Mistaken Roommates

Story by TheRedFoxCamio on SoFurry

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Warning: 18+ M/M Yiff. Characters are owned by the author and are not related to anyone living or dead.

Chapter 1: Mistaken Roommates

Trevor moaned as he felt the thin, pulsating member pushing up inside him. His tail thumped as he rode up and down on the weasel cock. The weasel under him growled and scratched Trevor's chest. His head lay back against the pillow with his teeth chattering in pleasure. Sweat had already pooled around the gasping mammal, the sheets turning wet and yellowish. The otter's paw gripped the weasel's erection from behind, applying pressure to his base. Trevor's paw would dip to the small round orbs in the hairless scrotum and to the weasel's tail hole. "You're very good," the weasel grunted looking up at the otter riding him, his paw buried in his hole.

Trevor threw back his head, answering the weasel. 'It doesn't feel that good,' the otter thought as he lifted himself up to the weasel's tip and plunging himself back down, 'at least he pays well.' The male otter fingered another appendage into the tight weasel hole for measure. The weasel reached down and gripped the otter's sheath tightly, forcing the red tip out of its fuzzy holder. Trevor yipped lightly and slammed himself down on the weasel's hard erection. "Ha," he laughed, "Even after all these times I can still surprise you."

The otter only grunted, squeezing his rear tightly around the shaft buried in him and buried another finger in the weasel's ass. Trevor smiled, his muzzle masked by the darkness of the room, as the weasel below him withered and cried out, his weasel cock slipping out of the otter's rear. "What the fuck do you think you're fucking doing whore!" the weasel screamed venomously.

"Relax," the otter said, using his incredible flexibility to bend over and nuzzle the other mustelid's engorged member.

Trevor heard a loud in take of breath as he took the flared tip into his stout muzzle. 'Weren't expecting that were you... you asshole,' the otter thought bitterly, moving his young tender cock out of the weasel's vice like grip. The otter tongue moved up and down the small cock as the young hustler put his best fellatio skills to use. He took the sticky sweet member into his muzzle and began bobbing his head, trying to hold down the weasel's adamant thrusting. Weasel paws reached down and gripped the otter's head as the small tongue worked around the weasel's head. Precome splashed against his tongue; Trevor was thankful that the weasel was not the worst tasting cummer in his experience.

"Inside damn it! Inside!" the weasel shouted through clenched teeth, even as he felt his balls beginning to pump their seed. The young otter grinned slyly, having gotten what he wanted from the weasel. He withdrew his mouth from the cock, licking his smiling muzzle of any traces of pre. Trevor placed a paw on the weasel's chest as he lined his hole up with the moist tip. The weasel put his paws on Trevor's hips trying to force his member into the tight hole, the otter just shook his head as he pinned the male beneath him. The otter hole teased the flared and dripping tip as Trevor slowly pushed his hips down until his hole had spread open to the weasel's gland. Then nothing could stop the weasel from burying his spurting penis inside of the otter's rear.

Trevor cooed as he felt the river of semen fill him, he slowly thrust against the member. He ground his anus around, gyrating his hips to entice the weasel further. However, the weasel pulled Trevor down hard and locked him there.

"Stop it, you bitch!" the weasel cried, the otter's thrusting hurting the sensitive cock that was buried up to its balls.

"Alright, alright," Trevor replied, dismounting the weasel, the weaselhood shriveling up into the sheath leaving the cum to soak into his pubic fur. "I'm going to take a shower, so you just leave the money on the table when you're ready to leave." Trevor began to pad his way in the dark toward the bathroom, his paw pads swishing through the navy blue hotel carpet, and his bruised, red erection bobbing with each step. As he enter the bathroom he heard the weasel mumbling something. "Oh, darling?" the otter said, poking his head around the door, "Remember you had the full service... without the barrier."

Trevor winked at the grunting figure and closed the bathroom door, locking the door shut.

Nathan's large tail flicked nervously from the back of his desk chair. He turned to look at his clock, his fox ears bent quizzically toward his dorm room door. 'Guess he is having another late night...' the young fox thought, glancing to the clock again, 'I guess... well, I guess I have time.'

He shut off his computer monitor. He had decided earlier that the next time he would do it completely naturally. The fox padded across the tiny room and flipped off the florescent light, casting his square double room into an eerie twilight. Nathan shed his clothes with the exception of his penguin covered boxers. It had been a long day and the freshman fox saw his small bottom bunk to actually be inviting. He sniffed the bed taking in his scent and the scents of the laundered sheets. Nathan scratched his white furred chest, murring softly in tune with the heater that always kept the room five degrees higher than it should. His paws drifted and he closed his eyes as he cupped his sheath and scrotum in his paws. He tightened his grip slightly, his eyes opening as he felt his foxhood growing in his sheath. Nathan pulled his paws away and climbed into bed. As his head hit the pillow his paws returned in earnest to his furry sheath. The seventeen year old fox gasped as his tip came in contact with the cloth of his boxers. Over coming the shock, he guided his growing hardness through his fly and wraped his paw around his exposed redness. He lightly jiggled his balls through the cotton material; it was the classic style that never failed to please the young fox. The fat, six-inch cock was completely exposed now and Nathan thrust his hips up clearing his sheath from the boxers and his expanding knot from his sheath. A sly smile formed on Nathan's muzzle. 'Time to play,' he thought gleefully, tickling the very tip of his foxhood with his claws. He slid his pads along his shining length, spreading the pre down his length and encircling his knot with the sticky precome. 'Now I need to think of something...' the young fox thought. His eyes closed, his vision turning in to his head, blackness turning to a commonly crafted vision.

The club was recreated around him; everything was there from the pulsing music, the darkness broken by the flashing lights, and the furry bodies. The heat surrounded him, tails swished and hair flew around him. Unknown bodies touched him, ground against him, and caressed him sensuously. The music shook Nathan's ears, his body moving naturally to the quivering waves of sound. Then, through a break in the bodies stood a tall and broad wolf. Their eyes met and held for a few seconds before the crowd interrupted their staring and the wolf disappeared among the throng of furs. Nathan fell back into the beat, rubbing against the other furs surrounding him. Then he felt a paw touching him on the side. A paw followed it on the other side of his hip; a muzzle leant in close to his ear and began whispering in his ears. The paws pulled him back against the body of the wolf he had seen. Whispering was followed by a nibble on the fox's ear and the paws dripping down to the orange baggy pants. Their hips swayed together and Nathan pressed against the bigger wolf and looked up at the wolf's jaw. He licked the lower muzzle and pressed back into the wolf's hip. The wolf growled and pulled the fox against him tighter grinding into Nathan's petite rump. Nathan reached a paw up and scritched the wolf's neck and then slowly brushed his wolf. The wolf's paws danced along Nathan's thighs, brushing over the hidden fox cock. Nathan found the wolf's muzzle with his, kissing as they continued their erotic dance. The fox thrust his tongue into his companion's muzzle just as he felt the large paws push pass the barrier of his jeans coming in direct contact with the seventeen-year-old fox erection. "What is your name?" Nathan asked the wolf, as the paw began to stroke him. "My name is -"

Nathan moaned as he squirted his fox seed all over the paw that was stroking his foreskin. The freshman held his breath as his erection finished shaking in pleasure. He just lay in his bed looking at the metal springs of the bunk above him, his white chest spattered with the off white cum. The image of the wolf was still in his mind. It had been in his mind since he went to the club in New York. The actual events were somewhat different, though. Nathan pulled off his glasses and placed them beside the bedside clock that read 12:46, and cleaned his fur with a pair of dirty boxers. He knew it was almost time for his roommate to return. So, the young fox turned the light off and snuggled down into his bed.

When the door opened sometime later and his roommate stumbled in along with the putrid scent of beer, Nathan feigned sleep to avoid the awkward situation that would have arisen. The otter likewise said nothing as he nimbly disrobed and climbed to the top bunk.

************************************************************************ The shower had been going for a good hour before Trevor heard the door close. The weasel's stink and awful muttering was gone as well. He sighed heavily, looking at the mirror next to him. The glass showed only what he expected him to see. There was a disheveled otter sitting naked on a hotel toilet. Trevor sighed and stood up. He paced over to the sink and stared at his reflection. His eyes were bloodshot. The otter rubbed his paws together underneath the faucet furiously. He pulled on his clothes with a bit of difficulty. It was always hard to get his clothes back on. The otter left the door to the bathroom ajar, the sound of rain filling the hotel room. Trevor grabbed his coat and the envelope with his pay. He peered into the envelope counting the twenty dollar bills. A smile crept onto his muzzle, 'Only one or two more of these and I'll be good for the next semester.'

The door swung shut behind him and he walked down the hallway of green carpet and light polka dot wallpaper. When he got to the elevator the doors opened and a wolf couple walked out stumbling a bit. He pressed the door close button and then pushed the button for Fox's Bar and Grill. When the doors opened Trevor forced himself to focus as he scanned the tables and stools, looking for someone. His eyes found a cat sitting by himself by the bar. The otter sauntered over to the empty stool right of the cat. He made sure to give the cat an eyeful of his leather-clad rear. Trevor turned on his seat to face the cat, resting his head on a propped up paw. He licked his lips slightly, trying to get a response from the cat. The cat blinked once and then placed a five-dollar bill on the counter for the bartender to collect. As the five-dollar bill disappeared into the apron of the bartender a bottle appeared. Trevor caught the bottle as the cat sent it to him. He took a long drink from the bottle before putting it down on the table and then softly placed a paw on the cat's side. The cat smiled slightly and turned to face the otter. Trevor opened up for the cat, spreading his legs to give the cat a clear view of the distinct shape of his sheath. When Trevor started his second beer, he was sitting in the cat's lap, stroking him between his ears. As the cat made a move to kiss him, he made sure to get the beer in the way. The cat knocked the bottle out of his paws and it poured over Trevor's cotton top. Trevor threw the angriest glare he could muster and got off the cat's lap. The cat hastily muttered apologies as Trevor began walking away. 'He is good looking enough,' Trevor thought, looking down at the watch on his wrist. 'But, I have an exam tomorrow afternoon.'

It was 1 AM by the time Trevor made it back to his room. The door had been silent, which made him happy. He did not have to put on his drunken performance for the entire dorm... only... 'Nathan,' Trevor thought. When he opened the door the lights were off. Trevor smiled to himself as he shuffled heavily into his room, doing his best to appear drunk. One beer was not enough to get him drunk, but the beer he had forced the cat to spill on him was good enough to allow for assumptions of his drunkenness. He made a big show of taking off his clothes while trying to remain balanced, tottering precariously as he began to pull of his pants. The otter went as far as to fall on the ground, before he was unclothed. He stood naked in the darkness, his dark brown fur invisible in the darkness of the room, especially to the partially blind fox that lay asleep in the bottom bunk.