The Death of a Prince - ACT II

Story by NeonPinkFeline on SoFurry

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Thunderbuck stood at the docks with his personal guards, waiting for their turn to board the ship. It was rare that lesser schooners like the SeaBreeze caught a charter for passage like this. The ship offered mostly middle class passage and a few private cabins for some of the wealthier middle class, however to have a minor noble boarding with a personal entourage was unusual to say the least. Thunderbuck's passage was booked by Stormstride herself, and included the aft private cabin with four beds. This was meant as a family suite, however since no family had requested it, it was available.

Buck and his guards wore light armor, which for Buck consisted of the decorated black metal breastplate, and an undercoat of chainmail over his frilled shirt, yet under his velvet vest and fur lined overcoat. It was a form fitting protective sleeve he slid into; and the black metal of the breastplate, though decorated had a low shine to it which drew less attention. The guards wore their light armor, which was the same breast plate, the undercoat of chainmail, and an over coat of fur pelts and leather that were stitched and woven together in a neutral pattern. This lighter armor was more suited for scouting, and more open to allow faster movement. It also provided them the ability to put it on and take it off with much less effort than the standard armor they wore.

When their turn to board came up, the three boarded and were shown to their room quietly by a steward. Stowing their luggage relatively quickly, the three were peacefully getting more comfortable by getting out of their armor when there was a knock at the door. The closest guard readied a spell on his horn as the other used magic to open it just enough to see the pony knocking. Seeing it was the captain, they allowed him passage into the room; however they quickly shut the door behind him, almost catching his braided tail in the heavy wooden barrier.

"I wanted to come see that things were too your liking before we left port, sir," he addressed his comments toward Thunderbuck, however kept his eyes on the guards that were eyeing him up and down. Buck turned slowly, the mask on his face a common place thing for him.

"Yes. Thank you, captain. These quarters are more than adequate for the voyage. We will be quiet, and stay out of the way of yourself and your crew Captain." Buck was polite and direct in his responce, but soft spoken enough to still seem timid in some ways.

The captain however did not want to offend his guest, especially with armed and armored guards present to protect that guest. "I thank you sir. If there is anything you will be needing, I will have a steward outside your quarters at all times."

The conversation over, the captain left in a rather hasty retreat. The room was now quiet and peaceful again. Thunderbuck took the bed close to the starboard window, and tucked his case away quietly. As he sat upon the bed to look out the window, the guards changed from their armor to more suitable clothing for a week long voyage. This was not the first time these two had been to sea, however it was their first time accompanying Thunderbuck alone.

They knew he was a quiet stallion, and sat themselves at the table to play cards while the ship finished its preparations to get underway. As they play cards, their conversation was light and discussed the ship and its passengers and cargo. The schooner was a swift ship, meant for carrying passengers and mail more than loads of heavy cargo like ore or lumber. It was heavy on rigging and shallow on the bottom, being a triple mast with full sails catching the strong wind which provided them a steady fifteen knots at full sail with the wind as she skipped across the waves. The guards speculated if she was made to outrun the rumored privateers that were supposed to be hunting the waters between Maretonia and Equestria.

Thunderbuck seemed content to sit by the window and read over sheet music, which put them a bit more at ease when they glanced to him. The soft feeling of the ship moving away from port, as well as the bit of fanfare that accompanied such things sounded outside as a signal they were underway. The softly ticking clock on the wall chimed the time as being exactly six in the evening. The three stallions were quiet, spending their time in leisure rather than worry to help relax themselves. This was after all, their vacation; and the guards planned to enjoy at least some of it in relaxing. Both had brought books and a set of cards, though each had different tastes in literature. They discussed their likes and dislikes over their game, civil and calm like two roommates would discuss chores.

Time passed, and the three seemed to relax with the motion of the ship on the waves. Buck was well accustomed to sea travel now, using it on all his trips to get his cart back and forth from home to Equestrian shores and back again. As the sun set on the ocean and the last visions of land vanished into the horizon beyond even the twinkle of a lighthouse's farthest reach, Thunderbuck stood silently and set his music aside. He moved to his traveling case, opening it and retrieving his violin silently before moving for the door. The two guards with him stood to follow wordlessly, pondering where he might be going at this hour. The mask slid quietly into place as the noble stallion walked to the dining room. There were still a few crew present, taking their evening meals while the staff cleaned up and left a sampling table open for the guests that were up late to snack on .

Thunderbuck moved to the corner of the room, pulling a stool over and then taking his seat. The crew were confused by his meaning of such, unaccustomed to seeing someone of his finery, let alone one that was masked and decked in fabrics they could not afford on a year's wage. However their eyes quickly returned to their meals when the guards took up positions on either side of him. Then the stallion began to play his violin, coaxing out a soothing melody for a few moments before taking a deep breath; testing the resonance of the dining hall before playing. Then his voice began to lift aloft the tune as his violin carried forth in a song unlike most of them had heard before. So sweet and bold those notes, forceful in his tenor voice and strong when he dipped into the baritone; the stallion carried his song forth for them to enjoy as they dined.

This set the crew and present passengers at a greater ease, feeling the melody wash over them as divinely as this noble stallion's vocals; he whom sang for their entertainment. Many were unused to this manner from nobility, that they scarcely realized they were tapping hooves to the tune until they felt the itch to dance. The thud of hooves on the lower deck and sound of singing and music drew the captain from his own cabin, worried that something was happening upon his ship. His stubble bearded face curling into a grin upon discovering that there was merriment to be had upon his vessel. No harping noble had come aboard, but rather a talented musician that brought his craft with him to share freely it seemed.

Taking the time to sit with his crew, the captain enjoyed the provided music as any wary worker would welcome a small pleasant distraction. Even as the song came to the end of its course, Thunderbuck stayed seated and selected another piece from his mental records. As he began, this song proved to be greatly different with more energy and a darker tone that made every pony present want to thump their hooves more quickly at the pace and listen more closely to his deep tone of voice as he sang the words for them.

The captain was familiar with this tune, an old song from his youth that was often sang out of ear shot of one's parents because it was considered "uncouth" with the nobles of Maretonia. The tune drew several snickers and funny looks, even from the captain as he enjoyed a drink; as it mocked the frilly shirts and stuffy attitudes of the well to do nobility. Though short as it was, the tune provided a little more entertainment for those present. When it was over, Buck lowered his violin and asked one of his guards to fetch him a glass of water. Once the protector had retrieved the drink for his charge, he resumed his post alongside him.

Buck took his glass of water slowly, and drank in sips as he turned the violin some more. He was almost done with the glass before setting it on a nearby table and returning to his playing for them, with violin now in perfect pitch for the ship's walls. Playing a more lively song this time, he twisted the tune to fit his own style and give them a surprise. His voice singing along, keeping them entertained as the crew finished their meals and relaxed with full bellies and lightened hearts. It was a full three hours later that Thunderbuck finally lowered his violin and tucked it to his side gently. Now that it was early in the morning in the predawn hours, the crew had changed shifts and Thunderbuck's bow arm was slightly sore from so much playing. However he hadn't had an audience like this in some time.

Venturing slowly to their shared cabin the stallion listened to the guards behind him speaking softly, and casually for once. Complimenting his playing, and how freely he offered it without asking for compensation like any noble would have. He smiled to himself, a little proud of his work now that others noticed him and he was not too shy to be noticed in public with his mask on.

Returning to his bunk, he placed his violin back in his traveling case, and then withdrew his grooming kit. Moving to the room's wash bowl and mirror he began to take the time to clean himself up some. Trimming his chin, brushing his almost wild mane back into something that was publically acceptable, and finally washing his face with a cloth. Now that he felt freshened, he turned to his guards.

"Would you care to join me in a late night snack sirs?" he asked in his soft voice. Both of them did feel like eating a small something, and they could not rightfully leave him to wander unprotected as it was. Both nodded and he stood aside from the wash stand to let them clean up as they may. Both took just a moment to wash their faces and comb their manes before joining him at the door. As they moved to the dining room again, they found it now quite empty and silent. As the three took small plates of food from the sample platter set out for guests, they conversed of Buck's musical talents.

The conversation was soft, and short as the three began to yawn softly. Returning to their room, the three set about preparing for bed. Thunderbuck slid into his bed and quickly fell asleep, however the guards first tended to ensuring that nothing could break into the room while they slept. One cast a locking enchantment upon the door, as the other laid out their swords for instant access in case of an attempted assassination. It was not that they did not trust the crew, it was that they did not trust any pony. Other nobles often sent spies or assassins against the family of their rivals to force a matter to hoof with them. These matters were usually marrying one of their line into the family to control it, or to ensure that the line of succession was left open so that when the noble died, their land would be up for a bid by another.

Stormstride was no fool and knew that while normally her brother could easily remain out of sight, a trip of this duration was something they could not chance. The longer he was gone, the more likely he was to be found alone, and the easiest place to get to him was the long train ride between Manehattan and the Crystal Empire. There would be several stops along the way, and many of them in what the guards considered questionable places. Especially so if one of those stops happened to be Canterlot for any reason. The guards were both familiar with the area, and remembered well how they were treated by a few.

While it had been done in jest, it was still a matter they approached with apprehension. Those jests had stung more than pride or ego, they had stung the pair in their self-respect. Their sense of pride in their work, their lives, and their efforts had been wounded by cruel jests. As they lay to sleep, both passed a look that said for the other to prepare for anything when they arrived.

The remainder of the trip was spend much the same as this, waking later in the day to enjoy the warm sunshine and cool sea winds over the upper deck, then taking meals and being quiet and out of the way until late evening when Thunderbuck performed for the crew again. It was their arrival in Manehattan that set the three on a slight edge. They could see many at the docks, several of which were REA guarding the ramp for passengers. As the three dressed to disembark, Thunderbuck commented on his disapproval of unusual number of guards. As both unicorns looked to each other, they seemed to have a similar thought. They had never known passenger craft to attract this much protection unless someone was aboard that was of importance, or was not meant to be on the craft and had been discovered and arrested while out at sea.

Their trip was not announced as far as the three knew, so why was there security here? The guards donned their armor in full, and kept a spell prepared in case of issues. Thunderbuck himself was wary now, seeing them become agitated like this. He slid his mask into place, and then pulled a cloak on himself to hide his armored body. He left the hood off for the moment, however he had his own spell prepared. He had learned new spells recently, for self-defense at his sister's insistence. He nodded to his guards, whom opened the door and began out first. Clearing the hall for his passage, they led him to the deck, where his arrival brought curious looks from the onlookers on the docks.

The REA guards present were a bit put off as well. They had not expected any pony to emerge with a pair of armed guards that wore intimidating armor. In fact it seemed to put them off so much they backed away from the pair and their charge. As the guards approached the plank first, their attention was drawn to a call for Thunderbuck's attention. The pair instantly reached for their swords, as Buck's horn lit up. But then there was a second call, a different voice from the same area. Buck seemed to recognize them, and stepped forward with a motion for the guards to relax. As the three descended the plank, the REA slowly worked the onlookers back until only a pair of zebra remained. Thunderbuck seemed to know them, as he slid his mask up while approaching them. His personal guards keeping close, and watching the pair closely for sudden movements. Thunderbuck came right up to them, looking over the pair as if hesitant to believe he could actually see them, and that they were real.

It was sudden and surprising to all that then he embraced them, holding them as one would a lost friend after many years had passed. The stallion almost seemed to weep as he held them both tightly to him. Speaking below the noise of the crowd, the stallion made their conversation private and brief. The pair nodded and ventured off elsewhere, as the guards joined their charge on his way to the train station. Once clear of most of the crowd they relaxed enough to speak to him opening and question his behavior.

"Sir. Who were they?" He questioned softly. It was not that he wished to pry, but he felt it his duty to know whom got that close to Buck. This was especially true when it was a pony neither guard have ever seen before, from lands far away from the rolling hills of Maretonia.

"They are old friends. Friends that I have not seen in many years. They had heard that my family moved to Kastrot, and desired to join us there if there was call for such. They had also heard that I would be arriving here, today on this ship. I told them to meet me back here in two weeks, when I return here. I will personally take them home with me," he responded softly as he pushed the mask back down.

Both guards were confused but remained silent as they walked either side of Buck, keeping ears tilting to and fro to detect approaches from the back and sides. Someone had foretold their arrival, which set them on edge with an anxious tension. As the group arrived at the train station, Thunderbuck purchased tickets for them in a private coach that would have service. There were many stops along the way, including Canterlot. However the train was going to go all the way to the Crystal Empire as its final destination. Boarding their private car, Thunderbuck found it rather homely. Four beds with luggage space, a small common area where meals would be brought to them, as well as a table for them to engage in cards or other games if they desired.

Thunderbuck took a high bunk, and placed his things away. Moving to a seat near a window, he sat and looked out over the crowd gathered outside his car. He recognized some of the faces from the dock, knowing now that apparently his trip was advertised in a very inappropriate way. It was not possible that his sister had let it slip, therefore he must look to the guards that were posted at the doc. It had to have been the REA, or else how could his friends or any pony else have known to be there and meet him? As well there were others, faces that looked toward his car with curiosity or concern. Perhaps Blueblood had been informed by magical message and asked to offer extra protection.

That thought crossed the stallion's mind before being dismissed. Blueblood could request, but it was ultimately up to ponies with more influence than he what was deemed worth the REA's attention. Though, given that a good many former and even defected soldiers went right to his sister's invitation, it might present cause to keep him away from certain ponies. He had been coming here for months on end now. Short trips that lasted a week, and then he was headed home again on a different ship. Of all that time, he could not remember meeting these ponies face to face, however his sister had always come to see him off before. Was she sending letters on the same ship addressed to the ponies she was looking to lure to her land?

Thunderbuck began to think quietly as he let the conversation of his protectors pass over his ears. They were discussing the events at the dock. Concern for his safety on their minds above all else, they tried to discern how his arrival was announced. There was no way so many ponies showed up just to greet a hoof full of ponies traveling by schooner unless ships from Maretonia had become much scarcer at this port. What was more, Thunderbuck knew some ponies that arrived, and that was proof enough that they knew he would arrive that day, on that ship. Something did not add up, and it worried them.

They began to ponder impossibilities, such as Lady Stormstride herself personally leaking the information in some attempt to see if Buck could be bumped off. But then why assign trained guards that would not hesitate to kill any attacker? That was too much to just keep up appearances. She had inspected them herself before allowing them to accompany her brother, not the act of a pony looking to get their sibling killed. Further to that, she had them provided with weapons that could be used to counter up close assassination attempts and provided them scrolls from her study with spells to provide an instant shield if the need arose. The pair were only certain now that it had to be an Equestrian source of information leak. One of the crew on the ship sending messages via magic to a family member, and from there the rumors of a Maretonian noble on board spread seemed to be the most likely cause. However they would need more time to think and without evidence, they were left only with theory.


Stromstride sat in her study, reading over the letter that Blueblood had sent to her, yet again. He was requesting her presence at a wine competition on a specific date at a specific time, in the palace grounds of Canterlot itself. He felt she would make a winning participant with her variety and her knowledge. She should have sent her reply with the letter to the prince when she sent a request for security at the dock to meet his ship. Sighing she read it over fully for the fifth time. It was not usual for Blueblood to request her presence in some form at these things. Normally he asked for a sampling of her wines to present and let ponies see her work, or just have something else to taste while he was stuck at a social event he was not happy to be at. However he had never asked her to come to the palace for one before. Those were reserved for invitation only, of which hers were enclosed and pinned to the letter.

She clicked her shoed hooves together under her chin softly, thinking more deeply. Blueblood would not send a messenger to her if her were in danger, such a message would have arrived magically. Blueblood was not about to attempt to trap her in some court proceeding, as he saw first hoof how she handled those. Likely he was trying to get her to come to Canterlot for something else. However she could not think of such a matter that would require a minor noble of Kastrot to be present unless it involved them directly in some legal affair with the country. Which to her knowledge it should not involve her at all. Her sales to Equestrian shops were rare, but legal and taxed accordingly, aside from the occasional gift bottle to Blueblood and Psmith to enjoy. She always used known trade routes, and common transports to ship her goods, as any other merchant across the sea would.

Immigration matters may be it, neatly disguised as a friendly invitation to join a wine judging contest merely to tempt her into being present. She had convinced no less than forty Equestrian citizens to renounce their ways, some of which outright left the REA with no reason other than having been presented a better opportunity. That had likely left a bitter taste in the mouths of some officers, especially when the ones she often sought out were considered sub-par to be guards. Suddenly being given a better opportunity, and a rather wealthy sign on bonus to join her guards must have made some manes turn green with jealousy, and scorned more than a few commanders that they were passed over for such low ranking incompetent grunts.

However there was a different matter this could involve. Some of her collected ponies she punished in her own cruel way for tormenting her back then; slights both real and imagined worked for her well enough to judge and punish them on arrival. However their punishment was never physical. It was psychological, a twisting of the mind to destroy any sense of self-worth and bring the pony in question down to a level she could reshape into something more useful.

The former commander was one such pony, now her kitchen floor scrubber. Compared to where she found him, he was in the lap of luxury. His needs tended and medically he was seen to by her best physician. However, he had no drive and no luster for his former life's works. The sharp witted commander was gone and replaced with a simple but polite servant. His small bedchambers were decorated sparsely, as he was indeed blind now and had no desire for things to be looked at like paintings or books. However she had provided him instruction in how to walk without needing spells constantly in effect, and how to read braille. Now that he had mobility given back to him, as well as his love of reading somewhat returned, she seemed a saint to him given how she informed him of her emotional states in perceiving his words in the past and now.

She explained in rather deep and intimate detail the matters of her emotions and life under his command, including her struggles against being treated unfairly for his poor judgement. The costs to her body and soul because of his relentless pursuit of what he considered the perfect soldiers and how it damaged her and others under his command so greatly she nearly lost herself in the pain that followed. Though he had not intended it, he had caused her intense distress and emotional trauma.

At least that was how she portrayed it to him, and with great effect as he literally lost all self-worth. He did not, however know that while she spoke she had been using her darker spells to twist and corrupt his mind as much as she was berating his worth. Though when it was over, she spoke with kind and gentle words; offering him a place in her own palace where he could perform simple work honestly and for fair pay with room and board provided. To him, this was possibly the only chance he had to redeem himself.

Her guard captain Heavyhoof was a different matter. He had been like her, struggling to make ends meet and gaining no help nor support from the officers of their barracks. Constantly put down for failing promotional tests and academic exams on dress codes and such silly nonsense that had no relevance to the effectiveness of a proper soldier that fought with mind and heart, rather than dirty words and brute force. He was her captain, her most trusted warrior. He was one of the only two guards permitted to enter her personal study with her. And he stood there now, quietly waiting to the side for her words as she mused to herself over the letter. Her eyes glanced at him, and admired that Equestrian style of mane and look on his face still there.

That was an issue for some, as Kastrot nobility disdained outsiders. However, they had to give her some credit for how she amassed her fortune, and power very quickly. Ruthless was the word used behind her back, while cunning was used to her face. She knew there was no difference between the two when it came to nobility. Which was something she seemed almost proud of. Her mind was indeed cunning, and her methods always ruthless. If she felt an opportunity was within reach, she would not hesitate to take it by whatever means she had available including violence at the end of her own weapons.

And that was where things got very touchy with Equestria. She had never actually threatened or violated the physical rights of any pony she lured to her palace. However, she was open about the coercion of many of them. Enticing some with a promised vacation and the chance to start life anew in a place where their efforts were noticed and mattered. Those were the ones she wanted to keep as friends, and grow her little empire well. This was all done, however, with the permission of Heart Stopper. Stormstride was no fool, and knew the cost of crossing her patron noble. Others were tricked with a message asking for a meeting to bury old differences and let the future begin as allies.

"I believe I am being baited, though I do not believe Blueblood knows he is actually baiting me," she said suddenly. Her hooves still clicking together under her chin. The metallic shoes making the soft ring of metal sound very softly echo in the study.

"Possibly. Though what purpose would it be? You are not detaining any pony unlawfully, nor have you physically harmed them as far as I am aware. No crime was committed under Equestrian or Maretonian law. Is that Blueblood's writing?" he asked. He wanted to be certain of that fact before saying anything accusing of the prince. He had met him a time or two and found him to be of likable quality.

"It is his. I have passed letters with him for long enough I know which is his, which script is Psmith writing for him, and what is neither of their writing. I do not believe he knows he is being used as a lure. If he does, he is very poorly hiding it. That can only mean he does not want to, provided he actually knows," she mused aloud. Her mind rolled the thoughts over as she spoke, sorting them out based on how likely they were. "Either way, I cannot let this go unanswered. I have to reply. If I say now, they will know I found them out and just pull back for a while. If I say yes, they will have time to make ready for me."

Heavyhoof nodded softly, "Unless you say yes, give a date and then show up much earlier than planned. Arriving on business matters would give you a proper excuse. And taking valuable cargo with you would also mean you could have your own personal guard rather than the REA. I would suggest sending a message to a distributor in Canterlot informing them that you plan to pay a visit and showcase your product for them. Maybe some pony that owns a store or inn of some kind would be interested in carrying a few varieties meant for the common pony to afford and enjoy."

Stormstride had to admit, that idea had great merit. She could set the date of her arrival for the day before the competition, then arrive by ship much sooner and charter a private wagon convoy to carry her supplies and samples. This would also means he could make her presence known with her armored ponies available to herself without appearing to be overly obstinate in her ways. This tactic would also avail her new profitable relations and a reason to send messages to Equestria more regularly.

"Captain, go to pick out eight of our guards to accompany me. I will be leaving you behind to protect my family and lands while I am gone. My husband is not a tactician, so in military and judicial matters, you have authority to act without his consent. If serious issues arise, contact me immediately via magical message. Now, for the political matters, my husband has a decent head on his shoulders and can handle most things. You assist him as you would me," Stormstride ordered as she stood, taking up her travel bag and beginning to pack things she would need. A few premade deal contracts that had blanks in them to fill out amounts, dates, and other various specifics were always needed. Adding to that a list of envelopes, scrolls, quills, spill proof bottles of ink, maps, books and other assorted bits a traveling merchant would find very useful.

Now that her business bag was packed she moved to the door and let Heavyhoof out. Once he was gone, she exited the room, sealing it with the locking spell and moving to handle the matter of her clothing to be packed. Entering the bedchamber she moved to the large closet and dresser. Levitating out her trunk from the closet, she began selecting her dresses and levitating them over slowly. She sorted out which were passive, and less inclined to cause another pony to stare at her with strange looks. Settling on a varied but simply selection, she packed them away neatly and moved to her makeup stand. Packing a small travel case of personal makeup and hygiene pieces, she tucked the small case into her trunk.

Now that personal needs were tended, she moved to her daughter's door and knocked softly. The door swung open slowly, gently pulled by a lengthy wing and she smiled to see Feather Touch having a tea party with Caramel. Coming inside she sat by the table with a gentle smile.

"Momma, we're having tea. Would you like to join us?" Caramel asked politely. Such a proper lady, even when having a small tea party with her step-father. Stormstride nodded and smiled as Caramel levitated her a cup and saucer, pouring her some tea. The table was set very neatly, and Stormstride was impressed with her daughter's skill at preparing a proper luncheon tea. She could tell the pudgy little foal had ventured down to the kitchens to get more lessons on cooking pastries and tea cakes over the time they lived here. That fact was proven by the small but wonderful variety of choices on the plate. The tea was also a new and unusual blend, denoting hints of fruit mixed with a milder tea leaf than Stormstride usually had. She must remind herself to have luncheon tea with her family more often. This was delightful indeed to try new things.

"I see someone has been cooking more. How are your lessons Caramel?" Storm asked when her daughter looked to her. Most of the staff knew by now the little mare was deaf, but she had taught herself how to read lips, and responded verbally as best as she could. The young filly giggled and nodded that they were good. She dabbed a napkin on her lips to clean away the bit of jam before speaking.

"Cordy is teaching me how to make these better. He said a little buttermilk would be helpful to make them richer, while using a fruit like raspberry to make the jam inside would help balance that with a light tartness. He said that since I am doing well with these, next week he may start teaching me how to make mousse for desert after dinner." Caramel seemed proud when she spoke those words.

Stormstride smiled and clapped her hooves gently, very impressed that Caramel had progressed this far in just a few years. Feather Touch smiled as well, very pleased himself that the little one he called his daughter was growing up so well, learning so much of her desired craft. She had finally gotten her cutie mark, in the design of a beautiful cupcake platter to symbolize her talent for making sweet treats.

After such a lovely luncheon snack, Stormstride informed both her husband and daughter that she was going to take a business trip to Canterlot for a while. She was going to look into getting their brand carried in some of the local stores and inns, and that there was a competition as well she was going to attend.

CaramelCream bounced lightly, begging for something to be brought back from the trip. Stormstride laughed and promised to bring her daughter a gift from Equestria. Feather Touch asked if she would have time to make a stop at certain floral shops to place and pick up orders for him. She agreed readily, kissing him upon the lips gently as she smiled.

Leaving them to continue their tea party, Stormstride moved to step outside and head to the messenger office. She would need to send several letters and arrange for a charter ship to carry her party and cargo quietly and discretely.

Taking time to select the proper wine was no rushed process, and the amount of time she was to be gone meant she would need a large supply ready to ship from the docks to any vendors that decided to place an order. She would have time to visit a few cities along the way to Canterlot where the competition was to be held, yet still be early enough to send any planning for her arrival into a disarray. Her personal guards would wear the full armor, in the hopes of a display of power and intimidation working in her favor. As well, she in her dress would look much gentler, and sound much more kind when she stepped away from them to conduct business. This was as much a tactic to scare any would be attempts to dissuade her invitations to ponies there, as it was a flexing of her proverbial muscle.

She wanted to make a clear demonstration that she was in control of the situation; and that if she was not at that moment, she would be in short order with her own personal guard. Add to this fact, she still had her own personal armor she could summon to protect herself if she was forced to take part in the combat with her own hooves. Armor enchanted and enhanced beyond anything the REA could produce in masse. She had been working over the armor for a while, enhancing the enchantments to provide better ability to catch incoming spells, while also cushioning the blows of physical attacks. It was purely for defense, as her weapons were for offense alone.

Believing she had the cards stacked in her favor now, she sent out a reply to Blueblood to be delivered via normal postage speed and detail in a plain but sealed envelope. Then she sent out a missive to several shops and inns she knew in Canterlot, presenting herself as the owner of a vineyard and winery and stating she would be traveling there in the coming weeks with a new product to sell. She wanted to inform them to be ready for her arrival and that she wanted to work out a contract to offer it in their establishments. She detailed the three classes of wines she normally produced as well as the price ranges. That done, she sent the missives out at express mail, to be delivered as fast as possible. Now there was but a single matter to tend to before she could plan her departure.

Travel to Heart Stopper's docks was only a day's ride by coach, and would bring her there by late evening if she set out first thing in the morning. Moving to the coach stand, she spoke to her driver and requested him to be prepared to depart at sunrise for the docks. She would need to tend to matters in town and the first was to secure passage aboard a ship. She also knew that it was time to make delivery to Heart Stopper of the taxes and the tribute. Stormstride had personally tasted each batch, singling out the best of them and bottling them by hoof in the old way. She personally oversaw the sealing of every bottle of wine that was sent as tribute to her patron lady. With those supplies already packed and ready to be taken to the capitol, Stormstride returned to her castle to take the evening meal with her family and prepare for the upcoming days. She would be very busy indeed.

However it was now that she began to ponder how her brother was doing. He was certainly in Equestria and on his way by train now. She pondered if he was doing well with just two guards, though any more would make him very uncomfortable. She sighed softly, and smiled as she remembered the first time she actually met him. He was a frazzled young stallion, wild mane and tail looking like he had never brushed either in his life. That odd mask of his had chipped paint and the scars of years of wear on it. His ears plugged when he played to not hear the crowd around him.

She remembered the fear in his eyes when he finally met his older sibling. Buck had been wondering how Stormstride would react to him being awarded custody of her daughter. Yet, Storm only smiled at her younger brother, and hugged him gently and whispered to him that she was happy to meet him. And now look at the fine, upstanding musician he became. He had such a strong voice, skillful hooves with his instruments, a variety of surprises up his sleeves, and when not wearing the mask he had taken to actually wearing his glasses most of the time. Though that was only in the privacy of being with family that he would reveal those.

Taking her mind from her brother, she refocused on the current events before her. He would be safe, and she needed to tend to things here before making her own adventures. However, she was in a fancy mood now, and desired to treat her staff and her family to a rather nice meal. Hurrying down to the kitchens, she caught the chef before he began preparing the evening meal. Then she went through the house, catching every member of her house and informing them that she was taking them to dinner at a large and pleasant restaurant in town that evening. Sending one servant to the restaurant, she had them reserve it for her party for the night. With that done, she returned to her bed chambers to find something to wear