Plaisir - Short - Lazy Fun

Story by October_Flixard on SoFurry

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#18 of Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt

"Dammit..!" spat October, with such surprise that a lick of fire nearly followed the word out of his maw.

"Hah-hah..!" cackled Neon, "What's the matter, Foxie? Did I break your concentration..?"

A newer piece that I backdated earlier in the timeline, this is a random, silly little short that I just plain felt like doing! If one can't indulge one's muse and whimsy from time to time, what's the bloody point, eh? z: )

So here's a fun little piece with October and Neon, of whom there's just not enough of in this gallery having some casual fun with some serious gaming. Good times!

The Café Plaisir setting is currently run by the talented: Dark Violet

Also credited in this part: Coldstone to whom belongs Neon Staccato!

Café Plaisir was originally created by: Palibakufun

To whom we're all ever grateful for this fun facility of filth.

It was a peaceful time in a peaceful place. All snuggled up in a warm tangle of messed-up sheets and enjoying the bliss of the casually lustful acts they had given in to...

If you could ignore the endlessly looping music and the bright flashing colours of the character select screen of the fighting game on the huge screen, of course. Which he had just been managing to tune out, feeling that grand sense of serenity which lingered after pleasant physicalities...

There was some movement under the sheets briefly interrupting this relaxed indulgence, bringing with it a clink of emptied vodka bottles. Still, with a thoroughly engorged knot being ground within the pleasantly tight space into which it had been so insistently received, he wasn't complaining over-much...

Then the brief jingle noise played which indicated that Player One had chosen a character.

October grumbled softly, the Ninetales' relaxed state having taken a damaging jolt...

"Aw, c'mon, Foxie..." said Neon, her voice softly cajoling and teasing, "Don't get all growly on me..."

"Rrrf..." was about as much as October managed, the crimson Ninetales not exactly feeling ready to respond intelligently at two am after a brief stint at Dark Pulse (until Ravage had shown up and they had slunk out of the fire exit) followed by a marathon gaming session.

"C'mon Foxie, one more game..!" said the Neon, brightly.

"Grrrf..." grumbled October...

Then he had a strange tingle of anticipation. He didn't know if it was intuition, aura or just the sense he was starting to develop for the Electric Type's hasty nature.

He opened one eye and looked at the Jolteon. The spiky-yellow Eeveelution was staring at him with a toothy grin that just radiated wicked intentions.

He narrowed his eye, as if to say, 'Don't you dare...'

Which was exactly when the electric shock hit! Not a gentle one, either!

October moaned an unwilling, shaky moan and his body was jolted into action, his forelegs pushing upwards as his hips were rolling forwards at the other end of the arc of his back. Since he was laying on his side, this had more of the effect of twisting and turning the Ninetales more than it rose him out of the bed.

Meanwhile this rough and sudden motion was grinding the knot within the Jolteon's sex. She moaned, appreciatively.

The electricity-enforced movement ceasing, October fell back down on the bed. His eyes were open now... and frowning...

Neon was grinning at him, "There we go, Foxie! Knew ya had more life in ya..!"

October growled, softly...

"So," said Neon, grinning, "Ya ready for that 'nother game..?"

October was ready for something, alright, still looking at the Jolteon evilly. This was a pesky Eeveelution in need of reminding which of them was the Ninetales and which of them was a Jolteon less than half his size. In fact, had Neon not been a girl, he would probably already be biting her...

...A fact which Neon had unfortunately become aware of and which showed in her continuing, brash grin.

Oh, she had been kind enough to keep October's secret chivalry under wraps, alright, knowing what the likes of Rain Flower would do with that information... However, as with most cases where October's British manners clashed with Neon's Texan brashness, the Jolteon just found it hilarious.

Plus there was that temperature of his, which was rising with his irritation... From the look on her face, she didn't seem to mind that much, either...

"Foxie~" she addressed, with a teasing tone, "C'mon...~"

"Grrrf, Neon," grumbled the Ninetales, still lay upon his side, "I ought to do terrible things to you..."

"Fightin' talk, huh..?" said Neon, grinning, "Great! That's what I wanna hear! Here..!" She shoved something towards his forepaws with a plastic rattling.

The other controller for her current console (one of the many piled atop each other by the large TV,) found its way into his possession without his consent.

October eyed the controller... then the still grinning Jolteon who just loved to push her luck with him.

He sighed.

"One more game," reiterated Neon, "C'mon, I know you got it in you..."

October sighed and partly rolled onto his front, bringing the controller with him in his paws. "I really ought to do terrible things to you," he re-iterated in turn.

"That's the spirit, Foxie..!" said Neon, "Less yakkin', more smakkin'..!"

October's response came with a surge of heat, a push of his hips and whilst Neon was gasping at the rough and pleasant movement, the jingle on the TV that indicated that Player Two had chosen a character.

The music reacted excitedly.

Neon's grin was far more excited. At this point, October couldn't help but smile with amusement.

They had gone for their usual choices. Neon had gone for the punkish girl with the quick and cheeky moves, whilst October had gone for the devious character with the difficult and unpredictable combos.

"You're a glutton for punishment, Foxie," said Neon, her tone suggesting that she didn't think much of his chances with that character.

"I'm going to make you pay for your arrogance," said the Ninetales, grumbling softly...

"You, gonna make me pay for MY arrogance..?" said Neon, looking amused, "You..!? Oh, Foxie, it's gonna be fun poundin' your nine-tailed, limey ass..."

"You may try," grumbled October, "but this ass is not easily pounded..."

"Oh?" Neon's grin was suddenly twice as wicked, "Unless you're a girl, right..?" she said, cocking her head and giving about the coyest look she ever had.

October narrowed his eyes.

"Fight..!" said the game.

October started with a charging attack before he'd even returned his attention to the screen. As usual when he rushed into melee, he got a good strong hit in to start with and then immediately got into trouble. Neon's character was much faster and with electrically enhanced reflexes, so was the Jolteon herself.

October was pretty quick on the draw, himself, so he got a few nicely-chained hits in, but quickly he was finding he was taking more damage from Neon's flurries than he was inflicting, so quickly jumped away with a gruff noise.

That was something he hated about these games. The weakest, lightest character could stun-lock the biggest and strongest with almost total reliability making their supremacy almost absolute. October knew from real combat that this was not generally the case. Especially given that he was usually the lighter, faster creature who had to really work to have impact on a larger opponent.

Not so the case as a Ninetales against a Jolteon and definitely not the case in this game.

Still, his bettered quick reflexes weren't all he had. He also liked to be sneaky.

He stood his character still.

That wrong-footed the twitchy Jolteon. She ran right into his first long-reached heavy attack before she knew what was happening and then seemed to jump around at random, falling back against the trailing edge of the screen for a few seconds.

October glanced to see her sudden frown and smiled. She attacked again, this time from above! A rising intercept move sent her flying right back, again.

He wasn't as quick as Neon, but he had memorised a counter for every attack vector with this character.

"It's sexist, you know," said Neon, suddenly.

October rose an eyebrow, "What is..?"

Neon attacked again, trying to slide low. October used the tricky combo which jumped his character up and then brought them straight back down again, striking Neon hard, then following up with a throw that cleared her some distance away, again...

"The whole not wantin' to hurt a girl, thing," said Neon, "It's stupid, too..."

The accusation of improper manners rankled the Ninetales, "What? Hey..! It is not!"

He fended off the Jolteon's next assault as easily as he had the last few, if she thought she was going to get him, that way...

"Sure is..!" said Neon, "That's a human thing! Ain't the same for ferals! Especially not with Poke-gals!"

"Gah, it is an accepted norm amongst many species..!" said October, frowning, "You can't just say it's different for Pokemon..!"

"Sure can," said Neon, "We've got powers just the same, we can look after ourselves...!"

"That's not the point!" said October, having heard and considered this himself, before and found the argument flawed, "In any kind of mammalian society, even Pokemon ones, males are more prone to violence because they're more disposable! Females have to take more time and energy to develop eggs, so it makes sense to protect them, more..!"

"Don't need so much protectin' as you do, Foxie," said Neon, with a particularly big smirk, looking at the screen.

It was about that moment that October's ears twitched as he heard his character reacting in pain. That sly electric dog. She had caught him monologing. Now she was air-juggling his ass.

"Oh, that is low," said October, frowning slightly, but also slightly impressed.

Neon's response was a hearty laugh, right from the belly.

"It's true though, Foxie," said Neon, grinning, still delivering her combo, "Sometimes I wonder if you just like me because I keep away the Flower..."

"Not at all," said October, through his teeth, "She just wants to use me, whilst with you, there's mutual fun to be had..." Then suddenly, without warning, he started bucking his hips again... and not gently.

October's knot was still firmly lodged inside Neon... and whatever she said, however insistent she was that she could take it each time, October was too big for her. It was a matter of scale. Which now meant it was a matter of stretching.

Neon cried out and moaned...

October kept up his movements and with a smile, used a practised combo to send Neon's character from one side of the screen to the other.

Neon gasped, "Oh... Oh! Damn..!" she frowned, "Dammit, Foxie! An' you talk about low..!"

October grinned and kept up his assault on both fronts. It wasn't exactly gentlemanly, but if she would insist on teasing him...

She had damn near finished him off on that last counterattack. He had about a sliver of health left. Of course, she wasn't doing too well, herself... and her fortunes are rapidly getting worse...

"How... eh!" gasped Neon, "Fuckin', uh! Ungallant of ya, Foxie...!"

Those were words calculated to mess with him. October knew this. He was sure he wasn't going to let them get to him.

Unfortunately, the awesome special he chose to finish her off with happened to be one of those that sacrificed some of your own health. In all the excitement, he had kind of forgotten.

So it was with some wide-eyed surprised and a cessation of his hip movements that October heard the game pronounce, "DOUBLE-KO..!"

"Dammit..!" spat October, with such surprise that a lick of fire nearly followed the word out of his maw.

"Hah-hah..!" cackled Neon, "What's the matter, Foxie? Did I break your concentration..?"

October's response was a growl that made clear his feelings. Alright. He had to give her that one... and as a result, he was going to give her it, too...

"Ah-hah! You big ol' salty fire-fox!" snickered Neon, "Oh, you should see your face right now!"

"Rrrf..." grumbled October, "You're frankly lucky you're not Chai, right now..."

"Hah-haaah..!" that apparently only amused Neon further, "So you say! I reckon I can take you better than that Umbreon..!"

"Reckon again," said October, with a frown, "and be glad this match is friendly..."

"Alright, then," said Neon, suddenly grinning again, "What if it were? What if we made a little wager on this next round, huh? That gonna motivate you to get serious on me, huh..?"

October cocked his head slightly, giving Neon a curious look, then smirked, "You're determined to wind me up, aren't you..? Alright, what do you have in mind..?"

"Oral pleasure for the winner," said Neon, with an evil smirk.

October opened his maw to speak and say, 'lame,' when suddenly it hit him, he paused, then looked at her, "With all the-"

"Yep," said Neon, "with all the sex gunk. Winner ends up clean as a whistle..!"

"Gah..." said October, considering this... Not that he found either fluid particularly objectionable... but his fur was messy enough and the combination... and just the indignity of it! A Ninetales made to drink his own juices..? After the first/last time? He wasn't keen to repeat that...

"There's another thing, Foxie," said Neon enthusiastically, clearly feeling her advantage, "Ferals, girl or boy, ain't so fussy and hygienic as a human... or, seems like, a polite and proper limey Ninetales..." That she'd said that to the world's scruffiest Ninetales was a sure sign it was calculated to wind him up.

"Oh yeah..?" said October, frowning and getting accordingly wound up, "I beg to disagree..!" he declared boldly, "I'll take your wager, Jolteon! I have no fear of your forfeit..!"

Neon's grin was practically sparkling with enthusiasm. "Great."

They kept staring at each other a while longer. Fire and Electric were two types that both believed in the inherent superiority of their own particular destructive and flashy element. It showed in their eyes, now... Green vulpine Ninetales eyes, flickering with fire... Purple Jolteon eyes practically glimmering with sparks...

They turned their attention back to the screen and their characters who were waiting impatiently for their attention...

...Then set about each other again.

It was a furious exchange at first. Both determined, both as sharp as they could be at well past two in the morning after a long night and more than a few drinks...

It was epic on the surface at least, a blistering exchange of moves and blows. October taking Neon's rapid attacks and responding with cunning counters, fireballs flying across the screen only to strike counterpart moves in mid-air.

They were both taking damage, but not much. Things were too even. It could go either way.

Well, that wouldn't do, thought October...

Suddenly, he rolled over, atop the Jolteon, pushing himself up just enough so that he couldn't be accused of trying to blind her by burying her in his fluffy Ninetales chest-ruff.

Not that he was playing fair, of course. He suddenly started pumping his hips again.

"Mm..! MM..! Foxie..!" gasped Neon.

Of course, he wasn't exactly playing at his best himself, now, but now Neon was playing a little worse. Advantage; October.

"Dammit..!" she groaned, then grit her teeth did her best to rally.

It was just about working... Despite being bucked around on a Ninetales' knot, the determined and quick Jolteon was bringing it around..!

Well, that wouldn't do, either, thought October. Thing is, his knot was loosening up, at long last.

Resting his weight on the Jolteon's upper back, October yanked backwards with his hips...

There was a tangible and terrifying stretch, there were a lot of strange, high-pitched noises coming from the Jolteon, who even had her eyes closed in the moment...

...and then it popped out, letting loose a little flood of fluids that had been trapped in the tight confines and which now leaked and oozed down onto the bedsheets.

...and October still had the upper hand!

He was determined to keep it. He started pumping his hips, again, pumping that big, hot, pointed Ninetales dick of his in and out of the Jolteon's tight and very well lubricated sex.

Certainly, it was nothing new to Neon, even in this last hour, but he was willing to bet that the premature knot-removal had upped her sensitivity.

He wasn't wrong, either. Neon was making all kinds of noises, moaning, gasping... October had to admit, he was quite taken with the act, himself. To the extent that the battle on screen was nearly forgotten. His paws did remember to keep mashing the attack buttons, but that was about all.

Then suddenly Neon was screeching and sparking and squeezing down on his member.

One thing October had always found entertaining about Neon was that the hasty Jolteon appeared to be as quick to climax as she was in most other things. Seems like she never missed a chance to enjoy herself.

Still, that tender tightness wasn't much less distracting for him. It slowed down his movements, but he wasn't prepared to stop. Barely glancing at the screen, he managed to steer some of his character's attacks towards Neon's character, but still, at that moment, his body was organising his priorities and thrusting into the sexy Jolteon was pretty much at the very top of that!

"Aw..!" gasped Neon, "Not bad, Foxie!"

"Hrrf..! Hahah..!" chuckled October, "You dare-" he began.

"Fuck yeah..!" hollered the Jolteon, before she suddenly turned the tables again.

The electric shock ran through October's dick, into his body and made it move violently, more or less forcing him to thrust and HARD. The knot nearly went back in as the Ninetales let out a rattling, gasping moan of his own...

"I dare, Foxie..!" declared Neon, loudly, sounding excited, "I dare take this up a level..! Let's get it on..!"

October didn't have a chance to respond. Because Neon was using another of the weaknesses she'd quickly discovered against him. October was sensitive to electricity... and he didn't hate it, either...

So she shocked him again... and he thrust hard, again. Then again... and again... and again...

Oh, it was rough on both of them, but Neon wasn't exactly a gentle or patient Pokemon, herself... and she was making a point, to boot. That made her dangerous...

Fun and dangerous.

Practically made into a puppet, the powerful Ninetales jerked and thrusted almost spasmodically, growling and gasping and letting out little yelps and even whines as she worked him harder and harder.

It was wet, it was noisy, it was rough, it was FERAL... and they were both loving it!

Quickly enough, October didn't much care who was manipulating who, with the thrill of the shocks inspiring the fire in his body to burn hotter and make him move faster and harder, with the receptive squeezes of the excited Jolteon who was only shocking him harder and harder to get him rougher and wilder... Large Ninetales dick was ramming in home and grinding in deep...

Things were nice and wet and slippery from the previous session and now, there was a whole new head of steam behind them. Fire and lightning had as ever made for a whole lot of cacophony in its clashing..!

All that remained was for them to come together... and they did.

October's knot rammed in with all the enthusiasm of a Fire type at the peak of competitive spirit. Again, the folds of Neon's spade bulged, stretched and October rammed in, lodging himself deep within the Jolteon's stretching, straining sex... and erupted.

October had to quickly aim for the ceiling as a burst of flames escaped his maw from the surging, exploding lust within, as his fiery essence poured into the Jolteon and flooded, with burning heat, around his member in the confined space.

Neon viced down on him, again and erupted with crackling electricity as she yelled out an instinctive, exultant, "JOL-TE-ON...! Fuck yeahh...!" enjoying yet another climax from the Ninetales' efforts.

Moaning and bucking and gripping and panting, with the combined energy between the, it was a wonder they didn't set the bed on fire..!

October was still bucking his hips, grinding his re-entrapped knot, when he heard the words, however; "Kay-Ohhh...!"

Only then did he look at the screen and see that Neon hadn't been quite as incapacitated as he was. Neon had won the game.

Still panting, Neon was looking up at him and chuckling, wickedly...

"Well, Foxie," said the Jolteon, huffing, "...You lose...!"

"Ffff...." October nearly swore. He remembered not to at the least minute.

For the moment, he still had the pleasant afterglow. Soon enough he would be down to embarrassment.

"Damn, that was fun," said Neon, grinning, "Your best game all night, Foxie..!"

"It was fun..." October managed to grumble, in agreement. He gave her a squeeze with his forelegs to show his appreciation... They growled together in mutual appreciation and briefly relaxed in bliss.

Very briefly. After all, Neon was pretty impatient...

"Now it's time you pay up," said the Jolteon, with no small amount of satisfaction in her voice.

"Hrrrf..." October grumbled and sighed. He had to be a good sport about this, at least. It had felt a little unfair, but he had to give the Jolteon this one. She'd gotten him good. Oh and HOW good... He was still pumping a bit... "Alright... when this loosens up..."

"Loosens up..?" said Neon, "Nah, I don't think so, Foxie. Right now."

"Ummm..." October rose an eyebrow, "We're uhhh..." he wiggled his hips, rolling the Jolteon's in turn, emphasising the fact that they were currently very much stuck together.

"Naaaah..." said Neon, grinning, "You just proved... hang on.."

"Wait," said October, feeling her shift, "What are you up to..?"

Neon was suddenly dragging herself forwards, using all four paws to pull on the bed, "Rrrra! C'mon..!" she grunted.

Suddenly feeling a violent tug on his knot, October gasped!

As hasty and determined as ever, Neon stretched and strained obscenely, noisily and slowly pulling herself free with brute force and willpower, literally shaking with the effort and the no doubt painful strain...! ...and then POP! and then, she was free..!

...and wriggling out from under a panting and gasping October who couldn't believe what had just happened!

Only to stand up in front of him, putting her glistening, dripping sex right over October's eyes...

Watching the combination of her fluids and his running freely and starting to pat down onto his muzzle, smelling very strongly of the sex they had just enjoyed, October gulped.

Neon grinned. "Never underestimate a girl, Foxie."