His Place in Her World

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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It's been a week since Ildac fell under Nuri's sway and submitted to her as her pet and plaything. Now that the fog has cleared from his mind, questions and doubts have begun to form. Can he really have this sort of relationship with a mortal? There's only one way to find out.

A sequel to The Date That Started it All, two freaking years late. X3 A birthday gift for Majorra, too! As usual, expect some hypnotic goodness and femdom and sexy stuff.

Story and Ildac (c) AnubusKiren

Nuri (c) Majorra

Previous story: https://www.sofurry.com/view/802304

The echoes of bubbling water were a treat to the ears as Ildac allowed himself to sink deeper into the heated spring. The brown and orange stone walls of his bathing chamber glowed with faint candlelight, the only source of illumination in this quiet, secluded place where the fox came to unwind. He could almost feel himself slipping away as he soaked in the warm water, freeing his mind of thoughts and worries.

Until he had visitors, that is. A flash illuminated the cavern walls, then dimmed. A familiar presence filled out the room with him, and he turned to look over his shoulder. The familiar petite rabbit angel stopped before the water's edge and grinned down at him. "Morning!"

"Oh. Morning Relka." Ildac cleared his throat and adjusted his posture, so as to be sufficiently... covered. "I forgot I'd given you a keystone."

"Did I interrupt something?" Her voice carried a teasing tone as she unfastened her plain brown tunic. "Or is it safe to join you?"

The fox shrank into the water just an inch. He'd given Relka a keystone to his personal facilities just a few days ago after a particularly tiring training session. The rabbit had wanted to chat afterward and wound up sleeping on his sofa. Apparently he'd forgotten that it granted access to his bathing quarters, and she had no qualms about dropping in unannounced. "That's a bold thing to ask." he mumbled. "Don't you think?"

"That wasn't a no." Relka sang the words with a playful giggle and perched atop the rock on which Ildac rested his back. "What, you've never bathed with your comrades?"

"Not usually."


"You know I don't have many." The fox glanced up at the now topless bunny and quickly averted his eyes. "But," he relented, sensing the disappointment radiating off his fellow angel, "you're one of them. So go ahead."

A slender shadow slipped over the water and disappeared with a splash. Relka plopped down beside the dripping fox and let her wings dip deep into the spring. "I can leave if you aren't comfortable."

"It's not that." Ildac still avoided looking at her. There was no "indecent" age for angels inducted into a battle choir, but he couldn't help but find Relka far too innocent at times. Too pure for eyes such as his to touch, even if the lewd acts he'd partaken in weren't exactly forbidden. She couldn't just be another feast for his hungry eyes; some strange, misplaced fatherly instinct from--well, he didn't want to think of that.

Relka sighed and sank down to neck-level with the water, her ears drooping to dip the surface. "Well, you aren't projecting anything prudish or murderous, so I assume I'm safe."

The fox scoffed. "I am not a prude."

"You put on one's face. At least out there, with the others." her lips curled into a grin. "You're trying too hard to hide something they'd never even see."

"Shut it."

"You're going back today, right?"

Ildac dipped his muzzle into the water and huffed out bubbles. The delicious warmth of the hotspring momentarily met its match against the heat rising into his cheeks. "I've done my duties for the week, so yes. Barring any emergencies, of course."

"I'll have to find someone new to bug." Relka stretched out her legs and gave him a sideways glance. "So it really wasn't just her sinking her hooks into you. If that were it, the effects would have definitely worn off by now." She continued to stare during the long, awkward silence that followed. The corners of her lips curled upward again. "Is it so hard to admit that you liked it?"

"I won't say anything because I don't know." It came out far more sullen than he'd meant. "I'm going back so I can be sure."

The smirk left Relka's lips, and she turned away from him to stare up at the smooth, rocky ceiling above. Her white-feathered wings spread out along the rock behind her, brushing against Ildac's feathers before sinking down into the water. "Is that all?"

Ildac almost laughed. He'd become so terrible at lying recently. The fox cupped his hands and splashed water on his face, allowing the rivulets of warmth to trail down his cheek fur before shaking his head dry. "What is a mortal life, Relka? A mere century, if that."

"You're afraid of making a connection with someone so short-lived."

"Maybe." he breathed a quiet sigh, blue and green eyes focused on his lap, distorted by the water. "It's more that I doubt the connection would last. Their short lifespans encourage rapid change--traditions and customs pass in a heartbeat, whereas ours... don't. Angels are as stone colossi to mortals; unyielding and unchanging by comparison."

The lady angel beside him scoffed and suddenly flexed her wings upward, sending a shower of water droplets over the two of them. "That," she reached over to flick his nose, her tone scolding, unimpressed, "is just about the stuffiest thing I've heard you say. Ever."

"It's true, though."

"Yeah, and what if it is? So what if you don't get her--or any mortal? How do you think SHE feels?" Relka turned to face him, and Ildac averted his eyes from her full-frontal nudity. "Tell me you don't think she's spent every day since your little rendezvous thinking it was all a vivid hallucination. You disappearing for a week sure doesn't help that."

"I told her I might." the fox grumbled. Somehow, being lectured by Relka wasn't unlike being scolded by his own mother.

Relka sucked down a breath, feathers fluffed up in apparent frustration. "You made the decision not to alter her memories. You agreed to go out on a date. You agreed to go home with her--"

"I didn't actually 'agree' to the last one."

"Well you let her convince you." the bunny bopped him on the nose again. "Look. Whether you decide you want to remain involved or not, you owe it to that girl to follow up. Go down there and talk to her. Heck, give her a chance beyond dinner and a romp. You might surprise one another."

Relka's words hung heavily at the back of his mind as he approached Nuri's apartment door. The little wolf had already surprised him plenty; her confidence, her commanding demeanor, and her... skills. A shiver crawled over his spine as flashes of her hypnotic gaze flickered through his mind's eye. The mental tug was still there; the imposed desire to return, to embrace her control once more and submit himself to the colorful wolf. But it wasn't all-powerful. He could have crushed that residual influence under his angelic fortitude in an instant, and yet...

Ildac held his breath, his cheeks already flushing hot as he reached for the doorbell. His doubts, heavy as they were, sank beneath his curiosity. The angel pressed his finger to the button and tensed up, its electronic ringing echoing in his ears. Seconds passed at a snail's pace, but he soon heard the soft pat of paws against the floor inside.

The door opened to reveal a familiar white-furred, rainbow-striped wolf. Nuri stood in the doorway, violet hair showing the tiniest signs of fading to a lighter shade of purple--she must not have touched it up. She had only a pair of blue pajama pants and a matching tank top on, a coffee cup in one hand. She stared up at him with wide, blue eyes and simply gaped for a long, heavy second. "H... Hey!" she finally said, a smile spreading into her lips. "Oh my g--you're back!"

"Hey." Ildac exhaled the word, unconsciously reaching to scratch a nervous itch at the back of his neck. "Sorry. I didn't--that is, I..." he cleared his throat. "I hope this isn't a had time."

"No! No, no, come in!" Nuri claimed his free hand and ushered him into the apartment. The wolf shut the door behind them, turned the deadbolt, and cast an uncertain glance back over her shoulder before turning to face him again. "How are you? You didn't get beat up again, did you?"

The angel managed to chuckle. "Not this time."

"Good. Oh, you want coffee? Just made some."

"Ah... sure." Ildac watched her bounce off to the kitchen, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. She hadn't immediately commanded him to drop to his knees, nor had she shut the door in his face--quite the opposite, actually. The curvy wolf seemed quite happy to see him.

Nuri called from the kitchen, "How do you like yours?"

"Oh, whatever is fine."

"How. Do. You. Like it?" came her more insistent question.

"Th-Three sugars, with milk or cream." Even a shadow of that commanding tone he remembered was enough to summon a shiver from the base of his spine.

Nuri returned a moment later with a fresh cup of coffee, which she offered to him. She motioned for him to join her on the couch. "You like sweet things, huh?"

"I suppose sugar is my one Earthly vice, yes." Ildac sipped at the sweetened, but still vaguely bitter drink. How in the hell did this stuff catch on, back in the days when sweeteners were a luxury?

"Interesting." There was a slight purr in her tone, but it disappeared just as quickly as it'd arrived. Her eyes hadn't left him since she'd rejoined him in the living room. "You're really here."

"You sound surprised."

"Well--geez, Ildac." Nuri laughed incredulously. "I'm good at what I do, but I didn't think I was 'subjugate an angel' good. I figured your goddess would fix you right up the moment you got home."

Ildac busied his lips with a long gulp of coffee and avoided looking at her. Was there even a dignified way to admit how he felt about the whole ordeal? "The Goddess does not interfere in matters which her angels consider personal. Not unless it interferes with their duties, which our... playtime does not."

"That's a relief." Nuri scooted closer and set her mug down on the table. She slipped one arm around Ildac's waist and rested the other against his chest, prompting a nervous little rumble from the fox. "So here you are."

"Here I am." he repeated, still keeping his eyes averted. Something nagged at him to meet her brilliant blue gaze, but he managed to stifle it for the moment.

Apparently undeterred by his stoic nature, Nuri pressed closer, her hand riding up his muscular chest until it reached his chin, delicate fingers applying gentle scratches to his fur. "Can I assume you enjoyed yourself last time, seeing as you came all this way just to see me?"

"Yes, Mis--Nuri!" Ildac bit his tongue. He saw her grin in his peripheral vision, and his cheeks and neck flushed with heat. "I wasn't going to--"

"Yeah you were."

"Yeah I was." he sighed and leaned into the relaxing scritches, despite his frustration. "Sorry. I did enjoy myself, and I enjoyed... your talents. But this isn't what I'm used to. It's going to take some time."

Nuri's other hand slipped up his back, causing him to arch slightly in place. "I know for a fact you'd been hypnotized before we met."

"Those memories are fuzzy, at best. But I suppose that's normal."

"Depends. I think you remember our night pretty well."

"Vividly." the fox couldn't help but croon when her fingers fell upon the back of his neck and applied a new set of scritches.

Nuri smiled, all the wickedness in her expression seeming to melt away for a moment. "I'll be gentle. Where it counts." She hummed thoughtfully and groped at his back again. "You wanna let your wings out?"

"Oh. That'd be nice, actually." Ildac had almost forgotten they were hidden in the first place, but now that awkward discomfort of disguising them beyond the veil refreshed in his mind. He watched Nuri bounce from window to window, shutting the blinds and curtains, ensuring no prying eyes would steal a glimpse of her angelic plaything.

"Let 'em loose, stud." she gave him a wink and sauntered over to watch.

The angel tried his best not to let the blush show through his fur. He stood and unbuttoned his shirt, slipped it off one sleeve at a time, and willed his black-feathered wings into the mortal realm. They appeared with a burst of golden light and extended slowly, mindful of the furniture and wall fixtures nearby, then folded up against his back. "Thank you. You'll never know just how uncomfortable it is for one part of you to be one place, and another to be... elsewhere."

Nuri returned and casually straddled the angel's lap, little hands falling upon his dark plumage. The delicate touch of her fingers renewed the stifled crooning sounds occasionally escaping his throat. "They're so soft! Getting smashed by a rock didn't ruin them, I see."

"They've been through worse. Up to and including dismemberment." Ildac winced at a particular memory from, as he recalled, around a century ago. Some angry hellspawn had gotten the jump on him and flat-out chewed off his wing at the second joint. Getting home that day had been an ordeal.

"Yet here they are, fluffy and vibrant! Well, as vibrant as black can get." Nuri grinned, brushing her hands through the downy tufts. "It's funny. All the old paintings and statues make a point to show angels with white wings. Black was always more of a 'fallen angel' thing."

"We come in all colors." Ildac kept his response as vague as possible. Better that her whimsical impression of his kind not be spoiled by the harsh grip of reality.

Apparently satisfied, Nuri buried her face against a wing and nuzzled her cheek into the soft feathers, an affectionate gesture that managed to tint Ildac's cheeks a nice shade of pink. "Are there lots of angels?"

"Countless. Of all sorts, all circles. All deities."

"So there are more than one."

"I've been allowed to tell you that, at least." Ildac's hands found their way to the wolf's waist and rested there. Her appreciative wiggle sent a nervous flutter from the pit of his stomach to his throat, and it manifested in a stifled giggle.

"Should I be honored?" Nuri grinned wryly at him, one cheek still planted against his feathers.

The fox snorted. "We try not to let mortals know of our presence, but one or two slip-ups per year is no big catastrophe. I still don't want you telling people, of course, as per our agreement." He managed to throw a stern glance her way, despite the heavenly ripples of pleasure fluttering across his wing. "Not many people would believe you these days, which is fortunate. Sadly, those who WOULD tend to be nutcases."

"I'm not telling anyone. That might mean I'd have to share you with the media or something." Nuri returned her hand to his chin and tickled under it, prompting another quiet rumble. "I want you to be my angel. My little secret."

"Good to know."

The wolf smiled up at him, finally catching his gaze. Her weight shifted backwards, and she slowly slipped off the angel, getting to her feet and stretching her arms up with a little groan. "So... I have something for you."

"What is it?" Ildac fluffed his feathers up and brushed them flat again. The tingling pleasure from her touch still lingered.

"You'll see." Nuri beckoned him forward, and he rose to his feet. The wolf pointed at a tall leather armchair sitting perpendicular to the couch. "Sit there. No, not on the seat." she grinned, directing him with a pointed finger. "On your knees. Face the chair."

That command once again awakened the fluttering butterflies in his tummy, and he stood rooted in place for a long moment as Nuri retreated to her bedroom. Eventually he found the strength to move and sank down to his knees in front of the tall-backed chair. Sensitive ears picked up the sound of boxes shifting as Nuri fussed with something in the other room. He hadn't gotten any adequate judgment of her character after their initial meeting, beyond "domineering" and "cute". He could not, therefore, rule out the option that she might have been searching for a ball gag or a riding crop. His ass stung just at the thought of it.

Nuri returned a short time later, brushing her hair back into place as she took her spot on the seat in front of Ildac. She held a black cardboard box in one hand. "Sorry, I guess I let it get buried. But here we are." The wolf leaned forward and opened the box. Inside sat a dark blue leather collar with a standard metal buckle and loop. "I've never gotten anything like this for anyone before, but I know someone who makes them and she gave me a good deal. I hope you like the color; it goes well with your eyes."

Ildac carefully plucked the collar from its soft foam casing and brushed his fingers along the soft leather. The strangest mix of guilt and appreciation welled up inside him, and he turned his eyes up to meet hers. "Why, though?"

"What do you mean 'why'?" Nuri grinned. "You're my pet. Unless you're having second thoughts?"

"It's not that." the fox averted his eyes. "It's just..."

"Talk to me." Nuri's hands fell upon his ears with a gentle caress. Once again, that devious grin had softened into a genuine little smile.

Ildac swallowed hard. Did he really have the heart to say how he felt? He began slowly, eyes cast upon a blank spot on the wall. "I had fun with you."

"I'm glad." Her fingers combed through his dark blue hair. "You seemed to!"

"And you're incredibly sweet. Welcoming. Accepting. But we're so different, Nuri." The angel exhaled a defeated breath and let his head hang forward, closer to her caressing fingers. "Sure, we don't exactly have a heart-to-heart while we're fucking, but you want me to be your pet. Your submissive. That's a real commitment, and needs a real... connection."

Nuri's brows inclined only slightly. "Do you have commitment problems?"

"No." Ildac scoffed. Part of him wanted to reveal that he'd been married in the past, but that was a whole other can of worms he'd rather not open. "I just worry that we won't 'get' one another. You know? Your life is so mundane--no offense. And I should have no problem understanding and relating. But I do. And forget trying to explain just what it's like to be an angel." He looked back to her, and felt a sting in his heart as her smile vanished. "I'm just afraid--of lots of things, really. But more that we'll just never relate to one another. That we'll just meander through one awkward reunion after another, have sex, and depart. And that's not what either of us wants, I'm sure."

The wolf studied him for the most uncomfortable few moments he'd experienced in a long time. Honesty was always the best policy, but even so, he began to fear he'd stepped too harshly over a delicate line. She finally spoke after a while, one hand still petting his ears. "What do you want, Ildac?"

"Out of this?"

"In general. But yeah, this, too."

He sucked down a breath and exhaled slowly. A complex question with a simple answer, at least on the surface. "I just want to be happy."

"You looked pretty happy last week. Even after I'd given your mind back." Nuri's smile slowly returned, and she moved her gentle caress to his furry cheeks. "I don't care if you're some crazy-powerful being from another world, Ildac. We're both people, and people don't just automatically get one another."

"I know that, but--"

"No 'but's." The colorful wolf booped his nose and smiled. Her hands moved to join his in holding the collar she'd given to him. "Just answer one easy question for me: Do you want this to work?"

'Easy' would not have been his choice of descriptor. It wasn't as simple as just wanting it--nothing was. But her soft smile, deep blue gaze, and the weight of the collar in his hands all seemed to ease the burden of the answer. Something underneath the doubt, fear, and uncertainty just wanted him to let go, to toss it all to the wind and leap into her arms. With another deep breath, the fox quietly answered, "I do."

Nuri beamed, and she took the collar from him. A quick tap to his chin had him craning his head upward, and she leaned forward to tighten and clasp it around his neck. "I know you're scared. People are scary. And I wasn't exactly subtle." she laughed, letting an ounce of sheepishness show in her gaze. "But I'm not going to hurt you."

It was odd to hear such a comment from someone he could easily lift in one hand, but at the same time it comforted him. Against all odds, he'd managed to express himself without sounding stuffy or scaring her off! Perhaps there was hope for a connection after all. At the very least, the collar felt wonderful around his neck.

"Just give it a chance." Nuri continued, locking the collar and brushing her fingers along his neck. "I'm more than just a hypnodomme, and you're more than just a drooling slut." She gave a quick grin at the blush forming under his cheek fur. "The point is to discover."

"You're right." Ildac rested his cheek on her petting hand and, in a bashful tone, added, "Mistress."

Immediately, the wickedness flowed back into Nuri's smile. The colorful wolf brushed one hand over Ildac's ears, then leaned back and reclined in her seat. "Look me in the eyes, pet."

The return of the glowing, throbbing colors sent a tremor through his mind and body. The prismatic ringlets, familiar and yet still so alien, lazily poured outward from Nuri's pupils until they passed beyond the edges of her eyes. It was tempting to chase each color to watch as it sank beneath the next, but the angel's gaze kept floating back to the center of that colorful font of mesmerizing light. He was drawn, as before, into the rainbow tunnels that slowly washed over his mind.

"Good boy." Nuri giggled at his reaction; the quick tensing of muscles, the sharp intake of breath as those magic words sent a wave of electric pleasure straight down to his cock. "I know I said you're more than a drooling slut, but I'm eager to see that side of you again." Her eyes trained harder on his, that intense, colorful stare focusing deeper into him. "No more worries. No more fears. Just you, me, and the pretty colors. So easy to let go. Easy to let your thoughts wander and drift away, until you find you don't have any left to spare."

He could offer only a lazy nod in response. She had not bidden words to rise to his lips, and they were simply too much effort to begin with. It really was just easier to look, to listen, to obey. Easier to nod and agree, regardless of what she said. After all, good boys--ooh, another wonderful jolt of pleasure!--good boys had to be nice and agreeable for Mistress. The world around him faded away, swallowed beneath the maelstrom of colors pouring from Nuri's eyes.

"Deep breaths." the wolf crooned, eyes narrowing a half-inch, forcing him to focus his gaze more closely on them. The slight lidding of her eyes seemed to make those colors flow faster. Or had she simply made them so? "Breathing down warm, fresh air, but also your thoughts. Your will. Releasing them with your breaths as you exhale, your mind growing emptier and emptier with each breath. In," she paused to watch her pet's chest swell, "and out."

Ildac exhaled the last of his concerns. She was his Mistress, and he was her good boy. Nothing else mattered in this blissful moment of mindlessness. Nuri's legs lifted and stretched forward, her calves resting on his shoulders. The colorful wolf murmured in low, husky tones, lulling him deeper and deeper. Her eyes whirled at a dizzying pace, glowing brightly and drowning out the rest of existence. To stare and obey was bliss, and to think or worry would detract from such bliss. She made it all too easy to sink into sweet submission.

Nuri held in a deep breath as she stared down at him, silently appreciating her work. A shade of pink just barely showed under her cheek fur. "So obedient. See? We both knew what you really wanted, pet." The wolf leaned forward, adjusting her posture and sliding her legs back, ankles now resting on Ildac's shoulders. She bent as far as she could, widening her eyes so that the full force of her stare now flowed into her pet's mind, causing the already dizzy fox to swoon and sway in place. "But right now, you want what I want. Isn't that right?"

"Yesssss..." Ildac's head swam in a haze of prismatic ecstasy. His eyes nearly managed to flick downward, drawn to the motion of his Mistress's hands as she hooked her fingers under the hem of her pajama pants. His eyes remained magnetized to hers, however, forcing him to watch in his peripheral vision while she worked her pants down, slowly slipping the soft fabric past her pudgy thighs and down to her shins. The dark blue garment obscured his vision of the prize they once concealed, and very nearly blocked her enthralling stare as she pushed her pants down against his muzzle.

"You want what I want." the wolf repeated as she lifted her legs, leaning back again and tugging her pants off the rest of the way. A flick of her wrist sent them crumpling unceremoniously to the floor. "And I want some... stress relief."

Once again, Nuri's gaze nearly vanished as something else obscured Ildac's vision. His Mistress scooted forward on her chair, hips pushed forward to press her naked slit against his muzzle. His eyes flicked upward to follow hers, looking up over her slightly rounded tummy and breasts, still concealed under her tank top. He saw her there, staring down at him, eyes filled with dazzling colors.

"You know what to do." Nuri purred, eyes narrowed, lips curled into a devilish smirk. "You'd better, anyhow. Or I'll go back to assuming you're an innocent little angel. Prove me wrong, pet."

Without breaking his stare, Ildac pressed forward and set his tongue to work. He lapped experimentally from the bottom of her slit to the top; even a hint of the taste of her womanly nectar was enough to summon a chill up his spine. Her sharp breath urged him onward, and he slipped his tongue between her nether lips, tasting her again and again each time that wet, pink muscle dove in for another firm, hungry lick.

"Ghh... Good boy." Nuri rewarded her obedient plaything with another rush of pleasure. Her fingers tangled themselves in his hair, nails raking over his scalp and caressing his sensitive ears. Her breaths came in hot, heavy gasps, and she let out a tiny squeak when his tongue found that most sensitive little nub at the top of her slit. "We will do this every time you come over." she huffed, grinning down at him. "When you're here, your tongue exists to give Mistress pleasure."

Ildac mumbled a response that might have been "Yes Mistress", but, true to her suggestion, his tongue was too busy to make it coherent. That hard-working tongue fluttered over her clit, where it received the most response, focusing his efforts on that one sensitive point.

"And if you're a good boy," she paused to let him recover from the swell of stimulation in his hard, aching shaft, "Mistress will reward you, too." Nuri's breath caught in her throat--that bit of encouragement had Ildac's tongue plunging deep between her folds! She giggled between fits of heavy breaths, her thighs squeezing firmly around the fox's head. "It'll be a lot of... this. A lot of teasing, a lot of moaning. But trust me, you'll be too blissed out to find it awkward."

Had he been concerned about that? Such a distant thought, it seemed, like a memory of a time nearly forgotten. The whirling colors, the sound of her moans, and the taste of her pussy were far more important now. Ildac spent the next several minutes in a soft head lock between her thighs, listening to her deep, crooning voice as she poured sweet nothings into his empty mind. Promises of endless pleasure, of rewards of hypnotic ecstasy, should he only be a good boy.

"Nnggghhh..." his moans were muffled against her thighs. The fox only now became aware of just how hard he was; his pants were almost painfully tight, restraining his throbbing maleness beneath the firm fabric. Even shifting his weight from one side to the other was enough to rub the tip of his shaft against his boxers and send another powerful throb through his cock.

"Look at you go." Nuri purred with a devious smirk. "It's almost like you enjoy this or something."

"Yeth..." Once again, Ildac's tongue had better things to do than form full words.

"So much for the shy and bashful angel." the wolf started to chuckle, but the sound got swallowed up under another moan as Ildac's tongue slipped over her clit. "Alright, pet. We're going to play a game. A simple game, really. All you need to do is remember numbers. I haven't blanked you out so hard that you've forgotten that, have I?"


"Oh, good." she giggled between another flurry of moans, her thighs tensing around his cheeks again. The domineering wolf refocused her gaze, the colors in her eyes growing more vivid, more powerful in their effect. Ildac's mind quieted, the few thoughts that had managed to crop up melting away under the intense, hypnotic rainbow. "Go very deep, pet. Deeper than you ever have. Sl..."

Nuri's lips moved, but he couldn't hear her--not consciously. In just a few seconds, he'd dropped so deep into trance that he was barely even aware of the world around him. This blissful emptiness filled him with an ecstasy unlike any other; the true essence of relaxation, of forgetting all his worries and fears. Even the needy straining of his cock against his pants went forgotten until he felt everything slip back into that waking, but helpless state of trance that she'd had him in before. Again, his cock throbbed, his tongue lapped at her clit, and his eyes focused on hers as they pulsed with mesmerizing colors.

"That was easier than I imagined." Nuri smirked, leaning back again and finally shutting her eyes, depriving him of the intense, mind-melting pressure of her gaze. She rocked her hips forward, grinding herself against the fox's muzzle and sucking down a shuddering gasp. "Now, let's test it. One."

A switch seemed to flick in Ildac's mind. Something soft, wet, and intangible fitted itself around his cock and started... milking. He let out a ragged breath as whatever this phantom assailant was suckled and stroked along his shaft, provoking his hips into thrusting against nothing. Nuri's taunting giggles, while less effective when mixed with her own heavy breaths and blissful sighs, managed to bring a hot wash of embarrassment to his cheeks.


Something new assaulted his senses: Vibration. Low, rumbling, teasing vibration enveloped his shaft and joined with the slow, wet sucking. His tongue missed a beat, lolling off the end of his muzzle for a split second before his Mistress's squeezing thighs reminded him of his duty. He plunged his tongue as deep as it would go, earning him a loud squeak and some much-needed distraction from the tightness of his pants. His hips rocked against the invisible toy having its way with him, but no amount of thrusting got him any satisfaction. It was all in his head, and Nuri had full control over it. All she had to do was...


The sudden jolt of intense vibration brought tension to every muscle in his body, including his wings, which would have spread to their full eight-foot span had one not collided with the couch. Nuri half-yelp, half-giggled at this reaction and squeaked out the numbers six, seven, and eight in quick succession. It was almost too much, and he realized the volume of his muffled moans must have clued her in when she issued a firm command:

"Don't you cum yet, boy." Nuri grinned down at him, her cheeks flushed, fingers tugging at her nipples through her tank top. "I'm almost there. You only get to cum when Mistress does."

Ildac whimpered, his cock throbbing in protest, but the impulse to disobey never quite fired. His nerves tingled, muscles tightened, tongue buried itself between her hot, wet folds, flicking firmly over her clit. He basked in the sounds of her pleasure--the pleasure he gave her, his Mistress. His owner. Now all he had to do was bring her to the height of ecstasy, and she'd reward him with his own.

"N-Nine!" Nuri opened her eyes and reinforced her control over the fox's mind, pouring ringlets of dazzling color deep into his sleeping mind. She grinned at the needy groans and whimpers that managed to escape from between her thighs, fingers playing over his ears and scritching into his scalp. "Good boy."

The angel's shaft twitched and throbbed. He could hardly discern that trigger's effects from his own arousal at this point. The promise of relief came into view as Nuri's moans grew higher in pitch, and her eyes once again shut. Her back arched, fingers grasped his hair hard, legs squeezed firmly around his head. His Mistress's cries reached a shrill pitch, and she leaked hot, molten honey against his muzzle, her hips rocking forward as she reached her edge. In the midst of her rapturous cries, Ildac heard her speak the words he so desperately needed to hear:

"Ten! Ten, ten, ten! Cum for me, pet!"

"Ten" must have been the trigger for "mind-melting orgasm", because the vibrations and suckling took to a maddening pace. A wave of ecstasy crashed over him like a tidal wave and rocked him to his core, tugging moan after hot and heavy moan from his lips. His cock spurted over and over, making a sticky mess of his pants. The ecstasy of release radiated outward from his cock and spread until it covered his entire body in mind-numbing bliss. His climax seemed as if it would never stop, load after load splattering against his boxers until finally, FINALLY, it began to taper off.

"Z-Zero." Nuri crooned, fingers brushing upward along his ears as they began to come down from their high. "No more teasing. No more vibes. Just... relax. Down. Down."

Down, down, down he went. His mind slipped into that quiet, blissful emptiness again at her coaxing. Once more, he saw her lips move, but couldn't quite comprehend her words. He could, however, feel the long, delicate strokes of her fingers on his ears, a sensation that was practically orgasmic itself in this state of high tactile awareness. Then, just as before, he started coming back up. And up. And up. Higher than before. Consciousness gradually slipped back to the surface, and the dull static of background thoughts returned. In just a few moments, Ildac was awake, aware, and in full control of his mind again.

"There." Nuri grinned, her bright blue eyes glinting mischievously. "How do you feel?"

Now there was a question with a complex answer. There wasn't just one word to describe what ran through his mind, or how he felt about his place in her world. In the spirit of keeping things simple, however, he bumped his muzzle against her thigh and murmured, "Good, Mistress."

"I thought so." The wolf reclined in her chair and let out a long, pleased sigh. A long pause hung in the air as they rode out the remaining waves of blissful relaxation, basking in the afterglow. Ildac idly nuzzled his Mistress's thighs, and she reciprocated with a deep scritching at the base of his ears. "How long can you stay?" Nuri finally asked.

"Until I'm called away, which can be as soon as two seconds from now or as late as two days."

"Oh, good." Nuri beamed and put her feet up again, resting them on his shoulders and giving his cheek a playful rub with her big toe. "Then for now, you'll be my footrest. Stay nice and still, and I'll let you kiss them later. How's that sound?"

Ildac's cheeks flushed. Had she pulled that little kink of his from his mind during one of those brief moments of complete emptiness, or did she simply share it? Either way, he straightened up, let his wings hang lazily at his sides, and ducked his head in a subservient bow. "Sounds great... Mistress."

"Good boy." Another surge of pleasure, more muted after such an intense climax.

Overall, the angel's heart felt lighter, allayed of most of its worries. Really, now that he'd aired them out, he felt a little silly about worrying over it like he had. Still, something continued to nag at him. "Nuri?"


"You said hypnotizing people is your job, right?"

"Most times." she grinned down at him. "Can you believe I usually do this without reducing people to a moaning mess?"

Ildac felt his cheeks flush hotter. "Not right now, no. But I imagine you've found quite a few attractive subjects in your time."


"And you don't have any other pets."

The wolf shrugged, lightly drumming her fingers against the arm of her chair. "Nah. Why?"

"I guess I'm just wondering... Why take me, out of all prospective subjects to make your pet? Why take a risk on someone so... alien to you?"

Nuri raised a brow, and she smiled. Her hand fell upon his head again and gently petted his ears. "I can't deny that part of it is because you're so different. You stand out, you know? And you did kinda save me from being flattened or worse."

"Well." Ildac offered her a casual shrug. "It's what I do."

"Yeah." the wolf grinned. "But you're also the most responsive subject I've worked with. Most people just go under lightly. You become a drooling plaything from my eyes alone."

How humiliating! Ildac stammered for a moment, and it only got worse when Nuri's usual grin returned to her lips. "You're lying."

"Nope." the wolf snickered, giving him a toothy grin. "You're lucky the people around us at the restaurant got hit, too, or they'd have given you some really weird looks."

"Ffffffuuuuuck." Ildac tried to hide himself in her thighs. "I'm twelve-thousand years your elder and I fall apart like a house of cards."

"Well." The wickedness in Nuri's smile slowly melted away. "That's kinda what drew me to you, in more ways than one. You trusted me. A lot." Her fingers idly worked up and down his ears, soothing away his embarrassment for the moment. "I'm sure you didn't HAVE to indulge my request for dinner. You must have some failsafe for people who accidentally see angels."

Ildac snerked quietly. "My partner wanted to use memetic suppressants."


"Right, you didn't see her." His thoughts momentarily drifted back to Relka. He could almost hear her saying, "I told you so!" in a smug, sing-song tone. He could forgive her mocking in this case--the result of her prodding had been undeniably wonderful. "Anyway, I was in command on that mission, so the decision fell to me. Good thing, huh?"

Nuri smiled. "Good thing." Her hand came to rest atop his head, and she stretched her arms up high. "I know I said you'd be a footrest, but I'm really cozy after all that. Let's go take a nap, huh?"

An attractive idea, to be sure. Just having his mind race like it had had been exhausting, never mind the mindfuck he'd received. Ildac got to his feet and helped Nuri to hers, but the rainbow-striped wolf just let herself go limp against his chest. They spent a long moment standing there, staring at one another. There was something in those deep blue eyes, beside the intense confidence and hidden hypnotic power. There was understanding. Acceptance. Patience.

"Bed's that-a-way." Nuri finally said, lifting one leg up against his thigh--a hint which he easily recognized. Lifting the shorter wolf was a trivial matter, and she giggled all the way to the bedroom as he carried her along. She hit the bed and sprawled out wide, making grabby hands at him until he scooted over to snuggle up beside her. "So what did you do while you were away? You know, what you're allowed to tell me."

"Oh, you know. Defended the realm against cosmic horrors the likes of which you'll hopefully never see."

"That doesn't sound as fun as this."

"It's not." They shared a laugh, and Ildac quietly recounted some choice moments from his week away from her, minus the truly terrifying parts. Nuri started to snooze half-way through, but that sleepy smile remained on her lips the whole time. The fox couldn't help but share it; he'd underestimated her, and perhaps all mortals, in many ways. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for a real connection. Only the future could tell, and for the moment he was simply happy to be her obedient pet.

Fembois: The Gift that Keeps on Giving (Head)

The big, heavy gift box landed on the floor with a thud, and a pair of what could have only been groans came from within. Ildac wiped his brow and took a breath, grinning wide at his equine lover and spreading his arms wide. "Happy Valentine's Day,...

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A Need to Breed

Gentle waves swept the sandy shores as a late August wind drew them into the bay. Summer's intense heat had lifted as September's eve peeked over the horizon, chipping steadily away at the remaining number of suitable beach days. Soon, bikinis and...

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Deep Space Relaxation Part 2

The Prospector continued its long journey through the perilous realm of subspace, wrapped firmly in its protective realspace bubble. The steady rumble of the massive drive core nestled within the ship's heart permeated its hulking metal hull, creating...

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