Midnight Riders

Story by Timmichangas on SoFurry

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This is what happens when you leave a writer alone with word to keep himself busy till midnight.

As a fair warning:

This story is graphic- gore and rape, basically (what am I doing with my life?).

Blood. A branch whipped across her face and she grunted. Something warm was flowing down her cheek. Blood. She wiped the thin trickle off her face and whimpered. She could taste something salty in her fur; was it sweat or were it tears? Perhaps both- either way, the mixture was underlined by the coppery taste of blood. Blood.

The vixen didn't dare to look back. She _couldn't_look back- and she had to keep her eyes focused. The tavern was no more. Suddenly her paw slipped over a rock and Hilde tripped over her own leg. "Aiee!" she cried out as she hit the forest floor hard. She could hear her dress rip. Hilde whimpered and tried to get up, but her dress was entangled in a root.

Then, a voice. "I heard you!" someone remarked with a deep, raspy tongue. One of them. Hilde had no time to entangle the dress. The panic was getting the better of her and she screamed in fear, wildly tearing at her dress in a desperate attempt to untangle it. She could hear hysteric laughter- they were usually toying with their prey.


They had come in the depth of the night. Gertrude had been asleep, just like all the travelers who had stopped in their inn for the night. Hilde however had been awake, wearing one of Gertrude fine dresses. Gertrude had never let Hilde wear them- too precious to be worn for tavern work, she had said- so Hilde secretly wore them when her friend was asleep, admiring herself silently.

The first thing Hilde had heard was the frenzied laughter, high-pitched and unrestrained. From their voices she could tell that they were trouble, so she shook her friend awake. At first her friend was confused; why in the name of the Gods was Hilde wearing one of her dresses?! Gertrude's ears were angled low as she was about to protest, but then they broke down the door. They must've wielded extreme strength. Smashed the look as if it were made of birch.


"Come on," the vixen exhaled and bit onto her lips in anxiety before she managed to tear her dress free. She scrambled up onto her paws and resumed her panicked flight. Tears streamed down her furred cheeks. He knew where she was. And now he was closing in. She could hear his heavy, yet fast steps. They had the incredible endurance of hunting dogs and the strength of young bulls.


When they had broken down the tavern door, all seven hells broke loose. Their laughing, taunting and vicious hissing filled the air and tore the peaceful atmosphere to shreds. It was an unspoken law that no traveler should be discriminated for his race or species, but these beasts... they wanted one thing. Blood.

Gertrude had tried to scream, but they befell her, buried teeth in her throat, chest and belly like starving mutts fighting over a chunk of flesh. They slaughtered her, tore flesh from bone and their scaled muzzles were soaked in Gertrude's blood. They were all part of the carnage. Except one.


Suddenly the air was knocked out of Hilde's lungs. She grunted, something heavy pushing her to the ground. "I got you! Haha, you're mine, I got you!" It took Hilde a moment to regain her senses. "N-no!" she whimpered when she saw the muscled silhouette of the dragon atop of her. His breath smelled of rotten flesh and his leather armor was drenched in blood.

The dragon growled, saliva dripping onto the vixen's dress. Hilde tried to wriggle free, but he had placed his legs on her arms. She was trapped! Then the dragon bent down to her low-angled ear. "Come on!" he hissed as he locked his strong hands around her forearms with an iron grip," Give in, it's over!"

He chuckled. It was a dragon's signature laugh- the high pitch and the wild hiccups. Hilde could feel the growing bump in his trousers. She was nauseous, sick, her brain feeling as if it was boiled inside her skull. Then the dragon had to let go of her arms to open his trousers.

Hilde took the opportunity and smacked her hand across the dragon's cheek with a hysterical yell. Her wrist hurt as soon as her paw connected with his jaw, but her pain fuelled her rage even more. The dragon cried out and was thrown off her by the impact. Hilde scrambled blindly through the dark, before she got back up onto her wobbly legs. She inhaled and broke into a sprint.

All of a sudden she felt a sharp pain in her lower back and she slipped through the wet dirt, hitting the ground. The taste of blood was dominant in her mouth; she had bitten her lip, badly. "You're NOT!" the dragon growled, holding tightly onto her tail," Going anywhere!" Hilde spat the blood out of her mouth- a slimy red paste- and kicked blindly for her assailant's face.

The first kick missed. The second one smashed straight into his nose and the grip around her tail loosened, but only momentarily. Then he grabbed it even tighter, roaring in anger and wrapped his other paw around her tail. "No! NO! Get OFF!" Hilde screamed and kicked him again, multiple times until she could feel her paw slick with his blood. His grasp loosened and the dragon let go with a groan.

The vixen got up weakly, leaning herself against the stump of a felled tree for support. She was wheezing, her vision blurred and distorted. Behind her the dragon moaned weakly. Something tickled her in the back of her throat and Hilde doubled over, emptying her stomach contents on the floor. Her head was spinning and her body was feeling burnt, from the inside out.

Suddenly there was a heavy weight on her back and Hilde was pushed onto the tree stump. "You don't get rid of me that easily, whore!" the dragon growled in rage. His pants were down; Hilde shivered and whimpered as she felt something brush her thigh. Her muscles were feeling scorched, her bones were aching.

"Please!" Hilde whimpered and tried to kick, but the dragon's strong muscled legs were pushing hers apart. He chuckled, leaning himself teasingly against her. Hilde gagged when she felt his stiff manhood brush her tail and rear. His hands were locked around her upper arms and his legs were pushing against hers so hard that they were starting to hurt. Then, with a purr-like moan, he pushed his shaft into her.

The vixen's eyes watered anew and she gasped for air as the dragon forced his way into her body. Her throat seemed clogged, it was getting harder to breathe. She was gasping for air, groaning and crying in protest. It was all she could do. She felt sick feeling her tail brushed up against his bloodied torso, feeling his erection throbbing painfully inside her. It made her sick hearing him in- and exhale.

Hilde buried her head in the tree stump as the dragon moved in and out of her with heavy breaths. Foamy saliva dripped into her neck and his thickening rod pumped a first burst of seed. Hilde cried out and stared at the forest soil, wet with her tears.

Then the great reptile spread his wings as he climaxed. The fox howled in pain and whimpered in defeat. Her abdomen felt bloated from his blessing, hurt and robbed of its honour. The dragon was panting, foam dripping from his lips. With his rod still resting inside her, he bent over and whispered with a sinister tone," Wait until I introduce you to the rest of the boys", chuckling as the vixen broke down in heavy sobs.