Cowgirl Apocalypse : Document 104B

Story by Squeaky Doelly on SoFurry

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#1 of Cowgirl Apocalypse

A teaser for a biggest project I have been working on.

I thought I would try something a bit different. Create a first person work showing the journal of a person trying to survive what I call the "Cowgirl Apocalypse"

He is one of many.


Document 104B - Location: [Redacted Level 1 clearance required - Contact head]

[The following is a translation of a series of journals written in a flat on the ground floor of a

major metropolitan area.]

1 Day Since "Event"

I have decided to write down my thoughts and feelings as I have no one to talk to (No one

reasonable at least) and maybe this will somehow alert someone to my location in the future I don't

know. This might just help me understand or cope with what is happening.

When I read the news I could hardly believe it. It was like something out of a cheesy movie. "Man

wakes up to find city deserted. Spooky!". Just the idea that this could happen would send most

people into smirks of judgement. Yet it did. It started off slow, the day happened like any other. I got

up, got cleaned and headed into my Car, Little did I care or see the fact that neighbour houses were

open wide, I saw nothing of note, started up my Car and headed off to work. That was when I

noticed something was off.

There was no traffic, like no traffic at all that was when I turned on the Radio. Instead of the

channel I would normally get every station was playing the same thing. I can't remember the exact

words but it was something like this.

"All residents in the states of Florida, Washington,Texas, California and New York are under

Martial law. Do not leave your homes unless otherwise stated. Do not interact with anyone, friends

or family until otherwise stated."

It repeated this ad nauseam until I couldn't take it anymore and turned off the radio. I wasn't sure

what to make of it at the time. It seemed so unreal, but either this was the greatest hoax known to

mankind or something really serious had happened. I expected a nuclear war. A super plague

threatening to wipe out all of humanity. I did a quick turn and headed back home. That's when I

noticed the neighborhood was abandoned. Doors lefts wide open, Cars parked on the drive. As if

they had just opened their doors and walked out not caring about there belongings.

I sped up rushing into my home at that point. Worried I had missed my opportunity to escape or

something. All electrics were dead however (Stupid mobile phone alarm clock) I hadn't turned on

my TV or anything as I was in a rush. Luckily my phone still worked and 4g was still available. That's

when I read the news.

"Horrible virus runs rampant in major cities."

"Strange creatures said to be a combination of Animal and Human DNA"

" "Do not drink the milk!" Warnings come from chilling video of what appears to be a man

changing in shocking video"

I did not get to read much more than those. They were all mostly hearsay and rumors anyway. The

internet died or my allowance did and my phone soon after. Not that they were useful as they were

far off the mark.

Earlier today I got my first sighting of these "Strange Creatures" They walked around naked or at

least wore no clothing, entire body exposed. I kept far away from them as I was worried about what

I had heard and read. Some were covered in fur, others were not. Some had pink fur, some were

white, others were black, and everything in-between. I could not tell much other than general shape

from the distance I was, but they were definitely female, Two large breasts on their chest and a sack

of some kind on their crotch. It's getting dark now. And without any light I am just going to go sleep

and hope to god nothing bad happens.

[Researchers note: Day one was written somewhat calmly, His handwriting clean and crisp. We

never got a name for him but based on what we read later we can guess his gender. ]

2 Days since "Event"

Holy Shit!!!

They were... people or something. Like people spliced with animals like the news said! Though

more specificity they were 100% some mix of Human and Cow. I got a closer look thanks to a pair

of binocular I forgot were even in the house.

They were like I had said previously. Some had human skin, others coated in fur. Some had a full of

bovine muzzle, ears, snout (Is it a snout on a Cow? I am not sure) and hooves on their feet!


They wandered together every so often grabbing each others large engorged breasts moaning so

loudly I could hear them from a position really far away (Maybe that was what I heard last night?)

piercing the eerie silence I have never heard before in this city. Their breasts leaking milk from their

teat like nipples (Best way to describe it) as they lapped each others milk up. It was really weird and

kinda disturbing just going it out in the open.

The strangest part though, they all had udders, like full on cow udders, 4 large teats bulging off a

big pink sack, again some larger than others. Like their breasts they suckled each others teats.

Pulling and squeezing them.


I don't really know what to say to be honest. It's like some sort of perverts wet dream.

No really what the hell do I say! Walking horny Cow-girls roaming the streets fondling each other?

The hell is happening.

I tried turning on my Car, but the noise it made alerted all those weird... things. So I quickly

abandoned it and ran off. I headed in the direction of a way out. Specificity the Highway on foot.

But it's so blocked up with cars I could never get through it on foot (Even less so by car) and

walking out of the city could take a really long time with nowhere I would have any idea is safe or

had food. I best stay at my home, gather supplies and see if I can find the neighbors tomorrow.

Day 5 since the "Changed" appeared.

[Researchers Note: Started using the term "Changed" a populate slur for the anthropomorphic

cows that roam the streets. Unsure where he picked it up from. We also could not find a page for

days 3 and 4 and assume they are either lost or never written at all.]

One of them broke into my house yesterday. I have no idea why, they just decided to break in. The

wooden door is strong but they yet again prove despite there appearance they are awfully strong or

very very determined.

Worse yet they destroyed half the rations I had been storing. I did not know they ate anything other

than milk, guess when they are hungry enough they will demean themselves to have "Normal" food

perhaps? What do I know. I am not a scientist, or a vet, or a doctor, whatever these things are.

The houses near me are completely picked bare either by other survivors. They people who lived

there before or as perhaps they did here. Eaten by the "Changed" . There is no more food near me at

least. I will have to start heading out in a few days. I have enough for about a month. What I don't

have is water. The taps dried up. I assume no one is working at the treatment facilities or the

pipework, whatever it is its a problem for me. I have not drank in a day. I can tell you what there is

plenty of. That "Milk" hopefully someone near here was smarter than me and saved up a large

supply of water.

Day 7

I had to okay! I... I was so thirsty and the only thing to drink was. I only drank some! Just a bit until

I get some regular water.

My chest feels so warm, my skin tingly. Oh god that was a big mistake wasn't it?

Please no.

[Researchers note: This was written with a shaky hand. Without going into emotions which is not

what these notes are for. He was clearly distressed by the decision he had to make.]


[Researchers note: No day was listed, from estimates we have pinned it too about two to three days

after his last entry]

They are so big. My chest is so heavy. I can barely write. Barely think. So big! So full. Need...

[Unintelligible scribbles]

Don't drink the.

[Researchers note: There was more but they were ruined by milk beyond comprehension. Most

likely from the writer as his body changed into the Cow form. Further evidence of this is the shreds

of milk soaked clothing found around the papers. The current located of the writer is unknown . The

journals are currently locked up in quarantine and are treated as a class B infectant. This document

is used for research purposes only.]