Beyond the Stars - Chapter Two

Story by banditfromtheeast on SoFurry

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#2 of Beyond the Stars (Likely Finished)

A young adult wolf, imprisoned in a small pod all alone for 60 days. This is his story of how and why he found himself in this peculiar situation.

As a foreword to this upcoming tale I would like to quickly give a rundown of what readers should expect. Currently this story does not have any highly NSFW aspects to it, although it does involve a variety of mature themes and language. As the story progresses, NSFW aspects may come into play at some point in the future and if it does I will note it as such. From what I can tell, there are quite a few well written steamy hot sex stories currently available on this site. If that is what you are looking for in this tale, I'm sorry but at the moment you will have to look elsewhere.

This is one of my first stories I have ever posted or shared publicly and as a result I'm sure it will be riddled with errors and incongruities. I ask that you please let me know if I have made any such glaring or obvious errors (preferably in a respectable manner) and I will do my best to remedy them in the future.

As with many stories on this website this tale is meant for people over 18/21 and may contain elements that some readers find offensive, including but not limited to the following:


-Homosexual Relationships

-Heterosexual Relationships

-Gore (Both blood and Presidential Candidates)

-Sex (Of any kind)

-Abuse (Verbal, Physical and Emotional)

-The Color Blue (Whether it is Indigo, Teal or even Navy)

If you find any or all of the above list to your disliking I would ask that you not scroll down or read any further. To the remainder of the folks, please enjoy and I would love to know what you think.

All characters are fictional and any names or they may share with persons, both fictional and non-fictional are purely coincidental.

All characters and fictional locations are the intellectual property of banditfromtheeast © 2017

All Rights Reserved

Beyond the Stars

Chapter Two

"Captain Marentella, you are cleared to proceed with your assigned mission, optimal departure trajectory opens in thirty seconds. May your journey be a safe one, with rewards that we can only begin to fathom. You take hopes and spirits of all of us with you. Until we speak again ... Farewell"

"Farewell my old friend, farewell ..."

Marentella cut communications with the facility director, the last transmission they would receive from home for the next three years.

He reached over to the side panel on his chair and activated the intercom for a ship-wide broadcast.

"This is the Captain, all personnel prepare for jump to light speed, thirty seconds"

He looked around at the bridge crew, the Engineering and Navigation officers confirmed their readiness with a nod of their heads. The jump countdown appeared on the main monitor and the final coordinates were established.

"All stations report ready" the Operations officer called out at T-Minus fifteen seconds.

They all sat in silence, mentally preparing for the momentous voyage they were about to undertake.

"Upwards and Onwards" calmly stated the Captain as the timer ran down to zero.

With that the vessel began to loudly hum for a few moments before it grew silent. It had passed beyond the universal speed limit and was now traveling towards a new world.

"Status Report"

"All systems nominal" reported the Engineering officer.

"Velocity nominal, trajectory nominal, we are no longer in regular space" added the Navigation officer.

The captain again activated the ship-wide intercom.

"All crew, commence with cruise duties as required, you are dismissed from station." The captain looked back at his bridge officers, nodding to signal that they too are no longer required to be on active duty. He turned back to face the main monitor.


"Yes Captain"

"You know what to do"

"I have the bridge" replied Sampson. "Any and all updates will be available in my log, enjoy your down time captain"

With that, Marentella leaned back in his seat and smiled, stretching his arms out casually up and behind him.

"I will, and I'm going to start it off with a nice cut of meat from the galley." He let his tongue lay out the side of his mouth as he got up and padded to the door of the now empty bridge. As he reached the exit he paused for a moment and turned back to face into the room.

"You'll let me know if you need anything, won't you?" the captain asked, almost nervously.

"If I require any assistance you will be the first to know" Sampson replied

"Then I've got nothing to worry about, thanks again." Marentella left the room.

Sampson was now alone and in complete control of the ship.

"Fuck" Caillyn cried aloud clutching his right paw as blood sprayed out from the large gash on the top of it. He quickly grabbed a cloth lying on the tabletop and wrapped it tightly around the wound. He stood up from his workbench and looked down at the now-blood soaked electronics he was working on. Probably still salvageable, but now in addition to replacing the processor, it would require a thorough cleaning with isopropyl alcohol. He gingerly picked up the exterior case he had unceremoniously sliced his paw open on and examined the underside of the interior edge. The razor thin metal almost looked like it had been sharped to a blade as if to catch an unsuspecting repairman in a devious trap.

Caillyn was more than well aware that it had not in fact been setup to injure people, but was just a consequence of the nature of thinly pressed and cut metals. Still, it was a poor design decision and for the moment he was mad at both the inanimate metal casing that cut him and whatever designer decided to make it that way.

"Stupid piece of ... lousy no good engineer, should of ..." he mumbled to himself as he further examined the casing of the electronic terminal he was working on. He began to feel his shirt getting wet which made him look down at the bloody mess that had become of his clothing. The small cloth, which was meant to wipe off clear glass and plastics without leaving streaks, had quickly become saturated with his blood and began oozing out the excess on all sides. He had initially pressed his right paw to his chest to keep pressure on the wound, and then, like many others finding themselves in similar situations, immediately forgot about it while trying to discover the source of his injury.

"Caillyn you dumbass" he muttered himself as he quickly took off his bloody shirt, revealing his well toned upper body, and wrapped it around his paw. He immediately set out towards the door of the small workshop and out into the hall of the habitation ring.

"Dr. Karunto can I meet you in the infirmary" he said out loud as he briskly walked down the hall. He was working in the "F" ring, the infirmary was located in the "C" ring. The ship itself contained six habitation rings, A through F and each ring connected to the adjacent through four corridors spaced 90 degrees apart that spanned the length of all of the rings.

This meant he had to walk past rings "E" and "D" before getting to "C". Probably no more than minute or two away, but the blood on his shirt was already starting to soak through and he didn't want the added attention of being the source of a bloody trail down the length of the ship.

"I'm on my way now," Dr. Karunto responded. Her voice was being projected through the local intercom; it followed Caillyn as he walked down the passageways. "Caillyn is that you? Are you alright and where are you?"

"I'm fine Doctor, just cut my paw a bit. I'm in F-Ring, I'll be there in a minute"

He continued briskly down the hall and passed the first set of air-tight air-lock style doors which were present at the junction between a corridor and a habitation ring. They opened automatically as he approached and quickly sealed shut behind him.

The wolf had managed to get through F-Ring without anyone seeing him, but he ran into Dr. Melthus, head of engineering as he passed into E-Ring.

"Ahh, Caillyn just who I was looking for. I need you to take a look at the plumbing in B-Ring, I think there's a leak in the septic return line, but I don't know for sure" Melthus was busy reading information off of a tablet and hadn't actually really looked at the much younger wolf in front of him.

"Uhh, I'll come find you when I have a second, I'm just in the middle of something right now" Caillyn responded, slowly moving away and continuing towards the infirmary.

"Oh, it won't take too long, I think we've isolated the problem to the crawlspace somewhere between rooms B16 and B24 so we can just head there now and put this to rest" Melthus still had eyes down reading his tablet and continued to walk towards Caillyn.

"I ... uh, can't right now sorry Dr. Melthus, but I'll find you in few minutes, I promise" the young wolf replied, turning away from the engineer and out towards the corridor to D-Ring.

"Nonsense!" Melthus responded in semi-enthused tone "It'll only take a few minutes of your time, I'm sure you'll track the problem down within a couple minutes ... a few hours at tops. Then you can go back to whatever you're working on." Dr. Melthus reached out and grabbed the wolf by the shoulder with his free paw. He ended up with a pawful of fur instead of the synthetic fabric he anticipated. This caused him finally looked up from his tablet and at the back of the younger shirtless wolf. "Caillyn where is your shirt?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"It's ... uhh ... I must have forgot it in the gym. I'll go grab it" he said turning his head back to face Melthus, he hid his paw in front of him and away from prying eyes. The young wolf was not a very adept liar and he knew it. He tried to pull away from the older wolf but the engineer's grasp was surprisingly firm.

Melthus held onto the wolf and looked him over head to toe, his gaze stopped on the floor below Caillyn's shoes at the small pool of blood now forming there. "Caillyn are you bleeding?" He asked quickly looking down the hallway to F-Ring, seeing a few drops of blood down it's otherwise spotless white length.

"It's nothing really just a small scratch, I'm good. Dr. Karunto is going to take a look at it." He continued to hide his bloody mess of a paw out of the searching eyes of the older wolf.

"Here let me have look at it" Melthus said as he quickly moved in front of the young wolf, cutting off his immediate escape route to D-Ring. His eyes passed over the large bloody cloth stump that was now visible at the end of Caillyn's right arm. The blood had drenched both the cloth and shirt and was now oozing out onto the floor. Blood had also mixed with the wolf's grey fur on his chest and stomach where he had tried to hide his wound from the engineer. "My word, we need to get the Doctor here right away-"

"I'm good, I'm just heading there now, I'll be fine" Caillyn interrupted, trying to maneuver around Melthus.

"Oh no, you shouldn't move in this condition!" He exclaimed "Dr. Karunto! Dr. Karunto!"

"This is Dr. Karunto" came the gentle female voice through the intercom overhead of the pair.

"I need you to come to E-Deck, junction 3. Caillyn's been hurt" continued the engineer.

"I'm fine doctor" Caillyn said aloud. He had tried to let the doctor know that he was indeed alright but Melthus just began to talk over top of him. The Engineer, like many others in a wide-variety of fields, were generally cool, calm and collected when faced with a stressful scenario. Melthus could react quickly and avoid a catastrophic meltdown in a reactor or promptly find the source and repair any damage to the life support system without batting an eye, let alone breaking a sweat. However, when it came to matters involving living organisms, especially when blood was involved, all bets were off.

"My god, doctor, there's blood all over the place. Caillyn how do you feel? Do you feel light-headed?" Melthus had started to work himself up into a panic.

"Dr. Melthus I feel fine, really! I don't feel faint at all" responded Caillyn calmly.

"My God doctor he feels Faint!" The engineer's selective hearing had taken over. "Medical Emergency in E-Ring junction 3"

Red lights around all of the habitation rings immediately started to flash indicating an emergency was in progress. An automated message began repeating all throughout the ship over the intercom on a fifteen second interval.

"Medical Emergency, E-Ring, Junction 3"

"Son, you need to sit down, I don't want you passing out me. We're going to make it through this" cried Melthus, practically yelling at the younger wolf.

Caillyn sighed heavily, and slunk back against the closest wall before sliding down to the floor. Melthus took a seat next to him, before holding his right arm and babbling encouraging phrases as he began to work himself into a panicked fervor. This is exactly what the young wolf had hoped to avoid, all the attention and all of the people who are now rushing to try and help him.

His thoughts wandered back all the campy and terrible sci-fi shows he watched as a kid. The one thing they never showed is how uneventful space travel could be. It was always space battles, exploring planets and new adventures. Never the multi-year boring journey to get anywhere. In the case of the TOOF, nothing of any significance had happened in the past year. Most of the day was spent with the crew struggling to find ways to entertain themselves. The ship was largely automated and only required minimal servicing during the cruise phase. The consequence of all this down time, was that a large amount of people were likely to show up to this, the ships first "Medical Emergency", for the sole reason that they probably had nothing better to do.

And turn up they did.

Twenty six people, not including Caillyn, had arrived within three minutes of the emergency being called. Additionally four more were now in the Infirmary grabbing every tool, medication and bandage they could get their paws on, while also prepping the operating theatre for an injury they knew nothing about.

If someone could die of embarrassment, Caillyn would have passed on beyond this world. Before the actual doctor could even check his condition, the mob tied him down to a folding stretcher, secured him with a back brace, neck brace, arm brace and leg brace, before carrying him to the infirmary.

By the time he was placed on the operating table, he had bandages wrapped around all of his appendages, with the exception of his actually bloody paw, which, at the very loud requests of the medical doctor, just had a thick cloth wrapped over the very bloody shirt. In addition he had a fabric bandage now covering most of his face, head and chest along with having a bag valve mask attached over his muzzle. Although it had not been used for its designed purpose it had the desired effect of stifling Caillyn's frequent objections to the whole affair.

Dr. Karunto entered the operating theatre and began immediately shooing people out of the room, claiming that she would need to begin immediate surgery. It took a few minutes as several people were determined to finish cutting off the grey wolf's pants with scissors while another was shining a light in his eyes. Likely trying to find if any brain damage had occurred, much to the dismay of the very conscious and responsive individual they belonged to. With a few more remarks regarding the critical nature of his injury and the time sensitive operation she would need to perform they quickly departed. She slammed the operating theatre doors closed and leaned back against it, releasing an enormous sigh.

"Caillyn, I'm so sorry!" she cried "That was completely out of control!". The now nearly naked and immobilized wolf made a few muffled noises to reply. The doctor rushed over and quickly removed the mask before beginning to work on the various braces that had been installed onto his body. "I don't think any of them actually looked at you before they started putting these on. Did anyone ask where you were hurt? Where did they even get these things? Are people just storing random medical supplies around the ship?" She spoke briskly without waiting for a response, not that Caillyn tried to give her one.

He was absolutely humiliated at the events that just occurred and couldn't bring himself to look at the doctor. The wolf was now in nothing but a pair of very form fitting black compression shorts that left very little to the imagination; completely exposed on a table while the doctor poked, prodded and maneuvered him this way and that, trying to dislodge the various pieces of equipment strapped to him.

"And I'm going to speak to the captain" she continued "We really need to go over first aid training and response tactics, this was a complete and utter joke." With her rant now complete, she sighed as she pulled the last piece of unnecessary medical bracing away before throwing it on the ground. She stood up and stretched her back before looking down at the young wolf's face laying in front of her. Even though Caillyn's grey fur obscured his skin, she could see he was beat red. The inside of his ears were as bright as rubies and his head was turned away from her facing the wall. She put her paws on either side of his head and turned his face towards her, before leaning down and giving him a quick kiss on the forehead.

"That's for being such a good sport through all this idiocy. Now let's get to the reason why you're actually here." She turned around and pressed a button on a console next to the table before heading to a cabinet on the far side of the room. The operating table began to move and Caillyn was slowly being propped up into a heavily reclined sitting position. Dr. Karunto grabbed a few vials of liquid from the cabinet and returned, placing them on a small tool table before heading off to grab a few pieces of hardware that she would need.

Caillyn looked down at his body, much of it was still wrapped up in gauze bandages. The heavy cloth on his right paw had soaked up a significant amount of blood and was now nearly saturated. His paw had really begun to hurt in earnest now, and he winced when he tried to move it.

Karunto returned after a few moments, finally ready to examine and treat his wound.

She sat on a stool next to his right paw with several small tables of equipment surrounding her. "How are you feeling?" she asked, trying to make eye contact with him.

"I'm fine" he mumbled softly in reply. Not looking at the doctor

"Are you sure? Because that's a lot of blood to lose and still feel fine" she retorted, a sly smirk emerged from the corner of her mouth.

"Well, it hurts, but I'm fine" he responded, no louder than before. He still looked down and away from the doctor.

"Well, I'd like to take a look at your paw whether your "fine" or not. But since I'd like to think someone on this ship understands common decency along with the concept of proper medical procedures, I would like to ask your permission before I begin. Caillyn, can I examine and treat your paw?" She leaned down a little bit, trying to get into the gaze of the young wolf.

Caillyn paused for a moment, before sheepishly looking up at the doctor. "Yeah ... you can. Thanks for asking."

"Good, then I'd like to give you this to start off with" She loaded up a vial into an injector "It'll take the edge off". Caillyn nodded his approval and the shot was given in his upper right arm, the doctor then went to work She slowly unwrapped the various layers of cloth surrounding his wound, soaking up the excess blood as she went with a large supply of gauze. It took a bit to get down to his actual paw but by the time she had made it there the pain-killer was setting in. Caillyn leaned into the backrest of the table and his breathing slowed to a shallow pace. The doctor was still speaking but not a lot of it was filtering through to him.

"This is quite a deep cut, almost to the bone. We're going to need a few stitches at least or the adhesive may end up coming free." She glanced up at the wolf, his glassy eyes unfocused and staring off into space, blinking slowly every once in a while. The doctor smiled and went to work.

It took a half an hour for the doctor to clean out and set his wound. A half dozen stitches supplemented the tissue adhesive. She gave him a few other shots, including an antibody booster along with another round of painkillers. Karunto then worked on removing the remaining unnecessary bandages from his body and cleaned off the large amount of dried blood stuck to his fur. Throughout this procedure Caillyn was off in his own world, the painkillers on this ship were the best that his world could provide, and one simply cannot describe in words how good they really were.

After the doctor had finished up, she managed to get him into the recovery room off of the operating theatre. It took a fair bit of convincing to get him back on his feet; the operating table was quite a comfy place to one with such a heavily laden mind. In the end it took a combination of her gentle voice and some good old fashion elbow grease before she successfully escorted him to a real bed. After a quick final shot of a sleep aid he fell fast asleep. She stood over him for few moments before covering him up with a thin blanket. Leaning down she gave him a kiss on the forehead and brushed the fur on top of his head before venturing to the doorway. "Goodnight buddy, thanks for an interesting day" She shut off the lights and left the door slightly ajar. The doctor turned faced the disaster that was now the operating theatre and smiled. It had been a good day.

End of Chapter Three

Thank you for taking the time to read this, or scroll to the bottom of the page. Either way I would like to personally thank you for it. I would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism on the work and if you have have any ideas for plot that you would like to see in the upcoming segments, please let me know.