Beyond the Stars - Chapter Nine

Story by banditfromtheeast on SoFurry

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#9 of Beyond the Stars (Likely Finished)

A young adult wolf, imprisoned in a small pod all alone for 60 days. This is his story of how and why he found himself in this peculiar situation.

As a foreword to this upcoming tale I would like to quickly give a rundown of what readers should expect. Currently this story does not have any highly NSFW aspects to it, although it does involve a variety of mature themes and language. As the story progresses, NSFW aspects may come into play at some point in the future and if it does I will note it as such. From what I can tell, there are quite a few well written steamy hot sex stories currently available on this site. If that is what you are looking for in this tale, I'm sorry but at the moment you will have to look elsewhere.

This is one of my first stories I have ever posted or shared publicly and as a result I'm sure it will be riddled with errors and incongruities. I ask that you please let me know if I have made any such glaring or obvious errors (preferably in a respectable manner) and I will do my best to remedy them in the future.

As with many stories on this website this tale is meant for people over 18/21 and may contain elements that some readers find offensive, including but not limited to the following:


-Homosexual Relationships

-Heterosexual Relationships

-Gore (Both blood and Presidential Candidates)

-Sex (Of any kind)

-Abuse (Verbal, Physical and Emotional)

-The Color Blue (Whether it is Indigo, Teal or even Navy)

If you find any or all of the above list to your disliking I would ask that you not scroll down or read any further. To the remainder of the folks, please enjoy and I would love to know what you think.

All characters are fictional and any names or they may share with persons, both fictional and non-fictional are purely coincidental.

All characters and fictional locations are the intellectual property of banditfromtheeast © 2017

All Rights Reserved

Beyond the Stars

Chapter Nine

As Caillyn came to, he once again found himself in a less than ideal situation. He was back in the same room, on the same table he found himself on a short while ago. The sun had lowered significantly since he was last here and unlike last time there were now multiple people in the room. As he began to stir the strangers around him stopped what they were doing to stare at the wolf.

Caillyn tried to move his left arm but found that it was restrained. He leaned his head forward to try and catch a glimpse of the mechanism holding him down but instead saw that both his shirt and pants had been removed. The wolf was now only wearing his very form fitting compression shorts. His chest had been bandaged up along with his right arm which was also now in a sling, but there was no obvious reason to have removed his pants. He went to open his mouth to protest but found that we couldn't move it more than half an inch. He re-focused his eyes down to his muzzle, realizing that it had been in fact muzzled. He came to feel the straps around his head and neck and their connection point in the back which now pressed lightly into his skull.

In any other situation the young wolf would have thought that he had somehow wandered onto the set of a kinky pornographic film. Fit naked young wolf, restrained to a table while wearing a muzzle. The only thing missing was a leash and collar, although he would be certain not to mention it to his captors.

The wolf exhaled heavily and turned away from his imprisoners, trying to hide his face. He knew that they couldn't understand him speak, but it wasn't clear what they could pick up through body language. He couldn't hide his emotions very well but didn't want to give his captors any more clues that they had the upper hand. He gazed out the windows and watched as the foreign stars started to come out in the twilight sky.

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you want to look at it, his captors quickly surmised that the wolf was in an ... uncomfortable situation. The insides of his ears had turned bright pink and a faint tinge of red was showing through his otherwise grey fur. One of the males left to grab a blanket and signaled to a female when returned. The woman gently ran her hand over Caillyn's restrained arm and the young wolf jumped at the touch. Little did they know that it had been over three years since the wolf had any physical contact with another being. He turned and looked at her with his big blue eyes. His intent was to give a hard no-nonsense gaze that would give the aura of non-compliance to his onlookers. They locked eyes for a few moments before she turned her head slightly and appeared to smile. She took the blanket from the man and laid it over top of him. She began to communicate with her companions and all the while Caillyn looked around at them with curious eyes, trying to determine what they were planning to do with him.

They completely ignored him for a few minutes, discussing something. In the meantime the wolf began to study his surroundings trying to think of a way to get out of this mess. His headset was gone and now replaced with a muzzle, although he quickly spotted it on a counter across the room. His suit lay in a heap in the far corner but his shirt and pants were nowhere in sight.

The hand brushed up his arm again and his head jerked back to the female. She gently rubbed his restrained arm and smiled at him. She continued like this for several minutes all the while continuing to speak with the other strangers. Caillyn proceeded to watch them, trying to pick up on any subtle cues their language may give off. A large noise interrupted the captor's conversations, Caillyn's stomach had begun to protest it's overall neglect throughout the last day. Silence followed the loud and distinctive grumbling noise, lasting a few moments before the smaller male at the end of the room began cackling.

The female had stopped moving her hand and her eyes quickly widened and she yelled something to her companions as she ran out of the room followed closely by one of the males.

The oldest of the two remaining males stood up from his chair near the door and moved moved towards the counters opposite to him and began to fiddle with something. Caillyn recognized him as the one who had given him the hard tackle on the hill. He was much more grizzled in appearance than the others. He watched the man closely as he pulled out a syringe and loaded it up with a clear liquid from a vial. The man turned and walked towards him, Caillyn let out a low growl as the man leaned over him. He completely ignored the wolf's feeble attempt at intimidation and firmly grasped the wolf by the underside of his jaw and pushed his head back. He positioned his face a few inches from the wolf and stared him straight in the eyes. Caillyn's hard stare and growl rapidly melted away under the cold and dominant gaze of the stranger. The man raised the syringe level with wolfs eyes, threatening him with the device. Caillyn gulped nervously and tried to look away from the man and his weapon, unconsciously submitting his obedience to the dominant figure in the room.

The man held him for a few moments further before he released the wolf, took his chair and sat down slightly behind the wolf's head.

Caillyn didn't try to look at the man now slightly out of his view range, but instead returned his gaze to the stars outside.

Ten minutes passed before the woman returned to the room, she had several different colored cube containers with her along with a pitcher of what appeared to be water. The wolf couldn't tell at this angle but it was transparent. The other man followed her into the cramped room carrying several more packages although these appeared more like bags rather than the cubes the woman brought in. They lined up the containers on the opposite counter all the while quipping back and forth to each other.

They seemed to reach some sort of conclusion to their debate and the female once again turned to face him. She rubbed his arm for a few more moments making soft but confusing noises and began to slowly move her arm towards his head. He felt the male behind him put a firm grip on his shoulder, reminding the wolf of his close proximity. The female reached one of her hands onto the top of his head and slowly began to give him light rub.

Caillyn had by now suspected what they were planning and the wolf slowly exhaled and started to relax his sore and tense body. There was no way he could attempt anything in his current situation without coming to immediate and likely quite painful harm. Logically this meant his best course of action was to simply try and co-operate with them the best he could, at least for the time being.

Her hand continued to the back of his head where it began to fiddle with locking device. With a very audible click the mechanism released the straps. The man hardened his grip on the wolf in anticipation of a rapid response. Caillyn however provided him with none. The female slowly pulled away his muzzle and stood back. The wolf waited before she was well away from him before he slowly opened his maw in a series of big stretching motions, trying to work them back into a state of normality. The man slowly released his grip on his shoulder and sat back.

Caillyn once again looked around the now very crowded room, trying once again to size up his opponents. He tried to sit up a bit to get a better view of the male sitting near his hind paws but was quickly but gently pushed back down by the female. They locked eyes and the young wolf obeyed her wishes.

She turned around and pulled out one of the containers that she brought back with her. She pulled out a small brown object and held it a few inches in front of her face. She began to nod her head up and down before placing the object in her mouth, presumably eating it. She then repeated the sequence, however this time she nodded her head horizontally and returned the object to it's container. She repeated the procedure with most of the containers, much to Caillyn's annoyance. It was not a hard system to understand, and he could smell several of the items already. His mouth had begun to salivate, it had been quite a long time since he had eaten anything.

She leaned in over the wolf and began to methodically test her system. She cycled through the cubic containers first, bring each close to the wolf's nose permitting it to take in it's smell before pulling back and waiting for his response.

The first container wafted an aroma with a slightly meaty smell along with a faint odor of what were likely vegetables. The wolf nodded to confirm the selection, and a single morsel was placed just in front of his muzzle. He slowly stuck out his tongue and pulled it into his maw and began to try and decipher it's exotic flavor. Bland with a relatively uninteresting taste, but definitely edible, or so he hoped. The female swapped to the second container and continued her process. At some point in the future he concluded that he would try and eat each of the dishes, but for the moment a few of them were outside of his comfort zone.

One of them ignited a sneezing fit which startled a few of his captors and struck great pain in the wolf's chest. He was forced to roll on his side towards his restrained arm as he attempted to clear the bloody mucus that began pooling in his throat. Surprisingly the male behind him aided him in this endeavor instead of resorting to the blows that Caillyn expected.

After the room regained it's composure the feeding process continued, this time they passed through the objects contained in the bags. Several starchy crackers and soft but bland squares with the texture of dried out cake passed through his mouth. None were particularly appetizing or had any real sort of smell, but he was happy to eat anything at this point.

The penultimate bag began with a great surprise to the young wolf. A solid brown and somewhat round object was pulled from the bag. His eyes lit up and caused a round of murmuring to come from his captors. He knew the shape and size of the object very well and had spent over a year surviving off of them. The object looked and smelled nearly identical to his survival rations and he was glad to have found something he felt familiar with. He quickly indicated his approval and the object was placed in his mouth. He chomped loudly and with content for a few moments before regret quickly washed over his face. The dried out and disgusting object tasted nothing like the moist but solid pieces he had grown accustomed to. He rapidly moved his head back and forth indicating his displeasure with the object and the room soon became quite noisy. Each of the creatures was cackling is some way or another, gaining pleasure from the discomfort the wolf felt. The female, still making a few confusing noise, put the bag in the pile of rejects and grabbed the pitcher of liquid.

As she brought forth the clear substance and poured a small amount into a glass and swallowed it, demonstrating to the wolf that it was in fact potable. She then took a much wider bowl, filled it with water and held it in front of the wolfs mouth. The man behind him helped him lean up and towards the bowl. From the position of the bowl in relation to his mouth, Caillyn realized that they did not expect him to drink from the sides, instead lapping it up with his tongue like a less intelligent beast. He felt a little insulted from the gesture, but let it go immediately after he realized that they had probably never seen anyone like him before. He maneuvered his lips to the side of the bowl and looked up at the woman. A murmur erupted from both the woman and older man as they quickly realigned the container to the correct position. After he drank a little more than enough to clear the terrible dry taste from his mouth, he leaned back down onto the table.

The woman placed the bowl back on the counter and picked up the final unopened bag of what Caillyn hoped would be food. She tore the top off of it and brought it under his nose, waiting until it was right next to him before pulling apart it's inner seal. The thick salty scent that was pulled through the wolf's nostrils forced him to deeply inhale. His eyes watered from the pain coming from his chest but he rapidly signaled his desire to have some of the mystery objects. His muzzle quivered as a dried strip of meat was pulled from the bag and he slowly pulled it into his mouth. The heavenly flavor spread over his tongue and wolf let his head rest back against the table top. He let out a soft growl as he rolled the meat around his mouth and slowly tore it apart with his teeth. The wolf shut his eyes, vision was no longer important when compared with enjoying this delicate treat.

He couldn't tell how long he had been savoring the taste in his mouth but by the time he swallowed the last pieces of it and re-opened his eyes, the entire room sat frozen, staring at him. He looked around at the confused figures before meeting gazes with the female. His eyes darted back and forth between hers and the bag full of deliciousness she was holding in her left hand. After quickly realizing that his signals were not getting through to her, he jerked his face slightly towards the bag and gave her the cutest gaze he could. Once again there was no immediate response from the woman who continued to stare at him with a mystified look on her face. The wolf began to softly whimper like a pup, quivering his lower palette for extra effect. The man sitting near his hind paws said something, and the room once again devolved into cackling. The woman scratched the top of Caillyn's head and brought the bag right in front of his head.

The wolf leaned forward and aggressively forced his muzzle into the bag. The woman had to use both of her hands to support the bag as the wolf devoured it's contents. The cackling intensified but Caillyn didn't care in the slightest, he was far to occupied in retrieving any last morsel from the bag.

As the number of large pieces diminished, he was forced to use his tongue more and more, determined to scoop up any small crumbs that may be hiding in the deep crevices of the container. Soon the crumbs were exhausted but the wolf continued to lick the insides of the bag. The woman slowly pulled the container away from the wolf, realizing nothing remained, but Caillyn followed it with his muzzle as long as he could before finally admitting his defeat. He lay back down and hungrily licked the sides of his face trying to clean off any remaining bits of meat that may have gotten stuck to it.

He continued this until he was interrupted by a moist cloth that was now being rubbed on his face. Any remaining tastes were soon removed by the woman as she wiped around his muzzle. After she finished and pulled away the wolf looked up at her with guilty eyes. He knew he had just made a complete fool of himself in front of these strangers, yet he knew he would do it again just for one more piece of that delicious dried meat.

The room sat in silence for a while before the woman revisited the previous containers. Caillyn ate his fill of the much less appetizing fare, before taking a long drink of water. As he lay down on his back mind wandering in post-meal bliss, the remaining figures in the room were debating with each other. The one near his feet soon left the room and the wolf slowly tried to readjust himself into a comfortable position. It became more and more apparent as time passed that he was exhausted, both mentally and physically, and his eyelids began to droop amongst the nattering of the strangers.

He was nearly asleep when he felt the woman rubbing his arm once more. He looked up at her and at the older man standing next to her. He once again waved the syringe in front of his face, albeit in a much more subtle manner, before shuffling off to the side. The woman leaned over his left arm and began to fiddle with the device holding it down. A few moments later and with a loud click it fell to the floor.

The woman stood back and let the wolf wave his arm around a little bit, stretching it out and trying to regain feeling in it. She grabbed his paw after letting him move it around for a few minutes and began to beckon him towards her, she held it firm and he tried to sit up. He made it halfway into a sitting position before a sharp pain shot across his chest and he yelped out in pain. The older man quickly darted behind him and caught him before he fell backwards.

The wolf panted heavily and his eyes streamed out tears as the three of them slowly worked him upright. The younger male helped him move his stiff legs off of the table and they paused when Caillyn sat near the edge, legs dangling down a few inches from the floor.

He felt a little light-headed and his vision faded a bit before his blood pressure returned to a level where it could accommodate a vertical position. The strangers awaited his next movement and the older man took a position on the wolf's left, draping Caillyn's arm over his shoulder and back. As the wolf dropped down to the floor he leaned heavily onto the man. His legs were quite shaky and he didn't trust them to hold his full weight.

Together they slowly moved out of the room, the woman and the other man trying to get in a position to aid them if they were suddenly stumble. As they proceeded down the small hallway the wolf became more and more confident in his footing, pulling away from the man entirely after a dozen steps. At the end of the hall there was a large open room with several seats and couches. One of which was now covered in blankets and quilts, their destination Caillyn suspected. A final small room was passed on their left before they entered the large open space, it was small and unlit but even from this angle he could recognize it's function. All organisms have to emit some sort of waste, and it appears the strangers' species not only did it in a similar fashion, but had ended up with appliances nearly identical to that on his home world.

He paused in front of the room motioned his head towards the room and whimpered. The strangers looked on with disbelief as he slowly entered the room, located the switch to turn on the lights before closing the door behind him. There were no other doors or windows in this restroom, which meant it was clearly not just an excuse for him to try and escape. He relieved himself, washed up and flushed the toilet. It had been a little awkward as the device clearly was clearly not designed for somebody with a tail, but he had dealt with far worse on his 53 day weightless adventure on board the shuttle.

He turned off the light before exiting the room and he continued walking down the hall. His captors remained motionless and in complete and utter shock from what they just witnessed. Once he was a few feet ahead of them he turned to look back. They slowly followed him as he walked towards the very cozy looking sofa. The third male was standing next to it and beckoned the wolf to sit down. The wolf was more than happy to oblige, his stomach full, his body quite broken and his mental capacity exhausted, there was little else he could have done but sleep in his current situation.

The very soft cushions sunk deep into the frame under the mass of his body, but sprang back up a little as he spread out into a lying position on his back. He had enough space to stretch his legs out completely but the sofa felt encompassing and cozy. His eyes almost immediately began to droop again as his head hit the pillow left for him. He tried to reposition his broken arm into a more comfortable spot within its sling but few points on his chest could take the weight without his nerves complaining. He soon found himself being covered up with a blanket as his mind began to rapidly fade into slumber, his last few thoughts quickly progressed from making an escape plan, to getting more of that delicious dried meat. He longed for that salty concoction once more and soon his dreams were filled with noble tales regarding an expedition he lead to discover vast deposits of the delicious and famed food.

It was still quite dark when he awoke, but the sun was beginning to make it's way over the horizon. The wolf opened his eyes and took in the unfamiliar surroundings. The large room with many chairs and sofas was completely empty save for one of the males sitting across from him. Caillyn could hear soft snoring coming from both the next room over and the male in front of him. He figured the male was probably supposed to be watching over him but appears to have fallen asleep. It had the potential of being a very dangerous mistake, luckily for him, Caillyn had no desire to cause any harm.

Slowly and quietly the wolf got to his feet and draped one his blankets over his bare shoulders. The room was cold, at least cold compared to what the he was used to. Six years on a heavily climate controlled star ship had made him admittedly soft to the natural day/night cycle on a planet's surface.

He cautiously and silently padded back down the hall to his holding room from the previous day. He picked up his headset and put it on, a task that was easier said than done with only a single usable arm. He took a seat on a metal stool tucked next to the counter in the room.

"Good, you're awake, lets get out of here" came the voice through his earpiece.

The wolf quickly looked around to make sure that he hadn't been followed before responding in a low and barely audible voice.

"Where are supposed to go? We barely know anything about this planet, plus we can't speak or understand anyone, unless ... have you figured out the translations yet?"

"Not yet, but I have figured out what language these people are speaking so that's a start. Bad news is I can't make much progress without some sort of context to the conversations and I can't see much while laying on the counter. I need to be on you to really figure this out"

"Well, then I guess we're going to have improvise until you get it up and running"

"Right! Now get what you need from this place and lets go"

"Go where?" asked the wolf "It's just a giant forest around here"

"Yes it is, we can hunt and trap the native species in order to survive"

"MAC ... are you serious? Look at me!" The wolf looked down at his footpaws before working his gaze up his almost naked body. "My arm is broken and I've probably cracked a half dozen ribs along with who knows what else. Plus I don't know where my clothes are and its fucking freezing in here, let alone outside"

"Okay ... those are valid points, but we still need to leave, I don't trust these people"

"Neither do I" replied Caillyn "But for the moment they're the only real chance we have. Also they don't exactly seem like they want to hurt me. They did sort of go through all the trouble of patching me up"

"After they chased you down and drugged you"

"Which, to be fair, was after I sort of attacked that guy"

"True, but you were just trying to get away"

"How are they supposed to know that!" angrily whispered the wolf.

"We could try to move on and find another group of people, maybe-" he was interrupted by the harsh whispering of Caillyn

"Find different people? What is that going to do? At least with this group they've already have gotten somewhat used to what I look like. I'd probably immediately get into another fight, or worse if I went looking for more people. Also we at least have an opportunity to work on the translations while we're here."

Mac didn't respond, leaving the wolf in silence for a few minutes.

"Mac?" hissed the wolf, trying to force the AI into a conversation

"I'm not going to tell you again, get your stuff and we're leaving"

"No ... No we're not. We are going to stay here and YOU are going to learn how to translate this language."

"And when they try to hurt you?"

"IF ... MAC. If they try to hurt me or do something like that, then we'll leave."

"We don't know what they want"

"And they don't know what we want, fuck I don't know what I want. I just need some-"

"There's someone in the doorway" interrupted Mac

The wolf's head whipped towards the open door and he jumped to his feet. He winced a little in pain but steadied himself on his foot paws.

The male watching over him while he was sleeping now stood in the doorway. In fact it was the same man that Caillyn had knocked to the ground the previous day with a series of well executed blows. He stood silently leaning against the door frame, his hands slightly in front of him, palms facing the wolf.

They both stood frozen with their eyes locked in place, waiting to see what the other would do. The man broke off first, calmly placing his hands down by his sides and taking a seat near the door frame. The wolf remained still for a few more seconds before he too let down his guard. He slowly shuffled back towards the corner where remains of his suit in the corner lay in a heap. Never taking his eyes off of the stranger for more than a few seconds at a time, he dug through the pile. He found the tattered remains of his shirt and pants, they appeared to have been cut off of the wolf while he was unconscious and were no longer usable. The re-entry suit in itself was badly damaged and far too bulky to move around in. For the moment he was stuck with his compression shorts and blanket. The wolf returned to his stool next to the counter and sat looking at the male near the doorway.

"You could still take him, and then jump back out the window" whispered MAC into his earpiece

"Shut up" the wolf grumbled back. The male on the far side of the room twisted his head slightly at Caillyn's voice. His eyes looked curiously up and down over the grey wolf's body before he gave sheepish grin.

"It only took three hits last time, I bet you could do it again"

"I said shut up!" he growled tilting his head away from the doorway, trying not make it seem like he was growling at the stranger.

The man shifted uncomfortably on his seat with the latest outburst.

"You know I'm right, we still-" was as far as Mac got before the wolf reached up and pulled off his headset, throwing it on the counter.

He let out an angry sigh and rubbed his face with his good paw. When he looked up the man was standing up near his seat, looking down at the wolf nervously. Caillyn paid no attention to him and instead leaned forward resting his head down on the counter on top of his good arm. He was once again alone with his thoughts. The only thing he could talk to was set on having him run off or fight people. Neither of which he was in the mood to discuss at the moment. Actually he wanted to discuss very little now with anyone, he was still quite tired.

He sat in silence for a few moments before he felt a little more weight added to shoulders causing him to look up where he saw the man adding another much thicker quilt over top of him. He withdrew and went back to his chair while Caillyn tried to cover more of himself with the cozy warm blanket. He laid his head back down and slowly drifted in and out of a light and restless sleep. He sat back up when he realized the man had moved his chair to the counter and was now sitting next to him.

He appeared to be fiddling with a small electronic device that was controlled with the touch of his finger. Curiosity now peaked, the wolf slowly shuffled his way closer to the man, trying to view what was on the screen of the small device. Pictures of all sorts ranging from rockets and planets to farm fields and waterfalls all were displayed before being pushed away for the next image.

The man had by now realized that he had an audience looking over his shoulder and placed the device between them both. He continued flipping images for a while before passing control over to the wolf.

Caillyn had seen several of these photos before back on the TOOF, but the vast majority were brand new to him. He sat in silence absorbing as much of the content as possible while the male began to narrate the images he was looking at.

Hundreds of unique snapshots in time passed them by before the wolf had an idea, kicking himself sub-consciously for not coming up with it sooner. His arm quickly reached out and grabbed the headset on the counter and he once again struggled to put it on. The stranger stopped speaking and watched this sudden event with curious eyes.

"Mac, before you say anything I don't care and I'm not listening to you, now keep quiet and figure out how to translate this shit" he growled

MAC didn't respond so Caillyn could only assume he got his point across. He looked back to the man who eyed him cautiously. The wolf began to flip through the photos again looking back up to the male figure who had now become silent. It took a bit of coaxing and some hand gestures before Caillyn thought he might have gotten his point across. The man's face lit up a bit and began to speak again.

They sat together for several hours and continued until the stranger's device appeared to run out of power. The wolf a little saddened by the abrupt end, sat upright and began to stretch out his back. Leaning over the small device made him a little sore and stiff; his companion did the same. Caillyn already knew what he wanted to do next but his plans were interrupted by the woman standing in the doorway. She spoke a few words to the male sitting next to him before she headed out down the hall. The male got to his feet and walked to the doorway, beckoning the wolf to follow him, which Caillyn did.

Down past the open room and beyond, lead into what appeared to be more of a living space. He passed several bedrooms before heading down a flight of wooden stairs that lead into another large open area. Couches, and comfy chairs adorned the far side, but a large table with a half dozen nearly identical smaller seats were in the portion closest to the stairs. The smell of freshly cooked and salted meat along with a variety of other delicious aromas wafted throughout the lower level.

The man directed him to one of the seats where they sat down together. Caillyn looked around at the rough and rather crude décor, trying to keep his hungry stomach occupied until what he hoped would be breakfast. He didn't have to wait long before the remaining three people brought in stacks of food from the kitchen. Several plates full of different types of meats, breads and other delicious smelling items were placed down the spine of the table along with several smaller containers of various coloured liquids. The woman made up a small plate with a bit of everything on it and placed it in front of Caillyn.

The wolf eyed the plate with intrigue, the types of meat were quite obvious but it was accompanied by a large and round flat piece of bread. In addition a pile of cubed brown objects and a small amount of a yellowish globular thing adorned his plate. Everything here smelt edible, but he was a little leery around the non-meats. He watched and waited for the strangers to begin eating, to see if there was some sort of trick or custom he should be adhering to; also he wanted to find out what the mysterious liquids are for.

The thick brown syrup was used on the round bread quite unanimously by the strangers, however the remaining gels and liquids had mixed use on a seemingly random assortment of items. The utensils were very similar to what he used back home, so it took little to adapt to their slight change in shape.

The strangers talked amongst themselves and the wolf eyed them all carefully, hoping to pick up on any focus of conversation. He slowly ate everything on his plate, first without the additional liquids, then on his second helping with them. The brown syrup added a very distinct taste to the flat bread, but was a little too sweet for his liking. He enjoyed all of the meats along with surprisingly good yellow globs, he suspected they must be a meat of some sort but the source was completely foreign to him. The cubes he could take or leave as they tasted very bland to his palette.

They sat at the table for nearly an hour, Caillyn eating a large amount of food, while the remaining four strangers talked openly amongst themselves. The topic of their conversation completely unknown to the wolf, although he suspected in some way or another he was involved. Unknown that is, until the voice in his headpiece said the words he had been longing to hear.

"I believe I have the translation down. It might be a little clunky and slow at first but it should improve with time"

The wolf's eyes widened drastically, but went unnoticed by others at the table. He leaned down a little bit and placed his paws in front of his face to muffle his voice.

"Are you sure you've got it?" he whispered

"Not completely, but it should be more than passable"

"Then say something"

"What would you like me to say. I'm a translator not a negotiator"

"Ummm ... how about ... thanks? I don't know, I just don't want to startle them..."

"Alright here we go"

" ThaNk YoU FOr BrEAKfsSt" screeched the wolfs headset in loud series of fragmented and uneven voice tones. The wolf nearly ripped the headset off of him at the sound of the deafening tone and the other strangers either jumped to their feet or grabbed an object to defend themselves with.

"MAC what the fuck was that!" he cried out

"That ... was for throwing me earlier, now, let's get back to business"

"Thank you for breakfast" The smooth and elegant robotic tone came out at a normal volume and pace. The wolf worriedly sat staring at the people around him, hoping he would get a response. They sat in silence frozen in their frightened poses.

"You're ... welcome" responded the oldest male as he put down the knife he was holding

End of Chapter Nine

Thank you for taking the time to read this, or scroll to the bottom of the page. Either way I would like to personally thank you for it. I would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism on the work and if you have have any ideas for plot that you would like to see in the upcoming segments, please let me know.

This is likely the last chapter of this story for the foreseeable future, I have an idea on how I want to continue it, but have moved onto other projects in the meantime. I will probably come back to it eventually, but don't have a timeline. Again thanks for reading and have a nice day!