
Story by Lapsa on SoFurry

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Another YCH for bigchris.

Krissy belongs to him.

Other characters and story are mine.

Also, if you like this story, be sure to check out my others. And don't be afraid to donate if you want! You can donate via paypal (ask) or on my Patreon > https://www.patreon.com/Kikikalani


By: Kiki Kalani

For: TBA

Warning: Dark

Krissy's heart raced as she sprinted deeper into the woods, the cold snow covered ground stinging her feet with each quick step. She could hear the patrols close behind her, screaming and cursing her escape. Hearing them so close only drove her on, the dog squeezing every last bit of speed she could out of her muscles as she tried to outrun her former captors.

The cream-furred dog had been captured after the LRL takeover, snatched away from a 'counter-revolutionary' protest to be sent to one of the makeshift and hastily established reeducation camps that the new regime had set up. She remembered her time there as little than a blur; bits and pieces flashing in her mind. She didn't even know how long it had been since they captured her: days, weeks, months, or even just hours. All she knew for sure is that she had to escape from that horrible place. Even now she could hear the voices in her head screaming for her to stop running and obey her rodent captors, a voice that she knew they had put in her head somehow.

It took all she had to resist those voices, the strain on her mind only lessoned by the adrenaline coursing through her veins and the fear clearing her mind enough for simple thoughts of her own to break through the chorus. She needed to leave that place behind, to find help. She thought if she could find someone, get out of this forest, that the voices wouldn't be able to stop her - she would be free.

'Don't run. The LRL knows best. The LRL is there to help you.' The words echoed in her mind as she blindly continued, twisting and turning between trees and barren bushes.

'Rodents are superior, all other species are meant to serve and obey.'

"N-No!" Krissy screamed out, tears starting to run down her face as hope of escape seemed to slip away. She could feel the voices stronger as her body grew more tired and weak by the second. She wouldn't be able to keep up her pace much longer, and as soon as she stopped the patrol would be on her.

'No thoughts, no resistance. Obey the LRL.'

"N...no..." She whimpered out another protest as she flung herself forward into a clearing, blurred vision barely able to make out a cabin a few feet from her - her saving grace.

She tried her best to wipe the tears from her face, surging forward with one final bit of strength. Her feet barely seemed to touch any of the wooden steps before she found herself beating at the door with maddening desperation. The soft murmurs she had barely caught a world of were quickly replaced with rapid footsteps. She hoped that whoever lived there would help her, that they would understand and take her away from this horrible place.

"Wh--" A black-furred rat opened the door, tall and muscular with a casual dress-shirt revealing some of his chest. He seemed to pause in front of her, words fading off as he looked on with a perplexed look. She could see not far behind him was an equally perplexed grey-furred rat.

"Wh--" A tall muscular black-furred rat in a casual dress shirt and black pants opened the door to greet her, expression twisting in confusion as his words faded off. Not far behind him stood an equally confused looking grey-furred rat, clad in a uniform that made Krissy's mind ache with familiarity that she was too far gone to place.

"P-please, h-help...th-they are chasing me...p-please help...help me..." She blurted out all at once, grasping the rat's furless hand as she tried to fight back her sobbing.

The black rat stood in confused silence for a while before finally responding. "O-oh, of course. I can take you to some place that can help you, but you'll have to do something for me. Come on in."

He firmly pulled her inside, gesturing and giving a sly glare to the other rat as they started to speak - words trailing off into the silence of Krissy's sobs. Krissy immediately felt herself calm down some, the warm cottage soothing her aching body. She had barely noticed the rat's grin now as he looked over her body and the tattered clothes barely covering it.

"Y-yes, anything...just...please help...please...." She took deep breaths, reassuring herself she was safe even as the voices in her head still whispered to her.

'Rodents are superior. You must obey your Rodent Masters.'

She would try to push them out once more, soon finding herself gazing up at her would-be savoir with a gaze of admiration. The voices urging her on, almost thinking for her as her eyes traced along his muscular physique. She knew she didn't want to feel like that, knew that it was the voices trying to trick her - but her tired mind couldn't fight against the constant bombardment.

"Well, I think a bitch like you should service me before making demands...get on your knees." Krissy felt herself obey without having a chance to even think over the entire sentence, little more than a grunt able to escape her lips.

"Good, now..." The black rat walked forward, pushing the dog's nose against the now-visible bulge in his pants - teasing her before finally unzipping them and freeing his erect member. "...get to work."

Krissy felt her body move on its own again, her nose trailing along that thick shaft as she took deep whiffs of the potent scent. The musk burned at her throat and nose, but she couldn't stop even still. Despite the putrid scent and the disgust she felt trying to burn through the voices in her head, some part of her wanted more.

'Rodents are superior. You must obey Rodents. No thoughts. You are just a toy.'

Her rough canid tongue started to trail up and down along his length now, the putrid taste burning at her throat even more than the smell had. She could hear his contented moans and gasps, hand rubbing its hairless fingers through her hair to coax her along even more.

"Good, now suck."

Krissy took the tip of his cock into her mouth without a second though, letting her tongue tease along the tip as she suckled. The voices were stronger now, ushering her on and praising her for being a 'good girl'. She could feel more of herself slipping, the taste no longer tasting putrid and the burning sensation leaving her throat to trail down her body to her nethers - disgust twisting into arousal as she felt her panties grow wet. She couldn't believe what was happening, but she had to keep going - she had to get help.

'Rodents are Superior. Canines are good only to serve and worship.'

She took more of the cock into her mouth, tongue eagerly lapping and slurping across ever inch as she worked towards the base a little more with each bob of her head. It felt so good, and the taste repulsed her less and less. The worry and opposition in her mind was starting to fade, the voices drowning it out as they kept echoing in her head. She had to hurry.

'You love Rodents. You worship Rodents. You were born to serve and obey your Masters.'

It wasn't much longer before she was working her head against his entire length with each motion, nose pressing against the rat's crotch each time she brought herself forward. Her mind buzzed with bliss now, voices praising her even more as the lust started to eat away at her. A hand started to trail along her body, starting to move slowly from her waist to her thigh before resting just above her crotch. She would've started to mindlessly pleasure herself right then if the black rat's harsh voice hadn't startled her back to her main task.

"No! Bad girl. We will take care of that later...but for now you have to finish here." A muffled whimper escaped her, but her hands went limp back at her side. She couldn't risk disobeying him. She had to get help.

His grip tightened as she felt the rat buck forward - starting to facefuck her and taking away what little control she had as if to punish her. Each thrust of his hips brought those heavy balls slapping against her chin and his cock pounding against the back of her throat - throbbing and pulsing in her mouth as pre started to spurt and dribble from the tip.

"Get ready, slut. I'm about to cum, and you better not waste a single drop. You are lucky to get any at all."

It was only a few seconds after when he finally came, both hands pulling her head back against him as he thrust forward one final time. She could feel the flood of seed pour down her throat, thick hot spurts choking her as she struggled to swallow as much as she could.

"Wow, what a good bitch. Now comes the real fun...stand back up."

'Good girl. You love to obey. No thoughts. No questions. Just Obey.'

She rose to her feet. "But I th--"

"Dumb bitches don't think." The rat grabbed around her waist, pulling her up onto the counter behind him and quickly tearing off her tattered pants. Her panties were next, tugged down before being removed entirely, exposing her wet needy sex to the rat's devious gaze.

His cock was still throbbing between his legs, almost level with her slit. Her eyes were drawn to that throbbing meat, a lustful twinkle in her own glazed gaze. She was barely even able to catch herself as her tongue started to lick at her lips, her mind aching to have that rodent rod inside of her.

She was so enthralled by the pulsing member that she didn't notice the black rat gesture, his friend soon joining him at the opposite end of the counter as another throbbing cock caught her attention - this time being shoved into her face.

"Are you sure this is okay?"

"Of course, she is nothing but property." She couldn't see either rat now, face covered in that cock as she mindlessly licked and lapped at it. "Besides, this flea-bag looks like she needs a good fucking."

"P-please fuck me! P-please! I-I need it~!" She barely understood their exchange, writing and squirming beneath them in a lustful craze.

Both rats chuckled at hearing her beg, relenting to her desperation soon after as both moved to give her what she seemed to desire. The black rat pushed forward after grinding against the dog's slit, grinding at the moans and gasps that filled the small wooden cottage as he slowly let each inch of his length slip into her depths until he was fully hilted. He let himself sit in silence for a few seconds, watching as she took the grey rat's cock into her mouth, her moans and gasps muffling as she greedily attended to the thick shaft.

"Such a slut, you can't even fight it." The black rat tightened the grip he had on her legs as he started to thrust slowly, working up to a steady pace. "You can't resist having a rat's cock in you."

She let out a weak muffled whimper at the words, though any shame she had was drowned out by muffled gasps and loud slurping as she continued to direct her attention to the cock being shoved in and out of her throat. She just absent-mindedly let the words ring in her head, unable to fight them as she became drunk on the pleasure of being fucked by a rat. Each passing second the words pierced deeper into her head, praising her and ushering her to go even further.

"Maybe if you beg hard enough I'll even fill that womb of yours with my seed." He chuckled as he quickened his thrusts, pre spurting into her to tease her of what was to come.

She let out a loud muffled moan, her eyes glazing over as she watched a pair of heavy balls swing and sway against her - enthralled by the sac as a hand reached to firmly grip her throat. She wanted this, she needed this. Her life would only mean anything as a doe with a load of fertile rat spunk in her womb.

"That's good enough, get ready slut!" The black rat's thrusting sped up even more, a few spurts of pre teasing the dog as that cock pulsed and throbbed within her. It was teasing her of what was to come, the flood of fertile seed that would give her new purpose.

"Hey slut, don't forget about me either." She felt the hand at her throat tighten, the grey rat face fucking her harder as he gave her a little tease of his own - his cock pulsing and throbbing as well as both grew closer to orgasm.

Her mind wondered under the assault, thoughts giving way to lewd fantasies of carrying a littler of cute superior little rats. Vivid daydreams of her pleasuring rodents that she could just barely remember distantly somehow, murmuring to herself in muffled contented moans. Her daydream was only broken as her ears perked up at hearing both rodent's moan, finally having reached their respective climaxes as they gave their final thrust.

Her mind instantly went black as that sea of white flooded her womb and throat. Thick hot fertile rat spunk jetting deep inside of her, hot globs being hastily swallowed down in loud gulps as pleasure coursed through her body. It felt so good, so right to have that thick seed sloshing in her womb. She could barely help herself as she writhing in bliss.

"You better thank me, slut." The rat gave a few more small bucks, letting himself rest inside of her as he gave her a few final spurts.

"You better be grateful, bitch." The black rat gave a few more small bucks before letting himself rest, rewarding her with a few final spurts.

"Yeah, worthless dogs like you are barely worth being lab toys." The grey rat chuckled as he pulled out. Letting his cock slap against her face.

"Y-yes, thank you so much M-Masters. Thank you...th-thank you..." Her words trailed off as she went to clean off the cock on her face, thoughts wondering once more in their blissful fog.

"Good...now I'll help you" The black rat finally pulled pulled out, smiling at his work and the dumb look on the dog's face.

"Y-yes...h-help..." The dog moaned softly, tongue lolled out to lick up the last bit of cum from the cock on her face as she laid in a blissful trance - cum oozing from her recently used hole. She could just barely remember why she had come there in the first place.

"I know just the place..." The rat grinned again, zipping up his pants before pulling the dog to her feet once more - prying her out of her daydream and away from the grey rat's cock. "It's not far from here, you'll love it. You can just worship and serve Rodents all day...for the rest of your life."

Her eyes lit up at that, she was finally going to get help...and the place he mentioned sounded like paradise to her addled mind, she wondered why she hadn't tried to go there sooner.

The End