The Line (Roger and Julie Part 9)

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#9 of The Line (Roger and Julie)

Roger, an unwed, male ferret nearing middle age lives an unorthodox life, but it's his life, he chose it. A tragedy in the family leaves him with custody of his young niece, Julie, and his life is changed forever. As his relationship develops with Julie, the two become more and more emotionally attached. Can Roger resist emotion, temptation, and instinct, or will Roger cross "The Line"?

Part 9

An old memory suddenly surfaced in Roger's mind:

"Listen up cubs!" The drill sergeant, a short, but powerfully built wolverine, had bellowed to the assembled recruits on the first day of basic combat training. He had doubtlessly seen Full Metal Jacket on more than one occasion. "I am Staff Sergeant Kloon. It's my job to pry you from your mama's teat and try to make soldiers out of you. From the looks of this lot that's not going to be an easy job, and that's fine by me. I don't care for any numbnut that does things the easy way. For the next ten weeks you belong to me. Every single fur on your body belongs to me. Hell, even your fucking body odor belongs to me. I'm going to tell you when to sleep, when to eat, when to shower and when to shit. If you even squeeze out a fart without my permission I will force you to retrieve it and stick it back where it came from. The next ten weeks will be tough, they will be miserable, and at some point every one of you will rather die then go through another day, but when it's over you will be prepared for whatever the enemy, or anything else, could ever throw at you."

Bullshit, you didn't prepare me for this.

Roger looked down at the little ferret in his arms. Julie's big blue eyes regarded her uncle with timid innocence and he could feel that her body was warm and flush with expectation. Roger picked up the vibrator and his niece tensed up. He was pretty sure Dr. Ellis hadn't intended him to assist his niece in this matter.Not that he had any intention of telling her.

"You don't like this thing much do you, baby?" He asked her. That was a dumb question, she had already made it perfectly clear how she felt about the object.

Julie shook her head.

"Is it because it's noisy?"

"It's just..." she started, "I don't know... weird. It sounds like a dentist's drill or something."

Roger didn't think it sounded anything like a drill. With four fillings and a root canal he was pretty familiar with that particular agony, but he understood what was bothering her. The idea of sticking a machine in her most sensitive and private place didn't sit well. He separated the motor from what the doctor had called a "wand". He set the motor aside and displayed the laughable substitute for a penis to her. It didn't look anything like a penis. A rubber rod with a soft, ribbed bulb on the end. It reminded Roger of a small honey dipper, but he had no doubt it could get the job done, it just might take a little longer without the motor.

"What about this?" He asked her. "This is all we really need. It's not so scary, is it?"

Julie took the wand from him. She flexed it and rolled it between the pads of her paw, feeling the softness and give that it had.

"It's a lot smaller than your--" She caught herself, looking ashamed at what she almost said.

"That's okay, honey." Roger said with a chuckle and patted his niece's head. "I should hope so." He took the wand back.

What the hell do I do now? Do I just start? Do I pretend it's a chore? Something I have to do? Just treat her like a shelf that needs dusting or a carpet that needs to be vacuumed? Is that right? I can lie to myself all I want, but the truth is that this will be her first sexual experience. Needed or not the goal is more than simply stimulating ovulation. If that were the case then I may as well take her to the hospital and have them force it on her. Yes, it's supposed to satisfy a physical need, but she's not just a physical creature.

The little blond ferret watched him, pondering what her uncle was thinking so hard about. Somehow she managed to look both frightened and trusting at the same time.

For that matter, neither am I.

Roger smiled at her. "You know what?" He told her as he held up the wand. "Let's just forget about this thing for right now. We'll get back to it later when you're ready for it." He clasped it in his paw, hiding it from sight.

"Let's get up on the couch. I've spent quite enough time on the floor today." Roger said as he stood up. His niece quickly grasped him around the neck, afraid she was going to get spilled on the floor, but Roger wasn't about to drop her. No way.

Roger picked the comfortable spot on the couch. All couches had them, all the ones worth keeping at least. That sweet spot where everything is just right. On his it was just right of center, with each butt cheek on different cushions. It gave good support all around and a little extra room for the tail to be happy. The end table was just in reach and if he wanted to lay down he just slumped over and the armrest was in the perfect position to be a pillow. There was actually a noticeable indention starting to form. It couldn't be seen yet, but the soft spot could be felt when sitting down.

The ferret sat back into the lushness of the couch and set the wand on the end table. He encouraged his niece to lean back with her back against his chest.

"Comfy?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess so." She said as she tucked the hem of her long tee in between her thighs.

"Tail's not pinched?" Roger tried not to think too hard about the fact that she was still not wearing any panties.

"No. It's good."

Roger put his arms around her and took one of her paws in his own. He turned it over, examining it, manipulating the digits so they splayed out. He put the palm of his paw against hers. His paw was much larger, large enough that he could curl the ends of his fingers over the tips of hers.

Julie giggled. "You have really big paws."

"You know what they say about males with really big paws?" He asked.


"They wear really big gloves."

"That's a dumb joke." She said, but giggled anyway.

Her uncle continued to fiddle with her paw. Holding it. Exploring it. Rubbing it slowly. He traced a pad of her paw with his claw. Unlike Roger, who had dark brown, almost black pads, her pads were a shade of pink.

"This is your head pad right here," he told her, then traced another one, "and this is your fate pad."

"You can read pads?" Julie asked with earnest.

No, but I can make it up.

Roger held her paw closer for a better look, holding his niece tighter in the process. "The shape of the head pad says that you are creative. Hmmm... is that true, baby?"

"Sometimes I like to draw." She admitted shyly.


"Yeah, but I'm not very good." She told him.

"Maybe you could show me some of your drawings." Roger suggested. "I'd like to see them."

"Maybe..." She said, but didn't sound too confident. Then she held her paw up closer for him to examine. "What else does it say?"

"Well, let's see here." He traced the pads again. "This says that your fate is strongly tied to another."

"You?" She asked.

"I don't know." Roger said. "It doesn't say. Let me check your other paw, baby." Julie showed it to him, eager to know the answer. Roger lightly stroked the pads of this paw too. Massaging it. Caressing it. The touching was key. She needed to get used to his touch. It shouldn't feel weird of foreign to her.

"Oh, that's right. This paw tells the past."

"Yeah? How can you tell?" Julie wondered.

"You see this right here?" Roger pointed out a nonspecific part of her paw, but Julie nodded anyway. "This means you forgot to wash up after you last used the restroom."

Julie pulled her paw away from him. "Why do you do that?" Sounding suddenly irritated.

"What do you mean?" Roger did his best to fake naivete.

"Why do you... How come whenever I think we're getting... I just--" She gave up trying to put it to words and simply crossed her arms in a huff.

Because I have to.

Roger hugged her even though she did her best to give him the cold shoulder. He nestled his face in her hair, unable to keep from thinking how wonderful she smelled. "I'm sorry. I make bad jokes when I'm nervous."

I want to be close with her but I have to push her away.

The contrary nature of that thought felt forced to Roger. Something you think because you're supposed to think it, but that didn't make it true.

Is that really me that came to that conclusion? Is that my guilt or... is that my father? Am I really going to let him dictate my relationship with Julie?

"I'll try not to do it anymore." He promised.

Julie relented her cool demeanor. "So why are _you_nervous?" She asked.

"I'm always nervous around females." Roger said. He brushed the hair away from his niece's face. "Especially the pretty ones."

Julie let the compliment pass without acknowledgment. Not because she was ungrateful, but she didn't seem to know how to take a compliment like that gracefully. Maybe it was difficult for her to accept the label given all the awkward trappings of being a tween. Instead she deflected the conversation. She examined his paws, mimicking the soft caressing manner that he had explored her own. It didn't take her long to find something interesting.

"Where did you get this?" She asked when she noticed a large scar on one of the palm pads of his left paw. It cut jaggedly across the entire width of the pad and was lighter colored but tougher textured than the rest of it.

"I, uh, locked myself out once." He told her. "When I broke a window to get in I wasn't very careful and cut myself." Not a clever lie, but a sufficient one. It avoided a lot of uncomfortable follow-up questions that would accompany that he was slashed with a serrated carving knife. The scar was a reminder of a very uncomfortable memory he had. One that shamed him even more than what he had done to his sister. A good plastic surgeon might have been able to fix it, make it less visible, but some scars shouldn't be covered up. Some scars you need to live with. He closed his paw into a fist. Hiding it more from himself than Julie.

Julie was amused by his explanation. "You know, that wouldn't happen if you didn't live alone." She teased.

"I guess you're right." Roger said. "But I don't have to worry about that anymore do I, honey?"

She agreed with a giggle, seeming pleased. It also gave her pause for thought. "Uncle Roger?"


"How come you never got married?" She asked.

Ooh, a tough one.

"I... uh, I almost got married once." He admitted to her as he took control of the paw massage again. "Some time after I left the military I got it into my head that I wanted to find a girl and settle down 'cause that's what you're supposed to do. I dated a few different females until I found one that seemed like she would make a good mate."

"What was her name?" Julie asked.

"Emily." Roger told her.

"Was she a ferret, like us?"

"Yeah. Not exactly like us but, y'know, yeah."

"What happened?"

"Well, we set up the date and... uh, when the date came she... didn't."

"She left you at the alter?"

Roger smiled, more to himself than anything else. It had been quite a while since he had thought much on Emily. It almost seemed like someone from another life. Someone that somebody else knew and had a relationship with that he just happened to know some details. "We were going to get married by the justice of the peace, so I guess you could say she left me at the courthouse." Roger tried to shrug off the conversation. "But all that was a long time ago."

Julie wasn't quite ready to move on and asked another pressing question. "Did she ever tell you why?"

Roger sighed and moved his paws from hers and onto her shoulders. He began to massage gently, pressing his thumbs into both sides of her upper vertebra. "She told me later that she really wanted a traditional wedding, due to certain family issues I wasn't able to provide that. Although I'm not sure that's the real reason. I think she wasn't convinced that I really loved her."

Julie lowered her head and leaned forward a bit to allow him access. "But you asked her to marry you. You must have loved her."

"It's not always that simple." Roger worked his thumbs up to the nape of her neck before sliding them back down to work up again. "At the time I was trying to put something behind me and I thought getting married was the best way to do that, as a result I approached the idea of finding a wife in much the same way I would have bought a car. I had a checklist in my head of what I wanted in a wife, but nowhere on that list was "love". I just figured I'd learn to love her, and... I think she picked up on that."

Roger could feel that Julie was starting to loosen up. She let out a moan when his paws slid up the sides of her head and he began to rub behind her fuzzy ears. He couldn't blame her, that was one of his favorite places too. She sat quietly for a while, enjoying her uncles attentive paws. That soft smell of virgin pheromones wafted up to Roger's nose. Lovely and delicious. Pill or no pill his body responded.

It's starting to feel normal to have a boner around her.

"Were you... what did you do after she left?" She eventually asked.

"I was confused." Roger told her as he pulled her close again. He stroked her gently under her jaw with one paw and allowed his other paw to fall down to her thigh. His niece put her head back against him, her eyes were closed and she looked content. "For a while I thought maybe I couldn't love at all. I took to my relationships after that with a sort of desperation, like I was trying to find a cure for a horrible disease that I had. I think maybe I just wasn't ready for marriage." He brushed his paw down the side of Julie's face and tucked the hair back behind her ear. "I was just a little too wrapped up in myself."

Might still be.

Roger noticed there was something caught on his paw, something light and delicate. He looked at his paw and found there were several golden strands wrapped around his digits. He had accidentally pulled them out without her even feeling it. They underscored the seriousness of her situation. Roger brushed off the strands of hair from his paw before she could notice. Those small bruises on her ear, did they look bigger than they were last night?

She's sick, Roger. This isn't a fucking game, you have to knuckle down and do what has to be done.

Roger stroked his niece's thigh, moving his paw to where she had tucked her shirt between her legs. It startled Julie, making her jump. She grasped his paw in both of hers and pulled it up to her chest, hugging it tightly. Not an aggressive move on her part, but a clear signal.

Not ready yet. That's okay, baby, we can take our time. We have all night if you need it.

She clutched his arm to her chest for a moment, keeping it from doing any mischief. Finally she asked: "Do you think you'll ever get married?"

"Maybe." Roger answered, "If I ever find the right female."

Roger was getting eager to switch the conversation away from himself. "What about you?" He asked before she could manage any more follow up questions. "You ever think about marriage?"

"Sometimes." She admitted, for a moment Roger thought that was all she was going to offer, but she decided to continue. "I'm gonna get married at St. Antony's, you know that big cathedral downtown? My friend Melody, her sister got married there and she showed me the pictures. It is so beautiful. It has a huge, arching ceiling and marble pillars. When the sunlight comes through the stained glass the whole place lights up like a rainbow. I found a website online that sells dresses, and you can post your face on it so you know what they look like on you."

It seemed Roger had touched on a subject that interested her greatly. "You're already picking out dresses?" He couldn't help but picture her face pasted on the stock body of a full figured adult female and had to stifle a giggle so he wouldn't offend her.

"Yeah, I found this really great dress that's low cut on the back," She released his arm so she could indicate for him how low, which was apparently right above the tail, "and it has these white roses on the front in sequins."

"That sounds great, but aren't you worried it will go out of style by the time you get married?" Roger saw no reason to move his paw away from her chest even though she had let go. She felt soft and warm. He couldn't help but notice that she wasn't wearing her training bra.

"I didn't buy it." She explained. "I was just looking at it so I'll be ready and I'll know what I want. I wanna get married as soon as I graduate from high school, like, when I'm eighteen."

"Don't you want to go to college?"

"I won't have to go to college 'cause my husband is gonna have a really good job and make a lot of money so I can stay home with the cubs." She told him confidently.

Roger chuckled. "Oh, really?" He couldn't tell if she was serious or just yanking his chain.

"Yeah," She said, "we're gonna have ten cubs. Five boys and five girls."

"Ten?" Roger was a bit astonished. He lowered his paw from her chest to her belly and rubbed it. "You think you can fit ten in here?"

"Not all in one litter." Julie sounded a little impatient with her uncle. "Two or three different litters. 'Cause having that many infants at one time is a lot of work. If we have the litters several years apart than the older cubs can help with the younger ones."

"You got this all planned out, don't you, baby?"

Julie shrugged. "I think about it sometimes." She decided she didn't want to sit with her back to his chest anymore. She rearranged herself against him in a semi fetal position with the side of her head against his chest. Roger rested his chin on her head and put a paw on her side. Seems she wasn't going to make this whole ordeal any quicker than she had to. He knew all the questions she was asking were a delaying tactic. He didn't want to rush her but he also knew time was their enemy.

"What's it like?" She asked, "When you have sex, I mean. What does it feel like?"

"Wow, um..." Roger was surprised at how candidly she had asked, but it did suggest how comfortable she had become around him about the subject. "I don't know if I can say what it's like for a female, but I can tell you what it's like for me."


Roger thought about it. He didn't want to give her a generic answer nor did he want to give her a technical answer. He didn't think either one of those would satisfy her. He also didn't want to tell her how it made his penis feel because she probably didn't know what it's like to have a penis any more than he knew what it was like to have a vagina. "It's like feeling hungry, but not wanting food."

No, that's fucking stupid.

He tried again. "Have you ever had someone scratch your back," He scratched her lightly up the back with his claws, it made her jump a little. "and have that tingling sensation run down your spine?"

"Yeah," Julie said and bit her lip. By a stroke of luck his demonstration managed to get the reaction he was hoping for.

"It feels kinda good, doesn't it?" He asked.

"Yeah." She said.

Roger continued to scratch her on the back. She would twitch every time his claws passed over the small of her back, so he knew where the sweet spot was.

"Imagine that, but way down inside at the base of your tail and inside your pelvis. Imagine that the tingling just keeps getting stronger and stronger. It grows and grows until you feel like the tingling is going to take over your whole body. It makes your fur stand on end. Your cheeks get hot and your fingers and toes get cold. You get lost in the tingling and the only thing you can think about is how it feels. You don't want it to stop even though you don't know how much longer you can stand it. Then suddenly all that wonderful tingling suddenly shoots out of you like happy pee."

Happy pee? I was doing pretty good up until then.

"After that there's this huge relief and calm that flows through your body. From your head all the way down to your toes. You feel really happy and relaxed."

"Does that answer your question, honey?" Her uncle asked.

"Kinda." She said. "Is that what it's like when you were... you know? In the bathroom?"

"Not really, that's a little different." He told her. "That was a more basic thing. It's always better with someone than alone. It's something that needs to be shared."

She thought about that for a moment. "How many times have you..." She decided to rephrase it. "I mean, how many females have you "shared" it with?"

"Whoa, honey, that's not really a polite question." Her uncle admonished, but he couldn't help chuckling to himself as he said it.

"I'm sorry." She said.

After a short pause her uncle decided that there really was no harm in telling her. "Eleven."

You're counting the hookers _ and _ your sister?

"Is that a lot?" She wondered.

"I guess it's about average for someone my age." He told her. "Maybe. Actually, I'm not sure."

Julie sat quietly in her uncle's lap for a while as she absorbed what he had told her. Roger thought maybe she had run out of questions, but she had saved an important one.

"I've heard some girls talking and they said that it hurts a lot." Julie said. "You know, the first time? They said that it rips and bleeds down there and is really painful."

Her uncle nodded. "There's a thin membrane in your vagina called a hymen that can be torn." Roger said. He noticed how much easier it was getting to talk to her about this stuff. "It might hurt and bleed, but I don't think that is as common as the stories claim. I think usually it's no more painful than a pinch, or maybe a sting, if you even feel it, but it's probably a little different for everyone. A lot of females accidentally tear it long before they have sex, either by falling, vigorous exercise, or... self exploration. I think the main reason some females feel pain is because they are not prepared for sex. Your body has to ready itself or else there will be a lot of friction. I think a lot of times young females are so nervous and tense the first time that their body can't properly prepare and they get hurt."

"How do I prepare my body for sex?" She asked.

"It's not really something you do on a conscious level." Roger explained. "Your body does it on it's own."


Roger sighed causing Julie to look up at him and catch his disapproving face.

"What?" She asked, trying to look innocent.

"Baby, are you sure they didn't teach you any of this in sex-ed," her uncle asked. "and you're not just trying to delay the inevitable?"

Her innocent expression melted into a bashful one. "Is it that obvious?"

Roger laughed. "Just for the last five minutes." He told her.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I don't mean to be difficult."

"That's okay. We can take our time." He said as he put her arms around her and embraced her snugly. "But I'm not letting you out of my lap until we're done."

Julie gave a cute whine of mock annoyance as she snuggled up to him. She took one of his paws and held it close under her chin. She put an ear up against his chest.

"I can hear your heart." She told him.

"What does it say?" He asked.

"Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump." Julie said with a giggle.

"That doesn't sound very interesting."

"I could listen to it all night." She said as she snuggled up to him as tight as she could.

That's... that's so cute I could almost cry.

He felt a strange glow down it the pit of his stomach. It offset the deep, greasy, ill feeling that the pill had left inside of his bowels, and drowned out his weariness from lack of sleep. The glow inside made him feel very light and content. He couldn't imagine anywhere else he would rather be than right there with her. Everything else in his life had been a dream, and that moment was the only thing in the world that was real. He wanted to exist in that moment with her for as long as possible.

This isn't lust. This is something else. This is like nothing else.

"What are you thinking about?" Julie asked him.

His thoughts must have been noisy.

Roger put a paw on her side and let it slide down. He followed the contour of her rump to her tail. He grasped the base of her tail lightly, causing her to make a small, high-pitched "eep" of surprise. She squeezed his paw tightly but still didn't complain, even though his other paw was so close to her private place. He ran her tail through his paw all the way to the tip. Her fur was much softer than his. Like strands of silk.

"I'm thinking about you." He said. He stroked her tail again. "I'm thinking about how much I love you."

"I love you too, Uncle Roger." She told him. His niece bit her lip when he touched the base of her tail a second time, trying not to squeak again.

"I'm thinking about how much I want you to be with me." Roger continued. "About how much I would miss you if you ever left me."

"I'm not going to leave you." Julie told him as she rearranged herself on his lap again. She straddled him and put her paws behind his neck. "I don't ever want to leave you."

Roger touched the tip of his nose to hers and looked into her eyes. He could see it. The need, the wanting, blinded by naïve uncertainty. Could she see it in his eyes too? Would she recognize it if she did?

"Than I need you to be brave right now." He told her. "Can you do that for me?"

The want in her eyes faded to apprehension. She was still afraid, still unsure.

"I promise it won't hurt."

"You swear?"

"I super swear, baby."

Roger's niece paused for a moment to gather her thoughts, or maybe her courage. "Will you let me kiss you?" Julie asked.

This time it was her uncle's turn to look hesitant. He knew how dangerous a kiss could be. What one could lead to.

Julie bashfully looked down, as if her paws had become suddenly interesting. "You kissed me last night and I wasn't expecting it. That was my first real kiss, y'know? It surprised me, and--" She trailed off and sighed. "I want to kiss you again but you seem like you don't want me to. Did I do something wrong?"

"No." Roger told her. "No, baby, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just that I... um..."

Ah, fuck it.

Roger put a paw under his niece's chin to encourage her to look up at him. When he kissed her she looked nearly as shocked as she did the night before. Fortunately this time she didn't bite him. Roger brushed the hair out of her face and took her head in both paws. Her eyes were wide and her paws fidgeted between the two. She was unaware of what to do with them.

Roger pulled back a little. "Don't forget to breathe, honey." He advised. Julie gasped a bit of hot breath in his face as she had been unconsciously holding it. "You can touch if you want." Her uncle added as he moved back in to kiss her again.

Julie's breath was shuddering and shaky, now she was concentrating on it too much. She put her paws on his chest but didn't really do anything with them. Julie was almost retreating from him, making him lean in further and further. He was kissing her but she wasn't kissing him back. She didn't seem to know how. Such things don't always come naturally and Roger realized he would have to teach her.

He pulled back from her again, leaving Julie looking confused. He stroked the side of her head. "Kiss me." He told her. His niece has a bemused look on her face, but she leaned in to do as he asked.

Roger pulled back a bit from her and she relented, looking a bit hurt and confused. Roger smiled at her with his most disarming smile and ordered again. "Kiss me."

Looking unsure of herself she tried again, and again her uncle pulled back. She dropped back as well, this time Julie looking like she might start to cry.

"Don't you want to kiss me?" Roger chided gently.

"You won't let me." She complained.

"Don't let that stop you." He told her. "If you want to kiss me than you'll kiss me."

Julie didn't appear to understand, but she did want to kiss him. She made a third, more forceful attempt. This time trying to catch him off guard by moving in quickly, but Roger was fast enough to put a paw against her chest and stop her short. She made an annoyed little whine and grabbed the fur on the sides of his face to pull him closer. He allowed it but only close enough that their noses almost touched.

There's a fine line between a loving act and a violent one, Roger knew. Sex could be either, but at it's core, regardless of the intent, there was a measure of aggression. Kissing wasn't sex, but it often led to it. It was symbolic gesture of trust, but also of ownership. Of dominance. There's giving _and_taking. A meek kisser was a weak lover. Perhaps this wasn't a lesson that he should teach her, but it wouldn't do to have her grow to be overly dependent on her lovers in the future.

Julie wouldn't be denied this time. She stood up over him and leaned in to try and use her weight, however small it was, to try and overpower him. "Come on. Kiss me." Roger whispered an encouragement as he let her slip in closer. Their noses touched and the little kit stuck out her tongue to lick his mouth. Roger stuck out his own to meet it and the two organs entwined. Julie was startled by the sudden sensation, her eyes widened and she pulled back slightly. Roger worried that maybe that had been too much for her, but there was a definite look of approval on her face as she moved forward again. This time their lips met as Roger let her slowly sink in to claim him.

She was pressing in on him properly now and he returned in kind, wrapping his arm around her. She clung onto the fur on his head, desperate to keep him close. Her thighs locked into the sides of his lower torso. They met each other sloppily with open mouths and salivating tongues. Her eyes were shut now, opening only occasionally to make sure he was still there. She was no longer concerned with her breathing as it was coming hard and fast.

She learns quickly.

Roger's breathing also quickened and his heart raced. He suddenly became very aware of her virgin pheromones. It was so pure as to be nearly odorless, but he could still sense it. So potent. So enticing. His penis strained against his pants, unaware of his lack of intentions for it.

Roger let his paws wander on her. He hiked up her shirt ran a paw up her back and another down to her buttocks. She was delightfully soft. He gave her rump a squeeze and Julie moaned a bit into his kiss, but she didn't break it off. Instead she put her arms behind his head and held him even closer. Running her paws through the fur behind his ears. She was definitely getting the hang of kissing him, not to mention getting used to his paws on her body.

Her uncle grew bolder. Maybe she would finally let him touch her without restriction? He ran a finger down below her tail until it came in contact with her swollen labia. She whimpered loudly and finally broke the kiss. Her tail raised up enticingly.

"Oh, please." She gasped breathlessly as she buried her face into the fur on his neck. "I'm so hungry..." She told him.

"...but I don't want food." She added quietly. It came out plaintively, almost like a whine.

Roger understood. It was time. He let his finger wander around her pink, swollen genitalia until he found the entrance. He rubbed against the hard nub of her clitoris and Julie whined softly. The severely distended lips had pressed it out of position and put it directly in the path of her vagina. Nature's way of making sure she would be properly stimulated. He pressed the tip of his finger against the opening. It didn't have much give.

"Ah!" Julie cried out at the attempted invasion. Her back arched involuntarily.

"Don't worry." He assured her softly. "I won't stick my finger in."

Julie nodded against his neck. She was breathing hard and shakily. The little ferret was trembling in his arms. Roger could only imagine how desperate she was. She was in a near constant state of desire that she had been suppressing for a month. What would it be like for him if he had an erection that he couldn't relieve and never went away? That would be some type of hell after only a day or two.

Roger withdrew his finger and there was a long string of clear fluid that trailed with it. They weren't going to need any lubrication, she had long since been ready. He retrieved the "wand" from the nearby end table. Small as it was, she seemed very tight. He hoped it wouldn't hurt her. Maybe they wouldn't need the lube, but a little extra couldn't hurt. He stuck the medical instrument in his mouth like a lollipop to get a bit of saliva on it. It had a sterile, rubber taste.

He grasped her gently by the base of her tail with one paw and lined up the wand with the other. His niece dug her claws into the back of his neck in anticipation. Her thighs squeezed down on him. She mumbled something quiet and frightened.

"Shh..." Roger assured her. "Just try to relax. I'm not going to hurt you." Julie nodded and her thighs loosened a bit, but she kept her claws dug into him.

Roger pressed the nob against her sodden entrance. Julie arched her back again.

"Ow! Ow!" She seethed.

"Did that hurt?" Roger asked as he withdrew the device.

"No." She said with a whimper. "It's just... it felt really weird. I'm sorry."

He stroked her head lovingly. "It's okay." he told her. "I'll go slower this time." It was a bit odd to him that this was so new to her. Not that she should have been touched before, but that she seemed so unaware of her body. Wasn't she curious about it? Didn't she ever want to explore it? By the time Roger was her age he had pretty well explored himself thoroughly and had long since started masturbating. Maybe it embarrassed her. Maybe she was afraid of what she'd find. Absentmindedly, Roger stuck the wand back into his mouth to re-lube it.

Holy shit! That was stupid!

Roger popped the device out of his mouth as quickly as possible, but it was too late. His niece's pheromones assaulted him, hitting him in the sinuses like a kick to the skull. A flush of heat swept over his face and down the back of his neck. It burned at his ears and made his fur stand on end. The ferret was horrified by how quickly it affected him. Was he really this close to losing it? He should have taken a second pill when he had a chance.

"You're squeezing me too tight."

"I'm... I'm sorry." Roger said. He loosened his grip on the base of her tail.

"Are you okay?"

Nothing's wrong. Nothing's wrong. Just pretend nothing's wrong.

"E-everything is cool, baby." It wasn't cool. It was hot as fucking hell. His body was screaming at him. The kiss... the pheromones... it was time to mate. He could do it. He could just lay her down right on the couch. She would let him do it too. The way she kissed him gave it all away. His niece was completely willing to give Roger her virginity. There's no reason to deny that to her. No reason at all.

Calm the fuck down, Roger! Concentrate on what you're doing!

Roger took a deep breath. He's stronger than that. He knew he was. He won't give in to his basal needs. This is serious. This is a medical issue. It's wrong to take advantage of the situation. It's wrong to betray her like that. With as much strength as he could muster he stuffed his desires down inside.

"Okay, let's try again." He said quietly, trying to keep his paws from shaking. He positioned the wand again and Julie tightened her grip on him. It's the position of the clitoris that's the problem, he realized. He couldn't just force it past it without causing her discomfort. He needed to work it around. He angled it so it would enter toward the rear of the entrance and slide past the little button. With a slow and gentle twist the tip of the wand slid in and his niece gasped into his ear.

"Oh, my go--" Julie squeaked before clamping a paw over her mouth.

Roger pressed it into her the rest of the way, until his fingertips came in contact with her vaginal opening. He pinched the base of the wand and pulled it out halfway before pushing it back in. It was a small thing and moved easily inside of her, but Julie's reaction to it was substantial. She wriggled, bucked and clawed at her uncle before grabbing him by the wrist to pull his paw away. Roger allowed it, even though he kept a firm grip on her tail so she couldn't get away. The new and powerful sensation caused conflicted responses for her. So fresh and new she wasn't even sure if it was good or not. Julie held his wrist for a while. The flesh colored base of the wand still poking out between her swollen labia. It bobbed slightly with every quick beat of her heart. She was breathing hard, trying to decide if it was worse to allow her uncle to continue or make him stop.

Roger swallowed, suddenly realizing how dry his throat felt. "We're almost there, baby." He told her. "Be strong for me."

"Okay." She whispered as she released his wrist.

"Would it be easier for you to lie on my lap?" He asked.

"No." Julie told him as she returned to clutching him by the neck.

Roger didn't go right back to it. He started slow, rubbing her rump for a moment before sliding his paw under her. She flinched and gasped when his finger bumped the wand.


"Mnnh." Julie shook her head. Brushing off the accident.

Roger found the wand once more, this time being more careful. He pinched the end of it and started again. Julie bit her lip and moaned loudly before slapping a paw over her mouth to stifle it.

"You can make noise if you want." Roger told her. "That's perfectly normal."

Julie shook her head, her paw still over her mouth. The kit was ashamed that grunts, groans, and squeaks were escaping her without consent. She wanted to impress her uncle with how composed and mature she could be. Instead she was writhing and crying like a hungry newborn in a crib that lacked even the barest fragment of self discipline.

Roger tried to get a rhythm, but the silicone wand was small and very slick. Every two or three strokes Julie would move, causing it to slip from his grasp and he'd have to hunt it down again. A difficult thing to do by feel alone. After a few minutes of awkwardness Julie grabbed his wrist again. Once more Roger allowed her to stop and catch her breath.

"I need..." Julie grabbed at her uncle. "I need to be closer." She said desperately. The little ferret pulled the oversized tee she was wearing over her head and dropped it to the floor. The full splendor of her lithe, blond furred body was exhibited. She pulled at Roger's shirt and he helped her help him out of it. As soon as she tossed it aside she threw herself against his bare chest, holding him tightly by the neck. She let out a delighted, and very cute, gasp at the feel of his fur against hers.

Lord, she's so soft!

Roger's penis felt like an overcooked hot dog about to burst the skin. It pressed angrily against his jeans wanting desperately to be released. The ferret ignored it as best he could. Not as easy task. Again he reached under his niece's tail and found the end of the wand. He changed his grip. Instead of trying to hold the slippery base with his thumb and finger, he clamped it between two fingers like one would hold a cigarette. This worked better. He could employ a patting motion against her that felt a bit more natural and the wand was less likely to get pulled from his grasp when she squirmed.

With a better technique it didn't take long before Julie grasped at her uncle's wrist again to try and get him to stop, but Roger felt he had been more than patient enough with her so far. She might have been afraid of what that feeling was welling up inside, but they were going to have to get there eventually. The little kit moaned nervously when she realized he wasn't going to stop this time. She climbed up onto him, maybe to climb right over the back of the couch to get away, but Roger put an arm around her waist to keep her in place. She whimpered and did the only thing she could do. She bit down on her uncle's ear.

Roger winced but didn't stop what he was doing. A little bit of nipping wasn't an unusual thing for ferrets to do when they mated, and their skin was thick enough to handle it. Still, Julie had clamped down onto him pretty good. So lost in her body's excitations she wasn't fully aware of what she was doing. Her breathing was hard, fast, and loud in his ear. Roger turned up the speed that he was patting her bottom, causing her to clutch tightly at his head.

"Uncle Rogerrrrrr!" She mewled through gritted teeth clinched to his ear.

"Don't fight it, baby." Roger instructed quietly. "Let it happen."

Julie spit out his ear and dropped herself down onto his lap, catching Roger by surprise. She landed square on his groin with his paw caught between them. Her hips instinctively started to grind against him and before her uncle had realized it she had taken control of the act. She tossed her head back, her eyes wide and exited. The pupils dark pits of desire, nearly swallowing up the blue. Her mouth was agape and in danger of drooling. Something incredible was about to happen and she had completely given herself to it.

Oh, Jesus Christ!

Roger had been focusing so much on her that he didn't realize how close he was. Now not only was she being stimulated but so was he. It wasn't going to take much for him. Before he could stop himself he put his free paw on his niece's hip to press her weight snugly against his agonized phallus. Her body responded by grinding harder on his trapped paw. She grabbed at his face and Roger found himself looking right into her lust pooled eyes. He could see a desperation in her eyes.

Don't ever forget this, Roger, because you know she won't.

When it happened Julie threw herself against his bare chest and let out a cry. She had completely forgotten her earlier attempts at modesty. She was loud enough that he was glad the windows were closed and the heat was on. Needing no further enticement Roger grunted and came as well, filling up the front of his pants with a stew of spunk. He didn't forget about her though. His paw worked feverishly, keeping Julie in the throes of her first orgasm. She grabbed bunches of his fur as she trembled and shrieked in pleasure.

Roger let her down slowly. Easing up on her gradually until he was just tracing soft circles on her labia and she was groaning with quiet contentment on his lap. Her body still shivering from the aftereffects at regular intervals. Her breathing returned to normal and she let out a happy sigh. When Roger tried to withdraw his paw his niece again grabbed him by the wrist.

"Just a few more minutes, please?" She asked.

"Sure, honey, anything you want." Roger said.

The Line (Roger and Julie Part 10)

Part 10 _Fucking shit!_ Roger leaned on the kitchen counter trying to calm down, his arms trembling and weak feeling. His heart wouldn't slow down, it was pounding so hard he could hear it. His nostrils felt raw and the air passing through...

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Tonight: An Erotic Furry Tale

Tonight Erna waved one final time at her pups as her husband-- I mean, ex-husband drove off with them. The situation was terribly awkward. The whole thing felt like a ransom trade in a kidnapping movie. I almost expected someone to say: "Okay,...

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The Cabin

Part 1 Intruder Without warning the door to the small cabin crashed open loudly. Mandy had locked the door after the last time she used it, but it hadn't been enough. Whoever he was, he was a brute. Huge. Powerful. He ducked...

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