Winter Break: Chapter 1

Story by Novus Mutt on SoFurry

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#2 of Winter Break

I decided to post the first 3 Chapters of "Winter Break", the original story. These will explain how Mutt and Dukie met, and help explain their lives a bit further. Enjoy the first chapter of "Winter Break". Chapters 2 and 3 will be up soon!


It was two days before Christmas, nights actually, it was about 7 o' clock. In a large wood cabin in a secret plot of land in the Rocky Mountains, a young Red Wolf-fox was playing on his cell phone, which he'd gotten as an early gift. This Wolf's name was Dukie Mutt, but his friends just called him "Mutt", because of his mixed breed and background. At 16 years of age, he wasn't very worldly, but he knew his way around.. It was snowing lightly outside, so he was sitting inside, on his couch, next to the fireplace, and in front of his TV. His friend and roommate, Farran, or "Ran" for short, was sitting next to him watching "Home Improvement", his favorite show. Ran was 17, being only one month older than Mutt.

"Hey, Mutt." Ran said.

"......." Mutt didn't reply.

"Mutt?" Ran tried again.

Mutt just let out a small murmur.


"Huh? What? Oh, sorry. I was trying to figure something out on this silly phone. I got it." Mutt finally replied.

"Good for you. You got anything to eat?" Ran asked.

"Hold on, let me check." Mutt walked into his kitchen, tail wagging lightly on the way.

Mutt was a very nice fur. Not bad looking either. He had sort of a toned look. His fur was red, naturally, with some white, and a grey stripe running down his back, from his nose to his tail. He was never very muscular, but he could always hold his ground. Ran on the other hand, was sort of an athletic type. He wasn't built, but he had a light four-pack, which is more than Mutt could say for himself. Not that Mutt was fat, or even husky, but he was, what he liked to call "flat". Ran wasn't one of those sport obsessed fanatics, but he enjoyed the occasional football game, watching and playing. They were both quite active. Mutt loved to play tennis, snowboard, and surf. His love of snowboarding is actually what brought the two together.

It was about 2 years ago, at a ski resort in the Rocky Mountains, near where Mutt lives now. Mutt was a junior ski instructor. He helped the little kids and beginners how to ski and snowboard. His job was pretty monotonous until one day, an interestingly old looking "kid" came up to him asking for lessons.

"Alright kids let's hit the slopes!" Mutt called to the children.

"Okay!" they replied in unison.

As the day went by, the kids did very well. Only two of them fell, and they just walked away with a bruise. After the lessons were taught, and the children were gone, Mutt was packing up all the gear on the porch of the resort lounge when a young fur about his age came up to him.

"Excuse me," the stranger said, "Is everyone gone?"

"Why, yes. Why do you ask?"

"Well... it's a little embarrassing."

"Oh, come on. Tell me!"

"Well okay. Only if you promise not to laugh."

"I promise. Now spill it."

The stranger took a breath and started, "Well, I'm going to cut right to the chase. I can't ski, and I need your help."

"My help? Why? I'm just a junior instructor. Why not pick a senior?"

"I can't explain it, but there's something that's pulling me to you. I don't know what it is."

Mutt had seen this stranger spying on his lessons earlier, and as soon as he'd heard this, he had the courage to say, "I feel the same way," Mutt saw the confused look on the strangers' face, "I saw you spying on my lessons earlier, you aren't very good at hiding. But when I saw you, I knew I had to speak to you, but you disappeared."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. Anyway, will you help me or not?"

"Well... sure I'll help. Meet me tomorrow at four o' clock, here."

They both said goodbye and as they walked their separate way, Mutt yelled, "Hey! I never got your name!"

He knew the stranger was calling back, but they were too far away to hear now. So they just kept going their own ways.

Mutt walked into the resort lounge and went into the back room to put away all of the gear. He headed upstairs to his room. Mutt had lived alone since he was thirteen, getting from place to place using public transportation. His parents had abandoned him. One night while he was sleeping, they packed up and left. So, he did too. He packed his stuff and headed for the mountains. He slid the card in the lock to unlock the door and stepped inside. He went to his closet and picked out his sleeping clothes. He used the bathroom, brushed his teeth and took quick shower, and headed off for bed.

The next day, Mutt woke up and got ready for work. It was another normal day. When all the kids went home, Mutt packed up the gear and waited for the stranger. He checked his watch. 3:59 it said. "One more minute." Mutt spoke to himself. Ten minutes past. Mutt wasn't sure if the stranger would come, so he decided to start heading back to the resort. As he turned around and started to walk back, he heard some faint shouting. He turned back around and saw the stranger running toward him.

"Hey, hey, wait!" the stranger yelled.

He finally caught up, "Sorry I'm late. I had to get away from my sister."

"You're sister? Where are your parents?"

"My parents... They left about a year ago. I live with my younger sister. I left her back at the ski lodge. Don't worry, she's safe."

"Oh, I'm so sorry about your parents. Mine left me last year too."

"Wow. Well isn't this a coincidence! Well, we should get started."

"Alright, sounds good." Mutt said with a smile.

About an hour passed. Mutt tried to teach the stranger the proper form for skiing, but he just couldn't get it.

"Ok, maybe skiing just isn't your thing. Let's try snowboarding." Mutt said.

"Alright." the stranger said with a chuckle.

Another hour passed and it was starting to get dark. The stranger seemed to be doing better at snowboarding, but he still wasn't very good.

"I'm thinking you aren't very well cut out for winter sports." Mutt laughed.

"Hey, don't say that! I only fell fourteen times!"

"I have four year olds that fall less than that!"

"Okay, fine. Listen. The reason I came to you, wasn't because I can't ski. I don't know what it is, but I just felt like I had to talk to you."

"That's funny. Hey, I just remembered, I never did catch your name."

"Oh, that's right. My name's Farran Bristol, or "Ran" for short."

"That certainly is an interesting name. Any idea what it means?"

"I think it means "Iron Bridge" or something."

"Nice. I like it! My name's Dukie Mutt. But my friends just call me Mutt."

"Well, it's nice to meet you Mutt!"

"Right back at ya' Ran!"

They both went their separate ways again.

Back in Mutt's house, Mutt must have forgotten about getting food because, they were both back sitting on the couch. Mutt was still playing on his phone when Ran took right out of his hands. Ran held it above his head, taunting Mutt.

"Hey! Give that back!" Mutt exclaimed.

"You'll have to get it from me!" Ran replied with a laugh. He stood up and ran away. Mutt chased him soon after. They ran all over the house and into Mutt's bedroom. Ran was considerably taller than Mutt, about four inches, so Mutt couldn't quite reach his phone just above his friends head. When Ran stopped in front of Mutt's bed, Mutt charged and tackled him, throwing them both on the bed. They were in a bit of a daze. Mutt was lying on top of Ran. They shook off the daze and looked at each other. They looked into one another's eyes and were lost for what seemed like an hour, but was really less than a minute. Ran brought the phone down from above his head and said, "Here you go." in a soft voice.

"Thanks." Mutt replied.

Mutt started to get close to his friend, but they broke their gaze and Mutt quickly climbed off the bed.

"Sorry about that." Mutt said with an embarrassed chuckle.

"N-no problem. Sorry about the whole phone thing."

"It's nothing. Let's go back to the living room.

"Ok. We never did find anything to eat."

"Hey you're right!" Mutt started to walk back to kitchen, "You go back to the living room. I'll make some popcorn."

"Extra butter?"

"Duh! Of course! 'Extra butter' *pfft* I'm not that stupid."

Mutt walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of popcorn out of the cupboard. He took off the plastic and set it in the microwave. He turned the dial of the old machine to five minutes. The microwave may have been old but it always made perfect popcorn.

The microwave dinged and Mutt got a popcorn bowl. He poured the contents of the bag in the bowl and walked out into the living room. He set the bowl on the coffee table in front of the couch and said, "Alright 'Mr. Hungry' here's your popcorn. You know what I say; 'Eat up, and chow down'."

They both dove into the bowl like they hadn't eaten in days. The popcorn was gone within minutes. As they sat there stuffed, both of them started to drift off, and feel asleep right there on the couch.

Winter Break: Chapter 2

Hey, I'm just gonna upload all of these. Cuz this is even keepiing me in suspense. XD Here's Chapter 2. It picks up where Chapter 1 left off. Enjoy. There is a little tragedy, but no one dies or anything, so calm...

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School's Out

This is my first yiffy story. This is gonna sound wierd, but this is a sequel to my less-yiffy love story, which describes how Farran and Dukie first met, and how their lives progress. When that's finished, I probably will not publish it onto here, but...

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