, and she grabbed her own breast with one hand, caressing it. She clenched her teeth as she closed her eyes, lavishing in the wondrous, wet muscle that Candy worked into her drenched pussy.

Spark's hardened cock finally pushed as far as it would go, pressing gently against Candy's cervix, and unleashed a stream of cum that flooded it within a second. The next few jets of semen splashed out of her cunny, and onto his balls. His spunk flooded her mind, bringing her to her eighth climax in such a short amount of time.

Candy's tongue ground into Voltage's pussy so hard, she brought about her orgasm as well. Sweet Voltage's cheeks flushed deep, and she looked down to see that Candy had checked out.

The sweet toothed unicorn was lolling her into head from side to side on top of the table, and she nary had the strength for her knees to hold herself up any longer. Wise to this, Spark pulled out of her pussy, unleashing a heavy drool of sperm from her tight little hole. Both the twins got off the table, and let her stay up there. Dazed to the point of nonsensical thought, and delirious with endorphins, she murmured a few words, and moaned as they laid her down on her back.

"Should we get her down or something?" Spark asked his sister, and she shook her head.

"Nah, let her ride that high for a while. We should clean up, this place is a mess now. Thanks to Mr. Firehose." She scowled at him, and they laughed as he shrugged.

"Welp, looks like we've just made enough to keep the shop open for another three months. Thanks to you, bro." She patted his back as they walked down the sidewalk on Destiny Road.

"Yeah, it sure was nice for the lumber company to send us that... two by four with their signatures on it." Spark said, raising his eyebrows. "Not weird at all."

"Ah, come on, consider it a trophy. We'll hang it in the corner with our science fair project from school." She laughed a little, causing him to smile. "Now come on, we've been waiting to have some of Candy's frozen yogurt all week, and now we get to celebrate!"

"Yeah, no kidding, it'll be nice to see her again, too." He said, and they smiled at one another.

"She sure is nice, isn't she?"

"Yeah, I just hope she's doing better after we fixed... her.... What the--" Both of them looked at the Candy Pop Shop entrance, and there was a large closed sign on the door.

"Closed Down. Now property of Obscenely Rich." Voltage read aloud.

The two of them looked at one another.

"Fuck me running!" He shouted.