Voice of A Concerned Parent: Secrets

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Voice of A Concerned Parent

Warning: This contains future spoilers for the story series': Freshmen Year and Sophomore Year. If you have not read them I would suggest you do so before reading this. 'Voice of A Concerned Parent' is a mini-series which follows 'Sophomore Year'. Chapters will sometimes be short but I plan to increase them over time. At the moment I plan to keep them short and sweet. That way they won't take away from 'Sophomore Year'.

*Ring Ring*

The sound of a bell vibrated inside my ear before a female voice replaced it.

Jennifer : "Hello?"

Seth : "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you at this time but have you seen Caleb? He stormed out a few hours ago and I haven't heard from him since."

Jennifer : "I haven't seen him. Honestly, Caleb has not been around for a few months now."

Seth : "Neither has Drake. Do you know what's going on between those two?"

There was a sarcastic laugh on the other end.

Jennifer : "Like you care about Drake."

Seth : "What does that mean?"

Jennifer : "You know exactly what it means. Don't play dumb."

Seth : "I don't have time to revisit the past with you right now. Caleb is missing."

Jennifer : "Glad to see your priorities are in line (sarcasm)."

Seth : "They are. Thanks for finally recognizing that."

Jennifer : "Whatever. I don't have time to deal with you right now. I just stepped inside and I've had a very, very long day."

Seth : "Oh? I would ask about it, but I really don't care."

Jennifer : "That would be a first for you. It sounds like you have been smoking. I guess things never change. I bet you're downtown right now."

There was a pause.

Jennifer : "You are aren't you?!"

I knocked on a door of an apartment-like complex. The voice on the other end was drowned in judgment.

Jennifer : "Tell me you aren't at..."

Seth : "Sorry, I have to go. Call me if Caleb comes around!"

With that I hung up the phone. As soon as I did, a muscular black wolf opened the door. He leaned against the door's frame, arms crossed, wearing nothing but a pair of tight white briefs which outlined his cock. He gave me a seductive look as a smile curled his lips.

"Well, well. Look what the cat drug in." Ace said before he turned slightly, inviting me inside his condo.

I lie in a large bed, my body fully exposed as I lay naked with my legs crossed. Ace walked in in nothing but his birthday suit and a towel on his head. He was beautiful. His chest nicely defined occupying a set of perfect abs. And his smile. That devilish smile of his that took what it wanted.

What was I doing here? I often asked that question, even when I was not at Ace's condo. I have a wife and child at home and here I was, naked with another man. I'm not gay. I like sleeping with both genders, but unfortunately I am married. No one else knows about me, other than Ace of course. He has known for a few years now. I trusted him with this secret.

Ace tossed his towel aside. He walked over to a night stand and fished out a fat joint before sitting next to me in his king size bed.

"So what brings you here? My dick can't be the only reason." Ace said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes.

"It has been a crazy week. With a new semester starting, I've been up to my neck in paper work. Then I get home to find my son is having a hard time..."

Ace handed me the joint. "Seems like you need something to help you relax."

I grabbed the joint and lighter, lit its tip, and inhaled until my lungs were filled with smoke. Man, did that feel good. All of my problems seemed to vanish in a cloud of smoke.

Ace just looked at me with that same smirk. "Like father, like son. You two are one in the same. What's up with him anyway?"

"I don't know," I said before taking another hit off the joint. "He's being a teenager; shutting his parents out of his personal life. I wish he would just understand we are there to help him."

I passed the rolled up marijuana to Ace. "I can remember being his age. Going through life with the weight of the world on my shoulders. Is he still smoking?"

"Yes," I nodded. "I suspected he was last year, but I dismissed it. He was always around Drake, who is a pretty good role model. I thought his... cousin would keep him balanced, but Drake has not been around lately."

"That's because Drake is going through his own set of problems."

"Does it have something to do with Caleb?"

The question made Ace's face shift from calm to serious. "I just told you Drake is having problems and you some how make it all about Caleb?"

"Caleb is my son..."

"So is Drake!" Ace barked.

The room became silent. Ace was right. Drake and Caleb were both my sons. It happened 15 years ago. I was young and wild. I met Jennifer first. We dated for a couple of months before I met her sister, who is now my wife. Like I said, I was young and wild, but mostly stupid. They were both very attractive girls, of course I wanted to sleep with both of them.

And I did. The idea of having sisters was exciting! But I quickly learned that everything in life has consequences. Even though I was dating Jennifer, I married Sarah. When everything happened, Jennifer was in New Xork for an internship. I had no idea she was pregnant when she left. After Sarah found out about her own pregnancy, she immediately told me. Being the young, stupid kid I was, I decided to marry her so our families would not judge us. Little did I know, Jennifer was also pregnant.

"How do you know Drake is my son?"

Ace didn't say anything.

"Did Jennifer tell you that?!"

Ace sucked in a good amount of smoke before answering, "No, she didn't tell me anything. Remember when I interned for her a few years ago? Well, I was in charge of all of her incoming calls and her lawyer called one day with information about a Seth Parker not paying child support. After that I put two and two together,"

"I honestly don't see why you all won't just tell them the truth." Ace handed me the joint.

"It's not that simple. You'll never understand because you will never be a parent." I said, pushing his paw away.

"And you can say that because of your perfect attendance in your children's life?" Ace rolled his eyes.

"Don't judge me!" I growled. How dare this kid talk to me like this is easy. Of course I am lying to Caleb and Drake, but that is none of his business.

Ace looked me in the eye, wearing a mask of superiority and judgment. "That's exactly what you're afraid of. If Caleb started to judge you you'll be devastated! But you're selfish. I'm not saying that in a bad way, hell, you know how I am. I think with my dick. But you are right about one thing... I'm not a parent. And neither are you."

"I swear all of you psychology majors are the same, thinking you know everything about everyone but can't get your own life in order."

"Don't make this about me," By now the volume of our voices was past the appropriate tone. "My life is just fine, thank you very much. I'm twenty-four, own my own car, house, and about to open a hospital. You, on the other hand, are going through a mid-life crisis. Where is your wife and kid? Where are you? In my fucking bed with a dick in your ass. Meanwhile, both of your kids are riddled with problems."

With my ears flat and head down, I sat defeated. What was I doing here? I say 'this time is the last time' every time I leave Ace's condo, yet here I am in his bed, again. I never imagined this is how I would live my life.

Ace stood up, grabbed my pants, and threw them in my lap. "You've wasted enough time here. Go and find your son. Brandon will be back soon, and I'd hate for him to start asking questions."

"You're right... I don't understand why you keep him around. You broke up with his dad years ago." I stood up, fully exposed.

"I don't know. Maybe since I never had a father in my life I feel the need to help those with absent fathers, just like I helped Drake with his problems. Daddy issues can lead to a lot of sexual confusion." Ace winked.

"Stay away from Caleb." I jerked the pants up my leg. "You screw everything that moves with no regard for anyone but your dick."

Ace chuckled, pissing me off a little. "You're right. I will fuck anything with a hole, but only the ones that show up to my door begging for cock in their ass and mouth."

I grabbed my shirt and stormed out of the room. The nerve of that guy! Why the HELL do I keep coming back here!? Maybe it was because of his wisdom. The guy gave great advice, but at times he would come off as pretentious; arrogant; insensitive.

Right as I walked through the door, Ace says, "The only way to help Caleb is to help Drake."

What did that mean? Does he expect me to spend time with Drake, or something? I couldn't do that. Not without looking suspicious. How weird would that look to Drake having his supposed uncle taking an interest in his life all of a sudden? Caleb would figure it out instantly, not to mention Sarah never favored the idea of me being in Drake's life. Jennifer, Sarah, and I all felt the same. We wanted to keep those two as far from the truth. If Drake and Caleb ever found out they would never forgive us. I couldn't lose Caleb, too.

As I walked toward the door, throwing the shirt over my head, Brandon caught my attention. He was in the kitchen, pulling a plate out. When he saw me, I froze. We locked eyes, and the room became really uncomfortable, really fast.

Suddenly a toothy grin spread over his face. "I didn't know you and Ace were 'friends'."

"Yup." I said before shooting for the door, obviously ashamed and embarrassed.

"Have a great night, Mr. Parker!" I looked over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of the little bear who wore a devilish grin, similar to Ace's, waving a paw.