Chronicals of the Black Guard: Chapter 4

Story by CelticWolf on SoFurry

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Kave sighed heavily; his day had not been going the best it could. Indeed, he was hoping it wouldn't get any worse. The waking that morning had been one of the most chaotic since his early days as a novitiate. They had come unexpectedly upon a Teth RaiderShip in the early hours. It had tried to run, but didn't get more than a light-second away before the far heavier weaponry of their BattleCruiser rendered it to nothing more than glowing plasma.

The loss of the Teth vessel upset the Mrrurr-on, as that meant no more sacrifices could be added to the stock already on board. That fact merely compounded the anger in the dressing down Kave had received for his actions during the examination of the female Teth. His hesitation and his obvious reluctance to do anything potentially harmful had the Mrrurr-on questioning Kave's fitness to be a Mrrurr-ur. The Mrrurr-on then proceeded to go on about the glory of the Gods, and why they made the Iush the great rulers and masters that they were. Rather than inspiring Kave, the effect was to have him start to question his own beliefs.

Once the Mrrurr-on was finished with him, Kave tried to escape back to his quarters, his mind awash with conflicts. He knew about the facets of Glory and of Conquest, but yet there were the facets of Honor and Compassion that he did not see. The tablets all spoke of the four facets, the keys to being a good and just ruler. Even the Council of Elders was made of families dedicated to the four facets, each lead by a Priest and a Warrior, married to each other. But even they and their policies now seemed full of Glory and Conquest, but devoid of Honor and Compassion. He had thought of asking the Mrrurr-on why that seemed so, but knew that he would be told that those 'lacking' facets were not to be wasted on Teth. Teth were nothing more than animals for their use.

Animals... but animals with intelligence. Animals with emotions, fear... animals that were just as alive and as... vibrant... as his own people were. He could not see how the declarations that had been coming out could apply to them. They were almost Iush, but yet he was told over and over again that they are animals, not people. Yet the fear,

the confusion, the gratitude, he had seen the previous day put the lie to each and every thing he had been told about them.

Thinking back to the previous day brought up another question. Upon first seeing the female Teth, he had felt an irrational urge to keep the Mrrurr-on from doing anything. This was not as it should be. Yes, admittedly he was curious about her... curious about how she differed from his own peoples. Curious about her culture, and how they thought and believed. In point of fact, he had been looked down upon by other members of this ship due to the simple fact that he was a scholar that had bothered to learn the language of the Teth. It was expected of

the Warriors, so that they could give challenge to the Teth, but not of the scholars. It was seen as a weakness for him to bother to learn it, and he wondered if they were not correct.

Since meeting the Teth, giving her the cloak of his so that she could cover herself, Kave found himself not thinking 'rightly'. Rather, he found himself wondering if they should not just leave the Teth be, or perhaps to open a dialog.... But that, according to the Mrrurr-on and the Council, would be blasphemy. Even speaking of such would be grounds

for him to be stripped of his position and exiled. The loss of Honor to his family would be too great, and it would be a burden that he could not bear.

It was those thoughts that carried his feet not to his own quarters, but to the Captain's quarters. As he looked at the door, he blinked, realizing where he was but not how he got there. He knew the Captain was away, on the bridge, and that it was safe to enter. Still, Kave hesitated at the door. He still didn't understand why he was driven to see to the Teth's safety, yet he was. Taking a deep breath, he keyed the door and entered the Captain's quarters.

The first thing to strike his nostrils was the faint metallic scent of blood, relatively fresh blood at that. Almost immediately, a sense of panic set in, and Kave started scanning the room, looking for the Teth. The bed was swept clean, excepting for faint spots of reddish brown, and a larger one about the middle of the bed. There were signs of a struggle, but no signs of weapons being used.

It was the sound of a faint whimper that finally caught his attention. On the far side of the room, in a corner, was a mass of bedclothes. The whimper came from over there, and they were just large enough for someone to hide in. Being very careful, Kave approached the mass of cloth, not sure what would happen when he got within striking range. He was not a Warrior at all, being better suited to books than to fighting. Hesitantly he kneeled, and addressed the pile. "Teth? You there are?" Almost idly he noted that the scent of blood was stronger


Another whimper and a shift in the cloth was all that answered him. Tentatively, he reached out and hooked the cloth with a claw, intending to draw it back. In that moment, what he presumed to be her body flinched back as far as it could against the bulkhead behind, and her voice wafted up from the midst of the pile, "Noooo! Nooo! Please! Not again!" After that outburst, the sound of muffled crying was the only sound he heard, besides the beating of his own heart in panic.

"Teth... I it is. Kave." Again he tugged gently at the cloth, starting to pull it from where he suspected her head was. The whimpering increased at the movement of the cloth, and he saw that he had guessed correctly. Her head was indeed where he thought it was. There were fresh tracks of blood on the fur that he could see, spotting the white and black alike. Light furrows were drawn over one eye, spaced about as far apart as the Captain's fingers. The first thing that he saw that truly worried him, and drew a hiss of sympathy that caused her to flinch, was the puncture wounds that appeared to be a severe bite where the neck and shoulder joined, piercing the muscle there. The wounds had bled copiously, but were not bleeding any more. He didn't ask what had happened, it was fairly obvious that the Captain had bitten her. The more he exposed, he saw that her body was now covered in a light lattice of scratches that had drawn blood. In addition, and even more troubling to him was the fact that her index finger on what he knew to be her dominant hand was gone to the second knuckle. That wound, like the ones at her neck, were ragged and


Trying to soothe her, Kave reached for his pouch, seeking the medical supplies within. Somewhere deep inside of him, a kernel of anger, an emotion strange to him, kindled like a small flame. How dare she be treated in such a manner? How dare she be tortured like this, and have her dignity stripped further than it had been already. As he worked on cleaning and sealing the major wounds, her eyes started to loose a little bit of the glassy look that they had had when he first saw them again. "K... Kave?"

"Yes, Teth. Kave it is." Though he was concentrating on trying to heal her wounds, there was no way he could miss the fact that some of the tension left her body with that confirmation. "You fine will be. You still remain. Heal you, I."

From Vitun, a softer sobbing started. "How... how could you leave me with that monster?" As she spoke, her body started trembling violently, making Kave's ministrations harder to complete.

"He monster not. Warrior great is he." Finishing with the wound on her shoulder, Kave took Vitun's right hand and started to treat the stump of a finger. "Iush he of honor great," even to his own ears, the conviction in his voice was lacking.

An almost hysterical laugh greeted that declaration. "Oh, really Kave? Let me tell you what this 'great and honorable warrior' did to someone that could not even defend herself!"

* * *

As the door closed behind the young priest, Vitun pulled the cloak tighter around her. The room was opulent, yes, but not opulent in a comforting way. Rather it seemed a shrine to the conquests of the Captain of the ship. Feeling a shiver run through her body, Vitun calmed herself, then started to look around, to find anything she could use to escape this prison. Her eyes first landed on a pair of rather large swords on the wall, above the bed. Moving closer to examine them, she noticed that they were magnetically locked to the wall, and unless she had the code, she would not be able to pull them down. Her next thought was of the various urns and decanters about the room. Most of them were gold or silver, and would provide at least a temporary weapon.

Having marked her first object of protection, Vitun continued to prowl the room, trying to learn more of the individual that she would have to deal with. What she found was even less comforting than the room. Beyond a few changes of clothing, it was only trophies and weapons that she could not access in the room. Everything reflected the ego and

cruel nature of her captor. In the corners, and in various places on the deck she found dried blood, of what species, she did not know.

It was under the bed itself that she found the worst sign of all. There, strapped down in a spread eagle position to the deck itself was the skeleton of a cub, or what she suspected to be a cub. It had been a wolf breed, at one time, probably no older than in its early to mid teen years. The pelvis showed it was female, and the markings of blood around showed what the ultimate fate was. The thought that such a fate may be awaiting her almost caused Vitun to pass out in fear. Unsteadily, she backed away, staring in horror at the skeleton, though she could no longer see it. When her back contacted the wall, she slid down it, her mind numb with fear and anticipation of horror to come.

In what seemed no time from when she found the skeleton, she heard the lock on the door cycle, and the door itself open. Snapping out of the daze of fear, Vitun launched herself towards one of the heavy gold decanters, and hurled it where she thought the figure would be. Just as fast as her own movements had been the moment before, a massive golden furred hand shot up and captured the decanter in midair, the cold and cruel laugh she had last heard on the Rhyzan's Fury came again. "So... even though you are alive, you seek death?"

Slowly the Captain stepped into the room, his massive body blocking the light from the hall temporarily. With almost negligent ease, he crushed the gold serving vessel in his hand, and tossed it aside. "Too bad, Teth. I intend to have you for quite a while, and when you die, it will not be quick and easy."

Intentionally turning his back to her, the Captain sealed the door again then stretched before turning back around. "Ah... I see the Mrrurr-ur gave you some of his clothing, expressly against my orders. That... amuses... me. If you perform well enough, I might give you to him after I am done with you, rather than eating you. Then again, I may just kill him and have done, a subject who does not do as he is told is not worth having on board."

The Captain's laugh rang out through the room again as he caught sight of Vitun's reactions to those words. "Oh... ready to fight me for the sake of this priest, Teth? You think his 'kindness' was really any such? Or perhaps he was just embarrassed to be around something like you." Seeing the uncertainty grow in her eyes slightly, the Captain advanced on her. "Or maybe he was just making sure that only he and I could gaze upon you, so that only we would know what I will be getting."

Fear once more came into Vitun's eyes, realizing that there was very little space between her and the Captain. Reflexively, she jumped to one side, trying to get around the Captain. With practiced ease, the Captain sidestepped and grabbed her by the throat. Then with an almost gentle twisting motion, sent Vitun flying into the bulkhead, her own skull striking with enough force that she was dazed and started to slide to the floor. Stepping towards her as she tried to recover, the Captain once more grabbed Vitun by the throat, and lifted her up. "You will learn your place, Teth. It humors me to allow you to keep the cloak. For now, however, you no longer need it." With his free hand, the Captain undid the clasp to the cloak, allowing it to fall where Vitun had fallen moments before.

With another negligent toss, the Captain threw Vitun to the bed, again causing disorientation to her. With deliberate casualness, the Captain removed his uniform, what little there was of one, and continued to watch Vitun, waiting for her to finally figure out where she was. As she finally raised her head, the Captain pounced upon her body, all four sets of claws coming out and raking downwards, leaving furrows of blood welling from the points of contact, and ripping a scream from her throat. "Yes... that's it Teth. Scream for your life, and for my pleasure."

With deliberate cruelty, the Captain raked his claws again across Vitun's body, scoring her breasts with furrows of blood, then raked them upwards along her arms, pinning them above her head with one hand. Her cries exciting the Captain further, and through the fog of pain she was feeling, she could also feel the Captain's lust building. "Just think, Teth," the Captain said, holding his free hand in front of her face, the claws shining lustrously in the darkness. "You will have been my first in many months. I have been waiting for just the right Teth, and you are it."

A leering grin split the Captain's muzzle. "Indeed, your eyes are like emeralds... perhaps if I were to pluck one of them." Resting his claws over Vitun's eye, he quickly snapped his hand downwards, a shriek coming from her as pain exploded across her face. Within moments, the pain faded to a dull ache, and she realized she could still see from the eye that she was so sure was to be savaged.

Though she realized the futility of her position, still Vitun tried to struggle, which only aroused the Captain more. Using his free hand he squeezed her breast cruelly, even as he used his legs to force hers open. With a deep growl, the Captain started to position himself for what he had been desiring since he had first seen this slave on her

doomed ship.

The sudden contact against her femaleness was enough to shock Vitun back into reality. "No! Please! I've never," her voice got louder and more panicky as she could feel that the Captain didn't care what she had or had not done.

"I know you have not, Teth. That is what will make this all the sweeter for me." Suddenly, the Captain's body surged forward, forcing Vitun onto his maleness, ripping yet another cry from her throat as he pierced through her previously untouched flesh. The scent of blood was even stronger in the air as he continued to take her forcefully, each forward thrust causing her pain, not the pleasure she had heard about from friends, his growls remaining constant as he pillaged her body. His hand alternately squeezing cruelly, or raking her body, each whimper spurring him onwards.

Just as she thought she could take no more, the Captain thrust himself forward once more, even harder then before, and bit deep into her shoulder. His lust spilling into her as she could feel her life's blood pouring from where his jaws were latched onto. She could feel him drinking of the blood even as he filled her with his seed.

Wrenching his jaws from her shoulder, and his body from hers, the Captain rolled off of her, then got up off of the bed, looking down on Vitun with satisfaction and contempt. "Not bad, Teth. You please me enough for you to live, for now." Vitun for her part merely curled up, holding her hand against her severely injured shoulder. "What, did you not enjoy that? Did you not enjoy your first time, and with the Captain of a mighty ship, not one of those other worms that you would have bred with were I not there to take you." As he continued gloating, a chiming sound came from the ceiling. Barking a command in his native tongue, the Captain received a reply from somewhere on the ship.

"It seems we have more quarry to hunt, Teth. Perhaps you'll have someone to join you here, yes?" Quickly the Captain regained his clothing and put them back on. Just as he was about to leave, he turned, looked at Vitun then stepped back over to her. "Yes... I forgot your insolence as I entered. You must learn that you cannot fight back against me, Teth." Taking the hand he remembered had held the weapon when she was on her ship, he forced her to extend her index finger. With a deliberate slowness, he bit his way through the second knuckle, causing Vitun to finally pass out.

* * *

"And when I awoke, I wrapped myself in the sheet... I couldn't even find your cloak. That's what your 'honorable' Captain did!" With each word, Vitun struck Kave in the chest with her fists. She was weakened, so her strength was not enough to hurt him, but the words she spoke did. "You're all the same... every one of you! Damn you, I wish you'd have let me die!"

Eventually, she stopped striking him, and instead fell against him, sobbing wildly. His heart heavy, knowing he had left her to this fate, Kave almost instinctively wrapped his arms around her shaking shoulders, holding her to him. He didn't know why he was hurt by her words, and he no longer cared. The Mrrurr-on and the Captain be damned, he would find a way to protect this Teth, even if it cost him his own life. The facets demanded that he could do no less.