Making A Friend Part Two

Story by ObliviousWolf64 on SoFurry

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Author's note: This story has scenes of sexual intercourse between two males, so if your not over 18 (or whatever the age of consent is in your area) reading this will make your eyes melt, and your head asplode. If you are of age, enjoy the story!

Yes, I know there are clichés, but it's one of my first stories, so be nice.

Nick is about 22, and Luke is 21.


Nick was asleep. He had had a very good night, and he felt arms wrapped around him. 'I don't live with anyone...' he lazily thought to himself. 'Then who's this who's hugging me?'

The thought jerked him awake. He saw that he was in his own house, however, there was a Leopard below him, snuggly sleeping. Even more confusing to Nick was that they were both completly naked. Most confusing of all was that Nick had his wolfhood inside this feline's ass!

Nick was about to panic when he remembered last night. The passion, the heat, everything. He also remembered excactly how he felt about the Leopard, and he felt a lot calmer.

The Leopard, 'Luke',(Nick remembered) was sound asleep. This gave him an excellent idea. While still staying inside Luke, he started to play with the feline's cock. He moaned softly, but remained asleep.

"This is going to be harder than I thought..." Nick realized. He pulled out of Luke, sliding down. He coaxed the Leopard's cock out of it's sheath. He took it into his muzzle, sucking gently.

That woke him up. Luke's eyes shot open, a moment of confusion on his face, and then settling back to reality.

"Well, Nick, I've got to hand it too you. You're the world's sexiest alarmclock." He joked, and they both laughed. The Leopard then got an inquisitive look on his face, which made Luke ask him what was wrong. He answered:

"You took me home from the club very shortly after we met. I barely said anything, and then we did this. It all seems so rushed..."

This caught Nick off guard. He assumed Luke would just go with it, but Luke wasn't a slut. He wanted to know just what the arctic wolf was thinking while he gave himself to Luke.

"Well, to be honest, before that night, I was a mess. I'd been depressed, lost my job, and passed out stinking drunk on my couch every night. I was on the edge, and I had been thinking about ending it all. I was missing something, and it wasn't Stephaine." Nick looked deep into Luke's deep emerald eyes.

"I was missing someone to comfort me. Someone to help with the pain. Someone to hold, to cherish, to love. And that someone is you." He leaned down and kissed Luke, slow and sweet. They started to carress eachother, and continuing to kiss. Then Luke broke the kiss and asked,

"Before we get swept up in eachother again, do you want to come to my place? I'll drive you there."

"Sure! I'd love to." Nick replied, and added, giving the leopard a hug, "I hope you have a big bed."


"Well, here we are!" Luke announced.

Nick looked up at the short apartment building. It was nice, kinda, at least nicer than most apartment complexes he had seen.

"It's not much, but I call it home, come on inside, mine's on the thrid floor." Luke explained. Nick followed him up the stairs, anxious to see Luke's home. Luke unlocked the door, and stood back, beaming.

"Taadaa!" he announced, voice clearly full of pride.

The apartment was a lot nicer then it's outside had shown, it had marble counters and clean white tile flooring. The living room had a leather couch (synthetic leather, of course), and a large T.V. It had a large kitchen with a gleaming silver fridge. Nick's muzzle hung wide open. It practically oozed class.

"My God, this is nice! How did you manage to squeeze all of this into one tiny apartment?" Nick gasped.

"With a lot of elbow grease. I live alone, so I had to get all this in by myself." Luke answered. Then he turned to the Wolf and hugged him.

"I won't be so alone anymore, though." He said while still in the hug. Nick could hear Luke purring, and he stayed hugging Nick for several seconds. He looked deep into Luke's eyes, and in them he saw the same feeling he had for the Leopard. He kissed Luke, tounges meeting, doing their own sensual dance. 'If this isn't love,' Nick thought, 'Then I don't know what it is.' He leaned out, smiling, and playfully asked:

"So, do I get to see the bedroom? Or do I have to wait until tonight?" Nick seductively asked. Luke laughed.

"Only if your a good wolfie!" Luke playfully scolded. Nick made his eyes spread wide, and started to making a whining sound. Luke could barely keep a straight face, almost bursting out laughing.

"Alright, alright! This way!" Luke, pretending to be exasperated, managed. He ran off into his home, and Nick eagerly followed him.


When they got to the bedroom, both of them could hardly wait. They threw of their clothes, and they both jumped onto the bed. When Nick started dipping toward's Luke's cock, he slapped Nick's muzzle away.

"You had your fun last night. Now it's my turn." He turned Nick around, and said, "You look tense... let me help you out." He started to massage Nick's back, gently making all the tension go away.

Nick sighed, being in complete heaven. He had a lot of stress, and with Luke's heavenly touch, all of it was melting away. Luke worked his way down, until he was looking directly at Nick's ass. He leaned in, and started to lick the Wolf's tailhole. Nick turned around, surprised at the alien feeling, and said to Luke:

"You know, I'm a virgin back there... please be gentle..." he said with a somewhat worried tone. Luke looked up, and reasured his lover.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything unless you ask." With that, he looked back down and continued to lick. Nick began to enjoy the feeling of the tounge at his tailhole, and began to moan. Luke's tounge dipped into Nick's ring and he moaned even more. Luke continued to do this for a few minutes until Nick spoke up.

"Luke, stop. I want you inside me... I can't wait any any longer." Luke heard this, and he came up until he was face to face with Nick. He told Nick to relax. He did, and he felt the tip of Luke's 11" length agianst his tailhole. Luke kissed him, and Nick was completely ready to give away his virginity away the Leopard behind him.

Luke slipped the first inch into his tailhole. Nick softly moaned, and Luke slipped another inch in. He was dealing with pain and pleasure at the same time, and he was completely unaccustomed to the complex feeling. Feeling ready for more, he spoke up:

"I'm ready... make me yours..." He gasped out. Luke chuckled, and remarked,

"You really desperate... It's really quite cute..." He sunk his entire 11" inch cock into his lover. Nick screamed in agony, but then that turned into a moan of pure pleasure. Luke stopped, concerned for his love's safety, but Nick gasped at him to keep going. He slid back out almost until cock was all the way out. He slid in again, as Nick was moaning loudly. Luke started to go faster, and he reached around and started to stroke Nick's dick. Nick moaned, and he was enjoying everything. Luke went faster, and Nick moaned louder. Nick began to grind his hips against Luke's body. All this time, they were both moaning loudly. Eventually, Luke sputtered out:

"I-I'm about to c-" And he let out a massive roar. He shot hot seed into the Wolf's depths, and Nick howled as he reached his orgasm as well. The seed went deep into the Wolf, and Luke continued to thrust. Nick was in ectasy, and let out another howl. Luke kept going, and he eventually slowed down, along with the flow of seed. He stopped completly, and eventually all that could be heard was panting. He pulled out of Nick and he turned around.

"I-that-your-..." He leaned and kissed him.

"I love you..." Nick said after he broke the kiss. Luke hugged him.

"I love you too, Nick." He closed his eyes. "I love you too..." By the time he had finished this sentence, they were already fast asleep, nestled in eachother's arms.


A crash woke Luke up. He heard it again. He wispered to Nick.

"Psst... Wake up... I think there's someone in house." Nick was awake instantly. He looked around for something, and Luke gave him a crowbar that was in the closet. They slowly opened the door, and found there was someone in the house. A fox, dressed in all black, was preoccupied with shoving valubles into a sack that he was carrying. Nick and Luke snuck up behind him. The Fox perked his nose, and he was about to turn around when Nick smashed the crowbar over his head.

The Fox went down at once. Nick quickly held him down, and yelled to Luke,

"Quick! I'll hold him down, you call 911!" He turned back to the burgler, only to find a gun pointed right at his face.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you." The Fox coldly said. Nick dropped the crowbar, and Luke stood there, frozen in fear. Nick slowly got up, and let the robber stand. He walked over to Luke, and when the robber turned on the lights and looked closer, he laughed.

"Now, what do we have here? A couple of fags, scared for thier lives?" He laughed again, and pointed the gun at Nick's head. "This isn't your lucky day. I hate fags. Especially ones like you- rich ones." Nick looked at the robber, eyes pleading. "The only thing I love about fags is killin' em. Watching their blood spill out, the light fading from their eyes... Especially the look on their faggy friend's face." He turned to Luke. "Oh, don't worry. You'll join him in hell soon enough." With that, he turned back to Nick, and cocked the hammer.

The entire world seemed to slow done for Nick. He could only hear his heartbeat, determined to go on, but soon, Nick thought, it would stop. He wasn't ready to die, not so soon after he found love! But his life was in the hands of this Fox, and the Fox had decided to end it. He closed his eyes, and braced himself for his desent into the infinate abyss...

"NO!" screamed Luke, which made Nick's eyes fly open. Luke rushed forward, and knocked the gun out of the Fox's hands. The robber was knocked down, and Luke picked up the gun and aimed it at the robber.

"YOU STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" He yelled. The Fox got back up, and started to leave the building. Right before he left. He coldly stated,

"I'll be back with more people next time! You think your SAFE? As long as you fags are alive you'll never be safe! WE'LL KILL YOU!!" He ran off, and Luke fired at him. The robber escaped, manically laughing as he did.

Luke collapsed, and Nick quickly came to comfort him. They hugged, and Luke started to cry.

"I thought you were going to die... and I would never let that happen..." He said inbetween sobs. He looked up at Nick, and sobbed, "We're dead anyway... you heard that fox. He's going to come back, and when he does..." He wailed, and put his heard in Nick's shoulder. Suddenly, Nick's face lit up.

"Maybe their's another way..." He said, and Luke looked up at him. "We could move... go far away from here. Where they can't find us." Luke's eyes brightened.

"Yeah... I-I could do that..." he managed. Nick offered his hand. Luke took it, and Nick pulled him off the floor. They kissed, and for the longest time, they did nothing but that. Nick broke the kiss, and said,

"Alright, we're leaving here, tonight. Let's get dressed, and you cam get some stuff if you want. But be quick about it! We can't risk them coming back!" He looked at a clock. 1:16. "By 1:40, we need to get out of here." They scrambled to get the stuff they needed. Nick got dressed, and grabbed the Leopard's clothes. When he went back out, he found Luke shoveling food out of the pantry. Soup cans, beef jerky, dried fruit, and other assorted non-perishables. He threw Nick a trash bag and told him to get him some clothes. They both scrambled to get the bare essentials.

By the time they were almost done, it was 1:34. The only thing left to do was for Luke to open up his safe and grab some emergency cash, and a pistol in case they ran into the thugs on the way out. Nick took inventory of what they had: 6 weeks worth of food, Luke's clothes, his wallet, a laptop, portable cooker (Luke went camping a lot),5 jugs of water, a charger for the laptop, and cellphones and chargers. With the cash Luke was grapping from the safe, they would have a total of $1000 in cash, and with Luke's debit card, enough to buy a small home. They planned to make a stop by Nick's house to grab his stuff, but this was what they would live on until they found a house and jobs. It was all they could get with the time they had.

Luke ran out, stuff he needed in a bag. He nodded to Nick, and he grabbed the bags full of food. Luke grabbed the laptop case, and they both ran out the door. Just before they left, Luke turned around and took one last look at his house.

"I'll never forget this place. It was my pride and joy..." He sighed, and turned to Nick. "Well, it's now or never. Let's go! After we get out of here, I'll use the laptop to explain what happened to the manager of the apartment, and my employer. I'll also look for jobs and a home." They rushed out, put the bags in the trunk of Nick's car, and sped off into the night....