End of Innocence

Story by FALCONCOMMAND on SoFurry

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End of Innocence

A tale of caution to all young dragons


Cudleh Fox


Thanator the great red dragon of Grevix rolled slowly onto his big broad back. His massive wings flopped out on either side of him. The sun was shining and his belly scales glistened. His great horned head lay back and a broad smile played across his mouth. A long thick dark tongue poked out, tasting the air and wetting his lips. His forepaws played with the sunlight that fell on his face; his claws moving about like the branches of some mighty tree summoning, chasing, and killing shadows. Sunlight dappled across his bright eyes. His other paw rested languidly on his stomach. The sounds of the great green forest that stretched out around him were quiet and peaceful. And the rock he lay on was warm. It was a good day. No enemies challenged him. No one dared enter his domain. His minions were worshipful. His reach might. Just thinking about his power made his muscles contract and bulge across his body. He was master of his kingdom. This pleasured him greatly. Suddenly he felt a bead of wetness spill out and wet his claw. Lifting his head he looked down with a smirk. His scaly cloaca was splitting open, being speared from within by his large blue cockhead. He watched with amusement as his member began to engorge with blood, slowly at first peeking out from the hard purse of scales, then pushing its way out of the warm moist cocoon and into the morning air seemingly with a mind of its own. He growled in satisfaction as he felt his shaft slide out into the open air. That sensation was the only time he ever felt like he couldn't stop, couldn't control himself. And now that his hard veiny member was mostly free he could feel the ball building, swelling inside him. It felt like a massive knot of hot, desperate sexual energy. It began low, just near his hole, and then like some uncontrollable beast surged upwards, pushing aside his tremendous muscles and forcing its way up to his snatch. For a moment it stayed there, pressing its heavy hot sex against the mouth of his cloaca. Thanator shivered with delight. The pressure was making his mind numb with lust. Then it started to emerge. His eyes rolled and his head lolled back. For a moment it felt as if it would rip him open, too big for his lips to part. Then in a sudden involuntary jerk that kicked his hips upwards his dark blue knot popped out, streaming precum down his hard balls and between his legs. It felt so stiff, so needing to be worked, and yet so free. He let out a throaty rumble of joy, but dared not, nay could not, bring himself to touch his throbbing cock or knot. The joy of feeling himself exposed and fully enlarged out in the open was too powerful to break. He could feel the juices inside him begin to move, oozing their course from within him down his length to drip from his cockhead. Each drop that worked its way out shone in the morning sun, a gem of sex and raw power. Without thinking his own hips began to grind, as if controlled not by his mind but by his heavy cock. It was the only time he would give control of his body to something else. His heavy tail began to curve upwards, its snake like movements working towards his tight tail-hole. It too seemed to have a mind of its own.

Raising his head he looked down as his massive dick and marveled at how slick it was with slime. It was thick and long and covered in rope like veins that pulsed with blood. It's flat head was broad and covered in hot studs that when touched sent electricity to his spine. He marveled at it. His tongue slowly parted his lips and delicately licked the tip of his cock. Instantly the taste, the smell, and the touch of his rough tongue broke the spell his own phallus had on him. Now he could move nay had to move, now he could raise his paw nay had to raise his paw. It was wet with juices. Without control he raised the paw to his mouth and licked it clean. The slightly salty taste only made his member bounce up and and down more spilling more precum over his hard body. He loved the feeling of his own erection. Gently he placed his paw on his tight ball sack, and began to squeeze them. His great sack moved and sloshed around under his touch. He could feel his jizz cream inside. As he worked his balls around, letting them slip between his claws he watched as more of the clear liquid dribbled out of his cock. Then he moved his second paw - and with delightful anticipation of the feeling - wrapped it around his shaft. His rough scaled paw felt amazing on his sensitive head. Each ridge of each scale on his paw sent little tingles of pleasure surging down his member. Without thinking now, only with feeling he began to slide his paw up and down. A low growling purr escaped him. It felt so good. He could do this all day - slowly building up the fluids in his sack until he burst and great gouts of cum would wash over him. And he would. He decided. Today was devoted to his own pleasure. Slowly he lowered his big horned head and began to pump his paw up and down harder.

Unaware of Thanator and that he had crossed over into the great feared dragons territory Valerian roared with delight as his wings - outstretched to their full - caught a thermal and lifted his lithe blue body higher up into the bright crisp sky. This was a day for flying! His young muscles bunched and relaxed as he twisted and turned, rolling effortlessly through great white fluffy clouds and laughing when he shot out the other side slick with un-fallen rain. He had no purpose, no destination, no reason to fly other than the love of flying. He was in peak form, every twist and turn his to command. He'd go where he wanted, do what he wanted, and only return home when he wanted. His brood-mother might be upset with him, but he was nearing the age of departure when he'd take the rite and assume his place as an adult dragon. Until then he had a month to wait and he planned on not sitting at home with the other younglings study or playing - he planned on exploring! A flock of sparrows suddenly burst from the forest below him, and the beating of their frantic wings threw up a scent. It was thick with the spicy salty aroma of sex. Instantly his nostrils flared and he couldn't help but feel a bulge begin to form between his legs. He was always near a bulge anyway, and since he couldn't release his sexual needs at the nest, he had found himself sneaking out to pleasure himself alone. But that smell was stronger than his own. Who could be down there? And what manner of beast could generate such a strong odor of cum? He'd only smelt that before in the hatchery when his brothers had gotten hard and played with each other - boy had they got into trouble when the brood mother had found them! Yet he knew his brothers to be back at home several hundred miles away. A small whine escaped his lips as his tip poked out of his sheath. The smell was only getting stronger. With an eager whimper he began to spiral down, heading closer to the source that so excited him. By the time he was sculling over the tops of the great oak trees that made up the dark green foliage his shaft was fully erect. Like a great battering ram on a ship, it struck out under his tight belly glistening and hard. He didn't care. Whomever was releasing that musk must be covered in jizz anyway. He was yipping now like a fox, making short rough growls as his desperation grew.

With his head craning out in front of him he scanned the forest floor. He could feel his own juice streaming along his length, the sudden cold fingers of it - cooled by the passing air - streaking down and around his balls only making him harder. Then he saw it. A great slab of dark rock bursting through the soft earth. It was wet with a thick white fluid. Only a dragon could make that much ooze. Without thinking he landed in the clearing near the great phallic stone. His nose sucked in the smell of the fresh liquid. Then his tongue slicked out, and tasted the rock and its sticky coating. Long lumpy tendrils of jism stuck to his spiny tongue. It tasted very fresh, and very rich. This was a bull dragon who had left this, this was a giant dragon who had covered the rock in seed. He didn't stop to think - couldn't stop - his own precum splashing on the ground as he moved around the rock licking and sucking it. Then his tip touched the rock - it was hot from the sun and his own licking. A fire suddenly gripped his balls and an urgency to cum flooded his focus. He threw himself down, pressing his long shaft against the hard surface. It felt so hard and yet so slippery. Instinctively he began to grind himself against its unforgiving face. A moan, then another, then a growl released from his long neck, the vibration playing over his tongue which hung from his open panting mouth. His trusts were getting heavier; his desire was burning stronger and strong! He could feel his knot working itself up, ballooning out. He loved that feeling. As he closed his eyes in ecstasy a shadow passed over his face. He was too close to ejaculating to care. He kept fucking the rock.

Blinding pain shot down his jaw and around the side of his head. For a moment it drove him to the brink of blowing his juice then fear and terror kicked in. Someone had hit him! Another hit, this time to his back, made him cry out in pain and arch backwards. Before he could twist to look who was attacking him a powerful strike struck him in his belly. The pain was white hot and made him bend over, his paws clutching at the rock to hold himself up. His mouth open, he gasped for air. That was a stupid reaction. A massive pointed tail shot down his mouth and jammed itself deep in his throat. It was so thick he couldn't close his jaws, all strength lost in his muscles. Then just as quickly a massive paw grabbed his tail and lifted him, suspended like a pig on a spit. What little air he could get around the tail gurgled and gagged in his throat. Frantically he grabbed at the thing that was spearing him. A big slap knocked his paws away, keeping him hanging and helpless. Tears squeezed out of his eyes. The pain, the fright of the unknown, and the suddenness of the attack was all too much - he wanted his brood mother! Yet his shaft remained hard, and he could feel his hot tears were equally matched by his hot pre that was oozing out of him. Did he enjoy this? Being used in such a painful way? Before he could think it over a deep rumbling voice whispered near his ear -

"This is my forest you piece of filth, who do you think you are to come in here and jerk off on my land?"

Valerian couldn't answer. His tongue was being pressed flat by the heavy tail. He squirmed a bit, but found the big hard paw on his tail held him fast. One of the talons was pressed against his tailhole and he could feel it slowly sliding in between his tight muscle. The more he moved the deeper it went.

"Does your brood-mother know you are here?" Demanded the deep voice above him.

Valerian opened a tear slick eye. The massive rust-red dragon that held him was truly impressive. Muscles played under scales thick and pumped, yet his form was sleek and designed for power. It was a dragon that Valerian hoped to become - the ultimate expression of raw strength and speed. As he looked at the beast he realized the red dragon as as hard as he was. This must be the ones whose sex had drawn him here! He gagged as the tail in his throat pushed in deeper. He couldn't breath! He tried to suck in air but couldn't it was blocked totally. Suddenly he began to writhe, to twist. He felt the long talon slip between into hole and enter him. He couldn't resist. As his chest burned from lack of oxygen, he felt his jizz swell up inside of him. No! Not now! This wasn't however a dragon was supposed to behave. He should fight back, should show this older dragon who was the new power. The talon touched his pearl at the base of his knot inside him. He shivered and pumped his load out. Sloppy hot cum roped out, spraying against the rock and the earth. The red dragon slammed another fist into his guts making the cum flick out in all directions and finally, mercifully, Valerian passed out gagging on a tail down his long slender throat, cumming with a talon rubbing his knot from the inside...


Thanator moved his large scaly body, stretching in the warmth that was his cave. It had been an interesting day yesterday. The young pup of a dragon who'd dared enter his territory had been a good find. He had been needing a new pet to play with for some time and the sounds of a moaning young dragon had been absent from his domain for some time. As he rubbed his groin he thought about how to begin breaking in the youngling. Clearly a defiant one, the brood-mother would never allow such a one as him to fly so far and for so long unaccompanied. He would need to be clipped so he didn't try to escape. Not that he could. Thanator had no delusions; he could and would track the young dragon down with ease, and he was no contest to beat physically. His fighting spurs were still fresh and were not yet fully grown. His musing over the youngling were interrupted by a whimper that came from the cages deeper in his lair. So the youngster was awake? I wonder how he has taken to his new sleeping quarters? The whimpering was growing louder. It was pathetic. Thanator smiled.

Without much care for the crying, he slid off his sleeping slab and began to make his way quietly down to the cage. His lair was large and spacious and like all dragons of his age and power, contained many back passages to allow him to move around easily and undetected. After a few turns and a single flight of stairs he arrived. A smile spread across his thin lips. His idea had worked perfectly. The light blue body of the young dragon hung suspended on four large silver hooks that had been pierced through the skin of his shoulders and his rump. His wings had been bound to his back with similar silver chains. An old knights lance was pegged deep inside the tailhole keeping it open. Thanator was delighted to see a thick clear ooze had coated the shaft of the lance that protruded from the tight opening. He'd coated the lance in the sap of a Ge'a plant - it would sting but stimulate mucus production. But it was the way the young dragon's head and mouth had been locked into place that made Thanator's bulge twitch. Idly he ran his forepaw over his tight chest and down his belly to his mound. He loved to watch as the veins on the young beasts neck popped out and pulsed with his nervous heartbeat. And how drool flowed freely from his pink open mouth - held open by ropes tied from his upper jaw to his hard horns at the back of his head and his lower jaw, equally bound but this time tied to two silver clamps that were locked firmly to the two points that millennia ago would have been nipples. Now however they served as pleasure points, or pain points. Each time the blue dragon tried to close his mouth, the ropes pulled on the clamps and a huffing moan escaped his throat. His moans were weak and still broke from time to time with his youth not having yet dropped from him. The best part of the scene was the way his long tip of his cock-head keep sliding in and out of his cloaca. A pool of wet liquid told of a night of constant arousal and pain. He would be ready. But would he be submissive?

"You would dare to please your pathetic self on my rock in my domain." Thanator repeated from the shadows. Not that he needed to remind the whelp of just how he'd ended up here.

Valerian jerked with the sound and instantly cried out in pain as the clamps with a vice like grip worked his little tits and fresh spit dribbled from his mouth. The lance slid in a little deeper to his hole. He tried to speak but couldn't - a deep rasping gasp escaped him, throaty and intense.

"I would see compensation." Thanator demanded and moved into the light, revealing his hard powerful form. Valerian could do nothing but hang in the air and groan. Idly Thanator tapped the lance stub with a claw. He smiled as the whole body of the younger dragon twitched and more garbled plea's escaped from him. The lance was a good three feet inside him and must be pressing on the younglings guts. Thanator tapped it again, again eliciting whining. He liked to see how the soft pink hole clenched and relaxed each time he touched the lance.

"But what can you offer? A whelpling like you? Your balls have barely dropped." Thanator grabbed Valerian's sack roughly. This made the smaller dragon buck his hips, driving the lance deeper and pulling the ropes around his jaw tight. He sighed deeply in pain, his breathing short and tortured. A series of groans followed as he settled down getting used to Thanators claws on his sack.

"I am going to make you work for your freedom do you hear me boy?" Thanator snarled as he let go of the ball sack and then smacked it hard. Again Valerian bucked and heaved away from the sharp pain. The lance slipped in fully up to the hilt. One of the clamps tore free and the wailing cry that followed it was terrific. His nipple mound was a deep scarlet, testimony to the savagery of the bite of the clamp.

"You will serve me for a period of one year. During that time you belong to me. You do as commanded. You do not have a choice. I will use you as I see fit until you come of age. Then you will be expelled from my domain never to return. Understood?" Thanator moved to the hanging clamp, picked it up delicately between his claws and roughly clipped it back on the bright red cluster of nerves. The cry this time was deeper, more intense. "Whilst you are mine you will be marked, so that even should you meet another they will know of your submission and will not touch or aid you." Thanator moved to look at his prisoner in the eyes. They were caked with tears that had long since dried up. Tenderly he wiped the crust away and held the small head in his paw.

"Do you understand?"

All he received was a soft growl. Defiance! Quickly his paw shot back and slammed against Valerians head, hard. Both clamps tore free and hung sadly from the smaller dragon's lower jaw. Before he could close his mouth to get some relief, Thanator's other paw jammed inside it, holding the jaw open. He could feel the wet bile that was working its way down the younglings throat, the dryness of his tongue pressed flat and the struggle of his jaw to close.

"Defy me again and I will kill you." Thanator growled.

Moving slowly and with measured speed the bigger red beast moved away, letting his paw slide out of the juveniles mouth - who promptly shut his mouth, and began working his tongue around to get it wet again. It was so thick and swollen it filled the whole space. Thanator reached the wall near the cage. Inset into the stonework was a large panel. He pressed it whilst keeping an eye on his prisoner. The cage instantly flipped from roof to floor and floor to roof on a neatly oiled joint and suddenly instead of being suspended Valerian was suddenly hoisted upwards, the hooks in his skin now acting as narrow platforms on which his whole weight rested. His mouth, previously so tightly shut, now opened as he cried out in pain. His legs and forelimbs fell limply by his sides and his tail flopped down onto the floor. The lance slid out and waggled in the air. A second panel was pushed. Now chains burst from the ground and wrapped around the blue creatures wrists and ankles holding them tight and in place. Suddenly Valerian realized the exposed position he was in. His chest, still raw and burning from the clamps, his belly, and his mound now faced upwards. It took all his effort to raise his neck and look up, just in time to see Thanator raise the top of the cage. It was hinged and swung open. His big red head looked in. How he liked to see a young buck so spread before him. Gently he laid a long sharp talon on the blue dragons belly. It was heaving in fear, or perhaps excitement. Carefully he ran the claw up from the belly, over the red hot points on the chest and over to the straining neck.

"Do as you are told and you will come to learn that I am a forgiving and kind owner. Displease me, refuse me, and learn that my wrath is swift and great. Do you understand?"

Valerian felt the claws on his throat encircle it. For a moment he just looked up at the big dominant monster standing over him. The claws began to tighten, their tiny points working into his scales. For a moment he wondered if he should refuse. Then he felt his skin burn in five hot points. The claws had punctured him! Warm blood began to trickle down his neck as the claws dug deeper. Slowly, he lowered his head back, his big eyes closing. He relaxed as best he could.

"Good boy." Cooed Thanator.

Taking a deep breath Thanator leaned his head in close to the belly that still rose and fell with anticipation and fear. This close to the younglings stomach he could smell the sweet scent of his mound, a cloying sticky aroma of old cum and young eagerness. Then he pursed his lips and blew. A bright hot green flame torched out and burnt into the scales near the smaller dragons midriff. Valerian howled out in pain, and his head shot up as all his muscles rippled and bunched in a desperate attempt to get away from the scolding hot pain.

"Please! Sir! Stop! Ow it hurts! Please! Please."

But Thanator did not stop. He continued his focused flame, burning the scales away in a perfect pattern of burnt and boiled flesh. The process was slow. Valerian writhed and screeched. The pain of the hooks in his back meant nothing to him now. His guts were burning. He began to shake and twist. Worried that his play thing would rip himself apart Thanator clamped both his massive forepaws around the little ones waist to steady it. With his claws gouging in, he raised a scaly brow in simple delight as the writhing stopped. He continued his task, burning away scale and bubbling the soft blue flesh underneath, all the time feeling the shivering form beneath him. Valerian had no choice. Great hot tears told his surrender as they traced over his brow. The burning now consumed him. The lances of pain that shot through his core, that made his tailhole pucker and suck around the lance still impaled in him, that made his pouch contract, were now coming hard and fast. Thanator stopped the flame, sucking it back inside himself, savoring the strong taste. For a moment the smaller dragon seemed to relax as the pain faded from white hot to a dull red. Then Thanator started again, licking the wounds with a fresh fire. Valerian screamed through clenched teeth.

"No! Please! Please! I'll do anything! Just stop! Please! Master! Owner! Please!"

But the pain was changing. Yes it hurt and made him want to run away and cry and be held by his brood-mother. But it was however also now driving strong currents to his balls, making them tighten. His cock began to move within its spongy chamber. He wasn't getting hard, but he was feeling something come alive. The burn began to evolve. Its sharpness, its intensity sent a jolt directly to his groin. Then another! As Thanator worked his way over the sigil he was carving again and again, the pulses grew stronger and faster. Valerian began to crave the pain, to crave the surge of chemicals that set his mind on fire and clouded his eyes.

Thanators grip hardened and his talons once again threatened to draw blood. He heaved a single great gulp of air and shot out a stream of yellow fire that bathed the entire wound. Valerian moaned and feebly tried to move away from the heat. Yet his hips refused, instead thrusting upwards. The lance sunk in a foot, the hooks pulled him back, but his body betrayed him, the pain now a elixir of pleasure. As he tried to regain control, to stop the pain he was surprised. Great spurts of cum gushed from his mound. His cloaca had not opened, his shaft had not gotten hard. He'd just ejaculated whilst soft. And he continued to do so for some time, seeping thick gobs of jism. It soaked his thighs as it made its way to the floor and bubbled and hissed in the flames as it spilled down his tummy.

Thanator finished his brand. The smell of fresh juice made him look at the younger dragons pouch. The lips were barely opened and yet out came white cum. Thick and fresh. His long dark black tongue slowly parted his lips and his horned head dipped so he could slip it inside the wet mound. The taste was strong. This was intense. The boy had liked the burn. He could feel the flaccid shaft within, and when his tongue fork found the cock-head, the slit, it was swimming in cream. Quickly he inserted his full tongue, lapping up all the liquid. The strong metal taste of youth was making Thanator giddy. Or perhaps the flame had done so. Either way, he slurped up all he could.

Valerian was in a surreal state of pain and exquisite delight. The rasping spines of Thanator's tongue working over his inner most being, sucking, exploring, touching and tasting his inner core. It was amazing. He shook as more waves of pure sex washed over him. Suddenly the bigger dragon withdrew his tongue leaving a cold empty vacuum. Vaguely Valerian was aware of the heavy cage roof being put back in place, of the panel being pressed and he being once again suspended from the ceiling as the prison flipped back. He didn't care. He only longed to feel that tongue again, to have it use him as some kind of living source of sweet juice for it to swallow. For the first time since he'd been taken captive young Valerian was starting to enjoy it.

For the rest of the day Thanator went about his business letting his young prisoner hang and contemplate his new brand. He also wanted the blue dragon to be hungry and weak when it came time to use him. And he knew that time would come, he just needed to be patient. For several hours he roamed his realm looking for the ideal spot. His massive wings beating the air into holding him aloft would flick and his long tail, a rudder to his ship, would twitch and send him in a new direction. Forests, valleys, hills, and small rivers lay back and bared themselves to their master as he swept over them. And then he found it: a large hill overlooking a hamlet which housed a small tribe of dragonkin. The diminutive beasts would make excellent onlookers for his plan. Content with his chosen site, he set about his task. With great swings of his tail, and blasts of his furnace breath he cleared the hill of all obstructions, shredding trees and tossing aside rocks. Then he flew back to his cave.

From within Valerian winced as the pain burned through his shoulders and rump, and his tummy still stung from the brand. It was an ancient dragon sign - the brand - he'd been taught about it from his brood-mother. It meant Slave. His heart sank as he realized the true nature of his situation. That brand would never heal fully. The way his... owner? His owner had burned with different flames has made sure of that. Inside of him he could feel his tears beginning to build and his child-like sense of unfairness weep. But another voice, a deeper voice chided him for being a fool. For being a little baby and wandering where he shouldn't. This was his making, and his alone and now he either needed to accept it and rise above it, or be a babe evermore. Steeling his nerve he focused on things around him. Outside of his head. He could hear the big red dragon moving about. It sounded like he was moving chains or heavy pieces of metal. Then all was silent. Then a large sheet was thrown over the cage and what little he could see of the stone chamber was lost to darkness. When the cage began to move the hooks threatened to rip free. He refused to cry out though. He wouldn't give anyone that satisfaction again. He didn't know how long the cage was in motion for, but he could smell the air changing. Instead of the musky scent of the cave the soft fresh odors of a forest. He was being moved! Taken somewhere. But where? He didn't have long to wait. Soon the cage bumped to a halt and he hated himself but he moaned deeply as the hooks tugged at him. The cloth was removed and the brilliant light of the stars and moon shone down. A fresh cold breeze played across his body, caressing it in delicate waves that fired up his passion that he'd forgotten about. Small streams of cold air played around his chest, soothing his two small bumps of abused flesh. Another finger of wind slipped over his mound and in between his cloacal lips. He had to groan in delight. Then a shadow broke the soft yellow light of the moon. And he could feel the heat from the bigger red dragon as it moved around him.

Thanator took a moment to admire his caged beast. The moon was perfect. With one swift flick of his tail he popped the pins from the cage walls. There was a soft thump as the walls fell away. Valerian hit the freshly scorched earth hard. The cage roof landed on him. Before he could move, Thanators massive paws landed on the roof, pressing it down and pinning him underneath. It was hard to breath! Not this again!

"Place your back paws on the chains."

Valerian, gasping for air looked around frantically - if compliance would give him breath back, he would gladly do it. Next to his belly on either side was a pile of chains. With difficulty he forced his hind quarters to contort, raising his back paws to the chains. As his paws touched them they magically wrapped around his ankles, pulling tight. At the same time Thanator let up his pressure on the cage roof. Quickly Valerian scrabbled to his feet, his forepaws digging into the fresh ground and his back paws restricted by the chains. It felt so good to stand up! His shoulders ached, and his back was stiff from being suspended. He froze as he felt the warm touch of Thanator on his back near the holes where the hooks had held him. They'd magically worked their way free of him. Slowly Thanator slid four big metal rods into the holes the hooks had made. Valerian could feel their hard shapes sliding under his skin. There was pain, but he refused to answer it. Soon all four hooks lay shining on the ground, replaced by long metal rods that rested heavy on his muscles. But the pain had stopped for now. He understood these would keep his wounds from sealing, and over time would form skin and become permanent. Since his capture he had not felt close to being free. Yet he was still trapped. He looked down at his aft paws. The chains were quite thick and glowed with a green light - magic! Then a large red point moved sinuously under him. In awe as its girth and length Valerian watched as it slowly probed upwards towards his belly. In fear and anticipation he watched it gently touch his tummy and then slither over towards his burned mark. It paused just below the mark. He took a breath.

"That's your mark boy."

"My mark." He found himself responding. He wished he hadn't. Or at least he wished he hadn't sounded so proud of it. The tail tip began to lightly stroke it. A wave of sharp pain burned through him followed by a pulse of warmth. He found himself whispering a moan. Suddenly a paw grabbed his tail near its base. Then his tail was yanked up, lifting his backside high into the air. He yelped as the cold night air kissed his hole, still held open by the lance. He had almost forgotten about it. Something grabbed the lance and began to pull it. His gut felt as if it was being freed from a pressure he had known for so long. As the full length of it popped out, he could feel his hole gape wide. Juices oozed out of him. The lance must have been coated in something to make him this wet. But he felt light as a feather - a heady rush of endorphins flooded him, filling his chest with fresh air. Suddenly his wounds and aches seemed less and energy sprung through him with renewed vigor. He felt quite alive. Then his tail was dropped and he landed - lightly this time - on his own feet. It felt good, the weight of himself. Had his suspension really brought him such sensations? His mound split open and he gasped with delight as the bright tip of his cock sparkled in the moonlight, slick and sticky with pre-seed. A gentle paw touched his face, and he realized he had closed his eyes in sexual reverie. The paw was warm. Maybe this time he could - the paw slammed against his face, sending stars flashing in front of his eyes.

Thanator loved to strike his pets. The instant confusion of hurt on their faces, the betrayed look, followed by the anger. It made his cock slop out of his sheath. He stood directly in front of the blue dragon. He'd seen the younger's erection begin to bud, and it pleased him. Now it was his turn. The long broad studded tip of his rapidly enlarging member began to swell as drops of pre moved down his pipe. He loved to feel the beads work their way down his length.

"Open." It was the only command he would give that night. For a moment there was hesitation, then the small dragon opened his soft mouth. So it had begun. Without hesitation or warning Thanator ploughed his cock deep into the open jaws. He didn't stop, and his shaft was still surging out of his mound, growing longer and filling with hot blood. He cared not for the grazing his cock was receiving as it powered past the younglings teeth. Soon he hit the back of his pet's throat which instinctively tried to close down. He didn't care or stop, but pushed in deeper. He loved how the natural reaction kicked in. The throat muscles tried to squeeze shut, but the effect was a rippling roll of squeezing and massaging all down his length. It felt amazing. He could feel the tightness, the reflect pushing him back. His knot reached his lips and then with urgency popped out. Already his cock was pumping out precum, which dribbled in great wet streams from the slave's mouth. Finally he was full and at his longest length. The little cock-sucker was struggling, gagging and choking. To Thanator it felt fantastic. The different pressures of the little dragons mouth, tongue, throat and neck all worked in concert to manipulate his manhood. Suddenly he began to grind his hips forward. He could feel his boy trying to back up, to get some room to breathe. He pushed forward and then pulled out and pushed back in again, his fierce hot knot banging against the youths lips. The gagging was getting desperate and he felt the younglings forepaws reach up and claw at his tights trying to push him away. He paid them no attention, the pet was weak from the suspension, and what little damage his claws made only made his desire stronger and harder. He thrust in and out, his member filling the throat to capacity. He loved watching the throat expand and stretch each time he pumped his cock in and pulled out. The boy had a tongue like sandpaper and it rasped across his veiny shaft.

In the heat of the moment he grabbed the little ones tail and lifted it up. By now he stood, back legs in line with Valerian's head, fore paws in line with Valerians rump. His hips bucked back and forth, now in a rhythmic pounding, accompanied by the choking, gagging cough of his sex toy. With the tail lifted he lowered his big head and smelt the tailhole of his pet. It was wet with slime. His great hard tongue shot out and pushed in between the soft pink rosebud, forcing it open. He could feel his young buck tense and then shiver as he did it. As he face-fucked and hole rimmed he forced himself to look about. Several torches shone around him lighting up their intercourse. The dragonkin were watching. He noticed several had already shed their garments and were licking one another. Men, women clustered in groups all watching, all getting ready to fuck. He thrilled to demonstrate his power over his charge and over the villages that he owned. His tongue began to lap at the hole, wetting it and tickling it. Suddenly he pulled out, both his tongue and his shaft. Valerian dropped to his knees, spewing bile and precum from his open mouth, and dripping spit from his open hole. Thanator spread his great wings and half leapt, half flew to the other side of the smaller dragon. He landed and grabbed the poor youngling by the hips, dragging him backwards. His knot was demanding attention, and the mouth wouldn't do. Valerian scrabbled, desperate to stay on his feet. In terror he looked between his legs at Thanators massive cock and the huge knot that ballooned behind it. It was as thick as his forelimb! The lance may have opened him, but the knot would split him in half. His hips were not that wide! He didn't have the strength to resist. Thanator pulled him back, his member bouncing with determination to enter that soft intimate space of another male. And suddenly his tip pressed up against the moist puckered hole. He stopped, holding the bucks hips tight, holding his broad tip just against the hole. He liked to feel his pets struggle. To know they are about to be impaled and used. He could feel his own balls tightening, building and pumping cum into his pre-knot sack.

"Please..." Valerian begged, his voice ragged with fear and choked with throat slime from being gagged. For a moment Thantors paws softened. But just for a moment. Then they dug in and pulled the small blue dragon close. His cock slammed into the soft hole which resisted for a moment before being torn open as his great thick cock rammed in. He felt the outer muscles part around his shaft, then the sweet, hard inner sphincter pop open, and then the soft wonderfully wet guts. Their warm spongy walls slurped around his hard cock sending the most exquisite sensations that ran down his length an slammed into his knot and deeper still to his own tailhole that contracted with eagerness. Fuck this one was fresh! The lance had done nothing but open him slightly.

Valerian screamed out as his belly bulged with the cock tip and length. But Thanator was not in fully, and his knot demanded satisfaction. He jerked back and forward, each thrust running himself deeper and deeper inside the tight hole. Each time wave after wave of sex flooded his senses, and the wails and cries of the blue beast that he fucked so hard were soon lost into the intense burning noise of cum lust that filled his mind. He could feel the hole opening, feel the hips and legs begin to quiver as each time he pushed in deeper. His hot knot slamming into the muscle, pushing it, forcing it, fucking it. Harder and harder he pushed. The shrieks of Valerian only made him want it more. Around him he could hear the dragonkin. Their mating was matching his own furious raping of his boy. As he banged his balls against the smaller ones balls he looked out.

All around them groups of dragonkin lay exposed and fucking. Men on men, women being opened by the small cocks of their mates. Young girls, barely of age, licking one another. Fingers probing holes, mouths locked in slimy embraces as spit was swapped and shared to lubricate their love-making. The collective groans, howls, moans, and growls filled the air and matched the slapping sound of Thanator taking his pet. He pumped his shaft in and out in and out as hard as he could, each time feeling his knot getting bigger as it sucked more juice from his inner reserves. Valerians tail suddenly whipped up, slapping him across his scaly face. The slap was a shock but only drove his passion. With a snarl he slammed himself into the blue dragons rump and his knot burst through the first muscle but was locked out by the second. The pressure was insane and for a moment Thanator felt as if he'd blow everything out at once. Valerian felt his hips tear apart. His hole was so open he couldn't breathe. It was as if his guts were going to burst out of his throat. Suddenly he retched and threw up more bile. It was too much for him. Thanator used his motion to push forward with his massive back legs. His muscles pumped and his big tail thrust forward pushing with all its might. His large knot punctured through the second muscle and nearly doubled in size once he was within the tender soft embrace of the youngling's guts. For a moment he didn't move. He dare not lest he cum. He loved the state he was in, burning hot, desperate to release yet tense with sex, hot with sex, fucked with sex. It made his own throat wet, his own hole open and close. He knew it was not long. He pushed forward a little. Valerians forelimbs gave out and he crashed face first into the dirt, his legs crumbling under him. The sudden pressure on Thanators shaft and knot as the younger dragon fell forward was too much.

Screams of ecstasy whirled around him from the dragonkin as they fucked each other in an orgy of hard cock and wet cunt. Thanator bellowed out, his throat rocking out the sound of his great big cock exploding. Great gouts of yellow white cum surged up inside the small dragon. As much as his hole burned, and he felt full already this fresh burst of jism shot up inside him, flooding him. From his position, face buried in the sand he looked up. His belly, his mark, it all swelled. Thanator kept jerking back and his forth, his powerful legs twitching and shivering. Cum kept streaming out of his knot. It filled his member with a fire so hot he wanted to drive himself deeper into the boys hole. But he couldn't, his mound already was pressed firm against the younglings tail. He needed more release! He needed to expel more! As he pumped more of his seed into his slaves hole, he felt it wasn't enough. He still had so much more that needed to explode out of him. His tail whipped up and rammed itself into his own eager hole. The sensation of his own tail fucking himself was enough to drive him over the edge. With a terrific roar he blew fire out his mouth and up into the stars. A massive column of bright hot energy shot upwards daring to burn the stars. The flare of light did nothing if not drive the wild orgy around them to a frenzied passion. The men began to all cum, their rough guttural growls mixed with the women who sprayed their own fluids across their men and each other. The smell of their sex filled Thanator's nostrils and his flame burned even brighter as he poured out his passion in flame from his mouth and cum from his cock.

Valerian had lost his senses and his voice. His belly was distended and he could see great snakes of seed writhing upwards from his hole to his chest as more and more cum filled up his tubes. Suddenly he felt his stomach churn. It was as if he was being filled from the other side! He'd never felt that before. Never felt the feeling! It was disgusting but he wanted more. And he got it. Thanator shook and blew a large blast upwards inside the blue body. None of his seed had spilled out, something he would later find curious. But for now he was lost in his double release. Flame seared his lips and tongue as he was burning too long and too hot. Semen burned his shaft as wave after wave issued from him. His rough tail burned his hole as he thrust deeper inside himself. He was in that moment of pure sex: where every ounce of his strong being was fucking and cumming and spewing and free. Then just when he felt his member slacken under the pressure of the fluids, a second fresh stream pushed out. His head writhed from side to side sending jets of fire in all directions into the night air. His hips thrust back and forward, his muscles bunching and releasing, his hole clenching around his tail, his balls emptying themselves. Then just as suddenly as he'd started he finished. He pushed forward once more for a final shaking second.

It was too much. Valerian felt his stomach suddenly fill to capacity. With one gut wrenching heave he puked. Globs of hot sticky cum spewed out of his mouth. Great streams of it hit his teeth and splashed sideways. He couldn't stop, but kept throwing up, vomiting out the cum that had fucked him so deeply. The taste was intoxicating. He found his paws reaching out to catch it before it hit the ground. His convulsions began to stop and now he was swallowing hard. Desperate to lap up his masters jism before it hit the floor. He was repulsed by himself but couldn't stop. The iron taste, the strong sick slick ropes of it that he sucked back, the thick feeling in his throat - he needed it.

The feeling on Thanators shaft was wonderful, and as he pulled out he watched as the youngling licked at the cum on his paws and tried to get back as much inside him as he could. Flipping the blue dragon over Thanator looked down at the bright hard cock that now was growing from Valerians mound.

"No." He snapped. Quickly he grabbed Valerians balls in one paw, then with his other he pushed out a claw. Its long hook like surface glinted in the moonlight and the fires from the watching Dragonkin who now lay in happy heaps. Valerian was still licking his mouth and forepaws and didn't care what happened now. He should have. Thanator placed his long claw at the base of the smaller dragons ball sack. Then simply sunk it into the flesh and swiped left. Valerian screamed in pain, and his paws fled from his tongue down to his now open sack. But Thanators heavy tail swatted them away and then landed heavily across his chest smothering his arms underneath. Moving quickly Thanator peeled open the sack along the wound exposing the two soft eggs that it had once held so protectively. These he tugged on, freeing from their pink spongy prison. Grasping them in his paw he pulled them till their chords were tight. Breathing out a few mystic words he sent out a spell of sheering. The chords snapped back their hold on the balls severed. Valerian moaned as he felt his balls go free. A simply burst of flame sealed the sack in a burnt wound. Holding Valerians soft balls in his paw Thanator looked down at the little dragon.


He gently squeezed his paw closed, putting pressure on the nads. Valerian suddenly groaned in bliss. The sensation was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. It was as if his whole body had just been gently stroked. His own cock now surged upwards and flopped down onto his belly. Again Thanator squeezed and again Valerian moaned. Then Thanator licked the two soft eggs. Valerian squired around in delight. He couldn't describe the feeling. It was as if he was being licked by a thousand tongues in all the right places. The burn in his tail was forgotten. He wanted more. He wanted it so badly. Thanator saw Valerians tongue flick out and lick his lips. He knew the signs. The youngling was eager. He took the eggs and dropped them - but as he did, he threw out another spell. Before they hit the ground they vanished! Moonlight was all that was left. Valerian waited, holding his breath. The chains around his ankle dropped loose to the ground. Thanator turned and looked at the dragonkin.

"You are spectacular my children."

Valerian lay gasping, his chest rising and falling with heavy breath. His hole was open, gaping and raw leaking that jizz hadn't made it to his stomach. His shaft was hot and hard but not leaking its usual precum. Thanator took the air lazily.

"What about me?" Valerian shouted. Afraid of his master's sudden departure. But all he could see was the great red dragon's form slowly sliding through the night towards the large mountains in the west.

"Sir! Master! Please! I need... Please!" Valerian was desperate in his cries. He rolled onto his legs and rose - shaking. His wings were now free of their restraints too - something he'd not noticed before. His belly felt like it was full of hot jelly, and in truth it was. Still distended it lolled from side to side. He opened his wings. Could he fly? So full?

"Sir! Please..." He whimpered again. But he'd almost lost sight of the big dragon now.

He needed it. Needed whatever it was that the great beast had done to him. He must have it. With determination knotting his brow, he pushed down on his wings whilst trying to jump up at the same time to get airborne. Seed spilled from his hole, and his stomached threatened to puke up more again. Biting his tongue he forced his back to push hard and in a series of heavy wingbeats he managed to get aloft. The hard iron bolts under his skin pushed back, another wave of pleasure and pain nearly dropped him. He pushed through it. Determined. But he was slow, and the slick dripping ooze from his hole dropped cum onto the dragonkin who shouted with glee and licked one another clean.

"Master!" Valerian called out as he painfully flapped forward.

In front of him, and slowing just a little to allow his pet the chance to catch sight of him, Thanator smiled. The youngling was eager and would serve well in the future. Already he felt his loins warm to the thought of things to come.