While The Parents Are Away (1)

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#1 of While The Parents Are Away

Garrett learns the hard way that you shouldn't pin your mistakes on your little brother.

There was a loud thump as the stack of suitcases tumbled onto the hardwood floor. Garrett, the 17-year-old buck, practically fell off of the couch he'd been resting on in surprise as his mother's luggage spilled onto the floor. Underneath the new pile of spilled clothing was Garrett's younger brother, Shane, who despite being nearly nine years old was wearing a fresh diaper around his waist. Catching sight of his little brother made Garret chuckle as his father came in and started to yell at the rambunctious little cub. Although he wasn't laughing because his father was about to give the fawn a good spanking for his destructive behavior, in fact he sympathized with his now struggling brother as he remembered just how firm his father's hand could be. Instead he was chuckling because he just found it amusing that Shane was wearing a diaper in the first place.

About a month ago his younger brother had peed on the floor, and when his mother found out she punished him by forcing the cub to wear diapers for the next few months. And even though he hadn't had an accident in over a month his mother insisted that the punishment continue in order to "set an example." Although in reality it wasn't his younger brother who had sullied the sanctity of the carpet. No, in fact it was Garrett that had peed on the carpet, although he'd never admit to it out of shame and embarrassment along with the risk of further questioning. The truth was that when their parents had gone away on a business trip about a month ago, Garrett had invited about twenty people over from school and they all got absolutely smashed. By some miracle no property in the house had been damaged, so hiding it had been relatively easy. The only problem was that when Garrett finally woke up the morning after, he found himself in a puddle of his own piss that had already stained the carpet. And being the irresponsible teen that he was, he took the easy route by blaming it on his younger brother, which his parents believed despite the cub's counterclaims.

As his father finished reddening Shane's cheeks he soon yelled angrily over to Garrett, "Get over here and clean this up!" he shouted in an authoritative tone, his many years of military service having perfected his "shut up and listen" tone. Garrett's short temper flared, "What? Why me? I wasn't the one who knocked it over, make Shane do it!" he retorted angrily determined to stand his ground. But his father just seemed to get louder, "You're brother can't lift these overstuffed suitcases, so get over here before I give you a spanking too," he replied, assuming an aggressive stance.

Figuring that he'd never win a shouting contest with his dad, Garrett gave an annoyed sigh as he walked over to the mess of clothes and began to reorganize them. As he worked on cleaning up the mess his brother had made Garrett caught sight of Shane, who was giving him a smug look as he rubbed his sore behind. Garrett knew that he'd get in trouble if he tried to get back at the little troublemaker in front of his parents, so for now he settled for an angry glare, imagining that he was shooting his little brother with lasers who just responded by sticking out his tongue.

By the time that Garrett had repacked and re-stacked all the suitcases, which all felt like they were filled with bricks, his parents were ready to leave. He had been waiting for this week for a while now. It was his spring break and none of his teachers had given him any homework, so he had the entire week to himself, and since his parents were going to visit family in another state he had the whole house to himself as well. And because of this, he had already invited a lot of his friends to come over to his house in two days for another party. As their parents said their goodbyes, Garrett vacantly nodded as his father reminded him of the house rules: no partying, no alcohol, and no girls. And once their parents were satisfied that he knew what to do in an emergency they finally left, the house quickly becoming quiet.

Happy that his parents were finally gone, Garrett flopped himself back onto the couch, turning up the volume on the television and closing his eyes in hopes that his younger brother would leave him alone if he pretended to sleep. Fortunately his plan worked, the cub running off into his room, but at the same time he actually fell asleep, tired from pulling an all-nighter to cram for a math exam.

About an hour later Garrett was startled awake, falling onto the floor as his brother shouted loudly into his ear. With his ears now ringing Garrett leapt to his feet and started to run after Shane, who was darting down the hallway. He quickly gained ground on the cub, nearly grabbing ahold of him before Shane suddenly stopped, letting his older brother slide along the slippery wooden floor, his antlers putting a large dent in the wall as he collided with the hard surface. Still half asleep and now dazed from hitting his head Garrett fell over, his head landing against the wood floor with an impressive thunk. Meanwhile, as Garrett started to rub the back of his head, his little brother leaned over smiling triumphantly, "Ooh mom and dad are going to be mad when they see that large dent in the wall," he said teasingly. Now in a foul mood Garrett replied, "Oh yeah? And what makes you think they won't blame you?" deciding that threats would be the easiest solution to earning his brother's silence. But instead this only seemed to egg the little cub on further, "What? Like how you blamed me for your little accident, Mr. Piddlepants?" he responded angrily, now messing around on his phone as he took a picture of the dented wall. "They believed me then, I am sure they'll believe me again, especially after you knocked all of mom's stuff over earlier," he retorted, sitting up as he continued to rub the slowly growing bump on the back of his head.

This time his little brother didn't give an immediately response, the cub now swiping his fingers rapidly across the heavily scratched screen of his phone before finally shoving it in Garrett's face, "Oh yeah? We'll see who they believe after they see this!" Garrett's eyes widened as the phone was shoved into his face, the image on the screen sending a wave of distress crashing over him. "W-where did you get that?" he questioned, his voice teetering somewhere between angry and worried, his eyes fixated on the image of him lying in a pool of yellow liquid. This seemed to be the response Shane had wanted as his smile widened further, "One of your friends posted it online. You're lucky that mom and dad don't use social media." Garrett tried to grab for the phone, desperately wanting to delete the evidence, but his brother was too fast, quickly pulling it out of reach before speaking again. "You know, I could've shown them this picture, but I knew that they'd punish you way more than they punished me, and I don't want dad to send you away to boot camp so I didn't tell them," he said in a very sincere voice before continuing, his voice getting a little louder, "But I am tired of you teasing me for wearing diapers that I don't even need! So guess what? You get to wear them for a week." And with that Shane reached his hand into a small bag that was hidden under the nearby chair, pulling out a package of adult diapers, which he threw into his brother's lap.

Garrett looked at the package of adult diapers that now sat in his lap, reading over the label before finally asking, "Where did you even get these?" to which his brother just responded smugly, "I snuck them into mom's last Ramazon order. But that doesn't matter, let's get you into your first diaper." The teenage buck just continued to look at his little brother incredulously as he weighed his options. "Is there another way for me to make it up to you?" he asked hoping that his brother would settle for some money or maybe a videogame, but his question only seemed to agitate the cub who was now tapping his foot impatiently against the floor. "No. Now hurry up before I accidentally send these pictures to dad. They're probably not even out of state yet, so I'm sure they wouldn't mind driving back to give you a nice spanking," he replied, clearly uninterested in any other forms of compensation as he looked at his brother expectantly.

With his brother seemingly unwilling to change his mind Garrett let out a defeated sigh as he tore open the package of diapers. As he pulled out the first disposable diaper he gave it a look of disgust, finding it unbelievable that he'd soon be wearing it. As he continued to look at the miniature white pillow clasped in his hand he frowned as he looked it over. The diaper was ridiculously thick, looking to be about a couple inches thick, the front adorned with little fawns prancing about. A few moments later he stood up, kicking off his jeans. His leggings now removed Garrett just stared at his brother who was watching his every move, "Well, turn around or something. I'm not going to undress completely in front of you." Thankfully Shane turned around, although giving an audible huff as he did so, "I don't see why you care, you brag about how your girlfriend sees it all the time," he remarked as he looked uninterestedly at the featureless white wall. Satisfied that his little brother wouldn't be staring at his junk Garrett pulled down his underwear, letting it fall to the floor as he positioned the thick diaper between his legs, pulling it up as he replied, "It's completely different with her, besides you gay or something?" to which he immediately got the response of, "No you are."

After Garrett did up the tapes of his diaper, he began to pull his jeans back up, although he was soon stopped by his brother who was now holding Garrett's right wrist, "I don't think so Pamperbutt, no fun in this if I can't see you wearing them." Garrett just gave another sigh, "Fine, whatever. So now what? I just sit around all day wearing a diaper?" he complained, his mood slowly growing worse as he shifted around uncomfortably in his diaper. "Pretty much," Shane replied happily, obviously enjoying his older brother's dissatisfaction as he began to pull his brother back into the living room, "Although you don't have to sit around all day. Why don't we play some games like we used it? I miss those days back when you weren't constantly hanging out with your friends and girlfriend," he said as he turned on the old GameCube and handed a controller to Garrett.

As Garrett sat down and waited for the cub to pick out a game he slowly started to get an idea of what he thought was going on. It was true, he didn't spend as much time as he used to with his brother, but that was because he liked to go out and hang around with friends, so this seemed to be his brother's weird way of getting to spend time with him. Although not that understanding it made the situation any less annoying for Garrett as he was rudely reminded of his diaper as it crinkled loudly whenever he shifted positions. Even though he wasn't pleased about the entire situation, Garrett's mood did eventually begin to get better as he became engrossed as he battled his brother in Kirby Air Ride, a game that he himself hadn't played since he was young. About an hour or so later they heard the doorbell ring, both of them turning their heads to the front door. Shane got up first and started walking over to the door, "Oh that must be the pizza mom ordered to be delivered around now," he said as he reached for the handle." At the same time Garrett quickly threw a large blanket over his legs, covering the diaper, although its shape was still visible underneath the thin layer. As Shane opened the front door he was greeted by a tall husky, a pizza box balanced expertly in his hand, "Hey, Shane, is your brother home?" he asked as he handed the pizza over to the cub. "Uh yeah, he's right over on the couch, come in and say hi if you want," Shane responded, walking back into the living room and placing the box onto the mahogany coffee table.

As the husky stepped inside Garrett's heart began to race. The husky, named Elijah, was one of Garrett's close friends, and they had known each other since elementary school. But despite this close relationship, Garrett didn't dare let him know he was wearing a diaper, especially since the husky usually had a hard time keeping his muzzle shut. "H-hey Elly," Garrett greeted his friend who decided to help himself to a slice of the pizza he had just delivered. "Yo," the canine responded, taking a bite before continuing, "Real excited for the party on Monday, I even convinced my boss to give me time off for it," he explained as he somehow managed to finish the entire slice in just a few bites. Garrett finally started to relax when his friend looked at him weirdly, "You cold or something bro? It's like... eighty degrees outside," he asked eyeing the flannel blanket draped over the buck's legs. His mind raced as he thought of a decent excuse, his mind too worried about what would happen if he were caught to realize how innocuous the question actually was as he responded, "Nah man, I'm just wearing it in case my little bro wets himself, don't need his piss ruining my new jeans." This response just seemed to amuse Elijah who let out a small laugh before standing up, getting ready to leave, "Good one. Anyways I'll see you in a few days, don't forget to save a few beers for your best friend Elijah." Garrett watched as his friend walked back outside, the door closing behind him. He let out a huge sigh of relief, the ordeal finally over, only to soon look up at his brother who had an angry look on his face, "In case my little bro wets himself," he said in a mocking voice as he sat back down, although this time on his older brother's lap, clearly annoyed by the absurd statement. "H-hey! I can't see the screen now!" Garrett immediately complained as he picked the controller back up. "Too bad, wouldn't want my older brother peeing on my new pair of pants," the cub responded, his words still laced with anger.

Garrett decided that he'd better shut up for a bit, lest he accidentally do something else to piss his little brother off, which was something he really didn't want to do considering the fact that the incriminating pictures were still on the cub's phone. As they went back to playing games everything seemed to return to normal. That was until mid-match Garrett heard something that sounded like running water. He looked around to see if anything had spilt or was leaking until he felt something warm against his leg. He immediately jumped out of the seat, his brother falling onto the ground, "Dude! What the hell, don't piss yourself while you're sitting on my lap," he said angrily. Picking himself up Shane just gave him a mischievous look, "Uh oh, looks like your little brother had an accident on your nonexistent new pants," he taunted as he walked over to the nearby dresser and pulled out a clean diaper. He then walked back over to his older brother and shoved the diaper into his hands, "Guess you'll have to change me," he said smugly as he lied down on the floor, a wide smile on his face. Garrett just rolled his eyes as he knelt down and started to undo the cub's diaper, "You're gross," he complained, only complying so that his brother wouldn't get any more annoyed than he already was, as he pulled off the wet diaper, throwing it into the trashcan behind him. As he placed the new diaper underneath Shane's butt, Garrett's eyes widened a bit. Between his brother's legs was an impressively sized sheath, which was as big as or bigger than his own. He couldn't believe it as he just stared at it, he knew he wasn't small, but the fact that his brother was packing so much at such a young age was a little unsettling as he quickly taped the diaper up not wanting to have to look at his brother's privates any longer.

Now with the mood being a bit awkward Garrett quickly went over to the couch and grabbed himself another slice of pizza, figuring that anything he said right about now would probably provoke the cub who was now changing the game in the console. "Y'know, this really is all your fault," Shane said as he hopped back onto the couch. But instead of asking how, Garrett just rolled his eyes and picked up the controller not wanting to fall into the trap of having his little brother explain himself.

The rest of the night seemed to go off without a hitch, the two brothers playing various games where they would tease each other after every round. However, as time went on Garrett finally decided to take care of an urgent need that had been building up for the past hour. He needed to pee, and badly. It hadn't been that urgent before so he'd ignored it, but now it was getting to the point in which it felt as if his bladder might burst if he ignored it any longer. So finally standing up and stretching his legs, Garrett started heading to the hallway bathroom, "Be right back, gotta drain the sea monster," which seemed to earn him a giggle from his brother who responded, "Alright, just don't wet yourself on the way there." This statement seemed absurd to Garrett, it's not like he needed to wear diapers. But as he tried to turn the knob to the bathroom he immediately knew something was up. The door was locked and refused to budge as he tried to apply a little more force. Suddenly he noticed his little brother behind him, "What's wong bwo?" the cub said mockingly, "can't use the bathwoom wike a big boy?" he continued to tease. Garrett would have responded, but he knew he didn't have much time as he bolted up the steps in the hopes that the upstairs bathroom was unlocked. But much like the downstairs bathroom, this one too was locked shut.

Behind him, lying on one of the steps Garrett's little brother taunted again, "Uh oh, looks wike the wittle fawn is about to wet their diapee." Garrett quickly turned around and started to move towards his little brother, who was now recording him with his phone, but he only managed a few steps before he froze, a feeling of warmth spreading across his crotch. He immediately looked down, seeing and hearing himself wet his diaper, the white diaper front turning yellow as the last five cans of soda leaked out of him. Garrett's face immediately turned a deep red in embarrassment as he continued to wet his diaper right in front of his little brother, who had an incredibly smug look on his face as he recorded the entire thing. At this point Shane was in a position that he could sprint at a moment's notice, expecting his brother to chase after him. But his expectations were crushed as his brother finally spoke in a shaky voice, "No... you're a jerk," he choked as he finished wetting himself in the middle of the hallway, his diaper sagging a bit. And instead of running after his little brother, he just began to tear up and ran into his room, slamming the door behind him, breaking the bolt that normally held the door closed.

This was not what Shane had expected, a wave of guilt washing over him as he ran over to his brother's door, banging on it, "Hey, c'mon let me in I'm sorry!" he pleaded as he tried to open the door. But the door was held shut, Garrett sitting directly behind it to ensure it stayed that way as he tried to hold back the river of tears that were slowly leaking from his eyes, upset from having done something as embarrassing as wetting himself. Eventually Garrett's little brother stopped hitting the door, and walked away thinking about how to fix the situation as he quickly scribbled something down on a sheet of printer paper.

About an hour later after putting the rest of the pizza into the refrigerator Shane finally went back upstairs to try again. But as he went to push on the now broken door, he was surprised as it swung in easily, his brother's room pitch black. As the dim hallway light flooded into the room, Shane could see his brother, still wearing his wet diaper asleep on his bed, pillow wet from tears. The cub guessed that his older brother must have cried himself to sleep, making him feel a little worse since he never expected his brother, who always seemed to act so tough, actually be so fragile. He then quickly amended the piece of paper and left it on the floor as he closed the door behind him, leaving to get himself ready for bed as well. And within the next thirty minutes, the house was completely silent as the two slept.