Lust or Destruction?
.** **if i were ever to visit the pokemon world while it's under an apocalypse, would i choose:** **a) an apocalypse where all the pokemon revolt against humans and kill them.** **b) an apocalypse where some form of virus has infected either the human and
OP Alicorn Isekai Adventure
That was when the former human learned "apocalypse bringer" was not so easy to escape. quote: casting _waterball_... skill "apocalypse bringer" activated... _waterball_ becomes _planet of ocean_... there was a moment where hank was just confused.
**Leonard peered out of his apartment window at the gruesome scene on the street below, and pondered that the humans still living didn't deserve his help. They had, after all, mocked and scorned him all of his life, making him feel like a loathsome...
The Apocalypse.
It's been a week since this horrible zombie infection started...I couldn't believe it until I saw it...sometimes I think about what life was like before it happened. I remember I was spending the evening with my boyfriend at our house, just sitting on...
Supernatural Sector
It had been my worst fear ever since we out-lived the apocalypse.
Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse
We're not talking subtle changes... we're talking the apocalypse... a zombie apocalypse! this isn't just an average, run of the mill zombie apocalypse... oh no... this is a furry zombie apocalypse.
A Rare Sight Ch.9-There's Always a Good and Bad Side
"then you know our reason, the a that you saw on the man's back stands for apocalypse, i hope you don't need an explanation as to what that means." "so jake is part of a group called apocalypse?" i turned to chole.
A Rare Sight Ch.13-Rent-A-Friend Pt.1
"yeah...for an apocalypse member," chole whispered back to me. "you mean a former apocalypse member." "no i mean an apocalypse member." "what are you saying?"
Getting Back; Prologue and Chapter 1
Until the apocalypse actually happened. not a nuclear apocalypse, nor a zombie apocalypse, but definitely an apocalypse. how so? let's consider what makes an apocalypse.
Prologue of Jailbreak Apocalypse
The name's frostbite, and i am the beginning of the jailbreak apocalypse...
Epilogue to Humanity: Prologue
OK, i'll admit that this isn't the story that i had put part of up as a journal but currently i have run dry on ideas and i am unsure how to execute it properly. but here we have a new story the basis of which has been building strength within my mind...
"though according to some bloke down there, you're the 'apocalypse', so... might not even need_this_much, hah." "apocalypse, hmm?" hank shone a sky-filling smirk, still raising his open paw towards it.