Plaisir - Short - Fire of the Gods

Story by October_Flixard on SoFurry

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#17 of Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt

Ahh, Prometheus. That grand monster of Café Plaisir's Afternoon Shift. The Titan that stole the Fire of the Gods. The big, gay Arcanine that stole the hearts of many with his Greek charm and grand dog-dick. How he has unintentionally taunted me... Inspiring frustraton and envy... To the point where a little revenge seems in order... or is it..?

This story began as a tale of how wicked the vengeance of a Ninetales can be... yet is ultimately about a particular Ninetales finding their limits and making some important discoveries about what they are... and what they aren't.

My thanks to Coldstone for collaborating with me on this and turning what was originally going to be an aborted concept into a far more interesting exploration of a rather more positive rivalry and relationship than that shared with the likes of Eclipse! It's ultimately a rather fun story a hook for potential future adventures!

Hope you all enjoy!

The Café Plaisir setting is currently run by the talented: Dark Violet To Whom belongs: Prometheus

Café Plaisir was originally created by: Palibakufun

To whom we're all ever grateful for this fun facility of filth.

Café Plaisir: Fire of the Gods by October and Coldstone Adult: M/M Drunken revelry, questions on morality.

Prometheus, Prometheus, he stole the fire from the gods.

Prometheus, Prometheus, don't you know? That is MY job.

October's eyes narrowed. Prometheus. That name. That Pokemon. That monster.

October was a wily Fox, so he dared say. Like any wild, dominant Fox on top of his game, he used his wits and discretion, picked the battles he knew he could win, asserting himself on the dominance chain... indeed, in many ways, he lived for that game... and he played it smart, for the most part.

For in this world of sexy Eeveelutions and curious creatures aplenty which ought take the interest of a large and prowling Nine-tailed Fox, in this dungeon crawl of deep, dirty depravity, there were monsters, beasts, creatures proud and terrible, like avatars, like boss-creatures of their fields.

One of them was Prometheus... and suitably for the origin of his name, he was the Minotaur in the Maze, who October had ever evaded.

By scent, by hint, by rumour, October had kept away.

Until today.

...but let's not get to that, right away...

First, let's skip back a ways...

* * *

First night;

When he eventually found the place where he was supposed to sleep, he was gratified to note that the dance floor hadn't started yet. He could enjoy that large bed and some peaceful sleep.

It was only when he got through the door that he heard the noises. It sounded like something was being murdered...

No, on closer inspection, with the attendant sounds of movement, it sounded like someone was murdering the Sylveon, happily, from a from-behind-kind-of-a-way...

That first night, the first thing that had kept him from his first sleep after his first shift. The very first thing in that little story of annoyance.

Colin had come to him a short time later, made him feel a little better...

"...No problem!" said Colin, brightly, "I love making smiles!"

"Well, thanks for taking the time," said October, "Though... didn't you have a customer?"

"Oh yeah," said the Sylveon, suddenly flushing at the cheeks and ears, "A big Arcanine fella. He's a lot of fun, but he's napping," Colin chuckled with surprising dirtiness, "He'll need the energy before I'm done with him."

October briefly paused and looked over the slight Sylveon, wondering at the logistics of this. It seemed implausible. "Really? An Arcanine?"

Colin nodded enthusiastically, "He's a lot to handle, but he's fun to handle." The Sylveon's smile suddenly seemed to explode, "Hey! I've got an idea! Want to come and help? Bet I could talk him into it..."

October had politely declined... Of course what October hadn't known then and what Colin hadn't bothered to correct him about was that the Arcanine in question was no customer at all, but another of the Waiters. A well known, one might say Legendary Dog of Café Plaisir and a particular friend of Colin's.


That was just the start, though.

Fifth Night;

"...Bah, fuck Vermont," said October, leaning over the edge of the roof, "We're always bitching about him."

Chai, sitting back smirked wickedly, "That's because that bitch is a lot to bitch about."

"Well, you're bitching like a bitch," said October, raising an eyebrow and seizing on the game, "Your singing his tune, bitching like you're his bitch. Don't be the bitch's bitch, bitch."

Chai stared at him, trying to frown and failing, "...Alright, who else is there around..?" said the Umbreon, leaning over the edge, "Don't know them, fuck that guy, but don't know him..."

October raised an amused eyebrow as ever at his diminutive companion's impressive spite.

October was looking for candidates himself, amongst those queuing for entry, just leaving or those just out taking a walk. It was a boringly human-dominated lot at the moment and a fairly generic cast of local, common Pokemon types of the sort who came to spend their civilised Pokemon money on civilised Pokemon pleasure. You could bitch about either group almost interchangeably and they did, with pleasure, every day, but today they had already done it.

Then his eyes caught on it. Like he hadn't noticed the big orange mass at first because it was out of scale with the other figures present.

"Woah... what the..." gasped October, " that!?"

Chai looked over quickly, "Huh, Prometheus," he said quietly, staring with a slightly absent expression.

Prometheus... October paused over that name. The Titan who had stolen the Fire of the Gods. He'd read that, somewhere...

It seemed to fit. The Arcanine was huge, certainly a titan amongst Pokemon, standing taller than the humans and being gaunt not at all for the size of him. Oh no, quite the opposite. That huge frame was covered in thick, fluffy orange, striped fur that despite its great depth, did nothing to hide the bulging muscle that powered that great frame effortlessly. He flexed them well as he walked, apparently escorting a customer to his car, as he leant a supporting arm upon him, which seemed to disappear into the fur of his back. He rolled his shoulders like the big, powerful dog he was.

Yet he had a certain grace about him, a lightness in his step that was very unmistakably vulpine in its poetry of movement. There was a certain narrowing of angles and... when you looked closely into that great bushy mass of white to tell, three tails... Some Ninetales heritage, October immediately guessed. An Arcaninetales...

Sitting there on the roof, up above, October suddenly couldn't help but feel somewhat small and exposed.

Threatened by the very existence of the thing. After all, a dominant Fox as he was liked to think he could bring anything below him. He didn't much like the larger males but he generally thought that through quickness and guile he could bring them all down, if he tried...

Yet this one put the lie to it. Whatever he might try, October knew that as a matter of scale and a happenstance of Pokemon powers, he would be all but helpless before such a beast. He would rather face two regular, lumbering Arcanine before a single such beast with even a shade of the agility of a Ninetales' Foxes' trot...

"..You alright..?" he heard Chai ask.

October caught himself then, leaning back, his tails curled up behind him, his head low, his ears back. Oh, what an embarrassing way to be seen in by his new and wicked Umbreon pal...

He sat up quickly, straightened himself, "I'm fine!" declared October, "Fine! Just had a bit of trapped wind is all..." He thought to induce a burp, but thought better of it. Far too many actions lead to unexpected incendiary effects in this form...

Chai was smiling at him.

October frowned, not liking that smile.

The Umbreon's eyes were so sharp as usual, in fact, he had an uncommon, kitty-cat glee in them. Yet that smile, the smile itself, was slow and wicked. The eyes sharpened up, above them, narrowing to their norm.

"What's the matter, October, don't you like him..?" said Chai, low and teasing, "Prometheus got you scared..?"

"He does not!" burst October quickly, "Chai!"

Chai grinned, wickedly, showing those long, pointed white fangs of his, "I think he does... I think that one's got you scared."

October frowned, tried to think of something to say and then huffed, instead.

Chai reclined, grinning, "Yup, I think that's what it is, smart thing, too..."

October glared at his all-too relaxed friend...

"I mean, you should be," said Chai, smirking now, "You should be scared, because that one's the top of the tops. Never bottoms. Maybe he's a bit like you..." Chai softened to a smile, "He'll get his eye on you, sooner or later, you know."

"...Will he, now...?" growled October.

"Ahuh," said Chai, with a nod, "...and then you're gonna be in trouble, you Ass-Devil. Pretty red Fox like you. Pretty little and girly next to him, right..?"

"I would think twice, before discounting a Ninetales..." growled October, dangerously.

"Is that right..?" said Chai, with a cocky smirk, reclining further and not looking him in the eyes, "Well October, I think the power of the Ninetales may not be enough here."

"Ninetales do not bow to dogs," grumbled October.

"Well, you know that boss of ours," said Chai, tilting his head slightly as he looked up at the stars, "the boss of our boss, that great big fucker of a Ninetales known as Firenze, you know, the one who even you secretly thinks about gettin' fucked by..?"

"...I do not..!" gasped October, with suddenly wide eyes.

"Sure you don't," said Chai with a smirk, "It's not like you don't raise your tails and the pitch of your voice around him, skittering around and tryin' to act all dignified..."

"Chai," growled October, recovering from his shock quickly, "You'd best be careful..."

"...All the while hoping that he's gonna notice you and maybe take you aside, for a little..." the Umbreon paused and pumped his hips up at the air. It made a show of his peeking black member, the Umbreon clearly excited. For the size of it compared to the rest of him, it was very obvious. "Yeah, ahaha-HAAA!"

That was about the last straw. October pounced the Umbreon, bringing a great weight of fluffy Ninetales domineeringly down on the Umbreon's diminutive body.

Chai wheezed, but as soon as October let the weight off his chest, he was talking again, "...uuuh-well October! Even he, even Firenze has reportedly taken it up the ass from that one. What chance do you fucken' think you have, huh..?"

That gave October pause, "...Firenze has..?" he asked uncertainly, almost disbelievingly... he couldn't believe it. Firenze? That mighty Ninetales, that admirable beast who couldn't possibly lower himself so? Had spent, perchance, one night, on a whim, perhaps, beneath that beast? A beast to top beasts, perhaps... and with a dash of Ninetales heritage itself to make the very idea almost palatable, but even so, for the most, a Dog!?

October didn't like the thought.

Chai apparently did. "Yeah, he had him alright, even bragged about it..."

Bragged. That thought sent a particular chill of displeasure through October. In his view, wars had been started over far less.

"...In that big, Greek voice of his, "Yes! I have been with the Great Firenze..!" right there in the bar," said Chai, having done an impressive impression, "...and you think you can hold 'im off, you're kidding, October, he's gonna be like..."

Right then, Chai grabbed October's relatively narrow hips between his forepaws and dug his extremely sharp claws in.

October was wincing, nearly keening out in pain when Chai started thrusting his hips up at him, poking October with his shiny black cock, making exaggerated, "UHHH! UHHH!" noises.

"Dammit, Chai!" growled October.

"UHHH! UHH! Oh yes, little Foxy bitch!" cried Chai, in an accent, "Take it! UHH! UHH!"

"UURRRGH!" October growled and thrust his own hips at the Umbreon, easily driving him to the ground. It was just a few deft shifts of position before Chai's hindlegs were right back and October's own, sheath was grinding hard against the Umbreon's rump, filling out quickly, with fury fuelling his fire-type nature...

He had a bad need to reassert the dominance of Ninetaleskind, right then.

"I'm going to destroy you," growled October, looking down at the Umbreon.

Chai's eyes were hooded, looking back up at him, "You'd better," said Umbreon.

He did exactly that, right then. Right there on the roof, he took the Umbreon mercilessly, pushing in harder then he should have, fucking him harder then he should have and generally pounding down into that undersized Umbreon's ass like he was trying to kill him. The scent of blood said the the Umbreon was torn, again.. and a little red spattered out of that rump with the rest on the squishing return strokes of October's furiously throbbing tapered cock, that red scent working its usual elixir effect on the predatory Fox's libido...

Of course, that was exactly what Chai wanted and they both knew it. It was a masochistic Dark type's delight. All the same, after a furious punishment upon the Umbreon's posterior, October shoved that knot in with a feral glee and felt himself explode inside the Umbreon, his cock straining to flood his angry seed into those abused hindquarters... Chai had exploded himself, painting October's belly-fur from beneath even as the Umbreon groaned in happy pain.

Yet even that hadn't been enough to sate him, to quench the fire that had already been set burning within him. A fire that would only blaze stronger, with time.

Night Nine;

He was considering going to Neon's room. If this kept up, he was.

Colin's groans were as loud and heartfelt as the heavy noises of movement were effortlessly passing through basement concrete to assault October's senses. Each movement of the Arcaninetales' hips had a distinct lead up and aftermath, like geological movements, to October's vulpine ears.

He'd had a hard day, that day as it happened. He'd been getting sick of this place, sick of the... huhhh... grind. He'd been getting grumpy, lately. Not just at the stupid customers, but at his colleagues and friends, too.

It had just so happened that being aware of his mood-slide, and not wanting it to continue bothering people he'd rather keep a pleasant impression of him, he has prescribed himself one dose of the relaxation Fairy.

Colin's gentle manner and soothing touch had a way of taking the poison out of him... and if that didn't work, pounding the Sylveon's feminine and pretty booty generally worked wonders for his mood, regardless. The pretty and prim Colin was one wonder of a squeaky toy for a stressed out Fox.

So, that evening after work, he had fought off the desire to sleep and kept awake to wait outside of Colin's door.

He had been nodding off when he had stirred, waking to the distinct and recognisable rise and fall of Colin's squeaky voice approaching through the corridors of the basement. October started to smile.

...but there was another voice answering his.

A deep, resonant one, with the bounce of a distinctive accent.

Frowning, October had backed up to his own door, opened it with a tail and slipped inside.

He'd had a rough day. Eclipse had taken the time to come and sit in the bar, paid for just enough drinks to sit around and just bothered him around his shift. October couldn't do much to tell him to fuck off, under the watchful eyes of Pouncer, so he'd had to put up with hours of barely veiled threats of rape and repetitive insults against his character. He wasn't in the mood for a dominance challenge. He wasn't in the mood for any kind of challenge at all.

So, closing the door quietly behind himself, he took a deep breath and sighed. This really was not his day.

He had despondently slunk back towards his bed, slumping down heavily and feeling grateful at least that Dark Pulse wasn't being too noisy, tonight. He wouldn't be, soon enough. Soon enough he'd be wishing it were 'Trainwrecks, the Soundtrack' night.

There was a knock at his door.

"October..?" called Colin's voice, "Octoooobeeer..?"

October winced and pulled a corner of the duvet over his head.

"October..!" called Colin, through the closed door, "I have a friend and I think you should meet and come on out and join us and... October..?"

October snored fakely and loudly. To a studious listener it was probably quite obviously fake-sounding, despite October's best efforts.

"Awww, I think he's asleep..." he heard Colin say. No doubt completely convinced. With all the wiles of a pampered puppy, as usual.

"Hahah, Ninetales, lightweights," he heard Prometheus chuckle, through the door.

October's claws came out, unsheathing into his duvet. He heard a tear and winced again. As if his broken, bowed bed wasn't bad enough...

It hadn't taken them long to get into it. Colin's high pitched cries picking up wherever Prometheus deep voice and heavy movements weren't making enough impossible-to-ignore sounds. They certainly weren't quick to end, either.

Time wore on.

A heavy Greek accent bellowed out, "I am the greatest!"

"You are..!" cried Colin.

"I bring the Fire of the Gods!" declared Prometheus.

"You do..!" agreed Colin, loudly.

"Accept no substitute, Sylveon!" demanded the Arcaninetales.

"I won't..!" agreed Colin at a very high pitch. Colin, who had previously called October his 'new, favourite Fire type.'

October's claws had tore some literal ribbons out of his duvet covers by now.

Prometheus laughed, a big, bellowing laugh, which turned suddenly into a deep howl as some particularly loud crashing noises occurred. Prometheus was finally hammering himself in. The scene in there was no doubt gratuitous.

Grasping some worried and ruined fabric, October waited for the next few seconds, knowing from precedent that this was either going to go on or end now, depending on whether Prometheus yawned or laughed.

Prometheus laughed, a deep belly laugh that spoke of endless energy and indefatigable enthusiasm.

October got up from his bed with a hurried pace that belied his bone-weariness. He stumbled slightly as the duvet strips tangled about his hindlegs and tails, but kept on going after carelessly kicking until the fabric tore free.

He opened the door as quietly as he could and then strode out into the corridor. He would go see Neon, tonight. He was glad he had met the Jolteon. Assuming she was in, of course, there was every chance she was out, like the last time... and despite her earlier assurances, she wasn't too pleased to find a sleeping Ninetales in her room, when she had brought home company... So, if she wasn't in he would go to the linen cupboard. He truly thanked whatever gods he had to he had found that place. He also cursed Chai for continuing to hide his room's location from October. Probably for exactly this reason.

Grumbling all the way, he'd made it a matter of meters before Colin's door burst open and the Sylveon's head popped out.

"October..?" he called, looking concerned, his big blue eyes finding the Ninetales and looking over him with worry, "Did we wake you up? I'm sorry..!"

October ground his teeth and looked away before Colin could see the snarl he couldn't quite help. "Never mind," he said, unconvincingly and began to walk away again.

"October, you've got-!" called Colin.

"I said never mind..!" snapped October, impatiently. He looked around as he saw the Sylveon starting after him.

He paused, watching in disbelief. The Sylveon was limping like his back legs didn't work and he was... dripping...

The prim and proper Sylveon looked embarrassed to be seen like this and October wondered what on earth had possessed him to come out of his room when he saw what the Sylveon was after.

Colin caught up to him and unhooked the streamer of blanket and debris from October's room from his hindleg. He hadn't noticed he'd been trailing it.

Looking at it, it was actually quite sweet of Colin, to put aside his embarrassment for the sake of October's. It really showed how kind his friend was... but it was hard to hold a smile under the circumstances. "Thank you, Colin," was about as much as October could muster before he strode off looking for somewhere to rest.

Colin had made an unhappy whine as he'd left.

He'd ultimately slept in the linen cupboards and woken late to one of the laundry-washing Unfezant, Delilah, beating him with a pillow case.

That hadn't been the only time someone had teased him about Prometheus one day taking an interest in him... Chai had just naturally been the worst, knowing exactly how to push his buttons... but it had came up again and again.

Just as that hadn't been the only time October hadn't been an acceptable substitute for the bigger fiery feral, it had just stung the most, that time with Colin. That had been when he had started spending a lot less time with his new, Fairy friend.

He'd gotten an awful lot of trouble out of someone he had done his best to avoid.

Prometheus. Certainly bigger than he was. Allegedly hotter then he was. Apparently one day definitely going to fuck him in the ass, Prometheus...

The Minotaur in the Maze. His hidden tormentor... Prometheus.

...but then, finally...

Thirteenth Night. Now;

October was walking back from his shift humming a jaunty tune he was making up as he went along. It had the note of barely controlled panic and potential homicidal rage in its jaunt.

Today was terrible. He was just about sick of all of it. He would have left the Café in an instant if he could've... back to a life of interplanar adventure and his by now dearly missed mate, Silver. If only he could. If only he could go back to infinite possibilities and the one creature who could always put up with him he would. Yet he was still stuck. Here. With the complaining customers and the intolerant colleagues.

He was getting sick and something would have to change, soon... he just didn't know what. Little did he know what would happen the following day, but that was how he'd felt, at that moment, knowing nothing of how much he'd regret that sentiment, when he'd finally return to the Tower of Tragedy.

That was another day away however, another sleep before then.

In the here and now he was fed up and desperate for a break.

He was still humming when he saw something, something that caught his eye. Something that made him lean forward and hasten into his steps for a few seconds, before his mind had caught up with exactly what his eyes had seen.

He slowed. Stopped... Backed up.

Through a lazily half-open doorway, he could just about see an upon-inspection rather-less-impressive figure of a thing than that thing usually cut. In fact as he found himself slinking towards the door, practically dancing upon light paws of vulpine curiousity, he found that figure didn't have nearly so much of it usual presence.

Right there, sprawled across his bed, stretched off of it, making his king-size look tiny, was Prometheus.

He was seriously sprawled out. The big bulky Arcaninetales looked half-dead and wilted, somehow. He groaned to himself, clearly suffering, with pile of scorched, used tissues lying all around...

Prometheus was very, very poorly.

The idea came to October very, very quickly.

The grin that spread across his face was very very wicked.

He was off like a shot.

With quickness, guile and patience, victory goes to the Fox, he couldn't help but think, again and again.

There weren't many stops. He went through them quickly.

A quick visit to the kitchens. Through that hive of steam and smoke and bustling Pokemon cook activity, the Ninetales skipped and slunk, moving through the bustle as if the big red fox himself were merely smoke, as he hunted for what he needed; A flask, some pepper and a tin of chicken soup from the pantry. He wasn't there long enough for any of the cooks to question his presence. He was off back out into the service corridor with these ingredients wrapped in his ninth tail.

It was a short few turns before the infirmary, another place he dreaded going with another creature he dreaded seeing... He braced himself for his own phobic reaction to a creature of living slime, having nearly once died to such a thing...

...but fortune was with him. The Nurse wasn't in. With no Boora the Goodra to disturb him, he merely floated in, ignored the sleeping, poorly Pokemon present in the infirmary and slunk straight to the medicine cabinet. He poked it open with his nose, found what he needed by scent alone and furtively snatched the bottle in his maw. He had all he needed and more...

He ran out to the car park, behind the bins to apply his culinary genius.

To the quick, patient and guileful went the victory, he thought, using his breath to slowly heat the can...

A slow smile spread wider as the flask was primed and prepared... a ready shell with just the payload it needed for October's planned target.

With a laugh that bordered on truly wicked, October bundled up the flask and left the empty receptacles behind, dashing indoors with a gleeful look across his features as he impulsively indulged his impishly evil plan.

A very short run took him back to Prometheus' room. The door was still hanging open. The noises of sad and suffering Arcaninetales hanging in the air.

"D'awww," muttered October quietly, as he stalked up to the door.

He slunk halfway inside, curling around the door in an almost serpentine fashion, he curled a paw and knocked upon the inside of the door.

Prometheus looked up with a start and looked around with a startled expression.

"Hello there..!" said October warmly, "You poor thing... you look under the weather..."

The tired dog, who looked like he wanted for sleep, cocked his head curiously, despite the scale, it was an almost adorable sight.

"H-Huk!-Hello there, come in," coughed Prometheus, barely budging to try and look upon October, "I do- I don't- Hurf! - think we've had the, ah, ah, aaaaahhhh..."

Just entering the room, giving his tails time to snake in and then bumping the door shut with his butt, October winced as the Arcanine sneezed. Brightly lighting the room with murky flames, the effect was somewhat akin to a small incendiary grenade going off and twice as smoky to boot. A thick pall hung in the air, smelling unpleasant. He really was poorly...

October finished for him, "...The pleasure, indeed not," said the Ninetales, softly, "Well, I'm October, you're Prometheus, I'm sure we've seen each other around. I've been here nearly two weeks, after all."

Prometheus nodded slowly, "Uhhh... indeed, October... I have heard that name, I think..."

YOU THINK!? October tried not to scowl as he slowly approached on an indirect stalk. He forced a smile, instead, "Yes, indeed, I am he and you are he, who is a poorly creature, for shame."

Prometheus groaned, pathetically, "Oh, please excuse my... UHR!-Hur-hur... my less than grand state, October. I fear you are HAR! cuf, cuf, quite right about that part..."

October smiled, drawing near to the Arcaninetales and settling down to sit beside his bed, "Well then, you're in luck, because I have the very thing, just the thing in fact, that you happen to need so very, very badly."

Prometheus raised an eyebrow at him and looked at him with a mixture of confusion and doubt.

October's tail produced the flask of Chicken Soup with a flourishing unroll, depositing it right side up upon the bed right next to the big dog's surprised looking face. It was probably the cold making him drowsy, but there was such a look of wonder that it was genuinely adorable, despite the monster's mass. October's wicked side was tickled all the more and his smile was very, very broad.

"What is this..?" asked Prometheus.

"A potion most profound!" declared October, puffing out his chest and smiling with his muzzle raised, "Precisely what you need. Open it. It has a clicky button for quadrupeds like ourselves."

Prometheus gave him a look, then examined the metallic green flask. The lid did indeed have a clicky button closing mechanism just as October promised.

With focussed carefulness that clearly strained poorly Prometheus to the point that it entertained the wicked Fox watching, the button was pressed and the flask opened. Steam practically shot out from the overheated contents. Big nostrils on a big black nose broader than October's whole muzzle inhaled cautiously at first... then deeply, with obvious pleasure.

"Chicken Soup of the Ninetales," said October, smoothly, "Go right ahead. It's best if you get it whilst it's hot."

"It is very hot," said Prometheus, approvingly.

"By and for Fire types," said October, pleasantly.

Prometheus didn't waste much time, nodding gratefully then tilting the flask to lap at the contents. The flask gradually angled as the Arcanine grew more enthusiastic by the gulp.

October smiled sweetly as the angle steadily turned to upended and the big dog was struggling to lap the reachable residue from the inside of the flask. October chuckled as quietly as he could make himself.

'Yes... drink it all...' he thought to himself, chuckling pleasantly on the outside.

"Oh!" said Prometheus, "That was good, thankyou!"

The nice and creamy chicken soup had no doubt soothed his throat, whilst the pepper had no doubt burned a path for breathing, whilst the capsicum would no doubt do no good for any nasties it encountered. A flush of pleasant burn and burn the unpleasant, with some vital body resources to boot. October's potion of chicken-based health wasn't complete nonsense.

"Of course," said October, "It was prepared with the wisdom the Ninetales as a gracious gift for a fellow, suffering Fire-type in need..."

"Hahah, the way you talk, I like it," said Prometheus, "You're pleased to please yourself with a certain flair..."

That surprised October and had him spring a genuine smile, "You noticed..? Why thankyou.."

"Of course!" said Prometheus, "We're not so unalike, Fox of Albion's shores! Though our paths across Poseidon's great void may have differed, we have both come come to the same den of Eros, in her service, much the same!"

"Ahah, I fear not," chuckled October, though he skipped the part about never having crossed the Atlantic on this world, whatever it was called, here, the rest wouldn't take so long to explain, "for as ever, there is only one god's name by which I specifically exclaim and that's of dear old Fortuna..."

"...Of Rome and gamblers?" asked Prometheus, raising an eyebrow and the corner of his mouth.

October smirked, "Of random chance, first and foremost. The most powerful force in all the universes, I can safely and competently assure you."

Prometheus chuckled then, lightly, pausing only briefly to cough, "So, you do not believe in gods then, truly? Not Arceus, not any?"

That had October laughing aloud, "Oh on the contrary, I know that Gods are very real. I've met more than I care to and I don't care for them much at all. Always more and less than their publicity makes them out to be and just another component of the grim humour that is the grandness of the multiverse. Why even Plaisir has its own, Patron God... and dark she is... and well serviced he is and like it or not, we worship at their temple..."

Prometheus cocked his head the other way and raised an eyebrow high, looking amused, "You speak an interesting tale my friend, you have a talent for ad-lib telling, I think... oh..." he bowed his head forward then, just slightly.

October smiled at that and reached out a paw to stroke Prometheus' head and back as he continued, which the Arcanine barely seemed to notice, let alone mind, "Oh, I wish I was joking, but it's really not so bad as long as she IS serviced. I suspect you have his particular favour, though... just a hunch."

Prometheus looked more and more confused throughout his explanation. That was almost as humorous as the way his pupils were dilating by the second. They were big pupils and resembled polished black stones when they expanded.

Smirking impishly, October went on, wondering if Prometheus could even understand him any longer. Probably not. The strokes he was giving Prometheus became longer and more soothing.

"Anyway, don't worry your big fuzzy head about it in the least," chuckled October, "Dark Violet really isn't so bad when you get to know them... just listen to those wicked thoughts on the edge of your perceptions from time to time and they'll be happy."

Prometheus' head lolled forwards and he slumped to the bed.

October's smile was big and wide. He continued to stroke the Arcaninetales, softly.

With patience, cunning and guile, indeed.

Outside, in the car park, nearish to the bins but gradually blowing away on the wind, were three small containers. The labels read, "Cream of Chicken Soup," "Black Pepper" and "Sedatives."

October chuckled and gave his Minotaur a ruffle on the head.

Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods, was out like a light. It seemed so right and just at that moment for a Flash Fire Fox to have stolen the Fire from Prometheus, as if he were at that moment exacting vengeance not for his own list of petty slights, including matters actually unrelated, but rather for the dignity of all vulpinekind. As if this moment were an artistic statement of the victory of the vulpine through cunning opportunism.

October advanced closer, stroking his paw further along Prometheus back, feeling the power even in the ultra-relaxed form of the Arcaninetales. What a mighty vulpine victory it was as well... what a prize...

Ahhh, but that Arcaninetales, sleeping so sweetly, looked so innocent and relieved, like October's potion had taken a great burden from him. It gave October pause, considering his wicked, wicked plans.

He was sleeping so peacefully, though, so enviably pleasantly, that October simply had to have his revenge for those sleepless nights. His claws briefly flexed and unsheathed dangerously as he continued to stroke down the Arcanine's form.

He was so warm, so very, very warm and fluffy even to October... and it was pleasing to the touch.

October's paws hooked on the blanket and dragged it down, giving him more to see. Ahhh, but Prometheus was pretty as a picture, when seem from a position of elevated power... Size with tapering grace...a pretty, cream mane, thick fur, a deep, well kept and a warm orange deeply striped and zagged in a deep, matte black giving him an exciting appearance.

Such a big, powerful beast. Truly a magnificent dog with just enough Fox to make him truly a Legendary Dog. October could see easily how he was such an exciting dominant, for those we were into such things.

A smile spread across October's face. He was already growing excited... but not by such things, oh no. October wasn't into such things at all. His paws were now pushing under the blanket, caressing the Arcaninetales' relatively narrow waist, down to the hips...

This feeling of being the world's greatest hunter on the other hand, justified or not... oh, he was quite into that... but had he not just taken down a Titan..?

Here, back at top, where the Arcaninetales was at his narrow and boniest, his proportions were at least as charming as any fit feral's... and oh, but Prometheus was indeed fit...

He couldn't help himself any longer. His inspection of his prize had to move on to the next step. He had appreciated so far, but now...

He practically skittered around to the tail end of the bed, anxious nerves giving him an excited energy and a nervous excitement...

From here you could see the great, smooth hills of that grand booty in generously definite shape, even covered by blanket as it still was. Three thick, poofy tails of cream fur poked from the bottom of the blanket, just obfuscating that profile...

Well, he couldn't stand for that... especially not in the spirit of the vulpine who could tunnel past any obstacle, oh no. So he pushed into the blanket muzzle-first, slipping in to find his nose in contact with thick, soft fur that almost made him sneeze. It was surprisingly fine... He pushed through it easily, finally coming into contact with the firmness and hidden warmth of Prometheus' rump. Oh, but that fur was hiding a lot of delicious warmth... and a lot of frightening muscle, this thing was solid as a rock!

October drew back a little and lifted up his head, dragging the blanket with him, for a darkened look at the prize zone.

Oh, it was impressive. It was a mighty booty. Freaking huge, in fact. October couldn't help but spare a thought for Silver, who would have loved this more then words could describe. A huge, muscular behind like this...

Well, in his absence, October would have to just have to carry his enthusiasm for him. In the spirit of that, he pushed his head sideways onto Prometheus' posterior and rolled it about a bit, really feeling the shape, getting his face smothered in ass - by his own power and deliberate action, of course..! That distinction was important. Whilst October liked the face full of ass aspect, he wasn't really into that face-sitting business... He was no-one's chair.

Prometheus ass was not a terrible faceful, either, but naturally, as one might, October's nose, whilst dipping into and out of those tickly tails, quite suddenly encountered the prize zone... and what a scent, Prometheus carried, so male, so fire, so strong... A volume of biometric information that October's senses afforded him knowledge of. Not that he had much use for the sense. He was a smoker, anyway.

He put both paws upon that butt and pushed off from it, getting a grand overview again. Yes, he was going to conquer this. There was no turning back, now...

Well, there was, there totally was, but as he clambered onto the bed, he knew he wouldn't.

He pushed the blanket up and over with his head, until it fell and pooled, bunched around Prometheus' hips.

Prometheus was fully exposed at last. Well, at least the ass part of him was.

Rumour had it there was a pretty impressive cock down there. Perhaps alone in all of those who had visited Prometheus however, October had no interest in even seeing it.

That wasn't what he was here for, at all. That Legendary Dog-Cock was someone else's problem, for some other day. It was trapped under him and it could stay there as far as October concerned.

As October's own inches of shiny black vulpine meat, tapered and knotted, already teased free of his sheath with furtive movements of his tails, came up to bear, October was curled right around, getting an up close view as he lay it dangerously on the behind of the big Arcanine.

He had all he needed, right here...

He chuckled softly and rocked his hips. That rock hard member of his, hot and full of wicked enthusiasm, full of vulpine evil oh-so ready to rock, bounced up and down, thumping with impressive noise against that rear.

Prometheus moaned and October got the fright of his life. Eyes wide, the Ninetales nearly fell off the back of the bed and only secured himself by grabbing the Arcanine's rump with his paws, claws-out. He arrested himself, but realised with a wince that he had pierced his prey, but slightly. His claws had stuck right in.

"Thick fur, soft hide," muttered October, to himself, examining Prometheus by the back of his head and the set of his ears.

No sign of alertness. An unconscious reaction. Thank goodness.

October grinned and chuckled growlishly at a high pitch, a note of slight hysteria in his tone... Oh, but this was exciting... so exciting. His member swelled anew. Pre beaded at the end... and but for an act of willpower, that pre would have been pouring.

"Rrrf..." grumbled October, tensely, "Not the religious type, but, for what he's about to receive, Fortuna and Violet ought to know that I'm truly thankful..."

He needed this now. His body needed it.

With quick, panicked movements as if he were afraid the Arcanine would wake up, he lined himself up at once. He slowed down just as he was due to make contact. He savoured that first touch, as pointed vulpine cock touched hot, surprisingly, pleasantly hot! dog hole... October growled warmly and deeply, savouring the moment... then drew back, just a little, leaving a connecting line of pre between them, the remnants of that first tender 'kiss' of vulpine lust.

He knew he could stop, right now and leave it here. He could, he really could. He knew that this, if he did it, would be just about the worst thing he'd done at Plaisir to date. He could draw back from the line, right now.

Unfortunately, between a backlog of slights, real and imagined that October had built up, a very real sense he had of overpowering his personal demons, the horrible feelings of inaction and powerlessness he'd come to feel in this place, a perhaps highly misplaced sense of vulpine pride and specietal (possibly personal, where Firenze was concerned) vengeance and the sheer, red hot express train of a rollercoaster of lust he found himself at the driving head of, he just didn't want draw back from the line, right now.

This time his movements were smooth and calm, eagerness held back as his mind envisioned the sweet sensation that would be the deflowering of the renowned Fire-Stealer. His tip was once lined up and kissed to Prometheus entrance. All he had to do was push forward and break through...

So why wasn't he doing just that?

October frowned, mind racing as he felt his heartbeat quicken and his loins throb. There was something wrong here. Something very wrong. He was trying desperately to find the source, the reason, for his hesitance.

This was Prometheus! A threat to vulpine superiority!

...a threat in name only. A threat that had not actually done anything with the purpose of slighting him intentionally.

The sense of wrongness grew. October swallowed hard as he felt it reaching into his stomach. Slowly he pulled himself off of Prometheus' exposed backside. He was beginning to see a pattern in the nagging that was growing in strength.

Prometheus is proud. So was October. Prometheus is cocky. So was October. Prometheus can't help being who he is. The same could certainly be said of October...

Prometheus has never forced his views on another against their will.

October would never...would...maybe...? No. No, he was no rapist, he never had been. What by Violet's dirty influence had he nearly done, then..?

Guilt. That was it. October was feeling guilt. Not only that, but he felt his mind using logic on all of his complaints towards Prometheus. One by one every reason he had was either crumbled and tossed aside as made up fiction or laughable at best. He was far from stupid - if someone else had brought him this load of bull, he would have said the very same to them.

"Oh, Fortuna," The Ninetales moaned out quietly, shivering, "What did I... nearly..?"

Shame killed October's libido in an instant.. Tails sunk low to the floor, he turned towards the unconscious Arcanine hybrid and stepped over to his front. He stared down at the sleeping, peaceful face of the Top Dog.

He looked utterly peaceful in his pathetic, sickly state. Certainly more comfortable, thanks to his soup, but by no means like the great big dom that October had feared coming after his ass.

"I guess you win after all, Fire-Stealer." October spoke softly, vainly looking for some hint in the sleeping canine features that he was being forgiven for his near-transgression. "I really, really, hope you don't rememb-AAAHRF!"

Prometheus body rose up suddenly without warning; great big paws wrap around October's neck and pulled. October was caught entirely by surprise as he was hauled against Prometheus' chest. He barely had time to squirm or flail as he suddenly found the Arcanine and himself suddenly flopping over to the opposite end of the bed.

The bed springs sang a song of glee and mischief for a few moments before settling. October was holding absolutely still in terror. Had the drugs worn off already? Was Prometheus about to give him a stern lesson in what happened to-

Soft, contentful snoring. A low rumble vibrating against his back. hot air blowing over his head.

The great lug was still fast asleep!

October let out a careful sigh as his heart began to calm again. It was alright; he had just been a little too loud. Prometheus had adjusted to get comfortable again. All he had to do was carefully worm his way free and slip out of the room, with the soup container, and no one would know what had nearly happened.

Except every time the Ninetales tried to wiggle loose he would find himself grinding up in a very inappropriate way to the sleeping Arcanine. He knew this to be so from the extra warmth that seemed to be radiating near his backside - he was just shy of Prometheus' sheath. "Bloody fantastic. Violet is probably having a great laugh at this. October, fucked by Prometheus, in his sleep. Bloody Gods and their sense of humor..." October grumbled as he tried, gently, to slip his tails free one by one from their entrapment between Prometheus' legs. Maybe if he could slip his butt free first, he could pull his head out...

No luck. As his tail tried to slide itself past, the fine fur tickled against that sheath. The soft rumble in the Arcanine's chest deepened as he murmured pleasure. October froze with a squeak as hips pressed forward and a sheath crown kissed lewdly against a black star.

Okay. New plan: October would hold very, very still, and wait until Prometheus rolled over or something to scramble free.

He just hoped Prometheus wasn't too sound of a sleeper...

The size of the carton for the sedatives came to mind.

Thus, several hours later...

October twitched uncomfortably in his forced slumber, faint whimpers periodically issuing out from him as the other occupant of the bed shifted or snuggled at him. His many tails were pulled in close to his rump protectively save for one lone tail that flitted peacefully between Prometheus' legs.

The Ninetales' tails and rump were faintly damp and smelling strongly of arcanine pre - they would have been very moist if it weren't for natural body heat helping to dry it out.

Prometheus, for his part, was having a wonderful dream. Very cuddly and very amorous in a lighthearted fashion. It was a shame it was quickly fading away into oblivion as the sleepy fire-type's eyes slowly opened to register his room.

His movement stirred October into wakefulness in turn. Normally one to sleep like a horny rock, this enforced nap time was easy to rouse from. It did not take him very long to recall where he was and why he was there.

Granted, he remembered how he got caught after he yelped and rolled off the bed, away from Prometheus. Both were quite startled but October looked particularly cross. "Gah, fuckin, bah! Damnation, Prometheus! I am not some comfort plush!"

Prometheus blinked with confusion as he stared down at October. "Comfort plush? What strangeness...who are you..."

Only the pointed reminder of what he had nearly done kept October from (much) outrage at being half recalled again.

"Oh! October! I think I remember brought me that delicious soup!" The great hybrid rose up from his bed and began to stretch. Muscles strained, grunts rolled, tails lifted high. Like a mighty beast, Prometheus form showed itself off as he roused further. His forward stretch was even more suggestive. "I am feeling considerably healthier. My thanks to you and your warmth. Your bodily company was a most intimate token of your care to me."

The Ninetales huffed and flopped onto his haunches. "I didn't sleep with you on purpose. You grabbed me after you passed out, and nearly buggered me in your sleep." He brandished his tails behind him and displayed the pre-matted fur and the indentations it had made. "You would have woken much sooner if you had, from the screaming, I assure you."

Staring at the damage his sleepy dreams had caused, Prometheus took on a look of...embarrassment? "By the Gods...I am so sorry, October! I would never dream of forcing someone to do such a thing! But in my sleep...I am truly grateful to you, and I owe you a great debt for putting up with my illness and my libido. I did not hurt you anywhere else, did I?" The Arcanine stepped down from his bed and began a thorough sniff over October. "Again, my sincerest apologies-"

He went on with several more such shows of contriteness, reaffirming those little voices that had been in October's head earlier. Prometheus would never force his views on another against their will. "Ease up now, you great lug!" October finally cut the other off in the midst of another apology. "I am fine, save for my pride, and that is mendable. It's not as if I don't understand what a sleeping horn dog is capable of. We both came out of this with our dignity mostly intact. Let it be."

Better still, October prayed, that Prometheus remembered little more than a fine soup and rest. He at least had been given a second chance to prove himself a better creature...or at least a comparable creature, to the likes of Prometheus.

The large canine, blinked in surprise at the chastisement then let out a small bark of a laugh. "Yes, of course! Let us be happy for this! But, October, my friend, I still must thank you for your kindness in even coming to my aid. it is still a point that your soup and warmth have helped sooth me..."

Wonderful. Now instead of heckling him as the Top Dog, Prometheus was going to smother him with praise and respect. It would be a great deal more enjoyable if he had not nearly committed an unspeakable act to earn it.

"...Therefore it is only fair that I share with you one of my most prized possessions."

On the other hand. "Beg pardon?" October went from cross to curious, if guarded. "Ah, I'm not sure I should accept such a gift, though the gratitude is appreciated..."

"Nonsense!" the Arcanine strided over into the kitchen area, "Not even Jack has a cache of this fine brew! He has harassed me about purchasing it for awhile now, but it's limited availability just makes it that much more enjoyable to savor."

October's ear cocked in interest to this. "A fine brew?" He followed the Arcanine into the kitchen, half-watching that rump and its wiggling as Prometheus carefully fished out something from one of the lower cabinets. "Do you mean to tell me you have..."

Prometheus turned about and brandished a large, generous glass decanter. The contents were a brilliant gold-and-red. The seal on it trimmed with gold and lace. The label looked as if it had hard drawn by the most dedicated of artists: Fire of the Gods.

"...Booze!?" October couldn't help himself.

"Not just any 'booze," Prometheus said with a rich chuckle, placing the container carefully on the counter, "Possibly one of the finest Liqueurs ever made, anywhere! I could only wish it was named because of me, but alas, it is closer to say that I might have been named to consume it!" He had a great grin on his muzzle as he playfully thumped October in the chest, nearly sending the Ninetales sprawling. "And you get to share it with me, my friend!"

What else could October do, in the face of such fine vintage, but graciously accept?

Glasses followed bottle and decorking was followed by pouring, chinking of glasses, then drinking. At first in a reverent silence.

Then as liquid poured down waiting maws, trailing a quickly growing, wonderfully warming sensation of pure heady bliss (and aniseed) that roared up from within like the essence of fire itself (and booze) the mutual growls of appreciation from the pair of Fire types turned into raucous laughter..! ...and then they were loud.

"HAHAAAH..! How is that for fire, Ninetales..?" challenged the Arcanine.

"AH-HAH-HAH That'll do, Barkanine, that'll do..!" answered October, "Been a while since I've had so fine a brew..~!"

"Barkanine..?" asked Prometheus, smirking amusedly.

"...I needed another B," said October, with a grin.

So they drank... and talked, and drank some more. With a rapid acceleration. Fire type Pokemon tended to metabolise alcohol differently. Highly combustible, the stuff wouldn't last so long in the system... whilst inducing to that system, an increasingly delirious heat...

"The Bouzouki is an underrated instrument..!" declared Prometheus, over the top of the stanza, gesturing over-emphatically.

"Yes..! I grant you that..!" said October, "...but my question was; When did the music even start playing..?" He was referring to the very greek strings now filling the room.

"We've been over this," said Prometheus, chuckling, "When you sat on the remote!"

"Ooooooh..!" said October, starting to cackle, "...but it's alright, I meant to do that!" then started outright laughing at his own drunken hubris.

This had naturally lead to the ever-silly conversation of, "You are drunk, clearly, more than I..."

"No, no, I'm not as think as you drunk I am, but you..."

Which had quite naturally lead to the temporary abandonment of chairs and the elevation of the occasion to such grand demonstrations of dexterity as straight-line walking (with waving asses) and simple dancing (with moderate stumbling.)

"You sway with rhythm Prometheus," said October, with feeling, as he watched the Arcanine lean from one bulging shoulder to another with a soft pendulousity, "but do you have flow..?"

October had reared up to his hindlegs (astonishingly not toppling over) to execute a bad quadruped's rendition of a Solinian Shimmy, complete with twirl. He had his tails to thank for all of it (especially his balance.)

Something about the swirling midsection and bouncing butt and tails of the Ninetales had Prometheus' eyes wide. October was concerned for a second...

"By Hades, October..!" gasped Prometheus, "That is NOT how you dance to Laiko..!"

October's grin was cheeky, "I'll do with your Laiko as I like-oh..!" he cocked his head, "Your music just can't take my tails!"

Prometheus had jokingly lunged at him. October had nimbly dodged it. Mostly. Whilst the squirmy Ninetales had indeed remained free, they had both ended up on the floor and subsequently given up on standing.

So; they were sprawled across the squashy sofas Prometheus favoured in his room, the bottle sat upon the table... and they talked. They talked a bit about assorted names in the cafe...

"...You respect Firenze so much..?" asked Prometheus.

October was too drunk to be embarrassed, "Yes... in fact he's probably the only reason, initially, I went along with..." he stared with intensity, "ANY of this... maid stuff..."

Prometheus started snorting.

"Something funny..?" asked October.

"They still make you floor staff wear the aprons, don't they..?" said Prometheus, his voice rich with mirth, "I hope yours is frilly and black. I shall have to wake up early in the morning some day to see if you look like a French maid..!"

October growled, playfully, "Watch it, you!" He reared his paws and raised them, threateningly. He had demonstrated that he could lunge and deliver a lightening tickle-strike before the drunken Arcanine could grab him. Barely. It had worked so far. Less so each time...

"No more, no more," chuckled the Arcanine, "or I will have to flatten you..!"

"You can try," said an October, grinning cockily with the courage of the bottle.

"Perhaps I will..." said Prometheus, with a grin, "but truly; You are here because of Firenze..?"

October looked up, thoughtfully, "Weeeell; I suppose it's not just Firenze, anymore. In fact; He doesn't give me the time of day! Chai on the other hand, Chai's great..."

"I do not know them," said Prometheus, "but you are also friends with Colin, yes..?"

"Well, I think he's more your friend than mine," said October, quietly, then quickly changed the topic as his discomfort (and those pesky feelings of inadequacy versus the Arcanine which had him calling on Colin far less often, now,) rose up, "I'll tell you who I'm getting outright sick of, though! Rain Flower..!"

Prometheus rolled his eyes, his grand body recoiling to inhale the great sigh that would become, "Augh..! Rain Flower..! Yes, I think I feel your pain all too deeply, my friend. If Poseidon in a fit of madness concocted a curse for the daily torment of the land, it is surely Rain Flower!"

October gestured towards Prometheus with both forepaws, eyes wide in confirmation, "Yes!" he declared firmly, uttering theatrically, "A horrid wench of hurty water, malicious in action, voracious in temperament and in her eyes and voice;" he upturned his paws, presenting his claws to the heavens, "Creeping madness..!"

Prometheus chuckled, "She can be very annoying. Doesn't seem to get the word, 'no.'"

"Fantastic tail, though..." smirked October.

...about some of their conquests in the name of lust and adventure...

"So, alright, not counting Rain Flower, you've gotten about half of the Eeveelutions, October..?"

"Well it was just oral and... Hmm..?" said October curiously, then he proceeded to count, Umbreon, Sylveon, Jolteon, Flareon and realise that did in fact total four, "...Huh..! Suppose I have..! Huh... wonder if I'll do them all... wonder who they'll be..."

"I'm sure you can do it, if you stick here, my red friend!" declared Prometheus, "Opportunity always awaits at Plaisir! In my time here, I have encountered creatures great and small, all of the wonders of Arceus and Zeus come through here eventually! ...and sooner or later, I will have had my way with all of them..!"

"...and then Zeus became horny; The cornerstone of Greek Mythology," remarked October, "Ahhh, you are a classic, Prometheus..."

The big dog waggled his eyebrows, "Oh, you like my spirit..? Want to feel its warmth..?" he opened his legs wide in the offer of embrace... his visage was very... apparent... " could share in my adventure, we could make a new classic..!"

"Ah-ahhh..~!" said October, raising his tickly paws defensively, "cool it, you monster! You're liable to do me a Greek Tragedy if I try to undertake your Odyssey!"

"Nature can take it, I'm sure you can too," said Prometheus, with a grin, "the Linoone Masseuse, Quippie..."

"So, really, only males..?" said October, cutting the question in and getting a solemn nod from Prometheus. "Hmmm," said the Ninetales, "Pity. They can be fun. There was one time I got an entire busload of tourist-women fucked in the woods..!"

..they even traded corny jokes when they began giggling stupidly.

"You must have a Ninetales joke," insisted Prometheus.

"Alright, yes," said October, with a sigh, then took a deep breath and launched into it, "What's the hardest Pokemon to tell if they're having a good time on bottom?"

"I don't know," answered Prometheus, with the maximum prose the joke could justify (and a little more,) "what is the hardest to tell..?"

"A German Ninetales," said October, "Nine, nein, Nine, nein!"

They were laughing for five minutes. They were laughing at the Metapod jokes even longer. Shouting, "HARDEN... STRING SHOT..!" would shut down any line of questioning into hysterics after that!

Especially after they started singing along to one of the songs and October had worked Harden... String Shot into the chorus. Prometheus had asked him how he knew Greek. October had gotten an odd look in his eyes before loudly declaring himself, "An abomination in the spirit of Jason!" and laughing uproariously until the matter was forgotten.

October had never really been around Prometheus before this, but he had heard assorted gossip about the Arcanine's confidence, and inhibition. It was even more evident here, under the influence of alcohol. The Arcanine practically had his legs spread out, one barely dangling to the floor. The tip of his red shaft was poking free from his sheath, clearly half hard at least. He had said nothing of it at first, but gave a large, knowing grin and flexed it when he saw October take notice.

To save face and show he was no prude either, October mirrored the pose, and showed off his own bodily appreciation for booze and talk of sexual exploits. This seemed to get full approval from the Arcanine, and so the conversations pressed onward.

"I'm telling you," Prometheus said with only a slight slur, "That you'd be fine. Yes it might hurt, but I know how to be gentle. We'd get you loose enough before risking a knot in your belly." The big Fire-type scratched at his belly as he rumbled happily at the thought. "I know I have been a bit neglectful with your name, but I had not met you until just now! I have heard fine things about your regal fires before this."

October wasn't sure just who had talked to Prometheus about him, but he had a suspicion they hadn't said regal at all. "Noooo. No no no no, no, Prometheus. Can't be doin." he shook his head stubbornly for a moment before halting. Best not to do that again - the room was starting to spin. "A cock like that, and I will be walking like a cowboy from the Americas for the rest of my life! It'd never fit!" He took another gulp of the sweet liqueur in his glass then with remarkably skill, belched out a fine stream of flame in greens and golds. He got a small nod of approval at the display from the other. "And besides: I am a Top Fox. Why should I let you have all the fun? From what I hear, you've never taken it up the butt ever, Mr. 'Firebringer.' I'm not going to risk my ass to someone who isn't willing to at least do the same."

Minor speech finished, October eyed the liquid left in his glass as he gently swirled it in his paw. The Arcanine seemed to be deep in drunken thought, still idly rubbing circles on his own belly as he stared blankly over October's head.

This was quite fine for October, of course. it gave him peace to enjoy the blurry buzz his mind had become.

Eventually, Prometheus broke the silence. "I know it can be done. I've seen it with my own eyes," It was not a protest, but a simple observation. He downed what was left in his glass before resuming. "Aye, they all certainly weren't walking easy for a time after, but with proper care, it's totally doable."

"Well, you'll have to say something much more comforting than that to convince me to change my mind." October replied in a polite, but firm, tone. He had turned to refill his glass carefully from the decanter. It was nearly empty - no more than perhaps a fifth of it was left. He focussed on the task to make sure that none of the precious fluid was wasted...

"Oh?" Prometheus' voice was almost sultry, "Well, what about doing something to convince you instead?"

October glanced up from his studious pouring, then yelped as he nearly dropped the decanter.

Prometheus was no longer on the couch, but was off on the bed. His front was, anyways - his back legs were still on the floor, with his three tails held up and over as his spread legs wiggling that presented rump to him.

Even in such an exposed pose, the Arcanine hybrid looked confident...or very drunk. October wasn't in much of a position to judge properly. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Convincing you." the drunk, pleased voice replied. Prometheus scooted forward on his bed, looking briefly like he was humping the frame, before a soft hop made his backside fly up and land on the mattress. The angle sharpened, giving October an even more suggestive view as the Arcanine settled his chest lower. Balls sway neatly with moving hips, three tails matching the movements for added effect as the pink, tight and puckered, virginal-looking star of the Fire Thief was prominently displayed.

October couldn't help but notice the effect was working, seeing 'submissiveness' from a canine, that natural body language speaking so plainly to his dominant libido, was making his sheath fill out quite healthily. His black rocket throbbed with glee. He carefully put his glass down as he came off the couch, eyes never leaving that view. "You do realize that even with your size, it would probably hurt like blazes? I am no tiny thing, Prometheus..." Still, like a cat stalking a mouse it couldn't quite believe would step out into the open so brazenly he stepped in closer and closer, slowly.

A great snort, a gush of flame, and a deep chuckle rose from the drunken challenger. "I am Prometheus! I stole fire from the Gods! I can take a little pain if there is any. Besides, this is something I can do to repay you for the accidental insult to your tails - and something I think you want more than my Liqueur. What is a round of cherry breaking amongst friends?"

Claws stabbing into the carpet with excited tension, the red Ninetales was at the side of the bed now, looking between that offered rear and the daring eyes of its owner. His own green eyes spoke of temptation, lust, greed, desire, worry...

But here was Prometheus, totally willing, challenging him to do it... He had even gone as far as to declare them friends! The Top Dog was totally offering himself up to the Top Fox...

Totally fair game!

He was bounding up onto the bed without any more hesitation. The springs groaned and wheezed in surprise this time with both parties fully awake to move. A second bound planted the Ninetales upon Prometheus's rump, just as he had been during the more nefarious situation earlier. This time was much different, however. So very, very, different. For the better...

With unnatural grace in his drunken state, October held himself firm to Prometheus rump with his forepaws clenched up the edges of it. His hind legs dangled comfortably to the sides freely in the air. Claws grazed as hide beneath fur but other than the initial twitch of nerves the Arcanine made no noise or complaint. He saw the other look back at him over the shoulder, eyes still daring him to prove his point.

The leaping, the eager hormones of glee and some trace of revenge, all these had October unsheathed again. The black spire bounced and poked at the offered rear. With everything in position now, he only needed to shift his hips and line his wet tip against the steamy hole. Was it really steamy? Before, Prometheus has been asleep, but his entrance had been pleasantly hot then. Now, with the other awake and revved by the alcohol, that inviting heat seemed five times greater. He would revel in the feeling of that ass wrapped around his shaft soon...

In fact, right now... he drove in, finally pushing peen to pucker in earnest at last...

Oh, but it was hot... and as that pointed tip finally strained and with that delicious give of resistance, pierced that hole, October growled rattlishly, in pleasure... oh, but it was tight, too...

Feeling that hot, tight tailhole wrap oh-so firmly around his piercing member, October pushed in slowly, until the pre that had pooled around his tip began to thin and he ground to a halt through stick lack of lubrication... and paused only then as he strained and throbbed to produce some more...

Prometheus grunted softly and his back end shuffled, a tiny wiggle of the hips that felt like an adjustment. He still said nothing, though October could see the surprise in his eyes. The big fire type had been remarkably good with the penetration, but clearly it was not going as easily as he first thought it would. It had only been an inch or two, as well.

Still though, that wiggling... October gasped as his tip was rubbed about and his pre began to flow more freely, his lust exploding in clear liquid form, paving the way into the Aracaninetales...

Ever the opportunist, October drove deeper.

October's maw hung open with a face of bright delight as he pushed into an ever-hotter pressure furnace of sheer pleasure! His tails perked up from their slightly sunken set, to a proud and delighted fan. His claws dug into Prometheus' rump and he let out a noise that was nearly a squeak of delight. This time Prometheus couldn't hold back a response to the burrowing member. His rump twitched and a low growl of a hum came out. A well disguised whine, perhaps?

Going in as far as he could before the resistance became too much (for he didn't want to risk any damage) October gasped at the thrust's peak. He couldn't help but gasp aloud, quietly, "Fire of the gods indeed, Prometheus...~!"

Oh but that fire on his cock, the hot and crushing heat of Prometheus, internal, was incredible... and to the Flash-Fire Fox, incredibly pleasing. He felt Prometheus try to adjust again. This time the huffing noise of response was definitely a moan of someone learning a lesson about how easy certain things were certainly not. Yet still, he didn't beg for mercy.

Shuddering with waves of pleasure, he had to let go the Arcaninetales rump with his claws, so that he could settle more firmly upon Prometheus' lower back. The pleasure was such that he simply had to relax his posture.

Prometheus made a moany, growly groan and seemed to tense his legs, pulling them further apart, but squeezing October internally in the process. Even that innocent movement had been so keenly felt!

October's sigh was long and sing-song eloquent, a gasp of pleasure that he followed up with another firm, but slow push, putting his vulpine dexterity to work, working himself in carefully...

Oh, but the Arcaninetales was tight, he hadn't expected that... Especially for a denizen of Café Plaisir, he had certainly encountered looser on smaller, to say the least of it...

He hit resistance again. He had barely gotten a few more tapered, thickening inches in. It was like Prometheus had never used this passage for this... It was practically virginal..! "So tight..!" he hissed, "Worse than meee...!"

October felt a smug sense of satisfaction. Even HE had done it ONCE, albeit under duress and in good faith believing he was doing the mature thing to resolve a conflict. (- Actually being tricked into the opposite, well, he had learned his lesson THERE! Don't take it for nothin'. ESPECIALLY not for Peace!)

"Well," October grinned, speaking quietly, but with theatrical charm, "Doctor October is here to help you loosen up, sweet Prometheus... don't worry, I'll be... almost sufficiently gentle in my treatment..."

Prometheus gave a tiny, little whimper. "I-I can take anything you can give me, Doctor!" Oh, it was adorable. October could see the look of pained determination on Prometheus face from here!

October reached up and stroked his back, reassuringly. Then he thrust in again, with a wicked grin.

Oh, but parting each millimetre of this metaphorical Minotaur was like a liberation from the maze to wound-up, trapped-feeling October. It was very, very pleasureable, but not half as it felt empowering...

October's claws couldn't help but come out all the way as he held onto the big pup he was piercing. Prometheus moaned again. "Stop complaining," chuckled October... who then gasped as he drove in deeper.

"Oh, what a warmth," he growls happily as he finally began to saw his hips, rocking back and forth at last in that tight, hot tunnel, "What an ass..."

What an ass, indeed. He was having trouble finding his footing. October's hindpaws shuffled about or hung in the air between thrusts, the Ninetales trying to find some way to fit his hips around Prometheus' hindquarters, properly. This behind didn't quite fit in the 'nook' of his hips, to say the least...

Still, though, what an ass indeed. Warm... so warm, as warm as an ass should be. For all that he loved small asses, girly asses, petit asses, poundable asses, toned asses, tight asses, trim asses and pert asses, cheruby asses and shapely asses to name just a few of his favoured types, Fire-type ass was definitely in a class of its own. It was true, there were definite advantages to your own type.

October gained in enthusiasm quickly, too quickly. His claws dug into Prometheus' fur, into his back, risking scratches... but he didn't care, that heat, that delicious feel, the heady taste of vulpine victorious... he was riding a wave he couldn't get off of if he wanted to. His thrusts gained in energy almost with every stroke.

His ears twitched, becoming aware of a new sound... it was deep, it was almost inaudible above the squishing noises of sex, but... it was a huffing, coming from Prometheus, rhythmic... in time...

October grinned, broadly, "You're enjoying this..!" he said in quiet delight, "You're enjoying the feel of Ninetales' justice!" He thrust a little harder. He got a deeper huff. His grin grew.

Yes... he was definitely enjoying this more than he had enjoyed Dextus' little game with his own rear, a week ago. Of course, Prometheus had the advantages of being extremely relaxed (drunk) and of the care that October had taken not to inflict injury... He did, after all, know his buttsex...

...Another idea took him, which spread his grin even wider.

October suddenly pulled his paws in and adjusted. Planting both forepaws on the Arcaninetales' hips, he pushed up his full weight on his forelegs and lifted his body from the Arcanine, keeping just his now steeply angled cock and forepaws on his partner like a penetrative 'vaulting' position.

Ah, it was an effort on the shoulders, but if there was one positive thing he could say about his constant forest runarounds evading confrontations with the Mightyena, Eclipse, his stamina and fitness was, in fact, developing.

It was no effort at all when faced with the amount of fun the position offered.

From this awkward angle, leaning forward with his tails back, October began to see-saw himself in and out of the Arcanine's big, fluffy, bouncy butt!

From this angle and with the pin-point precision of a vulpine sniper, October struck the prostate just about every time. Pushed the pointed tip of his member bumping over it, every time...

The huffing got a lot more energetic. October grinned. He was definitely enjoying it, now. He enthusiastically accelerated, until his hips and balls were patting off of Prometheus loudly...

The next part took him by surprise. For a second, it was like an Earthquake... or rather a sudden and rapid series of changes in Earth's rotational momentum. It wasn't until he fell forward, his chin landing flat on Prometheus back, that he realised it was Prometheus that was moving...

Moving... and grinding. That no doubt massive, bulbous, perhaps throbbing dog-cock was being thrusted through the air below, seeking more stimulation, bouncing into a furry belly... October grinned. He still just about had his hips up in the approximate right position, so he went right back to work. He timed his thrusts to Prometheus' own, starting to ride the rhythm of the bucking bronco.

October was reminded of those mechanical amusements, where a little currency was inserted and some poor rider would be flung about on some platform or limb or the like... Well, this one was pretty fun and he hadn't much minded the insertion, either.

Really getting into the flow of his enthusiastic ride, October began to put more and more force into each thrust, his heat rising, his pleasure building. He was using his tails as counterbalance, waving them up and down, his hips pounding in and rolling back, in time with his 'mount's' own movements...

Oh, but by now it was all more than he could take. October's swollen cock was bursting with excitement. His mind was astir with conflicting notions, of pleasure and improperness, of dominance and shame... the very conflict was exciting!

Gradually, his thrusting got harder and harder, his breath deeper and deeper....

At that moment, he was a heroic vulpine, who had conquered an diabolical Minotaur and scored a moral victory for himself and vulpines everywhere. All thoughts of the drunken challenge were forgotten.

His claws were soon in the Arcaninetales again and he was growling almost ferally, thrusting almost brutally.

Unconquered, unbowed, he was riding on a wave of exultation and victory, the excitement of his own cunning and conflict, fuelled by frustrations and angers that drove the fire type on with a force that could NOT be denied!

Before he knew it, he was thrusting and pulling so hard, he was the one moving the Arcaninetales around, the bed groaning and creaking as this particular bed surely, often had, to Prometheus' bulk moving back and forth. This time it was purely from the energy in pounding vulpine hips and pulling vulpine shoulders. This feat was probably less to do with frequent sparring and more to do with the extra energy granted a furious, furiously horny Ninetales with a hardon for vengeance and a big appetite for naughty mischief, with a hefty dose of over-heat to his flash-fire nature. All those things gave him strength.

Strength he was using on the Arcaninetales ass utterly without mercy, so utterly carried was October on this inferno-freight-train-wave of crashing pleasure. He was beyond pain, beyond fatigue, beyond all sense, but the need of his balls, as they crashed noisily into Prometheus back end, just below his straining, swelling knot...

Lately, he'd been working on his finishes. As an employee of Café Plaisir, it had seemed sensible, plus, it was fun. Folks seemed to tend to prefer a poised, possibly flame-spewing Ninetales over a flopped and drooling one, come-the-moment... but this time...

He didn't even know he was going to drive the knot in until he had already done it and Prometheus gave a loud and surprised yelp and yowl! "Iiiiaaaayooooo...!" October didn't realise he was about to cum until he suddenly erupted inside the clenching Arcaninetales! His cock felt twice its normal size as he began to fill Prometheus so hard that he was bucking the Arcanine and grinding his knot hard, with each ferocious, nearly painful eruption of thick hot seed... He was cumming so much that some of it escape around the knot, carrying with it a crimson scent...

With a high-pitched, sing-song keening noise, October slumped down on Prometheus back, moving no part of himself above the hips and simply relaxing, sprawling, with a hysterically happy look on his face. The relief..! Oh, the relief... He felt on top of the world... just then... He was on top of... on top of...

Someone he barely knew, who he had formulated a vague and poorly-conceived vendetta against, which was backed by vague and irrelevant notions of specietal pride and largely instigated by the teasing of numerous third parties, but third parties none the less and a few incidents that were almost certainly entirely unintentional, but which had eaten at October's own insecurities. Insecurities he had only just recently acknowledged himself after having nearly raped that someone earlier...

The same someone who had gotten stupidly drunk with him and had dared him to take his ass and gotten far too carried away with it, on a dare, in return for... the same... This poorly timed moment of clarity was not comfortable for October. Especially since he was still gushing. His eyes were suddenly very wide, yet very sharp.

"Oh shit," he gasped, breathlessly, "What have I..?"

He winced... oh... this orgasm was going on far too long, now that he was ashamed of it.

Yet all he could do was suffer through the flooding pleasure, his hips twitching as his body tensed, his mind suddenly reeling with the facts and implications.

"Oh, shit," gasped October, still going.

When he finally stopped, spent, flopped but tensed-up on Prometheus back, he was shaking, slightly. Below him, Prometheus was still, huffing deeply. Why hadn't he said anything? Told him he was being too rough?

October's nose twitched cautiously, afeared of what he might smell. His attuned vulpine noise caught and confirmed the scent, straight away. Blood. Arcaninetales blood.

Of course... soft skinned, very tight... it was very obvious that was going to happen. Especially if you got carried away, like a fool.

Smooth, Fox... he told himself. VERY smooth. He hadn't even thought about whether or not he would use his knot, nevermind with getting carried away in roughness. In fact, it was fair to say that beyond the initial, enticing plan and prospect, he hadn't thought very much about this at all.

Now that he was here, hanging by his knot, none of that was very comfortable at all.

"Prometheus? Prometheus? Say something! Are you okay?" October refocused his gaze forward. the Arcaninetales had been peering at him earlier, after all.

Instead, he saw a passed out Pokemon, panting, clearly feeling the sexual mess and a wet spot of drool on the bedsheets, but definitely no longer aware of what was going on. Of course - either from too much going on or too much drink (probably both), Prometheus had passed out. Somehow the Arcaninetales had kept his rear upright, even now.

Well, there was nothing else for it. He had to lie and wait on Prometheus' back and listen to the Arcanine snore and moan whilst he waited for his knot to diminish. It would have been hilarious, the image of him perched on the Arcanine's rump raised in the air and tied, if his overindulgence hadn't possibly made things worse.

When he finally pulled it out... he was straight down there with his muzzle, to perform a task he might have considered somewhat sexy in an overly dirty-even-for-him kind of way, if not for its grim necessity.

He poked his muzzle under Prometheus tail and licked. He got the taste of blood and his own sex fluids. Hesitantly, he continued.

"Cheri-Berry Butt Slush," "Naughty Puppy Pink Paste," "Code Magenta," "Sylveon Milk," "The Bloody Runs of Fun." He'd heard a lot of awful names for what he was lapping up right now, but none of them amused him over much. It tasted a little too much like hiding shame...

It took forever, too. Before he knew it, he was practically shoving his muzzle up Prometheus' ass, trying to deal with the flow closer to the source. So much fluid came squirting out and he had to clean it all. He at least figured out why Prometheus hadn't simple flopped onto his belly when he had passed out - every fresh lick seemed to cause a tiny flinch, making the rump stay up. Prometheus had tensed his legs against the pain.

Worse still, the mix was making him horny again. Despite all that was coming out of Prometheus, part of him was wanting to put it back in.

By the time he had finished cleaning up Prometheus' butt, he was achingly hard. He stared at that ass just a little while longer, briefly tempted to go again, all the same... but no, this whole thing was a shame. His shame. Despite his previous 'save' against temptation, he had effectively given in to it anyways, even with Prometheus' consent.

Glancing further down from his work, he noticed Prometheus dangling shaft. The red flesh was larger than his own - a lewd display of prowess, even with the humility of the situation. A large puddle of seed was sprayed over the bed and parts of the Arcanine's underside. Apparently he had had a 'good time' as well, despite the results... Slowly that rump settled downward to hide the second mess.

He turned around and slunk out of the room, closing the door behind him without making a sound.

He had to walk back to his room in his full pride, member dangling below him like he was walking back frustrated from some failed encounter. Fortunately, no-one saw him and it didn't take him long to get back at the storm pace he took. He wanted to put this behind him as quickly as possible.

He quietly opened his door and peered in. The purple light from his jar of lost things was muffled by a pile of socks. That meant Chai was somewhere inside, sleeping.

There was a very good chance Chai would wake up if he tripped on him, or shuffled him if he was on the bed. That would potentially lead the Umbreon to notice the fresh smell of booze and sex on him, which would lead to...

Slowly, October shut the door again. He made his a way down the hall towards one of his usual linen closet hiding places, shaft still dangling awkward below him...

Thus, some time later...

October woke with a start and then a curse, head banging with a solid thud against a shelf within his linen closet hideout. The ache was far worse than it should have been but he didn't stop to wonder why as he held his head and gave several more utterances of blasphemy.

The pain did at least help focus his brain a bit. He remembered why he was in the closet, and he also realized he was hung over something fierce. "Ahhh, damn that Fire of the Gods..."

He was not sure how long he had been asleep. The fact he hadn't been awakened by Unfezants meant he wasn't late for his shift, so he had woken up early, but how early? He would have to go out to check.

He didn't want to, but if he wanted any chance of passing this all off without anyone noticing he would need to get rid of as much of his hangover as possible. That meant drinking water. A hot tap would at least make it less painful.

With a grunt and a careful stretch, October freed himself from the closet and slowly made his way towards one of the bathrooms. The utter silence around him suggested it was still quite early. That was actually a good thing, as it meant he might be able to get a few extra hours of sleep before Colin woke him up. He could risk washing off a bit of the scent of Prometheus so it was less likely for anyone to realize it was there...

Focused on his thoughts, October missed the looming shadow behind him when it pounced. October's mouth opened for a yelp, and in that instant he knew flames were going to spew out as well. A large, red paw clamped down on his muzzle, squashing the flames into a brief cloud and startling the ninetales further.

The initial surprise was over. October was now pounced and firmly held to the floor. Whoever it was on him was huge, and male. He could feel the sizeable sheath pressed against him rump from the position. It was a very familiar contour too: Prometheus!

The rumble traveling along his spine was coming from the legendary beast above. October immediately let off a small whimper as he looked up, searching for the angry eyes of judgment. Prometheus own were their to greet his, peering through him intently...

" about that recipe?"

October blinked, confused. "Mmrf?" he muttered, muzzle still trapped under a paw.

"Ah, sorry, heh. I was feeling impish." Prometheus smiled then, chuckling lightly as he picked himself off the Ninetales. October pulled himself back up and quickly turned to face the other fire type with a mixture of confusion and worry. "I didn't mean to scare you like that. I'm still working off a bit of the liqueur, you see." Prometheus leaned in and licked at October's nose. The broad tongue carried with it the heady smell of alcohol and dog breath.

October whined and wiped at the horrid smell trapped on his face. "Gah! That doesn't wash out, you know!" Despite his protest, he was watching the Arcanine carefully. "How are you feeling, then? You, uh, passed out, while we were drinking."

"Hmmm, were we?" The smile on the Arcanines face was sly, and knowing, "I recall passing out with that rather hard pounding you were giving me..."

Shit. He totally remembered. October's ears fell low and his heart started to quicken. "N-Now hold on, Prometheus. That was just an accident, I swear. It was the drink and-"

Prometheus held up a paw, silencing October's words. "Enough," his command was firm, though his face still held a smile. "I recall bits of it, and a lot is fuzzy. I definitely know from the soreness in my ass that I may have bitten off more than I bargained for. That is part of why I'm not sitting down right now."

The paw came down, and October's ears rose slowly. "So're just here for the soup recipe?"

"Well, that, and to apologize." Prometheus amended, looking embarrassed once more. It was a growing trend, October noticed. "It's a bad habit of mine, sometimes, overindulging. There's a lot I enjoy doing, and not much I won't do, but when you pointed out that it wasn't very fair to ask you to share your ass when I wouldn't even share mine, my brain couldn't help but think of that as a noteworthy least, I think that was what we talked about. Blurry stuff, you know."

Prometheus waved off the confusion with a shrug and a chuckle. "Anyways. I wanted to thank you for the soup, your kindness, your warmth, and for taking up my challenge without hurting me too much. I have a bit more respect now for those that take my knot! I wanted to let you know there are no hard feelings for going a little overboard. That was my own fault for getting a Ninetales drunk."

"A little overboard," October muttered weakly. "Prometheus, I went to town on your ass. The only reason it wasn't rougher is because I didn't have much else to push off with!"

"But did you have fun?" the Arcanine countered with a smirk.

"Well, yes, but-" October temporized

"Then you're fine," Prometheus said firmly, "What is done is done, and if you don't go boasting about it much, I won't go griping about a sore ass. If I was really injured, I'd know. Contrary to my formerly tight ass, I do know when someone has taken too much."

Of course, October knew he was playing tough, stoic and polite. October knew his ass injuries and Prometheus wouldn't be sitting down comfortably for at least four days with tears like those... In light of the stubbornness being displayed, however, October could only sigh and smile a bit. "Alright then. Fair enough. I'll see about getting you that recipe after work, if that's alright?"

The Arcanine bowed his head to that with a grand smile, eyes twinkling. "Excellent. I wish you some peaceful sleep then, October." He drifted to the slide so he could stride pass the Ninetales. "Oh," He paused, looking over his shoulder, "By the way.."

October stiffened and yelped inwardly as a set of claws suddenly sank into his rump. A large paw was firmly squeezing on it. The pinprick of claws tickled his nerves.

"Since you had your turn on me, that means you're fair game now...when you say yes, anyways. Until then, Firefox~"

The grope was removed and the Arcanine hummed happily to himself as he trotted off, tails high and dancing merrily. October waited several seconds to make sure he didn't turn back around for any other last minute notes, then darted off towards his room.

Borderline Rape? No, while it had been premium alcohol and dubious thought processes, it had all been consensual, badly thought out as it was. Prometheus had actually handled the situation with admirable maturity, whereas October...

He had run away. There wasn't really any other way to spin it. He had gotten carried away. The moment he had that second excuse to ride the Arcanine's tail, he had jumped to it like a moth in the flames.

The near moment before getting drunk, however...that had been a true test, at least. When his questionable set of morals had been put to the test, he had won, barely. That shouldn't have happened though: Vindictive he might sometimes get, he had never planned for someone any more than they deserved for things they had actually done.

So why had he nearly gone overboard this time? Wounded pride? Bad sleep schedule?, some deep down, Fox-versus-Dog instinctual hatred? He certainly didn't feel it towards Prometheus anymore - fear for his ass, yes, but not hatred...

This was another reason he preferred active conflicts and adventures and hated going to slow, easy-peasy-law-abiding villages and colonies. Once you got settled into their ways, the fine line between right and wrong became a lot harder to see...

A memory nagged the back of October's mind, pulling up to the forefront. It was about Verrin, a Ninetales in another world. He had traveled far and wide, barely interacting with Pokemon Villages for reasons. What were they again....

Ah, that was one of them. Ninetales were passionate, potentially to a fault. It was especially obvious among the Ninetales domains when you looked at their infighting.

Was that it then? Was all this thanks to a simple, biological desire to get one's way?

October was back at his room and very nearly made it all the way onto the bed without tripping on anything, but then he tripped on Chai.

"Urf, HEY!" cried the Umbreon.

"...Sorry..." said October, tiredly, "Sorry Chai, I didn't see you there... somehow."

Chai groaned, then yawned. October stumbled past him and let himself fall on the bed, sighing.

"..Why didn't you just make a Will-o-wisp, so you could see, you dumbass?" muttered Chai.

October rolled his eyes and huffed, "I forgot."

"...Wait a minute," said Chai, suddenly.

Suddenly there was a blinding yellow light, filling the room and burning yellow rings onto October's vision, even when he blinked. "Gah, Chai!" he complained.

"...Wait a minute here," the Umbreon was getting up, his nose twitching, the corners of his mouth curling up into a wicked smile, "Prometheus?

October winced, but not for the reasons that Chai probably expected, judging from the size of the Umbreon's smile as he darted along the bed to look under October's tails.

Seeing immediately that October's tight black button of a tailhole was not even remotely distended or leaky, Chai frowned in confusion, nose still twitching. Moving with his rings still glowing, Chai chased shadows around the room as he came to inspect October's sheath.

Despite the brief wash it had received, there was still some traces of scent. "...No way," said Chai, wide-eyed.

Not feeling as proud as he thought he would at this moment, October sighed.

"..No fucking way," said Chai, wide eyed.

Alright, that made him smile, a little.

"...You didn't, there's just no fucking way," said Chai.

"...Where there's a Fox, there's a way," said October, smiling more than a little. At least he had the pleasure of putting one over this one.

Chai looked at him, eyes practically bulging with wonder, "How did you..? What did..? You, I mean... Did you..? Naw..."

"Wonder away, Chai, wonder away," said October with a smile.

"...You tricked him, somehow, didn't you?" said Chai, quietly.

October just smiled.

"Oohhohoh," said Chai giving a nervous laugh, "Oh, October, you gall-balled Fox, you. You've gotta've tricked him..."

October raised his eyebrows several times, but didn't deign to look at the Umbreon.

"...Fuck, October, you're gonna get fucked BAD," said Chai, with a dirty chuckle.

October looked over sharply, with a frown, as Chai chuckled and flopped onto his belly, taking up as much of October's bed as he could.

"Yup," said the Umbreon, "He's gonna catch you... and you know what's gonna happen then..."

"Chai..." growled October, as the Umbreon moved his paws above his own hips.

Chai put on the accent, "Drink, it Fox bitch!" he said, then started mimmicking the action of fucking the maw of someone he was forcibly holding down. His impressions were getting better...

"Chai..." growled October, dangerously.

"Ha! That's nothin'," said Chai, "He's gonna tell Firenze, then you're finally gonna get your secret wish when they come and have a word with you, together..."

"Chai..." growled October, barely intelligible. He knew that was (hopefully) unlikely to happen, but still...

"...Of course, you know it's only gonna be one word..." he stared right in October's eyes for this one, glee on his face and in his hooded eyes as he moved his paws to the 'grasping imaginary October hips' position and then slowly moved into pretending to thrust in, shouting, "UHHHN! UHHHN UHHHN!"

October pounced the Umbreon.