Chapter 4: Playing w/ Toys

Story by ChiFoxxi on SoFurry

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#4 of The Wolfy Chronicles

Vanity stared at the package that the mail man had just dropped off. "Bad Dragon?" he had asked, looking at the sender. She blushed and didn't provide an explanation for the company. Instead she signed for it and closed the door in his face, unable to handle her embarrassment. She'd felt some conflict about her relationship with her dear pet, but the love she felt there couldn't be denied. The toy she'd purchased for herself though...

She sat on the couch and began to open the package gingerly as if the contents would crawl out and bite her if she startled it. Her dearest pet, Wolfy, came into the living room from the kitchen and nosed the box in her hand. "It's a toy for me..." she responded to his unspoken query. She'd gotten better at reading his behaviors.

Just like a human might give their partner a hug she reached out and lovingly caressed his fur. He licked the inside of her wrist and it sent a little shudder through her body. "You are such a good boy," she whispered to him softly. Her version of "I love you." He blinked slowly, giving her a look that matched hers in affection.

Her work on the box was rewarded with a sealed plastic bag. Wolfy gave a yip and she obligingly showed him the contents. A blue dildo with a very particular shape. Blushing even redder she peeled the plastic off and ran her fingers over the large knot near the base. The canine looked at her and then at the dildo and then back at her.

"I thought... Well... I didn't like my... er... human ones... anymore..." Vanity said, gathering the trash up. Wolfy barked once and then shoved his nose into the base of her hips. With a gentle biting motion he nibbled at the jeans covering her crotch. A little moan escaped her lips.

"Yes, for sex," she explained needlessly. He seemed to know exactly what it was for.

She was already starting to get wet. Checking the window to make sure the mail man had definitely left she stroked Wolfy's fur and then gently lifted his head away from her. He moved out of the way so she could stand up.

"Come, Wolfy," she ordered, walking towards the bedroom with a grin. He followed, tail wagging exuberantly. He could smell the liquid that was already starting to make her underwear wet. Fuck he made her so horny. She placed the toy on the bed side table and patted the bed. "Up."

He jumped up obediently and waited. She smiled and peeled of her shirt with some sexy flair. She could see his own excitement peek out from between his hind legs. Her jeans were next. Once she was just in her underwear she turned her back to him and moved to the edge of the bed in front of him. He jumped up, placing his paws on her shoulders for balance and waited while he bit the clasp on her bra to undo it.

He licked her bare back, giving her little dog kissed up her shoulders until he got to her neck. He started nibbling at her neck and ear and she moaned throatily. She tapped his paw to let him know to stop - she had other plans - and after he sat back down she turned back to face him. He immediately thrust his muzzle to one of her nipples and began teasing it.

Vanity gasped, trying hard to stay focus on her plan for seducing him. Still, it felt too good to resist so she let him nibble at each of her nipples and licking her breasts till her breath was ragged and her underwear was starting to get soaked. She ran her fingers through his fur until all she could do was hold onto him as he sent pleasure racing through her body.

He pulled back and tried to press his face into her crotch again, but she warded him off, crawling onto the bed. "Stay at the foot of the bed and watch," she commanded, peeling her underwear off and flinging it across the room. He let out a whine, but obeyed, watching her every move with curious eyes. She grabbed the toy and got into a comfortable position, legs spread wide so he could see what she was doing.

She started by rubbing he tip of the toy across her clit, lubing the dildo up with her own liquid. Looking into her pet's vibrant blue eyes she pushed the toy in up to the knot. He panted, his own cock completely unsheathing. She slid the toy in and out a few more times, experimenting with the feel of it. He'd already stimulated her so much she wanted to orgasm with just that, but she held out.

He watched as she continued to fuck herself, harder and harder with each stroke until finally she was so wet that the knot finally pushed into her as well and she orgasmed so hard a loud moan escaped her lips. Wolfy let out a howl and moved forward. With the dildo still in her he started to lick her clit. She moaned again and he took that as permission to keep going.

"Oh yes, good boy. Just like that..."

She was still sensitive from the previous orgasm and another one soon followed. When her pussy clenched around the knot again she practically screamed from pleasure. "Oh Wolfy....!"

He didn't wait for her to gain her composure. Using his teeth he tugged at the handle of the dildo until it came out. The knot pushing out of her sent another wave of pleasure stream through her lower abdomen and she gasped. "What are you--?"

He jumped on top of her and pushed his cock into her up to the knot. It only took three good thrust until his knot slid into her already stretched out entrance. She thrust her hips up into him, her breath ragged as she ran her fingers through is fur and kissed his head. He bit down on one of her nipples and began fucking her hard. "Ooooohhhh yes... please fuck me... I want to feel your cum inside of me..."

Obligingly he thrust into her even harder. Whenever he tried to back pull the knot pulled at her vagina entrance and pull threatened to send her over the edge. "I'm going to... I'm gonna..."

As if he knew exactly what she wanted he thrust into her one more time hard and shot his hot seed deep inside of her. Another scream of pleasure erupted from her throat and she held him close to her, keeping his cock buried deep inside her. He stayed like that with her, panting and resting his head between her breasts comfortably.

"Please don't move," she whispered, stoking his fur. He licked the places of her he could reach without pulling out of her, lapping up her sex sweat. They stayed like that for a while until his limp cock slid back into its sheath.

He got off of her and went to leave the bed. She grabbed him by his collar and pulled him to lay down beside her. "I'm not done with you yet."

He cocked his head curiously and she started stroking his side. He opened his mouth and panted at her, telling her that he loved her with his eyes. She kept stoking until he rolled onto his back, exposing his tummy to her for rubs. She obliged him with full rubs up and down his ribcage to between his hind legs. When he was completely relaxed under her fingers she started centralizing her strokes to where his cock was just barely coming out.

She maneuvered herself and began to lick the tip of his cock, teasing it to come out more. He panted and howled from her attentions. She used one hand to help stimulate him while her other found the toy again and started to fuck herself with it, trying to work the knot back into her pussy. Once his cock was fully exposed she started to take him deep into her throat, moaning as the knot started to push its way fully into her. Once the entrance of her vagina closed completely around the knot she pulled her head back.

Wolfy let out a whine because she'd pulled away, but quickly rolled over and leapt to his feet when he realized what she was doing. With the toy still in her she grabbed a jar of lube and got on her hands and knees. She rubbed some of the lube on her asshole and put it away. Wolfy barked once and she leaned in to give him a kiss on his muzzle. "Fuck me," she whispered to him after she pulled away from the kiss.

He got on top of her and carefully started to push himself into her. Her arms gave out under her and she had to drop the full weight of her upper body onto the pillows. "Oh fuck yes..."

Still careful, he slid his cock in and out of her, his knot pressing up against her ass, but not yet entering her. He howled, the feeling of her ass and the toy in her vagina adding extra pleasure for the both of them. When she decided he was being too gently she rocked her hips back into him and almost managed to get his knot into her. Wolfy hesitated, not wanting to hurt her, but she pushed back into him one more time and he started to thrust harder. Her screamed joined his howling as they moved together.

Each thrust lead to her taking more and more of his knot into her. Her breath was ragged again and between his howling Wolfy was panting heavily. He fucked her harder and harder until finally his knot entered her fully and he came hard inside of her. She screamed as another orgasm ripped through her entire body. Her pussy clenched hard against the dildo inside of her and a second smaller orgasm joined the first. When she slumped, not able to hold even her hips up any longer he exited her with a quiet plop.

She lay there panting and he cuddled up to her, his tongue falling out of his mouth as his breath came out just as ragged as hers. Intertwining her fingers into his fur she wrapped her limbs around him and pulled him as close as possible.

"Good boy."